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Black Flower

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Wú Míng/Xiè Lián
Characters: Hua Cheng (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Wu Ming,
Calamity Xie Lian - Character, Original Characters, non canon characters -
Character, Rouye, Fang Xin Sword, Xie Lian's Parents (Tian Guan Ci Fu),
XianLe Trio - Character, Hua Cheng's Parents (Tiān Guan City Fú)
Additional Tags: Violence, Top Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Blood and Injury, Dom Xie Lian
(Tian Guan Ci Fu), Rough Sex, Wu Ming being a loyal servant to Xie Lian,
submissive Wu Ming, Action/Adventure, Revenge, Mind Control, Exorcists,
Fengqing meets calamity Xie Lian, Tags might change, Miao Tribe mentioned,
MXTX won't go into detail about Hua Cheng's backstory so I will, rape (XL is
a jerk at first but his personality gets better I swear ToT)
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Birth of Liúxuè de báihuā
Stats: Published: 2022-07-05 Completed: 2023-01-08 Words: 192,189 Chapters:
Black Flower
by Sanikyuel


What lies behind that mask? What secrets does that soldier hold?

Xie Lian shelters a wrathful-ghost subordinate who had sworn to die for him. After killing Yong-
An's first monarch, they shelter in a base while keeping their cold distance from each other.

There had always been a strict line between them, but something about that smiling-masked warrior
tells Xie Lian that he had already met him way, way back once upon a time.

As fondness continues to grow in his heart, so did the whispers in his head that continues to
torment him. He struggles to fight it until he realized something was definitely wrong.

...Who knew those tormenting whispers had a connection with the one dearest in his heart?

See the end of the work for notes
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes


If anyone sees this lmao it means this author is currently editing this book. I'm not gonna do
any heavy changes on the second half. Just in the first half because I can't read it with a
straight face anymore LMAO

!!! Hello dear readers!

First of all, before you proceed to read. Take note of the tags !

This book will include scenes and images that are: gore, abuse, rape, horror, and explicit scenes
that might make you uncomfortable.

Please be advised that I mean it when this book is not for the faint of heart !

Proceed with caution and also enjoy ! :D

Stop. Stop him. Stop him! STOP HIM!!!

The tremor in Xie Lian's heart grew increasingly. Where was he?

His blood continuously ran cold at the same time his throat was dry and rasp as if it had long been
exhausted. He was screaming.

The screams in his ear turned him deaf but the screams in his heart doesn't stop. It continued to
scream and boil every cell in his body to stop the man before him.

Was it an enemy?

More importantly, why was he so desperate to stop the person in front of him?
His heart continued to scream desperately until the rising headache in his head grew unbearable. He
squeezed his eyes shut as he covered his ears with both hands to help ease the pain but everything
was too much to bear. His heart felt like it was being ripped apart from his body as the screams of
agony continued to tear from his mouth.

Stop this. Stop, stop, stop- Everything was too much! Why was he even here? Help, it's too much,
stop it, stop it, stop! STOP!!! STOPP!!!!!!!!

"Your Highness."

Xie Lian's eyes snapped open. That agonizing scream in his ear disappeared in an instant, and
everything around him had gotten silent just from that single call alone.

And when the god looked up to the direction of the voice, he was rendered speechless at the figure
before him.

The figure standing a few feet before him looked familiar, his face was slightly blurry but his
presence was tickling a part of his memory that he couldn't figure out exactly what. But no matter
how hard he forced himself to remember his identity, he couldn't. His first instinct would've been
immediately going hostile against an unidentifiable enemy but...

With how his heart was beating at the moment told him that this person was no stranger. But a
person he knew dearly in his heart.

But if he was so precious in his heart why couldn't he remember?

The person before him was donned in black robes that matched the color of his inky-black hair that
was tied to a high ponytail with a noticeable braid work on one side. His skin pale and cold yet he
strangely carried a sense of warmth with him.

Xie Lian's heart began to beat madly once more from anxiousness. Why was he feeling this way?

But no matter how peculiar this scene was, he couldn't tear his gaze away as the blurry vision
gradually became clear. From that moment on, Xie Lian found himself being drawn in from those
mismatched colored eyes that he found somewhat beautiful.

The person's gaze was so full of devotion that he had never encountered in centuries.

When was the last time he was so entranced like this?

And his smile... his smile that was so beautiful and gentle that Xie Lian couldn't even find the
strength to be hostile. And just when he thought that smile couldn't become anymore softer, the
ghost's lips curved in a way that was easy to understand: sincerity.

Devotion and sincerity. Xie Lian's mind was starting to understand why his heart was feeling this
way. If he had ever encountered such a person in his broken life, he would've done all what he
could to protect that preciousness.

Yet he can't even remember him.

Just who exactly was he to make his heart beat madly like this?
The moment the god realized that the person had actually taken the sword from him only then he
snapped out of his trance. He didn't even realize he was holding in a sword in the first place, but
before he could question it any further, his body suddenly reacted on its own.

He watched as his own breath hitch that the back of his throat was chilly. His body went numb, and
his lips trembled as he uttered the words in such a vulnerable tone that he never would've expected
to hear to come out from his own mouth,

"Why... are you.. here?"

Xie Lian was caught off guard once he realized the tone of his voice. Once again his curiosity
peaked, just who was that person to make him feel this defeated and anxious after he had just sworn
to the world that he was going to end those who brought him down?!

Everything was so fake but so terrifyingly real that he felt lost. He couldn't understand why he was
acting this way but there was nothing else he could do but to watch the scene unfold.

Xie Lian watched him take a few steps back but the person only needed to take one step away from
him to quickly increase the tremor in his heart once more. Dread and fear twisted in his stomach
and his blood ran cold as if his heart knew what he was about to do.

He inhaled a sharp breath as his own voice pleaded, "No... Wu Ming, give it back!"

Wu Ming?

"...Do you remember what I told you when we first met?" The person before him suddenly asked.

Xie Lian felt his own heart lurch as tears began to prick the corners of his eyes, before a sharp pain
from his head suddenly caught him off guard shortly after. He squeezed his eye shut as a memory
suddenly flashed before him:

"Are you a soul from a dead soldier from this battlefield?" He asked coldly while looking down on
the kneeling ghost before him with one hand on his chest.

"I am."

"Then follow me." The calamity in white then reached out a hand as he added, "I will give you
what you want."

After a moment of silence, he unhesitatingly clutched Xie Lian's extended hand, bowed his head
deeply and pressed his cold forehead against the back of Xie Lian's hand.

A moment later he said profoundly,

"I swear to die following Your Highness."

That specific phrase suddenly triggered something inside Xie Lian as it all came down on him. He
turned back to the figure and yelled desperately like he was possessed, "Nononono!! Please Wu
Ming! give it back! Give it back! Give it back!! GIVE IT BACK!! WU MING!!!!"

He continued screaming as if his heart was being torn apart. Before he realized it, he was already
running as if he was running for his life.
His surroundings turned deaf once more as he continued to run, at the same time darkness crept
from the corners of Xie Lian's eyes. He reached out a hand to him like he was trying to grab on to
his lifeline.

But in the end, darkness completely surrounded his vision.

"WU MING!!!!" Xie Lian exclaimed as he sat up from his bed sweating.

Sharp gasps continued to tear from his throat with his eyes wide open and tears threatening to come

Not a moment later, the door to his bedroom suddenly opened followed by a concerned voice,
"Your Highness?"

The god continued to breathe harshly for a few seconds before he turned his head towards the door.
A ghost donned in black robes with a smiling-mask that covered his face stood by the door looking

"M-master, are you alri-" He asked with a nervous tone as he took a careful step forward but the
god interrupted him with a hand.

Xie Lian remained seated on his bed, his breaths eventually calmed down as he moved his hand to
his face before taking one heavy breath. He was drenched in sweat and his blood was still running
cold as if he had just escaped a terrible nightmare.

Wait... What did he dream about again?

The god tried to recall with how tightly he was clutching at the last remaining threads of the dream
since it felt very important to his heart. Like he was about to loose something precious to him. But
no matter how hard he tried to remember, it all came a blur.

Xie Lian's cold gaze snapped back to the ghost standing at the door.

"I'm fine. Get out." He ordered.

The ghost noticeably flinched for a moment before standing upright and giving a slight bow before
leaving and closing the door behind him.

Xie Lian remained seated on his bed, his cold piercing gaze never leaving the door as if he was
ready to tear it down at any moment. He was silent for a long while before slowly pressing a hand
to his chest exactly where his heart was located.

Just what did he exactly dream about to make his heart beat madly like this?

𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗
( : The Last Believer)


'Exact your revenge!'

'Yong An must suffer!'

'Fulfill your role as a calamity!'

'Aquire more power!'

'They don't deserve to live!'

'Sinners must pay!'

The whispers began to torment Xie Lian once more. He groaned in agony as he stood up and
covered his ears.

He knocked all papers and pens off the table as he continued to wincing from pain. He was
sweating profusely and his heart was beating madly in his ears. His mind felt like it was about to
blow from the endless noise inside his head.

He never understood why he was being tormented like this. They were so painful to bear but he
couldn't find anything to help ease the pain that he was left helpless in the end to just endure it
every time until it was over. It also left him a very uncomfortable feeling at the end; his
temperament would become worse as if he was driven mad from resentment.

He had already come to a conclusion long ago that the whispers would stop once he finished
exacting his revenge on the Yong An Kingdom since the whispers were all whispering about the
same thing: to destroy Yong An.

Xie Lian also concluded that the whispers originated from the voices of his people...calling and
begging him to avenge their unjustified deaths.

When the whispers finally came to a stop, it wasn't long before a soldier with the smiling mask
came in his office, the ghost who had no name- Wu Ming.

When he saw the messy sight before him and his master breathing harshly from pain, he
immediately rushed to him but he was stopped by a hand as he watched the god regain his

The ghost then knelt on the ground with one knee as he spoke,

"Your Highness, your orders have been completed. I successfully collected more resentful energy to
add to the weapon. I also found another place filled with resentful souls nearby-"

But before he even had the chance to finish, he was suddenly pinned against the wall with a hand
on his neck choking him. Beneath the mask, he opened his eyes to see the terrifying gaze of his

It was only then he then realized his mistake.

He accidentally called him 'Your Highness' once more, the form of address that Xie Lian despised
hearing more than anything.

He tried to take back his words but Xie Lian's hand was too strong. He could vaguely choke the
words out properly to hear.
"M-..mas. -"

But Xie Lian had interrupted him once more. His expression grew dark and his tone low as he

"You have a lot of nerve to go against my simple orders, Wu Ming."

The ghost trembled in his grasp. Wu Ming was looking at him as if he was starting to understand
the situation.

"I- im sorr..-y"

Wu Ming choked on his words before Xie Lian finally released him. He watched wordlessly as the
ghost fell to his knees and choked on his breath.

Mu Ming was indeed scared of Xie Lian but he had always known that his love and devotion for
him outweighed any other emotions. But he definitely didn't want his god to resent him even more
than now so he continued to kneel apologetically on the floor.

Xie Lian kept glaring at the ghost trembling while kneeling before him.

As he recalled, he remembers that it hadn't taken long before Wu Ming started following him
around. Although Xie Lian had always resented him for either bringing him a flower or calling him
'Your Highness' Wu Ming had proved his worth and was indeed very useful to him compared to the
other ghosts that he had dispersed due to their incompetence.

It was either completing difficult missions or guarding the base, Wu Ming proved to be deserving
to stand beside him. But he never once saw him as a companion or anything more than a tool. He
was tired of that. Everyone was going to leave him in the end anyway. There was no use in wasting
such emotions.

Wu Ming knew his place well and what he had meant to Xie Lian. His love and determination to
him only made him stood out even more.

Nightfall came and Wu Ming came to Xie Lian's office as scheduled. He was tasked to grind the
ink for Xie Lian as he wrote every night. Xie Lian was either outside or locked inside his office
most of the day, it saddened him but at least he could spend a few incense of time with Xie Lian
alone together every night.

Wu Ming always looked forward to this task more than anything.

When the ghost stepped inside the room, he immediately found Xie Lian sitting on his office table
while writing down something. There was a candle light on the table beside him that perfectly
Illuminated his divine features. Even though his sharp eyebrows were furrowed, it didn't make him
any less handsome from Wu Ming's point of view.

Xie Lian was previously the flower crown martial god after all. And he still is in his heart.
The power to end the world, but with a heart as gentle as a flower.

Yeah, the power to also wreck his body with a smile as gentle as a flower. Wu Ming was more than
willing until he was limping if it meant pleasing his god.

"Are you coming in or not?"

His god's sharp words quickly snapped him out of his thoughts as he quickly trotted beside Xie
Lian. He was thankful he was wearing his mask now to conceal the creeping blush from his neck
and cheeks.

He began to grind the ink with slow and graceful movements, enough to make the quality of the ink

At times he would take a glimpse of Xie Lian's face but didn't dare to stare at him long enough to
be caught. Even though he had his mask on, Xie Lian would still know whether someone was
staring at him or not. He also didn't dare to say anything that would distract Xie Lian from his
work. He would be lucky enough if Xie Lian initiated a conversation with him first but it never
happened once.

Could it be because that he still doesn't fully trust him yet?

The thought was depressing but there's nothing he could do about it other than to keep being patient
and proving his worth. Plus, if ever Xie Lian would direct a word to him now, it would be when he
would tell him that he didn't need his service for the night which was also upsetting.

"You may go now."

Wu Ming's hand froze. He turned to the incense stick and saw that he had been in the room for
already an hour. He felt his own heart sink at the moment. How did time fly so fast?

Nevertheless, he bowed before leaving hesitatingly. If there was anything he resented, it would
probably be how fast time flies whenever he was in the room with Xie Lian grinding ink!

The god on the other hand, who had his head buried to the papers during the entire session finally
looked up to stare at the door from where the ghost had just left.

Xie Lian's eyes narrowed.

Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Guess who gets to see the other naked and gets a boner? ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A few days flew by peacefully and Xie Lian was outside hunting. Wu Ming suggested he would
hunt in his stead or that he would accompany him, but his offers were both refused. It was a shame,
he thought. He would've love to see Xie Lian alongside him and seeing him in action would've
been a sight to behold too. But sadly, he could only follow Xie Lian's orders to stay and keep up
with his daily patrols around their base while hoping that Xie Lian would come back safe and

But aside from that, another reason why he kept on insisting was because he feared that Xie Lian's
recent headaches would suddenly occur out of no where and put him at a disadvantage.

But alas, his master reprimanded him once more and got even angrier so he stopped.

He kept thinking that perhaps Xie Lian does in fact not trust him enough to be alongside him.

But if that was the case, he wouldn't have been tasked to grind ink for him at such a close range. He
could've attacked Xie Lian out of no where, but that was still impossible. He would never do such a
thing to his god no matter how harsh he was to him.

Wu Ming sighed quietly and didn't dwell on the matter anymore. He kept himself busy like
cleaning around the base except for the two rooms he was forbidden to enter which were Xie Lian's
office and the room where the sword Fang Xin was kept.

He never asked why he wasn't allowed to go in Fang Xin's room since he was perfectly fine
anyway when he was holding the sword whenever he leaves for a mission to gather resentful
energies. But it wasn't like he could just come up to Xie Lian and ask.

The ghost sighed once more. He couldn't help but feel distant from his god even though they
already knew each other when he was still a prince.

He remembers how gentle and bright his god's smiles where whenever he clung to him as a child.
He remembers how his god would always take his side and protect him when everyone else was
resenting him. Even though his god changed a lot now, his devotion and love for him only grew
stronger. He could never blame Xie Lian for his new temperament after all he had gone through,
that's why he was very patient with him this whole time.

It just made him sad to see how distant they've become now. Whenever he's with Xie Lian he could
feel that his god was keeping secrets from him but he could never guess what was on his god's
mind so he was left to just leave it be.

It wasn't like he didn't have any secrets of his own anyway.

When dusk came, Wu Ming was alerted by the sound of another pair of boots from downstairs. He
quickly jumped down to see that Xie Lian had finally arrived back. His smile grew inside his mask
when he saw him before his gaze shifted to the animals he hunted. He gently took all the animals
away from Xie Lian's grasp so that his god could take an immediate bath.

"Welcome back Y- master. I'll just take these so you can take a bath and rest." He had hoped his god
didn't hear his accidental mistake but right after he said that, the god had already began heading to
his room wordlessly leaving the ghost to sigh in relief.

After Wu Ming finished cooking, he walked towards Xie Lian's office with a tray of dinner on his
hands. He knocked on the door a few times but nobody answered.

Since he was ordered to deliver it in his office, he just assumed that Xie Lian also meant inside his
office. Plus it also wouldn't be proper to leave the tray on the floor too.

When he entered the room himself, nobody was there. He gently placed the tray on the table before
turning to leave when all of a sudden, he heard a voice behind the bathroom door.

Wu Ming hesitated for a moment. What if Xie Lian was inside? ...What if Xie Lian was inside?

Wu Ming slapped himself on both cheeks to stop his ridiculous thoughts once more.

He should immediately leave.

But jus before he could take a step, sounds of water splashing caught his ear. When the ghost
turned to the door once more, he found that it was actually slightly oepned.

Wu Ming swallowed hard.

But a diligent servant like he is couldn't possibly ignore that, right? So like a good boy he is, he
innocently walked towards the door and held the doorknob in attempt to close it. Yes close it.

But the moment Wu Ming's eyes flickered upwards, his eyes widened.

Through the slight opening of the door, it was a big room surrounded by smooth and giant stone
walls, dimly lit by a few torches on the side. The floor was also smooth stone and right at the center
of the room was where a pool was situated.

But that wasn't the only thing that caught his eye.

From a corner of the pool, a figure rested against the pool's walls while resting peacefully.

It was Xie Lian!

He thought his own mask was gonna crack from shock of seeing his god in this room. He was
about to turn himself in and apologize for sneaking up on his god until he realized Xie Lian was
actually sleeping. He swallowed hard once more.
How... How could he force himself when his eyes are glued to his god's toned body.

Wu Ming shivered at the side as he tried so desperately hard to keep his soul from accidentally
floating away his body. He then suddenly began to have flashbacks of a certain cave with his god
quivering and moaning softly from the flower demon's effects-

Wu Ming shut the door quietly.

He remained frozen for a few seconds before he finally found the nerve to move his feet and finally
leave the room.


What... in the name of his god was he thinking?!!!!! Spying on his god like that without
permission, HAS HE GONE NUTS?! He quickly shut the doors tight in his room as he hugged his
knees on the floor and allowed the raging emotions inside him to swallow him whole.

He's lucky Xie Lian was asleep at that time or else he would've looked like a creep in his god's
eyes! When did he even gather the courage to peek on him like that so shamelessly?!!

Guilt continued to wash over him like an icy cold bucket. He badly wanted to punish himself right
there! Peeking at his god like some creep.. He was not worthy!

He tried forgetting the image of his god's body but he couldn't.

Hours went by again and he was in his room still sitting down, his blushing did not go down but
intensified even more! He was beginning to become frustrated of himself. The raging emotions in
his chest wouldn't calm down and he also found himself in an unfortunate situation..

He was hard. Very hard.

But that's not what he's most worried about now. He had spent hours trying to calm himself down
that time had simply flew! When he checked the time, he was already late!!!!

Fuck. fuck!! He was supposed to be in Xie Lian's room grinding the ink for him minutes ago!

He quickly fixed his robes and ran to Xie Lian's room. Thankfully the anxiety and fear was able to
calm down the thing hardening in his pants until he finally reached Xie Lian's door.

Wu Ming swallowed hard. Xie Lian's definately going to be mad.

Once he entered the room, the first thing he saw Xie Lian sitting on the table with one hand against
his cheek and the other lazily grinding the ink. When the god heard him walking inside, his eyes
lazily shifted to him.

Wu Ming's chest tightened as he quickly kneeled down. Just great. Not only did he come late, he
even made Xie Lian do his job!

He kneeled until he was completely prostrating in front of him, "Master, this lowly servant
apologizes for being late. Please punish me as you see fit."

There was a few heavy silence that passed them until his body flinched from the sudden sound of
clink! from the table.
"Get up. I'll punish you at a later date. I'm tired." He heard Xie Lian say from above. Wu Ming
looked up at him, eyes blown wide.

Wait. What?

Xie Lian was crossing his arms as he continued to glare down at the ghost still kneeling before him

His voice grew cold, "What? You'd rather kneel there instead?"

Wu Ming quickly rose to his feet afterwards before bowing deeply in gratitude. "This lowly servant
thanks his master for his mercy."

When he reached back to his side, he began to grind the ink for him diligently. He was still at awe
that Xie Lian had actually let him off easy for the first time.

A few minutes passed and silence enveloped the air once more. It wasn't an awkward silence but a
comforting one. Every now and then, Wu Ming would feel his dead heart stutter whenever Xie
Lian's brush would accidentally stroke against the wood Wu Ming was using to grind the ink from
causing his fingers to tingle every time.

It would've been sweet if only it wasn't triggering his cock to slowly spring into hardness once

Wu Ming could feel his legs weakening. He was still somewhat experiencing the after effects of
seeing his god's holy body and the accidental brush stroke against the wood Wu Ming was holding
on the other hand was not helping!!!

Eventually Xie Lian noticed the restlessness growing on the ghost beside him. He spared him a
glance a few seconds before going back to writing.


Wu Ming slammed the door shut behind him the moment he was back inside his room. He clenched
the fists on his sides before looking down to the obvious tent in his pants.

His face flushed deep crimson. He tried to shake it off but it was as if his arousal was just
perseverant as he was! Neither of them gave up until he eventually grew tired of trying.

He laid on his bed and curled himself to a ball. He closed his eyes for a few moments before
wallowing in his thought,

'Forgive me Your Highness'

He slid his hand inside his pants and began to rub himself. He bit his pillow to muffle the small
moans and whimpers that escaped his mouth. He wanted to end it as soon as possible so he could
get back to be of good use to Xie Lian than wasting his time dealing with his...problem.

"Mmh.." After practically edging himself earlier, it wasn't long to take him on the edge quickly. As
his mind slowly began to wander into the clouds, thoughts of his god automatically slipped in.

Before Wu Ming realized it, he was already having shameless thoughts of his god once more. He
couldn't help it but there was no going back now.
He whimpered at the thought of having his god's pressed against him, feeling his hot temperature in
comparison to his cold one. He imagines how lovely Xie Lian would probably sound like while
being enveloped in pleasure. The gasps and moans as Xie Lian utters as he continues to thrust
deeper inside him without mercy as he showers him with praises of how good he is in pleasuring
his god.

Wu Ming increased his pace as another thought came to mind. If he wasn't pleasing him enough,
Xie Lian would definitely punish him, wouldn't he? His stomach tightened at the thought as he
continued muffling the cries against his pillow. What a spectacle that would be, having Xie Lian
pulling his hair and marking his body with love bites while slamming inside him until he's sure that
the lesson was fully engraved on his brain.

That he belonged to no one else. That he belonged to him alone.

Wu Ming was shaking on the bed as he cried. His hand had long gone from paced strokes to
becoming senseless as the ghost had also began to thrust back into his palm until a deep cry
escaped his throat.

"Y- Your Highness! I-.. !!"

Colors sparked his vision as he came hard. He gasped a few times before completely laying on the
bed until he came back down from his high. When he was sober enough, the ghost sat up and stared
at his hand covered with his own mess.

A wave of deep guilt flushed inside him. But at least it was now over.

He cleaned himself in a nearby bathroom before continuing on with his patrols, since Xie Lian
would most likely be asleep at this time. As for the next day, he decided he would surprise Xie Lian
with a full on breakfast meal just to compensate the guilt inside him.

Even though his god rarely ate breakfast, he thought he'd at least try serving him in the morning.

The following day, he knocked on the door with a breakfast tray on his hand as promised. He
waited for a while but when no one responded, he attempted another knock. This situation gave
him a feeling of deja vu with what happened last night. He didn't even have time to flinch at the
thought when all of a sudden, the sound of glass shattering resonated from the room!

Wu Ming didn't think twice and quickly barged inside to see what's going on. When he entered, he
found Xie Lian was leaning against the table with both his hands for support. He was sweating
profusely and groaning in pain.

The words escaped his mouth before he could even think about it, "Your Highness!"

In an instant, the tray he was holding was placed away as he was already at his god's side with both
hands on his shoulders trying to shake Xie Lian back to his senses. His stomach was twisting from
worry until Xie Lian's eyes suddenly snapped open full of rage and grabbed Wu Ming's hand.
Wu Ming bit back the whimper on his throat when Xie Lian had grabbed his hand too tight that it
was almost bruising.

Xie Lian was breathing heavily and he looked like he was ready to snap at him at any moment, Wu
Ming braced himself to however Xie Lian was going to let his anger out on him.

But unexpectedly,

Xie Lian's heavy breathing slowly died down and the rage in his eyes slowly disappeared. He
breathed in a few times before exhaling in relief. Wu Ming watched his god close his eyes as if he
was attempting to recollect his thoughts.

Questions began to bottle inside of Wu Ming's head in an instant. Why was Xie Lian suddenly

When Wu Ming noticed Xie Lian was staring at him again, he sucked in a sharp breath as his
insticts quickly kicked in. He made an attempt to kneel down and apologize for approaching him
but the strong grip Xie Lian had on his wrist stopped him from doing so.

Xie Lian's cold stare locked onto him for a moment before his golden eyes shifted to their hands.
He had never allowed anyone to touch him, anyone who dared to do so wouldn't be able to get
away from him.

When he attempted to kneel and apologize again, Xie Lian's grip on his wrist increased that he


Wu Ming shut his eyes closed and didn't dare look his way. For whatever punishment Xie Lian
gives him was fine with him. He was okay if Xie Lian beats him until he was bleeding everywhere,
he was ready for any punishment just as long Xie Lian doesn't ask him to leave.

".. Does it hurt?"

Wu Ming's eyes snapped open as if he heard wrong.


His head turned back as he looked at Xie Lian dumbfoundly. He then his gaze to their hands only
then to realize that Xie Lian was now holding his hand gently.

He must be seeing things.

Did he hear that right? No he must've heard it wrong... Did he? Under very normal circumstances,
Xie Lian would have grabbed him at the collar by now and let his frustration out on him.

Wu Ming continued to look at him with eyes wide. How was he so calm right now?! His god even
checked if his nails had accidentally bruised his hand he grabbed it.

When the ghost realized Xie Lian was still waiting for an answer, he quickly snapped back to
reality. He felt that he shouldn't take advantage of his god any longer so he quickly pulled his away
and kneeled,
"F.. Forgive me Your H-... Master.. I-.. I shouldn't have approached you like that. Punish me as you
see fit."

He didn't dare look at him and kept kneeling. He waited for a response but Xie Lian just stood there
silently as he watched him with a heavy gaze.

Chapter End Notes

Dear Readers, I hoped you enjoy ;>

..Also why do you think Xie Lian suddenly calmed down instead of lashing out on Wu Ming?

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Mystery Base, Mystery Sword, Mysterious glances
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


The heavy wave of silence continued to wave in the air. Wu Ming forgot how long he was kneeling
there silently. Although ghosts didn't need to breathe, he felt like he was suffocating.

His ears perked when he suddenly heard Xie Lian's voice.

"Attend to me later."

It's that cold voice again. It made Wu Ming reconsider if the voice he heard earlier asking if his
hand was hurt was actually an imagination or not. At that time, Xie Lian didn't show any emotion
on his face.. But there was a slight noticeable trace of concern in his voice.

"As you wish" He responded quietly. He only then finally made a move to stand up from his
kneeling position while keeping his head down to leave.

After closing the door behind him, he began walking through a long hall that connects to the main
room. He wordlessly gazed at the polished floor and the stone pillars that supported the roof of the

He began recalling the first time this base was erupted.

Not long after he gained a physical form and met Xie Lian, he wasn't that much different from
before. His aura, temperament, and hunger for revenge never changed. He was lucky enough when
Xie Lian agreed to take in Wu Ming as his subordinate, and he was even more lucky when his god
still hadn't dissipated his soul after they killed the first king of Yong An.

When he asked why Xie Lian had decided to only kill the king so far, his god had simply answered,

"Because I want them to closely watch as they loose every last of their people before I kill them off

He would be lying if he had said that didn't send shivers up his spine. Nevertheless, he continued
following Xie Lian anywhere he went afterwards. His god carried a sword along with him that was
filled with resentful souls despite the fact that his whole body radiated full of resentful energy
himself. His face was terrifyingly cold that it was really hard to believe that he used to be the pure
and innocent flower crown martial god who was merciful and kind to his people.

His smile was proof enough that he loved his people and country; that he really was the darling of
the heavens... Yet it was just a pity that this broken world filled with sinister hearts and minds was
able to corrupt a pure hearted man such as XianLe's crown prince. Driven insane by trauma, failure,
betrayal, and loneliness...

The only time Wu Mung could probably catch a smile on his god's face would be the time when a
person was gonna die in seconds from his wrath.
During his early days of following Xie Lian wasn't so easy, because at that time Xie Lian was still
at the peak of his resentment and he hadn't proved himself enough yet, which meant that his god
could easily kill him without even blinking an eye.

During that time, they had temporarily stayed in one of a nearby abandoned temple. Xie Lian didn't
know he could use resentful energy at that time and still needed time to think on what he was gonna
do. The resentful energy on his sword wasn't enough to destroy a country.

They had only found out by morning that the abandoned temple they temporarily stayed in was
actually built by people who worship the Crown Prince of XianLe, at least, used to worship.

Wu Ming could only stand still and watch as Xie Lian stared at his own giant statue in silence.
Holding one flower on one hand and a sword on the other. The statue perfectly captured Xie Lian's
famous smile. And his famous words engraved below

"Body in abyss, heart in paradise"

Xie Lian had been silent enough until his eyes fell on the engraved words that came out of his own
mouth in the past. Moments later, Wu Ming felt a sudden increase of resentful aura around Xie
Lian that the floor had began to shake. He had difficulty holding his ground as cracks began to
show on the floor and the thick wave of resentful aura was enough to suffocate people to death.

It was so terrifying that he almost thought Xie Lian would blow the temple until it was nothing but

Yet, Xie Lian raised the sword, aiming the tip to the statue, Wu Ming watched as a handful of
resentful ghosts slowly erupted from the blade and grew until it formed one black giant ghost that
was as big as the statue!

With one swing of the sword, the giant ghost trampled and destroyed the statue into bits until there
was hardly a statue in the first place. Wu Ming braced his head from the impact. Once the deed was
done, the giant ghost then disappeared into smoke and evaporated to thin air.

It was then Xie Lian had found out that he could use the ghosts to do his bidding. He just needed
the right amount.

Presently, this was how the base was erupted. Made out from the bodies of resentful ghosts..
Despite its origin being so creepy, it was advantageous on Xie Lian's part. For one, it was stronger
since the structure wasn't made from regular bricks. Two, it had the ability to confuse any enemies
or trespassers as lay out can shift and change depending on how Xie Lian controls the sword.

Wu Ming was initially concerned since he knew that a strong power such as this can have many
consequences to it. He was worried it would suck up too much of Xie Lian's energy but thankfully
that didn't seem to be the case after observing him closely for a few days.

He sighed as he stopped thinking about the past when he stepped outside of the base and began
walking around. With a saber in one hand, he clenched it hard enough to prepare for any
unexpected attack.

The days where he was usually busy was the ghost festival. He didn't want Xie Lian to have a hard
time sleeping if ghosts were randomly wandering around the base.
After a few hours flew by peacefully. The next thing he knew, it was already time to grind the ink
for him once again.

The first thing he saw after he stepped inside Xie Lian's office was the empty plate on the table that
he prepared for him earlier. A smile formed on his face as he passed the tray and walked to his
usual place beside his god and began grinding the ink in silence.

During the next 30 minutes, everything seemed normal. Everything was fine and peaceful until Wu
Ming had begun to feel that something was off. His senses were tingling and he could've sworn that
he felt something was bothering Someone was watching him.

He took a quick glimpse at Xie Lian and almost flinched.

At that moment, Wu Ming couldn't decide who caught staring at whom because Xie Lian's eyes
were staring at him intently as if he was the one caught him catching glances at him.

"..." Should he say something?

Even if he were to say something what should he say? The way Xie Lian's gaze was so deep on him
Wu Ming slightly shiver. Before he dove in to the thought any deeper, he quickly looked down and
continued grinding the ink as if he never saw anything.

Gods...If he had a beating heart right now it would've probably died again the moment they locked
eyes. The ghost couldn't help but wonder...

Why was he staring at him in the first place?

Wu Ming recalled Xie Lian's stare at him earlier and it was only then he noticed a peculiar detail.

Although Xie Lian's eyes were the same cold eyes that would glare at him whenever he made a
mistake, his glance had more of curiosity or suspicion. Now that's just depressing, he didn't like the
thought of Xie Lian doubting his trust and abandoning him.

The only way he would leave Xie Lian was through death and nothing else.

Wu Ming only then noticed the movement of his grinding was slowly out of place. He quickly
snapped out of his thoughts and tried to fix his mistake by grinding it more in a proper manner.

Xie Lian suddenly stopped writing.

The ghost gave a noticable flinch. Did he notice? Or was he done?

Before he could turn his head to check on the incense stick, he suddenly heard that cold and deep
languid voice of his god beside him.

"Accompany me tomorrow."
His ink grinding came to an abrupt stop as he processed what Xie Lian had said just now.

He.. Wants to accompany him? To where?

He could've sworn his heart skipped a beat just now. Not just that, this was also the first time Xie
Lian finally talked to him about something!

He tried to keep his excitement and voice steady as he responded, "I will follow wherever master
wishes to go."

He bit his lip to force his mouth shut in the next couple of seconds. He wanted to continue
conversing with his god more but he knew he couldn't be greedy! Xie Lian doesn't like conversing
with anyone, if he had asked about the matter anymore then Xie Lian might probably find him

So the best thing would be was to let Xie Lian lead the conversation instead.

When silence filled the room once again, Wu Ming could feel his heart sinking.

The god then placed a finger to his temple and massaged it in small circles. He closed his eyes as
he continued,

"Lead me to the place where you said you have found enormous amount of resentful souls."

Wu Ming lifted his head back up to watch his expression. He does remember reporting to Xie Lian
a few days ago that he located a place filled with resentful energy. He could feel his dead heart
flutter as he cherished every second of this scene.

After Xie Lian massaged his temples, he continued writing back to the scrolls, "Tomorrow morning
we shall leave."

He sighed quietly before continuing, "You must wait for me outside while I prepare the sword for
travel. I suggest bringing a long range weapon and your sabre with you tomorrow. You may choose
whatever you see fit from the armory room."

Wu Ming was thinking about what his sigh meant when Xie Lian suddenly mentioned the armory

That was undoubtedly Xie Lian's favorite room in the base... And he was letting him inside to
choose whatever to bring for their mission tomorrow!

He could feel his stomach twisting from excitement. Was it his birthday today? Was he dreaming?
How come Xie Lian is talking so much today??!!

Wu Ming gave a respectable nod as he responded, "This lowly one understands."

It was only after he said that did Xie Lian finally spare him a glance. The moment those beautiful
chilling honey-golden eyes began staring at him once more, the ghost visibly froze.

Xie Lian let out a breath before saying, "You may leave now."

Wu Ming gave a low bow before turning his back to leave.

The god fixed his gaze on the ghost until he had completely left the room. Not long after, a finger
reached in and pressed against his chin before his icy expression suddenly melted as the corners of
his lips formed to a grin.


Chapter End Notes

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Ghost Village
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

As per Xie Lian's orders, Wu Ming was already waiting outside the base holding his sabre on one
hand and a bow behind his back as his choice for long range weapon.

Although he was much better suited for a sabre alone, Xie Lian did instruct him to choose a long
range weapon so he chose a bow. His skills with the bow weren't that great compared to when using
his sabre but his skills should be on the same level as an expert.

Seeing Xie Lian finally emerge from the base made him sweat slightly. He couldn't guess if he was
sweating from nervousness or from the raging heat of the sun. He would've preferred to leave at
nighttime but he didn't have much of a choice, did he?

It wasn't long before he recognized the sword on Xie Lian's hand. The blade was pitch black and it
emitted a dark and resentful aura on almost the same level as he sensed from his god.

If anyone was to recklessly even touch the sword, their souls would be immediately devoured and
their bones to dust. Wu Ming would have offered to carry the dangerous weapon on Xie Lian's
stead but he knows Xie Lian would never allow it.

With a wave of the sword, Xie Lian had summoned two shadow horses. It seems animals can feel
this much resentment too, Wu Ming thought.

Xie Lian must have thought acquiring the horses' resentful soul would be useful for transportation.
But it was also very dangerous for any ordinary person to suddenly mount and tame the horses
especially if the horse was this resentful.

But then again, Xie Lian was no ordinary person.

The moment the horses realized they could freely moved, they quickly went on rampage mode and
began thrashing with their hooves in attempt to break the leash cast on them that was connected on
the sword. Plus, the movements were so wild that it would've been impossible to hold the leash

Wu Ming's hand twitched to his sabre as if he was waiting for a moment to jump in. He quickly
turned his gaze to his god to look for any signs of command but the moment his eyes met Xie Lian,
his entire body froze.

As the horses continued to jump and wiggle their way out, Xie Lian had only stood and watched
them from the front unmoved.

the horses tried their best to escape his leash: they kicked, they pulled, they stood up, but to no
avail. Xie Lian's hand didn't even waver against their strength. And there were two of them at that!

Wu Ming continued to watch in awe.

When Xie Lian had enough watching them, he calmly walked closer to the two wild horses while
Wu Ming watched from behind, almost attempting to grab Xie Lian when he was about to walk
towards them. But the ghost felt like felt like he shouldn't intervene.

When one of the horses tried to kick him from the front, Xie Lian only spoke one word.


Before the horses could even brace for it, a sudden heavy pressure crashed above them without
mercy. The tremendous and terrifying power emitting from Xie Lian outweighed theirs by a
hundredth fold!

The pressure was too great that even Wu Ming was struggling to stand up straight.

When Wu Ming opened his eyes again, he didn't see two wild horses anymore. Instead, he saw two
docile horses sitting calmly, completely tamed!

It really makes one hard to believe they were the same horses a few seconds ago. His smile grew
even more as he found himself lucky for witnessing such a scene. As expected from his god! Xie
Lian didn't need to flinch or work up any effort to tame any horses no matter how wild they were.

He really was... The supreme god in his eyes.

When Xie Lian finally turned to face him, his mouth opened as if he was about to say something
when he suddenly noticed the two weapons that Wu Ming had bought with him.

A bow and a sabre..

Xie Lian bit his lip and turned back instead to mount one horse.

Wu Ming did nothing wrong of course, a bow was an expected weapon for long range attacks and
Xie Lian already knew that the sabre was Wu Ming's choice of weapon long ago.

But pairing the bow and the sabre together somehow made Xie Lian's heart clench.

Wu Ming was quick to notice his god's sudden change of mood too. His gaze turned back to his
weapons as it quickly dawned on him.

'Was his highness reminded of..'

Wu Ming looked up to the sky and clenched both of his fists. He wasn't just looking at the sky, he
was looking at the heavens where the two traitors are now living in!

Wu Ming didn't mean to upset Xie Lian like this. If he had just realized it sooner he would've
probably chosen a crossbow instead.

When he mounted the other horse, Xie Lian left first; leaving Wu Ming to catch up behind him.

When they were running side-by-side, Wu Ming began leading the way since he is the one who
found that place of resentful energies in the first place.

Despite the harsh winds, the atmosphere between them was making him uneasy. The ghost knew he
had upset Xie Lian and the god hadn't said a word to him since they left!
But aside from that... another particular detail he noticed made his stomach twist in anxiety. He
may or may have not been imagining things but he could definitely feel Xie Lian glancing at him
from time to time. Even though it was unlikely in his situation, but his god was probably planning
on how to murder him right now for accidentally reminding him of the two people he despised the
most from how heavy his gaze were.

Wu Ming shook his head sideways to steer himself away from the thought and focused on their
destination instead.

By the time he saw a village ahead he knew they were already close to their destination. This
village he spotted out of luck was not far from the small town Xie Lian had ordered him to gather
the resentful souls from. When he traveled there to check, the village wasn't really pleasing to the
eye. Because right from the moment he arrived at the foot of the village, the heavy scent of blood
was the first to greet his nose.

According to the rumors he heard, that village people were slaughtered because of an unknown
reason. It definitely seemed like a perfect place if one were to collect resentful energy.

Xie Lian gave Wu Ming a soul catching device when he left to get to that town so that he didn't
need to carry the sword. In Wu Ming's understanding though, it really did seem like Xie Lian
wasn't gonna risk his weapon being taken away behind his back but he didn't take it to heart if that
were really the reason.

After all, a lot of people turned their backs behind him, even his closest friends and comrades that
he treated like brothers did so too. So Wu Ming never blamed Xie Lian for doubting his loyalty, he
was also not afraid of being tested either. He already knows that his heart, body, and mind belonged
to Xie Lian only.

When he felt that they were close, he slowly moved his horse closer to Xie Lian and spoke,
breaking the complete silence between them.

"Master we are almost there."

Xie Lian gave a hum in response, his gaze was also fixed to the nearby village ahead. Wu Ming's
gaze unintentionally examined him for a moment.His god was wearing his usual white robes with
the sword Fang Xin on his back.

Then there's that half-crying and half-smiling mask placed on the upper side of his face.

When they arrived, he moved the mask to fully cover his face.

Wu Ming didn't look at him anymore. He never questioned Xie Lian on where he got the creepy
mask from but he knew something was wrong with it.

It was as if Xie Lian never chose that mask himself but the other way around. It was like.. Someone
When they arrived, they unmounted the horses and began to walk around. When Wu Ming turned
back, he was just about to ask what they were going to do with the horses when it suddenly
disappeared to smoke.


He turned back to examine the village once again. Just like his last visit, apart from the scent of
blood, the atmosphere all around was cold and the village itself seemed like it was haunted.

Wu Ming followed Xie Lian behind and there were traces of blood and corpses everywhere. When
they arrived at the center of the village, Xie Lian stopped and closed his eyes. Wu Ming stopped his
tracks as he immediately understood what his god was trying to do.

Xie Lian was trying to identify the intensity of their resentful energies throughout the whole village
through their auras. If their resentful energy was enough to kill a person, Xie Lian would collect
them immediately.

After a few moments Xie Lian opened his eyes again, the aura around him darkened. Wu Ming
became anxious for a moment. Was their resentful energy not enough?

He was about to ask until Xie Lian suddenly raised his sword and stabbed it on the ground. The
ground cracked from impact and soon after, a wave of black smoke began to come from all sides of
the village as it slowly floated inside the sword.

The ghost wouldn't have been able to hear anything but from where Xie Lian stood, he could
clearly hear their painful cries as their souls passed him then to his sword. They were desperate to
extinguish their rage and kill in return for taking over their lives. Xie Lian understood their pain, he
was also robbed of his life the same way they were robbed of their own.

When the cries ended the sword's aura became darker and more sinister. Xie Lian grabbed the
sword's hilt and pulled it from the ground. He stared at the dark aura emitting from the blade, the
power has definitely increased greatly.

A smile formed from Xie Lian's lips inside his mask as he suddenly praised, "Well done"

Hearing Xie Lian so pleased with him. His dead heart screamed loudly at the same time he
immediately knelt on the ground with one leg.

"Th- this servant is only following his master's orders"

Xie Lian turned to face him and lifted Wu Ming's chin by using the tip of the sword's blade to force
him to look up at him directly.

"The resentful energy on this place is grave. You have gathered a month's worth of it. This master is

Hearing Xie Lian praising him this much, his heart felt like it was going to explode any minute! If
anything, it only drove him even more to do better!

He was about to respond when all of a sudden he heard something behind Xie Lian. In a flash, he
pulled an arrow from behind, stretched his bow and shot an arrow that was coming for Xie Lian
from behind!
The two aiming arrows from opposite direction accurately crashed into each other, forming one
long stick as it fell to the ground. A bunch of gasps and murmurs suddenly enveloped the air as a
bunch of people rose from behind.

Xie Lian turned around to see as his eyes narrowed at the sight of them.

Chapter End Notes

XL: *continues to praise him*

WM: *Starts to fight ambushers before he could even respond*
XL: *Secretly began to feel murderous* Who dares interrupt my baby when talking?!!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

The Fower That Seeks The Rain
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wu Ming gripped the sabre's hilt tightly that hung on his waist as he stood on guard. His eyes
traveled through every passing face and the equipment they were holding. He saw that they carried
books and exorcising tools with them, while some were standing on guard carrying weapons ready
to attack.

One of them spoke, "Do you have a permit to exorcize this place? We have been tasked to perform
exorcism but it seems you already handled the job.."

His voice gentle and well mannered. But when his eyes landed on Xie Lian's sword, his gaze
darkened as he narrated his observation,

"However... What you did was definitely not exorcism. Instead, you gathered the spirit's energy into
that sword. That weapon is dangerous and who knows what you plan on doing with it. It's better
that you hand it to us."

He then reached out a hand, indicating that they should obey. Behind the man, people who
surrounded them have bows that were already extended, and swords that were already unsheathed.

Wu Ming stood infront of Xie Lian with his sabre on one hand as he spoke on his behalf,

"And if we don't?"

The man smiled as he replied,

"Then I'm afraid we are going to use force."

Wu Ming wanted to laugh. They speak as if they didn't attempt to shoot down Xie Lian just now,
and they speak as if they didn't want a fight.

Wu Ming glanced to his god standing behind him silently. Xie Lian must be tired right now, pulling
their resentful energy into the sword must've required a lot of energy.

He gripped his sabre tightly as he eyed the surrounding enemies once more. He'll handle all of them
without needing for his god to spend his energy anymore. And even if Xie Lian wasn't tired at all,
he knew he could handle these people all by himself.

He fought in a war once, these guys are nothing.

Thus, he stiffined his tone as he answered in Xie Lian's stead.

"We. Refuse."

The guy's smile disappeared. He closed his eyes and raised a hand.

He commanded, "Attack."
Half of their men rushed towards Wu Ming. They began shooting arrows towards his direction but
it all became fruitless as Wu Ming swiftly blocked all the arrow's attacks with his blade, protecting
Xie Lian behind him while making sure not a single arrow doesn't accidentally flick towards his
god's direction.

When the first wave of arrows stopped coming, he took this opportunity to rush in offensive mode
and attack the ones with swords. They barely stood a chance against him as he was fast enough to
aim for their weak points and successfully killing them without mercy.

Their men came falling to the ground one after the other.

The man commanding them became displeased. Wu Ming's lips formed a grin as he immediately
understood his thoughts. That guy must be annoyed at the fact that even though they were
outnumbered, they were getting defeated so easily.

The leader continued to helplessly watch as the number of his men continued to decrease. He
quickly turned to the person standing silently behind the attacker as he thought in irritation: 'How
are we loosing so easily? The person wearing a half-smiling half-crying mask wasn't even doing
anything at all!'

Another wave of arrows shot towards Xie Lian, Wu Ming quickly retreated back to him and
blocked their arrows once more, hitting them one by one to change their direction. When Wu Ming
saw an opening, he quickly switched from his sabre to his bow. In a split second, he rolled to the
ground, his hand grabbing three or four arrows from behind, extending them, then released!

Those arrows successfully killed their targets. The enemies were caught off guard as the person
beside them suddenly dropped to the ground with an arrow nailed on their heads! Some men
retreated out of fear and some were continuously shooting arrows but unfortunately got shot back
in return.

When the leader in front was seeing some of his men retreat, the veins on his head suddenly bulged
like it was about to pop from the sense of defeat and shame.

He yelled angrily, "What are you doing!? Come back you cowards!!"

When the odds were against him, he gritted his teeth and placed two fingers on his mouth as a loud
whistling sound was heard.

Wu Ming's expression darkened. It turned out this guy was actually hiding four more people. They
immediately jumped out from hiding and stood in front of him. The ghost held his ground as he
sensed a completely different vibe from them. Unlike those useless trashes from earlier, these guys
seemed confident in their own abilities.

But no matter how strong they are, it would all still be useless.

The one who stood on the left mocked, "What's with those masks? You look ridiculous!"

Wu Ming's gaze shifted to him with a glare.

In an instant, the two rushed into each other in a flash at the same time and their blades clashed
with one another when it came on contact. If it was in terms of physical body, Wu Ming was at a
disadvantage. This guy had giant muscles everywhere!
The other three was observing beforehand and observed that only one of them was attacking. They
must've thought that the other guy was useless so they didn't bother. With that, they all rushed
towards Wu Ming ready to attack as well.

Xie Lian was silently watching Wu Ming the whole time. He didn't move a muscle when his
subordinate dealt with multiple enemies before hand even when they were outnumbered. He didn't
move an inch when Wu Ming had to consequently switch weapons and switch from offense to
defense multiple times.

But the moment those other three rushed in, his eyes quickly shifted to them like a sharp blade.

His slender fingers slowly grabbed the sword's hilt on one hand and took a small quiet step before
he suddenly flashed towards them like lightning. The pressure from the step was so great that the
floor cracked.


The guy clashing swords with Wu Ming was too busy to notice his surroundings. He was thinking
of ways on how to defeat him when suddenly, he heard agonizing cries and screams from behind.
Who else could it be other than his allies?

A sudden flash of horror flicked through his expression as he used his strength to redirect Wu
Ming's sword to the side so he could turn around and take a look.

His eyes widened in horror.

The sight before him was enough to send his blood running cold.

Blood was spilled everywhere. His team were on the ground. Dead.

Each one of them slashed brutally as their corpse all piled like one tiny hill. The guy's eyes were
then directed to the person standing on top of them. His blood ran colder as the killer wore a half-
crying and half-smiling mask that was now staring at him.

The message was clear enough. He was next.

His legs immediately as he fell to the ground kneeling, completely at loss for words.

Through his frozen state and frightened expression, he managed to whisper out, "How..."

He couldn't believe it, they were the pillars in their town! Nobody could defeat them, even if they
were on par with someone in terms of strength or power, they should still have still lasted for hours!

Yet.. It only took this guy one second to kill them one by one!

He felt his heart stop as a thought came to mind correcting him,

'No... This guy.. It only took him a split second to kill them all. '

His gaze slowly turned to the god before him as he changed his question,

He was too scared to speak. Even though he that he needed to avenge his comrades, every cell in
his body was stopping him.

Something about him was truly terrifying.

He then remembered a story from when he was eating at a restaurant a few years ago..

There was a man clad in white, he had a mask that showed half emotions- one despair, and the
other was delight. He was ruthless as he had successfully slaughtered a whole country. There were
even rumors that he was the one who started a plague... A plague that was so despicable it made
people mad and kill each other. He was known as..

He stuttered as he cried out in fear,

"Wh... White clothed calamity, Bai Wuxiang!!"

Xie Lian's eyes widened upon hearing that name. His anger rose tremendously that the ground
started to shake and the skies began to rumble.

He raised his sword as he gave him the most deadly blow.

Xie Lian uttered in rage, "You... dare utter that name. I will kill you in a way that you will never be
able to reincarnate again!"

He then stabbed the sword to his chest without mercy as various ghosts shot out and began eating
him alive. His screams of terror on par with the screams of the ghosts as he felt his own flesh being
devoured one after the other until he died along with his soul.

The god then pulled out the sword as he continued to glare at the now new corpse at his feet before
shifting his gaze to a corner where the commander stood earlier.

The commander still stood on the same spot from where he was earlier, only this time he was
frozen shock as he witnessed the whole thing. The situation was too brutal that he was too
frightened to move or even run for his life. He had underestimated both of them and especially the
one with a sword. It was there he learned that he should've been thankful that he didn't move on the
first attack.

When the commander saw Xie Lian staring at his direction, his body shook with fear as it snapped
him awake from his frozen shock to make a run for it.

The god didn't bother chasing him. His gaze traced at their surroundings once more before stopping
at one particular bush.

When he eventually calmed down, he wordlessly began walking towards the exit of the village.


Wu Ming was stunned the whole time. He definitely wasn't expecting Xie Lian to help, but what's
more surprising was how angry he was just now! Even though he was reprimanded by Xie Lian a
lot of times, he was never this angry!

Just now, Wu Ming was reminded of the Xie Lian when he was just a crown prince. A crown prince
who had only wanted to serve his people with a smile, A god who was believed and hoped upon by
his people...

...A human who was pushed to the edge from the intense pressure of perfection that he snapped.

But now was not the time to think about that, Wu Ming quickly followed Xie Lian from behind. He
ought to be careful from now as Xie Lian's temperament wasn't good and who knows how long it'll
take he'll be able to calm down.

When they arrived back home to the base it was already dusk. Xie Lian immediately rushed
towards his office in a fit.

During their travel back home, Wu Ming definitely noticed something was wrong with his god. He
hesitated if he should follow him but his instincts eventually kicked in as he quickly followed Xie
Lian to his room.

Xie Lian staggered on his way to his room while groaning in pain.

"rggh hnn..." The murmurs and whispers in his ear continued to annoy him, causing his head to
spin and ache. Xie Lian staggered against the table as he tried to find his equilibrium.

His vision continued to spin, making him loose his senses. The veins on his head bulged at the
same time the feeling of needles in his heart continued to pierce him. The whispers in his head
continued to haunt him, tempt him, torture him, mock him.

When Xie Lian's eyes opened, his gaze was murderous as if he could kill anything at close range.

Yet that didn't stop Wu Ming from running up to him. The moment the ghost saw Xie Lian
struggling, he rushed to his side to help support him from accidentally falling down to the floor. Xie
Lian's elbows began to thrash around as his hands made their way to his ears to cover them.

He breathed in heavy breaths as he screamed, "Shut up, shut up, shutupshutup-SHUT UP!!!"

He continued screaming as he grabbed the mask covering his face. He yelled before throwing the
mask away,


"Your Highness!! Calm down!" Wu Ming intentionally raised his voice in hopes of bringing his god
back to his senses.

His heart broke at the sight of seeing Xie Lian like this. Hadn't he suffered enough? Why must
something always torment his god like this!

He continued to hold him down until one of Xie Lian's hand suddenly grabbed his collar.

"How dare you..-nngh!"

When Wu Ming glanced back to his god, he noticed the corners of Xie Lian's eyes grew red as the
god stared down at him enraged.

"Are... Are you mocking me?! Are you purposely trying to make me remember of how much of a
failure I was by calling me that?!!"

Wu Ming's body automatically acted on its own as he stood with both hands clasped together as if
he was making a prayer.

The god instantly froze, the boiling rage in his blood gradually disappeared as he recognized that
prayer posture.

He remembers once upon a time, when he was still a god, he had asked his worshipers that he didn't
need them to kneel when praying. He had only asked them to stand up and clasp their hands
together as they bowed their heads to pray. Even though a lot of his worshipers neglected that
idea... There was one person who listened.

One believer who listened.

Wu Ming raised his head as he looked up at him,

"Your Highness!! I would never dare mock you. I'm calling you that because I respect you! No
matter what, you're still the god I worshipped then and now. What matters is you! Not the state of

Xie Lian's heart continued to ache the longer he listened. No no no, he didn't want to be reminded
of his past! He doesn't want to remember any of the humiliation and betrayal, or anything!

It was too much! Too much! Too much! Too much!!

Xie Lian suddenly felt the pain in his head increase. His vision went blurry, his head throbbed, and
his ears rang loudly. He cupped his ears once more in hopes to ease the pain.

The torment was really too much..

Wu Ming then thought a cup of water should be able to help his god calm down. When he turned
around to leave, a hand suddenly grabbed his arm.

What he didn't prepare for was the next few words that came from his god's lips:

"Stop! No.. Don't leave!"

Chapter End Notes

Dear Readers! Y'all are gonna enjoy what I have in stock for you all in the next update
(ღ˘ω˘ღ) Stay tuned for updates in Monday/Thursday!
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
The Butterfly that Seeks the Flower
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

"...Don't leave!"

Wu Ming's eyes widened beneath his mask. What did he just hear Xie Lian say?

The god remained leaning against the table with both hands for support. Sweat continued to drip
from the corners of Xie Lian's head while his gaze remained on him. Wu Ming froze at the sight
before him, he didn't want to believe it but... it's almost as if Xie Lian's gaze on him looked as if he
was pleading.

Pleading for what...? For him to stay? No way...

Wu Ming hesitantly reached out a hand to console him but that hand froze mid-way as he
immediately thought if it would just make matters worse.

He was nothing but a servant, what right did he have to casually touch him for consolation?

Before the ghost could think of it any further, the grip Xie Lian had on his arm suddenly increased
before he was pulled to the table. The next thing Wu Ming knew, Xie Lian was above him, pinning
him solid against the table.

Wu Ming's heart almost jumped out of his chest. His gaze darted around Xie Lian's face that was so
dangerously close! And what's with this intimate position?! It's going to kill him if he doesn't-

"Where.. Do you think... you're going?.."

Xie Lian panted from above him. Despite the whispers torturing his mind, he still managed to ask a

Wu Ming was still struck dumb from the sudden situation he found himself in. The only thing
snapping him back to reality was at the moment was the grip Xie Lian had on his shoulders that
weakened from time to time. When he finally calmed down, he tried to asses the situation.

He observed Xie Lian's expression for a few seconds. He found that his god actually didn't look
mad, just... frustrated. But it was clear it wasn't directed at him. It was his current headache that
made him look so pained and frustration at this moment. Instead, Xie Lian looked more as if he
was afraid he was going to leave him.

Xie Lian's continued to tremble uncontrollably. Wu Ming could sense his god trying his best to
hold him down with pressure whenever his grip would weaken so that he wouldn't try to escape
which was totally absurd!

He tried to soothe him down. "Your Highness, ... I-.. I am not going anywhere... I promise."

His god didn't look pleased. Instead, his expression crumpled even more. His voice trembled as he
responded, "Lies... All lies..."
Wu Ming's lips tugged to a frown. "I'm telling you the truth, Your Highness. No matter what I-"

"LIES!" Xie Lian yelled. Tears prickled on the corners of his eyes as he insisted, "Liar... I know
you're going to leave me too. I just know it."

Wu Ming's expression crumpled for a few seconds before steeling his resolve. He grabbed one of
Xie Lian's hand, catching the god off guard before placing it on top of his dead heart.

"Your Highness, I know very well that I am a ghost so I can't show you how my heart sincerely
beats for you. However, I can tell you that you are my only master."

He catches the way Xie Lian's eyes widened as he added, "From the moment we met you are my
god, my savior, my prince, and my master. I will live and die for you!"

Wu Ming's grip on Xie Lian's hand tightened slightly as he continued to pour his heart out, "I am at
your disposal, Your Highness. Kill me or use me as you wish."

It was then Xie Lian understood why his subordinate placed his hand on his heart. It wasn't so that
he could listen to his dead heart, but to kill him if he wanted to if he wasn't of any use to him

'This guy..' Xie Lian was caught off guard once more for a few moments. He says he's sincere but
he cant even show his face.

Wu Ming continued staring up at him, he watched as Xie Lian's expression crumple from pain once
more before gritting his teeth.

The next thing he knew, the sound of plastic was thrown across the floor.

Wu Ming's breath hitched in realization as his entire surroundings froze.

His mask was taken off.

Wu Ming stared at his own reflection through Xie Lian's golden irises as the god looked back at
him with equal shock.

When the ghost snapped out of it, intense panic coursed through his body as he began to increase
the force of his arms to push Xie Lian away to make him stop looking at his hideous face. But no
matter how hard he thrashed his arms, Xie Lian still managed to pin him down.

The corners of his eyes began to well up as he daren't make eye contact with his god anymore. His
heart wouldn't be able to handle it if he sees his god's expression turn to disgust. He badly wished
the ground would just eat him up this instant.

He continued to struggle or free at least one hand so he could cover his pathetic face and especially
his crimson eye that painfully stood out from all! What would his god think of him now?!

It didn't matter now, He thought. His god would have most likely already noticed his wicked
crimson eye since it took him too long to close his right eye when his mask was suddenly

He swallowed a whimper from his throat. This was it, his god was going to kill him, or worse-
leave him!
The ghost continued to struggle until a hand swiftly moved to the back of his head and pulled him
in. Wu Ming squeezed his eyes shut as the next couple of seconds caught him off guard once more.

When he felt something soft against his lips, his eyes snapped open. This time, his god's face was
even closer than earlier!

'What.. What was going o-'

He continued to stare in awe as Xie Lian's other hand swiftly moved behind his waist and pulled his
body closer.

At the same time Xie Lian deepened the kiss, punching a muffled whimper from Wu Ming's throat.

Wu Ming's mind began spinning as thoughts and questions flooded his brain yet he couldn't think
properly at the moment. Was Xie Lian really kissing him right now?

He didn't dare to move. He was afraid to move! But besides that, he was afraid that if he moves
even by an inch, Xie Lian would go away.

Then he would realize that this was all just a dream.

Xie Lian opened his mouth a bit, making Wu Ming unconsciously do the same, completely
unaware he had just fallen into the god's trap. The god quickly took this opportunity as he dived in
again deeper.

Only this time, his tongue invaded his mouth. Wu Ming's eyes widened once more as his face
flushed in deep crimson. He moved to get away but the hand behind his head kept him still. The
feeling of his god's warm tongue inside his mouth made him weak. A muffled whimper escaped his
lips once more as his body tingled in response.

He began to panic once more as he felt a certain part of his body shift. If Xie Lian continues to do
this, he was gonna get hard and it would be noticeable right away since their bodies are so closely
pressed closely together. Wu Ming's hands clutched Xie Lian's robe as he squeezed his eyes shut to
try and think of a solution.

It wouldn't be so hard to think if-.. if only he wasn't in such a tempting situation.

His thoughts came to an immediate stop when Xie Lian suddenly broke the kiss. The two panted
heavily while staring at each other deeply.

The god swallowed hard as his half lidded eyes continued staring down at the ghost under him with
tears on the corner of his closed eyes, looking so damn vulnerable that something about his
expression just made Xie Lian want to bully the ghost even more.

The god then proceeded to move down to his neck while a hand sneaked inside the ghost's robe and
began caressing his skin.

Wu Ming bit back a whimper. He lolled his head to the side as he tried to keep his soul from
exploding. His lips felt numb and abused, he never felt anything this intense in his life that it was
taking him a while to calm down from his high to think on what he was supposed to do.

He could vaguely feel Xie Lian breating lightly against his neck before his body tensed from the
sudden feeling of tongue sliding across his bare neck.
Wu Ming gasped sharply when he felt teeth digging into his skin, "Y-.. Your Highness- nngh!"

What was even happening anymore? The ghost was left pliant on Xie Lian's hold as the god
continued to nibble on that sensitive skin on his neck. The bite was startling but the sensation that
followed afterwards was a bliss.

Wu Ming groaned as Xie Lian rocked their bodies together. The ghost accidentally slipped out a
sharp moan when something hard grinded against his already painfully obvious hardened cock.

Xie Lian continued to grind against him as he captured Wu Ming's lips once more. The hand inside
Wu Ming's robe then moved until he completely pushed his robes open until it fell off his

The ghost on the other hand had only so much strength before Xie Lian had suddenly kissed him so
intensely like that. Not to mention how good he felt while being grinded by his god like this, his
will was starting to break.

The god continued to kiss him passionately as one of his fingers reached in deeper and accidentally
touched a nipple, making the ghost break their kiss as a high-pitched moan escaped his lips. He
missed the way Xie Lian's gaze darkened as the hunger in his eyes became even more visible.

There was no going back now, Wu Ming cried in his mind.

One of Xie Lian's hands then reached in to pulled Wu Ming's pants down. The cold air's contact
againsthis hard member made Wu Ming hiss.

When Wu Ming glanced back to Xie Lian, he swallowed hard from the evident look of impatience
in his god's eyes. He looked as if he wanted to devour him now but he was having a hard time
holding himself back.

The ghost watched as his god placed two fingers on his numb lips before commanding in a low
voice, "Suck"

Wu Ming who was still panting from the intense kiss had no choice but to obey. He slowly opened
his mouth, when he moved his head closer to take those two elegant and fingers in his mouth, his
stomach suddenly turned on him as he felt like he wasn't deserving any of it.

The look of hesitation became obvious in his face but he tried to follow his god's orders anyway.
He moved his head close until he was sucking the tip of Xie Lian's fingers inside his mouth.

He thought that he should at least take a few millimeters at a time so in that way he would have
enough seconds to grow confidence in himself to suck more until he was all the way at the-

"What are you doing?"

The sudden chilling voice made Wu Ming flinch from shock. He quickly glanced back to Xie Lian
who was looking so impatient and.. Bored.

Wu Ming could feel whimpers bubbling from his throat. He wasn't doing a good job, wasn't he?

His heart broke at the sight of Xie Lian's disappointment as he quickly sucked Xie Lian's fingers in
deeper into his mouth. Until those two fingers suddenly thrusted inside deeper, surprising Wu Ming
and catching him off guard.
Nevertheless he tried to bear with it. His tongue licked Xie Lian's fingers inside before sucking
them deeper. After a few ginger sucks, Xie Lian removed those two fingers as he slowly inserted
one inside him.

Wu Ming's face flushed as he gasped and moaned at the sudden intruder inside him.

That finger then began stretching inside him until the god added another finger. Wu Ming felt
uncomfortable as the feeling felt so new and weird to him. Xie Lian continued to rub his fingers
inside him as if he was looking for something until he brushed a certain spot that caused Wu Ming
jolted in pleasure.

The god apparently took note of that as he kept brushing that certain spot until Wu Ming couldn't
hold back his moans anymore.

The ghost continued to whimper and writhe under him, making Xie Lian grunt and breathe heavily
just from seeing him this wrecked already. The voices in his head were long gone as the only voice
inside his head now was his own. Telling him that he wanted to hear more, louder.

His expression darkened once more as he pulled out. Wu Ming let out a disappointed sound but it
was then replaced with a yelp when the ghost was suddenly carried towards the bed.

Xie Lian kneeled on top of him as he quickly captured those lips once more as if he was addicted,
he continued to kiss Wu Ming deeply while pulling his robes open enough to take his cock out. He
then placed himself between Wu Ming's legs and gently pressed the tip against his hole. Wu Ming
yelped in surprise once more as he immediately had guessed what his god was planning on doing.
His own legs voluntary wrapped around Xie Lian's waist as he buried his face against Xie Lian's

Xie Lian would've stretched him out even more but he was starting to grow restless the longer he
waited. The whispers were also starting to come back too..

Without wasting another second, he slowly pushed himself in further. Wu Ming's moans became
muffled as he buried his head deeper against Xie Lian's neck.

With how good and tight Wu Ming's hole was sucking him in, Xie Lian inhaled a sharp breath
before grunting. He pushed himself in a few inch deeper before a curse almost escaped his lips.
Fuck. He was planning to do this until he was inside all the way but he had been patient for too
long. So the moment Wu Ming calmed down, Xie Lian thrusted the rest inside all the way.

Wu Ming moaned loudly as he slowly took Xie Lian's length inside. He could feel his insides
stretch so much that it almost hurts.

Luckily Xie Lian didn't start thrusting immediately, and mercifully gave him a few seconds to take
it in. When the god noticed the tears prickling on the corners of Wu Ming's eyes, his own body
suddenly acted on its own as he leaned down and kissed those tears away.

Wu Ming cold feel his heart squeeze from how gentle Xie Lian was suddenly being. He looked
down at their bodies and noticed how much precum he leaked.

Wu Ming's body tingled. Yeah, he was definitely close.

A new fear suddenly engraved his brain. ' .. If I release now.. What would His Highness think of
me? He would find out right away that I-'

His thoughts were cut off when Xie Lian suddenly began thrusting slowly. Xie Lian's pace was
slow but he was hitting that sweet spot inside of him that it felt almost teasing. It caused his insides
squeezed a few times, causing the both of them to moan.

It didn't take long until Xie Lian's long patience finally snapped as he began thrusting deeply inside
him. Wu Ming's moans became wanton as he desperately tried his best to hold back from releasing
too early. But the feeling of Xie Lian's cock thrusting inside him felt too good! He had dreamed of
his for a long time hasn't he? The heavy wave of pleasure outweighed his will once more until he
really couldn't hold back anymore and released.

Xie Lian grunted from how tight he became as his thrusts slowly died down. It was then Wu Ming
finally snapped back to his senses.

He looked down and saw the mess between their stomachs. He gasped sharply as his face flushed
in deep red. He came too early!

Xie Lian haven't even released his own load when he came first. Xie Lian panted heavily for a few
seconds before staring back at Wu Ming below him.

Wu Ming came a lot... Judging from his expression, he quickly understood the ghost must've had a
hard time holding back that he too ashamed to face him.

Heavy pants enveloped the air for a few seconds before Xie Lian's voice cut through the silence
between them.

"Wu Ming"

Wu Ming flinched upon hearing his name. His body trembled slightly as he continued to avoid
meeting his god's eyes as he was still too ashamed to even look at his direction.

But more importantly than that, Xie Lian rarely called his name.

"Come here."

Wu Ming's head snapped up from shock but he still didn't dare look his way. The tension from his
shoulders gradually disappeared as he let out a quiet sigh; at least his Xie Lian didn't sound like he
was upset.

After Xie Lian called the ghost one more time, the latter still refused to meet his gaze.

Seeing that his subordinate wouldn't look at him slightly set him off.

Xie Lian reached out a hand as he tugged Wu Ming's hair as he pulled him towards his still hard
cock before mocking with a wicked grin,

"Since you like calling me Your Highness so much, you might as well make yourself useful and
help your prince finish, hm?"
Chapter End Notes

There's actually a reason why XL suddenly... did that. Just trust the plot, it'll all make sense
soon ToT

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 7
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wu Ming stared in awe at the sight before him. Despite all that thrusting his god was still hard.

He wasn't sure if that was a good thing for him or not.

The ghost swallowed hard before slowly leaning his head closer to Xie Lian's hard cock. He was
still overwhelmed from the situation he was in, but half of his mind just kept pushing him to do
what his god wanted. After giving Xie Lian's cock a few ginger licks, his ears perked at the sound
of a quiet hum of satisfaction from above him.

Wu Ming's chest tightened from the feeling of his pride getting stomped as his expression shifted to
determination. He knew he could make Xie Lian moan better than that.

After gathering his confidence a little bit, he gave small wet sucks on the tip while fixing his gaze
on his god's expression. He read Xie Lian's heavy gave on him as if he was constantly looking for
approval before sucking deeper.

Xie Lian's body jolted in pleasure as he grunted and praised, "hgnh..that's it.."

Wu Ming continued to suck slowly, almost as if teasingly as his gaze never left Xie Lian. Soon
after, a hand reached to his hair and brushed a few strands a way from his face before clutching it.

The ghost could feel his mind swirling from that clutch alone. That felt good.

He continued sucking in a few more inches deeper, making sure his teeth doesn't get in the way
before letting his tongue play around with it. He guessed he must've been doing good because the
moment his tongue began lapping his god's cock while sucking on it, Xie Lian's moans became

The hand clutching his hair got tighter too.

"Ahh.. nghh! More." He ordered.

When had he ever rejected him?

Wu Ming began eagerly sucking, just going along on what he thought might make his god feel
good. But when he noticed the base being neglected, he grimaced. So he used one of his hands and
synced his movements with his mouth.

"hh- ahh!!" His god moaned sharply. His thighs tensed as his subordinate continued to suck in

He glanced at the ghost between his knees before wondering. 'How is he so good at this?'

Xie Lian's thoughts were quickly interrupted when another sharp moan escaped his lips when Wu
Ming began humming around his cock. The vibrations of his mouth against his twitching cock
along with his swift tongue was really too much. He gripped his hair tighter as his hips thrusted
involuntarily to chase more of that ecstatic feeling.

Wu Ming choked in response to the sudden movement especially when Xie Lian's cock bumped
against the back of his throat. Thank goodness he was a ghost now as ghosts didn't need to breathe.
He swallowed the precum inside his mouth as he continued sucking deep.

His god's thighs were starting to tremble continuously and his hips were thrusting back. Wu Ming
then guessed his god must be close.

"Hh.. Hnghh.. W.. Wu Ming.. Ahh!"

Wu Ming choked once as he felt his heart almost burst from hearing his name. His cheeks flushed
deep before shutting his eyes close and sucking deeply all the way to the base. A deep an guttural
moan escaped his god's mouth at the same time his mouth felt a gush of hot liquid shoot down his

Wu Ming hummed in satisfaction as he obediently swallowed every thick load without fail.

He could hear his god breathing heavily above him before his head was slowly pushed back,
pulling out the drained cock out of his mouth. The Ghost looked up in a daze as he heavily drunk
on his god's expression right now. His god was also looking back at him, panting heavily.

His heart squeezed, how can his god look so beautiful like this?

Then without thinking, he slowly opened his mouth as if he was showing him that he obediently
swallowed every drop of his load like a cute little cum dumpster that he is.

He took note of Xie Lian's eyes widening and the sharp gasp from his lips. And... may gods have
mercy- was that a small blush creeping up his cheeks just now?

Soon after, a scornful laugh caught Wu Ming's attention as he vaguely heard his god utter the
words: "So fucking lewd.''

His mind was still trapped in a fog until he was suddenly pushed on his back.

The ghost yelped from surprise. But before he could snap out of it, something big and hard
penetrated inside him once more. He let out a sharp moan as his god pinned him against the bed
and began thrusting without mercy. His mind swirled from pleasure as Xie Lian's thrusts became
more and more uncontrolled.

Soon after, the god had already began thrusting relentlessly, drawing out more deep moans from the
ghost as he clung to Xie Lian's shoulders to ground himself.

He was already aching hard when he was sucking Xie Lian off but now he could feel he wasn't
going to last any longer if his god continues to fuck him so good like this.

"Y. Your Highness. s!! I-..I-"

His sentence was quickly cut off when Xie Lian nudged that sweet spot inside him once more. His
back arched and his insides squeezed tighter, punching a grunt and throaty groan from Xie Lian.

After a few more thrusts, the two came hard together.

Xie Lian began gasping for air once more while Wu Ming's body continued to tremble. Wu Ming's
eyes were streaming down with tears from the overstimulation. Soon after, his vision blurred and
fixed for a few seconds before he completely passed out.

When the god finally came down from his high, he breathed in a few more times before shifting his
gaze to the ghost sleeping under him.

His gaze remained cold as he continued to scrutinize Wu Ming's face for a moment before reaching
a hand out to him and stopping mid-air just before his fingers reached to Wu Ming's cheeks as he
realized what he was about to do.

"..." A few seconds later, those fingers pressed against his temple.

He closed his eyes and listened for a moment. Nothing.

When Xie Lian opened his eyes again, he laid beside the ghost sleeping beside him.

He looks so peaceful sleeping like this.

He never mentioned anything but he could always feel his subordinate tensing up every time they
meet up. He always had the impression that the ghost was afraid of him even though he was
thoughtful enough to make him breakfast in the morning, or meals in any day at all. He never asked
that of him yet he does it anyway.

Eventually, Xie Lian guessed that the ghost was just trying to please him out of fear.

Not only that...

Xie Lian's gaze trailed to the face that the ghost used to hide with his mask.

He had always wondered why he always wore a smiling mask. A mask that showed half of the
expression of the cursed mask he also used to wear sometimes when they go out on missions.

But what he couldn't understand was the reason why that little accessory made him feel
complicated every time. He would be lying if he says he wasn't a tiny bit curious to what his little
subordinate was hiding.

It was a matter of trust as well. But in the end, he chose to respect their distance and just assumed
that his subordinate was just insecure in showing his face because he was disfigured or that he just
had no face.

But boy he was completely wrong!

It almost pissed him off after finding out Wu Ming was neither of those things and he was just
plainly hiding such a beautiful face from him.

His crimson eye also came out a shock but it wasn't even close to how horrifying he thought Wu
Ming's overall face would be. Somehow that one crimson eye was also strangely familiar, Xie Lian
tried to remember but his memory failed him yet again.

But most importantly...

Xie Lian's gaze turned cold once more.

...All his suspicions regarding the ghost sleeping beside him turned out to be true.

Xie Lian slowly sat up and fixed his robes before sighing quietly.

'Perhaps I'll explain it in another time.. '

The god then proceeded to carry Wu Ming in his arms as he led him to his private pool. Half of his
mind thought that he should leave him there since there were things needed to check on Fang Xin's
room but...

Xie Lian's gaze was drawn in to Wu Ming's face once.

The god's expression darkened once guilt began eating him up once more.

When he reached to the edge, he stepped in the pool's steps slowly. Wu Ming's body flinched the
moment water touched his feet but not enough to wake him up. Just how tired is he?

The god also made sure that the temperature of the water was warm enough for comfort. When half
of his body was fully submerged in the pool, he walked to the side where there was an underwater
bench attached to the edges where he liked to sit on and doze off from time to time.

So he sat there and shifted his hold on Wu Ming so that he was now sitting on his lap with his head
on his shoulder.

He then began cleaning Wu Ming's body that was covered in both sweat and cum. Whenever Xie
Lian trickles water on him with his fingers, the ghost's body would tense up then relax afterwards.

"Mmh.." Wu Ming hummed as the warm water on his back slightly stirred him back to
consiousness. The water was soothing and warm that the fog in his head thickened even more.
There was also something therapeutic about that water that somehow instantly healed his strained
muscles and past wounds.

Wu Ming tried to open his eyes but his drowsiness still got the best of him. His surroundings
looked blurry and he didn't know where he was or where he was sitting on. He tried to force
himself awake until a low voice commanded in his ear,

"Relax. Go back to sleep."

The god wasn't sure if the ghost was sober enough to understand what he said just now but Wu
Ming closed his eyes anyway and his body did relax until he was fully asleep again.

Noticing this made Xie Lian snicker once more. He turned his head slightly to the ghost sleeping
against him.

"Look at you.." He muttered darkly,

"...You're lucky I pitied you or else you wouldn't be treated like this."

It still wonders him to this moment how the he was even able to feel pity after all the bitterness he
received from pitying all those people long ago. He had gone out of his way endless times to help
them and what? Just one downfall, one mistake, and they all turn against him in the end.

"You're no different, you're going to be just like them. I'm sure of it."
Xie Lian whispered before he quickly finished up cleaning the ghost on his lap. When he was done,
he grabbed a set of clean robes and wrapped Wu Ming with his inner robe while he wore his outer
robe before carrying him back inside.

Xie Lian was about to head to his room but changed his mind when he thought that the ghost would
probably freak out when he wakes up in an unfamiliar surroundings.

As far as he learned about ghosts, they don't like when they stay in a unfamiliar or predatory place
for too long because their instincts act up.

In Wu Ming's case, he's the predator. Xie Lian thought unhappily.

The god continued walking to his subordinate's chambers when he suddenly paused in his steps.

Wait... where was his room again?

Xie Lian's expression darkened once more. He mulled over it a few times but he really had
forgotten where his room was. But what he could remember was how he made sure that the ghost's
room was far away from him as possible so that he doesn't get any ideas and murder him in his

He mulled it over once more, it should be somewhere on the first floor or second floor.

...Or was it the third floor?

He sighed irritatedly. How the fuck could he forget Wu Ming's own bedroom when he picked it

Must be the consequence of not visiting his room often or... at all.

He also thought about changing the lay out instead to make things easier but then Wu Ming would
have a hard time navigating his way through.


When Xie Lian did finally arrive to Wu Ming's sleeping chamber, he opened the door and looked
around. He made a mental note to make sure he doesn't forget the location next time.

Overall, the room looked normal. It was just a bed with a small table on the side and a window
attached to the wall, showing the vast night sky outside.

Xie Lian used bits of his spiritual power to light the torch just to add a little life in the room before
placing the ghost on his arms on the bed.

The god looked around once more, so far nothing seems to show any suspicious clues of this ghost
plotting something behind him.

After all, even if it was just a small trace of disloyalty, he'll kill them in a blink.
His eyes continued to scan the room until he noticed something on top of the bedside table.

He straightened his back before he stepped closer where he got a closer view,

It was a small white flower.

This caught the god's attention as he slowly reached for it and held it gently with his fingers. He
inspected the familiar flower closely until he suddenly remembered that this was the flower Wu
Ming offered him before he crushed and stepped on it.

This rendered Xie Lian speechless for a long moment. He didn't realize his fingers were trembling.

He gritted his teeth, did this mean to him that much?!

The god quickly dropped the flower back on the table as he casted another complicated glance to
the ghost still sleeping peacefully on the bed before leaving the room.

The next day, Wu Ming woke up with an aching back. His head was aching and fuzzy as he tried
his best to sit up.

"" He froze in surprise from how dry his throat was. He lightly cupped his neck before
clearing his throat a few times.

More importantly, what time was it?

His head was throbbing as he attempted to get up, but before his feet could even reach the floor, his
gaze froze as he noticed the robe he was wearing.

'Hold on this isn't mine..'

He pulled the collar slightly to inspect it closer. ' This is slightly bigger for me, and the color
definitely isn't mine. Who else would ow-'

Then it hit him. Who else indeed would wear white robes other than the only other person in the



Memories from yesterday immediately crashed on him at once. Every single second of what he did
was clear to him as the vast sky! His own blood ran colder than it already did as he began
panicking and thrashing around until he accidentally dropped back on bed as if his own body
reminded him that it was still aching.

Oh gods.

He.. And Xie Lian..-

His neck, cheeks and ears flushed in deep crimson as his hands immediately began scanning his
body. It surprised him even more to find out he was clean, not a single trace of evidence from
yesterday was left on him.

...That must've meant Xie Lian also cleaned him too.

That thought quickly dawned on him, HIS GOD DID WHAT-?!

Wu Ming's expression winced before slowly covering his face with both hands from
embarrassment. How could he let such a thing happen? No wonder he wasn't wearing his usual
robes.. He wasn't even wearing his own mask!



Wu Ming quickly looked for his mask and-...

It was on top of his bedside table along with his clothes from last night.

He quickly forced himself to get up to reach for his mask before sighing in relief. He stared at the
mask for a few moments before his stomach slightly dropped.

Now that Xie Lian found out, was there still a point in wearing it? How on earth was he going to
face him from now on?

Wu Ming's body crouched in fear as he continued to think about the possibility of Xie Lian
disliking him even more because of his unsightly face.

Just from that thought alone was able to cast tears on the corner of his eyes. What should he do?

The ghost continued to collect his thoughts before he noticed something else placed on top of his
bedside table. He stood up properly to get a proper look where he found another set of robes folded
on top.

This caught Wu Ming off guard. He slowly reached a hand and caressed the fabric with his fingers.

The fabric is new, Did His Highness... really pick this.. for him?

His heart stammered at the thought. No way...

After spending a long time staring at the new robes from shock, he slowly reached in with both
hands as he unfolded the robes gently as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. Upon closer
inspection, he noticed the fine details and his eyes twinkled at the sight.

The color of the fabric was in deep crimson, like the color of blood and the color of his right eye.
The robe was designed with a handsewn cloud patterns with an inky black color that was scattered
all over the robe giving the overall look a really cool and mysterious vibe.

Moreover, there was also those pretty black vambraces that complimented the black design of the
The more Wu Ming inspected the robe, the brighter his eyes twinkled. This was definitely no
ordinary robe that you can just find easily in stores. Not to mention the amount of effort on the
designs that the ghost didn't dare guess the price value of it.

Was this really.. for him?

He knew the answer was obvious but he couldn't help but wonder why.

The more he thought about it, the complicated everything became. Xie Lian didn't even have a
reason to gift him such an elegant robe.

It must be a test again, He thought. Perhaps his god was testing him once more to see if he was
shameless enough to take more of him.

So with that, he gently folded the robe back neatly before grabbing his inky-black robes that were
surprisingly clean.

After tying it all with a belt, his eyes landed back to his smiling mask that he dropped on the bed.


He'll take a gamble for now and wear it again.

After he left his room, he started doing his chores like nothing happened but the anxiousness in his
heart wouldn't go away. He would flinch from any sudden sound in fear that he would suddenly
bump into Xie Lian somewhere.

And he still had no idea how to face his god after what happened.

As he continued to distract himself with work, a shadow crow suddenly perched on his shoulder
before squawking at him, signaling him that he was needed in his god's office this instant before
disappearing to thin black smoke.

Wu Ming's anxiousness spiked once more. This time, it was even worse.

On the way to Xie Lian's office, he thought about the possibilities.

For one, since he can't bring up the subject himself, he can just let his god lead to what happens
now. But before his god does bring up the subject, he can just play dumb and pretend nothing

After all, Xie Lian did only indulge with him that night because he needed something to release his
frustration on.

Yes that was it.

Xie Lian used him and he was used. That was all there was to it. Nothing more..
When Wu Ming arrived in front of the door, he swallowed and took a few breaths to brace himself
before knocking.

Chapter End Notes

XL: I hate you. You're just going to leave me like them sooner or later!
Also, Xie Lian: *Cleans him up and gives him new set of robes*

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

The Black Flower's Secret
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wu Ming could feel his own legs trembling when he had walked inside and knelt with one knee,
ready to receive his god's order.

"Get up."

Xie Lian commanded quickly, still under those same cold tone that he usually used. Wu Ming
nodded and obediently stood up firmly. He kept his head down but he could definitely feel Xie
Lian's heavy gaze piercing through him.

The ghost swallowed hard as he tried not to let his anxiousness seep out too much.

A second later, he heard a confused sound,

"Did you not like the robes I sent you?"

Wu Ming was taken back. He blinked a few times before stuttering,

".. F-forgive me Your Highness I.. I didn't think you sent the robes for.. me."

When his gaze lifted to the god sitting at the table, he flinched the moment his gaze met those
chilling gaze.

For some reason, it was even colder.

"Who else could I have sent it for then?"

There was definitely an edge to his tone. When he realized he made Xie Lian upset, Wu Ming
quickly kneeled again.

"Please forgive this ignorant servant. I was wrong."

Xie Lian continued staring in him in silence for a few minutes before speaking once more,

"Forget it. Wear it or throw it, it's up to you."

Wu Ming nodded in response before anxiously standing back up again. He grimaced over his bad
decision for a couple of seconds, he should've just worn the robes as he thought. Or else he
wouldn't have ruined his god's mood now.

But just when he was about to apologize once more, Xie Lian spoke first.

"There's a town that's a few miles from the village we invaded yesterday.."

Once he sensed another mission coming up, he swallowed all his guilt for now as he listened
"-The four people I killed yesterday originated from that town. They deal with ghosts with resentful
energy which what makes them exorcists."

Xie Lian then stood up from his table and began walking towards the glass window situated a few
steps away from his left as he continued,

"They banish and free people from resentful energy.."

For some reason, just listening to Xie Lian walk few feet closer to him made him shiver.

"...What we do is the opposite."

When Wu Ming turned to face his god, he watched as Xie Lian cross his arms and leaned on the
glass window.

"The point is. I know some people are keeping very resentful souls for trades and experiments."

Xie Lian's golden irises glinted as he stared at Wu Ming intently and ordered,

"Steal it all."

Wu Ming nodded in affirmation like a soldier ready to dedicate his life on the battlefield.

Xie Lian's head slightly tilted to the side as he continued eyeing him, "Naturally I'd go with you but
I need to stay here to keep track on Fang Xin's state. The more resentful energy he possesses, the
more unstable the sword becomes."

When a question came to mind, he tried to keep his voice steady as he asked respectfully,

"How... did Your Highness find out that the resentful souls kept in that town? If it involves trade
that clashes with the morale of their work, naturally it'd be a mouth-zipped business."

Xie Lian's lips then curved to a sinister smile,

"Once you return I'll tell you."

The god then tossed a scroll to him and the ghost easily caught it. Xie Lian then continued
explaining, "That map will give you the full lay out of the town and where they usually handle that
kind of business. I'll conjure a shadow horse for easy traveling."

Wu Ming opened the scroll on his hands and studied it briefly, his head snapped back to Xie Lian
when he heard his voice again.

"I'll give you the whole day to complete the mission.. Return by dawn."

A mission involving secret trading and business. If one needs to steal something they must first
know know the exact location of their target. Investigating a place like that in a town could take
weeks or if lucky, days. But Wu Ming didn't need to ask any questions further.

If his god wanted him to come back by dawn then he shall be back by dawn without fail.

Wu Ming nodded once more before responding, "This servant understands."

Wu Ming walked out the base with his sabre hung on his waist. He also brought with him the soul
catching device Xie Lian gave to him earlier.

When he told Xie Lian his usual one was still working fine, his god then explained that this one
was slightly different.

This one could store more powerful energies compared to his previous one. It was also more
secured and quick to absorb which was really helpful.

The horse Xie Lian conjured for him was already waiting outside with a leash and it was already
docile when he checked on it.

Wu Ming did a quick final check on everything before he suddenly heard footsteps coming from
the main entrance.

When he saw Xie Lian walking towards him, he gave a respectful bow in greeting.

He froze when he felt a hand underneath his arm, stopping him from bowing any lower. When he
lifted his head, he saw Xie Lian handing him a paper with characters and unfamiliar strokes on it.

When he respectfully took it from his god's fingers he inspected it closer.

It was a signal talisman.

He then heard Xie Lian's voice talk casually, "I heard Cultivators use these talismans to alert people
for emergencies. Keep it with you."

Wu Ming analyzed the talisman for a moment before shifting his gaze to Xie Lian beside him.
Since he was wearing his mask, it didn't look obvious that he wasn't staring down at the mask
anymore but...

The look Xie Lian was wearing right now. His gaze looked as if he was...


The ghost flinched at the audacity of his thoughts. Xie Lian, worried? No, he must have seen it

Unfortunately, that look immediately disappeared before he had a chance to properly glance again.

"In any case, if something happens.. Activate that talisman using your spiritual power. No matter
how long I'll still be able to see it, then I'll come straight away."

"..." Wu Ming looked as if he couldn't believe his words right now. He slowly processed the word
one by one: His god would immediately come if anything happens.. to him?

Wu Ming didn't think about it any further and immediately responded, "This one will make sure to
Xie Lian hummed in satisfaction as he watched his subordinate mount on his horse. He gave him a
few more instructions and final words before watching him run and disappear into the distance.


Xie Lian went back inside and headed for the room where Fang Xin was kept.

He opened the door and stepped in.

As he walked inside, Xie Lian was immediately surrounded with thick and creepy aura coming
from the center of the room where it was heavily strong. He walked towards the center, his eyes
trailed to the giant chains from all four sides surrounding the sword from the hilt to the blade,
keeping Fang Xin still.

The resentful energy from yesterday increased its power yet again. And if his calculation is right,
with the addition of resentful energies Wu Ming brings back by the end of the day,

The sword would be ready.

However before he goes on rampage in Yong An, Xie Lian still needs to make sure that he would
be able to take on the sword. Since the blade would be filled with a lot of resentful energies, then
naturally it would be hard for any person to control the sword while making sure his own body
doesn't become corrupted.

He should be able to hold the sword still and direct it to the enemies he aims it at. If he was
careless, the souls would fly off releasing their resentful energies anywhere they land on. He
doesn't plan on bothering other territories, just one.

Yong-An Kingdom.

The plan was risky but why should he care? Those selfish fools didn't know who they were messing

When they were in need, did they not help them?! When they received refugees did they turn their
backs and not provided them a home?!

Xie Lian's fists clenched tighter. His thoughts continued to go downhill when the sudden sound of
chains rattling caught his attention.

When he turned to the sword, he quickly collected his thoughts and forced himself to calm down.
The chains around the sword prevents it from releasing resentful energy, and since Fang Xin was
Xie Lian's spiritual sword then naturally they are also connected.

Which meant that if his mind was in chaos, the sword would also become unstable.

Xie Lian then proceeded to meditating quietly for a while, just to help him control his emotions
better. Everything was peaceful for a while when the thought of Wu Ming suddenly crossed his

The god's eyes snapped open as he felt something stab on his chest- specifically his heart.

He placed a hand on his chest for a moment before his fingers clutched on his robes.
Wu Ming...

Back then Xie Lian had no way in dealing with the troublesome whispers on his head.

Every time on any random day, the whispers would come at him without warning. It felt as if his
eardrums were gonna explode and bleed out from the incessant whispers and murmurs from
countless voices screaming at his ear. Consequently, this made the headaches unbearable too. He
tried everything in his knowledge and power to suppress it for months: he went from meditating,
resting, using his own spiritual power, to reciting every calming spell he knew but none of them


Wu Ming happened.

At each time Wu Ming is only a few steps away from him, the whispers and torment strangely
becomes faint to none in his head.

Xie Lian had only began to notice the patterns whenever Wu Ming approached him in that state. At
first, he thought that idea was just purely coincidental until it became recurring so he decided to test
it out.

Once he became set with the idea, he had the impression that the whispers must have some
connection with Wu Ming because he was also a resentful ghost himself. The immediate thought
came to mind that what if it had been Wu Ming all along?

What if he had intentionally casted the whispers instead so that he would notice it would stop
whenever he's there to keep him close and put the situation to his advantage. This was one of the
many reasons why he was so harsh to him.

During the past few months, he tested him multiple times to see if his true nature would come out;
to see if he could catch his true face beneath that smiling mask.

He even went as far as to give him unreasonable missions but only to find the ghost obeying
without question as if he was ready to risk his life. No matter how harsh or discreet he tested him,
the ghost had shown nothing but loyalty and devotion to him.

So he dropped the possibility of Wu Ming being a traitor. Well, sort of.

When he turned to the possibility that Wu Ming might be a cure but he was clueless about it, he
observed him closely.

But unfortunately it was really hard to observe someone who hides his expression all day.

So the moment after he removed his mask, his crimson eye proved this suspicions.

He definitely sensed a slight trace of demonic energy in Wu Ming's right eye. He needed to be
closer at the time because the trace was really faint and it was hardly traceable from afar with his
mask on.

What's more was how beautiful it was glowing. Even though the trace of power was faint, there
was something much more powerful beneath it as if his powers were sealed by an unknown
When he was pinning Wu Ming down, it's power probably clashed with the whispers' power, that's
why it decreased until the whispers were completely silent. With that said, this could only prove
that the whisper was someone else's doing- and Xie Lian had a very good idea to whom the culprit
could be.

Since he needed to test it thoroughly, he tracked Wu Ming's schedule of grinding the ink for him
every night. At some times, Xie Lian would purposely cancel their meetings and base his
suspicions through these coincidences until the evidence was concrete enough for him to believe.

During the times Wu Ming wasn't in attendance, there were times that the whispers wouldn't act up
and there were times that it would.

But, he was a 100% sure that in every meeting Wu Ming attended with Xie Lian, it never acted up.

It was the moment he removed his mask that everything became clear. He would have just simply
kept him by his side if that's all he needed to do in order to suppress the whisper's torments but,
what he wasn't expecting was for it to become worse and even more unbearable. After the idiot
provoked him by calling out the calamity to his face, his blood boiled in rage that synced with the
whisper's torments.

On that day, just having that ghost close to him wasn't enough, he needed to be closer.

He would probably have resorted to other options but he didn't have the temper or patience at the
time. So he had to do it what he did despite without Wu Ming's consent. Even if Wu Ming did give
his consent later on, he already knew that the ghost was smart enough to guess that it was out of
duty and not love.

Even though his own history was dark, he wasn't that twisted enough to take someone's chastity for
no reason. Especially when his cultivation path did prevent him from doing any earthly pleasures.
But now... He had done something horrible to Wu Ming. He could have just left him alone but
somehow that feeling was eating him up.

It almost surprised him how his guilt was able to become more bothersome in comparison to his
hunger for revenge.

Thus explains the new robe and vambraces.

Nevertheless, whether his excuse was valid or not, it didn't matter anymore when it had already

It's just that... his memories continues to remind him that this subordinate of his had actually come
twice despite after being forced down like that...

Did.. he actually harbor feelings for him during that time? Or even before..?

Chapter End Notes

Ya'll are going to be surprised by how close and how far Xie Lian deduced in this chapter...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

The Restaurant's Secret
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

After seeing that prayer posture from Wu Ming, Xie Lian knew immediately that Wu Ming was one
of his worshipers when he was still a god.

So who knew if he was doing it out of love or devotion as a believer?

Considering how devoted he was right now as his subordinate, Xie Lian was sure Wu Ming would
do anything for him as long as he gives the word. Therefore, it was really hard to say if what he felt
during that time.

Xie Lian quickly stood up and shook his head. He was thinking too deeply about the matter.

'All this unnecessary thinking.. Why should I care about how he feels when I don't feel anything
about him at all?! If he knows he did it out of his job as my subordinate then it's enough!'

Xie Lian quickly left the room hot-headed.

Wu Ming finally arrived at the town.

He did as he was told. He took off his mask and disguised himself as one of the towns people. He
covered his right eye with bandages so that nobody would suspect him as he blended through the
crowd. It only took him a while before he started copying their similar mannerisms and dialect so
he wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.

He walked around and stopped in front of the restaurant described in the map. It must be the core
building of the business.

From the outside it was completely normal. But who knew that this place running a restaurant as a
business was actually the middle-man in trading powerful souls.

Wu Ming found the map oddly informative than he thought it would be.

Knowing the middle-man's place in trading was a big step in finding the seller's stock. He was
thankful enough that he didn't need to snoop around for a few hours trying to find clues before he
could start digging into the real problem.

In trading, to ensure that no scam was to be found between the seller and the buyer, the middle man
was made. It was also to ensure that both the client and the stock holder's identities were kept a
secret. The only hole in this business was finding a reliable middle-man who wouldn't try to scam
anything halfway the trade.
In order to find the stock-holder of this place, he first needs to find the owner of the place, and in
order to find the owner he needs to find the middle-man.

It would actually be really helpful to him if the owner and stockholder were the same people.

Wu Ming didn't waste time anymore and walked in. Once he was inside, he scanned the place. This
business must surely be flourishing because of the outrageous number of people inside drinking,
gambling, eating, and talking.

Truly what you call a blooming business, too beautiful that the authorities were even blinded to
notice this was the root of all evil.

Wu Ming proceeded to sit at an empty table as he continued to observe the place for clues until a
lady walked towards him.

"What a handsome gege~, how may this waitress serve you?"

Wu Ming stared at her quietly for a moment. Not automatically serving him a menu? There must be
two menu's then. One for regular meals and the other a secret code menu for trading.

He needs to grab his hands on that menu. But how?

He quickly scanned the people holding menus. All The menu's were all the same size and even had
the same cover.

So what else could differentiate them?

"Handsome gege~ if there's anything you're looking for I'm all you need~" The waitress called his
attention once more with a flirty tone.

His eyes widened in realization. Exactly as she said. The type of menu he would be receiving
would depend on her and how he requests for it.

Was it alright to ask her then? Was there a secret code he was supposed to say?

Seeing he would look suspicious if he delays it any longer he took a risk.

"There's something I need.."

"Mhmm~ and what would that be?"

The waitress asked while looking at his expression closely.

Wu Ming gave her a look trying to relay the message that he needs the menu for trading. But he
also wasn't stupid enough to just say it out loud.

"A menu for.. something that involves two or three people."

Wait. that came out wrong-!

He sounded as if he was flirting with her somehow?!?!

Wu Ming mentally slapped himself.

His body flinched when the lady began laughing.

Wu Ming mentally hoped she didn't get the wrong idea but that seemed so unlikely now-

"I understand handsome gege~ you want 'that' menu."

Wu Ming's face was automatically filled with question marks.

'that'? That?! What the hell did she mean by 'that menu' ?!

His face paled as another thought came to mind. Oh god, hopefully there was not a 'third' menu!

He grimaced as he watched her wink before walking away to hand him a menu.

Wu Ming mentally prayed that she wasn't gonna get a menu about matters in bed! If she did, how
was he going to explain it to her?!

Wu Ming forced himself to calm down and remain serious. When he noticed her walking back to
him, his eyes quicklu scanned for the menu on her hand-

A pink menu.

'For the love of dianxia-'

The waitress winked as she handed him the menu.

Wu Ming maintained a calm face as he opened the menu.

He ignored how his hand was trembling right now as he slowly looked through the contents before
mentally sighing in relief.

It showed various price ranges of spirit souls. Thank god for his luck.

He scanned each one by one hopefully he could find any clues to finding the seller and his stock.

Once he reached the last page, there was no clues regarding the owner or stock holder.

When he was out of options once more he looked up to the waitress in front of him. Maybe she
knows something.

He kept his voice neutral, "Miss.. All of these seem great. But I was hoping if I could talk to the
stock holder in person for personal matters."

She blinked and looked as if she wasn't expecting that. She smiled once more as she responded
carefully, "That... You would need to talk to the owner about that person! Only he would know
about.. you-know-who."

The owner!

Wu Ming nodded as he quickly asked once more, "Where can I talk with the owner of this place?"

The lady then pointed to a corner of the restaurant, "Wait by the bar, I'll call him for you~"
Wu Ming thanked her before returning the menu back now that he didn't need it anymore. He then
stood up from his chair and sat to one of the corner seats of the bar.

The bar was located at the side of the restaurant with a slight distance from the main diner. It seems
this bar had a dual purpose too.

As he waited, a girl walked and sat beside him.

Wu Ming side-eyed her for a moment. Was she the owner?

He had expected at some point that the owner would at least look intimidating. But what if it was
really her?

When his eyes scanned her clothes he noticed that it was a costume for plays. Was it a disguise?
Identities are a major priority in trading so there's no telling.

"Hello there, I heard you're looking for the seller.."

Wu Ming became alert and immediately shot her a glare. Was his conversation with the waitress
too loud?

"I don't know what you're-"

"If it's the seller you're looking for I know where he is. You see... I went to buy a resentful soul that
could at least kill a household but I didn't have the money so... He offered me another type of
payment and I payed accordingly."

Wu Ming immediately understood what she meant.

So technically in this world of trading he was currently in, you can either pay using money or your

How convenient. But what was she trying to tell him?

As if she read his mind, she suddenly turned and wrapped her hands around his left arm as she
rested her body weight on him, letting him feel her gigantic breasts on him.

Wu Ming's expression quickly shifted from shock to disgust as he tried to release her grip on him.
He forced himself to kill her on the spot for recklessly touching him like that.

When he successfully removed her grip from him, the girl snickered.


Her shamelessness must know no bounds as she proceeds to lean close to his ear and whispered,

"Talking to the boss is taking the long way and it's gonna take you an even longer time to convince
him to tell you where the stockholder is. But just accompany me tonight, afterwards you'd be
knocking on his door by morning."

She offered leaving a sudden lick on his ear as Wu Ming quickly pushed her away making her fall
off her chair as Wu Ming quickly wiped his ear from disgust and rage.
How fucking dare she?!

Some people noticed but sure enough in a business like this, it happens more often than one meets
the eye.

She stood up and cleaned herself. She humphed, "Tough one, I like it! But just think about my
offer. If you think after getting there would get you a one-on-one time with the big boss then you're
wrong! With my help, I can even give you two time to talk alone! I wouldn't pass up on this chance
if I were you. "

Wu Ming clenched his fists.

It seems getting to the stockholder was going to be harder than he thought.

Chapter End Notes

Girl, you're lucky XL wasn't there or he would have straight up murdered you XD

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The lady then left with him her house address written on the paper before she left.

Wu Ming glared at the paper for a second before crumpling it.

As if he would he accept such an offer!!!

He would never even dream of bedding a woman especially after he had just shared his bed with-

A memory of him and Xie Lian sharing a passionate night suddenly popped in his mind, finishing
his sentence for him.

The ghost quickly looked away with a hand covering his face.

His face blushed heavily underneath his hand while grumbling to himself, 'Why must it be a time
when I'm not wearing my mask?'

His heart and body had already belonged to his god. His mission was to gather resentful souls that
Xie Lian needed. Xie Lian trusted him enough to take on a difficult task, he wasn't weak enough to
resort to shortcuts such as this!

...What would his god even think of him if he learns that he considered an offer like this?

He mentally slapped himself. One, that was impossible. Two, Xie Lian wouldn't probably care how
he handles the matter as long as it was completed.

Wu Ming sighed and calmed himself down until the blush on his face disappeared. Once he was
finally calmed down, he heard footsteps coming towards him not long after.

A tall muscular guy stood before him. One of his eyes got scarred and he was wearing dull robes
that showed his bare chest too much. Both of his hands had black vambraces on, and his hair tied in
a loose tail that was hanging behind his neck.

He crossed his arms before giving him an unconcealed judgemental look. "Waitress said you

Wu Ming's gaze back at him was just as cold, "I came to ask if I could speak to the stockholder. I
was hoping to discuss private matters with him."

The man at the bar suddenly laughed at him ridiculously as if he had just asked to see a god or
something. Wu Ming clenched his fists under the table and tried to remain calm.

"And what makes you think you could just easily approach the guy? I hope you don't think that we
just randomly hand out exclusive information to just anyone."

Wu Ming quickly defended himself, "Ofcourse I don't think that-..."

He quickly shut his mouth when a guy wearing robes as white as snow with a hat suddenly sat
beside him.

Wu Ming gritted his teeth. He was discussing private manners yet this guy just had to sit right next
to him of all the empty seats.

He was about to use one of his remaining patience to kindly ask the cloaked man beside him to
leave when he noticed the bar man eyeing the guy in such a cautious manner like he was someone
who ought to be respected.

So Wu Ming took this opportunity and intentionally raised his voice.

"I understand that identities are important but your stockholder wouldn't want to miss the kind of
offer I'm about to give him."

The cup the person beside him was about to drink suddenly froze just before it touched his lips
before slowly bringing it back down on the bar table.


The bar man's gaze hesitantly shifted to the man beside him. Just as Wu Ming suspected.

If the guy beside him was truly someone important, he wouldn't dare spout nonsense. For a moment
the guy seemed like he was in a dilemma before the person next to Wu Ming finally spoke,

"An offer?"

Wu Ming was expecting another rough voice but unexpectedly, a soft euphonious voice reached his
ears instead. He tried scanning his face once more but the hat was blocking his face.

The guy beside him hummed as if he wanted to know more.

Wu Ming pondered if telling him would reap any benefits. Right now he doesn't know this man's
identity, and he couldn't waste his time talking to someone when Xie Lian's waiting for him back

Thus he boldly stated, "Excuse me, but the conversation has nothing to do with you."

Wu Ming's gave then turned icy as he added,

"..Or does it?"

The cloaked man laughed softly, "Who knows?"

That was it? Wu Ming's patience was running out. He had no time to play guessing games with this
guy when the clock is ticking and the day was almost over. Even though he knows Xie Lian would
understand if he came home a day late since the mission was crucial to succeed; but despite that, he
didn't want to keep his god waiting.

Wu Ming shot him a glare, "I have no time for-"

"Find someone for me... Then I'll tell you where the stockholder."
Wu Ming was silent for a moment. "And what makes you think I can trust you to keep your

The guy beside him laughed dryly, "Haha.. You can ask the old man in front of you if I'm lying or

Calling the restaurant owner of the big illegal business an 'old man' despite his young looking age?
Just how bold was this guy?

Wu Ming glanced back at the restaurant owner who had been quiet the whole time. In fact, he even
looked like he wouldn't dare comment after he had just been insulted to his face.

And despite that, he gave him a nod in response.

Wu Ming mentally sighed and pondered for a moment. If this guy could truly be trusted, then he
should take the deal as long as the person he needed to find was within the town then he can track
them down in a few hours. He was also running out of options so this was the best he could do.

Wu Ming sighed, "Alright. Who do you want me to find?"

The guy beside him was silent for a moment, "There's.. a wanted person in this town. He's
practically famous around here only after a day. If you have been in this town long enough, you'd
probably already know whom I'm referring to by now."

Wu Ming suddenly froze.

This question...

Was it a test to see whether or not he's from this town? When did he started doubting him?

"I.. Left the town about a week ago and had only come back now. So unfortunately I've not yet
caught up with what's happening around the town."

"I see."


Wu Ming tried to track down any sign of changes in his tone or behavior. Thankfully though his
manner of response didn't seem to have any ulterior meaning other than understatement.

"The guy killed our four beloved exorcists- specifically the four pillars of the town. He doesn't have
a name but he's famous for his...

...smiling mask."

Chapter End Notes

Also we wouldn't be able to see Xie Lian for a few chapters but you know what they say...
Distance creates fondness! ( ^∇^)

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter Notes

If you carefully read the tags I mentioned I would be adding non-canon characters.

Enjoy! <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

His smiling mask.


Wu Ming wasn't sure he was going to consider himself lucky or not.

He had forgotten how long he was silent after finding out that this guy's target was him. When his
gaze shifted back to the person beside him, he eyed him for a moment before testing the waters.

"I see.. What do you plan on doing with him once you find out?"

His stomach sunk slightly when the cloaked guy wasn't answering anymore. Was the question too
personal? He quickly tried thinking of alternative questions when the guy suddenly responded,

"That's between the two of us. However I don't have any ill intentions."

With that said, Wu Ming faced the bar table again. A long silence passed them before he

"You're sitting right beside him."

The guy seemed to have stopped breathing after that. Before he knew it, he was facing him.
Revealing his face and astonished expression underneath the hat.

Wu Ming stared at him back with his guard still up. The guy was astonished, but it didn't seem like
he was smiling because the person he wanted to find was beside him all along, but more on as if he
had just found out his suspicions were right.

The smile on the guy next to him suddenly developed to a laugh. Shortly after, he held out a hand
to him with a bright smile. Wu Ming stared at the hand for a moment before shifting his gaze back
to his face.

'What a weird way of introducing yourself when you're currently staring at the person who
murdered your people.'

Surprisingly, the guy's smile deepened as if he knew exactly what he was thinking. "Nice to meet
you young warrior, I am Yue Shuang."
His gaze turned dark as he added,

"... The stockholder."

Wu Ming slowly squeezed his eyes shut. I knew it.

He slowly lend his own hand before the two finally shook hands. He took this opportunity to study
Yue Shuang from head to toe once more. His initial impression of the stockholder was completely
the opposite. He first thought the big boss was going to be another tall musclehead looking guy
while sitting down on some throne while being guarded by another bunch of muscleheads.

But instead, he was introduced to this cunning looking master. In short, he was worse.

People who uses their brains more in a fight was far more challenging than a person who uses fists.

"Now that we have finally introduced ourselves, let's head to a private room shall we?"

Wu Ming nodded in response and followed him silently. What did he want him exactly for?

To avenge the four pillars perhaps?

Wu Ming clenched his sabre.

No. There was an obvious sarcasm on his voice when he mentioned 'beloved' exorcists. There was
no way he would be friends with them anyway. In fact, his business would flourish even more after
their deaths.

They walked to an isolated street before Wu Ming was met to a tall regular looking house. After
they stepped inside, Yue Shuang offered him a seat but Wu Ming rejected it He couldn't afford
wasting anymore time chatting.

"Let's get straight to the point. What do you want from me?"

Yue Shuang sat on the couch across him leisurely instead, "I'll give you an idea, what is an illegal
business owner's weakness?"

Wu Ming found this guy either unreasonable or plainly ignorant. He had just said he wanted to get
straight to the point but he started making him guess things again.

But that question was simple enough. If he was running an illegal business, his enemies would
obviously be:

"The authorities."

Yue Shuang clapped his hands with a big smile, "And whom does the authorities listen to?"

Obviously the answer would be the one incharge of handling them but Wu Ming felt like this
question would go on and on and just answered directly to the one with the highest position in

"The town's governor"

Yue Shuang nodded in satisfaction once more, "Exactly!"

When the guy's eyes opened again to stare back at Wu Ming, his lips curved in a way that the ghost
knew by heart. This was the smile Xie Lian shows when he knows something bad was going to
happen, or end up dying in his hands that it already satisfies him just thinking about it.

"Kill him."

Wu Ming only stared at those power hungry eyes staring back at him. Now the situation made
sense, killing the town's pillars was just the first step. Killing the town's head would put Yue
Shuang's business at peak. The authorities would have no power over him and he could run his
business however he pleases.

But there's just one hole to his plan: how is he going to handle the town governor's board of

If Yue Shuang only wants him to kill the person on the top seat, wouldn't the person below him
automatically take over?

Yue Shuang suddenly chuckled as if he had already guessed what he was thinking yet again, "You
see, there's a lot more than what meets the eye. I'm actually well known here. Plainly speaking, I'm
the vice governor of this town. People knows me for being a calm and a person who's good with his
Judgement. Getting the people's trust is a piece of cake. Thanks for worrying about me though. "

Wu Ming had half the mind to roll his eyes about that last statement.

"If I kill the town's governor, you must give me all your powerful resentful souls in return."

Yue Shuang almost immediately agreed. He stood up and led him to a basement.

Just from the thick aura alone, he could tell he had a lot of stock in his basement. If any person
were to randomly stumble here accidentally, this guy would be exposed of his crimes immediately.
But judging from his character, he would easily find a way to get people to his side and twist the

Yue Shuang lit the candles and Wu Ming was shocked by the amount of resentful energy this guy
was keeping. Anywhere he looked from left to right, giant shelves filled the room heavily stocked
with resentful energies inside a containment box.

"I'm sure this is enough proof that I'm the stockowner, You may take your pick and leave

Take his pick? He was going to take every single resentful soul in this room. If anything, this was
the perfect moment for Wu Ming to take out his soul collecting device that was given to him by Xie

But after taking a closer look, he noticed that the containment box was actually locked with a
special talisman that kept anything from unsealing it. Wu Ming gave a small tsk. He had no choice
but to let Yue Shuang have his way.

After a moment Wu Ming asked, "How would you like me to eliminate the town's governor?"

Yue Shuang thought for a moment.

Wu Ming already knew Yue Shuang wouldn't let him kill the town's governor in his sleep. People
would then be suspicious of Yue Shuang for conspiracy.

Yue Shuang walked back to the living room and sat on his couch, Wu Ming followed him.

"Tomorrow, he will be personally seeing the burial places of the four pillars making sure that it's
ready for people to mourn in the following days. He will be going with his assistant, kill the town's
governor and put the blame on the assistant."

Wu Ming's eyes darkened.

He was about to mention that someone was expecting him by the end of the day but he thought that
telling him would only be inviting trouble for him in the future.

He was lucky enough that everyone mistook it was him who killed their town's pillars. He wouldn't
have gotten to this point otherwise if Yue Shuang looked for Xie Lian instead.

Hold on.

'Something is wrong.'

"I have a question."

Yue Shuang inclined his head and waited.

"Why did you believe I'm the one you're looking for so easily?"

Yue Shuang chuckles and responded,

"Probably because it's obvious you're not from around here. The way you asked for a menu says it

Wu Ming quickly looked away irritated as he was reminded of that humiliation earlier. Just when
he thought nobody could've heard him too. Yue Shuang continued to grin teasing him.

'How the hell did he find out about that?!'

It seems he was already in the crowd before.

Wu Ming cleared his throat as he began to walk away

"Let's order a menu again some time~"

Yue Shuang teased once more but Wu Ming pretended he didn't hear him and continued walking.

Wu Ming rested against the tree as nightfall came. He went back to the topic thinking what was Xie
Lian gonna do if he went home later than unexpected. Although he already concluded that Xie Lian
would be more than fine without him, but he was worried if his problem starts acting up again and
there was no one to help him find a release.

Wu Ming shook his head once more after that thought. Xie Lian had only used him once and that
doesn't mean he'd want him again! Plus, it was more of an accident. Xie Lian didn't know what he
was doing at the time and even sent him new robes for compensation.
It'll probably never happen again.

Chapter End Notes

Posting two chapters today be sure to check the next one!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡


Yuè Shuāng 月霜 - Yuè meaning 'Moon' Shuāng meaning 'Frost'

(I'm not Chinese lol but I wanted the name to mean that he is clear and bright as the moon but
the heart cold as ice. )

For the people who knows Chinese please correct me nicely if I'm wrong or suggest a chinese
character that suits better for the name <3 Thank you!
More Than What Meets The Eye
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The following morning came and the day of the mission began. Wu Ming secretly followed the
town's governor who walked along with his assistant towards the burial places of the four pillars
that he and his god killed. Once the two were alone from the crowd, he hid at a closer range.

Unexpectedly, both were wearing masks covering half of their faces and long capes to cover their
bodies. Wu Ming needed to wait until he could discern which was the target and which was the

Wu Ming was sitting on a thick branch of a tall tree, blending quietly as he waited patiently. Not
long after, he overhears one of them sighing. His voice deep and low as he spoke solemnly,

"Four pillars... Dead in one day.. So unfortunate."

The softer figure beside him nodded in agreement.

Wu Ming's gaze narrowed at them suspiciously. It would really be a missed opportunity if he fails
to guess which of the two was the target. He thought that if he couldn't discern them from clothing,
he could only try to gather clues from their manner of talking. Usually the one with the lower rank
would be more docile and respectable to the superior one.

The guy on the left continued, "The Five pillars in our town.. Left with only one alive.."

Wu Ming froze from shock. Five pillars? But weren't there only supposed to be four???

The ghost continued dwelling on the unexpected information deeper until a sudden thought forced
him to suck in a cold breath.

'Could it be-'

The one with a shorter figure suddenly spoke up, "Young master Yue Shuang is still probably
locked in his room mourning. He hasn't gone out for days."

"Naturally, they were his comrades after all."

The one on the left spoke as he removed his mask as he placed flowers on each graves.

"Master, let me!"

Wu Ming's eyes widened as he saw the golden opportunity unfold before him. He quickly set aside
his thoughts for now and took his chance.

He used the giant branch of a tree to where he was standing on to angle himself before kicking hard
and pushing himself towards them at a quick speed as he slayed the one standing on the right with a
single slash.
And just like that, a head dropped to the floor; spurting thick blood from his neck, eyes, nose, and

The servant standing beside the corpse's body froze from shock, barely comphrending what
happened just now. He was only able to snap out of his horrid stare once the headless body
plopped beside the head. The servant flinched before shifting his gaze to the murderer standing
infront of him.

When their eyes met, he almost stumbled to the ground with how cold and terrifying those eyes
were that was staring back at him.


Wu Ming was quick to cover his mouth before he even got the chance to scream and shoved the
bloodstained sword to his hand as he kicked him towards the town governor's dead body making
him trip and fall before leaving without a trace.

The servant flinched from all the blood and screamed in horror, "NO! COME BA-"

But just before the assistant could finish his sentence, a crowd suddenly appeared before him. A
few gasped and a few screamed at the sight.

WHen the servant finally realized what was happening he quickly dropped the sword as he

"H-how c-can you say when if you have the sword on your hand!!"

A few of them begann whispering amongst themselves, "There's blood on him too.."

He immediately dropped the sword as he quickly tried to defend himself, "NO! YOU'RE ALL

Unfortunately for him, not one believed in his words and continued to murmur.

Yue Shuang who was with the crowd quickly ran over to him and cried.

"Da ge!!! How.. How could you do such a thing!!"

Wu Ming was hiding while watching the scene, he only stayed to make sure everything went
according to plan. He was about to return to immediately receive his payment when unexpectedly
Yue Shuang was actually here too!

Wu Ming gritted his teeth in anger, 'That bastard-'

Yue Shuang must've thought the plan would go even more smoothly if he was here but that wasn't
part of their agreement because it would mean Wu Ming would have to be forced to stay longer so
he could unlock those containers!

Wu Ming mentally cursed, he should've asked for the key to the locks beforehand!

And as it turns out, Yue Shuang actually wanted to kill his own brother too.
"Yue Shuang suffered another heavy blow.."

"Poor Yue Shuang.."

"He had just lost his comrades, now his own brother?!"

"Yue Guang was Yue Shuang's only family left after the death of the four pillars.."

The whispers continued to trail on even more.

Once Yue Shuang thought he cried and wailed enough, he quickly pointed his finger to the
direction of the servant.

"The evidence is here, what else is there to prove?! Someone arrest him!"

The servant resisted while screaming he was innocennt but unfortunately he was only seen as a fool
who attempted to kill his master.

And just like that, he was then taken away.

Wu Ming's gaze darkened even more. To betray your own clan's principles behind their backs by
running an illegal business, to kill your own brother for power.. The human hearts were really too
cruel for this world.

Nightfall came and Yue Shuang finally arrived at his home. By the time he lighted the candles to
illuminate the room, someone was more or less unexpectedly sitting down on his couch with a
pissed expression.

Yue Shuang's shocked face quickly melted to a half-hearted smile.

"Forgive me for the delay. I had to deal with the people first. Now, the resentful souls is what you're
after right?"

Wu Ming continued to glare at him.

How fucking dare he make him wait until nightfall when they clearly had an agreement! He's really
asking for his life!

Wu Ming pointed his sabre to him.

"I already know what you're planning."

Yue Shuang froze for a moment before sitting down.

"I don't know what you're talking ab-"

Wu Ming quickly interrupted him, "Then allow me to help you remember!"

While painfully waiting for Shu Yuang to come back and seal his end of the bargain, the hours Wu
Ming waited gave him a lot of time to realize some things. "The four pillars were sent on a mission
to help exorcize the resentful spirits on the neighboring village-- more specifically the village you
and your people destroyed yourselves. Yet isn't that so weird to why only four people had come to
back them up when there's five of you, Since you guys are the so called Five Pillars"

Wu Ming gritted his teeth in anger as he mentioned the last part. But he was more irritated by
something else.

"You were behind hiding that day! That's how you were sure that I was the one you were looking

Yue Shuang crossed his arms and cocked a brow with a smug still written on hs face. "So what if I
was hiding on that day? What's that got to do anything with our business right now?"

Wu Ming increased his grasp on the sabre in anger.

"The governor position was just part of something what you were truly after!!"

A smile crept on Yue Shuang.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

Wu Ming gritted his teeth,

"You wanted my master's sword! When you saw the amount of resentful energy in my master's
sword, you purposely didn't join their attack! That's why you continued to hide! You somehow gave
my master the map to your own village and deliberately led me here!!"

Yue Shuang's smile didn't disappear as he continued to listen.

"You saw that the sword could've been your ticket to a lifetime fortune!"

Wu Ming added, "That's not all. When your brother, the town's governor, who turned out to also be
the chief exorcist saw that they were failing from the mission, you had hoped that my master would
kill him too! But unfortunately for you he didn't."

"And now, after giving my master the bait, you had expected him to arrive here alone or with me."

Wu Ming's smiled ruefully, "But unfortunately for you again, I came alone."

Yue Shuang then stopped him right there with a hand.

Wu Ming watched him for a quiet moment. The room was heavily silent until a snicker reached his
ears that slowly turned to a sinister laugh.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!! What a smart dog you are! Yes, that's right. It was me who deliberately tried to
lead your master in my web but I got the junior version instead. However, I wouldn't say that the
plan didn't completely fail, at least the position for town's governor/clan leader is just in my

He added, "You also weren't a bad dog either.. Running around doing errands for another master
behind his back."
Wu Ming gritted his teeth in anger. He tried really hard to hold himself back from killing him as
the crazy man continued to speak,

"There's always room for negotiation in business you know? I'll keep you here with me until your
master comes to fetch you himself!"

Wu Ming could almost laugh before he stared at him deadpanned, "He won't come. Even if he did,
you saw his abilities didn't you? You can still escape this gamble alive just give me what you

Yue Shuang continued to remain stubborn. He really had his eyes on that sword.

"Oh? He won't come?" He murmured ruefully. He pressed a finger against his chin as if he was

"I wonder what I should do in order for him to show up then? Should I kill you? Torture you? Make
you cry until he hears it from dozens of Li away?"

Wu Ming snickered, "Kill me? I'd like to see you try!"

Yue Shuang wouldn't let him leave. Wu Ming wouldn't leave without the resentful souls either.

Yue Shuang took out his own sword and unsheathed it.

"This sword is gifted to me by my brother you know.." Yue Shuang said as his fingers brushed
along the sharp blade. He gazed at his own reflection before angling it in a certain way,

"It's used for exorcising ghosts."

Wu Ming felt his own chest tighten, emitting a laugh out of Yue Shuang.

"Perhaps I should do my brother in the heavens a favor and perform one last exorcism to give him
some face."

Was he bluffing? If that's a sword for exorcising ghosts then he'd be at a disadvantage!

Wu Ming remained calm, "What makes you so sure that I'm a ghost?"

Yue Shuang scoffed, "I'd know if someone was breathing or not. I'm an exorcist remember?
Differentiating ghosts from humans were taught to me before I could even walk!"

He suddenly dashed towards him as he finished his sentence. Luckily Wu mIng's reflexes were
quick as he dodged to the side and changed his stance. His fingers twitched, suddenly becoming
more painfully aware of the talisman kept in his pocket.

He glanced at his pocket for a second, Should he call for XIe Lian's help?

He remembers how his god looked when he told him about the talisman when he gave it to him. He
mentioned that he should use the talisman wen he finds himself in danger.

Should he?
No, no! He can't! Wu Ming quickly rejected the thought. If he can't even complete this mission on
his own he'd be disappointing Xie Lian!

Plus he had already been more than delayed to go home, if he calls for Xie Lian then he'd be really
asking for it!!!

Another wave of attack suddenly flashed to his direction, snapping him out of his thoughts as he
quickly dodged away once more.

That was really a close one!

Yue Shuang's voice reached his ears once more. "Avoiding my attacks like this. If you are human
you would know that it would have no effect on you other than.. well.. Getting blown away."

Wu Ming quickly forced himself to focus on his mission first. Right now all he needed to avoid was
Yue Shuang's attacks and find any possible openings.

"Even if you won't tell me I have my ways on how to alert your master so I don't really need to
hesitate on killing you!!"

He raised his sword and slashed another wave of attacks. Wu Ming avoided them all and retorted,

"How? Using the same way on how you managed to deliver the scroll to master?!"

He then quickly used this chance to pull out his sabre before quickly flashing towards him, causing
his sabre to clash against Yue Shuang's blade.

Yue Shuang laughed as if he was reoying that the ghost was finally fighting back, "You'll see."

With a quick move, he had quickly slapped the sabre off of Wu Ming's hand and pinned him down
in a quick motion. Wu Ming was laying flat on his stomach with one hand behind his back that was
being pressed by Yue Shuang. The ghost flinched and quickly attempted to use his feet to escape
but it was quickly pinned down by Yue Shuang's knees as well.

"There's.. No escape!" Yue SHuang laughed like a maniac.

Wu Ming continued to struggle but the person above him was really too heavy and strong. He only
froze and stilled when he suddenly felt the sharp edge of the sword against his neck.

"You better bring me your master right now! In that way, I might spare you and even grant you a
reincarnation spell!"

Wu Ming was furious. Furious at himself.

'If only I was stronger!'

'If only I had more power!'

'If only I was smarter!'

He hated being pressed to the corner like this! He promised to protect Xie Lian yet he couldn't even
protect himself from this!
But he was still not strong enough!

Wu Ming gritted his teeth in anger and yelled.

"I would rather die a horrible death than betray my master!!"

Yue Shuang clicked his tongue in disappointment,

"I'm only asking for your master is that so hard?!!"

Wu Ming was about to argue until a very very familiar dark voice was heard from the dark,

"You called for me?"

In that very moment. Wu Ming's world came to an abrupt stop.

His body froze, his breath hitched as that familiar voice reached his ear. It continued to echo in his
mind as he slowly looked up to the familiar figure slowly revealing himself from the shadows.

Wu Ming's body trembled in fear as he continued staring up at the slowly revealing figure. And this
time, Wu Ming was sure this was no illusion.

His own gaze almost immediately locked into those terrifyingly golden eyes that stood out from the
dark stared back at him while holding a sword with one hand.

The ghost breathed out,

"Your Highness.."

Chapter End Notes

Yuè Guāng 月光 - Yuè meaning 'Moon' Guāng meaning 'light'

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Unexpected Support
Chapter Notes

!!! Daily reminder to READ. THE. TAGS.

To avoid conflict and confusion : D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Your Highness.."

In that very moment. Wu Ming's world came to an abrupt stop.

His body froze solid as that familiar voice kept echoing in his ear as he continued to look up to the
familiar figure standing a few feet from him.

He looked as if he was doubting his own eyes as the thought slowly came to mind.

'What are you...doing here?'

His mind continued to blank out. Xie Lian was not supposed to be here!

Xie Lian's cold half-lidded gaze stared down at the ghost's position; shamefully being pinned down
by a mortal with a sword against his neck.

Wu Ming could already tell from his gaze alone. What else could be more embarrassing than
letting his god see the state he was in right now?

The ghost's lower lip wobbled before turning his head away, unable to look at him anymore from
too much shame. He thought that he must've taken too long that Xie Lian had to come see the
situation himself.

Xie Lian's cold gaze now slowly shifted to Yue Shuang who was still on top of Wu Ming, looking
also stunned from his sudden appearance.

The mortal could tell from his terrifyingly powerful aura alone that this was exactly the person he
was looking for. When he realized this, a grin formed to his lips.

"You... You're finally here! I thought I was gonna have to torture this one until you came!"

Xie Lian's gaze darkened. The God's gaze looked as if he was looking at shit. The way he was
holding Wu Ming made Xie Lian's stomach twist and turn; a sense of possessiveness overwhelming
him as he marked in a grave voice.

"How dare you touch him."

Immediately after, the resentful aura in the room suddenly intensified that the walls began to shake.
Xie Lian raised the sword Fang Xin and directed it at Yue Shuang.

The mortal quickly backed away from Wu Ming frightened, he raised his hands as a sign of peace.
"Wait-! Wait! Please hear me out! I swear we can make a good deal if you would just hear my

Unfortunately Xie Lian wasn't a person he could just negotiate with. Dark shadows slowly began to
creep around the blade of Fang Xin, intensifying the thick and resentful atmosphere of the room.

Yue Shuang quickly got on his knees and begged,


Xie Lian sneered, "Your brother would've said the same words to you."

In an instant, Yue Shuang's face paled before his expression immediately turned to rage.


Xie Lian continued to stare at him expressionless as he tilted his head slightly to the side. His eyes
narrowed like a predator targeting his prey.

His voice was so cold and daunting and it carried an edge that would've sounded threateningly
seductive to Wu Ming's ears if his following words were used in a different context:

"That gods?" Xie Lian laughed.

"I am god."

In an instant, numerous of resentful souls shot out of fang xin and chased after him in a terrifying

Yue Shuang's eyes widened in horror. A scream hadn't even escaped his throat when the resentful
spirits had already reached to him and swallowed him alive until not a single bone or a drop of
blood remained.

Wu Ming witnessed the whole thing. He was still sitting on the ground frozen shock from the entire
scene. Once again, he was reminded of how terrifying his god could be while turning his head
slowly back at him.

His body flinched the moment their eyes locked again before quickly positioning himself in a
knowtow position and remained like that as if he was a criminal admitting his crime.

"Get up."
Unfortunately Wu Ming's guilt continued to eat him up. He couldn't even force himself to stand up
after his god witnessed how badly he fucked up the mission.

When his order was denied, the god stared at him in silence before he turned to lift his sword again.
Wu Ming's body braced as if he was guessing if his god was going to either slice him to parts or
suck his soul into the sword.

Either way, he knows he deserves any kind of punishent Xie Lian gives. He closed his eyes and
gaves in to resignation.

The ghost waited for that agonizing pain to eat his body and soul but unexpectedly, the black smoke
did start to creep from the ground but it wasn't his.

It emitted from every direction of the room and it was especially thick from the ground.

Wu Ming only then understood that Xie Lian must be taking the resentful souls out of the basement
even without needing the key to unlock the containers.

And just like that... The mission was over.

Wu Ming swallowed hard. Not only did he fuck up badly, he also made his god do his own orders.

Useless. Utterly useless.

When they reached at the foot of the town, Xie Lian summoned two horses for transportation back
home. They mounted the horses and began their journey back home in silence.

None of them uttered a word to each other.

Wu Ming's anxiety was going to kill him. He would rather much have Xie Lian lashing his anger
out on him rather than to suffocate him with this silence treatment between them.

If he were Xie Lian, he would've probably already chosen to abandon him from his incompetence.

Exactly what face did he have left?


After the most agonizing journey Wu Ming ever had, they finally arrived at the base.

Xie Lian left Wu Ming's side to put Fang Xin back to its room before walking back to his office,
only to find the ghost already kneeling at the center of the room.


The thick atmosphere only became even more suffocating when the silence continued to draw out
after Xie Lian walked in.
Wu Ming was more than aware that his god had already walked inside the room and saw him
kneeling before his table like a pathetic slave he ought to throw out. He clenched the fists on his
side and continued to remain quiet.

He was keeping his mouth shut because he had hoped that Xie Lian would finally break their
silence and lash out on him to appease his anger.

He might've been desperate for this in order to satisfy his guilt and shame boiling inside him as
well. But once again to his confusion, Xie Lian still hasn't said a word and continued standing at
the doorframe in silence.

Wu Ming swallowed hard and tried his best to conceal his trembling limbs.

If his god was planning to give him another chance to redeem himself, he would do anything if it
meant he could stay by his side. He thought of ways on what he should do to in order to placate his
god's anger but he had absolutely no idea on what he should do.

He remained still when he heard Xie Lian's footsteps once more. This time he heard the god
walking towards his table before the sound of paper and brushes reached his ears as well.

Wu Ming didn't dare say anything and continued kneeling until an hour passed when his god finally

"Did you think about what you did wrong while kneeling?"

Suddenly heading the voice of Xie Lian after the agonizing silence caught him off guard. He
swallowed before speaking carefully, almost stuttering in the process.

"This.. This useless servant failed to bring back the resentful souls from the town."

Xie Lian suddenly stopped writing.

Wu Ming squeezed his eyes shut, knowing exactly that he fucked up yet again.

Not good. Filling the silence with the sound of the brush's tip against the paper was the only thing
helping Wu Ming hold himself back from breaking down in apology.

Now that it was a complete silence between them, Wu Ming thought he might be just killed by too
much pressure anytime soon.

Wu Ming bit his lower lip until he tasted blood.

He was waiting to be reprimanded but once again, Xie Lian's tone caught him off guard:

"What are you talking about? All of the resentful souls I needed from the town are now inside Fang

Hearing that Xie Lian was confused, Wu Ming rephrased his previous answer.

"Your Highness.. I-.. I failed to deliver the souls to you myself. I failed to come home before dawn-
and.. You even have to come personally just to save this useless servant."

Xie Lian's face suddenly darkened afterwards.

Wu Ming's head was slightly raised when he said this so he could show his god just how guilty he
felt, but this also gave him the chance to witness this change of expression from his god.

Xie Lian's expression grew darker as he unexpectedly sneered, "So you'd rather stay there longer
than you intend to?"

Hearing that Xie Lian misunderstood what he had just said, he quickly raised his voice to explain.

"No! Your Highness I just..wanted to complete the mission on myㅡ"

Xie Lian slammed the brush against the table, cutting Wu Ming's words and almost snapping the
brush in half as the god stood up from his chair in anger.

Xie Lian looked like he had had enough listening. His resentful energy was enough to suffocate as
he stormed towards Wu Ming and roughly pulled on his collar, forcing the ghost to look at him
directly in the eye

"I gave you a signal talisman for a reason!!!"

Wu Ming's nerves were trembling from fear. His brows furrowed while he guiltily nodded, fully
acknowledging his wrong.

Perhaps he had been selfish at the time. He had wanted to complete the mission without bothering
his god and make him proud. But instead, this happened.

"This servant was wrongㅡ"

"You deliberately disobeyed me!! I gave you strict instructions and what did you do?!" Xie Lian
interrupted angrily before Wu Ming could even finish his own sentence.

Wu Ming's lower lip started to wobble but he quickly swallowed the tears down as he tried to calm
the rising emotions from his throat.

'It's alright. He would take any punishments as long as Xie Lian doesn't kick him out.' He consoled
himself until Xie Lian finally had removed his hand from him and walked towards the glass

"Let me ask you again, what did you do wrong?"

Wu Ming tried to calm the fears in his body first while pondering over the question once more. If it
wasn't because he failed the mission... Then.. Was it because he didn't come home on time?

"I.. Didn't return by dawn."

Xie Lian hummed in response, causing the ghost to feel slightly relieved before kneeling once

"This servant deserves to be punished. I was wrong."


After a moment Xie Lian finally sighed, "Alright enough. You already kneeled for an entire hour,
consider your punishment done. Stand up."
Seeing that Xie Lian wasn't that furious anymore, and wouldn't most likely throw him out, Wu
Ming obeyed and slowly stood up with his head down.

The god then walked towards him and slowly began removing the bandage covering his right eye,
causing the ghost to quickly avoid his gaze from shock.

This made the god slightly irritated, he looked like was about to throw a fit when he suddenly
smelled an unfamiliar trace from his ear.

He must've been to angry to notice it earlier, but catching the trace of it now, he pulled Wu Ming's
head closer with a hand behind his neck to check closely.

It was definitely not Wu Ming's scent... It was more of a flowery scent that was entirely different
than his own natural scent. In other words...

A woman's scent.

Xie Lian's grip on Wu Ming's shoulder tightened, at the same time Wu Ming had just realized the

He gasped sharply as he quickly turned to face Xie Lian, "W-wait!! Your Highness it's not what you
ㅡ ah!"

When Wu Ming opened his eyes again, he was already roughly pinned against the wall.

His grip on him was so tight that it honestly hurt. He could hear Xie Lian's voice boiling from
anger behind him as the god spoke,

"Wu Ming,"

Then he laughed darkly, "Was this the reason why you badly wanted to hold up your departure from
that fucking town?!"

Wu Ming panicked, "No! Your Highness! I would nevㅡ"

Xie Lian suddenly grabbed the back of his neck, almost putting him in a chokehold as a threat that
he would snap his neck into two if he kept spouting anymore nonsense.

"Putting your needs first before your duties.. Wu Ming, you're getting bolder.."

Wu Ming shook his head. Choking on his words and tears as he pleaded, "Y.. Your Highness I
promise didn'tㅡ"

"Bullshit!!" Xie Lian yelled.

Wu Ming winced from pain when Xie Lian's grip on him was becoming too tight that his nails were
penetrating into his skin and drawing blood.

The ghost whimpered in his grip when he saw the god's gaze screaming with terror and anger.

Xie Lian's voice reached his ears once more, "You ungrateful dog dare to forget who you serve?
Very well, I'll engrave that information inside your stupid brain so you won't dare fucking forget it
The god suddenly ripped his collar open and pulled it down from his shoulders. If Wu Ming had a
beating heart now, it would probably have exploded from the intense feelings he was feeling right

"Let's see if you can still remember even going to that town after this."

One hand was still pinning Wu Ming up against the glass window, not allowing the ghost to move
an inch while Xie Lian loosened his own robes.

Wu Ming's gaze widened when two fingers suddenly thrusted inside of him carelessly; he grunter
harshly as it twisted inside him only for a few moments barely even opening him up properly
before his legs were suddenly forced open.

Wu Ming yelped in pain when something big and hot penetrated inside him without warning. He
barely even got time to register what was happening when his insides were suddenly stretched

It definitely hurt a lot.

He wanted to cry out in pain but Xie Lian didn't look like he cared as the god began thrusting inside
him without mercy.

Wu Ming whimpered, "Ngh! Th-at hurts please-"

He tried pleading but Xie Lian continued to hold him against the wall while pounding him hard.
The ghost wasn't even stretched out properly and his insides were burning.

Heavy tears eventually spilled down against Wu Ming's cheeks as his own body continued to

"Y.. Your H..hnggh..aahh! I.."

He tried calling out Xie Lian but his thrusts neither stopped nor slowed down. The sound of Xie
Lian's balls slapping against his ass echoed in the room alongside Wu Ming's cries.

Xie Lian suddenly snapped, "If you're not fucking a bitch like you claim, are you the one getting
fucked up then? Are you?"

Xie Lian continued to force out an answer as he thrusted his cock inside him deeper making Wu
Ming yelp in pain once more.

"Crying like this when your body clearly likes it." Xie Lian muttered.

"Do you like getting fucked like a slut, Wu Ming? How many cocks filled you in like this behind
my back?!"

Wu Ming kept shaking his head while tears continued to stream down his cheeks as he continued to
choke out the words,

"N. No- ahh! Y. Your Highness I- I would n.never-"

Xie Lian rammed inside him deep again making the ghost yelp.

Wu Ming clenched his fists as he tried to adjust his own body to Xie Lian's inhumane pace.

No matter how Wu Ming gasped, called, moaned, and cried, Xie Lian gave him the cold shoulder
as punishment. He was telling him he wanted him to remember who he belongs to. He wanted to
leave his mark on Wu Ming everywhere until nobody dares to touch what was his.

Xie Lian panted heavily. He stared at Wu Ming's bare back, down to his small waist, then to where
he was pounding inside him. It was then Xie Lian began biting him in all sorts of places, his
thrusting did not slow down. Xie Lian listened to Wu Ming's gasps and cries, and pleas of apology
but Xie Lian wouldn't listen.

Wu Ming cried and continued apologizing through his trembling voice, "Y-..your H. Highness..It's
too muchh- I'm. I'm s.sorry!"

When Xie Lian was still ignoring him, Wu Ming increased his tone of voice.

"Hhh.. ah! Ahh! Your Highness I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!"

Wu Ming had wanted to bear the pain for Xie Lian. He wouldn't have cared if his god had forced
him down like this, but the thought of Xie Lian thinking that he had gone to bed with another
person behind his back was another kind of pain.

That was what he couldn't bear anymore!

Wu Ming couldn't bare it anymore as he finally snapped and cried loudly, causing Xie Lian's thrusts
to a stop as he looked at the ghost stunned.

Chapter End Notes

Oh shit dianxia is really angry!! But he stopped as soon as he heard Wu Ming wail out. I say
that's an improvement. ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Next update is still tomorrow as scheduled!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Thank you for your comments they truly make my day!! <3

I will upload two chapters today for you guys, don't miss it!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian wordlessly watched him cry for a while.

When Wu Ming was ready to talk again, he didn't show his face and attempted to speak properly
but his words were mixed into stutters with gasps between his breaths.

"I-..I never b..betrayed y.. Your High.. ness b. behind h..his back!"

Wu Ming caught his breath and added, "I-.. I would.. n.never sh.share another.. person's bed!"

Xie Lian slowly shut his eyes close and waited until he had also calmed down because in the next
few seconds, guilt flushed all over him.

He couldn't understand why his heart where he had long considered dead was now a crumpled mess
because of Wu Ming.

Xie Lian then realized to himself that he must've gone too far.

"P..please b.believe Y-Your Highness.." Wu Ming continued between sobs.

Xie Lian took a long deep breath before he slowly brushed Wu Ming's back comforting him.

He slowly spoke in a calm voice, "Alright.. this master believes you.."

Wu Ming quickly looked behind him in disbelief and he saw Xie Lian with a calm comforting
expression. When he realized his god wasn't mad anymore, he felt relief.

He watched as Xie Lian move his head closer until he felt soft lips against his forehead to kiss him
apologetically before trailing his kisses down to his ear and neck.

Wu Ming shut his eye, allowing the last tears from his eyes stream down while being kissed so
comfortingly, "mmh"

Wu Ming then turned his head as Xie Lian leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

When Xie Lian gently pulled out, Wu Ming tried his best to suppress his grunts from pain.
Xie Lian kissed him again while stroking his back to distract him. Replacing pain with kisses as

Wu Ming was about to say something when he suddenly felt hands wrap around his waist, he felt
Xie Lian's chest behind him and Xie Lian's head resting on his shoulder.

Wu Ming's dead heart felt like it was alive again and beating madly.

Xie Lian had hugged him from behind.

They stayed like that for a long while. Slowly Wu Ming felt the pain on his back slowly lessened
but the pain wasn't completely gone.

Wu Ming stayed silent until Xie Lian spoke. "Forgive me. I wasn't in my right mind."

Wu Ming's lips slightly parted from the unexpected apology. He never expected his god to
apologize so he quickly tried to retaliate but Xie Lian had already spoken again,

"....To be honest, I hear thousands of whispers screaming in my ear everyday. Everytime I hear it, I
feel like my ear is going to explode."

Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's hands on him wrap even tighter as he added,

"But having you close to me... I feel at peace for some reason. So when I noticed you weren't
getting back sooner, I didn't know what to do..."

Wu Ming's gaze lowered. He really thought that Xie Lian would be furious if he had returned a
failure. But unexpectedly, Xie Lian was even more furious at the fact that he did not come home in
time or atleast called him for help.

Wu Ming apologized in a low voice, "I.. was wrong. I made Your Highness worry.."

Xie Lian closed his eyes as he nuzzled his head against his neck. When Wu Ming turned around, he
was almost instantly kissed by Xie Lian.

Xie Lian placed a hand behind Wu Ming's head as he pinned him again against the glass window,
but this time in a gentle manner.

The two kissed passionately. Their tongues dancing with each other, savoring each other's saliva.
Wu Ming didn't find himself a reason for this action anymore, all that was inside his head was that
he made Xie Lian worry. He needed to make up for his actions.

Xie Lian broke the kiss, leaving a trace of saliva coming from both their mouths.

Xie Lian moved down and licked one of Wu Ming's nipples. Wu Ming gasped at the sudden action.
He blushed heavily as he felt Xie Lian's tongue flicking, nibbling, and licking his right nipple while
he brushed the other with his finger.

The service was too embarrassing for him and even tried to push Xie Lian away, hoping to lure him
back to his mouth but Xie Lian wouldn't budge.

Wu Ming's hands rested on Xie Lian's shoulders, when Xie Lian finally came back to meet his
mouth and tongue, an idea took over Wu Ming.
He broke the kiss leaving the other confused and slightly irritated. Wu Ming quickly explained.

"Y..Your Highness, please allow this lowly one to make up for his mistake."

Xie Lian nudged his neck with his nose as he replied in a lazy voice,

"hmm, didn't I say your punishment was already served?"

He kissed Wu Ming's neck as he pulled him closer. But Wu Ming insisted.

"hnggh.. I-...p.please"

Xie Lian then let him go. He stared at him for a moment before finally realizing what he meant by
'service' for his punishment.

Xie Lian grinned as he placed one hand against the glass window while looking down at Wu Ming
in front of him.


Hearing that he got Xie Lian's approval, his face brightened up before he slowly kneeled on both

Xie Lian snickered.

"You like kneeling don't you? Shall I make you kneel the whole- ahh!"

He barely finished his sentence when Wu Ming suddenly grabbed his cock and licked the tip.

Xie Lian hissed and moaned softly while Wu Ming slowly sucked in inch by inch of his cock.


Xie Lian had to control himself from slamming all the way inside Wu Ming's mouth.

Wu Ming felt good. Having his god's hard cock slowly filling the gap inside his mouth. Just feeling
him twitch and wince from the licks and flicks made him feel so excited.

"Ahh.. You- Ahh! "

Xie Lian let out a sharp moan as Wu Ming began sucking his cock in a paced manner.

His left hand rubbing in sync with the movement of his mouth, while his other hand on Xie Lian's
hips holding him.

When Xie Lian really couldn't take it anymore, one of his hands grasped Wu Ming's hair as he
thrusted deeply in his mouth.

He moans as he felt his cock hit the back of his throat. He began to thrust deeply and in a quick
manner, soon enough he felt his cum building up.

Wu Ming was now holding both his hips as Xie Lian continued to thrust in and out of his mouth
quickly. When he felt Xie Lian getting harder and wetter inside him, he felt his own edge build up
Xie Lian's mind was slowly becoming hazy, it felt good. He wanted more.

He stared down at Wu Ming who was trying so hard not to gag too much whenever he thrusts in too
deep. A smile crept on his lips as he continued thrusting until he felt that he was getting so close to
the edge.

With a hard thrust, hot and sticky cum shot out of his member. Wu Ming happily swallowed it all
without a single leak dripping out of his mouth.

Xie Lian then finally pulled out leaving Wu Ming dropping on the floor choking.

Xie Lian's eyes darkened, he wanted more.

Xie Lian's heartbeat was racing, every cell in his body was telling him to take more of him.

Wu Ming was caught off guard when Xie Lian suddenly carried him and placed him on the bed.

Xie Lian kissed him passionately, tasting his own remaining cum on Wu Ming's mouth.

"mmph- Your Highness.."

'I.. I want you'

Xie Lian nudged his neck as he slowly thrusted back inside Wu Ming, making him moan.

'to own me, use me..'

Wu Ming wrapped his arms around Xie Lian's neck as he braced himself.

'.. as long as we can be like this together..'

Wu Ming took the initiative to kiss Xie Lian as his god's thrusts gradually became quicker.

'I won't care about anything else!'

"Hnggh- ahh! Ahh!"

Wu Ming moaned as he felt Xie Lian's cum filling inside him, he felt his own release as well.

Wu Ming fell on the sheets, catching his breath.

He never felt happier in his life. To be one with his god, to be there when no one else was, to have
his god's trust and love... He couldn't ask for anything more.

Before he knew it, his vision turned dark.

Chapter End Notes

Wu Ming saying, "It probably won't happen again."

lol u thought.

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Lingering Feelings
Chapter Notes

Tadaa! more early updates!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian's eyes were fixated on Wu Ming's face as he watched him sleep peacefully. His ragged
breaths from his cries from last night finally relaxed and evened out, which gave him a sense of
relief too.

He had already cleaned Wu Ming last night and made him wear one of his inner robes. Wu Ming
didn't seem to notice since he was asleep the whole time.

'He must've been really tired..'

Xie Lian's eyes slowly wandered from the robe Wu Ming was wearing then back to his face. Xie
Lian only fully grasped every inch of Wu Ming's face right now because back then, neither of them
had shared this close proximity with each other before.

Xie Lian really didn't know what took over him as he mindlessly reached a hand towards Wu
Ming's face.

But his hand stopped mid-way as he realized what he was about to do.

Xie Lian's heart twisted.

He wanted to caress Wu Ming's face but he felt like he shouldn't.

It didn't make sense either. He knows he had already touched and caressed more intimate parts of
his body but his conscience was holding him back.

'If I touch him now, would I be doing the same thing when I...'

Xie Lian stopped at that thought. Guilt began flushing inside him again.

He didn't understand why he was so mad when he suddenly smelled a woman's scent on Wu Ming.

Why should he care if Wu Ming indulges in earthly pleasures?

Or perhaps he was scared because he thought Wu Ming was gonna leave him alone too...

That realization hit him.

He retracted his hand and placed his hand on his beating heart that was beating madly.

He thought,
How did a ghost like him managed to find a soft place in his corrupted heart?

Wu Ming was like a flower blooming in the middle of his ash-burned world filled with corpses and
blood all around.

Why did Wu Ming choose to grow there? Why did he choose to keep following him? Why does he
still worship him as if he wasn't banished from the heavens and as if he was not just about to
commit genocide when that's exactly what a god should not do?

Why did Wu Ming choose.. Him?

Xie Lian couldn't understand. There was nothing good about himself at all, he wasn't the pleasing-
god nor did he have the power, luck, and riches.

He was a walking disaster and a misfortune!


Xie Lian mindlessly muttered.

And when did he suddenly start caring for this ghost sleeping beside him? When did he become
significant? Why was he worried about when he was coming back? Exactly what him made him

Because he was a cure to his torture?

Because he was a believer?

Because he didn't treat him like the laughing stock of the three realms?

Or because...

.. Because he actually started developing feelings for him?

Xie Lian quickly sat up as that thought came to mind. He placed a hand on his temple trying to set
his mind straight again.

He wanted to laugh.

'Now I've really gone mad..'

All this thinking made his head ache. He flinched when he suddenly felt the person beside him

He turned to Wu Ming who was starting to wake up.

Did he move too abruptly?

"Your.. Highness.."

Wu Ming spoke slowly, his eyes not fully opened yet.

He tried to get up but his back didn't allow him. He grunted in pain and immediately regretted that
Xie Lian quickly helped him lay back down. He wasn't sure yet if he only has the idea that only his
back would hurt.

He would feel pain everywhere.

Feeling Xie Lian's gentle arms on his shoulders Wu Ming kept looking at his face but his eyes was
still too blurry to properly see.

He uttered again in a sleepy voice,

"Your.. Highness..?"

"Mn. It's me."

"It's.. so bright. Everywhere hurts.."

Xie Lian accidentally let out a chuckle.

'This guy... He didn't dare complain before and he dares to do it now?'

Xie Lian then decided to play along. All his previous thinking were slowly thrown at the back of
his head.

"Alright, alright. This master will make the room darker for you alright?"

Xie Lian then used a bit of his spiritual power to close the curtains, making the room slightly
darker. Letting the candlelights illuminate the room.

Xie Lian then moved down and kissed Wu Ming's neck and cheek apologetically.

"How's that? Does it still hurt?"

He asked as if their roles were now reversed. He was now playing the servant trying to please his
spoiled master.

He let him off this time, Wu Ming was probably still too sleepy to notice the things spouting out
from his mouth.

Wu Ming slowly shooked his head. Xie Lian hummed in satisfaction.

Xie Lian couldn't help but stare at those lips again before he started leaning forward.

Soft kisses filled the silence in the room.

Although Wu Ming looked like he fell asleep again, he was responding to Xie Lian's soft kisses.

Xie Lian nudged his neck and rested his head there for a moment until he also felt sleepy. He laid
beside Wu Ming and pulled his body close to him before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes and felt a hand wrapped on his waist. He opened his eyes and
followed the trail of the hand to its owner.
His eyes widened upod seeing Xie Lian's face so close.

'Wh- What is happening..'

He then noticed himself panicking, he didn't know what to do. Xie Lian was asleep and he didn't
want to suddenly wake him up.

But he felt his whole body sore.

He looked down and thankfully he was wearing atleast a layer of clothing. Waking up naked infront
of Xie Lian would've been too embarrassing.


Wu Ming's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice from above. He quickly shifted his gaze
towards Xie Lian who was still closing his eyes.

He was awake?!

"Y.. Your Highness.."

He didn't know what to say next so he stayed quiet.

Xie Lian's eyes opened half-lidded. He let out a chuckle as he spoke lazily,

"What? Are you gonna complain again?"

Wu Ming stared at him confused.

Complain? Who?

Xie Lian continued staring at him, holding his laughs as he watched his face fill with question

Xie Lian forced himself to supress his laugh and tried to maintain a serious look as he spoke again,

"Not only did I closs the curtains for you because you complained it was too bright, I even kissed
your injuries so you would stop complaining that they hurt."

The more Wu Ming listened the more his face lost colors.

He actually did such a thing!!

He quickly placed both hands to his face, hiding in embarrassment.

Him? Complaining? And to Xie Lian for that matter?

Did he finally loose it??

Xie Lian couldn't supress his laugh anymore.

Hearing Xie Lian's soft laughs he lowered his hands to see.

Xie Lian was too busy laughing to notice.

Wu Ming's embarrassment quickly faded as his expression was now filled with amazement. Never
in a million years would he dream of being the reason why Xie Lian was so happy right now.

"Your Highness please stop teasing me.."

Xie Lian inhaled a deep breath then exhaled. His smile didn't fade away as he stared at Wu Ming

Wu Ming suddenly noticed something.. He had only noticed just now that Xie Lian had stopped
complaining about calling him 'Your Highness'

Wu Ming's heart fluttered even more upon that realization.

"Your Highness"

Wu Ming called.

Xie Lian hummed in acknowledgment, waiting for him to speak.

"Your Highness"

Wu Ming called again, this time his tone slightly more cheerful than before.


"Your Highness"

"what is it?"

"Your Highness"


"Your Highness"


"Your Highness"

Wu Ming semeed to enjoy himself. Knowing that Xie Lian truly allowed him to address him like

"Your Highne-mmph!"

Unfortunately his last attempt backfired when Xie Lian suddenly tackled him and closed the gap
between their mouths.

Wu Ming was taken back to suddenly feel something soft and smooth come in contact with his lips.
After realizing the situation, Wu Ming closed his eyes and returned the kiss.

When the two finally parted lips, Xie Lian inhaled deep breaths as he tried to catch his own breath.

The situation they are in right now, if others were to observe them since last night, they would look
like a newly-wed couple who couldn't get enough of each other.
"Your Highness.."

Xie Lian's eyes stared at him intently. He certainly liked the way Wu Ming called him that
compared to the previous ones..

This time, it carried a longing and loving tone with it.

Xie Lian of course had already caught on on what he was up to. He was certainly enjoying himself
now that he was able to call him 'Your Highness' without being punished.

Or did he really think he could get away with it?

Xie Lian slid his hands behind Wu Ming's back and legs as he carried him on his arms.

Wu Ming quickly clinged onto him by surprise.

"Wha-.. What are you doing?"

Xie Lian grinned.

'Whatever happened to 'Your Highness?'

He carried Wu Ming into the door that led to his pool. Wu Ming then looked to Xie Lian,

"Your Highness.. Are you-"



Chapter End Notes

Hwhehehe Xie Lian starting to question his own feelings towards Wu Ming. What do you

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Sweet Talks and Curious Thoughts
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian carefully placed Wu Ming on a nearby divan before he loosened Wu Ming's robe, slowly
revealing Wu Ming's pale skin with his love bites all over.

Wu Ming quickly held Xie Lian's hand stopping him from taking it off.

He blushed as he stuttered.

"Y.. Your Highness I can do it.. m.myself"

Xie Lian immediately disagreed.

"Your whole body aches if you move. Let me do it."

Wu Ming tried to argue once more but Xie Lian had already slid off his robe. He was also just
wearing one layer anyway.

He carried Wu Ming again and began walking towards the pool.

Whenever Xie Lian takes a bath in here, he usually dips his feet first or completely lets his body
submerge in the water. But since he was carrying Wu Ming on his arms, he chose to take the steps

Wu Ming braced his whole body, expecting the water to be cold or freezing cold. Yet the moment
his body slowly came in contact with the water, he was surprised it was warm.

Wu Ming glanced at Xie Lian who was walking towards a corner where he could sit down.

'Did his highness.. Increase the pool temperature.. For him?'

Wu Ming immediately shooked his head when the thought came to mind. No no no. There was no
way! Maybe Xie Lian had just warmed up the pool for himself. And considering his behavior right
now is just probably because he's in a good mood since they had acquired a lot of intense resentful
energy from the town, or because he felt guilty about how he acted last night.

Wu Ming tried to hide his blush as well, but considering the steam of the pool making both their
faces flush in heat, he then thought that there's no need.

Xie Lian sat next to him looking like he seemed to be lost in his thoughts again. Wu Ming didn't
dare look at him any longer and decided to stare on the pool instead.

When his reflection slowly became clearer, he saw his face and recognized his red eye. In an
instant, he felt his whole body wince and quickly looked away. He hadn't seen his own reflection
for so long since he usually wore his mask. He did take it off once in a while when taking a bath or
just washing his face but he never once looked at his own reflection as if he wanted to forget what
his own face looked like.
His action snapped Xie Lian out of his thoughts before his gaze shifted towards Wu Ming who
looked as if he saw a monster on the reflection of the water.

Xie Lian didn't know what came over him but he felt like he should correct something. He reached
out a hand and caressed Wu Ming's cheek. Wu Ming stared back at Xie Lian but couldn't forget the
face he saw on his reflection. Imagining himself looking at Xie Lian with that face, the face he was
not most proud of. He didn't have the confidence to look at Xie Lian anymore.

Xie Lian knew what he was thinking. But Xie Lian mostly thought that it was because of his red
eye. But despite that, even if both his eyes were red, or if one of his eyes were blind or cursed, it
didn't change the way he looked at him.

"Wu Ming.."

Hearing Xie Lian's voice calling him. He pondered if he should look back or simply answer without
looking at him. He badly wanted his mask right now. He couldn't let his god see his face and
especially his cursed eye. His whole face screams of mischief and misfortune.

But then again, Xie Lian had already seen his face underneath his mask a lot of times. He didn't
even know what face he was showing to Xie Lian when he was being pleasured or tortured. Yet
despite all that, Xie Lian didn't seem to mind or show any signs of disgust. His attitude towards him
never changed, with the mask or not.

With all that in mind, Wu Ming gained a little confidence but still hesitated. Xie Lian was patient
the whole time until Wu Ming finally tilted his head towards Xie Lian slowly.

When he faced Xie Lian, he could've sworn he saw his face softened. His lips slightly curled as he
called his name once again,

"Wu Ming"

His voice carried comfort that immediately washed away his worries and completely forgetting

"Come closer"

Xie Lian commanded with a gentle voice. Wu Ming followed. Xie Lian caressed Wu Ming's face

"Wu Ming should not be ashamed of his face. He's beautiful in my eyes."

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled upon hearing Xie Lian compliment him like that. He felt Xie Lian's gaze
on him deepen as he pulled his face close to his.

Wu Ming then slowly leaned in and closed his eyes obediently. Soon after, he felt Xie Lian's soft
lips on his. Wu Ming slightly opened his mouth inviting Xie Lian deeper into the kiss. Xie Lian
pressed their bodies closer as he placed one hand behind Wu Ming's back pulling him even closer.
The touch made Wu Ming moan in the kiss.

Xie Lian touching him like this, both of them naked while soaking in a steamy pool, it was too

Xie Lian opened his eyes wanting to see his Wu Ming's face flushed in heat as his tongue continued
to lick and explore Wu Ming's mouth. Coincidentally Wu Ming might have thought the same
because the next second, Wu Ming also opened his eyes only to meet his god's gaze at him.

Xie Lian felt his stomach turn as he felt like he was being drawn in by Wu Ming's stare. Two half
lidded eyes staring back at him almost seductively, with one eye whose color is as red as blood
looking at him almost as if provoking.

Seducing him or not, it was working.

If Wu Ming kept looking at Xie Lian like this he might-

Wu Ming moaned in the kiss again when Xie Lian accidentally brushed a ticklish part inside of Wu
Ming's mouth with his tongue.

Xie Lian grabbed Wu Ming by the waist and turned their bodies making Wu Ming lean against the
wall of the pool as Xie Lian wrapped Wu Ming's legs around his waist.

Xie Lian gathered all of Wu Ming's long hair to a ponytail using one hand as he leaned down to
kiss Wu Ming's neck.

" feels good.. nghh"

Xie Lian listened to Wu Ming's cute squirms underneath him as he continued to kiss and lick his

When Xie Lian reached to the part where he had bitten him earlier, he kissed it apologetically.

Wu Ming winced at the touch.

Xie Lian then went back to nibble on Wu Ming's jaw until he quickly locked his lips with his once
more. Sweet kissing sounds echoed in the room. Wu Ming felt his head going hazy as he felt like he
was gonna melt..

"Wu Ming"

Xie Lian whispered in his ear making his whole body shiver.

"Y- Your Highnes.s?"

Wu Ming responded which seemed more like a question because he was still hazy from the kiss.

Xie Lian stared at Wu Ming and found him awfully cute right now. He chuckles as his gaze shifts
to his hair.

"Rest your back against mine."

Wu Ming nodded and positioned himself infront of Xie Lian with his back faced to him as

Xie Lian began to brush Wu Ming's hair using his fingers. The sensation felt ticklish, Wu Ming
tried his best not to flinch ever so often but could only supress a few moments before wincing again
from his god's touch.

"Wu Ming, I have a question.."

Xie Lian spoke as he continued to brush Wu Ming's hair.

Wu Ming was slightly taken back when Xie Lian had just asked him instead of questioning right
away. He had already gone used to Xie Lian's explosive behavior especially when he was in a bad
mood but he never once blamed him.

Wu Ming couldn't supress a chuckle as he responded,

"Your Highness doesn't need to ask me, he can ask right away and this servant will answer."

He patiently waited for Xie Lian to respond again, meanwhile he felt like Xie Lian was doing
something to a few strands of his hair near his right side.

Wu Ming guessed by his movements and it seems that Xie Lian was trying to tie those strands of
hair into a braid.

Xie Lian finally spoke after a few moments,

"Tell me, what is the worst suffering to you?"

Wu Ming was slightly taken back from his question. Xie Lian then explained with a gentle voice,

"I made you suffer in the past yet you didn't seem to mind. No matter how harsh I treated you, you
didn't seem to care. So I wondered if you experienced a lot more suffering than that."

Wu Ming pondered his own answer before saying it.

"I'll tell you"

He spoke softly,

"To watch with your own eyes, your beloved trampled and rediculed, yet unable to do anything.
That's the worst suffering in the world."

He felt Xie Lian's hands came to an abrupt stop.

Noticing that Xie Lian suddenly became quiet, he turned to look.

Xie Lian quickly snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

"I see.. "

Xie Lian responded without much thought. He hadn't realized his response carried a tone of

Wu Ming noticed the tone of his voice thus felt he like he said something wrong, he was about to
apologize when Xie Lian caressed the braid he tied on his hair.

"It suits you like this"

Wu Ming felt his face heat up and quickly looked down. When he felt Xie Lian's hand reach out to
his face, he leaned in obediently.
But Xie Lian stopped and quickly looked away, he didn't seem to notice his face was leaning in

"This is enough soaking for today.."

Xie Lian spoke indifferently as he stood up and grabbed his robe.

"Attend to me later as scheduled"

He spoke before leaving.

Wu Ming quickly responded to his command as he watched Xie Lian exit the room.

The water truly felt relaxing to the skin especially since his body temperature was slightly colder
compared to normal bodies. He stayed there for a while, letting all the past events finally sink into
him. The way Xie Lian talks to him, holds him, kisses him...

Wu Ming placed a hand on his chest where his heart was located. He had never felt so alive before.
Being able to be like this with Xie Lian, he truly couldn't ask for anything more.

Chapter End Notes

All I can say is.. Brace yourselves for the upcoming chapters... :D

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

🥀 LAST WARNING!! , brace yourselves in the upcoming chapters :>

🥀 Please answer question in end notes.
enjoy reading!❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wu Ming looked for a nearby mirror despite he really didn't want to look at himself. He just
thought that he should atleast know how he currently looks before showing himself to his god for
his surprise.

He decided to wear the robe Xie Lian had given him.

After a dozen of changes and fixing he finally found himself atleast average to present himself to
Xie Lian. He had thought of this as a surprise in exchange for the bath Xie Lian had given him

Wu Ming carefully walked back to his room making sure he didn't forget anything, his eyes then
landed on his bedside table. He walked towards it and he could've sworn he felt his dead heart beat
hard once then unalive itself in the next second because in that moment, something precious to him
was gone.

The flower!

It was gone. The flower that he had offered to his god but got stepped on. Although it was already
dirty and dead, Wu Ming still kept it with him. He felt like he shouldn't just throw it away just
because it was stepped on. Just like Xie Lian himself.

This was another reason why Wu Ming got so attached to that flower. It reminded him of Xie Lian
who was once a beautiful blooming flower, who became withered because it got trampled on,
stepped on, and forsaken.

When he felt that he was running out of time, he placed that idea aside for a moment and headed
first to Xie Lian's office. When he arrived, he knocked on Xie Lian's door as scheduled. He walked
in and saw Xie Lian on his desk writing something.

Xie Lian glanced at him and he was suddenly took by surprise.

Wu Ming was wearing the robe he had given him. His hair was also tied to a high ponytail along
with the braid he had tied for him.

He couldn't help but gaze at him a little longer.

But he felt like he had no right.

Xie Lian cleared his throat as he looked back to his papers. Wu Ming walked beside him and began
grinding his ink.

Xie Lian felt uneasy the whole time. His hand trembled from time to time, messing up a few

When Wu Ming noticed he leaned in and asked,

"Your Highness? Are you okay?"

Xie Lian took a deep breath and took a glance at Wu Ming who was starting to look worried.

"I'm fine."

Xie Lian responded but his voice sounded slightly hoarse. It was as if he was holding back on
something. Wu Ming analyzed Xie Lian for a moment, he seemed to be fine but he was uneasy.

Xie Lian tried to compose himself and gather all his thoughts. The moment Wu Ming walked to his
office, he couldn't help but feel like he was under a spell. He couldn't take his mind off him, part of
him badly wanted to strip him on the spot for looking so tempting.

He never wanted to admit it but, he was.. mad.

Madly jealous.

After all, Wu Ming already had someone in his heart. Xie Lian had thought that it shouldn't bother
him so much now that Wu Ming was now under his care. But the feeling of Wu Ming having
someone else in his heart and mind, it made Xie Lian furious.

Furious at himself that he was feeling this way towards him. He wanted to keep Wu Ming in his
hands, shielding him from anyone else. Never to be touched by others. The way his heart was
beating madly right now, was he really infatuated?

Or is this feeling caused by his previous traumatic experiences? The feeling of everyone leaving
him because he was a wreck and a misfortune to the world. But now he has someone was willing to
stay beside him, he wanted to treasure that someone. He wanted to cling to that person as if his
whole world would crumble and his last strand of rationality would snap.

The pressure on his fingers holding the pen increased. His throat felt dry, his heart beated madly.

He wanted to let out the feelings inside him. But he felt like if he did, Wu Ming would leave him
just like the others.

He would do anything just as long Wu Ming would never leave him. He wanted Wu Ming to stay
by his side. Not because he was a cure to the whisper's torments, but because just seeing his
presence, he felt that he had a purpose to live in this wretched world.

Wu Ming was getting more anxious by how silent Xie Lian was.

Just as he was about to ask again, he was taken back when Xie Lian had suddenly stood up and
walk towards him and pinned him against the wall as he showered him with passionate kisses.
Wu Ming's face instantly heated up before his face softened. He gently placed a hand on Xie Lian's
chest and one behind his neck, pulling him closer. Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's fast heartbeats as he
kissed back. Xie Lian placed a hand behind Wu Ming's head gently as he broke off the kiss with a
gasp, and moved down to nudge Wu Ming's neck. Letting his nose smell Wu Ming's scent that he
was so addicted in.


Xie Lian gritted his teeth as he spoke. He stared at Wu Ming intently.

Xie Lian's cold breath on his neck felt ticklish.

"Dressing up like this, aren't you afraid of being accused for seducing your master?"

Wu Ming let out a chuckle as he finally understood why Xie Lian seemed so distracted. He then
sighed in relief knowing that his god wasn't being tormented by the whispers again.

"I was wrong..His highness had caught me.."

Xie Lian felt needles in his heart, and each needles containing the words..






Yet... Just hearing one laugh or smile from Wu Ming, he instantly felt peace in his head, he felt..

Seeing a smile on Wu Ming's lips reminded him of how easy it was to feel happy and content. Just
the mere presence of Wu Ming made him feel... Alive.

'Wu Ming... Wu Ming... Wu Ming..'

A ghost with no name, no identity... Yet he was Xie Lian's whole being. He wanted to cling on to
him and tell him how much he wants to keep him by his side for all eternity.

But he has a lover..

Xie Lian has thought of it. Many times. If he had asked Wu Ming to see him.. To love him.. Not as
a master but a lover... What would he think?
Xie Lian stared at Wu Ming's eyes for a few moments, letting himself drawn in deeper into his
beautiful eyes. Xie Lian reached out a hand to his face and caressed a side of his cheek. Wu Ming
then gladly leaned in and rested his head on his head.

Oh Wu Ming- "..The things you do to me.."

Xie Lian accidentally muttered a thought. Wu Ming seemed like he didn't get that and raised a

"Your Highness?"

Xie Lian smiled at him gently as he complimented with a low voice,

"Red suits Wu Ming so well.."

Wu Ming returned his smile as he felt his own cheeks burn again. The things that are happening
right now.. It all seems impossible to be a reality yet, even if it was all a dream..he would never
want to wake up.

Xie Lian nudged Wu Ming's neck once more. The hands gripping on Wu Ming's shoulders slid into
his back, pulling him closer for an embrace.

Wu Ming closed his eyes as he embraced Xie Lian back.

Xie Lian, 'He truly is...'

Wu Ming, 'He truly is... '

'... My beloved.'

Sensing that Xie Lian didn't want to let go of him sooner or later, Wu Ming just let himself be
wrapped in Xie Lian's embrace for as long as his god wants.

He opened his eyes and scanned the room for fun before his eyes landed on the papers on the table
then shifting to Xie Lian's shelves where he found something resting on top of a book.

Wu Ming squinted his eyes for a better look.

Xie Lian noticed Wu Ming looking at something from the corner of his eye and broke the embrace.
He followed his eyes to the direction he was looking at.

Xie Lian smiled as he realized.

He walked towards the drawer and took out what was laying on top of the book to show it to him.

Wu Ming's eyes widened as he recognized it.

It was a Gardenia Jasminoides flower. In other words, the missing flower in his room! It was with
Xie Lian the whole time!

Xie Lian smiled at him as he held the flower close to him,

"I quite like it. Thank you Wu Ming."

But wasn't the flower already dead? Wu Ming's face looked confused for a few minutes as he stared
at the flower. He looked towards Xie Lian as he spoke,

"But the flower I gave to His Highness is already dead.. How can it be.."

Xie Lian interrupted, his smile didn't alter.

"Oh simple. I used a bit of my spiritual power to make it healthy again."

Wu Ming's lips slightly parted when he heard. He had never expected Xie Lian to remember that
gift he once gave him. A warm smile crept on his lips as he spoke,

"Then... I'm glad Your Highness likes it. If he wants I can bring more."

Xie Lian placed the flower back on top of the book as he walked towards Wu Ming slowly.


Wu Ming knitted his eyebrows in confusion,


He watched as Xie Lian slowly placed a hand behind his back and one on his chest that was gently
pushing him. Making him lean his back on top of the table.

Xie Lian whispered in his ear,

"No matter how many flowers Wu Ming brings me, it can't compare to this flower I'm looking at
right now."

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian's face for a moment looking confused before his eyes slowly widened
in realization. He understood that Xie Lian meant, him.

Wu Ming quickly looked to the side, blushing madly.

"Y. Your Highness stop teasing me!"

Xie Lian laughed before gazing at the ghost below him.

Face red, robes slightly disheveled, hair perfectly tied up.

'Wu Ming.. If only you knew how awfully tempting you look right now.'

Xie Lian closed his eyes and leaned in towards Wu Ming for a kiss. His past thoughts tossed to the
back of his head as he kept a firm thought to mind.

It doesn't matter whoever Wu Ming's beloved was. As long as he wins Wu Ming over, they won't
matter anymore no matter how much they were loved by him.

Slowly, he'll make Wu Ming realize it. No matter how long it takes. Whatever it takes, whatever he
asks he will give! The world turned its back on him cruelly, Xie Lian would pay it no mind no
matter what! Just as long Wu Ming was by his side, he will live on!
Xie Lian then thought, maybe he should hold off his revenge for a while. He'll let those in Yong An
live for another few months or years.

Because right now, he had everything he needed.

Chapter End Notes

Helloo dear readers! Please asnwer the question because as an author I want you all to be able
to read comfortably.

Q: When editing I don't use double spacing when separating paragraphs. I've seen some stories

use double spacing and some don't. Would it help you all to read more comfortably if I use
double spacing from now on? Let me know!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

To Whom Do You Bloom For?
Chapter Notes

Expect a surprise early update tomorrow! Lol even though it's not a surprise anymore.

You want sneak peeks of future chapters?? Follow me on twitter -> CallMehYuel

Enjoy reading ❤️
See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Stop squirming." Xie Lian commanded in a low voice.

"Hnghh..p.please stop."

"and why should I?"

"Your Highness!"

Wu Ming whined as he gripped the edges of the table tighter. One of his legs resting on top of Xie
Lian's shoulder as Xie Lian kept thrusting inside him. They've been at it for almost 3 hours! At this
point, Wu Ming was starting to regret his decision of wearing the robes and his mask removed from
his face.

"hhahh! Ah- ahh!!"

Wu Ming moaned loudly as he felt himself at the edge again. He had lost count of how many times
he came to the point that he didn't bother keeping up anymore. Perhaps he had underestimated Xie
Lian's stamina not only as a devoted cultivator but also his stamina as a god!

Xie Lian ran one of his fingers through Wu Ming's smooth and pale legs from his ankle all the way
to his inner thighs. Wu Ming shuddered at the touch and came for the nth time.

Wu Ming was awfully tired, drenched, sweaty, and his mind almost drifting away to dreamland. He
must've lost his control with his own mouth because it wouldn't stop moaning for Xie Lian at each

"Wu Ming.." my beloved.

Xie Lian gazed at him lovingly. He looked completely wasted that he wanted to laugh.

".. So beautiful."
He added as he grabbed both of his hips and thrusted deep inside filling his insides, replacing his
previous cum inside with a new batch.


Xie Lian grunted as he slowly pulled out. His cock fillled with his old and new ejaculations. Wu
Ming sighed in relief. Xie Lian leaned in and kissed the tears away from Wu Ming's cheeks

He really made a mess out of him. Xie Lian couldn't help but feel excited even more. He looked at
him as if he just finished a new painting he had been working on for hours.

With one hand, Xie Lian placed two fingers inside Wu Ming's hole, and his other hand placed on a
certain spot on Wu Ming's stomach. Xie Lian gently pressed his stomach at the same time his other
finger scooped and pulled out the remaining cum inside Wu Ming.

Wu Ming moaned and shuddered.

He gently grabbed Wu Ming and sat on his chair with Wu Ming resting on his chest. He stroked on
Wu Ming's back letting the poor ghost finally rest. Having Wu Ming rest on him like this when he's
at his weakest point, Xie Lian's heart fluttered at the thought.

Xie Lian brushed the hair away on Wu Ming's face while also wiping his sweat. After a long while,
Wu Ming finally found his voice to talk.

"Your Highness.."

He breathed out.

"hm?" Xie Lian stroked his hair comforting him, waiting for the ghost to talk again.

"This.. This lowly one is sweaty and sticky all over. I shouldn't be sticking to Your Highness like

Xie Lian glanced at him from head to toe.

"Shall we take a bath then?"

Wu Ming then quickly spoke almost choking between his words, "N-no! No need for that Your
Highness. I can clean myself just fine."

Xie Lian stared at him for a while before sighing and giving him his consent. It was probably for
the best as well, who knows what he could've done to him in the pool as well. He wouldn't be
surprised if Wu Ming was bedridden for the next few days because he couldn't walk.

A few days had passed and Wu Ming had only noticed Xie Lian had been staying up all night
researching for something. It probably had something to do with the papers he had been writing on
for the past few weeks. He offered to help but Xie Lian denied him each time. He kept saying that
if he ever needed his help he would call him right away.
Although Xie Lian was a banished god, he needed as much rest as the other gods as well! Wu Ming
knocked on Xie Lian's door the next day with his breakfast ready.

Xie Lian quickly glanced at him and became delighted upon seeing him.

Xie Lian excitedly called him over.

"Wu Ming! Perfect timing, come here."

Wu Ming gently placed the tray on the table and stood next to Xie Lian.

"I've been thinking about this recently and apparently there are different types of ghosts with
different types of reasons to not leave the world. Honestly I didn't think about it that much because
when I was still a prince I only ever cultivated to banish evil ghosts who stayed on this world for
revengful reasons."

Wu Ming slowly nodded as Xie Lian continued explaining,

"As it turns out, there also ghosts who refuse to leave the world for good and simple reasons. Some
ghosts refuse to leave their family alone so they stay to guide them or protect them."

Xie Lian's face then became serious as he spoke,

"However, there's always a price for staying in the living world depending on the ghost's reason to
stay. Some becomes corrupted, while some began to loose themselves as their souls become weak
the longer they stayed."

He then sighed as he added,

"And some.. Never got to reincarnate ever again."

Wu Ming stood beside him silently. Xie Lian looked at him as he questioned,

"What about you? What's your reason for staying here?"

Xie Lian then saw a warm smile creep on Wu Ming's lips as he responded,

"I stayed for love."

In that moment, Xie Lian felt his whole body suddenly frozen on the spot.

His eyes didn't move from Wu Ming as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Some part of
him wishes he had heard wrong, the other wished he would joke about it then change his answer.

He felt his whole body run cold, his heart growing heavier by the minute. Wu Ming stared to where
his heart was located and placed a hand to it.

"I stayed, because my beloved is still in this world."

Somehow those words felt so familiar to Xie Lian. As if he had already heard of those words before
but he couldn't remember. But that thought completely became forgotten as another thought was
stuck on his mind.
It's that word again, beloved. Xie Lian's eyes became darker as he suddenly felt like his vision was
getting narrower, his heart was too heavy, he.. He hated this feeling the worst!

Xie Lian stared at Wu Ming his voice low and controlled,

"Then.. What happens if that beloved is no more in this world?"

Wu Ming then stared at him, his eyes full of seriousness.

"Then I would wait no matter how long."

Xie Lian felt his teeth clenching but he still tried to remain calm as he asked another question,

"And if they don't come back?"

Wu Ming was suddenly caught off guard by the question. He couldn't help but imagine a world
without Xie Lian so he stayed quiet for a short while. He had always believed that Xie Lian would
come back and that he would wait and chase for him until they meet again. But the thought of Xie
Lian not being able to come back, not being able to hear his god's voice and see his face, Wu Ming
couldn't dare imagine.

He bit his lip as he thought about his answer then finally responded,

"Then I'll also leave this world. There's no use for me living as a mortal or a ghost if my beloved
won't come back."

Xie Lian felt his own breath hitched. Was Wu Ming really infatuated with that person? To the point
that he'd rather die than not being able to live without that person?

"What a foolish thing to do. Won't your beloved be sad if you decided to end your own life because
of them?"

Wu Ming shook his head,

"My beloved is noble, gracious, and kind. If my beloved is gone, then I have no more reason to
continue existing in this world as well."

Xie Lian stared at his eyes, terrified as he asked.

"The only reason?"

Wu Ming nodded without hesitation.

"My only reason."

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened on that response.

'his.. only.. reason?'

Xie Lian gathered all his strength courage to hold his feelings in. With a supressed voice he called
him one more time,

"Wu Ming"
Xie Lian chuckled at himself ridiculously. He didn't dare look at him as if he was focused on
holding on his last string of rationality that was about to break.

"Just.. Who is this beloved?"

Wu Ming didn't expect him to ask that. Why would Xie Lian be interested to know? Wu Ming
didn't know how to answer to that.

He was scared. Scared if he tells him, Xie Lian would be disgusted.

"I only used you so that I can have something to let my frustration out on. Now you claim that I'm
your beloved and stick to me like a pest? Who do you think you are?!."


He knows Xie Lian isn't that type of person. His heart pure as a noble, he's merciful and gracious,
the god who's wealthy with kindness. That's the Xie Lian he knows. But the broken, and
devastated, and revengful calamity who stood before him, that was also Xie Lian.

Wu Ming then decided right there that it was not the perfect time to tell him. Xie Lian had a
mission at hand, he does not have time to dwell with unnecessary feelings.


Wu Ming began, he inhaled to gather some strength as he blurted out.

"I can't tell Your Highness.. Atleast.. Not now.."

Xie Lian only stared at him.

"But if his highness is really curious.. All I can say right now is that he's a crown prince as well and
a god."

Wu Ming didn't look at Xie Lian but waited for an answer. When Xie Lian was silent for a long
while his mind began to panic.

'Did his highness guess it was him?'

He continued to wait in silence until he heard a low voice from Xie Lian.

"I see.."

That was it. Xie Lian's last strand of hope, snapped into two. Xie Lian covered his eyes with a hand
as his body gently crouched. Coldness and eeriness surrounded his body as Xie Lian felt like his
world come to an abrupt stop and darkness.

He chuckled in his mind as if he was making fun of himself for being a fool.

'How.. can I possibly compete with that?'

He felt despair, rage, sadness at the same time. He wanted to cry, he wanted to laugh. His eyes
heating up with tears at the corner of his eyes while his mouth was curved as if he was laughing at a
No, he really was laughing at a fool. He's laughing at himself.

Chapter End Notes

Poor Dianxia...

🥀 Dear Readers... Are you ready?

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Do You Hate?
Chapter Notes

Helloo dear readers! I was almost unable to publish the chapter today as promised because
there's been some technical issues with our wifi atm but luckily I still have remaining
load/data so yay!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Is this what bullying yourself feels like? Crying by yourself as the person continues to bully you
when in reality that bully of a person is actually also you?

It didn't make sense..

When Wu Ming noticed how Xie Lian didn't look well he quickly ran straight to support him. He
called in alarm, his expression full of worry.

"Your Highness!"

But Xie Lian was too lost in his thoughts to be able to hear him now.

He then only noticed he was sitting on a dark empty void with a bright light shining down on him
from who knows where. His body didn't feel cold nor hot. He didn't even know if he was breathing
or not.

'Tell me Wu Ming... How am I supposed to compete with a person like that?'

'... Tell me.'

His own thoughts echoed clearly in his mind.

'Your beloved is a crown prince you say. A god. Someone noble, gracious, kind.'

Xie Lian laughed at himself once more. He was none of those things. Perhaps he was wrong after
all.. Perhaps he should not have asked.. Perhaps he should not have indulged with him from the
start.. Perhaps..


That voice.

Xie Lian who was sitting silently in that dark void turned to the direction of the voice. He lifted his
head upwards and found a person staring down at him.

His eyes filled with nothing but darkness, was now seeing white as the white half-smiling and half-
crying mask suddenly invaded his entire vision.
One might've been frightened to death just by suddenly seeing that mask up close to their face. Xie
Lian didn't even hear him walk towards him despite the void being so empty and eerie.
Nevertheless, the mastermind of the whispers was now standing here before him.

'So sad, so sad. Your Highness, look at yourself, look what they've done to you.'

What did White No-Face call him earlier? Xie Lian tried to recall but he couldn't remember. His
heart felt so tired at the moment but he felt like he should remember.. but he couldn't. His heart was
too heavy to make effort. Xie Lian fears all hell would break if he continues to upset his own
balance. Thus he doesn't dare do anything.

'Isn't it funny and sad how the world quickly turns its back on you, Your Highness?'

Xie Lian couldn't do anything but stare back at that creepy mask staring down at him and remain
quiet. He should be doing something, something.. Something.

He should fight him right now before he puts any ideas inside his head. But then again, his mind
and vision were already in a trance and his heart felt like a cup full of water. He didn't want to

That person's voice echoed in the darkness as he continued to speak, his tone almost as if he was
either singing or teasing.

'One moment, they act like they love you..'

'They act like they'll be there forever..'

'And before you know it, they're gone. So sad, so sad.'

Shut up. Xie Lian tiredly cursed inside his head. He didn't want to hear anymore.

'You're putting this off long enough, Your Highness.'

Bai Wuxiang spoke once more while at the same time he slowly walked around Xie Lian. When he
reached behind his back, he kneeled down and reached to Xie Lian's head.

His long and cold slender fingers gently cupped Xie Lian's chin as he slowly lifted it towards the
light above him.

Xie Lian stared at the light above him dazedly. The Calamity behind him then leaned in close as he
whispered near his ear.

'It's time to come back to the path I carved for you..'

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!!"

"Your Highness!!"

Xie Lian suddenly flinched as he snapped out of his thoughts. The ringing in his ear disappeared as
he began to hear the person beside him more clearly. Wu Ming was supporting him the whole time
when he was calling him back to his senses.

Wu Ming had been worried for the past few minutes. Xie Lian was being tormented by the
whispers but then Wu Ming became even more worried when Xie Lian stopped screaming in
agony. Instead he was just covering his ears, completely silent.

When Wu Ming felt Xie Lian move, he sighed in relief as he placed one hand on his shoulder, he
called him in a comfort tone this time.

"Your Highness how do you feel? Do you still hear those whispers in your ear?"

Xie Lian's hair was blocking his face so Wu Ming had no idea what expression he was showing
right now. A warm smile crept on Wu Ming's lips as he comforted the god once more.

"I'm here if you need me Your...-"

Wu Ming's words slowed down when Xie Lian finally turned his head to face him. When Wu Ming
noticed the expression on his face, his felt his own body immediately freeze from shock. It was
only then he was able to finish his sentence.

"... Highness."

Wu Ming dumbly stared at his expression, almost frightened at a point.


Xie Lian's eyes were glaring to the point that it was radiating nothing but hatredness. Wu Ming' felt
his own heart squeeze as his expression became worried again.

But despite that, Wu Ming still tried to converse with him to straighten things out but the words he
tried to relay strangely became stuck on his throat as he felt his own body shrink down and cower.

"Y-... Did I.. do something-.."

Wu Ming quickly thought about the past few seconds to see if he had done something to offend
him. He didn't understand why his god was looking at him like this.

Xie Lian might have shown him anger from before but it was never to the point that he showed him
He didn't want to admit it but he was, scared.

Unable to stare back at those hatred eyes, Wu Ming lowered his gaze as he tried to think but he was
suddenly caught off guard when a hand out of no where pulled him by the neck and pinned on the

Wu Ming choked at the sudden pressure. Xie Lian coldly stared down at him.

"Y. Your Highness!!"

Wu Ming called in alarm. The pressure on Xie Lian's hand... He was truly choking him this time!

Wu Ming's eyes widened upon meeting Xie Lian's gaze once more. His eyes looked so calm but the
way he was looking at him was so intense that it was making him shrink down and cower in fear.

Wu Ming was frightened from head to toe to the point he even doubted if this was even his god
who was smiling at him a few minutes ago.

'W- Who is this?'

"Who gave you the permission to touch me?"

Wu Ming's whole body froze as those chilling words pierced through his ear like a blade. His eyes
never leaving Xie Lian's- No, his eyes were scared to move! Not to mention Xie Lian was choking
him so hard that his neck could actually snap.

"Someone filthy as you dare touch me? I should kill you."

Wu Ming quickly grabbed Xie Lian's hand and pushed it away using his strength. He stumbled as
he tried to get away from him. Wu Ming turned his body around to look and found Xie Lian
already just a few steps away from him.

'This... This can't be His Highness!'

It was almost as if Xie Lian's aura completely changed. It was him, but it was also not him. Xie
Lian took a step forward, Wu ming crawled a step backwards. He didn't wanna believe the person
standing before him was his beloved.

"Your Highness!" Wu Ming called out to him loudly. He honestly didn't know what to do.

Xie Lian continued to slowly walk towards him. He then raised a hand, with one breath he

"Fang Xin."

In an instant, a quick breeze flashed a few inches beside Wu Ming. The black bladed sword flew
swiftly towards Xie Lian's hand as he gripped the hilt. The blade emitted black smokes as Xie Lian
took another step closer to Wu Ming.

"You will die here."

Xie Lian raised Fang Xin getting ready to strike a heavy blow. Wu Ming stared at him eyes wide,
he couldn't even find the strength to grab his sabre. But even if he could, how could he possibly go
against Xie Lian? How could he go against the person he loves more than his own life?

Wu Ming then knelt to the ground with both knees.

He whispered under his breath, still in disbelief of what was happening before his eyes.

"Your Highness.."

Xie Lian swung the sword towards Wu Ming but the ghost managed to catch the blade with his
bare hands! Wu Ming ignored the bleeding in his hands and used his own strength to stop the sword
from piercing through him.

This couldn't be Xie Lian. He might've angered him from time to time but he knows Xie Lian
wouldn't kill him for no reason!

Wu Ming muttered,

"If His Highness wanted to erase my existence from this world, I would gladly accept it!"

Wu Ming glared towards Xie Lian,

"But you are not him!"

Xie Lian's eyes stared down at him before he sneered in thought.

"This is the person you're so obsessed with?"

Xie Lian's voice muttered,


With one thrust, the sword pierced through Wu Ming's body in an instant, at the same time he
coughed out blood.

Wu Ming quickly began thinking of ways on how to deal with the situation, he was panicking and
confused. But he forced himself to think straight on what to do...

Until an idea came to mind.

With both hands, he grabbed the blade of the sword and willingly thrusted the blade deeper into his

Large amounts of blood dripping from his chest and mouth as he continued to pull the sword in
deeper. Xie Lian who didn't let go of the sword's hilt, raised a brow in curiosity.

What in the world was this ghost planning?

With one final pull, Fang Xin's blade was now completely pierced through Wu Ming's chest. He
ignored the amount of blood he lost and weakly lifted both his hands as he reached out and tugged
on Xie Lian's robes tightly before quickly pulling him into an embrace.

This action surprised Xie Lian. It turns out this peculiar ghost infront of him already knows he
couldn't get past him without the sword blocking his way. So, instead of going the other way
around, this little guy daringly pierced his way forward until he could reach him.

Xie Lian gave him a curious look, that was a risky gamble just now. If he had let go of the hilt
earlier, it would've all been for naught.

Wu Ming choked out blood as he called his name weakly,

"Your Highness.. I'm here..."

He tightened his embrace around him until he could weakly whisper.

"... I didn't leave.."

Something about what he had just said snapped something inside of Xie Lian. The chilling gaze in
his eyes were gradually replaced by tears. Slowly building up from each side of his eyes as he felt
his own head splitting. He cried in agony.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!!"

Chapter End Notes

Poor Wu Ming ahh... What do you think happened to Xie Lian? Let me know your thoughts!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 20
Chapter Notes

Early chapter update because I've been notified that my load is close to expiring ಥ_ಥ
Unfortunately our wifi is still having technical issues atm so I'll just try to see if I can still
publish a chapter tomorrow..

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian pulled out the sword Fang Xin out from Wu Ming's chest before immediately grabbing
him by the neck and roughly pinning him against the wall.

His hands stained by blood that came from Wu Ming's bleeding mouth. Large amounts of blood
were bleeding down from his chest, staining the floor and the wall where he was pinned on. It was
truly a gruesome sight.

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian's chilling gaze.

Xie Lian continued to pin him on the wall while questioning himself. Why was he still alive? Why
did the resentful ghosts not attack him when the sword pierced through his body?

Terrible headache rushed through Xie Lian's head as he felt his ears ringing. He squeezed his eyes
shut and covered one ear with his free hand.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself not inside a room anymore, but back in that pitch
dark void. He looked around until a figure appeared a few steps away from him.

The figure sitting down suddenly called him without even having the need to turn his head to look
at him.

"Bai Wuxiang"

He stood still for a few moments before responding to the figure,

"Your Highness.."

It wasn't that hard to identify that it was infact Xie Lian who called him because of the light shining
down on him. He was still sitting down with both of his legs on the floor the same way he found
him earlier. But this time, both of his hands were chained from either side that goes all the way into
the darkness.

White No-face walked a few steps closer to him. Xie Lian finally lifted his head to glare at him, his
eyes filled with rage.

"You dare pierce a sword through him, you're really asking for death!"
White No-Face continued to stare down at him silently. Xie Lian glared through him intense
enough as if he could see through his mask; even deeper, through his soul.

"Your Highness, piercing the blade through his chest all the way was his own decision."

His words cold and sharp as he added,


White No-Face spoke as he slowly walked in circles around Xie Lian. His every step echoed in the

"You can't do anything about your situation now, Your Highness. Everything I do from now on is
completely your fault."

Xie Lian looked down and didn't say a word. Both of his chained hands clenched in anger. If only
he wasn't tempted for a moment because of despair, never in a million years would he dare let him
take over his mind. Not especially since he was also part of the main reason why his kingdom fell.

Xie Lian continued to inwardly curse himself as he glanced back to the person infront of him. That
creepy half-smiling half-crying mask continued to stare down at him silently.

He exceptionally stood out in the dark void that surrounded them right now, everything he was
wearing was white. How could Xie Lian not notice him even if he was from afar.

After a long silence had passed them, Xie Lian only then responded with determination.

"Wu Ming will win."

White No-Face only continued to stare at him. Xie Lian wasn't sure if he was making fun of him
right now or pitying him.

Xie Lian didn't dare look away from him until finally the person wearing the half-smiling half-
crying mask slowly turned around and began walking until he disappeared into the darkness.

When White No-Face was out of sight, Xie Lian's heart began to beat madly. He needed to find a
way out! He needed to find away to be in control of his mind again before something worse
happens to Wu Ming.

If.. If something happened to him, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. This was his own doing
after all. He was tempted by White No-Face's words for a few seconds before suddenly White No-
Face quickly took that to his advantage and suddenly took control of his own mind. Chaining Xie
Lian's own consciousness here.

But if there was really no other way...

Xie Lian stood up and stared at the light above him.

'Wu Ming..'


"Wu Ming"
Wu Ming immediately opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. He quickly analyzed his
surroundings and found out that he wasn't in that office anymore but inside his bedroom.

He checked his whole body and his wound seemed to have already healed itself. He was thankful
that luck was on his side when the sword pierced him, it missed his heart and vital parts. He was
also a ghost after all, he wouldn't be able to die easily.

How long had he been sleeping in? Wu Ming placed a hand on his head trying to recall certain parts
of the scene that happened but the feeling felt like it already happened so long ago.

Xie Lian.. Xie Lian-

Wu Ming quickly stood up. 'What about His Highness?!'

Wu Ming quickly paced around in his room as he tried to gather informations by memory. He was
so sure that the person he faced wasn't Xie Lian. The way he moved, talked, walked, it was
definitely not Xie Lian's. But how was that possible when they are in the same body?

Wu Ming was also 100% sure that the body was Xie Lian's and not a fake skin. With that said, Wu
Ming reached into a conclusion after much thought.

Could it be.. Mind control?

Wu Ming pondered over it again. He had also heard of Soul Switching, that could also be very

However, you would need to get both of each other's consent and some preparations before you
would be even able to soul switch. Wu Ming also knows that Xie Lian isn't with any contact with
anyone at all that could be a suspect for soul switching.

Mind control is very much likely in this situation. But who would control him? Wu Ming pondered
about the answer for a while until a certain mask seeped through his memory. Wu Ming's pacings
quickly came to an abrupt stop as he came into that conclusion.

That strange mask Xie Lian was wearing. He did recall that he felt a weird energy radiating from
that mask when they were on a mission.

The aura on that mask and the aura Xie Lian has right now.. Could these two be related?

Or was he just overthinking it?

But if it wasnt... then perhaps Xie Lian really did want to kill him..

Wu Ming bit his lower lip as he grabbed his sabre and hung it on the side of his waist before
leaving his room.

The moment Wu Ming opened the door, chilling winds swept through him. When Wu Ming opened
his eyes again, his eyes widened.

The base.. The lay out was completely different! The surroundings were so dark that it was hard to
see. The chilling winds made Wu Ming's skin crawl, the entire base feels so creepy.

Wu Ming took a step outside just before the door to his room suddenly shut loudly behind him.
He clenched his sabre with one hand as he began walking around slowly, all his senses on full

He then remembered that Xie Lian had full control of Fang Xin, and the ghosts that made up the
base was under Fang Xin's control. Of course he would be able to change the lay out as he please.

If that person was not really Xie Lian, then Wu Ming was at a disadvantage in the situation. Right
now he seemed to be food in the lion's den. Wu Ming still tried to navigate his was through even
though the light seemed to have disappeared because the base was dark inside but thankfully not
too dark that one wouldn't be able to make out of any of their surroundings at all.

Suddenly, he felt someone quickly passed him from behind. In an instant, Wu ming had already
held pulled out his sabre and quickly turned to look.

Nobody was there.

Wu Ming gripped his sabre tightly. No matter who was coming for him, he will make that person
bring Xie Lian back!

Wu Ming looked around, narrowing his eyes to see better through the darker parts hoping to see
something that could help him identify the culprit.

The chilling winds swept past him like a gentle breeze. Wu Ming instinctively took a few steps
backwards when his back suddenly bumped into something... Someone.

Wu Ming turned his head, he felt his own dead heart tightened at the sight before him.

The person before him wore robes white as snow. The face covered with a half-smiling half-crying
mask was looking looked down on him.

Chapter End Notes

I uploaded this chapter early today just incase I won't be able to update tomorrow. Also, the
next chapter is probably going to be slightly longer so brace yourselves!!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Who Lies Behind That Mask?
Chapter Notes

❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ I made this chapter longer as

Yay we reached 100+ kudos!! Thank you so much!!
promised and as a gift for y'all so enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

'It's him!'

Wu Ming quickly pointed the blade's directed to him, threatening him not to come any closer.

"Bring His Highness back!!"

Wu Ming ordered as he clenched his sabre. Yet the person before him only stared down at him,

Wu Ming quickly examined him from head to toe. His body flinched when he suddenly took a step

Wu Ming yelled once more,

"Don't come any closer!!!"

The masked person then suddenly stopped and took a few moments to observe him. When he
noticed that he was on full alert, he then raised a hand and took off his mask.

Wu Ming gritted his teeth upon seeing Xie Lian's face staring at him. How dirty of them, to use His
Highness' face against him. They have no right to use Xie Lian like this!!

Wu Ming pointed the sabre closer to him, his mind on full alert. Who knows how he would attack

"What are you doing, Wu Ming?"

Xie Lian asked him.

Wu Ming's brows furrowed in confusion. But he did not let his guard down. It must be a trick, he
must've wanted him to let his guard down before suddenly attacking him. When Xie Lian took
another step closer to him, Wu Ming yelled again,

"Don't you dare come any closer!!"

Xie Lian looked so confused. He even looked behind him if there was another person he was
referring to but it was really just the two of them.

"I ... don't understand.."

Wu Ming felt his own breath hitched. Xie Lian's voice looked so hurt when he was on guard with

Was it really His Highness, Xie Lian? No. It has to be another trick! He mustered up courage before
speaking once more.

"Stop using His Highness' body and face me you coward!!"

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened. His eyes darted around as he tried to wrap his head around
something. He then quickly looked up to him, the sudden action made Wu Ming flinch in surprise.

Before Wu Ming knew it, Xie Lian was already infront of him gripping his shoulders as if he was
scared about something.

"Wu Ming! How's your wound? I suddenly remembered how I.. How I pierced Fang Xin through
your chest."

Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's voice trembling. He was beyond confused about the situation that he
couldn't move. It was only then he realized Xie Lian had already pulled him into an embrace after
observing if he still had any open wounds left.

Xie Lian then began to stroke his head and hair for comfort,

"Wu Ming.. This crown prince is truly sorry."

Xie Lian spoke softly as his half-lidded eyes down to him. Wu Ming on the other hand was trying
to make sense of the situation.

'What was happening? Why is His Highness suddenly..' Wu Ming analyzed Xie Lian for a moment
but they didn't seem suspicious at all. His movements, his touch, his voice. It was all Xie Lian's..

"The things I did to you ah.. So sad, so sad."

One hand then placed itself on Wu Ming's cheek as he lifted his head to meet his gaze. Black lines
was still formed on his head, confused.

Xie Lian then explained with a low voice,

"The situation.. I do not remember. However I suddenly heard a voice calling me. It must be you
Wu Ming, you helped me fight back the whispers."

Wu Ming's eyebrows then slightly relaxed after hearing this, his eyes never leaving his god.

"Your Highness.."

Xie Lian became pleased upon hearing him call him that.

"Wu Ming.. I'm here now."

Xie Lian spoke as he brushed Wu Ming's eyebrows with his thumb, making the black lines
disappear from his head. Xie Lian then slowly pulled Wu Ming close for another embrace. He
smiled as he brushed Wu Ming's hair.
After a few seconds, Wu Ming accepted the embrace. It felt like His Highness was truly back to
him. He did remember Xie Lian experiencing another headache before he passed out. Was it Xie
Lian fighting the person who mind controlled him?

"Wu Ming"

Xie Lian called his name sweetly, immediately snapping him out of his thoughts.

Wu Ming responded,

"Your Highness."

"Shall we go now?"

Wu Ming looked at him for a second before responding slowly, "Where?"

Xie Lian smiled down at him as he wrapped one hand behind his waist slowly pulling him closer.
Wu Ming felt his body grow colder upon feeling the god up so close that it made him feel strangely

Whenever Xie Lian embraces him, he had always felt a sense of warmth that he had always loved.
Yet strangely, that warmth was no more to be found.

Xie Lian tucked strands of Wu Ming's hair behind his ear as he whispered.

"To my room of course."

Wu Ming's heart tightened for a second. He felt dreadful and wary, but still nodded in response.

Xie Lian broke the embrace as he stared at Wu Ming for a few moments, satisfied.

He reached out his hand and extended it to him, waiting for him to accept it.

Wu Ming stared at those slender fingers for a moment before shifting his gaze back to the god. He
bit his lip before he slowly reached out his hand and placed it on top.

Xie Lian's smile deepened as he guided him to the halls. Wu Ming kept stealing glances at him
from time to time. Something doesn't feel right.

His whole body felt cold, almost as if he wanted to get away from Xie Lian. He couldn't
understand. He thought about what Xie Lian said earlier, and it didn't seem like it was a lie.

Before he passed out he did remember that Xie Lian suffered another major headache and was
screaming 'shut up' multiple times. He should be happy, Xie Lian is now back.

But why does he feel this way?

When they arrived to the door, Xie Lian opened it and lead him inside. Wu Ming forced his body to
walk, even though every step he took made full of dread by the second.

Wu Ming wanted to give Xie Lian the benefit of a doubt. He could just be overthinking things.
Wasn't Xie Lian sweet to him just now? He didn't emit any killing aura like the last timeㅡ
"My, what's wrong?"

Xie Lian's voice immediately snapped Wu Ming out of his thoughts. He didn't realized his thinking
were slowly showing through his face.

"You look worried. Is there something bothering you?"

Wu Ming immediately shook his head and didn't dare look at him. But he could feel Xie Lian's
scrutinizing gaze on him for a few seconds before leading him to the bed again.

Before Wu Ming could think of any ideas, Xie Lian suddenly turned his body, placed his hands on
his shoulders, motioning his body to sit down.

When Wu Ming raised his head back again he saw a mirror across the wall. When he saw his
reflection, it was only then he saw the expression he was wearing right now.


Wu Ming stared at his own reflection for a while, he couldn't understand why he was feeling this
way. He quickly shook his head trying to get that emotion out of his face just in time when Xie
Lian had already comeback.

Wu Ming's eyes then landed on the hairbrush on one of Xie Lian's hands. He looked back down on
the bed and watched as Xie Lian sit behind him. He instinctively flinched when he felt Xie Lian's
fingers gently caress his hair.

He suddenly heard Xie Lian chuckle.

"Are you nervous?"

"I-.. I'm notㅡ.."

Wu Ming flinched again when he felt Xie Lian leaned in to the side of his neck. His cold breaths
against his neck made him tingle.

"You say that yet your whole body is trembling."

Wu Ming leaned his head away from Xie Lian. He honestly didn't know what he was doing. His
mind had decided to give Xie Lian the benefit of a doubt but his whole body was rejecting him.

When Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's head move away he slowly relaxed.

"I don't blame you though..."

He heard Xie Lian's voice from behind him as he began brushing his hair.

"I did ruthlessly pierce Fang Xin through you. Ofcourse you would be scared of me."

When Wu Ming felt the regret in his voice, he couldn't help but glanced up to the mirror. He saw
sadness in Xie Lian's eyes while he diligently continued to brush his hair.

Wu Ming bit his lip and couldn't help but sit still silently and regret his previous actions.
Perhaps he was the one being harsh on him instead. Xie Lian had done nothing but show him
affections this past few minutes, and what did he do but continue to doubt him?

With that in mind, he placed a hand on top of Xie Lian's own, patting it gently for comfort. Xie
Lian's eyes slightly widened in response.

Slowly felt Xie Lian's head slowly droop down, hiding his face as he began chuckling.

"Haha.. I get it now."

Wu Ming couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying. It wasn't long before he felt that strange
coldness again in his guts and quickly retracted his hand.

When Xie Lian raised his head back again, he gently turned the ghost to face him. When Wu
Ming's eyes met Xie Lian's he didn't dare move but kept still.

Xie Lian's smile went deeper as he slowly leaned in. Wu Ming's eyes widened the moment he
noticed Xie Lian was leaning forward.

Was Xie Lian going to kiss him right now? He felt his heart squeeze in and his body freeze at the
same time. He tried to remain still but the closer their faces were, the more he felt his own body
grow uncontrollably uncomfortable.

When their faces were only a few inches away, Wu Ming took a deep breath. It's alright, right? He
was Xie Lian! The love of his life, his savior, his crown prince, his reason to die and live for.

Remain still. Don't move, don't move, don't move, dont move, don't move, don't move, don'tㅡ

He still turned his head away.

Wu Ming bit his lip when he turned his head away to reject his god. He couldn't do it, he couldn't
kiss him. His heart was still doubting him to the point that his entire body was rejecting him. He
felt Xie Lian frozen in place for a few seconds before he straightened his back again.

Is he mad?

When he felt him raise a hand, he braced his whole body especially for his cheek, already expecting
Xie Lian to slap him for the audacity to reject him.

Wu Ming immediately opened his when he felt that hand strangely land not on his cheek, but his
hair, gently caressing the braidwork he had done for him when they were on the pool.

When Wu Ming turned his head to look at him he saw Xie Lian smiling gently. He didn't seem
bothered or angry, as if he somewhat expected it.

Wu Ming was doubting but it didn't mean that there wasn't any chance that the person infront of
him was really Xie Lian. If it really was him, he wouldn't be able to face him again.

"Y-.. Your Highness, Iㅡ"

"I understand. We'll get there someday."

Wu Ming was about to explain again before he suddenly felt his own body being pulled in for an
embrace. Xie Lian's hands brushed his hair for comfort.

"Walk around the base for a while so you'll get used to the new lay out."

Xie Lian told him with a gentle voice before suddenly getting up to leave the room. Wu Ming sat
there for a few seconds as he tried to wrap his head on what happened just now.

He truly wanted to believe that Xie Lian was back, but he couldn't help but still suspect him of
someone else.

He was back, but it didn't feel that way. Was it his instincts trying to protect him? Or delude him?

Wu Ming took a deep breath as he quickly ran to the door. When he opened it, not a single trace of
Xie Lian was found. It was as if he disappeared the moment he left the room.

He felt that creepy chilling breeze once more as he took a step out and began walking mindlessly.

His every step echoed the hallways until he reached a door. He hesitated for a few seconds,
wondering what lies behind it.

Xie Lian had told him to walk around. If the person whom he was talking to was indeed not Xie
Lian, then he had probably meant to walk around in his trap. Wu Ming gripped his sabre ready as
he quickly opened the door.

Wu Ming looked around and found himself stumble inside a library.

Did they have a library in the base before? Seeing that the room didn't seem to have any hidden
traps so Wu Ming walked in. He observed the library for a while. He carefully walked around,
analyzing each books incase it was all an illusion. He even took a book and flipped a few pages. It
was a real library.

But why was there a library in the first place? And why did he only find out now?

Wu Ming carefully looked around. After a while he found a stack of scrolls and books on top of a
table. He walked towards it and analyzed the open books.

He read a few sentences and it contained a lot of things related to ghosts. Wu Ming grabbed the
book and closed it to look at the title.

'Ghost Nature Collections Volume 1'

Wu Ming eyed the other books and they all seemed to be related. He got curious, why would
someone be so curious about the nature of ghosts?

Wu Ming opened the first page and found out there are two volumes in the collection.

The title for volume 1 was...

Wu Ming's eyes widened.

'What Kills A Ghost'

Wu Ming immediately dropped the book. Who would research such a thing? Wu Ming shook his

'No.. It can't be Xie Lian.. It could only be..'

Wu Ming gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. It could only be that person who tried to kill him
before he passed out! Who else would be so interested in killing him right now?

Realizing this, he was thankful enough that his instincts managed to stop him from almost doing
the stupidest thing.

Two volumes.. Then where's the other book?

Wu Ming looked through the scrolls and other books scattered on the table but he couldn't find the
second volume.

Eventually Wu Ming gave up on looking for it and left the room. If it was not inside the library then
it could only be with that person pretending to be Xie Lian.

If the real Xie Lian had wanted to kill him, he wouldn't need to waste his time researching on how
to kill him when he could do it so easily by himself or with Fang Xin. Meanwhile, that person
seemed to be a lot interested in taking the long way for fun. Changing the lay out of the base and
creeping him out was proof enough.

Wu Ming must've been lost in his thoughts because he had been walking through halls mindlessly
for a while until he suddenly stumbled into another room.

Wu Ming quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked around. Various swords and weapons
hung on each side of the walls.

It was Xie Lian's armory room!

Wu Ming walked inside and stared at Xie Lian's different swords. But something was strange.

Since the last time he entered the armory room, Xie Lian only had a few collection of weapons.
Those were mainly used for various types of hunting. Weapons for daily food hunting, then there
were weapons for night hunting.

Yet, each side was displayed with different kinds of exquisite swords! Where would Xie Lian even
manage to acquire them?

Curiosity took over him as he took a sword displayed on the wall to take a closer look. Wu Ming
stared at the blade for a while until a figure appeared on it.

Wu Ming's heart clenched upon suddenly seeing the half-smiling half-crying mask figure reflected
on the sword's blade!

"What are you doing here?"

Wu Ming quickly dropped the sword as he turned around.

Xie Lian was at the doorframe staring at him.

Chapter End Notes

Wooohh Who else do you think would try to collect those kinds of swords?
your thoughts!
👀 Let me know
I really appreciate your comments lol they truly make my day! ❤️
[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]
Chapter Notes

Hello Dear Readers! Be sure to read thoroughly because there's two surprises waiting at the
end of the chapter

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wu Ming stood still, his face was sweating but his face did not show fear. Wu Ming thought about
the reflection on the sword's blade. The person behind him was clearly Xie Lian, but the face
reflected on the sword was a mask.

Does that mean the sword reflected Xie Lian's true identity? No. Not Xie Lian's..

Wu Ming glared as he lifted his eyes to look at that imposter who was staring at him directly.

It could only be that person's identity!

Did that mean.. That he was right when he guessed that the mask Xie Lian had bought with him
when they left to gather resentful energy from that town was not his?

Wu Ming tried to feign ignorance. If that person doesn't suspect that he knows his true identity, he
might not try to do anything to him first, giving him an advantage.

Wu Ming stood firmly as he responded.

"You asked me to look around so I did."

The chilling gaze on Xie Lian's eyes suddenly turned warm. He laughed dryly,

"Perhaps. Do you like my collection?"

Wu Ming pretended to look around as if it was his first time here for a short moment before
responding indifferently,

"It's alright.."

Xie Lian smiled.

Wu Ming felt his heart ache and crumpled the moment he saw that smile on Xie Lian's face. He
was so disgusted. He hadn't felt this disgusted ever since he was bullied as a child by Xie Lian's
cousin who so happens to also share Xie Lian's facial features! He might not have been able to
stand his face, but the person infront of him was on a whole different level! Not only does he talk
and act like Xie Lian, he was also using Xie Lian's own face and body!

It was so disgusting he wanted to throw up.

To dare act before him as his god and beloved when he's not, Wu Ming wanted to crush and burn
that person whoever he was to the deepest depths on the earth.

Xie Lian took small steps towards him, his face eyeing all the swords on display.

"Truly a remarkable collection."

Xie Lian ran his fingers through the hilt on one of the swords displayed on the wall. Xie Lian then
asked, his voice tender.

"Wu Ming,"

Wu Ming looked to his direction.

"Do you know what collection I'm also planning on to collect?"

Wu Ming waited for him to answer,

Xie Lian's smile didn't waver, but Wu Ming could've sworn it became even more sinister by the

"The heads of the Yong An Royal Family"

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened. Was he planning on using Fang Xin on Yong An Kingdom in Xie
Lian's stead?!

Wu Ming didn't realize soon enough that his expression was giving away his thoughts. He only
realized it when his eyes caught Xie Lian's own that was still locked on him, his smile unwavering.

Wu Ming bit his lower lip and maintained his eye contact with him, should he look away right now
would only deem him even more suspicious. At the same time, he quietly eliminated the fear and
other emotions on his face as to not invite further suspicions.

The smile on Xie Lian's face deepened.

Wu Ming's body quietly tensed in fear, he already knew the person controlling Xie Lian was smart
and cunning, who knows what's going on in this thoughts right now?

'Did he find out something?'

Wu Ming not wanting to stick to the eye staring contest any longer, he faced his front towards the
wall where the sword's are displayed, pretending to check on the swords once more. It was not long
before he heard Xie Lian's footsteps coming closer until he was standing behind him.

"Wu Ming would help me accomplish that goal right?"

Wu Ming tried to keep his emotions intact. With a controlled voice, he assured him.

"Ofcourse I would do my best to assist Your Highness."

He heard Xie Lian's satisfied hum as he reached in a hand and began brushing his hair once again
as if he was clearing any tension between them.
"As expected, Wu Ming is very devoted to this crown prince. However.."


"How would I know how devoted Wu Ming truly is to me?"

Wu Ming's body suddenly tensed up even more. He then realized that was a very terrible move!!
Xie Lian was currently in contact with his hair, any movement from him would give so much
information away!

He quickly picked it up with a question,

"That was unexpected. Your Highness, didn't this lowly one already prove himself enough to you
from our adventures together?"

Wu Ming successfully twisted the topic back to him. Hopefully enough that it makes Xie Lian think
that his accidental flinch from earlier was because he thinks that his loyalty to Xie Lian was still
not enough, thus erasing anymore suspicions or whatever thoughts that was on his mind.

"Ofcourse I know that. But there's something I want. If Wu Ming provides, I won't doubt his
loyalty to me ever again."

Wu Ming was now suddenly curious. What on earth did he want?

"Which is?"

Xie Lian stopped brushing his hair as his hand slips to Wu Ming's neck then to his shoulders. He
leaned on him, putting a few weight on his back as his face leaned in to his ear.

His cold breaths in his ear almost made him ticklish. It was not long before he heard his voice

"Your ashes."

Wu Ming's eyes immediately widened. In an instant, he quickly turned around and pushed Xie Lian
all the way to the other side of the room.

He was going too far!!!

Hold on, obtaining a ghost's ashes will have full control on the ghost's fate as scattering or
destroying one's ashes will completely destroy the ghost.

Wu Ming glared at him, so it was him who piled those books in the library after all!

Xie Lian regained his posture. He didn't seem bothered nor mad. He only stared at him, waiting for
an explanation.

Wu Ming yelled,

"I had enough playing with you! Let's settle this right here, right now!!!"

When Xie Lian opened his mouth Wu Ming immediately interrupted him, his voice enraged.
"And don't you dare play innocent with me!! I know you're the true owner of that half-smiling half-
crying mask and gave it to His Highness for who knows what your planning!!! But no matter what
you are planning, it won't happen because I'll bring His Highness back!!"

Xie Lian was silent for a moment, before chuckles escaped his lips that eventually evolved into

"Hahahahaha!! You will bring back His Highness? Don't be ridiculous! Hahahahah!!"

He continued laughing for a good while as if he had just heard the most ridiculous thing in the
world until he suddenly came to a dead stop.

Wu Ming became even more wary at the strange behavior, he was about to say something when
that person suddenly flashed towards his direction!

In a heartbeat, they were both clashing their swords to each other! Luckily Wu Ming had quick
reflexes and was able to pull out his sabre just in time.

Xie Lian's smiled at him once more, "Such a brave little ghost. So admirable.."

But then, his smile immediately dropped to a disappointed frown.

He coldly added a remark,

"Yet so stupid."

Wu Ming increased his strength to shove Xie Lian's sword to the other direction as he quickly
striked his sabre again, but that person's reflexes were quick! He was able to block his sabre again
with ease.

"You clearly had an advantage yet you ruined it and risked it all just because you were provoked."

Wu Ming stared at him dumbfoundly. He knew he was suspecting him the whole time?! Wu Ming's
teeth clenched in anger, he was trying to fool him but in the end he was the one being fooled.

Xie Lian increased his strength as he pushed Wu Ming up against the wall with only using the
sword. Wu Ming immediately raised back his sword in defense as it clashed against Xie Lian's own
sword once more.

"You lacked the strength to fight me! You lacked the power you need in order to defeat me! You
lacked the knowledge to bring His Highness in control of his own mind!"

With each statement that came from Xie Lian's mouth, he slashed his sword to Wu Ming.

Wu Ming struggled as he attempted to block his slashes. Wu Ming was enraged. But what he said
was also true, if only he did not make a move so hastily, he would still have the upper hand.

Even if that person knew that he still suspected him, he would've still found a way because no
matter what, he had to bring the real Xie Lian back!

His own thoughts weighing down on him as Xie Lian successfully slapped the sabre off Wu Ming's
"Pathetic. Oh so pathetic. You are even bringing your own self down."

He heard Xie Lian's voice snicker,

"With all that, you still dare say that you will save His Highness?"

Wu Ming glared at him. An arrogant and corrupt person like him doesn't deserve to be in Xie Lian's

He yelled at him, his tone full of seriousness.

"Even if I die a million times!!!"

Xie Lian laughed for a good amount of time.

Wu Ming immediately took this as an opportunity to quickly grabbed a sword closely displayed
next to him as he jumped in to attack.

They were surrounded by lots of swords after all.

Xie Lian's face was only a few inches away from the blade when he avoided the sudden attack. He
took a step back, Wu Ming pointed the sword to him as he remarked.

"No matter what, I will save His Highness even if I have to chase you in all the three realms!!"

❗️Surprise Dear Readers!!

❤️ 😆❤️
I present you an art from last chapter
it to you now. I hope you like it!
It was a last minute decision so I was only able to show
Chapter End Notes

Hello again! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and surprise again! I will be updating another

chapter tomorrow so be sure to check it out! I enjoyed reading your comments from last
chapter lol, a big thank you to the people who constantly comment, I appreciate it

If you want to be updated on future chapter updates, see art leaks and videos follow me on
these accounts!

Twitter: Callmehyuel
Tiktok: Callmehyuel

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter Notes

So I forgot to put this in the notes, but to the comments I replied, you already know what I'm
gonna say. ♥️

Brace yourself darlings 🥀

⚠️TW: Chapter includes blood, injury, and graphic violence.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wu Ming and Xie Lian dueled. Their swords clashed with each other at every second. Wu Ming
defended at each quick attacks from his opponent while looking for an opening to strike.

When he did, he quickly switched to offense attempting to aim for his hands. He was still using Xie
Lian's body after all. Wu Ming couldn't bear to hurt him even if Xie Lian gave his consent!

If he could injure his hand, he wouldn't be able to use the sword anymore. Wu Ming quickly tried
to look for opportunities while trying to evade the sword's attacks.

The person controlling Xie Lian was no doubt a skilled sword user. Not only did he have great hand
strength and mobility, his body was light as a feather, moving swiftly like the wind as he evaded his
slashes. He was smart too, he had been able to guess and accurately predict Wu Ming's next

Wu Ming had to work extra hard, he had to evade and attack while consecutively thinking for his
next slashes so he wouldn't be able to predict it.

It was a duel of both body and mind. One wrong move, and the balance will immediately drop.

Wu Ming had to win this for Xie Lian! If only he was stronger, if only he didn't have the flaws he
was told. Wu Ming then had understood that he needed to work hard in the future so this never
happens again!

The two continued to exchange attacks until Xie Lian's voice was suddenly heard.

His tone mundane,

"How boring"

Wu Ming felt his own heart immediately drop.

Xie Lian frowned as he stared at Wu Ming's eyes.

"Honestly, I don't see why he placed such high hopes in you."

Before Wu Ming could react, the person infront of him suddenly disappeared as he reappeared
behind him. Punching him on the back that lead Wu Ming crashing to the other side of the room.

Wu Ming coughed out blood.

'He.. He was holding back?!!!'

Wu Ming quickly reaced out for his sabre just in time as Xie Lian quickly flashed towards him with
a sword. Their swords clinked from contact.

Wu Ming quickly regained his posture and attacked again but his opponent was just too fast!


A voice suddenly spoke from behind at the same time as the sword pierced through his stomach.


He was kicked down as he foot stepped on the hand where he was holding his sabre. He felt the
bones on his fingers break and dislocate from the step.

Xie Lian's hand pulled Wu Ming's hair from the back as he whispered behind his ear,


With a hard slam, Xie Lian slammed Wu Ming's head hard on the floor.

'It's not over yet!!!'

Wu Ming weakly grabbed the sabre despite some of his fingers were crushed. Wu Ming coughed
out blood as he weakly tried to stand.

The person who was still using Xie Lian's body only looked down on him. His face not showing
any grief nor excitement.

Wu Ming stared back at him, his hand on one sword, he pointed the blade towards him. Xie Lian
would be disappointed if he died so easily!

One of Xie Lian's eyebrow suddenly twitched. He placed two fingers on his temple and closed his
eyes for a moment..

He hissed.

"Ahh someone's mad"

Wu Ming didn't spare a second and quickly ran up to him. He quickly aimed and attacked from

Xie Lian easily dodged as he suddenly appeared behind Wu Ming again, kicking him down once
"Watch and see what happens when someone gets in my way."

Wu Ming wasn't sure but those words felt like it wasn't directed to him. But he didn't have time to
think about it because at the next second, his stomach was getting stomped hard repeatedly.

His insides crushed, his ribs broken. He had lost count on how many times blood came out of his

Xie Lian's white boots now crimson red, stained from his own blood.

After another heavy stomp, Wu Ming had grabbed hold of his foot.

Xie Lian stared at him before sneering,

"What? You want my foot to fully pierce your guts all the way too?"

Wu Ming chuckled as he coughed blood once more.

"You might've forgotten so I'll remind you again. Don't act like it's your body, it's not yours!"

An irritated smile formed on Xie Lian's lips. Laugh mixed in the words as he muttered,

"You're really asking for death."

Xie Lian slowly raised his foot once more getting ready to stomp him again but a terrible headache
came over him!

He took a few steps back almost stumbling as he yelped in pain.

Xie Lian used his hands to hold both sides of his head as if his mind was splitting apart. When he
opened his eyes he wasn't inside the armory room anymore.

He had only a few seconds to make out of the quiet pitch dark room before he was instantly pinned
down roughly.

He heard chains crashing down beside him as he felt someone chokehold him from above.

"Bai Wuxiang!!!!"

Xie Lian yelled in rage as both of his hands choked the person with the half-smiling half-crying
mask below him. Xie Lian had so much strength in that chokehold that if it was any normal person,
their necks would've already snapped.

White No-Face choked from the intense pressure on his neck.

"Stop what you are doing right now!!! Wu Ming had nothing to do with any of this!!!!"

White No-Face was suddenly quiet for a while. Xie Lian's deep breaths echoed the entire room,
probably exhausted from screaming so much before.

Xie Lian's eyebrows raised and eyes widened as the person below him began laughing.

"How sad, how sad, Your Highness. Don't you see? I'm doing this for you."
He spoke as if he really was concerned of Xie Lian's well being, he added.

"Have you really not learned from your previous experiences? If you continue to stay with him, he
will eventually leave you."

Xie Lian gritted his teeth as he argued.

"He's notㅡ"

"Not what? Not the same? Even two of your precious friends that were jewels among the rocks in
your eyes left you despite your decades of friendship with each other. Can you still confidently say
that he will not do the same by the time you face another calamity in life?"

Xie Lian bit his lip and said nothing. White No-Face grinned as he realized he had won again.

White No-Face slowly raised his upper body as he sat down. Xie Lian's chokehold on him was
gradually loosing power, his eyes loosing colors as if he had just turned blind.

White No Face raised a hand as he gently caressed Xie Lian's cheek. In the void, despite its eerie
atmosphere. The moment you loose yourself in your thoughts, even if you hesitate for a moment,
you will continue to drown deeper before you even realize it.

Seeing that Xie Lian suddenly stumbled back, he quickly grabbed this opportunity to force his body
to stand up and run towards him.

He curled his other hand into a fist as he successfully punched his cheek.

Wu Ming's felt his own heart twist in anger and regret in an instant before he quickly shifted his
thoughts. If he couldn't aim his hands, he could only knock him out to give him time to think about
things. Thus, he took advantage of the situation once again while his opponent was still trying to
find his equilibrium.

Wu Ming threw another hard punch with his left hand but Xie Lian caught it easily. But Wu Ming
didn't stop there, he increased his own hand strength, trying fighting back the pressure against Xie
Lian's own hand that was blocking him while completely ignoring the blood that continued to drip
from his own mouth.

Xie Lian quickly eyed him, his expression dark and grave.

Wu Ming suddenly heard a snap coming from his left arm.

Xie Lian had broken his arm. He pulled Wu Ming by the collar and raised him. He raised his empty
hand as he commanded with a stern voice.

"Fang Xin!"

In an instant, the sword immediately flashed to his hand. Xie Lian went and stabbed the sword on
Wu Ming, fully piercing the blade through him once more.
Wu Ming coughed out blood. His own vision began to double at the same time he began to hear a
sharp sound coming from his ear as if he was going deaf. He muttered under his breath as he felt
his own body grow lighter.

"Y. Your Highness.."

Xie Lian then pulled out the sword as he watched the poor ghost fall to his knees.

Xie Lian sighed at him pitifully before kneeling infront of him as well.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."

A smile formed on Xie Lian's lips as he gently caressed the ghost's cheek infront of him before his
hand travelled down to his shoulder and finally pulling Wu Ming's body to him. Letting the poor
beaten ghost rest on his chest.

His other hand stroked Wu Ming's hair gently, letting the strands of his hair brush along his slender
and bloody fingers.

After a quiet minute, Xie Lian let out a small chuckle, his soft and gentle voice echoed in the room
once more.

"Your Highness, the most precious person you hold dearest in your heart in the entire world is on
my hands..."
Chapter End Notes

Wu Ming noo 😭 ❤️ Idk why the quality is so

But hey, atleast there's a chapter art right? Haha
bad it makes me mad.

Check my tiktok/Twitter acc for better quality of the pic @callmehyuel

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
The Familiar Scent That I Used To Know
Chapter Notes

If some of you have noticed I sometimes post at 12 am but ao3 keep saying I couldn't publish
a future date even though the date is correct atleast in the timezone I'm currently in, so in order
to post the chapter I have to set the date in the previous day.

In other words, my schedule for updating during Monday/Thursday is still the same.

It's just that ao3 won't let me post around 12 am on the right date.

So yea I just thought that y'all should know anyways I hope you enjoy today's 'special' update

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian's deep and ragged breaths echoed the room. His hands trembled so much that the chains
trapping him was shaking as well. His body was too shocked to move.

He stayed in that position for a while before he breathed out.

"Wu Ming.."

'What if.. What ifㅡ'

His entire body flinched. He didn't want to believe it! He didn't want to ACCEPT that possibility!

Xie Lian forced himself to stand up, his legs shaking as he screamed.



Xie Lian continued to yell until the tears continued to stream down on his cheeks. His voice and
deep breaths continued echoed in the void.

He screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed.

He screamed in agony until his shaking legs finally gave up making him fall on his knees once

But once again,

Nobody was listening.

History only repeated itself, he was all alone...

Wu Ming felt his body grew light at the same time he seemed to be falling slowly. He heard a faint
voice calling him to him from below, but he can't make out the owner of the voice.

The voice was muffled and was gradually disappearing.

What was he doing again? He couldn't remember.

The only thing he felt was light and relief. His body felt so warm. He seemed to be in pain before..
But the pain was gone now.

Maybe... he should.. sleep a bit more..

'My child'

Wu Ming opened his eyes.

It was only then that he able to make out of his surroundings. It was blue all around him. He lifted
his eyes and saw the warm light shining down on him from above, meanwhile below him was a
darker shade of blue that was gradually becoming darker at every minute he falls in deeper.

It was as if he fell into an ocean and was continuously falling down. But he wasn't drowning.

'Hong Hong-er'

Wu Ming turned to the voice. The voice seemed so familiar. He didn't understand why.. But his
heart felt so heavy all of a sudden. His heart recognized the voice but his brain didn't.

All he was feeling right now was as if he was suddenly turned back into a child.

But he wasn't a child anymore. He was a ghost.

He was already dead.

Wu Ming stayed to that thought as he slowly closed his eyes. But just before his eyelids shut, he
suddenly heard a sweet melody accompanied with soft jingles.

When Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes once more, his body felt even more warmer as he felt a
faint embrace from behind.
Wu Ming couldn't really control nor move his whole body right now. It was as if only he could only
control his own consiousness while his body was paralyzed somehow.

Wu Ming then suddenly saw a silver butterfly necklace hung on the chest that hugged him.

'Sweet child..'

The person continued to hum as if she was consoling a child who cried after loosing in a fight.

That necklace... He vague remembers a time where was playing with those when he was just a

'You suffered so much..'

Had he been suffering? He couldn't remember..

'My sweet child, you must win.'

Why must he win?

Wu Ming was confused to why that stranger really wanted him to win, he still remembers the faint
pain, hadn't he suffered enough?

He continued to knit his eyebrows in confusion until a braid tied by a red string appeared, gently
floating up to his vision. His eyes tracked the braid and found out it came from his hair.

His heart softened as he remembered. Xie Lian braided that for him.

Xie Lian...

Wait. What happened to him? Wu Ming immediately remembered he was fighting someone just
now. His heart panicked but he still couldn't move.

He continued to panic but his surroundings was making him hazy and sleepy. His body felt so
warm and heavy, but he needed to find...

A way...

'My child'

The familiar voice called once more. His ears perked as tears formed in his eyes as he finally
recognized whom that sweet gentle voice belonged to.

His voice trembled as he breathed out as if he couldn't believe it.


What was happening right now?

Wu Ming was so confused but at the same time he didn't want to understand.

'My child you must win this fight.'

'I truly regretted not being able to escape with you from your father. I argued with him so many
times but he just couldn't accept you just because of your right eye. Nevertheless...'

Her voice soft and full of love and warmth as she trailed on,

'Even if you were cursed or a demon. You're still my little hong hong- er. My child..'

Wu Ming wanted to cry but he couldn't. He could feel his tears building up but they wouldn't fall.

When he was a child both his father and mother argued so many times. His father wanted to kill
him because he was accused as a demon, yet his mother didn't want to. He didnt fully understand it
at that time.

His mother had wanted him to grow up with a family that's why she kept trying to convince his
father that no matter what, he was still their child.

When his father finally admitted defeat, his mother was overjoyed.

But it tuns out, the moment his mother turned her back, his father had already kicked him out of the
house. He threatened him that should he ever come back, he would kill him. He said he didn't want
to recognize a demon as his son.
By the time he secretly came back after a few weeks to check on his mother, he found out she was
already dead.


Hurt, longing, missing.. It all showed in his voice. He could only accept his mother's transparent
embrace as he continued to listen.

'Do not follow the path me and your father took, Forever separated. You must win this fight no
matter what to be able to reunite with one another.'

"But... will I really win?"

He felt his mother's chuckle,

'You are my hong hong-er. You will always find a way as you always have. Do all what you can to
win... And if you can't..'

'...I will be here waiting for you, my child.'

Wu Ming suddenly felt his body slowly coming to consiousness. His body that was constantly
drowning was now slowly being lifted upwards.

At the same time, the embrace was slowly becoming more and more transparent.

His heart panicked.

Wait! No! He still had so much to ask her, tell her, she can'tㅡ


He used all the strength to forcefully move his paralyzed body. When he was finally able to move,
he quickly turned around as he jumped into his mother's embrace.

Her face, her voice, her words, he will remember it all.

She smiled as she rested her chin on his head while tears fell down on her cheeks.

'My child remember this...'

Her voice was slowly fading away. Wu Ming held her tightly, he didn't want her to leave yet!!!

'...You are loved.'

In the next second, she suddenly disintegrated into millions of silver flower petals. Each of those
petals carried her scent that Wu Ming had longed for ever since he was just a child, was now
dispersed and floating around the air until it disappeared into the light above him.

He didn't move from that spot. His arms slowly closed in the space where his mother used to
embrace him.

Wu Ming hung to his mother's words. The last words that his mother had left for him.

His mind slowly processed the situation, his body was still in shock until he finally squeezed his
eyes shut.

He quietly sobbed.

In that moment, he didn't feel like a ghost anymore, instead he felt like he was a venerable human
child again. Crying and longing for his mother's warmth.

He clenched his fists before finally moving his body to hug his knees. Letting the light slowly lift
his body upwards.

He clung to his mother's words. He absolutely couldn't allow another person dear to him disappear
because of fate.

To hell with fate!

He didn't care when fate blessed him to be born under the star of solitude. He didn't care when he
was constantly bullied by people who loathed his existence. He didn't care when his own father
hated him. He didn't care when he was thrown inside a sack and his body pulled by a carriage,
dragging his injured body all across the kingdom.

Because Xie Lian was there.

Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes and lifted the hand that was clenched into a fist.

He opened it, revealing a small silver petal inside. Wu Ming focused his gaze at it as the petal
gracefully floated away into the air

He needs to win this fight. No matter what.

Chapter End Notes

*GAAAASSPP* lol so is that where Hua Cheng got his idea of disintegrating to millions of

butterflies because his mother disintegrated to millions of flower petals too? Lol now we know

Bet u didn't expect that sudden character appearance did u?

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

The Master of the Resentful Spirits
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes.

His mind still felt hazy but it wasn't love before he realized he couldn't move his body.

He slowly moved his head trying to identify the situation he was in. Right now, both of his hands
were tightly tied with chains along with his his feet. But he wasn't chained on the ground.

He was chained against a wall.

He looked at the wound on his stomach and it seemed to have healed but not fully. An injury takes
time to heal depending on how powerful the ghost is and how badly the injury is.

In Wu Ming's case, any regular ghosts would need weeks to months from healing the wound he has
right now. Especially since the one who gave him this injury was very powerful.

A first rank ghost then. A calamity ghost.

But why was a calamity sticking to Xie Lian? What was his motive?

The wound on Wu Ming's stomach had already stopped bleeding and only needs a few more hours
before the wound could completely close.

Wu Ming moved his fingers and elbows, both have seemed to have already almost completely
healed itself.

The question now lies before him, how long was he asleep?

The door suddenly opened. Xie Lian walked inside holding Fang Xin with one hand. Wu Ming
fixated his eyes on him.

Xie Lian glanced back, his eyes staring at him as if he could see all the way to the depths of his
soul. His eyes seemed to be mad about something, he looked as if he was at the last string to his
patience that was about to snap at any moment.

Wu Ming kept his guard up.

"You're finally awake."

Wu Ming watched him inhale a deep breath as he slowly walked towards him.

"You past out for three days, I almost thought you died but thank goodness you didn't."

Xie Lian's face even smiled as he sighed in relief. Wu Ming clenched his fists in anger as he saw
him walk closer to him.
"Now tell me, child."

His face smiled, his aura right now was so sinister that the air was suffocating.

"Why haven't the ghosts inside Fang Xin not devour you yet?"

Wu Ming was taken back from the question that he just stared at him dumbfoundly.

'I thought he wasn't letting me being devoured by the spirits on purpose?'

Xie Lian trailed on,

"I stabbed you using Fang Xin so many times yet the ghost did not even touch your skin once."

Xie Lian then suddenly pointed the edge of the sword to Wu Ming's stomach, giving him the idea
that should he ever hide anything from him, the blade will pierce him again. The cold contact of the
blade against his skin made Wu Ming's stomach tense up.

After Xie Lian stabbed him so many times, there was now practically a whole on Wu Ming's
clothes where his stomach was located so he didn't need to strip his robes anymore just so he could
make him feel the blade on his skin.

Xie Lian's cold half lidded eyes stared at his bare stomach before his gaze slowly lifted to look Wu

Wu Ming stared back at Xie Lian's golden iris. It was those same eyes that used to glare at him
when he didn't come home on time from a mission. It was such a shame that those same eyes
staring at him right now was not him.

Wu Ming felt his own heart squeeze. This was not the first time that this had happened. He
admitted again and again to himself that Xie Lian was in fact his own weakness. Fighting against
him was like fighting against himself but he had to, in order to save Xie Lian.

But it was pure torcher to his heart.

His only resolve was to keep thinking that he was doing this for Xie Lian so he would be able to
find the strength to fight him. But nevertheless, regret and agony still chased after him.

Xie Lian's voice interrupted his thoughts,

"Tell me what you know."

Wu Ming stared at the sword Fang Xin. It was indeed a mystery to why the ghosts inside the sword
did not once attack him even though he was pierced so many times by it. Originally, he had thought
that the fake Xie Lian didn't command it so he could continue on torturing him, but it turns out that
was not the case.

He had never suspected it before since he was too busy fighting against him. But now, it really
makes one wonder why the sword did not finish him off.

He continued to think the reason why until his eyes widened in realization. He glanced back to Xie
Lian before a chuckle escaped his lips.
"No wonder..."

Xie Lian's eyebrow's furrowed in confusion.

"What are you laughing at?"

Wu Ming stared at him as if he had something on him.

"Nothing, nothing. I just find it funny haha. You already know that even if I die from your hands a
million times, I would still come back. So you need my ashes to completely destroy me or the
ghosts inside Fang Xin to completely eradicate me."

Another soft chuckle escaped from Wu Ming's lips as he continued,

"Ofcourse I wouldn't be dumb enough to willingly give you my ashes so your only resolve is to use
the sword Fang Xin. Yet, it seems luck is still on my side. How unfortunate for yㅡ"

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian's face quietly while a trail of blood escaped from the corner of his lips.

Fang Xin had penetrated his stomach once again.

Xie Lian was enraged, seeing that the spirits did not attack Wu Ming once again.

He yelled in frustration.

"You know something. Tell me why the ghosts wouldn't attack you!!"

Wu Ming smiled cunningly.

"Who are you to tell them whom they should attack?"

Xie Lian's eyes widened. He asked,

"What are youㅡ"

"Did you honestly think that the ghosts inside the sword would sacrifice themselves for someone
who didn't even collect them?" Wu Ming interrupted.

After Wu Ming realized the reason why, it all became clear. Everytime the sword was used, the
resentful energy from the spirits are used like money. But the fake Xie Lian did not realize that the
resentful energy still comes from the spirit itself. Their resentful energies can't be taken so easily.

Xie Lian's teeth gritted in irritation.

He used his spiritual power to pull the sword out of Wu Ming's stomach before making it float up
in the air, pointing the sword's blade towards Wu Ming.

"If I can't kill you for good.."

He trailed on,

"As long as you're dead. I'll chase you to in all three realms no matter how many times you come
He yelled as he then commanded,

"Fang Xin!"

The sword immediately flashed towards Wu Ming.

Wu Ming humphed as a grin formed on his lips.

With one word, he commanded.


Numerous ghosts shot out from the sword and blocked the sword's blade, stopping the sword mid-

Xie Lian's eyes widened.

"How are you..."

Wu Ming shot a cold grin from his face. He had ungerone so much torment under that calamity
possessing Xie Lian, it was now payback time!

He ordered in a stern voice.

"It's my turn now. Fang Xin, release me!"

In an instant, the sword obediently slashed the chains keeping him on the wall. Wu Ming landed on
his feet as the sword landed back on his own hand.

He pointed the black sword towards Xie Lianㅡ no. He pointed the sword against White No-Face!

The tables have now turned.

White No-Face was now enraged.

"How are you able to command Fang Xin?! I'm his original owner!"

Wu Ming gripped the sword's hilt tightly.

"Yes but right now the ghosts are inside Fang Xin, your own sword can't win against hundredsㅡno.
Thousands of resentful ghosts trapped inside it!"

The calamity before him stared at him dumbfoundly.

"But how are you able to command the sword right now when you said they only listen to their

Wu Ming cleared his throat,

"That.. Ah.. Who knows?"

But in reality, he actually knew the answer. It was true that the ghosts only recognize Xie Lian as its
owner, but Wu Ming had Xie Lian's essence inside him so many times that the ghosts must've
mistook him as their master right now.

Wu Ming raised the sword as he whispered near the blade. His eyes never leaving the person
infront of him.

"The soul inside that person's body is trapping your master. Eliminate that pest."

It was suddenly very quiet for a few seconds before dozens of resentful souls shot out and shot
towards White No-Face!

"Wait! No! Fang Xin! I order you to stop!!! I order you toㅡ"

The ghosts immediately surrounded him! He continued to struggle but to no avail. After a while,
Xie Lian's body dropped on the floor.

When the ghosts and the black smoke disappeared, Wu Ming quickly threw the sword away and ran
towards Xie Lian.

"Your Highness? Your Highness!!"

When there was no response, his entire body panicked. He tried shaking his shoulders to wake him

It was not long before tears began streaming down from Xie Lian's closed eyes. He was muttering

"Wu Ming.."

Tears then began building up in Wu Ming's eyes as he felt his own heart squeeze so hard. He took a
deep and ragged breath and sighed in relief with a smile. He then knelt down as he assured with a
soft voice,

"I'm here.. I'm here Your Highness."

After a moment, Xie Lian's eyes slowly opened. His blurry vision slowly becoming clearer.

Suddenly, the dark void where he was trapped in became lighter as he slowly looked at the person
above him.

His eyes widened upon realization.

It was Wu Ming... He was alive!

Xie Lian's eyes widened as he immediately sat down as he pulled Wu Ming into a hug.

He choked on his words as he cried,

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!!"

Wu Ming was caught off guard but he gladly accepted the embrace as smiled back. He couldn't stop
the tears from falling down his cheeks.

His beloved was back safe and sound. His life was back safe and sound.
"I'm here.. I'm here Your Highness."

Hearing those words snapped something inside of Xie Lian as he cried even more.

Wu Ming was here.

He was there.. Listening.

Chapter End Notes

Yayy!! Xie Lian is finally back! After so much angst this author will gladly feed you with
much more fluff starting from the next chapter ;>

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

The True Jewel Among The Rocks
Chapter Notes

Here's a special long chapter for y'all!! Enjoy!! 😉❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After Xie Lian had calmed down he strangely felt something dripping on his robes. It was only then
he realized it was the blood from Wu Ming's stomach!

Xie Lian panicked.

"We have to heal you quickly."

Wu Ming rejected the idea first telling him that it can heal on its own but Xie Lian wouldn't allow
it. He watched Xie Lian place a hand on his stomach, giving him a bit of spiritual energy to heal the
wound quickly.

When the bleeding stopped Wu Ming smiled,

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xie Lian felt his own heart ache in response as he saw the smile he thought he was never going to
see again. Just the thought of not being able to see Wu Ming's smile and voice anymore, it
frightened him so much that he was going nuts.

It was his fault why Wu Ming suffered so much. If only he hadn't let his feelings get the better of
him, White No-Face wouldn't have had a chance to control his mind.

Xie Lian understood that White No-Face saw Wu Ming's existence as an obstacle in the so-called
path he paved for him.

Xie Lian unconsciously reached out a hand to Wu Ming's cheek but his hand froze mid-way as he
realized what he was about to do.

Wu Ming noticed his hand stop. But that didn't stop him from drawing his face close to it and rested
his cheek on Xie Lian's hand.

Xie Lian bit his lower lip.

He wanted him. He wanted Wu Ming to be his so much that it hurt.

Xie Lian's eyes lowered even more as the thought he was most afraid of came to his mind. Despite
Wu Ming's loyalty to him, he can't ignore the fact that Wu Ming had already someone else in his

He can't force that.

Xie Lian's thoughts came to stop when he heard Wu Ming's voice.

"Why was Your Highness apologizing to me earlier?"

Xie Lian gently sighed as he stared at him with a helpless smile.

"I let my emotions got the best of me that it gave White No-Face a chance to control my mind. I
was tempted, upset..."

Xie Lian's heart beated madly as he shamefully added,

".. jealous."

The last part made Wu Ming look at Xie Lian with rapt attention as if he heard wrong.


Xie Lian couldn't look at him in the eyes in shame. He breathed in as he slowly began to explain,

"I... was upset because having you by my side, I felt like I didn't need anything else. Wu Ming was
loyal enough to fight alongside me, he was brave enough to fight a calamity, he was devoted to me
whole-heartedly. Most importantly.."

Xie Lian caressed Wu Ming's cheek.

"He stayed, he listened."

Wu Ming's eyes widened and twinkled the more he listened.

Xie Lian trailed on, his face growing somber.

"So..when you told me about your beloved. I couldn't help but feel jealous. What a lucky person
they are to have Wu Ming's full heart and devotion. It was then I thought that you would eventually
leave me someday and be with that person. The thought made me snap thus lead to the events.
That's why I apologized."

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian dumbfoundly for a few moments before his lips finally curved
upwards. He honestly didn't know he became that important to Xie Lian, he didn't even think he'd
be able reach this point! Realizing this, he couldn't help but feel as if his heart was beating again.
The happiness creeping inside him, it made him feel so alive.

Wu Ming chuckled softly as he placed a hand on Xie Lian that was caressing his cheek.

"Your Highness doesn't need to worry. This lowly ghost won't leave. I could only die following
Your Highness."

That last statement made Xie Lian's heart suddenly jump as he remembered his conversation with
Wu Ming from before:

"And if this person doesn't come back?"

"Then I'll also leave this world. There's no use for me living if my beloved won't come back."
Xie Lian's heart raced as he looked at Wu Ming in disbelief.

'could it be..'

"Wu Ming.."

Xie Lian's voice trembled. Wu Ming smiled at him as if he already knew what he was gonna ask.

He nodded as he responded.

"En. Your Highness had always been my beloved."

Xie Lian's breath hitched. His fingers twitched for a moment but in the next second, his hand
quickly pulled behind Wu Ming's waist as he dived in to Wu Ming's lips.

Wu Ming felt his own chest tightened as he happily returned the kiss. After what seemed to be a
long time, Xie Lian broke the kiss as he whispered in his ear,

"You really are... the most precious thing in the entire world."

Wu Ming felt his heart flutter as he closed in the gap between them again. He felt hot tears building
on the corner of his eyes.

It was as if all the feelings he had built up in the past few days suddenly resurfaced. He had
suffered so much just to get to this point, he had to endure and neglect his own feelings when he
was fighting against Xie Lian especially how he was the last person he ever wanted to face

He never felt so relieved that he wanted to cry.

When Xie Lian felt his own cheek getting wetter he opened his eyes. He felt his own heart squeeze
the moment he saw his beloved crying.

When he broke the kiss he placed a hand on Wu Ming's cheek as he smiled on him lovingly. When
his fingers accidentally smudged some of the dried blood on Wu Ming's cheek he couldn't help but
feel saddened once more.

'He had suffered so much..'

In an instant, guilt flushed inside him again. He swore right there that he would never make him
suffer like this ever again!

When Wu Ming noticed the regret in Xie Lian's eyes he immediately straightened his back.

"Y-Your Highness! Areㅡ... are you..."

Strangely, he felt his own body go light again. His head became strangely dizzy and his vision
began to go blur. He felt his own knees weakened and befofe he realized it, he had already landed
on something softer than the ground. He didn't realize he fell on Xie Lian's embrace!

The last thing he remembered was the sound of worried muffled voices that was gradually
disappearing before his vision turned black.
When Wu Ming opened his eyes again, he looked around the room, only then he realized that
wasn't in that room anymore, he also wasn't in his own room either.

It was Xie Lian's room.

Wu Ming grunted in pain the moment he felt his own head ache. He really couldn't remember
anything at the moment. When the pain finally disappeared, he slowly sat up from the bed and
looked to the window and found that it was already so dark. He placed a hand on his head trying to
think clearly.

He wondered how long had he been asleep.

He really hadn't had the time to think about things when the door suddenly opened. When he saw
the person enter, it was Xie Lian.

"Wu Ming!"

When he saw Wu Ming finally awake he immediately ran up to him.

Wu Ming who was still unable to fully collect his thoughts, immediately shot a glare to him that
instantly made Xie Lian halt on his steps.

Wu Ming immediately looked around as if he was trying to find something to defend himself but to
no avail. His eyes quickly shifted back to Xie Lian.

His gaze on him was fixed and wary, almost telling him to not dare come any closer. Ofcourse Xie
Lian had already understood this but still asked with a careful tone.

"How are your wounds?"

Wu Ming's eyebrows knitted at the sudden strange behavior but he still took his word for it and did
a quick scan on his body. Surprisingly enough, his wounds had already been tended and some of
them had already healed.

"What are you playing at now?"

Wu Ming asked in a stern voice. He didn't know why this Xie Lian was suddenly so nice to him,
but what he does know is that it's obviously his style. One moment he becomes nice and raises his
hopes up, then in the next second he stabs him with a sword through his chest!

Wu Ming's fists clenched to tighter as he gritted his teeth in anger. He had enough of being fooled

His words interrupted as he felt a sudden embrace. Xie Lian held him tightly as if he feared he was
gonna disappear in the next second. Wu Ming sat there dumbfoundly.

His heart was beating so madly that he couldn't understand why. He tried to struggle his way out
but Xie Lian's grip on him was too tight that he couldn't escape.
But after a moment he realized something. Xie Lian's embrace right now, why did it feel so... right.
He tried to feel his own instincts but he didn't feel any.

His body wasn't rejecting his touch.

In the next second, he heard Xie Lian's voice tremble beside him.

"Wu Ming, I'm here now. I'm sorry I made you suffer. You can blame me however you want, it's my
fault why you don't believe me right now."

Wu Ming's eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion as if he couldn't believe it. Xie Lian then broke
the embrace as he held both of his hands and clasped them between his own.

Tears were welling up on the corner of Xie Lian's eyes as he continued,

"Wu Ming I'm really sorry you had to suffer so much for me... You can yell at me, curse at me, you
can tell me how much you suffered because of my mistake, I deserve it."

Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut as he leaned on their clasped hands together as if he was praying.

'...just don't leave me.'

The more Wu Ming listened, the more he began to feel his hopes rise up again but he was still
afraid that his hopes would be in vain.

"Your Highness...Is it really.."

Wu Ming stopped in his words and bit his lip. What if he was being fooled again? What if the
person before him was not Xie Lianㅡ

Xie Lian then placed one of Wu Ming's hands to his chest. The moment Wu Ming heard a
heartbeat, his thoughts were immediately washed away. His eyes widened as he stared back at Xie

Could Xie Lian really be back to him? Did he do it? Did he defeat the person controlling him?

Xie Lian smiled at him as tears fell down his cheek.

"Wu Ming... Did you know how happy and undeserving it made me feel when you told me that
your noble, gracious, and kind beloved was me after all this time?"

Wu Ming's eyes widened before tears began building up in his eyes as he finally realized it. The
fake Xie Lian would never have been able to know this....

It could only be him!

In an instant he quickly jumped to Xie Lian's embrace and hugged him tightly.

Xie Lian gently stroked Wu Ming's back as he allowed the ghost in his embrace to cry.

"Your Highness... You're really back..."

Xie Lian smiled at him as he hugged him tighter.

When Wu Ming passed out, Xie Lian immediately thought about it earlier before he realized that it
must've been because he finally felt relief after so much stress.

Poor thing, he had to live and fight against a calamity alone just to bring him back. Nobody else
would have been able to do so, they would just leave him the next second they found out.

But he stayed. Only he stayed.

When he felt Wu Ming had already calmed down, he gently stroked his head before pulling him in
for a kiss.

Wu Ming didn't hesitate to wrap his hands around Xie Lian as he kissed him deeper. He felt Xie
Lian's hands gently caress his cheek at the same time his grip on his waist also tightened.

He felt his own heart flutter. Never in a million years had he thought of Xie Lian loving him back
as a reality, he felt so happy that he didn't want to stop!

Xie Lian slowly opened his eyes as his lips gently parted. His tender gaze locked on the ghost
before him; he wanted to cherish him forever.

'How precious'

The most precious jewel among all the treasure in his eyes. Even if he was a rock in the pile of
gold, he would still choose him over and over again!

Xie Lian closed his eyes once more as he gently brushed his nose against his before kissing him
again. His hand then slowly brushed against Wu Ming's robe near his stomach, successfully earning
a muffled moan from him in response.

Xie Lian's eyes glinted for a moment before his hand on Wu Ming's waist shifted to his back before
pulling him closer.

Wu Ming felt fires in his body the moment their bodies were so close to each other. Slowly, their
soft and slow kisses then developed to gasping and intense kissing.

Wu Ming squeezed his eyes shut as his heart screamed for more. He wrapped his hand around Xie
Lian's neck tighter just before Xie Lian suddenly pinned him down on their bed.

Yes, their bed. It was decided just now. It's their bedroom from now on.

Xie Lian broke off the kiss as he smiled at him so lovingly before kissing Wu Ming's forehead. He
already knows it was too late to ask now considering how both of them already feel so hot from
each other's touch but he still wanted to make sure.

"Does Wu Ming want to take his beloved now?"

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled the moment he heard Xie Lian call him as 'his beloved'

His body instinctively responded for him, nodding without hesitation!

Xie Lian chuckled as he gently brushed Wu Ming's stomach making him ticklish.

"Wu Ming's injuries just healed, I might not be able to hold myself back."
Xie Lian moved his head down as he kissed the scar on his stomach apologetically.

"Your Highness doesn't need to hold back, this lowly servant won't complain."

Xie Lian blinked at him for a few seconds before letting out a soft laugh. When he faced him back,
his hand gently caressed the scar on his stomach as he asked again,

"Does it still hurt?"

Wu Ming shook his head.

Xie Lian hesitated for a bit. If they do it now, Wu Ming's body might not be able to take it.


He heard Wu Ming whine.

It was no doubt Xie Lian could feel Wu Ming's erection below. It'd be cruel of him to leave his
beloved state like that.

He chuckled softly before finally responding,


Xie Lian lifted one of Wu Ming's legs and rested it on his shoulder before leaning against Wu

His legs stretched even more, his cock trapped inside his pants got tighter the more he stretched his
legs apart.

He moaned as Xie Lian leaned on him. He gasped when he felt Xie Lian's raging boner against his.

Wu Ming stared at his god's cock.

Oh to have that back inside him again... He really couldn't wait anymore!

Xie Lian gave a small hard thrust.


Wu Ming cried. It felt so good. He wanted more from his god.

Xie Lian continued thrusting in controlled movements. He gasped every time he felt Wu Ming's
body flinching under him. Every moan that came from Wu Ming's body was driving him to the

He quickly ripped off Wu Ming's robe. It was torn anyway. He continued thrusting against Wu
Ming's throbbing cock inside his pants as he straightened his back and slowly stripped off his own

Wu Ming continued to moan as he watched his god strip above him. His own cock was twitching
madly from pleasure and excitement.
When Xie Lian's upper body was finally bare one of Wu Ming's hands reached out to touch his god
but he felt Xie Lian's thrusting pace increased. He stopped as he moaned loudly.

"Hhh- ahh!! Ah! Y. Your.. H-Hahh..Highness..ngh!"

Wu Ming whined as he felt he was already on the edge. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he
arched his back in pleasure. The feeling of Xie Lian's hard thrusts against his own member made
him wince.

He was gonna cum soon.

Xie Lian grabbed his waist as he thrusted hard. Wu Ming arched his body as he came! He panted as
he slowly let his twitching body relax.

Xie Lian slowly caught his breath as his eyes landed on the ghost below him. Wu Ming was biting
his own hand, muffling his moans as his body continued to twitch after cumming so hard.

His face flushed, tears formed on the corner of his eyes.

Xie Lian narrowed his eyes, a beast inside him was being provoked.

He sighed as he muttered,

"Ah.. Wu Ming. Don't regret this afterwards."

Chapter End Notes

Yayy!! They're finally officiall!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️

And the fun doesn't end there!! 😉 I'll be posting again tomorrow so don't forget to check it!!
Also, I have some news but I'll tell y'all probably after I publish Chapter 28..

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Chapter 27
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Without warning, Wu Ming's waist was suddenly pulled from the side making him lie on his
stomach. Xie Lian grabbed his hips and lifted it until Wu Ming's legs were kneeling.

Xie Lian didn't waste anymore time and just ripped Wu Ming's pants off altogether. He licked two
of his fingers before prodding the entrance first. When the entrance became soft and slightly
opened, he gently inserted his fingers inside. Wu Ming shuddered at the feeling.

"Nnhh.. Hahh."

Wu Ming winced as he hid his face on the pillows, trying to hide the embarrassment from his face.
Because right now, both of his hands was crossed over his head while his waist was arched, and ass
raised like a slut infront of Xie Lian.

When Xie Lian added a third finger, Wu Ming gasped sharply and moaned. Feeling Xie Lian's
slender fingers penetrate his insides made him buck his hips impatiently.

"Your Highness..nghh please put your cock inside me now."

Xie Lian only gave a humph in response. Wu Ming couldn't really think straight of what that
could've probably meant but he gasped in excitement when Xie Lian finally took out his fingers.
Two of his fingers brushed the entrance teasingly, while his other hand was gripping Wu Ming's
small waist.

Wu Ming then felt Xie Lian's fingers stop teasing him. Xie Lian's hand on his waist moved to his
back pushing it downwards, making his body arch even more.

Without warning, Xie Lian suddenly raised his other hand as he slapped the entrance hard!

Wu Ming yelped from the unexpected action. He hissed and whined as he felt his hole twitch and
heat up from the slap.


The tears in Wu Ming streamed down. He felt his insides tingle and hot. It felt so good he wants to

"So impatient."

Xie Lian remarked as he massaged Wu Ming's hole once more.

Wu Ming whined once more,

"Please, please put it inside me now Your Highness."

Xie Lian laughed as he sneered,

"Dominating on the streets yet submissive on the sheets?"

Wu Ming burried his head deep into the pillow as he groaned from the heat and impatience
gnawing inside his body.

Xie Lian chuckled as he leaned in and kissed Wu Ming's temple.

He then smiled as he whispered,

"Is Wu Ming ready to take his beloved now?"

Wu Ming quickly nodded without hesitation.

Xie Lian smiled once more in response before straightening his back and muttered, unsure whether
Wu Ming heard him or not.

"Don't regret this."

Xie Lian slowly thrusted inside him, inch by inch. Wu Ming's body trembled in excitement as he
moaned in pleasure.

His god was finally inside him!

Xie Lian's hands squeezed Wu Ming's waist as he slammed the remaining inches inside Wu Ming

Wu Ming choked from surprise. He never felt so full in his life. Wu Ming grasped the sheets hard
keeping his thighs from falling down as Xie Lian thrusted inside him in a quick pace.

Xie Lian gasped in pleasure as he leaned in and wrapped both of his hands around Wu Ming's waist
as he panted near his ear.

Wu Ming shuddered and felt ticklish hearing Xie Lian's gasps and moans in his ear.

"hhahh.. Wu Ming feels.. so good.. so tight.. Ahh!"

Wu Ming whimpered as he felt he was on the edge of cumming once more. Xie Lian groaned as he
felt Wu Ming's insides squeeze his cock tighter.

"Your Highness.."

Wu Ming breathed out.

Xie Lian couldn't help but nibble on Wu Ming's ear that was flushed red from heat as he thrusted
even faster. Wu Ming arched his back even more as he felt his insides heat up.

"Hhahh ahhㅡ.. ahh!!"

Wu Ming moaned as he ducked his head deeper against the pillows, he was so close he was gonna
cum at any second! Xie Lian was also at his limit, he glanced at the ghost under him who was
trembling. His insides squeezed his cock even tighter until finally they finally came.
Wu Ming gasped as he felt hot liquid shoot inside him. He came so hard he couldn't move from the
spot for a few seconds. When he finally got a hold of himself he finally dropped all of his weight
on the bed.

Xie Lian turned Wu Ming's body to face him before leaning in and kissing him on the head and
leaving a trail of kisses down to his nose bridge and finally his lips.

Wu Ming was too caught up in his panting to move. The funny thing was, he was a ghost. He didn't
need to breathe yet Xie Lian pushed him to the limits that he needed a way to calm down! Xie Lian
used both hands to support him as he stared down at Wu Ming.

Xie Lian chuckled.

"So beautiful.."

Wu Ming stared up to his god.

A smile formed on his lips as he breathed out,

"Your Highness.."

Tears formed in the corner of his eyes once more. He was truly relieved that the person staring
down at him was truly His Highness. It was devastating having to fight Xie Lian. Not once in his
life that a thought of even harming Xie Lian crossed his mind!

Xie Lian's face suddenly became worried when tears began falling from Wu Ming's cheek. Was he
too rough? Did he hurt him? Did he not stretch him enough?

Xie Lian wiped his tears with one finger. Wu Ming immediately wiped the rest of his tears as he
looked away embarrassed.

He was a ghost warrior, Xie Lian's own subordinate, his heart strong as steel, he was sharp like a
blade and merciless in the battlefield. Yet here he was, crying under him like a baby.

"I'm sorry I made Your Highness worry, I'm just truly relieved that you're back."

Xie Lian's expression then grew soft as he smiled. He leaned in Wu Ming's face once more.

Their faces was so close to each other that their lips brushed past each other as Xie Lian spoke,

"Ofcourse, how could I keep my beloved waiting? I made Wu Ming wait so long, this master
apologizes as well."

Wu Ming couldn't supress his smile. Up until now, Xie Lian kept referring to himself as his beloved
at every chance he gets! And each time it made Wu Ming's heart flutter, he couldn't help but think
if he was still dreaming or not.

Xie Lian gazed at his lips deeply. He was not done with him yet. He slid one hand behind Wu
Ming's ear as he slowly lifted his head making him lock lips with his again.

Xie Lian's lips were slow but seductive. He gazed intently at Wu Ming's lips before lifting his gaze
at Wu Ming who's face looked very flustered. He softly nibbled at Wu Ming's lower lip before
leaning in to him, the kiss getting deeper. Wu Ming underneath him couldn't supress a moan when
Xie Lian leaned in to the kiss deeper, his hand moved to Xie Lian's head before he gently tugged a
few strands of hair gently.

Xie Lian's head was tilted to the side. He continued to kiss Wu Ming slowly, savoring Wu Ming
slowly like a delicate meal he wanted more of. Each gasp and moan from Wu Ming was like a drug
that was stabbed inside of Xie Lian. Making him slowly loose his senses as he falls deeper and
deeper into Wu Ming's scent.

Eventually the kiss became wetter as Xie Lian sneakily slid in a tongue that accompanied their
kisses. Xie Lian's tongue was swift and slick. Each movement of his tongue against Wu Ming's own
sent Wu Ming begging for more. His grip on Xie Lian's hair tightened. He felt his own tongue
slippery and slightly numb, a streak of saliva fell down on the side of his lips.

When Wu Ming noticed, he quickly thought. 'How shameless' He quickly wanted to wipe it off but
his body was still stuck in the clouds. He closed his eyes as Xie Lian kissed him deeper once more.
He felt as if a wave of tsunami hit his head, sending it far and far away until it was no where to be

He didn't even wanna know how hard and wet his cock must be right now. Xie Lian nibbled Wu
Ming's bottom lip again before giving it a small lick when he pulled away. Xie Lian let out a quiet
breath through his nose as he examined Wu Ming who was too embarrassed to look at him just
because of the streak of saliva from the side of his mouth. Yet little did he know it was lighting a
fire inside of Xie Lian when he noticed it. He leaned in and licked it as if it was food that he did not
want to go to waste.

Wu Ming winced in response. He crossed his legs at the same time and was surprised by how much
pre-cum leaked from his cock.

They had just finished and Wu Ming was already on the verge of cumming again.When Xie Lian
saw, he immediately attempted to explain without stuttering.

"Your Highness just finished.. You can rest now. I can handle ..this.. by.......myself.."

His words at the end becoming slower as he stared at Xie Lian's unwavering smile.

It was only then Wu Ming's eyes glanced down to meet his god's already leaking cock.

"Who said I was tired?"

Chapter End Notes

Enjoy the fluff fest!! ❤️❤️💞💞
I uploaded an extra chapter again! Lol because it's a fluff fest!!!!!!!!!!! (ノ^o^)ノ

[Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 28
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian suppressed his laugh. He found Wu Ming's dumbfounded stare so cute. He leaned in to
Wu Ming's ear as he whispered,

"I'm gonna keep tasting you until you run out."

Wu Ming felt his entire body tingle in response even almost releasing his load! He couldn't believe
it, just one whisper from his god and it was enough to almost make him cum? That's literally all it
takes now?

Xie Lian lifted one knee before thrusting his cock back inside all the way. Wu Ming's back arched
as he moaned. More precums leaked from the tip of his cock as his own legs quivered.

God it felt so good.

The moment Xie Lian thrusted inside him, his insides were already wet from his previous cum. Xie
Lian shudddered as he felt his cock being squeezed tight.

Despite still having Xie Lian's previous cum inside, Wu Ming still managed to squeeze his cock so
tight that his head was staring to go up in the clouds.

"Your Highness i-it feels soㅡ.."

Xie Lian began thrusting inside him once more in a steady pace. And boy Wu Ming felt so good he
wailed. The tears in his eyes formed again as he felt he was gonna cum soon again.

"Your Highness.s..please, I'm gonnaㅡ"

Xie Lian leaned closer to him and quickly locked their lips interrupting Wu Ming's words as he
finally began thrusting quickly.

Wu Ming moaned, accidentally breaking the kiss. He quickly wrapped both of his arms around Xie
Lian's neck while his legs wrapped around Xie Lian's back.

"Hhahh! Ahh! Ahh!.."

Wu Ming moaned as he began crying. He was so close to the edge! Xie Lian's hand brushed against
Wu Ming's stomach; the contact made his stomach felt so good and hot.

Xie Lian's hand then slid upwards, his slender fingers accidentally brushing against Wu Ming's
nipple. Wu Ming's body jolted in surprise. His face both flustered and embarrassed as Xie Lian
continued to kneed his nipples. It felt so embarrassing he wanted Xie Lian to stop. He even grabbed
Xie Lian's hand but Xie Lian only thrusted deep in response. Making him unable to think straight
and eventually letting Xie Lian get his way with him.
Xie Lian leaned down as he licked the nipple that was now blushed pink and erect. Wu Ming
whimpered as he felt his own edge yet again. He continues to drown in ecstacy as his own moans
synced with Xie Lian's fast thrusting. Xie Lian's breathed quickened, his thrusts getting rougher as
he felt so close to cumming. Finally, with a final thrust, hot liquid shot out from his cock, filling
Wu Ming inside as Wu Ming quickly follows afterwards.

Drenched in sweat and cum, Wu Ming felt like he was gonna pass out at any moment. Xie Lian
slowly pulled out as he gave him a few moments to calm down. He sat down on the bed as he
pulled Wu Ming's body to lean against his.

Wu Ming's long hair was loose and untied, Xie Lian helped him straighten his hair by brushing
some strands using his fingers.

Xie Lian kissed his temple as he smiled.

"We're not done yet, my beloved."

"huh?" Wu Ming responded hazily. Not being able to fully process what Xie Lian said just now.
Xie Lian left a trail of kisses on his neck as he brushed his fingers along Wu Ming's stomach.

Xie Lian smiled at him. His face radiating with full purity and innocence.

"I told you. I'm going to fuck you until you break."

Wu Ming was catching his breath when he heard that. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't think that's what Your Highness said earlieㅡ"

Xie Lian interrupted him when he suddenly lifted Wu Ming's ass and pushed him down inside his

Wu Ming wailed in Xie Lian's shoulder. He just came, his body was still very sensitive. He
wrapped his hands around Xie Lian's neck as his body continues to tremble.

Xie Lian then whispered to his ear, answering his question.

"It's the same thing."

Wu Ming whimpered.

Xie Lian licked his earlobe as he trailed sweet kisses down on Wu Ming's neck, he then heard low
soft moans coming from Wu Ming in response. Without wasting another minute, Xie Lian leaned
Wu Ming's back on the bedframe as he slightly pulled out and thusted back inside deeply. Unable to
hold anymore, Wu Ming came from under him, staining his stomach with his own cum once more.

Wu Ming whimpered under him.

"Y-Your Highness.s.."

Xie Lian used one hand to grab on to the bedframe, supporting himself as he continued thrusting in
and out of Wu Ming. Xie Lian moaned as he felt tingles inside his body. Wu Ming's insides felt so
good that he keeps asking for more. He positioned himself in a more comfortable position as he
began thrusting more quickly.
Wu Ming on the other hand was on the verge of cumming again. He Wu Ming's own breathing
quickened as he felt another wave flush all over his body.

His body became even more sensitive but Xie Lian's thrustings did not stop.

"Your.. H..Highness..s!"

Wu Ming called once more. Xie Lian breathed out as he responded, his thrusts never stopping.

"Yes.. my beloved?"

Wu Ming felt his own throat stuck, unable to say anything as Xie Lian's thrusting became slower
but deep.

Wu Ming gasped at every hard and deep thrust.

"I-.. Your Highness.. I can'tㅡ"

Xie Lian only smiled at him as he kissed Wu Ming's lips.

Wu Ming sensed something more to his god's smile. The aura around it suddenly felt so.. sinister.

Wu Ming stared at his god with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"You pleaded for my cock earlier, no?"

Xie Lian then leaned in to his ear,

"There's no stopping what you started, my love."

He heard Wu Ming whimper under him. Xie Lian voice felt as if he was either teasing or
threatening him.

"You can't take back your god's blessing to you now, can you? You asked to be fucked like a slut,
then I shall keep thrusting until I decide when to stop."

Wu Ming only stared at him. Xie Lian looked really terrifying just now. He could've sworn he felt
each of his own blood cells tremble inside him.

But that's another thing he loves about his god. He couldn't supress a smile as he buried his face
deeper into Xie Lian's neck

Suddenly, Wu Ming felt his own insides tighten in excitement. How could he reject His Highness
now after he had wanted this from him for so long? His past self would've probably slapped himself
for being ungrateful!

Wu Ming spoke with breaths in between that synced with Xie Lian's hard thrusts.

"F.. Forgive me Your Highness."

Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's neck move. He lifted his head as Xie Lian leaned and gave him a long wet
kiss before thrusting roughly inside him.
He then heard Xie Lian's breath quickened. He grunted as he felt Xie Lian's cock inside him
buldged even more. Xie Lian's thrustings became even more uneven as he quickened his pace until
finally, Xie Lian came hard inside him. Wu Ming's arms around Xie Lian's neck tightened as he felt
his stomach filled with hot and thick cum.

Xie Lian caught his breath as he lowered Wu Ming's back even more until his back was fully laid
on the bed.

Wu Ming stared at him weakly as he felt his own mind slowly drifting away from consciousness.

"Your.. Highness.."

Xie Lian hummed and smiled warmly as he leaned in and kissed him on the lips once more.

Wu Ming finally woke up from his sleep. When he attempted to move he immediately regretted it
when as if a lightning bolt had hit him. He felt his entire body aching! He scanned his surroundings
and found himself alone in the bed.

He slightly panicked. Where could Xie Lian have gone to? Even though Xie Lian had just raided
him, the feeling felt like a blur. He couldn't calm down until he could see for himself that Xie Lian
was truly back. A part of him hesitated as if it was all just a dream and Xie Lian really did not come
back and White No-Face was outside ready to kill him using Xie Lian's body.


Wu Ming immediately choked on his words; he then cleared his throat a few times. He tried to
remember the events before but to no avail. It was probably because his body was still experiencing
fatigue and he had just woken up that his brain wasn't able to function properly yet.

A door then suddenly opened from inside the room. Xie Lian stepped outside. His upper body bare,
he was only wearing his long pants and outer robe while he wiped his damp hair with a towel.
When he noticed Wu Ming staring at him, his face relaxed even more as he smiled. All the past
events from last night then came back to him as well.

Wu Ming felt the warmth of Xie Lian's smile as he felt his his own heart flutter. His worries and
thoughts just now immediately disappeared as Xie Lian's presence itself proved him wrong.

His god, his crown prince, his savior, his beloved, was really back to him.

Chapter End Notes

I'm sorry if I suck at writing smut lol please forgive me. I'm still a learning writer so I'll keep
trying to improve!
The stamina is otherworldy
gonna come back to you
Xie Lian You better enjoy this while you still can cause it's all

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Please look forward on the next update on Monday!

The Next Morning
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian walked towards him as he placed his towel on a nearby chair before climbing on to the
bed beside Wu Ming.

"Did you sleep well?"

Wu Ming nodded in response. He was able to sleep beside Xie Lian again, how could he not be

Xie Lian smiled warmly while he brushed a few strands of his hair with his fingers before sliding
his entire hand behind Wu Ming's head, and finally pulling him closer to his face while he also
leaned himself.

When Wu Ming realized something, he immediately stopped leaning in. Xie Lian's hand behind his
head then immediately stopped as well as he blinked and stared at him confusedly.

"Your Highness just finished taking a bath, this lowly one can't bear to make you dirty again.."

Xie Lian stared at him for a few moments before huffing out a laugh.

"Ah, did I not clean you enough? I apologize my lord."

Xie Lian even dramatically bowed his head with a grin on his face, obviously teasing him.

Wu Ming was left confused until he noticed the clothes he was wearing.

Xie Lian's inner robe!

He scanned himself even more and he was clean from head to toe.

He quickly panicked as he hastily explained.

"No! Nono! Please don't apologize Your Highness I- It was my fault for not noticing you cleaned
me yourself! Please don't apologize Iㅡ"

Wu Ming continued on to ramble, almost apologizing every after sentence. Xie Lian couldn't hold
back a laughter anymore as he laughed outloud interrupting Wu Ming.

Wu Ming was too embarrassed that he couldn't even look at him. He basically looked like a child
who was badly humiliated that he could only sit still and look away.

Xie Lian found his behavior really adorable as he rested on top of him. He grabbed one of Wu
Ming's hand as he kissed the back of his palm.

He smiled at Wu Ming as he teased once more.

"Shall I clean you again?"

Wu Ming bit his lip and quickly shook his head. Xie Lian chuckles in response as he found his
behavior adorable just now. He then leaned in close to his face before kissing Wu Ming's forehead.

"You know..."

Xie Lian began as he rested his head back on Wu Ming's chest while maintaining his gaze at him.

"I also find it embarrassing how I unknowingly ended up being jealous of myself because of your
so-called lover."

Wu Ming's embarrassment then immediately dispersed away and was replaced with a soft chuckle.

"It was my fault for confusing dianxia, I couldn't tell you because I was scared of your answer."

Xie Lian smiled in response before he thought of an idea. He began leaning close to Wu Ming's
face once again, slowly inhaling his scent that he was so addicted in as he gazed deeply at Wu
Ming's lips.

Xie Lian closed his eyes as he leaned in closer until their lips met, he then slid a hand behind Wu
Ming's back, pulling him closer.

Wu Ming couldn't help himself when he softly nibbled on Xie Lian's lower lip, thankfully Xie Lian
didn't mind. Wu Ming was careful not to accidentally bruise Xie Lian's soft lower lip before finally
kissing him back. He had one hand on Xie Lian's back and the other on his hair, gently playing with
a few strands of Xie Lian's hair.

Xie Lian broke the kiss after a few moments before kissing Wu Ming's forehead again.

He stared at him with a warm smile as he responded in a low voice,

"Does Wu Ming know my answer now?"

How could Wu Ming supress a smile after that? He was slightly caught off guard as he tried to hide
his face from how red he was. Xie Lian found his behavior utterly adorable. He truly wanted to stay
like this with him for all eternity.

Yet it still worries Xie Lian because Wu Ming was a ghost after all. As he previously mentioned,
ghosts who refuse to leave can have unpredictable paths ahead of them.

When Wu Ming noticed the worried look on Xie Lian's face he called his attention,

"Your Highness?"

Xie Lian immediately looked back at him with full attention, his face slowly softened as he
caressed Wu Ming's cheek.

He reassured him,

"Nothing, just thinking."

"About what, Your Highness?"

Xie Lian then rested his cheek on his palm for support. He thought about it for a second before

"It's nothing, don't worry. It relates to the research I've been doing for some time, I'd tell you now
but you'd understand better once we are in the library. But for now, I'd rather stay on the bed with

Wu Ming nodded in response.

Looking back, it's really hard to imagine the places they were before compared to now. Back then,
he couldn't even be in the same room as Xie Lian much less be in the same bed. But now, Xie Lian
was laying on top of him, conversing with him, not out of duty, but because he truly wanted to be
with him.

The thought made Wu Ming's heart melt.

"Wu Ming"

Xie Lian suddenly called, his eyes avoiding his gaze. His expression slightly becoming more grim
and worried.


"There's something I need to tell you.."

Wu Ming smiled as he waited for him to continue, but when he noticed that Xie Lian was still
hesitating, he chuckled.

"Do you remember what I told Your Highness at the pool? You needn't to ask me first, you can just
tell me anything and I will listen."

Hearing this, Xie Lian finally turned to look at him, but his expression didn't change as he spoke.

"It concerns the first night I.."

Xie Lian pondered for his words once more, trying to find the proper words but he couldn't.

Wu Ming tried to guess his words so he didn't need to struggle but he couldn't guess what he
wanted to say, so he could only sit still patiently.

After a short while, Xie Lian finally spoke again.

"Well.. the first time we.."

Xie Lian looked away once more. He seemed too ashamed to bring the topic up. Fortunately for
him, Wu Ming had finally caught on.

"The firstime Your Highness and I shared a bed?"

'Yes. Exactly that. Thankyou!'

Xie Lian looked back to him again and chuckled. For only a few months of knowing each other, he
had already known Wu Ming's instincts were sharp and he was very smart on the battlefield too.
But it still amazes Xie Lian each time.

Wu Ming smiled grew that his eyes were forming crescents. How could he forget?

"What about it?"

Xie Lian took a few moments before speaking again,

"I meant to explain this to you afterwards but so much had happened so I didn't get the chance.."

Wu Ming nodded in agreement. Although he hadn't expected Xie Lian to have something mind
after their first night together. But what he said at the end was true, after that night Xie Lian had
sent him to the village, and then Xie Lian got mad after he got home, then a lot of crazy events
followed after that.

Wu Ming assured him with a soft voice once more,

"Your Highness can tell me anything."

Xie Lian smiled back warmly in return as he slowly continued,

"It's about the whispers. You already know that I experienced those unbearable torments from time
to time, and for the longest time I tried to find a cure to supress it but nothing seemed to work.

Xie Lian stared at him.

"Until they were being suppressed by you somehow."

Wu Ming blinked a few times as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Xie Lian immediately added, "I know, I also thought it was ridiculous because the two topics aren't
related. I was confused before as well so I tried every means to test it, like keeping you close to me
such as your schedule of grinding the ink for me every night, and keeping you away at certain

Wu Ming was slightly taken back. He looked forward to those times he was grinding the ink for
Xie Lian. It turns out Xie Lian had already planned this in mind.

It then only hit him.

"Was that the reason why Your Highness kept stealing glances at me?"

Xie Lian was now the one blinking at him for a few moments before letting out a chuckle.

"Ah..Wu Ming had actually caught me?"

Xie Lian earned a soft chuckle from Wu Ming before he continued,

"It was also right then that I questioned myself, how were you able to supress it? You were a ghost
but you needed to have some kind of power related to it in order to supress it. I kept trying to find
answers until I discovered your red eye.."
Wu Ming's expression then suddenly became alert when Xie Lian mentioned his right eye. His
expression became anxious as he remembered how shocked he was when the face he loathed the
most was seen by his god.

Xie Lian noticed his expression and slowly moved his chin to face him. He smiled reassuringly as
he spoke,

"I know. It was wrong of me to suddenly take off your mask but I didn't regret it."

Wu Ming raised a brow in confusion.

"Wu Ming was hiding such a beautiful face from me, how could I regret such a discovery?"

Wu Ming was taken back, in an instant his face flushed red! he quickly looked away embarrassed..

Too embarrassed to speak properly!

"Y.. Your Highness please stop teasing me.."

Xie Lian laughed in response.

"It was surprising at first and it was only then I realized that it clashes with the whispers powers by
having you close to me until it eventually disappeared. So.."

Xie Lian's face then suddenly turned grim.

"When the torment worsened... I couldn't help myself."

Wu Ming's expression saddened, but it all finally made sense to him. He never knew Xie Lian had
actually regretted his actions this badly. Wu Ming patted Xie Lian's back as he reassured him.

"To be honest I really didn't mind it. Your Highness was suffering, so how could I just sit still idly
by? I'd voluntarily endure those whispers in your stead if I could."

Xie Lian immediately shot him a glare and commanded.

"Stop talking."

He didn't like the idea of Wu Ming suffering for him. He was loosing his mind when he could only
watch Wu Ming almost get killed by White No-Face because of his stupid mistake.

Xie Lian's face then slowly shifted to a gloomy expression as he remembered what Wu Ming told
him when they were sitting on the pool.

He had asked Wu Ming what was the most suffering to him.

"To watch with your own eyes, your beloved trampled and rediculed, yet unable to do anything.
That's the worst suffering in the world."

Xie Lian now knows the weight and burden of those words. He unknowingly clenched his chest as
he felt his own heart breaking and his chest tightening when the sight of Wu Ming getting stabbed
and tortured entered his mind.
When Wu Ming noticed his expression, he became worried. Without thinking, he placed both of his
hands on each of Xie Lian's cheek as he directed it to face him.

Xie Lian's thoughts were interrupted as he was taken back at the sudden action. He felt Wu Ming's
hands froze as if he had just realized what he had just done.

"Ah! Your Highness! Iㅡ..I justㅡ... I didn'tㅡ I was only trying toㅡ"

The words were suddenly stuck on his throat, unable to properly explain himself but Xie Lian's face
only softened to a smile as he slid a hand behind Wu Ming's neck and pulled him for another kiss.

Xie Lian couldn't supress his smile as he felt his own heart cry in joy.

He then thought once again,

'How precious.'

Chapter End Notes

Hello dear readers! How are you? ^^ I hope you enjoyed the continuous fluff, fluff, and fluff!!!

And ofcourse more fluffs with plot are coming soon!

...Because we all know how this endsㅡ

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Chapter 30
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wu Ming was now the one resting on Xie Lian's chest while Xie Lian was leaning against the

Wu Ming's face was still heating up as he felt his own lips glossy and numb from their make out
session just now. Actually, could it even be considered a make out session? It was more like a
punishment session considering how much Xie Lian nibbled on his lower lips expressing his fury a
dozen times before kissing him again!

He looked up to Xie Lian who was now busy brushing his hair. He comfortably continued to lean
against him as the situation earlier reminded him of a time he was sent to the town to steal a large
stock of resentful energies and Xie Lian was furious when he suddenly smelled the crazy lady's
scent on his ear when they came back.

Wu Ming's heart fluttered. Was His Highness jealous at that time?

He then remembered something.

He called, "Your Highness."

Xie Lian glanced down at him but his fingers continued to brush Wu Ming's smooth hair.

"How did Your Highness receive the map from Yue Shuang?"

He felt Xie Lian's face frown upon remembering that name. He truly didn't want to talk about it but
since Wu Ming was asking, he sighed as he lazily explained.

"I already knew there was one more person hiding in that bush. When I killed those four, I just
happened to be slightly close to the bush where they jumped out. Yue Shuang must've found it as a
golden opportunity and used his spiritual powers to throw the map into the pockets of my robe
without me noticing."

Wu Ming was caught off guard, he didn't even realized it himself that there was another person
hiding in the bushes.

He suddenly got curious, "Did Your Highness figure out beforehand that he was after your sword?"

Xie Lian was silent for a moment before he responded,

"I felt Yue Shuang's stare peculiar compared to the other pillars and especially his stare on Fang
Xin so I just guessed. When I sent a shadow crow to investigate the town, I found out he was a
sneaky little businessman himself that it even slipped past his brother's eyes."

Xie Lian then continued,

"Since he was after my sword and I was after his stock of resentful energies, I thought that a little
game of Xiangqi would be fun."
Wu Ming stared at his god in adorement. It was only then that he was reminded of how terrifying
Xie Lian could be under his bright smile and tranquil face.

He smiled warmly, "Ofcourse Your Highness won."

One of Xie Lian's corner lips curved as he gazed back at him.

"When my favorite piece was about to be eaten, it was then I decided to stop playing nice."

Wu Ming's face heated up in embarrassment as he immediately understood that statement just now.
He painfully remembered how he was pinned on the ground by Yue Shuang fully cornered and Xie
Lian had to come himself to rescue him.

After a short while, another question popped in Wu Ming's mind. He asked, "Your Highness had
accurately guessed that he was after your sword, was that the reason why you sent me on that
mission alone?"

Xie Lian's fingers that were brushing his hair abruptly stopped. He stared at Wu Ming for a second
before slowly wrapping his arms around him and pulling him to a hug, he rested his chin on top of
his head as he explained.

"It was a long journey and I was truly worried about the possibilities and risks. I couldn't come with
you because it would've been an advantage to Yue Shuang since Fang Xin was present."

He then added after a short pause, "But even if I had come with you he still wouldn't have won
otherwise. But there would be a lot more crowd damage. If not properly handled, the town's people
would've probably teamed up and attacked you alone. But that wasn't the main reason why I
decided to send you there.."

Wu Ming lifted his head up. He saw Xie Lian's eyes deepened in sadness as he slowly continued.

His voice was low,

"A part of me wondered if you would run away after I sent you to a long distance mission."

Wu Ming under him suddenly froze.

"Your Highness! Iㅡ"

"I know." Xie Lian interrupted him.

"I know how much Wu Ming is devoted to me. But just the night before that, I touched you without
your consent. So I wondered if you were too frightened or disgusted to stay by me anymore so I..
sort of tested you to see whether you would take the chance to run away.. "

Wu Ming was silent. Now it made sense why Xie Lian was so furious when he was taking too long
to come home. He was scared that he had run away because of what he did that night.

"Your Highness" Wu Ming spoke as he reached out a hand to Xie Lian's cheek.

All this time he spent chasing after his god. Calling him, reaching out to him, which in the past
seemed so impossible. Now, he could easily touch him like this.
"You are my life. My hope. My reason for living. How could I ever be disgusted?"

Xie Lian's eyes widened. It wasn't long before tears began to form in the corner of his eyes.

"Leaving you would be just like killing myself."

Those words felt like a final stab to the heart before his tears intensified and streamed down while
his mouth was left speechless. In all the years he suffered, everyone close to him either died or left

Only he stayed no matter how much twisted his life became. Xie Lian continued to cry.

Only one person was enough.

One person.


Wu Ming smiled warmly as he sat up straight and wiped his Xie Lian's tears. Xie Lian then gently
grabbed Wu Ming's hand,

His hand was trembling.

Wu Ming felt his own heart squeeze once more. He had already understood that Xie Lian was
telling him to stay.

Wu Ming warmly smiled at him while he continued to wipe Xie Lian's tears. Xie Lian hadn't cried
this hard for a long time that he had a hard time breathing. Gasps followed as Xie Lian continued to
catch his breath but his tears just wouldn't stop.

Wu Ming was there beside him, gently circling his chest to help him breath. Xie Lian cried for a
good while before his breaths eventually became even.

Wu Ming was suddenly pulled in by Xie Lian for a tight hug. His grip on him was so tight as if he
didn't want to let him go. Well, it's not like Wu Ming was planning to go anywhere anyway. Wu
Ming then rubbed his head against Xie Lian's neck in response.

Wu Ming could've sworn he felt his own heart beating just now. Being able to hold Xie Lian like
this, he truly couldn't ask for anything more! Xie Lian saved him when he was just a child, Xie
Lian took care of him despite his numerous injuries, Xie Lian gave him a reason to live.

Xie Lian held him tightly in his arms as he focused on his breathing. He treated Wu Ming as if he
was a precious treasure to him. Wu Ming was the only reason why he could still breathe despite his
heart being broken for so many times. Just when he thought he was ready to trample on every
single thing in the world, never in his life imagined that the person who would be able to stop him,
is the person who swore to fight alongside him. It was Wu Ming's love and devotion that calmed
the burning flames hidden in his heart for so long.
Wu Ming and Xie Lian thought in unison,

'How lucky am I to have you.'

Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes and found himself tucked on Xie Lian's bed once again. His hand
reached for the space beside him but no one was there.

The thought of waking up alone again slightly made him sad before he finally sat up turned his
head to the side where the window was located.

The window was open so the cold breeze managed to sweep inside the room. Wu Ming's eyes were
then directed at the night sky filled with millions of stars above.

Wu Ming slowly stepped out of the bed and found a set of robes placed on top of the bedside table.
He unfolded the robes and he could tell that the clothes were his size. There's no denying this was
meant for him, but how could he reject it too? Would he rather go outside shamelessly wearing Xie
Lian's inner robe?

Wu Ming had no choice then. He slowly stripped off Xie Lian's robe as he put on the black inner
robe. Then he took the second layer, the second-layered robe was crimson red and the sleeves were
long. Wu Ming's eyes twinkled at the sight. He then tied it all with a belt that matched the color of
his inner robe. Next, there was another lapel layer that made his shoulders look broad.

So many layers!

Wu Ming had never worn so many layers that he was tempted enough to go to a nearby mirror and
check himself out. His eyes twinkled once more that he'd lost count.

He looked like an elegant young master. Wu Ming tried to look for vambraces for his wrists since
the sleeves were too long, how was he gonna be able to fight properly? He looked around the table
and found a rectangular box. Wu Ming carefully grabbed and opened it.

It was a tassel belt pendant! The pendant was black and the tassel was crimson red. Wu Ming's eyes
twinkled at the sight. He carefully hung it to the belt and checked himself on the mirror again.

Is this even an outfit for a warrior?

His eyes then landed on his long loosened hair that was just hanging on his back. Would a high
ponytail suit the look? No, it'd just look weird.

Wu Ming looked around and found a silver ribbon. He half-tied his hair and wrapped the silver
ribbon around it. He then stared at the mirror and was surprised how his bangs complimented the
hairstyle choice.

He was surprisingly good at this. Wu Ming then swore that a few hundred years from now he
would make a lot of money so he would be able to buy Xie Lian all the accessories and robes he
needed, even the ones that he probably wouldn't wear but he'd still buy it for Xie Lian just because
he found it interesting.
Lastly, Wu Ming wore the black boots and stepped outside. He was very cautious on his
movements because it was the firstime he ever walked out looking so.. so.. well like this!

He didn't look like a warrior at all but a rich master who was spoiled rotten. Wu Ming then
remembered the time he first wore the first robes Xie Lian had sent him, and guess how that turned

Wu Ming only then realized that the base was back to its original lay out. He sighed in relief, his
home was now back as well.

He looked around the halls for Xie Lian until a flowing sleeve whose color were white as snow
caught his eye. He looked to the side and Xie Lian was outside staring at the starry sky while the
gentle breeze gracefully flowed through his robes and his long hair to the wind's direction.

Wu Ming couldn't move. He was starstruck at the moment until Xie Lian noticed a presence staring
at him.

Xie Lian slowly turned his head and met Wu Ming's gaze.

Chapter End Notes

Xiangqi- Chinese chess

Hello everyone! I hope y'all enjoyed today's chapter because it's posted early yay!

Now we know another reason why Xie Lian was so worried and stressed when Wu Ming
didn't return soon from the mission.

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Under the Moon
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian turned his body to fully face him. His eyes astonished at the sight that he was left
speechess for a moment.

Wu Ming didn't dare look at Xie Lian anymore. He could've sworn his cheeks and ears probably
matched the color of his crimson robes by now.

Xie Lian slowly walked towards him and gracefully lend out a hand. Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian's
slender fingers before looking back to meet his gaze.

'Is dianxia expecting my hand?'

Going by his instincts, he raised his left hand and rested it on top of Xie Lian's palm. Xie Lian
slowly closed in his hand gently squeezing it.

Wu Ming didn't know what to say and he didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward so he just
remained quiet. When he lifted his gaze back to Xie Lian, he suddenly felt his stomach turn
because of how intently Xie Lian was gazing back at him.

Xie Lian then pulled his hand making Wu Ming's body suddenly come forward, he slid both of his
hands around Wu Mings waist as he pulled him in for an embrace. Xie Lian rested his head on Wu
Ming's shoulder.

Xie Lian was slightly taller than him so Xie Lian had to slightly bend his back to be able to rest on
his shoulder comfortably.

Wu Ming ofcourse embraced back. Neither of them had spoken a word to each other yet but their
actions towards each other was already enough for them to know what the other person was

Xie Lian eventually broke the silence at the same time he broke the hug.

Xie Lian caressed his cheek as he asked with a soft voice, "Do you like it?"

Wu Ming smiled in return. In all of his life he had always either worn old, torn, or dirty clothes that
was stained from blood and injuries. It was his firstime wearing such elegant clothes with so many
layers. Even the fabric itself was high quality.

"I like it. Thank you Your Highness."

Xie Lian then lead them to a nearby pond as they sat on a white chair made out of smooth stone.
The way Xie Lian was treating him right now, he even held his hand and the other on his back on
the way to where they sat now, he was treating him as if he was born royalty or something.

Have their roles reversed now?

Wu Ming chuckled, "Your Highness. If you keep treating me like some fragile treasure, I'm not
going to be able to handle it anymore."

Xie Lian smiled softly as he also returned the chuckle.

"Wu Ming is like a fragile treasure to me. Very precious that only I am allowed to touch."

With that said, how was he going to be able to protect him now that Xie Lian wants to keep him
hidden from the world?

"Wu Ming is curious. Where did Your Highness even acquire the clothes?"

Xie Lian slowly pulled Wu Ming to him, making his back rest against his.

"You remember how I sent a crow to investigate that town?"

Wu Ming nodded.

"I used my spiritual power so I could see through the shadow crow's eyes, so while it was flying
around I happened to spot a store and it just happened to be displayed at the front. And I did have
some spare money left after my.. last busking.. so I bought two.."

Somehow Xie Lian's words became slower when he reached the latter part.

Wu Ming immediately got up,

"Your Highness didn't need to spend on me.. "

Xie Lian chuckled, "Ah, are the details that important? I like seeing you like this."

How could Wu Ming continue to argue after that? Wu Ming sighed helplessly with a smile on his

Xie Lian leaned in and kissed his forehead before leaning on to his lips. Wu Ming closed his eyes
as he continued to return Xie Lian's sweet and gentle kisses.

Xie Lian then broke the kiss to scan him again from head to toe.

He smiled at Wu Ming,

"Ah Wu Ming looks very tempting right now.. I'm trying my best not to rip your clothes out and
throw you back into our room."

Wu Ming couldn't hold back a laughter.

"Ah please don't Your Highness. I happen to be already fond of the clothes you gave me."

Xie Lian smiled as he patted Wu Ming's head. He then noticed the braid he tied for him back at the
pool was now tangled and some hairs were already poking out.

Xie Lian quickly untied the braid which left Wu Ming surprised. He even tried to stop Xie Lian but
it was too late. Xie Lian laughed, it seems even the simple braid he did for him now carried a
sentimental value for him.
He brushed the hair with his fingers as he tried to straighten them out first before tying it back
again. When Wu Ming noticed Xie Lian was only trying to tie it back again neatly, his heart

After a few moments of silence, Wu Ming stared at the stars with a smile on his face while waiting
for Xie Lian to finish the braid.

He suddenly blurted out of no where,

"Your Highness? Do you want to tie our hairs together?"


Xie Lian stopped braiding his hair and looked at him. He was so engrossed in tying the braid that
he hadn't really caught what Wu Ming was trying to say.

Wu Ming then responded,

"Nothing. Haha, I was making a joke."

Xie Lian softly chuckled in response. It seemed awkward to make Wu Ming tell the joke again so
he didn't bother.

When Xie Lian finished he stared at his work and even seemed proud of himself.


Xie Lian commented as he watched the braid blend in with Wu Ming's other hairs but it still stood

"Thank you once again, Your Highness."

Wu Ming smiled as he carefully examined the braid on his hands. He was gentle enough not to
accidentally pull any hair that could ruin the braid.

Seeing that Wu Ming was happy about the braid he did for him, Xie Lian smiled back.

Xie Lian suddenly called.



Wu Ming immediately responded by pure instincts as he looked up with his face still smiling
because of the braid.

It was only then he realized what Xie Lian called him. His eyes widened but Xie Lian had caught
him off guard once again because before Wu Ming even realized it, Xie Lian had already pulled his
body to him and locking their lips once more.

Wu Ming had already heard Xie Lian call him this numerous times already but he couldn't help but
still feel surprised each time. Wu Ming's chest would feel so light and his cheeks would heat up
almost all the time. He almost couldn't believe what he was hearing either.
Wu Ming felt the hand behind his back pull him even closer, Wu Ming melted into the kiss as Xie
Lian half-opened his eyes to stare at the beautiful ghost under him.

After taking a good look and engraving that memory into his mind, he closed back his eyes as he
dived into Wu Ming's lips deeper.

Wu Ming unintentionally let out a moan in the kiss. The moan set fires into Xie Lian's body as he
intensified the kiss even more. When Xie Lian parted for air he inhaled low and deep breaths as he
leaned into Wu Ming's neck.

Wu Ming shuddered as he suddenly felt Xie Lian's nose brush against his skin, feeling the
movement of the air as Xie Lian inhaled his scent.

"So beautiful."

Xie Lian muttered as he began leaving a trail of sweet kisses on Wu Ming's neck.

Wu Ming felt ticklish and tried to supress his squirms whenever Xie Lian's soft lips brush a ticklish

Wu Ming's hands were both on Xie Lian's shoulders for support. His head was slowly drifting to
cloud nine the more Xie Lian continues to make him feel good.

Xie Lian moved his face away as he stared at the robes that was hiding Wu Ming's shoulder. He
badly wanted to tore it off and shamelessly receive Wu Ming right then and there under the stars,
but he instead used all forces in his body to hold himself back.

Wu Ming used a lot of effort to present himself like this to him, so it'd be a shame if he just ripped
the clothes apart. Actually even if he did painstakingly took off each of the layers, it would still ruin
Wu Ming's effort.

Wu Ming looked so beautiful tonight, Xie Lian thought he should cherish it first a little while
longer, and let Wu Ming's beautiful state right now to be fully captured in his eyes in every angle so
that he dares not to forget it.

Xie Lian then pulled himself away as he stared at Wu Ming once more. Right now, Wu Ming was
sitting infront of him with both his hands on Xie Lian's shoulder while looking away as if he was
trying to hide his cheeks that accurately matched the color of his robes in which Xie Lian found
utterly adorable.

A soft breeze swept past them and Xie Lian's gaze was now directed to Wu Ming's pitch black hair
that began to flow like the wind, soon accompanied by his long sleeves.

Wu Ming tried to hide his bashful expression but the moon's light unfortunately reflected his facial
features perfectly. Xie Lian gazed at him as if the heavens had just sent him the most beautiful man
in the world.

Xie Lian then stood up and lend out a hand, Wu Ming reached his hand and together the walked
through the base under the starry night, hand in hand.

Chapter End Notes

IMPORTANT: Also, I'm in a good mood so I'll publish the next chapter after a few hours
(depends on how long bcs I still need to edit it) so please check from time to time!

Another reason why is because I've been VERY excited to post the next chapter because it's
one of my favorite chapters <3


Hair-knotted couple

According to google, this chengyu refers to a husband and wife by the first marriage. It is said
that in ancient times, when people got married for the first time, the bride and the groom
would each cut off a wisp of hair, and tie them together with a knot. So, married couples are
called “hair-tied husband and wife.”

In short, Wu Ming indirectly asked Xie Lian to marry him. (〜^∇^)〜

[Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

The Library
Chapter Notes

Yay it's finally posted! I've been so excited to share this chapter with you all since it's one of
my favorite chapters!

Enjoy!!! ❤️
See the end of the chapter for more notes

They walked around for a few minutes under the night sky. Wu Ming enjoyed every second of it,
especially how Xie Lian held his hand all the way.

Xie Lian then lead them into a room. Wu Ming got curious but the door looked familiar somehow.
He was so sure that he had never entered this room of the base but a part of him felt like he had
entered it before.

Xie Lian's hand was still holding his, Wu Ming guessed that he doesn't plan on letting go anytime
soon but he wasn't complaining. Xie Lian opened the door with his other hand and stepped inside.

Wu Ming quickly looked around and his eyes widened.

It was the library from before!

He stumbled in here by accident when White No-Face changed the lay out of the base. Wu Ming
looked around and the room looked exactly the same as how he left it.

Xie Lian noticed his look and spoke,

"Has Wu Ming already entered the room?"

Wu Ming faced him and explained it to him,

"I did. After I was badly injured because of the person who took over your mind, I woke up in my
room. When I went out the lay out completely changed so I randomly walked around in the base
until I stumbled in this room by accident."

Xie Lian's eyebrows was suddenly raised when Wu Ming mentioned he was badly injured because
of White No-Faceㅡ No. He was badly injured because of his mistake!

'If only I..'

Xie Lian bit his lip stopping his thoughts as he tried to maintain a calm expression but his hand
proved him otherwise. He didn't realize he was clenching his fists, completely forgetting the fact
that Wu Ming's hand was still holding his.
Wu Ming knew how much Xie Lian felt guilty about what happened to him, and he just had to
mention that horrible event again!

Truly worthy of something punishable!

Wu Ming panicked as soon as he noticed Xie Lian's change of mood. Going by instinct, he quickly
removed his hand from Xie Lian and kneeled down.

He opened his mouth about to apologize when Xie Lian's voice was heard first.

The tone of his voice was dark and terrifying.

"What.. are you doing?"

Wu Ming looked up only to meet Xie Lian's terrifying gaze.

Wu Ming was caught off guard as he completely froze from the sight. How long has it been since
Xie Lian looked at him like that?

Wu Ming didn't know what exactly he had just done that triggered Xie Lian. He was at lost of what
to do, the only thing was on his mind was that he did something wrong and that he needed to do


"Wu Ming."

Wu Ming looked back up at Xie Lian. Would Xie Lian's anger lessen if he kneeled with his head on
the floor?

Wu Ming's hands slowly reached out to form as a cushion to where he would be putting his head on
after a few more seconds. But just after his hands moved a few inches, Xie Lian seemed to have
caught on on what he was planning to do. The glare on his eyes intensified, making Wu Ming's
hands freeze on air.

Dark aura surrounded Xie Lian as he stared at the ghost who was kneeling before him.

Wu Ming knew how angry Xie Lian was right now. He needed to say something quick but he was
at lost for words.

"I... this lowly one... please.. forgive.."

After an unbearably long silence, he heard Xie Lian sigh heavily before he also knelt down to level
Wu Ming.

After a short while, Xie Lian suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace.

Wu Ming was taken back, he then heard Xie Lian's low voice in his ear, his voice sounded raspy as
if he had been trying hard to swallow down his fury.

Wu Ming had already expected Xie Lian to lash out at him. But unexpectedly, his voice came out
gentle and worried instead.
"Don't that ever again..."

Wu Ming was confused.

"But I wrongedㅡ"

"But did you have to kneel?!!!"

Xie Lian suddenly yelled interrupting his words as his grip on Wu Ming tightened.

Wu Ming remained silent.

Xie Lian pulled his head back as he stared down at the ghost who refused to lift his head up.

When Xie Lian noticed Wu Ming was too ashamed too face him, his hand reached to Wu Ming's
hair. Brushing it with his fingers gently in attempt to comfort him which succeeded. When Wu
Ming found the courage to lift his head back up, he saw Xie Lian's face was still solemn.

When he felt the fingers stopped brushing his hair, Wu Ming tried his best to maintain eye-contact
despite Xie Lian's fury was still radiating through his eyes.

He scolded him once more,

"You are not a lowly servant! Don't you dare call yourself that! You.."

Xie Lian gritted his teeth for a few moments before he let out a sigh.

His face gradually softened. He didn't want to scare Wu Ming any further..

His right hand caressed Wu Ming's cheek as he continued his last statement. This time his voice
was gentle and loving,

"You.. are my beloved."

Wu Ming's breath hitched as he gazed Xie Lian once more, his eyes twinkling.

Xie Lian smiled softly at him before leaning in and kissing his forehead.

"My beloved does not kneel like a servant."

Wu Ming's chest suddenly felt heavy. He didn't know why but he felt his eyes suddenly hot, as if he
was gonna cry at any minute. He was still staring at Xie Lian, stuck in the moment.

He now understood why Xie Lian was so furious. It was because despite them already
acknowledging their feelings for each other, Wu Ming still treats himself like a servant and Xie
Lian didn't like it. He knows Xie Lian was comforting and telling him right now that he was in fact
his beloved.

But somehow Wu Ming still couldn't fully grasp at that concept that he in fact.. was being loved.

Aside from his mother's love for him, everyone treated him like trash. They made fun of him, tease
him, bully him, a lot of adults even attempted to kill him. Growing up, he was never really loved
for who he is. And now Xie Lian was kneeling infront of him, comforting him, and telling him that
he feels the same way.

Wu Ming had always believed that he had chosen a one-sided love, and he had already accepted
that just as long he could protect Xie Lian. He had never expected his love would be returned to
him, which is why he still finds it hard to believe, that he was truly loved by Xie Lian.

"Your Highness.."

Wu Ming uttered.

'Is this really real?'

Xie Lian hummed as he smiled warmly at him.

"I know it's late but am I.. really your beloved? Do you.. really mean it?"

Xie Lian stared at him for a moment before letting out a chuckle.

Even after all that time they've spent loving each other, he still never fully grasped it until now?

Xie Lian leaned his face close to Wu Ming's ear before he whispered,

"You are my Wu Ming. You belong with me for all eternity."

Before Wu Ming could react Xie Lian quickly moved his head to kiss him. A tear stremed down on
Wu Ming's cheek as he returned his god's kiss..

Wu Ming mentally cried,

'Your Highness, Xie Lian. What did I ever do to deserve this?'

Xie Lian watched Wu Ming walked around the library for a while before Xie Lian lead him to a
table on the corner. Wu Ming immediately recognized the books piled on the table the moment he
laid eyes on it.

"Your Highness.."

Wu Ming called Xie Lian's attention. His god hummed in response as he grabbed one of the books.

Wu Ming observed Xie Lian for a moment, he didn't seem bothered about the title as if he already
knew the content of the books piled on the table.

But how is that possible? Wasn't White No-Face the one who piled those books there? Isn't that
how he found out that destroying the ashes can eradicate his existence?

Yes. That's how it went. It was White No-Face who dared to touch Xie Lian's books and enter his
private library without permission.
Wu Ming walked beside Xie Lian and spoke,

"White No-Face is really thick skinned. He even laid out these books without your notice."

Xie Lian stopped scanning the books then looked at Wu Ming confused.

"White No-Face?"

Wu Ming nodded.

"He doesn't deserve to touch Your Highness' things."

Xie Lian stared at him for a few more moments confused.

'Things? Does he mean the books piled on this table?'

"Oh, no. I placed these books here."

Wu Ming immediately looked at Xie Lian dumbfoundly.

"Iㅡ... Your Highness placed the book collection of ghosts here?"

Xie Lian was surprised that Wu Ming knew the content of the books laid out here.


Wu Ming was now the one that's confused.

"Why would Your Highness be interested in knowing what kills the ghosts when you have Fang

Xie Lian let out a chuckle, "No, I'm not researching what kills the ghost. But volume one is just a
part of the research that I'm really working on."

Wu Ming nodded but he still didn't fully understand Xie Lian's intentions.

Xie Lian continued,

"I'm actually more focused on volume two. It talks about how to increase a ghost's lifespan."

Wu Ming's mouth slightly opened. When he first stumbled in here, volume two was missing. He
had always thought that volume two was a darker version compared to book one, that's why he
assumed that volume two was in the hands of White No-Face.

All this time it was with Xie Lian! The second volume's contrast with the first book was very

Wu Ming slowly understood. A questioned then popped in his mind.

"But why would Your Highness want to do research on it?"

Xie Lian smiled as his left hand reached out to Wu Ming's head and patted it.

His eyelids lowered as he stared at the ghost infront of him.

"Why else? So I can keep you by my side longer of course."

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian with eyes widened. He remembered when Xie Lian talked to him
about the ghost's reason for living and he remembered that Xie Lian mentioned that a ghost's fate
was unpredictable the longer he stayed in the living realm.

It turns out Xie Lian feared that his soul would slowly weaken over time before he becomes
transparent and eventually disappear. Wu Ming knew it in himself that he would live long because
he believed that his reason for living was strong enough.

His love for Xie Lian is indeed strong, but it was still not enough to keep him alive for all eternity
alongside Xie Lian who was a god. He had thrown that last thought at the back of his head because
he had always known that he lives to die for Xie Lian.

After a long while, Wu Ming stuttered, trying to hide the blush in his face as he questioned.

"S- so.. What did Your Highness find out?".

Xie Lian smiled, "There is a way! You can't just rely on your reason to live no matter how
passionate you are, but you can with your spiritual powers! When you are a god, the more
followers and offerings you receive, the more powerful you become. Your qi will expand and so is
your lifespan. The same thing happens when you are a ghost."

So... Xie Lian wants to make him a god then?

Wu Ming raised an eyebrow as a snicker escaped his lips.

What a laugh. Him? A god in the heavenly realm? A ghost born under the Star of Solitude ascends
as a god! He would be making a rukus in heaven instead of actually being a god.

But that's not all, he was also expected to kneel and act polite before the Jade Emperor just like the
other two-faced heavenly officials as he watches them cover their faces with gold and blind each
other with their holy halo while they act all nice and respectful to each other while secretly spitting
dirt by the time one of them turns their back.

Hypocrites. That is why Wu Ming was so on-set in building his own place where Xie Lian would
reside in aside from the heavenly realm so that he didn't have to deal with any of their shit.

Xie Lian then heard Wu Ming softly laugh.

"Your Highness is saying... He wants me to become a god?"

Xie Lian blinked. He imagined it for a few seconds before he also chuckled.

"No, no. Although that could be possible, there's another way."

Wu Ming listened closely.

"I can feed you my Yang energy from time to time whenever you feel that your soul is weak."

Wu Ming's eyebrows lifted.

His mind immediately rejected the idea. Feeding spiritual energies to a person can drain your own
as it transfers to the bodies of the person given. But Xie Lian was a banished god. He has cursed
shackles that locked half of his own spiritual powers. He doesn't have enough that's why he was
using Fang Xin to fill in the gaps of his powers with resentful qi.

And now Xie Lian wants to feed him his own spiritual power to keep his soul stable?

Wu Ming's face became distressed he quickly spoke,

"I reject the idea Your Highness. I can't possiblyㅡ"

Xie Lian stopped him with a hand.

"I know what you're thinking. However qi feeding doesn't have to happen now since your soul is
still stable. This is just a plan for the future incase your soul becomes weak."

Xie Lian assured him with a smile.

Wu Ming continued to frown. "But still, Your Highness is already bounded by the cursed shackles,
I can't make you drain anymore and be a burden."

Xie Lian chuckled before reassuring him again.

"Nonsense. Don't think my current spiritual powers are that weak. As long as I feed you a few
drops a in a week or month, it'll take a while before your soul becomes unstable again. Depending
on how much I feed you, your soul will become stronger. Do you want to try now?"

Wu Ming immediately shook his head. How could he ignore the possible amount of spiritual
energy Xie Lian drained when he was investigating the village using a crow that came from his
own qi.

Xie Lian smiled as he gently pulled Wu Ming from the waist for a hug. He whispered in his ear,

"As long as Wu Ming stays beside me, I will continue to feed you as much as your soul needs."

Chapter End Notes

"As long as Wu Ming stays beside me, I will continue to feed you as much as your soul

Comments/kudos makes my day!\(;´□`)/
Chapter 33
Chapter Notes

... I think I went a little intense with this chapter but I still hope you will enjoy it 🙉🙈💘💘

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Y. Your Highness!"

Wu Ming's body trembled. Right now he was seated on Xie Lian's lap facing him as Xie Lian's
hand continues to brush against Wu Ming's stomach, feeling his skin while feeding Wu Ming his
own qi.

"Hhhaㅡ Ahh!"

Wu Ming jolted when he felt the sudden surge of spiritual energy suddenly increased.

They were both still inside the library talking. Wu Ming didn't know how he ended up on Xie
Lian's lap and was now being fed by Xie Lian with qi.

Didn't he reject the idea just now?

Not to mention Xie Lian's hand that was brushing on his skin was... hot. The temperature increased
depending on the amount of spiritual energy was flowing inside him.

It was not supposed to feel this good whenever someone offers you their spiritual energy but Wu
Ming was a ghost, his body temperature had always been low, so Wu Ming was surprised by the
sudden warmth inside his body when the spiritual energy flowed inside him. It was like drinking a
cup of hot tea in the middle of a freezing night.

Wu Ming continued to whine as he was trying to stop Xie Lian but his body felt so good to stop!

Xie Lian's hand continued to feel him up while his other hand was behind Wu Ming's lower back to
keep him from accidentally falling down.

Xie Lian knew that receiving spiritual energies felt warm and good but he wasn't expecting this
reaction from Wu Ming at all.

Wu Ming keeps letting out lewd moans that Xie Lian couldn't get enough of. Xie Lian eventually
figured out that Wu Ming probably felt so good because of his low temperature as a ghost, and that
the spiritual power flowing inside him was very warm.

Xie Lian's hand continued to explore Wu Ming's stomach before it slowly moved up to one of Wu
Ming's nipples. His hand felt even warmer when he suddenly increased the amount making Wu
Ming gasp and moan, letting Xie Lian hear the reaction he wanted.

Xie Lian didn't say anything the entire time but he was clearly enjoying it. His middle finger then
began gently rubbing Wu Ming's nipple and Wu Ming was letting out supressed moans and cries in
response. He was trying so hard not to sound like a slut in heat because of the erotic sounds coming
out of his mouth, but that only made Xie Lian want to tease him even more.

Wu Ming later on questioned the point of suppressing his moans when he could feel Xie Lian's
raging boner poking up against his ass.

When Xie Lian brushed his hand downwards, Wu Ming moaned and arched his back,
unintentionally grinding the hard cock against his.

But it was worth it when he suddenly heard a low moan escape from Xie Lian's mouth in response.

Immediately after hearing that moan somehow made Wu Ming even more impatient. He wanted to
beg Xie Lian to take him now but Xie Lian had ordered him to stay still while he continues to feed
him his qi.

How did it get to this? He vaguely remembers Xie Lian telling him he will only feed him for a few
seconds just so he can fully grasp the idea of receiving spiritual energy and that he wouldn't be
immediately be drained, but when Wu Ming accidentally let out a moan in response, Xie Lian's
eyes suddenly darkened as if Wu Ming had just provoked a dangerous creature inside of him.

Thus lead to where they are now.

Wu Ming was only left with his thin inner robe that was loosened all the way until his upper torso
was open for Xie Lian.

Wu Ming continued to let out heavy sighs and gasps as he continues to feel the warm energy inside
his body.

Shortly after, Xie Lian slowly moved his hips upwards as if he was trying to stretch out to keep his
knees from cramping.

Wu Ming grunted as he felt the cock against his ass deepened even more for a few seconds. He
immediately knew Xie Lian did it intentionally to tease him!

So why was he still holding back?!?

Eventually Wu Ming couldn't handle the torment anymore and cried out to him. "Y.. Your

Xie Lian smiled at him innocently while his hand continued to feel his skin and stomach.


Wu Ming winced when Xie Lian's hand reached to his chest.

Xie Lian stared at him intently.

"Please what, Wu Ming?"

Wu Ming internally cried. He knew Xie Lian was just teasing him and that he already knew what
he was begging for.

Eventually Wu Ming's head rested on Xie Lian's shoulder in defeat.

He could feel his cock wet and moist from precum right now. Wu Ming grunted as he slowly
grinded his untouched cock against Xie Lian's stomach to help him find a sense of relief.

Wu Ming unintentionally let out a soft moan near Xie Lian's ear.

His mind was growing hazy as he began to consider ridiculous things such as continuing to slowly
grind against Xie Lian's stomach as if Xie Lian wouldn't notice it.

He didn't even realize the hand giving him spiritual powers and the hand on his back disappeared.

Wu Ming continued to grind to his content untilㅡ


Wu Ming yelped and hissed as he felt a burning sensation from his ass. The pain quickly pulled him
back to senses as he realized Xie Lian had just slapped his ass hard.

Wu Ming then realized his mistake. Whom did he think he was fooling with? Wu Ming nudged Xie
Lian's neck for compensation but Xie Lian didn't even move an inch.

Wu Ming lifted his head from Xie Lian's shoulder as his head slowly lifted up to his god's face. Wu
Ming immediately flinched upon seeing Xie Lian's piercing stare at him as if he was staring all the
way through his guilty soul.

Wu Ming swallowed hard.

"I- I'm sorrㅡ"

Before he knew it. His body was suddenly carried and his back was slammed against something

When Wu Ming opened his eyes, he realized Xie Lian pinned him down on top of the table. The
books beside him were sweeped off the table by one arm.

"Did I not say that you must stay still?"

A low yet stern voice was heard from above. Wu Ming lowered his head, acknowledging his

Xie Lian's hands roughly grabbed Wu Ming's waist, pulling it until it roughly bumped against Xie
Lian's pants

The sudden contact plus the remaining pain from the slapped made Wu Ming grunt. Xie Lian's
hands then moved under the ghost's thighs as he lifted them up to press against the stomach. Xie
Lian then leaned in as he positioned his cock on top of Wu Ming,

His voice dark and grave as he commanded,

"You will not release until I say so."

Wu Ming's breaths were heavy. He didn't care he'll worry about it later because right now all that
was on his mind was Xie Lian's cock inside of him.

Just when did he suddenly become this greedy?

Wu Ming's eyes weakly gazed at his god as he watched his long beautiful hair slip down on his
shoulders and landing on his bare stomach. It quickly sucked in upon contact as he felt ticklish.

Xie Lian pulled his robes open and stared at the boner poking out his pants.

Xie Lian shot him a grave stare. He sneered,


Xie Lian roughly pulled Wu Ming's pants down freeing the erect cock who was already dripping
down with precum.

Wu Ming hissed when he felt the cold air surround his member. His eyes followed Xie Lian's finger
as it reached down from the base of his cock, before slowly sliding up to the length using the right
amount pressure as he wiped off a section of the leaking precum with a straight line, and his finger
continued all the way until it reached the tip.

Wu Ming was putting pressure on hips trying to hold back from cumming. He couldn't believe it,
Xie Lian only used a finger and he was already on the edge?

Wu Ming's hazy eyes watched that finger with precum slowly entered Xie Lian's pretty mouth. He
saw Xie Lian's cheeks suck in as he sucked and licked the precum off the finger with his tongue
before it slowly pulled out making a smacking sound as it escaped from Xie Lian's lips. The finger
filled with precum before was now replaced by Xie Lian's own saliva with some leftover cum that
dripped down to Xie Lian's palm.

Xie Lian angled his head while his eyes were fixated on that excess cum as he licked it back
upwards again until there was nothing left.

Xie Lian was teasing him once again...

Wu Ming's became were heavier. His cock twitched and ached for attention.

Xie Lian let out a scornful laugh as he watched his beloved suffer under him. The power he was
holding right now. He loved it.

His lips curved. Xie Lian locked his gaze at him while he moved his hand near his lips before he
licked his finger dry.

Wu Ming instantly squeezed his eyes shut as his hips struggled once more. He was already
forbidden to cum but Xie Lian wouldn't stop teasing him.
Eventually Wu Ming found the strength to speak. His breath ragged along the words,

"P. Please Your Highness.. Iㅡ I can't anymore.."

Xie Lian then smiled warmly as his hand reached out to his head as if he was comforting him while
he stared down at the teary-eyed ghost pitifully.

Wu Ming's guard lowered once he saw Xie Lian's smile.

'Is the teasing over?'

Xie Lian suddenly let out a scoff. Wu Ming's eyes instantly widened as he wondered exactly when
did his smile suddenly became sinister?

The fingers slithered through his hair before Xie Lian pulled it forcing his head look upwards.

Xie Lian's voice sang in his ear,

"My Wu Ming.."

"...It's so cute whenever I take you by surprise each time. Seeing your pitiful state like this because
of me, the expressions you show after you realized you've been had, you just become even more

Xie Lian leaned in even more, placing kisses on his neck before gently sucking his adams apple.
Wu Ming swallowed hard.

"My perfect Wu Ming."

Wu Ming's lips trembled as he felt Xie Lian's cold breath on his neck when he spoke.

"P. Please.. take me nowㅡ ah!!"

Xie Lian suddenly tugged his hair as his hips slowly grinded against Wu Ming's rock hard cock, a
moan escaped from Wu Ming's lips.

Xie Lian laughed again as he pulled away from Wu Ming's cock.

"Does my Wu Ming like that?"

Wu Ming nodded in an instant, he had to pull himself back from raising his own hips to make
contact with Xie Lian's bulging cock despite it still being trapped inside his white pants. If he defies
Xie Lian's order again, he might actually die from Xie Lian's intense teasing.

A few tears slowly dripped down from the corner of Wu Ming's eyes while he gazing up at his god,
his voice full of breaths as he begged once more.


Xie Lian leaned in and kissed away those tears before his hips lowered again before he grinded
himself again hard.
Wu Ming let out a hard moan. Xie Lian then began to grind slowly at a steady pace while he
listened to his beloved's beautiful gasps and moans that synced with his every thrust.

"Hahhㅡ ahh.. Hhaa...ahh..mmph!"

Xie Lian continued to listen to his beloved's moans before Wu Ming's body suddenly squirmed.

Xie Lian examined him again while he kept his pace. His little ghost was having a hard time
holding back.

Xie Lian's hands that were supporting him was now replaced with elbows, lowering his body even
more until he could feel Wu Ming's hard and flushed nipples brush his skin whenever he thrusts.

Wu Ming's gasps became sharper that he practically couldn't close his mouth anymore and just
allowed the erotic sounds escape his mouth mindlessly. Not even minding the streak of saliva inside
his mouth and the drool on the corner of his lips while he exhaled sharp and hot breaths at the same

Xie Lian's eyes were fixated on his mouth, the stare in his eyes intensified. He suddenly felt very

Thus, he leaned in and kissed that wet mouth, his tongue invaded and swirled around his mouth,
licking every strand of saliva before harassing the tongue.

Wu Ming moaned in the kiss when he felt Xie Lian's muffled moans as his grinds became faster.

Xie Lian continued to lick and harass his tongue while his hands quickly took off the opened robe
that was still hanging on his shoulders. He struggled as he was so focused on Wu Ming's mouth but
luckily Wu Ming helped him take it off.

Wu Ming then took this opportunity to slide his hands down to Xie Lian's pants, tugging it before
he pulled it downwards.

Wu Ming felt his own lip curve slightly when Xie Lian let him take it off. The elbows supporting
Xie Lian's weight enclosed around Wu Ming.

He then broke the kiss, leaving a strand of saliva between them. Xie Lian pulled his body away as
he took his own pants off completely.

Xie Lian then grabbed his robe and reached his hand inside his sleeve's pocket trying to grab

Wu Ming saw Xie Lian took out a small bottle and dipped two of his hands inside. When he pulled
it out, his fingers were covered with a thick and glossy liquid.

Wu Ming then thought,


But Wu Ming really couldn't wait anymore. He called Xie Lian's attention.

"Your Highness.. Just put it inside me please..."

Xie Lian turned his head to face him. He thought about it for a few seconds. As much as he enjoyed
tormenting his beloved he still wouldn't have the heart to hurt him. But considering how long he
had already been holding back, he might as well just grant his wish.

He responded, "Very Well."

Xie Lian rubbed the oil on his fingers all over his palm before he rubbed his own dick, letting the
oil smudge all over there instead.

Xie Lian then grabbed Wu Ming's waist and positioned himself to the entrance. Wu Ming squirmed
under him impatiently.

"Shh.. If Wu Ming doesn't behave, you won't be getting what you want anytime soon."

Wu Ming bit his lip before nodding obediently. His hips stayed still as Xie Lian wanted.

Xie Lian waited for too long as well. With one thrust, he slowly pushed his cock all the way inside.
Wu Ming trembled under him and let out a loud moan.

The oil made Xie Lian's cock slippery thus he managed to thrust it all inside smoothly. Xie Lian
gasped as he breathed out,

"Ahh.. My Wu Ming.."

Xie Lian grunted as he felt Wu Ming's insides roughly squeeze his cock hard. It felt so good that his
elbows weakened, almost falling down on top of Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's breaths were heavy and quick. The more he tried to hold back from cumming, the
tighter his insides became.

"please, please, please, Your Highness! I will be good just please fuck me now!!"

Wu Ming pleaded as if he was making a prayer and begging a favor from his god. Xie Lian let out a
laugh before he leaned down and kissed Wu Ming's forehead.

"Since my Wu Ming wad been a good and devoted believer to this god, I will gladly answer his

With that said he pulled out before thrusting back inside hard. Both moaned in sync before Xie
Lian began thrusting in a quick pace.

"Ah- ahh! Yes Your Highness!! right.. There!"

Wu Ming was grabbing on to Xie Lian's shoulders for support as he continued to be railed hard by
Xie Lian, more precum leaked on top of his sensitive cock. Xie Lian had been taking note of Wu
Ming's moans and angling it to where his prostate might be located, and when he found it, he
almost succeeded at hitting it everytime.

Wu Ming's moans intensified, as he felt his mind slowly going blank. He wanted to cum so bad but
he wanted to be obedient!

He could only hope Xie Lian would cum inside him sooner. His god noticed he was already on the
verge of falling of the edge, thus he spoke with pants in between,
"You shall only be allowed to cum after me."

Wu Ming nodded his head. If Xie Lian doesn't plan on cumming anytime soon, he might as well
give him a push!

Both of his legs wrapped around Xie Lian's back tightly. At the same time, his hands moved to the
back of Xie Lian's neck before he pushed himself up closely to Xie Lian's face.

Xie Lian's thrust didn't slow down as he observed what his little ghost was scheming. He shuddered
at the feeling of Wu Ming's gasps and moans on his neck that wasn't covered by the silk.

One of Wu Ming's hand reached and gently touched the white silk that was wrapped around his
neck before he carefully loosened it, revealing the black pattern around his neck, it was Xie Lian's
cursed shackles. He leaned in and gave the neck a long lick, hearing a moan from his god in

Wu Ming then proceeded to kiss and suck his neck before he whispered with sharp gasps in

"Even with these cursed shakles. Your Highness is still the god I worship."

He then continued to kiss his god's neck until he felt the cock inside him budge even more.

He heard Xie Lian's voice from above,

"What a devoted believer you really are, Wu Ming"

He added,

".. This god shall reward you.."

Wu Ming's heart danced as he felt Xie Lian grab his waist tightly before thrusting in madly! Wu
Ming arched his body upwards while sharp moans escaped his lips that synced with Xie Lian's
inhumane thrusting.

"Yes- Yes- Th- ahh! Thank you- hnghh-ahh! Y-your Highness!"

Wu Ming uttered while the hands around Xie Lian's neck wrapped even tighter.

Xie Lian panted as he questioned,

"Will you take this god's gift.. Hngh!... inside you.. Wu Ming? Will you?"

His little ghost immediately nodded,

"I will take whatever my god gives me!"

Xie Lian rested his head on Wu Ming's shoulder, leaning until Wu Ming's back was rested again
against the table. The table shaked even more as Xie Lian thrusted even quicker. Moans and gasps
echoed the room.

Xie Lian then pulled out before thrusting deep inside as he came! Wu Ming followed shortly after.
After pulling out, Xie Lian breathed deeply before leaning down to kiss the gasping ghost below

Xie Lian then placed a hand on Wu Ming's chest and gave a few more spiritual energy inside him to
help his poor little ghost relax. He looked as if he was gonna die from exhaustion.

He felt Wu Ming's voice humm inside the kiss. He weakly pulled Xie Lian's hand away, indicating
that he should stop giving anymore before he drains himself out.

Wu Ming took a deep breath, his throat still cold from all the gasping and moaning.

"Your Highness.."

He spoke weakly. Xie Lian looked at him, all his attention focused on nothing else except his

"I love you so much.."

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened before Wu Ming's eyes slowly closed, drifting off to sleep.

Xie Lian stared at him for a few seconds before his eyes and lips curved happily.

"I love you too."

Chapter End Notes

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Morning Cuddles, and Morning Struggles
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The next day, Wu Ming's eyes slowly opened and found himself on top of Xie Lian's bed once
again. He looked down and found himself wearing a thin white inner robe.

He let out a weak laugh as he sensed the familiarity of the scene. It was as if the day repeated itself.

The only difference is...

Wu Ming slowly turned his head and his eyes followed the blankets until it reached to the sleeping
body not far from him.

Xie Lian was laying down with one hand resting behind his head, his face relaxed as he was
peacefully sleeping.

Wu Ming felt his own heart squeeze at the sight.

In the past, whenever he gets a chance to meet Xie Lian, his eyebrows were always furrowed and
he was always scowling. But now he often sees him so relaxed and he was even able to witness
happy emotions such as laughing from him.

Wu Ming could vaguely hear Xie Lian's soft and equal breathings.

Knowing how difficult he must be feeling because of the whispering torments in his ear, had he
also been sleeping soundly just like this before?

Wu Ming wasn't sure.

His eyes landed to Xie Lian's still bare neck and down to his open chest. He was also only wearing
a thin white robe that was loosened, and his white pants.

Wu Ming stared at his bare chest for a moment. Something must've possessed him because the next
thing he knew, he was already leaning close before placing a hand on his chest where his heart was

It was beating in calmly.

A smile crept in Wu Ming's lips. He knows it very well in himself that just as long Xie Lian was
living, he would always have hope.

Wu Ming quickly retracted back his hand the moment he snapped out of his thoughts. He wondered
about what he should do.

He then thought of making breakfast! Xie Lian might be a god and live long but he certainly needs
a fixed eating schedule.

Alright! With that decided Wu Ming carefully slipped off the bed and headed towards the kitchen
downstairs. He suddenly felt chilly for some reason. The smooth floor beneath his bare feet felt
colder than usual; he didn't bother wearing his boots in fear of waking Xie Lian up with the boot's
sound hitting against the floor.

When Wu Ming walked outside the base, he was then greeted by numerous white tiny droplets that
was falling very slowly. When a snowflake landed on his nose, it felt cold. It was then he realized
that it was beginning to snow.

He frowned upon realization as he thought.

'His Highness might catch a cold.'

He quickly walked back inside and shut the door. As far as he could remember, he never really
liked the winter climate ever since he was a child because it's cold and it makes people sick.

He walked back to the kitchen and prepared a warm broth to help warm up Xie Lian's body due to
the current climate. His once saw his mother prepare this broth for him, and luckily he had good
memory so he was able to remake it by his own. Wu Ming had only hoped that the broth would
taste good. When he finished, he placed it on top of a tray and delivered it upstairs.

When he opened the door to Xie Lian's bedroomㅡ no wait. Wu Ming paused as he thought for a
moment. He considered the amount of the times he slept in his Xie Lian's room, and thought about
it for another short few seconds before asking himself. Wouldn't it mean that it's their room now?
He barely even goes to the bedroom Xie Lian gifted him anymore.

Wu Ming chuckled to himself softly before carefully putting the tray on the bedside table, and
sitting down on the bed beside his sleeping god.

Wu Ming watched Xie Lian sleep soundly for a moment before his eyes were then directed to the
tray sitting on the table. He thought it was unusual that Xie Lian was still asleep since he usually
would be already awake at this hour.

But since it was snowing, he didn't consider that Xie Lian's sleeping schedule would change. He
frowned at himself for overlooking at that fact. Now he was worried that the broth would get cold,
and of course he didn't have the heart to wake his beloved god up for breakfast and disturb his
sleep, so that wasn't an option either.

He was too engrossed at his thoughts that he didn't even realize a hand behind him suddenly
reached out and grabbed his arm before pulling him on the bed!

Wu Ming was caught off guard when he realized he wasn't sitting on the bed anymore, but he was
laying down with an arm wrapped around him.

So Xie Lian was awake after all.

Wu Ming tilted his head to look up. He spoke in a gentle voice as he greeted his beloved with a
warm smile,

"Your Highness.."

"Hm?" Xie Lian responded while still closing his eyes as if he was still asleep.

"I prepared a broth for you. Please drink it while it's still hot."
He saw sa smile curve up his lips. Shortly after, Xie Lian's honey-colored eyes were slowly
exposed as his eyelids lifted up halfway.

Xie Lian chuckled softly, "Not only are you a devoted believer, but you are also an attentive
husband. How lucky of me."

Husband? Who? Him?

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened. His face was beginning to heat up and turn red while he stared at
him speechless.

He wasn't even given a chance to defend himself when Xie Lian gave a peck to his burning ear. He
then slowly sat up and grabbed the tray from the bedside table while Wu Ming was trying to calm
himself down.

Wu Ming watched him slowly stir the broth using a spoon before scooping, then blowing it before
he took it in his mouth.

Wu Ming studied Xie Lian for a bit. He saw Xie Lian's robe was still disheveled so his bare chest
was slightly exposed, and his hair was loose. The long hairs near his face were hooked behind his
ear while the rest of his hair was hanging freely behind his shoulders and back.

In short, he was a mess but that was normal since Xie Lian had just woken up. But what Wu Ming
saw was a hot mess. He knew Xie Lian had just woken but what he was seeing right now was no
doubt an alluring sight! With Xie Lian's rare gentle and serene look right now, many would dream
of seeing him like this.

But that honor was only given to him.

Wu Ming slowly sat up shortly after and pondered if he should stay in the room. He had never been
in the same room with Xie Lian before whenever he was eating. The situation placed him in a slight

Plus ghosts didn't need to eat, what was his use here?

He then thought if he should ask first before making actions.

"Shall I leave Your Highness? I can come pick up your tray right after you eat so that I wouldn't
disturb you any longer.

Xie Lian didn't look at him but Wu Ming noticed his spoon stopped midway just after he spoke. He
saw the spoon slowly placed back on the bowl.

Wu Ming became worried. Was the broth not good?

"Is the broth not to your liking Your Hㅡ"

"Stop talking."

Wu Ming immediately became quiet. He lowered his head and thought he must've messed up the
ratio of the ingredients.

Or that he was just too loud...

Xie Lian placed the bowl back on the tray before staring at him directly.

Xie Lian's tone sounded somewhat irritated. "Why should you leave? Why should you think that
your presence would be disturbing? Why would I dislike your cooking?"

Wu Ming slowly lifted his head and met Xie Lian's scowl. So it was not because of the broth?

Wu Ming couldn't understand what he did wrong, he tried to find his words.


Until he eventually lowered his head even more, "Please help me understand.."


Xie Lian's immediate response made Wu Ming stare at the bowl.

"The broth?"

"You. Your attitude."

Wu Ming felt his own heart squeeze. He must've said something wrong then.

"You act like you're my servant or something."

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened as he quickly raised his head to look at Xie Lian's face. Xie Lian
did already punish him from kneeling like a servant yesterday, and now he was negligent of his
actions once again.

Suddenly, Xie Lian's hand slipped behind his neck and quickly pulled his head forward close to his

Their faces were only inches apart, Wu Ming didn't dare move. The coldness on Xie Lian's eyes
didn't disappear as he stared at his lips intently before he tilted his head to the side.

He whispered, "Tell me."

"Can a servant get this close to their master's face as well?"

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian's face dumbfoundly. Xie Lian's gaze shifted to his eyes looking as if he
was threatening him.

"Answer me."

Wu Ming quickly shook his head in response. Xie Lian then asked, his voice becoming more grave
with every question.

"Does a servant get to wear his master's inner robe?"

Wu Ming quickly lowered his gaze. He answered faintly. "No.."

"Does a servant have a job where they have sex with their master inside his room and his private

"Does a servant deserve to be cleaned from head to toe by their master?"


Xie Lian closed his mouth before leaning in even closer, his lips brushing against Wu Ming's as he
whispered softly.

"Then what are you?"

After all that questions, it was easy to guess enough the answer Xie Lian was looking from him.
Wu Ming's eyes slowly looked up to meet Xie Lian's gaze. His face flustered as he tried to answer
without mumbling.

"I'm.. Your Highness'.. beloved."

A satisfied smile crept on Xie Lians lips before he closed his eyes and gave his little ghost a quick
peck on the lips.

"That's right."

Xie Lian softly spoke as he gently caressed Wu Ming's hair before he leaned his back against the
bedframe. He held the spoon once again filled with broth before gently blowing it.

"Have you tasted your own broth before?"

Xie Lian asked, his voice gentle and tranquil this time. Wu Ming's shoulders then relaxed a bit as
he responded,

"Ah.. no I have not."

Xie Lian quickly stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds. Wu Ming was still worried about the
taste in his broth. He then thought to himself that he would never know the answer if he never
would never ask.

After a short while, he asked meekly, "Please tell me what Your Highness thinks about the broth.."

Xie Lian smiled warmly at him. "I love it, thank you."

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled once again. The burden on his shoulders immediately disappeared as he
was suddenly reminded of a time in the past that gave him this very same feeling.

He remembers how he used to replace the flowers on Xie Lian's statue every day when he was still
Hong' er. The statue was holding one flower and one sword on each hand but the stone flower
crumpled so he replaced it was a real flower everyday. When Xie Lian miraculously replied to his
callings, he said those exact five words to him with the same gentle and appreciative tone.
Xie Lian straightened his back before he placed the spoon on Wu Ming's lip waiting for him to
open his mouth.

Wu Ming blinked a few times before he realized what Xie Lian was trying to do. A smile formed
on Wu Ming's lips for a few seconds before slightly opening his mouth, letting the spoon inside and
tasting his broth.

Xie Lian gently pulled the spoon out and anticipated his reaction as if he was the one who cooked

"What do you think?"

Wu Ming's eyes squeezed.

'His mother's soup. Yes. The taste was exactly like this..'

His eyes avoided Xie Lian's gaze as he murmured.

"It's alright.."

Xie Lian sighed helplessly with a smile. It'll take a very long while before Wu Ming can fully
adjust to his new role beside him. But could Xie Lian blame him? He became like this because of

Xie Lian's smile turned warm as he spoke, "Sit beside me closely."

Wu Ming followed obediently and waited patiently for Xie Lian to finish his morning broth while
being fed by a couple sips by Xie Lian.

When Xie Lian finished he placed the tray on the bedside table before he sighed in relief.. His face
showing that he very much enjoyed the broth he cooked for him.

Wu Ming smiled upon knowing His Highness liked it. When he saw the tray placed down he
immediately attempted to get up to take it back to the kitchen and clean the dishes, but Xie Lian
suddenly pulled him back from the arm, stopping him from going anywhere.

"Lay down beside me for a while."

Wu Ming stared at him for a few seconds, since his god said so, how could he refuse? He
accidentally let out a chuckle before he rested his back against the bed again.

Xie Lian pulled the blankets above him before resting on his shoulder. His left hand below his ear
while the other on top of Wu Ming's chest.

Wu Ming happily painted this memory in his head. Xie Lian shouldn't immediately sleep after
eating but he was sleeping on his shoulder like a baby that his heart melted at the adorable sight.

Wu Ming snuggled in closely. He pondered about something for a while before finally mustering
up the courage to lean in and gently kiss the top of Xie Lian's eyelid before closing his own eyes
and drifting off to sleep as well.
A warm smile formed on Xie Lian's lips shortly after.

Chapter End Notes

Awee WuLian you will always be in my heart♥️

Hahaha... Was the fluff fun? Was the fluff wholesome? This author hopes you readers enjoyed

it..... Because right after I post chapter 35 I will reveal the number of the last chapter
don't kill me, lovelots!! )

[Comments/votes makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Chapter 35
Chapter Notes

Hello there! In case you didn't know, I actually uploaded a chapter early the day after I posted
chapter 33 but I forgot to remind u guys, so go check it out first if you still haven't read it so
you don't miss any of WuLian!!! >:(((

❤️ ❤️ ❤️
See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Your Highness.."

Wu Ming called for the hundredth time. He had been nagging Xie Lian to release his grip on him so
he could start cooking for lunch but Xie Lian wouldn't let him go.

Whatever happened to 'lay beside me for a while?'

It's been two hours!

It's not that he didn't want Xie Lian's attention. He would literally die just to receive this favor from
his own god, but he also couldn't be selfish and allowed Xie Lian to skip his meals.

Wu Ming sighed.

He then heard Xie Lian's voice above him mutter. His tone carried with a tint of teasing.

"You've been calling me 'Your Highness' and sighing for 23 times already. Aren't you tired?"

He then felt the arm hugging him tightened even more. It was from that action right there that Wu
Ming only then fully understood that no matter how many times he nags him, Xie Lian would still
not let go of him otherwise. Wu Ming was already so sure up to this point that Xie Lian didn't care
about eating at all since he was already so content with this position they are in right now.

Other people might say that he was being too careful, and that he was forgetting the fact that Xie
Lian was a god. And as a god, he would still be fine if he skips his meals in a day or two. But in
Wu Ming's mind, it's exactly because Xie Lian is a god that he needs to eat! He didn't want to give
Xie Lian the same treatment as other people did.

He would never allow Xie Lian to keep putting other people's needs before himself. Therefore he
decided that if he needed to make Xie Lian eat, he was gonna have to do productive measures.

After a short while Wu Ming in Xie Lian's arms turned around to face him before his expression
slowly turned dark.

Wu Ming was scowling at him now.

Xie Lian was closing his eyes but he could feel the wrath radiating from his scowl. He supressed
his laugh and immediately thought how ironic it was that the smiling-masked ghost warrior was
frowning at him.

Other than that, he just experienced a rare side of Wu Ming as well. He had never frowned at him
like this before, it was such a shame he didn't get to see it.

Even if he didn't see it, Xie Lian already knew in his heart that it would be just as adorable as all
the other expressions Wu Ming shows him.

His lips smiled as he softly muttered, "Just ten more minutes?"

Wu Ming's expression didn't waver, instead his frown only deepened. Xie Lian tried his hardest to
supress his laugh once more as he began pouting his lips, shifting his expression to look
disappointed instead.

When that didn't work, Xie Lian opened one eye to Wu Ming before pushing his lower lip out and
exaggerating his pout once more.

"Please? My Wu Ming? I promise to get up after 10 minutes."

Xie Lian's pouty expression made one of Wu Ming's eyebrows twitch. In an instant, his heart
immediately softened for him until eventually, even his own body betrayed him. Wu Ming stared at
him for a few more minutes before sighing for the 24th time and admitting defeat. Xie Lian's eyes
and lips curved upwards before he suddenly grabbed Wu Ming by the waist and pinning him down
on the bed.

Wu Ming was surprised at the sudden action. Xie Lian smiled at him before he leaned in and kissed
between his eyebrows, letting his facial muscles relax. Actually, did Xie Lian even need to try?

Before Wu Ming realized it, he was already smiling back at his god. Wu Ming chuckled to himself
as his mind have proven him again and again that Xie Lian was truly his own weakness.

Still, Wu Ming couldn't disregard his thoughts from earlier. He softly pressed the matter once again,
while his gaze remained warm this time.

"Your Highness should still eat.."

Xie Lian gazed down at him for a few seconds and didn't reply. Instead, he leaned down and kissed
his cheek deeply. Other than kissing Wu Ming's soft lips, he also liked kissing his cheeks as well.
Xie Lian liked the right amount of fat on his beloved's cheek. He liked the fact that even though Wu
Ming was an aggressive warrior, the fat on his cheeks was enough to show that he could also look
so adorable without his armor on. He also liked the way he could see his cheeks pressed upwards
whenever he smiles, and he also likes how Wu Ming's cheeks would heat up and turn red whenever
he blushes.

In short, Xie Lian basically liked everything about him.

It just makes Wu Ming look even cuter in Xie Lian's eyes. With those thoughts in mind, Xie Lian
couldn't resist the temptation of softly biting and nibbling on Wu Ming's cheek.
Wu Ming's smile grew as he continued to watch Xie Lian's movements. The way Xie Lian was
holding him and biting him right now, it seemed that he became the food instead.

Wu Ming choked a laugh at that thought.

Xie Lian kissed back his cheek one more time before his eyebrow raised in curiosity. He smiled as
he asked softly,

"What are you laughing at?"

Wu Ming hesitated if he should tell him, but he waited until his suppressed laughs had calmed
down before he responded.

"Is Your Highness enjoying your meal?"

Xie Lian blinked at him for a second before also laughing out loud. He then just realized how
desperate his actions were becoming. Without even realizing it, his own body was trying to find
every way possible just so that he could hold on to his Wu Ming longer to the point that his beloved
little ghost didn't even need to cook lunch anymore when his presence alone proved enough.

Xie Lian spoke with chuckles in between before responding with glee, "Very much."

The day has passed and the sun was almost down. After Xie Lian had finally let go of Wu Ming in
his grip, the poor ghost finally managed to cook a meal for him while Xie Lian's pouts kept
lingering in his mind. He had never tried showing Xie Lian a frown before until now because he
had never dared to do so. Xie Lian was his master, his god, and now... his lover as well. And as his
most devoted believer and lover, he thought that he also had the right to show him disapproving
looks if the situation calls for it.

It did take him a while to muster his courage but it felt good.

Xie Lian on the other hand was surprised at the unexpected action as well, but his heart melted
instead of feeling guilty that his lover frowned at him for the very first time in order to show
authority. It meant that what Xie Lian was telling him was finally paying off. Wu Ming was starting
to let go of this master-servant relationship, and was finally taking steps in acceptance that he and
Xie Lian were standing on the same level now.

The day went on to their daily routine after that. Right now, Xie Lian was inside his study room
writing something on his paper like he used to.

Wu Ming was seated on his own small table that was placed adjacently and not far from Xie Lian's
own study table. Xie Lian thought that Wu Ming should also keep himself busy while still kept
beside him other than grinding the ink while standing up.

A smile crept on Wu Ming's lips as he stared at his beloved sitting down. His gaze then lowered to
Xie Lian's clothing. He was wearing thick layers of winter clothing with his preferred color, white.
Wu Ming didn't question why Xie Lian's preferred color was now white like the snow. He thought
that it would be XianLe's colors: golden yellow, red, and turquoise.

But he could also be wrong. Maybe it is indeed also his preferred colors, but he just chooses not to
wear it because it reminds him of XianLe.

When his thoughts were starting to become negative, Wu Ming immediately shook his and focused
back to the paper he was scribbling on.

Wu Ming continued to brush a few strokes here and there, and kept himself busy. But while
scribbling, his thoughts couldn't help but wander again.

Earlier after he was done grinding the ink, he was about to leave but Xie Lian stopped him and told
him that he needed him to remain in this room just incase he needed extra help. Thus explains why
he was still inside this room.

Wu Ming didn't realize his lips were smiling.

It really made him look back to those times when they were both still oblivious to each other's
feelings. He would always try to suppress himself from sneaking a peek at his god too much even
though his smiling mask always concealed his thoughts and expressions, but he knew better than to
take that into an advantage because Xie Lian's senses were always keen and sharp. Therefore, he
had to always be wary of his words and actions to avoid offending him. Xie Lian didn't even allow
him to address him as 'Your Highness' before. The flower he used to offer him was stomped under
his god's feet. Afterwards, he had to endure Xie Lian's rage and sudden outbursts.

But now,

Xie Lian was genuinely smiling at him that always gave him a sense of warmth. After helping Xie
Lian fight the whisper's torments by staying close to him, Xie Lian became more tranquil than

He could look at him whenever he desired and just let those sincere feelings direct through his
eyes. Xie Lian would always try to make him feel loved even though he still sees himself unworthy
of his god's unconditional love for him. And the flower he used to stomp on, it was saved and even
kept under great care.

He often asked himself, just what had he done just to receive a grand favor like this?

Wu Ming chuckled as he once again remembered the words Xie Lian told him before he left. He
could've just asked him to stay and he would do so without any hesitation, but Xie Lian still made
an effort to create an excuse just to keep him here longer.

Wu Ming's eyes glanced to Xie Lian's own paper after a while, an unanswered question invaded his
mind. He spoke without even giving it another thought,

"Your Highness.."

Xie Lian immediately stopped writing and directed his full attention to Wu Ming. He hummed and
smiled at the same time, waiting for him to continue.
Wu Ming blinked for a second as he realized that he might've spoke at a wrong timing. Xie Lian
looked so engrossed at the part he was writing on but he still stopped just for him.

But he also realized it was too late to take it back and Xie Lian was still waiting for him patiently,
so he just continued.

"I've been curious for a long time.."

"About what?"

Wu Ming's eyes landed on Xie Lian's paper. Somehow the words he was supposed to ask became
stuck on his throat. He was afraid that it was a private matter and that he didn't need to know. That
was what he kept telling himself whenever he grinds the ink beside Xie Lian so he never dared to
look before.

But since the situation has now changed, Wu Ming then thought that Xie Lian might satisfy his
long awaited curiosity.

When Xie Lian's eyes followed his line of sight, he immediately understood. Much to Wu Ming's
relief, Xie Lian wasn't upset but instead he let out a soft chuckle. He then opened his drawer and
pulled out stacks of papers and piled it on the table.

Wu Ming was astonished at the sight. He stood from his table and walked towards the stack of
papers. He took one paper above and gazed at his god's world class handwriting!

Wu Ming thought that even though some of the strokes were slightly messy because of fatigue, it
was definitely ten times better than he could have ever done himself.

It was truly deserving to be worshipped upon! If Wu Ming could, he would frame all these papers
one by one and hang them inside his room.

When Wu Ming finally pulled himself away from the paper he was holding, he glanced up to meet
Xie Lian's warm gaze before asking.

"Why was Your Highness writing these?"

Xie Lian's elbow was placed against the table while he rested his cheek on his palm. His eyes still
staring back at Wu Ming as he explained.

"The first night I called you in to grind the ink for me was when I was writing apology letters to my
parents. I was telling them about how I deeply regretted not being able to save our family and our

Wu Ming's heart clenched. So it was a private matter after all, yet Xie Lian trusted him enough to
tell him.

Another question slowly escaped his lips, "How long did it take you to write those letters?"

Xie Lian paused for a brief second, his gaze depeened on him as he answered.

"One night."

Wu Ming blinked. One night? Then what were all those other papers he was always writing on?
"Then.. what did you write about after that?"

Xie Lian's gaze then brightened up as he pulled the paper at the bottom.

"If you still remember, it took about another week before I requested for you to grind the ink for me
again. At that time, I began studying about various types of ghosts and the different energy they

That was certainly a topic Wu Ming did not expect.

"It was then?!" He blurted out in surprise. He then immediately covered his mouth and blushed
madly in embarrassment. He didn't mean to make his tone too loud and disrespectful.

Xie Lian's smile however did not waver once. In fact, he was amused.

Wu Ming was surprised because he thought that Xie Lian had only began to do research about
ghosts only a few weeks ago. But it turns out he was studying about it for a long time already.

Xie Lian then added after a short moment of silence between them. "I had always been curious to
why you were so different from all the other ghosts. Naturally the first time I found your soul, it
emitted from bones and corspes. If you were like any other ghosts, your soul would've been sucked
inside Fang Xin just like the rest of the other resentful ghosts."

Wu Ming nodded as he listened, he had never questioned Fang Xin's abilities and the reason why
he was the only ghost to retain a physical form so he could properly assist Xie Lian. But now that
Xie Lian said it out loud, it is strange.

"What did Your Highness find out?"

"Now that you told me your reason for living, the answer is obvious. The ghosts inside Fang Xin
are all holding deep resentful qi. Your qi however, revolves around me."

Wu Ming blinked and caught Xie Lian cough afterwards, hiding his flustered face behind a fist.

"I mean, your life and qi depends on me, since you said you lived for love. Let's put it this way.."

Xie Lian cleared his throat before he began explaining,

"Let's say something bad happens to me, like for example me getting stabbed a hundred times
haha. Theoretically, your qi will become resentful and naturally, you will seek revenge. Am I

Wu Ming felt his own body movements stop as he stared at him in a daze. He unknowingly
clenched his fists at his side that wasn't visible to Xie Lian until his knuckles turned white. He then
gave a short nod in resoonse.

Xie Lian however immediately sensed the shift in Wu Ming's aura. He immediately let out a soft
laugh as he consoled him.

"Haha, don't worry it's only an example."

Only that it was a real-life scenario type of example! It was awful, Wu Ming thought as he
remembered. Watching Xie Lian get stabbed a hundred times while he could only watch. Wu Ming
tried his hardest to supress the resentment building up inside him. Since his god said it was only an
example, then it's only an example.

He slowly gave another nod.


Xie Lian continued, "Now let's say, I'm in danger. You will do everything in your power to protect
me because without me, your life will be meaningless, no?"

Wu Ming nodded.

Xie Lian smiled warmly at him. "I've been studying ghosts for a long time but never in my life have
I ever been so lucky to meet someone who would take me as the meaning for their life."

Wu Ming felt his own body completely stop until he felt his own ears and cheek flush.

Wu Ming lowered his head, making his bangs cover his flustered face before he rebutted in a low
voice, almost stuttering.

"N. No.. It's me who lucked out.."

Xie Lian softly laughed in response before he standing up from his chair, and walking towards the
shelf where the flower resting on top of a book was kept.

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled when Xie Lian held the flower in one hand. The flower was still healthy
under the candlelight.

Xie Lian must've kept feeding it with qi which serves the reason why it was still healthy. Wu Ming
sighed helplessly, he wonders how Xie Lian could be so generous of his own qi despite being
bounded by the cursed shackles.

A smile formed on Wu Ming's lips as he thought, that's exactly what his god would do.

But what really sparked his curiousity is when Xie Lian grabbed the book that was placed under the
flower. He noticed that book before, it had been strangely separated from the other books and was
used as a bed for that flower instead.

Xie Lian then walked towards Wu Ming and showed him the book.

His eyes widened as he read the title. It's the volume two book of the ghost collections! He wasn't
expecting that the book was actually kept in here.

Wu Ming muttered. "I wondered where this book was kept.."

It turns out that he actually first noticed the second volume compared to the first, only that he still
didn't know about the book of Ghost Collections at that time.

"This book is old so I had to transcribe it and added my own thoughts so I could easily

Wu Ming's mouth slightly opened. Every night he was called in to grind the ink and watch his god
write under the candle light for how many hours everyday, was all just so Xie Lian could
understand the ghosts better? Just so Xie Lian could understand him better?

Wu Ming's heart squeeze as he slowly dropped the words from his mouth. " all.. for me?"

Xie Lian's face softened before he walked closer to Wu Ming. He caressed a side of his cheek as he
responded softly,

"At first it was all just to satisfy my curiosity. I wanted to know why you were so different. I
wanted to know why your qi felt so different. But in the end, I just unknowingly wanted to get to
know you until you're all that I was thinking of."

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled in response. Xie Lian suppressed a laugh at the same time his heart
squeezed at the sight after knowing how many times he caught Wu Ming's eyes shining and
twinkling brightly like this at him.

It has become much more easier to understand his thoughts without his mask. Xie Lian thankes
himself again for removing that smiling-mask of his even if it was out of impulse.

Xie Lian leaned in and placed a peck on Wu Ming's forehead before pulling him into a tight
embrace. He then leaned in and whispered near his ear,

"Let's celebrate our first winter together, alright?"

Together. Everything they do from now on... They do it together. The thought made Wu Ming's
eyes tear up, and he immediately embraced Xie Lian tightly and nodded in response.

'Yes... Let's celebrate it. Together.'

Chapter End Notes

WuLian aahhhhh 😭❤️

Not sure if this is considered a long chapter but it certainly exceeded the number of words I
usually write in lol. I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

The decision is up to you guys if you wanna check the number of chapters remaining now or
just let fate decide on when you'll stumble on it eventually

I'll talk about my future plans for this book when we arrive on the later chapters.

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter 36
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

It was another snowy day and the snow was getting colder by the day.

Xie Lian and Wu Ming were either locked inside, cuddling in their room or at the balcony admiring
the snow. Wu Ming took extra care of Xie Lian especially during the previous following weeks
where the snow was heavy.

Wu Ming had seen a lot of people get sick during winter when he was still a child. He lived in poor
areas and witnessed a lot of people die from freezing to death.

Xie Lian laughed and told him he was worrying for nothing. He told him numerous times that he
was a god and that he wouldn't fall sick easily but Wu Ming wouldn't listen.

Until eventually, Xie Lian sighed in defeat and just allowed him to do as he pleased.

When the snow became heavier, Wu Ming was even more tense. He was really worried that Xie
Lian would fall sick just like the people he witnessed die back in his natal village. Xie Lian also
tried his best to help him ease his worries. He would pull Wu Ming to their backyard and show him
that playing in the snow could also be fun.

Wu Ming was reluctant the first time and urged Xie Lian a couple times to come back inside but he
eventually came around when he saw Xie Lian attempting to make a tiny snowman.

It sparked Wu Ming's curiosity and asked himself if he could attempt to make a snow statue of his
god. After much thought he slowly kneeled on the ground and started shaping the base. When Xie
Lian turned his head to show his proud work, that thought was immediately forgotten the moment
he saw Wu Ming fully engrossed in his own work.

Xie Lian was starstruck for a moment before his heart squeezed. He let out a soft chuckle that
caught caught Wu Ming's attention. Xie Lian kneeled closer beside him so he could watch him
form the snow to whatever Wu Ming had in mind. He stole glances from him from time to time,
looking at Wu Ming's cute flustered face and ear.

Xie Lian raised a brow in curiosity. As far as he knew, ghosts shouldn't feel that cold since their
hearts weren't pumping anymore. But then a cheeky experiment came to Xie Lian's mind. He
slowly leaned in with a slight distance in between before blowing a gentle breath to his ear.

Because of the snow, it perfectly captured his cold breath hitting Wu Ming's ear. And as Xie Lian
expected, that ear turned redder.

Xie Lian threw his head back laughing in satisfaction. Wu Ming didn't dare look back from

"Your Highness..." Wu Ming muttered.

Xie Lian quickly pressed down his laughs before kissing that reddish ear. He spoke with chuckles
in between, "Right, right. I shouldn't bully Wu Ming while he's working."

Xie Lian then got up and went to another pile of snow. His disappearance from his side made Wu
Ming slightly sad but he focused back on his work. He was getting slightly irritated because the
snow kept falling when he was attempting to make the detailed parts. He attempted to fix it again
but it just wouldn't stick together.

Wu Ming exhaled through his nose in irritation. He wanted to make a statue for Xie Lian but the
snow wasn't cooperating with him. The fault is definitely the snow's incompetence, Wu Ming

When Xie Lian saw him frowning again, a smile formed on his face. He then grabbed a hand full of
snow and shaped it to a ball.

Wu Ming began shaping the snow again until something suddenly hit his back. He immediately
stood up in high alert thinking it was an enemy attack. But when he saw that it was Xie Lian who
hit him, he was left confused.

Xie Lian chuckled as if he knew what he was thinking. He grabbed another handful of snow and
shaped it to a ball again.

Xie Lian smiled at him with sheer determination. "Wu Ming... You better watch your back."

Wu Ming immediately understood what Xie Lian was trying to do. His worries immediately turned
to delight as he also grabbed a hand full of snow.

His excitement increasing as he responded. "Then... Your Highness please excuse me for the rude

Wu Ming threw the snowball to Xie Lian but he dodged it. Xie Lian laughed. "Don't hold back Wu

They continued chasing and hitting each other with snow balls for a full incense stick accompanied
with laughs and heavy breaths before Xie Lian decided to sneak behind Wu Ming and tackled him
to a giant snow pile.

Wu Ming was laughing the whole time. He had never experienced this much fun before even back
when he was still a child.

Come to think of it, this was the first time he ever played in his life! And the best part... he was
playing alongside Xie Lian.

Xie Lian was still trying to catch his breath while letting out soft chuckles. But then, his breath
suddenly stopped when he felt Wu Ming's fingers reaching out and tucking the hair on his face
behind his ear.

Wu Ming smiled at Xie Lian, "Thank you, Your Highness.."

Xie Lian raised a brow. He inhaled a few more deep breaths until he felt that he could respond
back. "F-for what?"
"I never had this much fun before in my life." Wu Ming's smile turned warmer. "I used to hate the
snow because I witnessed a lot of people suffer from it, and I was afraid it'll also make you sick.
But Your Highness showed me that something as scary as this could also be fun!"

Wu Ming's face reddened. "So... Wu Ming is truly grateful."

Xie Lian's smile also turned warm before he leaned in to Wu Ming's cheek and deeply kissed it.

Xie Lian then got up and helped Wu Ming stand up too. When Xie Lian examined Wu Ming he
noticed his something about Wu Ming was slightly different.

Xie Lian's smile grew when he finally noticed. "Oh? Wu Ming grew taller."

Wu Ming returned his smile but his gaze avoided his. "I'm still growing after all..."

Xie Lian hummed then slowly embraced him and rested his head on Wu Ming's shoulder.

Xie Lian whispered, "Im glad that Wu Ming is happy... Seeing your smile, it's enough."

When the two headed back inside, Wu Ming accompanied Xie Lian for a hot bath. Afterwards, he
helped him choose his robes and brush his hair.

It was finally the start of the first month and thankfully the snow was finally not as heavy as the
previous month.

Xie Lian was currently meditating inside the room where Fang Xin was chained inside. He needed
to meditate his mind and soul inside this room a few times in a week to help calm the resentful
spirits inside Fang Xin.

The resentful spirits were getting uneasy each passing time, Xie Lian worries that if he keeps
neglecting the spirits inside, they would break Fang Xin and release themselves to release their

Xie Lian's eyes darkened. Spending time with Wu Ming had indeed kept his mind astray from his
previous goal. But he only wanted to exact revenge on Yong An to help satisfy his own resentment,
and had been so long since he felt resentful enough to slaughter every people in that country.

Should he just withdraw?

The sword suddenly shooked but the chains wrapped itself tighter around Fang Xin.

Xie Lian continued to think. The revenge was not only for him but for his own family and kingdom
as well. If he chooses to withdraw the revenge, would he be unfilial to his own people?

If they were alive right now, would they have cursed him for hesitating?
What would his own parents think? Xie Lian was sure enough of his own father's reaction. His own
father would've been angered to the point his veins would explode.

'What kind of prince are you?! Putting your people first is your job as the crown prince of this

Surely he would say something like that. As for his mother however, she would probably be crying
knowing how much he had to endure all these humiliation and resentment all on his own. But he
knew in his heart that she would've wanted him to be happy and healthy nonetheless than to
slaughter an entire kingdom for revenge.

Xie Lian felt his own head spin from dilemma. Before his fingers instinctively reached for the silk
on his arm for comfort.

A few months ago, he was so sure on what he intended to do and what he needed to do, But now he
was lost.

Xie Lian clenched his fistd before he left the room quietly, his steps echoed the hallway while his
face remained grim. He needed to make a decision before Fang Xin breaks itself.

He looked for Wu Ming in the kitchen where he would usually have something cooked warm for
him to eat, but he wasn't there.

Where could he be?

Xie Lian continued to look for him until he decided to head outside for fresh air. The black walls
and floor made his chest feel stuffed.

When he opened the doors outside, he found Wu Ming crouching down at the side looking at
something. He didn't even notice his own presence the moment Xie Lian walked beside him.

"Wu Ming?" Xie Lian called, snapping Wu Ming out of his focused gaze. He looked up and his
face turned to delight upon seeing his god.

"Your Highness."

Wu Ming then saw Xie Lian's troubled face, his expression shifted to worry and asked,

"Is something troubling you?"

Xie Lian blinked and immediately let out an awkward laugh, trying to lift the grim expression on
his face.

"Ah no, don't mind me. What is Wu Ming doing out here?"

Wu Ming smiled before he lifted his own hand that was covering something, Xie Lian crouched
down as well to take a better look.

A small flower emerged underneath.

Xie Lian's mouth slightly opened in astonishment. Since the weather was so cold, a flower like this
wouldn't be able to survive. Yet it was here swaying along the gentle cold breeze.
Wu Ming was eagerly protecting it from the heavy snow falling off the roof. Xie Lian stared at him
in curiosity.

"Why are you so eager in protecting that flower? It'll still die sooner or later because of the snow."

Wu Ming was still staring at the small flower, smiling as he responded.

"Although this flower looked weak, it was strong enough to be able to still stand despite the harsh
snow storms. Strength can't really be determined from the type of plant or flower you grow from,
that's why we can't judge someone so easily. Because the next thing we know, they are the ones
who still stands in the end."

Xie Lian's eyes slight widened.

Wu Ming's smile grew before looking up to Xie Lian.

"This flower reminds me of Your Highness, that's why I'm so eager to protect it."

Xie Lian's smile grew as he chuckled at his adorable adoration.

"Didn't you say something similar like this before? Also, why must every flower remind you of

Wu Ming scratched his head as he also softly laughed before he meekly explained.

"Your Highness is the flower crown martial god, of course every flower would reminded me of

Xie Lian's smile turned warmer the longer he stared at Wu Ming. And just like that, a smile or a
word of devotion from Wu Ming was all it takes to make his previous worries thrown at the back of
his head.

Rather than slaughtering and shedding millions of blood, he would rather use all his strength to
protect this flower who blooms so beautiful in his eyes.

Xie Lian's eyes curved, "Then Wu Ming can be my favorite flower."

Wu Ming then kneeled with one knee with one hand on his chest and the other behind his back,
looking like the most devoted knight Xie Lian had ever seen.

His face showing mischief as he dared to speak,

"No. I don't want to be one of Your Highness' flowers."

Xie Lian let out a chuckle, "What a picky believer you are. Alright alright, what do you wanna be

Wu Ming's smile softened, his eyes showed sincerity as he spoke with upmost devotion that nobody
else could've achieved.

"I want to be the butterfly that seeks for you."

Xie Lian was suddenly taken back as he stared at Wu Ming speechless. His heart growing heavy
the longer he stared at him. Up until now, Wu Ming still manages to surprise him everytime he
proves his dedication to him. His eyes squinted at the thought as he slowly lend out a hand to Wu

Xie Lian's heart squeezed as he softly responded.

"Alright. Then please continue to seek for me."

Wu Ming gladly took the hand and they both stood up before walking back inside their home.

Righr after Wu Ming had closed the door, his back was suddenly pushed against the door. At the
same time, warm lips that tasted like home crashed against his. One of Xie Lian's hands rested on
his shoulder that he used to pin him against the wall and the other behind his head that was used as
a cushion upon impact.

Wu Ming instantly melted into the kiss before he wrapped both of his hands around Xie Lian's
neck, pulling his body closer.

Xie Lian tilted his head and kissed him deeper before he pulled away after a few moments.

He rested his forehead against Wu Ming's shoulder. His grip on him tightened as if he was holding
on to a lifeline. Xie Lian's voice trembled and broke,

"Please.. never stop seeking me.."

Wu Ming's mouth closed as it formed to a warm smile. He then responded,

"Until the day my ashes are completely destroyed, I will continue to seek for you."

Tears flooded Xie Lian's eyes before he huged him tighter.

Chapter End Notes

WuLian having fun in the snow!! 🦊♥️

Wu Ming admitting that it was his first time having fun after all the stress he's gone through as
a ghost

Let me know your thoughts!! I might publish early updates so subscribe to be notified early!!

[Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡]

Chapter Notes

Early update yay!! 🦊🎉 But I'll still post tomorrow don't worry.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian had just finished meditating inside Fang Xin's room once again before leaving. He
checked inside their room if Wu Ming had already come back, but not a single soul was found. Xie
Lian slightly frowned in disappointment.

A few weeks ago, Wu Ming had asked for his permission to go outside because he said that he
'needed to take care of something'. Xie Lian had asked about his plans but Wu Ming told him that it
was confidential which left him stunned. Wu Ming keeping things from him was unnatural so Xie
Lian was at lost on what to do.

But then again, keeping his own secrets is somewhat a sign that Wu Ming is learning that there's
now equality between him and Xie Lian. Blind trust can be established unlike their previous
master-servant relationship, so he should be happy about it instead.

And of course Xie Lian wouldn't mind if Wu Ming had his own agendas but he couldn't help but

After thinking about it, he concluded that he must've been settling previous grudges from when he
was still a mortal over the past few days. Because right after he cooks Xie Lian's daily meal, he
would leave right away and come back later in the afternoon.

But his conclusion made him re-think once again. If Wu Ming was settling old grudges, he
would've already done so before.

Xie Lian sighed as he plopped on his bed alone. He then turned his head to the side and stared at
the empty space beside him for a long while before his hand mindlessly brushed to it.

Xie Lian wanted to laugh at himself. Wu Ming was only gone for a few hours and he already
misses him that badly?

But he couldn't help it. His bed felt bigger, emptier, lonelier compared when Wu Ming was laying
down beside him. He wanted to show Wu Ming that he trusts him as well and that he would safely
return after he deals with any secret business that was not related to him.

Xie Lian's breathing slowly became slow and even as he felt his eyelids getting heavier until he
drifted into a deep sleep. Atleast he could kill time in this way.

Sleep is nice. It makes Wu Ming come home faster, Xie Lian thought to himself.

Slowly, his breaths evened out and he felt his own consciousness slowly drowning deeper.. and

"Your Highness.."

Xie Lian's eyes immediately opened when he finally heard the familiar voice whisper in his ear. He
felt a hand on his shoulder and one on his head.

His eyes slowly glanced upwards as he met Wu Ming's gentle eyes gazing down on him.

Xie Lian's lips curved to a warm smile. Suddenly, every second mattered now that Wu Ming was

I knew it, sleep is the best. Xie Lian thought to himself proudly.

His voice sounded hoarse,"You're finally back."

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled before he let out a soft chuckle. "Did Your Highness miss me?"

Xie Lian didn't respond and instead pulled Wu Ming into his embrace. Wu Ming rested his head on
Xie Lian's chest, listening to his god's gentle heartbeats while Xie Lian continued to play with his

"How did your secret errand go?"

Wu Ming instantly laughed in response. He could tell Xie Lian clearly didn't like the idea of him
going somewhere without him but he still allowed him to go despite that.

Wu Ming responded with a cheeky smile, "It was fine. Those arrogant douchebags didn't know
whom they were messing with."

Xie Lian blinked at the same time his fingers stopped playing with his hair. His eyes glanced down
and stared at him for a while.
So he really was settling old grudges after all? Xie Lian quickly broke the embrace, placed his
hands on each side of Wu Ming's arms, and examined him from head to toe. He knew Wu Ming
was hard headed when it comes to his own injuries. He could be bleeding somewhere but he would
feign ignorance to it.

Wu Ming smiled as he assured him, "I'm really fine Your Highness."

Xie Lian's sharp gaze shifted to him. His voice was serious, "How many people did you fight

Wu Ming shrugged his shoulders and responded calmly, "I wouldn't say fight. But it was more like
they were badly loosing to me, so.. probably a dozen people?"

Xie Lian scowled at him which earned a good laugh from Wu Ming. He didn't know if this ghost
was teasing him or taking him seriously.

"Don't go fighting by yourself. What if youㅡ"

Wu Ming interrupted, "Don't worry about me Your Highness. You know very well I won't easily
loose to mortals."

Xie Lian raised a brow right after that statement. Wu Ming's face flushed red in embarrassment as
he immediately explained. "Ah, Yue Shuang pinning me down was one time! This is different, I

Xie Lian's stare didn't move from him for a while before he sighed in defeat. He slowly leaned
against the bedframe before carefully pulling Wu Ming to lean against him. His head rested on top
of Wu Ming before he asked in a stern voice.

"Do you have any injuries? You better tell the truth."

Wu Ming shook his head in response. "Shall we go downstairs now, You Highness?"

Xie Lian raised a brow in confusion. When he turned his head to the window, it was only then he
realized that the sky was already dark.

Xie Lian gave Wu Ming a tight squeeze in his arms for a few seconds before he responded with a
smile. "Very well."

He slowly got up and wore his outer white cloak for extra warmth. When he turned his head, he
noticed Wu Ming's expression was brighter than usual. Like he was getting excited about

Xie Lian chuckled, just what is he planning?

Before he opened the door Wu Ming stopped him with a hand. He then turned to Wu Ming in

"Your Highness, may I make a request?"

Xie Lian was taken back, but he smiled warmly upon knowing that he finally had the courage to
make his own requests other than always being the one to accomplish them.
"Of course, go ahead."

"May I request Your Highness to please close your eyes?"

Xie Lian's smile grew before he decided to slip a hand behind Wu Ming's back pulling him close.
He tilted his head before he muttered,

"If it's a kiss you want, you know you can justㅡ"

"It's so that I can put this blindfold on you."

Wu Ming smiled innocently as he took out a silk cloth from his pocket.


Xie Lian removed his hand behind Wu Ming's back and cleared his throat. He just purely
miscalculated. Purely. He embarrassedly took the blindfold and wrapped it around his eyes

Still having no idea what Wu Ming was planning, Xie Lian was getting anxious that he had to ask
himself. "What even is this for?"

Xie Lian didn't hear a word from him after that. He heard footsteps then the sound of the door
opening. Wu Ming gently grabbed his hand and guided him as they began walking.

Since Wu Ming mentioned they were going to go downstairs, why did he need to put his blindfold

When they reached the stairs, Wu Ming carefully guided him down at every step. Wu Ming was
careful and patient enough not to make Xie Lian accidentally slip and fall, and Xie Lian trusted him

After another step, Xie Lian finally felt the hard floor under his feet. He used his own sharp senses
to make out what was there on the first floor that he needed to cover his eyes for.

Something was strange.

The surroundings was brighter and it semeed to have candlelights everywhere. He then heard Wu
Ming's own footsteps walk and stop infront of him.

He gently let go of his hand and finally unwrapped the blindfold off.

Xie Lian slowly opened his eyes and he was astonished at the sight.

Above them, there were red lanters hung everywhere, illuminating the room! And in the middle,
there was a long banquet table full of delicious foods!

Xie Lian froze on the spot. Both shocked and confused, and his heart was beating madly.
Wu Ming's eyes were fixed on Xie Lian's reaction the whole time. He smiled excitedly as he guided
him to the banquet table. He pulled out a seat and helped him sit down.

When Xie Lian finally snapped out of it, he slowly asked. "Wu Ming.. What is all this?"

Wu Ming chuckled. "Can Your Highness guess?"

Xie Lian smiled at him before his eyes analyzed every food set on the table. There were dumplings,
noodles, and fish laid out. There were also numerous red lanterns hung on the wall.

The suspicious food, and red lanters... This occasion could most likely be for...

Xie Lian quickly looked back to him shocked.

"Chūnjié ?!"

Wu Ming nodded. "En. Tonight is the 21st of January. It's the start of the Spring festival!"

Xie Lian was taken back. He was so busy with other things that he hadn't even caught up with the

But even if he did, he wouldn't have prepared it anyway because celebrating holidays are meant to
be spent together with family and friends and he didn't have anyone to spend it with before...

But now he did.

Xie Lian's heart squeezed so much that tears were building in Xie Lian's eyes. "You.. shouldn't

Xie Lian was at lost for words. Wu Ming caught him by surprise once again.

Wu Ming smiled. "I did a bit of research on it for a while. They say that by the time midnight
comes, it will be another new year. Let's make a wish by that time comes!"

Xie Lian smiled warmly at him before standing up from his seat and pulling Wu Ming into an

He was truly... so precious.

Back when he was still the crown prince XianLe kingdom, the spring festival had always been
grand. Every room in the castle was decorated to the tiniest detail! The banquet hall would be filled
with long tables and exquisite foods!

The city would be bustling with festive music in the air, and grand parades and festivities on the

Every year was memorable. But what he did not expect was that he would still be able to celebrate
the spring festival with someone.

Tears fell down Xie Lian's cheek as he hugged Wu Ming tighter.

"Thank you.."
Wu Ming nuzzled his head against Xie Lian's neck. This was also a very special moment for him
too, knowing that this was the first holiday they spent together. He would definitely engrave this
memory in his mind for eternity.

Wu Ming ate alongside Xie Lian and watched his god happily slurp the noodles.

Wu Ming couldn't supress his smile as he happily gazed at his god who was enjoying the food. He
was lost in his trance to the point he forgot he was supposed to be eating as well.

Eventually Xie Lian couldn't handle his stares anymore and laughed, almost choking at the

"Look at you! If you keep staring at me like that I might be mistaken for food instead."

Wu Ming quickly snapped out of his thoughts before chuckling as well.

"F. Forgive me Your Highness, I just feel a little bit nervous considering how this is the first time
we ate together."

Xie Lian raised a brow. "The first day it snowed, didn't we also share the broth you made?"

Wu Ming shook his head.

"We did not eat it on the table.."

Xie Lian chuckled. "Alright, alright. Just eat your food. After that, let's walk to the city streets

Wu Ming blinked. Xie Lian wanted to walk with him on the city streets? Of course he wouldn't
mind if it meant sharing another precious moment with Xie Lian but...

He felt dreadful at the idea considering that the closest city to their base was.. Yong An kingdom.

"Wouldn't people recognize you?"

Xie Lian responded calmly, "I can just shapeshift, don't worry. I have so many places I wanted to
go with you so you have to finish your food quickly."

Wu Ming's smile grew as he obediently began eating his meal as well.

His heart fluttered. This was his first holiday with Xie Lian, and it's the Spring Festival at that! This
will definitely embark as a new year and a new beginning for the both of them.

Chapter End Notes

Chinese Historical notes:

Chūnjié - Chinese New Year or the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the
traditional lunisolar and solar Chinese calendar.

Were almost at 300 kudos that's insane!!

dropped their kudos on this fic aaaaa!!
😭😭😭 Thank you so much for the people who
please look forward to the next chapter as well!!! Y'all are gonna love the next one! 🦊
Another round of fluff fest is served by yours truly! Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chūnjié pt. 2 'The Date'
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian and Wu Ming rode two horses on the way to the nearby city of Yong An kingdom. Wu
Ming told Xie Lian about his concerns of going to Yong An kingdom once more since it was the
kingdom that stood where Xianle kingdom had fallen. But Xie Lian semeed calm and assured him
that they would be fine.

Since Xie Lian had already given his word, Wu Ming didn't say anymore.

When they arrived at the gates of the city, Xie Lian transformed his facial features with a younger
and gentler looks. He still retained his white robes, his honey-golden eyes, and the sound of his

He decided he didn't really need to go all out and change his face much since it was night time
anyway and people would be too busy to even notice that he was even there in the crowd. It was
also unlikely for people to notice that the ex crown prince of XianLe was actually there among
them since only a few people could recognize his face. He only decided to change to make sure
nobody else disturbs them.

When Xie Lian turned to Wu Ming, they were both almost the same height but this time, Xie Lian
was a few inch shorter.

Xie Lian's face was still like him, but slightly more gentler. Like he was that free spirited young
crown prince that he used to be before, but apart from his sharp gaze that wasn't so innocent

Their new height difference made Wu Ming slightly blush. His eyes weren't used to looking down
at Xie Lian, so this was a bit unnatural for him.

Xie Lian smiled as he looked up at him, "Shall we go?"

Wu Ming smiled and nodded. They walked out from the trees and blended with the people as they
walked inside the bustling city.

Loud chatter and music flooded their ears as they walked the streets. There were stalls found in
almost every corner and dozens of bright red lanters hung above them.

While walking, some people especially women caught their sights on Xie Lian when they passed.
They would stop to gasp, mumur, or giggle when they see him.

Once or twice could've been coincidental, but it happened almost everytime to the point Xie Lian
doubted his own skin.

Perhaps his face is still recognizable? Xie Lian's gaze turned dark. He really didn't want to ruin
their night because of his lousy mistake.
Xie Lian had enough of the weird stares and tugged Wu Ming's sleeve with one hand like a child
bothering his parent for a candy while they continued to walk,

Xie Lian's voice sounded worried. "Do you think they noticed?"

Wu Ming tried to hide the fact that his heart was racing at the moment from that cute tug. He
almost wanted Xie Lian to call him 'gege' *cough* Maybe another time.

He cleared his throat and remained his eyes on the road.

He responded softly, "No, I don't think so."

Xie Lian's eyes darkened even more as he whisper-yelled, "So why are they staring so much?!"

Wu Ming softly laughed.

It was true that Xie Lian didn't change much when he shapeshifted which probably explains why it
made him worried when he saw many people staring at him. But Xie Lian doesn't realize that he
still had his princely aura and his gentleman looks. If he were dressed in noble robes right now,
people could even mistake him for a prince.

Xie Lian grumbled. "I should've probably changed as an old man instead."

Wu Ming laughed at the thought before assuring him, "Just don't mind them Your Highness. They
just admire your looks. That's all."

Xie Lian responded with a humph, before he grabbed Wu Ming's hand and ran off somehwere.

When they saw a big crowd, they squeezed in until they reached the front to look on what was so
exciting. Wu Ming's eyes widened in amazement as they both watched lion dances!!

Xie Lian's smile grew as he watched the lion jump and trot around the circle where the crowd
enclosed in. The crowds voices would go wild in joy and fear whenever the lion's ginormous face
would close in on them.

When the lion jumped and trotted to their corner, it's giant head drew close Wu Ming's face and
jiggled its head sideways teasingly in attempt to scare him.

Wu Ming's face however darkened instead, thinking the lion was provoking him and instinctively
reached for the sabre hung on his waist.

Xie Lian laughed outloud and stopped his hand with his.

Seeing Xie Lian's big laugh and smile immediately softened Wu Ming's expression. He chuckled
back as well and his heart fluttered once again. What's more is the fact that Xie Lian did not
remove his hand from his the moment they ran.

When they had enough fun from the lion dances, Xie Lian pulled Wu Ming into another stall.

The crowds voices were too noisy so Xie Lian had to raise his voice for Wu Ming to hear. "Let's
light up firecrackers!"
Wu Ming was taken back at his god's sudden excitement the moment they got here. He couldn't
help but feel his own heart grow warm. He loved seeing Xie Lian like this. Happy and content.

He smiled back and nodded. They both bought a few firecrackers for themselves before going to
the corner area where other people also light up firecrackers. They watched other people's
firecrackers burst, whirl and glimmer with loud splattering and popping sounds that increased the
excited from the children all around.

Xie Lian and Wu Ming excitedly set down their own firecrackers on the ground before lighting it
up and covering their ears. The firecracker bursted loudly and glimmered along with the other

Xie Lian clapped his hands and cheered loudly before lighting up another. Wu Ming would shield
Xie Lian's body with his arm whenever the sparks would pop too close.

"Wu Ming! Light up another!!!" Xie Lian excitedly commanded with a gleeful tone. Wu Ming
laughed as they lit up the remaining firecrackers they had.

After that they bought firesticks next. Wu Ming held the firestick in one hand. Looking at it

"What's a tiny stick like this gonna do?" He asked.

Do they plant it on the ground and watch it do something like the firecrackers?

Xie Lian's smile grew as he suddenly lit up the other end of the stick from Wu Ming's hand. The
stick was quiet for a few seconds.

Wu Ming tilted his head in confusion. "Is it broken?"

In the next second, the end of the stick suddenly lit up and sparkled so bright with whizzing noises
out of no where!

Wu Ming's eyes widened and immediately threw the sparkling stick away, thinking it was gonna
explode like the fire crackers.

"Y-YOUR HIGHNESS!" He cried in alarm and covered his ears. He braced for the loud explosion
but the stick just laid there disappointedly until the sparkle disappeared and smoke was all that
what was left.

Xie Lian then suddenly bursted out laughing at his side to the point he had to lean on him for
support. He probably held his laugh for too long that his lungs were hurting.


Wu Ming just sat there shocked, shifting to confusion, and finally blushing in embarrassment in

Xie Lian was having a hard to controlling his breath that he was crying. "T-The secrets out!" Xie
Lian breathed out with pressed laughs.

He was having a hard time breathing and saying his words properly "Th- The terrifying smiling-
ghost warrior's weakness is officially firesticks-pfft! HAHAHAHA!!!!"
Wu Ming's face reddened in embarrassment even more. Xie Lian leaned on his shoulder and
continued laughing for an entire minute until his laughs finally died down to gasping and

"Hahhh.. Wu Ming.. " Xie Lian breathed out. His throat was tired from all that laughing. He added,
"You're too adorable... really.."

When Wu Ming finally found the face to look at him, he muttered in a low voice. "Y-Your
Highness didn't tell me it wasn't gonna explode."

Xie Lian chuckled as he kissed Wu Ming's flustered ear. "Right, right. It's my fault. pfft! B-blame
this god all you want, I deserve it." Xie Lian spoke with pressed laughs in between.

Wu Ming stared at him helplessly for a few seconds before sighing with a smile. "I wouldn't dare."

Xie Lian smiled mischievously at him again before grabbing another stick of firesticks and lit it up.
When it dazzled and sprakled at the end harmlessly, he showed it to Wu Ming.

Xie Lian who was still experiencing the after effects of laughing too much, smiled at him gleefully.
"See? It's not gonna explode."

Taking his god's word for it, he took an unused firestick from Xie Lian's other hand and slowly lit it
up. His heart was still slightly running cold from fear earlier but seeing that it was harmless and
didn't seem like it was gonna explode, he eventually warmed up to it.

He swirled it around like a paintbrush, admiring the light trailing behind it. Wu Ming's smile grew
even more. "Your Highness this is really fun!"

When the light suddenly went out from his stick, Xie Lian gently placed his own end of the stick to
it and watched it sparkle again.

Wu Ming's was taken back from the contact before his heart fluttered once again. "Thank you Your

Next, they watched the dragon dance. Numerous people were holding the long sticks that carried
the dragon at the other end. The dragon was so big and long compared to the other dragon dances.
They both watched in amusement, hand to hand before walking to a less crowded street to calm

"That was fun." Xie Lian sighed.

Wu Ming nodded with a warm smile. Once again, Xie Lian taught him how to have fun. His
hardwork for the past weeks was definitely worth it! And to share it with Xie Lian was even better!

He then quickly stopped walking when a thought came to mind. He glanced down at Xie Lian and
asked, "Is Your Highness hungry? We can grab a snack andㅡ"

"It's fine." His god assured him with a smile. "You already bought me a lot of snacks earlier."

There was still a few hours before midnight, Wu Ming and Xie Lian continued slowly walking
along the streets, still hand in hand. Wu Ming was conscious of his own hand the whole time to the
point he was forgetting to do basic things such as walking properly.
He didn't want to accidentally do anything that would make Xie Lian break his hold off him. But he
didn't want to stay uncomfortable either.

Wu Ming gathered his courage before slowly intertwining their fingers. This action made Xie
Lian's eyes slightly widened, he quickly looked at their hands then to Wu Ming's face. Wu Ming
was currently looking to the other side, obviously trying to hide his embarrassment.

It made Xie Lian's heart skip a beat before he felt his own cheeks heat up as well. He tightened his
fingers to make sure that they wouldn't easily break their grip.

It was definitely much more comfortable this way.

Xie Lian quickly picked up a question to ease the atmosphere. "Where did you get the money to
buy all those food and decorations back home?"

Wu Ming then finally stopped looking at the side before smiling sheepishly as he responded,

"Your Highness won't be mad?"

Xie Lian chuckled. "As long as you didn't go to any brothel houses then I wont."

"Your Highness knows I would never go there."

Xie Lian hummed in agreement, "Then do tell, where does my Wu Ming go to every day for the
past few weeks?"

"I was actually planning on busking to save money until I ran into a gambling house and tried my
luck there."

Xie Lian oh-ed. He then immediately understood what he meant by those words earlier when he
said that 'They were badly loosing to him'. He initially thought that Wu Ming meant physical
fighting, that's why he got worried.

Xie Lian chuckled, "I take it that your luck had been on your side then."

Wu Ming nodded. "It was enough to buy decorations and food. Luckily I still had money to buy for
our firecrackers and snacks, I still have some spares left so don't hesitate if Your Highness wants to
buy anything. You can even spend it all tonight."

Xie Lian looked at him astonishedly, just how successful was he to be able to talk big like this right

"Exactly how much spares do you have now?"

Wu Ming smiled at him.

"Your Highness be careful.."

Wu Ming is currently helping Xie Lian to walk straight. He seemed to be stuck in a daze for a while
that it was starting to worry him.

For the past few minutes, Xie Lian had muttering something repeatedly.

"spares... he called those spares. He called those.. spare coins.."

Wu Ming couldn't make out what Xie Lian was muttering about.

"Your Highness?"

Xie Lian continued to mutter more undiscernable words before he frighteningly breathed out.

"three... three thousand yuan..ㅡ"

His own legs then suddenly gave up, he stumbled on top of the nearby fence but Wu Ming caught
had already caught him before his body hit the fence.

"Your Highness!"

Wu Ming called anxiously. Xie Lian shook his head and gathered his thoughts. He slowly stood up
and regained his composure.

How unfair! How come he didn't earn close to that when he was busking. Xie Lian then sighed at
that thought. Even if he counts his total earnings alongside Feng Xin's it wouldn't even probably
reach half the amount that Wu Ming earned in only a few weeks.

Xie Lian laughed helplessly as he turned his head to Wu Ming, "How I wish we had met sooner."

Wu Ming was taken back. He stared at him for a long moment before he bit his own lower lip. He
was about to say something but then Xie Lian interrupted him.

"But I don't regret us meeting only now. I just wished that you didn't have to suffer under me

Wu Ming smiled warmly at Xie Lian before pulling him into a hug.

"What matters now is the present."

Xie Lian nodded in agreement before they began walking again through the streets.

Suddenly a sudden stall caught their eye. A lot of people surrounded it, they walked towards it to
take a closer look.

It was a storyteller. The people around seemed amused, so they also listened.

"Ascended to heaven from a young age as a crown prince, descended back to earth as a commoner!
Legend has it that he broke a taboo and met with mortals as a god so he could help his own
kingdom! But what did that only led him? Not only did his people suffer under the plague, he even
lost his own kingdom all together!"
He even slapped the fan at the end as the people continued to laugh and boo as he continued to

Wu Ming's eyes instantly darkened.

He gritted his teeth in anger and his hand reached the for his sabre that was hung on his waist.

But a hand stopped him.

He looked to his side, Xie Lian's head was low, casting a shadow over his expression and remained

"Humiliated his parents to the point they killed themselves, humiliated his comrades to the point
they left him, humiliated his people and kingdom to the point that they disappeared without a trace.
Legend says that this failure of a god will probably descend as a wrathful ghost next time. But who
knows, he might even suck being a supreme ghost as well!"

Laugh and chatter surrounded the place as they threw coins on his bowl.

Xie Lian couldn't listen anymore and turned away. Wu Ming cautiously followed behind him.

He pondered if he should say anything but felt that he should be more careful. His hand clenched,
If only they hadn't been lead to that cursed place!

When reached outside the city gates they continued to walk until no people were found.

When they were alone, Xie Lian suddenly stopped walking which made Wu Ming more alert.

Wu Ming stayed silent the whole time until Xie Lian slowly shifted back to his original form. His
hair grew longer and his height turned back to normal. When he turned around, his gentle-princely
looks was no more to be found. The corner of his lips then slowly arched, forming his usual smile
that would've sent shivers to anyone's spine.

"That was fun. Let's go home now"

Chapter End Notes

Wu Ming throwing away firesticks thinking that it was gonna explode 🙉❤️💕
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Chūnjié pt. 3 'Midnight Strucks'
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

When they arrived back home, Wu Ming cleared the table and kept the leftover foods for tomorrow,
while Xie Lian silently headed upstairs without a word. Wu Ming wanted to comfort Xie Lian the
moment they arrived but he feared he might make it worse instead. There was this thick wall built
around Xie Lian that he couldn't get through.

He cleaned himself before he decided to walk upstairs to Xie Lian's room. When he entered, Xie
Lian's coat was found on the bed but there was no sight of him in the room.

Wu Ming took the thick coat and walked around the base to find him. When only the third floor
was left, he walked up the stairs. The dread in his heart was growing heavier.

When Wu Ming arrived on the 3rd floor, he then immediately spotted a familiar silhouette from the
corner of his eye. Xie Lian was leaning with his elbows against on the railings of the balcony. The
wind's gentle breeze swept his hair while Xie Lian hugged his body.

Wu Ming stared at his god for a while, the cold wall around him shifted to a lonely one.

Wu Ming hugged the coat on his arms tighter and took a deep breath to clear his mind before
walking up to him. He stopped just behind Xie Lian to place the coat around his shoulders to warm
him up.

"Your Highness" Wu Ming called softly.

Xie Lian hummed in acknowledgement, but his gaze was still fixated on the starry night.

Wu Ming stayed quiet for a moment. It seemed that Xie Lian was still bothered about what they
heard from the stall despite how calm he looked right now. Wu Ming then walked to Xie Lian's side
before resting the palm of his hand on top of his.

The action slightly startled Xie Lian, he quickly shifted his gaze from the sky to Wu Ming.

The ghost gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't mind them Your Highness. They don't understand
because they know their brains can't keep up so they exaggerate stories just so they'd look smart."

Wu Ming consoled which successfully made Xie Lian huff out a soft laugh.

He then reached out his hand and placed it on top of Wu Ming's head gently petting his hair.

Wu Ming purred from Xie Lian's touch. He loved it whenever Xie Lian would pet his hair like this.
Xie Lian's gaze on him deepened and his smile turned warmer before responding in a low voice.
"Not all was exaggerated.."

He then removed his hand and gazed back at the night sky. He added after a pause, "Who knows... I
might really come back as a supreme ghost king and successfully wipe them out, or just become a
rogue cultivator with no name."
Wu Ming was silent for a moment before Xie Lian turned his head and smiled at him.

"But to be honest, I don't really care what happens next because all I need is you by my side."

Wu Ming's eyes twinkled. His smile grew before following his instincts, he sneaked his hands
behind Xie Lian's neck before slowly pulling his head closer to him. Xie Lian didn't hesitate to lean
back, tilting his head, and closed his eyes until he felt soft lips land against his.

Never in a million years had he expected to luckily stumble on a devoted companion like him. If he
had known before, he would've never even began to collect resentful spirits and just spend his
eternity with him. He was too precious that Xie Lian's heart ached and burned for him.

When he fell from grace... the world didn't hesitate to turn their back on him, ridicule him, spit on
him, but only he...

Only he would stay.

Fallen from grace or living in grace. Only this precious ghost infront of him would smile at him
with pure devotion and support him all the way.

Xie Lian's grip on Wu Ming tightened. He held him close to his heart, broke the kiss for a second
before diving back to him again.

At the same time a loud coil wind was heard squealing sharply before it disappeared.

Immediately after a second, a loud burst was heard from behind them. Wu Ming and Xie Lian
quickly broke off the kiss as they stared at each other quickly before they turned their heads to the
direction of the sound.

Not far from their base, something exploded in the sky.

Their eyes widened in astonishment at the sight when they saw bright colors shimmering in the
night sky just after the loud burst with smokes all around it before it disappeared into sight.

It was not long after it was followed by another whirling sounds before it also exploaded into
various glimmering colors that lit up the sky.

The two then immediately realized, it was now midnight. It was now officially the beginning of a
new year!

They both continued to watch as more fireworks were displayed on the night sky.

It was clearly Wu Ming's first time seeing such an amazing display, his eyes were fully widened as
he continued to be struck amazed. He couldn't contained the excitement spreading on his face.

When Xie Lian noticed his smile became warmer.

"How beautiful!!" Wu Ming complimented excitedly as his smile increased.

He swore in his mind that if he had a beating heart right now it would've probably be pounding in
his chest until it reached up to his ears. His eyes attentively looked for more fireworks with
different colors, making sure that his eyes fully capture every single one.
Xie Lian smile deepened even more as he responded, his eyes never left him once, "Indeed.."

Xie Lian supressed a laugh in guessing if the twinkle in Wu Ming's eyes were his own or from the

Wu Ming then immediately remembered as he gazed back to Xie Lian.

"Oh right! I heard you're supposed to make a wish when it's the start of the new year."

He then immediately added, "So this one wishes you a good life and prosperity, Your Highness!"

Xie Lian laughed as he watch Wu Ming immediately focus back on the fireworks after speaking.
He slid a hand behind Wu Ming's waist and pulled him in for a side hug, he gently leaned his head
against Wu Ming's own head while they both gazed at the night sky.

Xie Lian muttered back, "I wish you long life and happiness as well."

When the fireworks show ended Wu Ming's smile was still on his face.

"Oh wow" He breathed out. "Back then I wondered where those giant explosions came from. I
always hid in tight spaces while I covered my ears until it was over. I never imagined it would be
this beautiful!"

Xie Lian's face suddenly gloomed.

He echoed, "Hid?"

Wu Ming faced him and nodded, "As a child I hid and ran a lot. Nobody really explained these
things to me so I didn't have the courage to go out and look to see what the explosions were about
until I just got used to hiding."

Xie Lian's heart crumpled, Wu Ming must've gone through so much as a child. If he had parents,
they would've explained these things to him so that he wouldn't be afraid.

The thought of Wu Ming as a small child, curled somehwere in the dark corner while he covered
his head and ears with his tiny little hands while his body trembled in fear for all night long until
the show stops.

Xie Lian's heart would break at the sight.

Suddenly somewhere in his mind, A frail little boy who was covered in bruises, clutching into his
robe entered his mind. Xie Lian sighed as his eyes wondered back into the night sky.

After thinking about it... That little kid was cursed with a red eye too. But he couldn't remember if
it was his right or left eye though.

Xie Lian's head turned back to Wu Ming who was now looking at the sky. He stared at him for a
long moment.

'Hong Hong-er?'

Wu Ming then suddenly spoke up, interrupting his thoughts.

"Since it's the start of another year, does Your Highness have a wish?"

Xie Lian blinked and snapped out from his daze. He smiled at him before responding,

"Didn't we just do that?"

Wu Ming chuckled. "I mean, a wish for yourself."

Xie Lian smiled as he pulled Wu Ming closer to him for another embrace. He rubbed Wu Ming's
back as if his body language was consoling him and assuring him with the words: 'I got you now...
So don't worry anymore.'

Xie Lian responded lazily, "But I don't need anything. Besides you've already overdone yourself
since the past week. So I should be the one asking you to make a wish for yourself instead."

Wu Ming then thought for a moment before he responding. "Any wish Your Highnes wants is my
wish as well"

Xie Lian laughed at his stubborness. He was about to argue again but then an idea suddenly came
to mind. He broke the embrace and placed both hands on each of Wu Ming's shoulder.

"Actually.. There is one thing I wish for.."

Wu Ming's ears quickly perked up as he waited for Xie Lian to continue,

Xie Lian placed a finger under his chin, grinning as he spoke,


"Call me by my name."

Wu Ming blinked at him twice.

".... ...Pardon?"

"I want to hear you say my name." Xie Lian repeated.

Wu Ming quickly took a step back as he hid his flustered face. Xie Lian almost wanted to laugh, he
looked so scandalized that it was too adorable.

Xie Lian took a step forward, "Say it please? Ah, in case you didn't know it's Xie Lianㅡ"

"How could I not know my god's name?! It's just-!!"

Wu Ming interrupted and immediately stopped talking when he realized his tone sounded louder
than what he intentionally wanted to let out.

Wu Ming continued to turn away, his face looked red as a tomato before he shook his head. "No,
no, no! I couldn't possiblyㅡ"

Xie Lian's lips slightly pouted. "But it's my wish."

Wu Ming faced him quickly explained, "Yes! But how could I possibly say your sacred name?
please god no."

Did he really address him as god just now?

Xie Lian pffft-ed. He was really too adorable that Xie Lian couldn't stop teasing him. He rebutted,

"C'mon my name is not that sacred. I know dozens of people laugh and curse my name all the time.
What's so sacred about that?"

Wu Ming stared at him helplessly.

Xie Lian took his beloved's hand and held it with both hands.

"Please, my Wu Ming? Just once."

Wu Ming's face was still red. "Will... Will dianxia first tell me why though?"

Xie Lian smiled at him, "You've always been addressing me as Your Highness, Your Highness,
Your Highness. But not once did I ever hear you call my name. So it is my wish now."

Wu Ming stared at him. Of course how could he dare just causally call him by his name? He would
be asking for death if he did. But that prohibition was only valid back then because their
relationship was based off from a master-servant relationship. But now... It wasn't like that

Besides, he did say it himself that his wish was also his own wish as well. He sighed in defeat as he
looked away trying to brace himself.

Xie Lian listened closely.

Wu Ming's ears grew redder as he looked towards Xie Lian as he stuttered,

"Y.. Your Highness... Xeㅡ... Xie Lian!"

Wu Ming mentally face palmed himself. He stuttered his name!

Wu Ming urged himself to peek and saw Xie Lian was still looking at him speechlessly. His smile
disappeared and looked as if he was strucked dumb.

Wu Ming tilted his head for a moment in confusion,

Did he not hear him?

Wu Ming bit his lip, this time his tone softly this time.

"Xie Lian... ?"

The god continued to stare at him.

He was about to open his mouth again before Xie Lian suddenly pulled his hand, pinned him
against the balcony, and pressing his lips firmly against Wu Ming.

Rough kisses and soft moans enveloped in the air. Xie Lian brushed his fingers across Wu Ming's
hair as he kissed him deeper.

Wu Ming underneath clutched his robe as he followed Xie Lian's kisses. Voluntarily leaning his
head upwards to taste more of his god's kisses.

Both gasped upon breaking the kiss. Xie Lian rested his forehead against Wu Ming's as he stared
straight into his eyes. He ordered him in a low commanding voice.

"Call me my name again."

Wu Ming let out a low laugh.

'Whatever happened to just once?'

Calling his name gave him a different kind closeness that he never thought that was even there

Since his god already gave the order, how could he refuse? He wrapped both of his hands around
Xie Lian's neck before whispering in his ear.

"I love you, Xie Lian."

Chapter End Notes

Reccomend me WuLian fanfics too please 😭 I need more WuLian in my life😭❤️

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Fated Meeting
Chapter Notes

Tadaa!! Long chapter!!! Enjoy! ♡

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"I love you, Xie Lian"

Those words continued to echo in Xie Lian's mind. He had to squeeze his eyes shut tightly from the
intense emotions he was feeling right now.

He really is too precious... Xie Lian wanted to cling to him for all eternity. He was so precious that
his heart couldn't take it. He had to rest his head against Wu Ming's shoulder while his mind
continued to take in the heavy words. Wu Ming found his god's actions really cute that he couldn't
supress a soft laugh. Xie Lian then lifted his head and kissed Wu Ming's forehead before leaning
down to kiss his neck.

Wu Ming closed his eyes and hummed from pleasure. His mind went light headed from Xie Lian's
soft kisses.

Xie Lian pressed their bodies even closer and pushed his head deeper into the ghost's neck. Wu
Ming's hand moved down from Xie Lian's head to his neck. He smiled warmly at his god's kisses
even though he still thinks that he was not worthy.

Wu Ming whispered, "Your Highness, let's go inside.."

Xie Lian stared at him intently for a few moments before a smile formed on his lips.

"Very well. The night sky is getting boring to look at, I'd rather look at you flushed and broken by
me instead."

Xie Lian shamelessly commented before he suddenly carried Wu Ming on the arms without even
giving him a chance to respond and brought him straight into their bedroom. He roughly dropped
Wu Ming on top of the bed as he continued to chase his lips and began removing his robes

Wu Ming let out a muffled moan. He continued to pull Xie Lian's robes as if that was gonna
remove it any faster while his other hand was wrapped around Lian's shoulder for support.

Xie Lian was getting distracted by Wu Ming's kisses that taking off their robes was taking even
longer. When he felt his patience running out, he forced himself to move down to kiss and suck Wu
Ming's neck instead until he successfully removed Wu Ming's robes and pulled down his pants.

Xie Lian casted him a teasing smile for a second before leaning down until the leaking member was
only a few millimeters away from his mouth.
He leaked the white beads clean off the tip, earning a flinch and a cute moan from the ghost above
him. Wu Ming forced his hand to stay still from pulling his god's head and slamming his cock
inside, instead he decided to be patient for his god.

It didn't make sense either, wasn't he just as shameless, greedy, and impatient before? Perhaps his
weariness from working for the past few weeks clouded his thinking because right now, he felt that
he was even more sensitive than usual.

Xie Lian continued to give Wu Ming's cock wet and teasing licks. He was surely taking his time to
the point that Wu Ming was letting out suppressed grunts and whines. His hands clenched the
sheets tightly, trying holding himself back from accidentally thrusting his hips upwards.

Wu Ming's voice trembled, "Y-Your H..ah, Highness.. please.."

Xie Lian gave the base a kiss before lifting his head upwards and meeting his beloved's beautiful
eyes. His lips curved teasingly, "Please what, Wu Ming?"

Wu Ming shuddered just from hearing his god's voice. "Pleaseㅡ ah!"

Wu Ming's eyes widened when Xie Lian began stroking his dick instead. No he didn't want that, he
wanted his god's hot mouth and slick tongue instead. But could he complain? Could he be selfish
and ask shamelessly for what he really wanted?

... From his god?

Wu Ming shut his eyes and whimpered, he stayed in that position for a while and sucked in his
stomach, refusing to feel his slowly building climax. He closed his eyes because he knew Xie Lian
was staring at him right now, observing his expression quietly while he continued to stroke his dick
in a slow and controlled manner.

"Wu Ming"

Xie Lian suddenly called, interrupting whatever thoughts he had in his head. He opened his left eye
and responded with a suppressed tone.

"Y-yes, dianxiaㅡ ah!"

Wu Ming moaned in pleasure when Xie Lian's fingers accidentally brushed a sensitive part. Xie
Lian had a scrutinizing look on him.

"Didn't this god teach Wu Ming to say what he wants?" Xie Lian's voice thankfully didn't sound
mad. Wu Ming nodded in response.

Xie Lian knew him very well. He could tell just from his look on what he really wanted. Xie Lian
continued to stroke him as he leaned in close to his ear and licked on his earlobe before sucking it.
Wu Ming flinched and stuttered a moan. Xie Lian then whispered in his ear like a god giving his
believer an answer from his prayers.

"Then say it."

Wu Ming bit his lip and stayed silent for a while before his mouth opened.
"This lowㅡ..." Wu Ming flinched when he felt Xie Lian's teeth scraping his earlobe, warning him
about his words. Wu Ming swallowed hard before correcting his words. "... I... w-want... dianxia's

Xie Lian's lips formed to a smile again and hummed in satisfaction. "Anything for my beloved." He
whispered back and kissed the flustered ear before moving down again and taking Wu Ming's
length inside his mouth.

Wu Ming's thighs tensed and his hips almost jerked upwards from the intense pleasure. Xie Lian
began sucking him off in a controlled pace, hearing heavy breaths and gasps from the ghost. Before
Wu Ming realized it, his hand had already began reaching until his fingers brushed Xie Lian's hair.

Xie Lian didn't reject his touch but instead welcomed it by increasing his sucking movements even
more. His tongue pressed tightly against the length and making sure that his teeth wouldn't
accidentally hit or scrape him. Xie Lian then felt the fingers on his hair curled.

Wu Ming's breaths became heavier. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered. He buried his head
deeper into the sheets. He wasn't even thinking anything in his mind at all. All that was inside his
head right now was that he wanted to chase after that pleasure, he needs more, he wanted to go

Going by instincts, Wu Ming suddenly pushed Xie Lian's head deeper! Wu Ming inhaled a sharp
breath at the same time he realized what he had just done. He was about to apologize but
immediately after he pushed Xie Lian's head deeper, he heard a muffled moan that vibrated around
his cock.

Wu Ming's face blushed even more. 'Did... Dianxia like that?' He quickly disregarded the thought
and apologized. "Your Highness, I- I'm sorrㅡ ah!"

Xie Lian's hand pushed his chest back down against the sheets before sucking him even deeper all
the way to the base!

Intense pleasure flood inside his brain and cock, as he climaxed. Wu Ming let out a sharp moan at
the same time his hands immediately went back and pulled Xie Lian's head back down, prolonging
the pleasure. His mind went blank for a few seconds before his grip on Xie Lian loosened.

After coming to consciousness again, he retracted back his hand. "I- I'm sorry I didn't mean toㅡ"

Xie Lian's mouth backed away before giving his shaft sweet kisses for consolation. He assured Wu
Ming with a smile.

"It's fine, beloved. Just do as you like."

Wu Ming stared at Xie Lian for a few seconds before his fingers reluctantly came back to his god's
hair. Xie Lian's lips formed a smile before he began sucking his cock again, earning cute and
desperate moans from his beloved.

"Hhhgh.. ah! A- again? ㅡah!" Tears formed on the corner of Wu Ming's eyes. The stimulation was
too much, and his cock was still too sensitive to handle it.

Xie Lian's tongue licked the length inside his mouth before sucking in again in a paced manner.
Wu Ming's moans were getting higher as his body continues to arch even more while tugging Xie
Lian's hair.

"Hnghh...ah!..Your Highness!" Xie Lian then gave his cock one wet lick before used one hand to
stroke Wu Ming's cock faster. Wu Ming's gasps became sharper and quicker, he was gonna come
again so soon.

"Ah- ah!! Your Highness I'm gonnaㅡ"

Xie Lian increased the the speed of his strokes, at the same time he felt the cock become more
stiffer before he quickly placed the cock back in his mouth just in time when Wu Ming released

Xie Lian gave Wu Ming's cock a few more hard strokes before taking in a few more squirts of cum
inside his mouth. Xie Lian swallowed some before grabbing the back of Wu Ming's neck and
pressing his mouth over his.

Wu Ming's teary eyes stared back at the dominating honey-golden ones that were staring all the
way through his soul. Relaying him an obvious message to open his mouth for him. Oh god, that's
hot. Wu Ming blushed furiously as he gladly swallowed what his god gave him like a devoted
believer he is, almost choking in the process when Xie Lian's tongue began pressing against his
own, making sure he was swallowing it all.

He felt Xie Lian's sweet humms of satisfaction vibrating in the his mouth before he broke the kiss.
Xie Lian then pulled Wu Ming's waist, making him sit on top of his lap. He embraced his waist
tightly as he continued to exchange wet kisses with him. The slick sounds of their make out was
enough to turn them both on even more, and Xie Lian hadn't even come once yet.

The god removed his own pants before he pulled out the oil from his sleeve. He quickly poured a
generous amount on top of his cock letting the warm liquid slowly coat his length before closing
the oil shut and tossing it away. Xie Lian's head was getting hazy in pleasure just from watching his
beloved come for him so many times. He stroked his own cock for a few seconds, letting the oil
properly spread around his length evenly as Xie Lian chased after Wu Ming's lips once more. His
other hand wandered around against Wu Ming's chest, feeling up his beautiful scars all over his
body until it brushed against one of his hard nipples.

He then stopped stroking his own cock and directed his fingers on Wu Ming's lower back before
gently kneeding the entrance. Wu Ming's body was twitching from pleasure that he could hardly
keep up with the kisses. The friction of Xie Lian's fingers with the oil against Wu Ming's skin made
the entrace obediently open and burn at the same time.

Xie Lian had to force himself to pull away from Wu Ming's soft lips before panting as he spoke. "I..
need to.. stretch you... first"

Wu Ming was too lost in his hazy mind to even say anything now. He whimpered and quickly
shook his head that showed impatience as he lifted himself up and positioned himself on top of Xie
Lian's cock.

He then heard Wu Ming's meek voice, "Don't want.. ngh.. finger.."

Xie Lian chuckled softly, his bright smile showing his canines before he began slowly stroking his
own twitching cock again that was begging for attention since the beginning, but Wu Ming's hand
slapped his own hand away and stroked it himself.

Xie Lian's laugh was mixed with pleasure. His Wu Ming was getting bolder that he even learned to
slap his own hand away now. Xie Lian let out small grunts as Wu Ming stroked his cock in a paced
manner while slowly taking the tip inside. Xie Lian thought that he must've felt a sense of
dominance since he was sitting on top of him.

"Hngh.. Hahh.. Oh!.. Oh you're so lovely.. My Wu Mingㅡ ahh.."

Xie Lians breath trembled as Wu Ming continued stroking his cock.

Xie Lian's breaths quickened and he felt his own impatience from earlier resurfacing again. He
grabbed Wu Ming's ass with both hands and squeezed it hard, indicating that he should stop
stroking now or else he might accidentally plunge it inside himself with little to no preparation.

Fortunately, Wu Ming got the idea and stopped his hand before slowly sitting down, his entrance
obediently opened up, slowly sucking in Xie Lian's hard cock inside inch by inch.

They both moaned in unison until Wu Ming was successfully sitting on top of Xie Lian. That was
easier than expected. Xie Lian chuckled, his beloved was eager for him so much that he could
easily take him now even without the oil stretching his insides first. He then showered his beloved
ghost with kisses again in praise for doing so well.

Wu Ming's hands both wrapped around Xie Lian's neck as he placed his weight against Xie Lian
before rocking his hips up and down slowly.

Wu Ming arched his back, it felt so deeper this way compared when he was laying on his back. Wu
Ming whimpered. He wanted more...He lifted himself again before slamming himself back down,
Xie Lian's cock successfully hitting Wu Ming's prostrate deeply every time.

Wu Ming's moans became louder. Before, he was doing it to pleasure his god, but now it was as if
he was the one using Xie Lian to pleasure himself. But he didn't have the time to think about that
now. He began rocking his hips again. Slowly his pace increased, feeling the wave of pleasure
overwhelm him. He wanted more, he wanted to feel himself slapping hard against his god but
exhaustion was quickly overcoming him.

Xie Lian playfully let out a snicker when he noticed his pace was becoming slower. He teased, "Is
my dominant Wu Ming already tired now? Very well..."

His rested one hand on the sheets behind him for support and the other on top of Wu Ming's hair
before he tugged it, earning a sharp cry of pleasure from the ghost. Xie Lian chuckled at the same
time his eyebrow raised in response at the newly discovered kink of his. His hand on Wu Ming's
hair tugged even more right before Xie Lian shot him a look.

He ought to show him who was incharge now.

With one flick of his hips, he thrusted in deep and slapped deeped inside him, earning a hard moan
from Wu Ming's mouth. 'Oh fuck, yes god!' Wu Ming cried. This was exactly what he wanted. Xie
Lian continued tugging his hair while thrusting upwards without mercy to the point that their
contact was emitting slapping noises. He felt Wu Ming's insides squeeze his cock tightly. Wu Ming
cried in pleasure. He wanted to rest on Xie Lian but the hand was still tugging his hair tightly.
Xie Lian sneered at him. "Ah fuck, my Wu Ming is so fucking tight. Haha.. You love it when I fuck
you like this?"

Wu Ming's cries of pleasure eventually enveloped alongside his moans. He nodded in response as
he continued to push himself downwards as well syncing with Xie Lian's thrust, hitting his
prostrate even deeper.

Xie Lian smiled in satisfaction before thrusting in quicker. Slowly, Xie Lian felt his own climax
building up. His breaths became sharper and his body trembled slightly when he felt that he was
getting too close to the edge.

Until finally, with one hard thrust, thick load of cum shot out of his member, filling Wu Ming's
insides with his release.

The two stayed in that moment for a few seconds before they both calmed down. When Xie Lian
came back to his senses he gently placed Wu Ming down. He stroked Wu Ming's member while
kissing his neck until Wu Ming released as well.

Xie Lian then sat up catching his break while staring at Wu Ming's trembling body.

Xie Lian sneered once more, "I hope you don't think it's over yet."

Wu Ming's body flinched in response. Before he knew it he was laying down on his stomach with
his ass up on the air.

Xie Lian's hand travelled on Wu Ming's ass while he spoke in a soft voice.

"Wu Ming.." He placed a soft kiss on Wu Ming's cheek before he spoke.

"Call me Xie-ge"

Wu Ming's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He looked up only to see Xie Lian still smiling
patiently. He had only regained consciousness and still didn't fully understand what he meant so he
just copied what he last heard.


Xie Lian's smile instantly dropped. At first, Xie Lian only asked him to call him that for fun. But
who knew it would sound so good with his voice?

His dominant instincts overpowering him once again. He grabbed Wu Ming's ass and thrusted all
the way back inside him. Wu Ming cried and his body twitched from the intense pleasure, he just
came so he couldn't handle the level of sensitivity his body was experiencing right now.

Xie Lian began thrusting inside him ruthlessly, panting as he spoke.

"Wu Ming.. Call me Xie-gege"

Tears formed in Wu Ming's eyes while his brain was in a jumbled mess. His moans became sharper
as he uttered,

"Hngh! X-..Xie ge- ahh!"

Xie Lian's eyes squeezed hard before he hugged Wu Ming's body before thrusting in deeper.

"Ah! Oh.."

Wu Ming quickly felt his own climax building again. Xie Lian continued thrusting inside him
without stop, feeling Wu Ming's wet insides slowly becoming tight again as it squeezed his cock
and his thick load, making wet sounds at each thrust.

Xie Lian's breath quickened once more at the same time he felt his own heart beating quickly, he
commanded Wu Ming to keep calling him 'Xie gege' again and again until he finally came inside
him once more.

Xie Lian pulled out and rested on top of Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's body twitched so much and curled himself up to a ball. Xie Lian was gasping for air
until he draped an arm around Wu Ming.

When they both finally calmed down, Xie Lian kissed Wu Ming's ear before whispering. "Wu
Ming, call me Xie-gege.."

Wu Ming was still trying to calm down. And when he did, hid eyes tiredly open and stared at Xie
Lian's glimmering eyes before he shot Xie Lian a look.


Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the immediate rejection.

"Aww, alright." Xie Lian chuckled softly before Wu Ming sighed helplessly and returned the soft
laugh after a short moment. He then noted to himself that he ought to limit calling him that if he
still wants to be able to serve his god the next day.

After a while, Xie Lian bought Wu Ming to the pool to clean up. The warm pool felt so good that
Wu Ming fell asleep against Xie Lian's chest. Afterwards, Xie Lian helped Wu Ming put on some
warm clothes before tucking him underneath the newly changed bedsheets.

The next day, Xie Lian was looking at some scrolls displayed on his shelf before a gentle knock
was heard from his door. When Xie Lian turned his head, Wu Ming walked inside with a box.

"Your Highness, I- wahh!!"

Wu Ming's legs suddenly wobbled on the way to Xie Lian, but luckily the god caught him on his

"Wu Ming! are you okay?"

Wu Ming didn't move from the spot and kept staring at the ground before squeezing his eyes shut.
His face immediately flushed in embarrassment. 'I tripped infront of dianxia, how embarrassing!'
The ghost cleared his throat and immediately regained his posture. "I-I'm fine..."

Xie Lian gave his body a quick look before he began laughing as he understood. He smiled at him
apologetically, "Ah, you should've just stayed in bed if your body is aching."

Wu Ming cleared his throat again and tried to get rid of the blush of embarrassnent that was
creeping up from his face, ears, and down to his neck. "I-it's nothing.."

Xie Lian's gaze on him softened before his eyes landed on the box on Wu Ming's hand. "What's the
box for?"

The ghost then snapped out of his thoughts as he only then remembered what he came inside in Xie
Lian's office for. He turned back to face him and smiled.

"Your Highness still has some spares left from last night." He began. Xie Lian felt his own smile
twitch from remembering the difference of Wu Ming's understanding of 'spares' and his
understanding of 'spare money'. Even now he still finds it hard to believe he earned that much
money only for a few weeks.

"Mhmm, what about it?" Xie Lian responded gently, indicating for him to continue.

The ghost smiled at him, "I'll leave the box here so if dianxia wants to buy anything, he can spend it
all as much as he wants."

Xie Lian chuckled. "Wu Ming, that's your money. I didn't even have a hand in your hardwork. You
should keep it instead."

But the ghost shook his head. "Even though I earned it alone, I did it for dianxia. So every yuan is
for dianxia to spend. "

"Besides," He added. "I don't have any use for money anyway."

Xie Lian chuckled before staring at him helplessly for a few moments before gently taking the box
from Wu Ming's hands and placing it on top of the table.

"Ah... what am I going to do with you?" Xie Lian sneaked a hand behind Wu Ming's waist and
placed a kiss on his forehead.

He then opened the box and inside was filled with bags of small but heavy pouches, obviously
filled with coins he already knows he could never earn in only a week.

Xie Lian then grabbed one pouch from the table and loosened the tie, he opened the bag slightly
and stared at the dazzling gold coins inside.

It looked like a dream to be honest. Xie Lian never imagined he would have been able to hold a
heavy amount of money again. He then gave the ghost another suspicious look before teasing him

"Are you really sure you didn't accidentally go inside brothel houses?"

Wu Ming immediately laughed in response. He smiled at him brightly, "I swear it with my life."
After a short pause he added, "Besides... I already told Your Highness last night, I would never go

Xie Lian's smile turned warm. His eyes then shifted to the box before he decided, the money's here
infront of them anyway, if both of them doesn't want to have sole custody to it, then the best would
be to own it together instead, right?

"Since Wu Ming says it's mine, then I say it's ours. Let's go."

Xie Lian then walked passed Wu Ming with the pouch on his hand. Wu Ming's nod in agreement
stopped halfway when his brain fully processed what Xie Lian had just said at the end.


Wu Ming blinked before he quickly followed Xie Lian behind. When he saw Xie Lian going
downstairs and heading outside his curiousity perked up.

"Your Highness, where are we going?"

He asked but Xie Lian raised his hand instead and called out. "Fang Xin."

A sharp wind then suddenly swept past Wu Ming at quick speed. When his vision straightened
again, the sword Fang Xin was already on Xie Lian's hand.

The god then turned to Wu Ming with a warm smile and finally gave a response to his answer.
"Since Wu Ming says I can spend it however I want, then let's spend this pouch right now."

Wu Ming didn't expect them going out again so soon. He chuckled in response and just nodded in
agreement. Xie Lian then summoned to horses using Fang Xin before wrapping the sword with a
white cloth to hide it. The two then rode towards a nearby busy village.

When they landed and got off, the two horses immediately dispersed to black dust and disappeared.
Wu Ming stayed close to Xie Lian as they walked. The village seemed busy even during the day.
The ground showed leftover markings from the firecrackers from last night, and different party
decorations littered on the floor. It was a mess but it was indeed was a hectic event last night after

Xie Lian smiled at the red lanterns hung above them before he walked in inside a clothing store
with Wu Ming behind him.

"Welcome dear customers!" The store owner greeted from the counter section. "Is there any
specific hanfu, shoes, or accessories that you would like? Our store still provides discount until the
end of the Spring Festival!"

Xie Lian's eyes wandered around before he found the section he was looking for. He gave the store
owner a quick smile,"Thank you. We'll be fine on our own."

The store owner gave a slight bow in response before Xie Lian dragged Wu Ming with him to the
shoes section.

Xie Lian was looking through where the black colored boots were stacked on the shelves, carefully
analyzing the different details sewn on them.
Wu Ming raised a brow in confusion. 'Does dianxia want to buy new boots?' He doesn't understand
why Xie Lian was looking at the black boots though.

When Wu Ming noticed the white boots stored on the bottom, he slowly reached out for it and
analyzed it himself. The material was good and sturdy, and the design wasn't so bad either.

He then turned to Xie Lian and presented him the white boots on his hands. "I think this would look
nice on dianxia."

Xie Lian stared at the boots for a second before chuckling. "Ah no, I'm not buying for me."

Wu Ming blinked. "Oh.." He then returned the boots back to where he found it before returning to
Xie Lian's side.

"Then for whom is it for?" He asked curiously. But before he even got a response, Xie Lian
grabbed two black boots with an elegant flower design on the side that was sewn in a crimson

"I like the shade of red on this one. It'll go perfect with the red robe you're wearing right now."

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened. He only then realized Xie Lian was actually shopping for him.
Blush crept on his cheeks as he remembered their little conversation a while ago before they left.
Xie Lian was practically telling him right now that if he doesn't want to own the money, then he'd
keep it but he'd still spend the money on him.

What sort of trickery is this? Wu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this situation. Even
though he gave the money to Xie Lian, it still came back to him. He quietly sighed in defeat. But it
did feel nice to have his god spoiling him rotten like this.

Xie Lian then gestured him to sit down on the long divan. When the ghost did, Wu Ming was
expecting Xie Lian to sit down beside him but his heart immediately dropped when he saw Xie
Lian kneeling down infront of him and began taking off his plain black boots.

Wu Ming immediately reached down and stopped him. "Y-Your Highness!"

Xie Lian looked up at him confusedly. "Is there something wrong?"

Wu Ming immediately dropped from the chair and also kneeled beside him. "Th-this.. Ah. I- I can
wear it myself."

Xie Lian chuckled. Finally understanding why his beloved was getitng all flustered now. He teased,
"What's so wrong about me putting on the shoe for you? Aren't I also the one helping you change
into your own clothes just fine?"

The storeowner's eyebrows then arched from behind in surprise upon hearing before quickly
looking away and blushing madly.

Wu Ming still held a firm grip on Xie Lian's hand. He continued to blush in embarrassment and
looked away. "I-it's not that, dianxia doesn't have to kneel just to put my shoe on."

Xie Lian stared into those insecure eyes in front of him for a moment. It was exactly that feeling
showing in his eyes that made Wu Ming still feel unworthy to stand by him, Xie Lian wanted it to
disappear badly. He side-eyed the storeowner for a second. When she was still looking away, he
sneaked a hand behind Wu Ming's neck and pulled him for a quick kiss that left the ghost wide-

Xie Lian then whispered in his ear, his cold breaths sent tingles to Wu Ming's ear until it turned red.
"Does it matter who kneels for whom? Your my beloved, you deserve to have me kneeling and
serving for you the same way you do for me."

Wu Ming blushed even more furiously before gently pushing Xie Lian's shoulder away before
anyone else sees them. He lowered his head, hiding the blush in his face before mumbling in
response."I.. was wrong..."

After Xie Lian helped him wear the matching black boots, his god stood up and analyzed him from
head to toe.

Wu Ming didn't know what to face to make when Xie Lian's gave on him was heavy, so he just sat
there while not daring to look at him in the eyes.

Xie Lian on the other hand was starting to loose his mind despite his calm demeanor, his heart was
racing so much that it would've run laps around the world. Wu Ming was wearing the crimson
colored robes he sent to him that was fit for a warrior, he was also wearing the silver vambraces on
each of his wrist. Pairing that with the braidwork he did for him that's tied along with his high
ponytail, and finally the boots he carefully picked for him just now.

Xie Lian smiled proudly at himself. He remaked again proudly, "Ah I already said this and I'll say it
again! Wu Ming looks so good in red."

The store owner then stepped in beside Xie Lian and spoke, "My lord, we also have some silver
accessories for boots that would compliment this young master's silver vambraces. Would you like
to see them?"

Xie Lian's smile and interest grew. "Bring them here." He ordered. The storeowner bowed before
trotting to a different section to grab it.

"Your Highness.." Wu Ming whispered loud enough for Xie Lian to hear. "Is this really needed?"
He asked.

"Of course it is." Xie Lian responded seriously. He added, "Nothing else can make this god happy
other than spoiling my Wu Ming."

Wu Ming sighed helplessly with a smile.

When the storeowner returned, she was carrying silver accessories with hooks on the end that were
thin like necklaces.

She then kneeled infront of Wu Ming and gestured the accessory on her hand. "May I?"

Wu Ming blinked and turned to Xie Lian instead. He immediately understood and answered for

"Go ahead."

Xie Lian watched her carefully hook the silver accessories on the tiny hooks he didn't even know
that was there in the first place. After she hooked two or more on the other foot, she gently
arranged them so that they were hanging neatly under the boot before she stood up.

The storeowner then turned to Xie Lian and asked. "My lord, what do you think?"

Xie Lian stared at the dangling silver butterflies on Wu Ming's boot for a few seconds before
smiling in satisfaction. "Perfect." He commented.

Xie Lian then motioned Wu Ming to stand up and walk a few steps for him just to see the boot in
action. When Wu Ming took a few short steps, it was followed by jingling sounds from his feet.

Xie Lian's smile deepened before he laughed in satisfaction. "Haha, even better! Now I'll know
when you're coming to me with those silver ornaments hanging on your boots."

Wu Ming chuckled and teased back. "Like how you would put bells on a cat?"

Xie Lian casted him a quick but meaningful stare for a second before turning to the storeowner
again. "We'll take it."

When the two left, the storeowner bid them goodbyes before giggling to herself giddily.

After walking out the store, Xie Lian was smiling the entire time. The jingling sounds coming from
Wu Ming's boots was even attracting the attention of nearby people.

"Those accessories on your boots sure cost a lot but they're definitely worth it. Wu Ming should
keep wearing those."

Wu Ming smiled as he thought to himself for a moment. "Does dianxia like seeing me wearing

"Very much!" Xie Lian laughed.

They sat on a chair to rest for a while and watched people go about in their own lives in the village.
When they saw a traveling foodcart pass not afar, Wu Ming immediately turned to Xie Lian. "Your
Highness, please wait here. I'll buy you something to eat."

Xie Lian smiled at him warmly, "Alright, come back afterwards okay?"

Wu Ming nodded and immediately ran after the foodcart.

Xie Lian leaned on the chair comfortably and closed his eyes peacefully, letting the gentle breeze
past him, and the tree shade him from the heat of the sun.

It was definitely nice like this. To live like this. Shameful as it was, he was even starting to feel
thankful to that White-clothed calamity, not because of what he did to his kingdom, but because
through him, he was able to meet Wu Ming.

Xie Lian knew it himself that even if Jun Wu comes down here right now and offers to remove his
cursed shackles, his bad luck, and his unfortunate situation, and gives him a much more glorious
life in the heavens as a god, he would decline it in a heartbeat. He didn't need those things anymore.

It indeed felt nice to be cheered and looked up upon, to be looked at as the most perfect and
flawless god in their eyes. But it was heavy. Every expectation was too heavy on the shoulders that
he'd break. I tried though, didn't I? Xie Lian thought to himself. He tried his best to carry those
burdens with a smile, but where did that get him?

He tried to live every expectations from hundreds to millions of people, but where did that get him?
Those people turned their backs on him and stabbed him with a sword instead.

But with Wu Ming... He assured him that he didn't need to prove anything. And that reason
somehow motivated him even more to try his best compared to those million of believers he had

A smile formed on Xie Lian's lips. He sighed happily,

'He's too precious really..'

"Are you kidding me? Didn't I say that I will position here while you on the other side?! What's
wrong with you?!" A voice suddenly raised from his right not afar.

"The fuck are you talking about?! You clearly stated that I look here in the east while you on the
west!" another voice rebutted.

"What nonsense is that?! We went over this many times you musclehead!! You see?! This is the
problem with you!! All you think about is 'doing this, doing that' but you never actually stop to
listen first!!!" The first voice argued again.

Xie Lian opened his eyes and stared at the tree leaves that was shading him from above. His gaze
darkened in irritation. He grumbled in thought, It was such a fine afternoon and he was thinking
such nice thoughts, and it just had to be ruined with other people's problems.

"Who the fuck are you calling an musclehead?!! Don't act all mighty and knowing after what
you've done you hypocrite!!!!" The second voice yelled back.

"Are you seriously going to fight me right now?!! I didn't cut my busy schedule just to argue with
you!!!" The first voice yelled.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!! You think it's easy for me to make time like this as well?!"

Xie Lian, still looking at the tree leaves above him almost wanted to laugh. The way they were
arguing with each other somewhat gave him a nostalgic feeling. He could vaguely remember the
feeling of his ears ringing everytime because of arguments like this from the people who used to
follow him back then.

When the two continued bickering, Xie Lian's face turned darker until his impatience snapped into

Xie Lian abruptly sat up and raised his voice enough to reach them. "Deal with your problems
quietly without disturbing otherㅡ"
When he turned his head, his voice hitched and the words became stuck on his throat instead. The
two people arguing also stared at him with the same shocked expression he was wearing.

Xie Lian's body froze. His heart beat was beating loudly that it was reaching up to his ear. His
expression twisted as he instinctively took a step back.

Those two people arguing weren't just ordinary people. They were adorned with glamorous gears
that they immediately didn't fit in the village. They didn't even fit in the kingdom as well...

They fit right where the martial and civil gods stood. Up there... In the heavens.

Xie Lian's heart twisted when his eyes turned to the weapons they had on them.

A bow and a sabre.

Chapter End Notes

I'M BACK!!!!! Ohohoho, how do you think this is going down? 👀 Were you shocked? Did
you expect it? Did you guess from the title? Aaaa TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS!!! XD
*aggressively sips tea with eyebags* Teabags.. I said tea bags right? Yes.

To be honest the last part wasn't a part of the storyline but after seeing similar comments it did
get me thinking too on what would happen if Feng Xin and Mu Qing were to meet Calamity
Xie Lian with his whole new demeanor and all lol.

So think of this as a gift?





🦊 IMPORTANT: I posted on twitter before Monday stating that I wouldn't be able to update
as scheduled because of University bcs they're really taking a toll on me TvT.

🦊 So I'm very sorry that I wasn't able to update on monday. As for the next chapter, I'll see if I
can publish on Monday as scheduled, but I can't promise anything right now because my work
are still piling up and I need rest too TvT.. So if you don't see an update on Monday, then it's
most likely I'll update on Thursdays.
🦊 You can always follow me on twitter @callmehyuel to be updated on news like this or just
to rant/talk to me about MXTX things XD

🦊 As I said on twitter, I apologize for not updating on Monday but atleast this chapter was
twice as long, so that sort of makes up for it, right??

If you saw my twitter post, I posted an emojie riddle for y'all to guess what chapter 40 is all
about. So after reading the chapter, it's now obvious right??

🍃🤗] = FengQing

🤗== wind/ Fēng
Affection/ Qíng

Did you guess it? 👀

Follow me on twitter to be updated on things like this! ❤️

Aight now I'm just talking too much now lol, Yuel's gonna sleep now 🐾
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
A Chance Encounter
Chapter Notes

Let the chaos begin!

📌Have you seen my twitter post? 🦊

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mu Qing and Feng Xin studied Xie Lian cautiously.

They never agreed with each other and if they ever did, it would be their plan of looking for Xie
Lian. It was not like they came to each other and talked about it, they just met in the mortal realm
by chance without knowing that they were doing the same thing. When they did find out, they
decided that four eyes and two brains was better than none.

They still hate each other though.

Mu Qing explained their plans right after the Morning Report inside the Martial Hall. He wasn't
sure if Feng Xin was listening though, but now he was sure.

But perhaps it was by pure luck that he didn't listen. Who would have guessed that their bickering
would've solved the problem and find the person they were looking for? If they didn't argue at that
moment, Xie Lian would have probably slipped in their eyes and they wouldn't have known.

The worse case scenario is if Xie Lian had found them first without them knowing. He would've
tried every means to either run away or even worse, divert their clues and lead them astray.

But something was different.

There was something dark about him... Something strange or evil. It was like there was an evil
ghost clinging to him and possessing him that changed his entire demeanor but they couldn't figure
out what.

Perhaps they were overthinking it? They knew Xie Lian can be savage at times because they've
been with him at his lowest too.

Or was that really at his lowest?

It can't be normal for Xie Lian to be glaring at them like this as if he was telling them that he could
kill them if he wanted to, right? Fear and anxiousness creeped on the back of their spines like a
chilling breeze.

They knew Xie Lian was more powerful than them, but they were also sure that Xie Lian didn't
have the heart to kill anyone close to him. He was the Flower Crown Martial God after all, he had
the strength to destroy the world with one sword, but his heart was as gentle as a flower.
But now they were starting to doubt that.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing swallowed hard. The Xie Lian who was quietly staring at them with dull
eyes right now wasn't the naive and purehearted master who wouldn't hurt a fly that they served

This Xie Lian could actually kill them.

Mu Qing was about to go to his private array to inform Feng Xin about what to say in order not to
accidentally jump into the worse case scenario, but before he could even recite the password, the
martial god beside him had already took a step forward and spoke in an impulse.

"Dianxia!" He called. Mu Qing's face twisted before he inwardly cursed at him. 'You idiot!!!' He
was just about to tell him to be choose careful words in order not to drive Xie Lian away. Calling
Xie Lian his former title was definitely NOT one of them!!!

Feng Xin trailed on, "We don't know what's making you act like this but we were lookinㅡ"

"Dianxia?" Xie Lian slowly echoed. His voice was low and his eyes squinted at them, scrutinizing
their expressions.

A subtle smile came to his lips. He was smiling but there was not a tint of emotion in his eyes. The
two martial gods became even more anxious when they noticed it.

That smile was definitely not the same smile they knew, there was this danger lurking beneath it.
The two didn't dare move from the spot as if the two of them were being carefully watched by a
beast who was ready to kill them if they stepped in the wrong line. Feng Xin didn't like the
situation and neither did Mu Qing, the three of them used to go through life and death together and
now it was as if they became preys and predators instead.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth before he slowly tugged Feng Xin's clothes from behind. Atleast in this
way, he could stop him if he does anything more stupid, he thought.

Feng Xin clearly didn't like the touch, he looked back at the god over his shoulder and whisper-
yelled. "What the fuck are you being clingy about now?!"

Mu Qing swallowed down his fury and rolled his eyes instead. He gritted the words through his
teeth so Xie Lian wouldn't hear, "Don't do anything stupid, you hear me?!"

Feng Xin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "It's just Xie Lian! I don't understand why he's being
like this but I think if we just try toㅡ"

"You idiot!" Mu Qing interrupted while still maintaining the tone of his voice. "Don't you
understand?!" He exclaimed, trying to knock some sense into him to understand the situation they
are currently in.

"If we make one wrong move, we might not be able to find him again! Or worse, by the time Xie
Lian finishes with us, our junior officials would be preparing our funerals by now!"

He was definitely exaggerating in the end but he had hoped that he atleast got the picture. Feng
Xin's eyebrows continued to furrow until Xie Lian's voice suddenly made them flinch and snap out
of their little world.
"What are you two whispering about?"

The two martial gods immediately looked back to him with full attention, Mu Qing's fingers were
still tugging on the back of Feng Xin's clothes.

They continued to stare at each other for a moment until Feng Xin nudged his shoulder, indicating
that he should take charge instead.

Mu Qing inhaled a deep breath before he slowly let go of Feng Xin's clothes and analyzed Xie
Lian's expression for a second. He thought that he should atleast gather some clues from Xie Lian's
face so that they could go around him easily and if they were lucky enough, they could successfully
convince him to go back with them.

Xie Lian's had this calm expression but it was definitely radiating hostility towards them. When Mu
Qing took a step forward, Xie Lian's glare intensified. He took that as a note and stopped in his

He held out a hand to him as if he was trying to placate his anger and showing him that he wouldn't
do anything to provoke him. "Xie Lian.." He called.

If he could talk to Feng Xin, he would've asked him to do what he was doing instead. Because he
knew deep in his heart, he was the last person Xie Lian would ever want to see. But what could he
do? Feng Xin was too stupid to understand his body language and there was only the two of them,
so who else if not him?!

Seeing the way Mu Qing was trying to approach him made Xie Lian chuckle at him ridiculously.
"Don't give me that approach as if you're trying to tame a wild animal. Tell me directly on why the
two of you are here while I'm still willing to listen."

Mu Qing closed his mouth and retracted back his hand. He sighed for a moment, there was no use
playing nice then. But what's important is that at least Xie Lian would talk to them properly.

So he stood properly like a proper dignified martial god. He could feel Feng Xin's rage behind him
and he badly wanted to roll his eyes because he already knew what he was thinking. No, he was not
being arrogant nor showing off his status, Xie Lian had asked him to talk brashly and so he will.
But despite that, he thought that he should atleast choose his words carefully.

"Xie Lian," Mu Qing began. His voice was soft and controlled but it still showed signs of
anxiousness. "We were looking all over for you! Where have you been in the past year?"

Xie Lian maintained his eyes on him and didn't respond for a moment before his gaze slowly
shifted to the martial god beside him.

Xie Lian tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes at them, "Does it matter where I've

Feng Xin and Mu Qing's expression twisted even more. It was definitely Xie Lian they were talking
to but at the same time also not.

Mu Qing opened his mouth attempting to say something more but the words got stuck in his throat
instead. He closed his mouth and remained silent.
"Of course it matters!" Feng Xin suddenly responded from behind. His voice sounded distraught,
"We've been looking all over for you, we almost thought you were dead!!"

Xie Lian actually sneered. "I don't think there's any reason for the two of you to be looking for

Feng Xin was left dumbfounded. Eventually Mu Qing couldn't handle this game of pretend
anymore and just blurted out what Xie Lian needed to hear.

"Xie Lian please stop this nonsense. You know perfectly well why we looked for you. Did you
think that after we left, we completely abandoned you? Where have you been allㅡ"

"Abandoned me?" Xie Lian laughed with an obvious mix of anger.

Oh no.

His voice sounded almost teasing, "Mu Qing, you better choose your words carefully. If others
heard your words just now then they'd really believe that you actually deserted your former master
when he was at his useless point."


So it was really not his lowest point then.

Th two martial gods swallowed hard as they thought in unison.

'It's this one.'

Xie Lian folded his arms inside his sleeve, "Don't you remember? I gave you a choice and the two
of you chose to leave. Since then our ties were cut there."

His voice instantly turned cold. "So I don't think you have a reason to look for me anymore."

Mu Qing gritted his teeth "But stillㅡ"

Xie Lian stopped him with a look. "Still what?" He asked. He took a step forward to them.

"Because It was you who told you me first that you wanted to leave?" Xie Lian's cold eyes traveled
to Feng Xin and directed the next words at him, "Because you pledged your loyalty to XianLe?"

Xie Lian's expression darkened even more, he gritted his teeth in anger "In case you forgot,
XianLe's gone."

He trailed on, "That stupid pledge is no longer valid and I don't need your help nor your pity!"

Xie Lian's lips wobbled and held back the slowly rising tears from the corner of his eyes. "The two
of you left without looking back." His voice still broke at the end.

Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut from that mistake. He couldn't help the slowly rising pain in his
chest. He was angry, he felt like he was gonna burst out crying at any moment. The banished god
looked away, needing a moment to swallow his rage and tears. He didn't want to look pathetic in
front of them.
Xie Lian clenched his fists and stared at them in the eyes with tears in his eyes. "I watched you.."
He continued.

His voice quivered at the end, "After you made your decisions, I watched the two of you slowly
walk away...and none of you even looked back once."

He inhaled a sharp breath and raised his voice, "If the two of you looked back you would've known
that I wanted you to stay because I needed the two of you!"

The anger and frustration he swallowed back then was slowly resurfacing. He wanted to cry, he
wanted to scream, he wanted to run away. He hated. He hated. He hated! But instead, he clenched
his fists and inhaled a deep breath to swallow down some of his fury before he snaps and does
something he might regret. He continued, "I was selfish at that time... I couldn't liveㅡ I didn't
know HOW to live without your help!"

Xie Lian looked away, "But I'm not a person who likes to force on people to stay. If you decided to
leave back then, don't come back now."

Feng Xin and Mu Qing remained quiet, their head laid low. Xie Lian didn't blame them but the
taste in their mouths remained bitter. A part of them had hoped Xie Lian would just blame them
instead and let out his frustration on them vocally so they could properly sort things out. But Xie
Lian was pushing them away instead. He sounded as if he wanted nothing to do with them
anymore, and that left them with a bitter feeling. They remained quiet, not knowing what to say

"I might have needed you back then, I don't now."

Right after that, Xie Lian already knew they were both hard-headed and won't stop with just his
words. He was sure because he knew them by heart. He knows they would do anything just to
convince him. He smiled at them bitterly, too bad it was too late now.

He slowly reached for Fang Xin on his waist.

Immediately after he had grabbed the hilt, his breath hitched when he head faint jingling sounds
coming from behind him. He immediately turned to the direction of the sounds and saw Wu Ming
coming over to him from behind with a bag of sweets on one hand.

Chapter End Notes

Ohhh Wu Ming is here! How do you think the chaotic duo is gonna handle this? 🦊
Btw, as I mentioned in my twitter post there will be an upcoming side story that would focus
solely on FengQing before they met Xie Lian. (spoiler: it's chaotic but they're definitely into
each other and papapa here and there lmao )

Go check my latest twitter post for the chapter sneak peeks and more details!! 👀
Twitter: CallmehYuel
See you on Thursday! ♥️

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

A Chance Encounter (pt. 2)
Chapter Notes

Ohohoho!!! We're at 390 kudos people that's insane!!! Thank you so muchh!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please prepare your tissues for this one! 🧻🧻🧻
Enjoy the long chapter!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian's heartbeats went mad when Wu Ming was walking closer. Xie Lian stole a quick glance
to the two martial gods infront of him for a second before looking back to Wu Ming.

'I can't let them see him'

When Wu Ming noticed Xie Lian already staring back at him, he smiled brightly, "Your Highn-

When Wu Ming was at arm's reach, Xie Lian swiftly pulled him into his embrace and covered his
mouth one hand while shielded him with his body, preventing the two martial gods to take a proper
look at him.

Xie Lian hugged Wu Ming close and pushed his back slightly, indicating him to crouch down so
that he was fully shielded behind his robes. Afterwards, he slowly removed the hand from Wu
Ming's mouth. The ghost stared at him worriedly, "Your Highness what'sㅡ"

Xie Lian placed a finger on his lips, indicating him to keep quiet for a moment. Wu Ming
immediately closed his mouth and watched Xie Lian's hand before glow slightly before a plastic
mask suddenly appeared and rested on top of it.

"Xie Lian what's going on? Who's that?" Mu Qing's voice sounded from behind but Xie Lian didn't
pay him any attention. The god leaned into Wu Ming's ear and whispered.

"Wear this mask for a moment, don't let them see you."

Wu Ming was confused but he didn't question his god's order and wore the smiling mask as
instructed. When his face was covered, he felt Xie Lian's body relax before turning back to the two
figures behind him.

Xie Lian was still standing infront of Wu Ming. Using his white robes to hide him from them.

Xie Lian inhaled another deep breath and changed the subject instead. His voice was full of
seriousness as he told them, "Leave now before I make you."

Feng Xin and Mu Qing was taken back.

Feng Xin clenched his fists in anger. He looked like he understood Xie Lian's words earlier but he
couldn't accept it. He couldn't understand why Xie Lian doesn't want nor need his help anymore.
The words gritted through his teeth, "Your Highness, I don't understand..."

Xie Lian shot them another warning glare. "Don't come looking for me ever again. We can live our
separate lives in peace."

Without wasting another moment, he turned back around and placed both hands on Wu Ming's
shoulder, telling him he could stand up now.

The two martial gods watched as a figure behind Xie Lian slowly reveal himself from behind, he
was almost the same height as Xie Lian so if was hard to miss the white plastic mask on his face.
The two immediately squinted their eyes to take a proper look at him. He was clad in red and black
robes, a high ponytail, and a smiling mask that covered his face. The moment Wu Ming was
revealed, the two instinctively held their weapons tight for caution. They didn't like the dangerous
vibe the figure behind Xie Lian was showing.

They were somewhat expecting Xie Lian to show some hostility or atleast some distrust as well but
much to their surprise, Xie Lian held Wu Ming's hand and turned to leave.

When the two god noticed this they were left stunned once again. Feng Xin looked like he was
gonna snap. Mu Qing looked like he had just seen a ghost.

Unbeknownst to him, he did.

They couldn't understand why Xie Lian would rather go with someone wearing a very suspicious
smiling mask instead of them. Wasn't Bai Wuxiang also wearing the same white plastic mask with a
half-crying and half-smiling face?

Did he trust him too much to this extent? Feng Xin's blood boiled so much that he couldn't hold
himself back anymore and snapped at him.


Xie Lian immediately halted in his steps, eye-wide. His body froze and another darker sense of
anger was gradually creeping up in his chest, his grip on Wu Ming's shoulder unconsciously
tightened to the point the ghost flinched from too much pressure. The god blinked a few times and
immediately loosened his grip on him. "Sorry.." He muttered to him.

Wu Ming turned to Xie Lian. His confused expression was probably radiating through the mask he
used to wear in the past before he turned his head to the two figures behind them.

Wu Ming's eyes widened upon seeing the two familiar gods. He only then immediately understood
why Xie Lian was suddenly agitated. His chest felt tighter from anger and instinctively reached for
his waist where his sabre was hung. But when his fingers reached his side, his waist was empty.

Wu Ming immediately looked down and found nothing! He gritted his teeth in anger, he forgot that
he left his sabre at home because he didn't think they'd be met with this situation!
Wu Ming inwardly cursed at himself a few thousand times for being so careless. But what could he
do now? Wu Ming clenched his fists and could only stand behind Xie Lian in silence while keeping
his guard up.

Xie Lian was silent for a long time and remained facing his back to them. After a long silence he
responded coldly.

"My parents are dead, Feng Xin."

Their eyes widened and took a step back in disbelief. "Th-the King and Queen are..." Mu Qing
muttered as if he thought he was hearing wrong.

Feng Xin looked devastated. His eyebrows furrowed even more. "That'sㅡ... How?!"

After a short while, Xie Lian turned to them with a heavy look on his face. His dull eyes deepened
even more as he instinctively reached out for the unused white silk wrapped around his arm. Xie
Lian responded in a low voice,

"They... decided that they didn't want to be a burden anymore.."

Mu Qing's voice trembled. "What? .... Xie Lian, what's that supposed to mean? What happened to

Xie Lian's looked down on his arm before his gaze shifted back to them sharply. His anger rose to
the point that his patience was hanging by a thin thread ready to snap at any moment. He squinted
his eyes at them both showing pain and fatigue as he questioned them softly, supressing his anger
as much as he could. "Don't you understand?..."

Xie Lian's face darkened even more, he clenched his fists tightly that his knuckles turned white.

The thread snapped.

"THEY'RE GONE!" Xie Lian yelled.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing immediately covered their ears when a lightning bolt suddenly shot on the
sky the same time Xie Lian yelled at them. Pain, suffering, anger, longing, agony, misery. It was all
found in his voice.

Wu Ming was at lost on what to do. He wanted to comfort Xie Lian, he wanted to fight the two
gods who dared show up to him, he wanted to be useful! But he also badly wanted to stop Xie Lian
so they could escape instead since he didn't have his sabre with him, but a part of him was holding

He knew how much Xie Lian suffered alone because of them. He wanted Xie Lian to let his
frustration out on them because they deserved it! He wanted Xie Lian to give them the punishment
they deserved because he knew how much Xie Lian was swallowing his pain all alone.

He was in a dilemma so he could only wsit for the situation to unfold itself, and just stood there
The sky slightly darkened and rumbled. Wu Ming only then noticed a shift in Fang Xin's aura. Wu
Ming's eyes glanced down to take a closer look before his eyes widened in realization. Not good.
The sword was becoming unstable!

Xie Lian snarled, "XianLe is officially gone. My kingom is gone, my people are gone, my friends
are gone, my parents are gone..." Xie Lian trailed on angrily before he placed a hand on his chest.

The tears on his eyes flooded his vision before his voice broke once again,

"I'm... gone."

Mu Qing and Feng Xin stood there in silence. Pain was also building from their chests that quickly
formed tears into their eyes as well.

It wasn't long before faint black smokes began to surround the sword as if it was sucking in
something. Wu Ming continued analyzing the swaord confusedly.

It was definitely Strange. He thought, The sword only ever does that if they were collecting energies
with... Wu Ming's eyes widened as he realized, the sword was sucking in Xie Lian's resentment!

Not good. If Xie Lian continues to feed it with resentful energy, the sword might break. Wu Ming
immediately reached for Xie Lian's arm to soothe his anger and telling him that they should
withdraw now.

Xie Lian's attention however remained on them. "Do you understand now?" He asked.

He snapped again, "Everything is gone. Consider me gone as well! Consider that fucking God
pleasing crown prince long dead!"

Feng Xin was too stunned to even say anything now. Mu Qing clenched his fists and argued back.
"What are you talking about?! Do you think that we only cared for the King anㅡ"

Xie Lian's cold voice was heard again. "I'm a banished god with no temples nor believers, I'm just
as good as dead. Does it matter?!"

The two looked at him stunned yet again before Wu Ming gently pulled on Xie Lian's arm again to
bring his attention back to him. Thankfully his attempt worked and Xie Lian did finally turn to face
him. He placed both hands on Wu Ming's shoulders before turning them around so they were facing
away frim them. Xie Lian looked over his shoulder before speaking to the two gods behind him.

"Never look for me in this world ever again."

Feng Xin dropped on his knees, his expression didn't change. Mu Qing became even more irritated
as his gaze landed back on the figure wearing a mask.

He pointed his finger at him and snapped. "You won't come with us but you would keep that thing
beside you?! Do you even know who he is?!"

Xie Lian looked over his shoulder again and shot him a sharp look that could cut knives. Xie Lian's
honey-golden eyes turned to a matte color.

"Thing?" He echoed.
The sword on his waist shook madly. Wu Ming noticed it and quickly placed a hand on Xie Lian's
arm, trying to placate his rising anger again. He whispered, "Your Highness, don't mind them... let's

"You dare call him a thing?" Xie Lian gritted.

Xie Lian was now even angrier than before.

Mu Qing immediately understood he made a mistake and instinctively took a step back. He
watched Xie Lian unsheath the sword on his waist.

"How shameless of you... Calling him a thing when you two are no better!!! You have no right!"

Xie Lian gripped Fang Xin's hilt and the sword's blade flowed with resentful qi. Xie Lian's
temperament was unstable, if he fights like this he would kill them!

Wu Ming didn't want Xie Lian to regret his actions later on so he continued pulling Xie Lian's
sleeve. "Your Highness! Those trashes are not worth it, let go!"

Mu Qing and Feng Xin Immediately glared to his direction the moment he compared them with

Xie Lian continued ignoring him but Wu Ming didn't quickly back down either until he faced Wu
Ming angrily. "Why should I?! Why should I let them go?!" He then turned back to them, "I won't
let anyone go who dares to insult you!"

Xie Lian raised Fang Xin, getting ready to swing and blast the resentful qi at them. Mu Qing
immediately sensed that Xie Lian was gonna aim at Feng Xin first! He quickly turned to the martial
god who was still on his knees dumbfounded.

"FENG XIN MOVE!" Mu Qing yelled.

It was too late now. Xie Lian had already swung the sword and the resentful qi came chasing at him
at intense speed!

Feng Xin's eyes widened and immediately grabbed his bow, but then, he felt a sudden force on his
side that darkened his vision and made him roll on the ground roughly.

When Feng Xin regained consciousness, he was now laying down on the floor with a heavy weight
on top of him. Feng Xin's eyes widened when he saw Mu Qing laying in top of him with a pained
look on his face.

"Hey! Hey! Mu Qing, what's wrong?!"

Mu Qing didn't move on top of him and crouched his body as if his stomach was hurting. Feng Xin
noticed this and placed both hands on his shoulders before carefully sitting up.

He then saw a black scar that was slowly growing on Mu Qing's waist. His eyebrows furrowed in
shock before immediately putting a hand on it and began healing him using spiritual powers.

Mu Qing flinched against him, "Fuck.. It.. Hurts..." He muttered

Feng Xin gritted his teeth and scolded him. "You idiot! Who told you, you could save me like

Mu Qing was too much in pain to respond him. The pain on the side of his waist felt like his skin
was being eaten alive. Mu Qing's silence response only made Feng Xin panic even more.

He knew how much Mu Qing would never back down when it came to verbally fighting with him.
Even if he was in a bad position, he would never have allowed him to speak his mind freely
without a response in return. It only meant that it was hurting so much that he really couldn't talk

Meanwhile, Xie Lian was staring at them blankly. He pointed the sword's blade towards the two
sitting martial gods who were too distracted to notice him. The spirits on the blade intensified,
getting ready to attack!

But just a few milliseconds after, Wu Ming suddenly ran infront of Xie Lian and the blade. "Your
Highness, stop!"

Xie Lian's eyes widened and immediately directed his sword away just in time before the blow hit
the trees instead.

Xie Lian wanted to scold him for that attempt of sacrifice just now but his anger was too focused
on other things. He glared at him.

"Move" He ordered.

Wu Ming immediately grabbed Xie Lian's hand and clasped it between his own fingers. He
schooled his expression so that he didn't look agitated anymore.

"Your Highness..." He called him softly.

Xie Lian furrowed his eyebrows and continued glaring at the figure infront of him. But just hearing
Wu Ming's sincere voice and seeing how patient he was with him just like how he always did, how
could he not listen? Xie Lian's breaths slowly calmed down but his anger was still not fully

Wu Ming smiled warmly beneath the mask and rubbed Xie Lian's back for further consolation.

"I know your angry, and you're hurt..." Wu Ming began.

The two martial gods on the floor continued to look at them with caution and confusion. They
didn't want to admit it but even though they hated and suspected the figure beside Xie Lian to be
the one manipulating him, they couldn't ignore the fact that he just saved their asses just now.

Wu Ming's voice was sincere and gentle as a flower, "I know you want to let out the anger, pain,
and misery you've been swallowing all these years alone. I know how much it breaks you inside,
and I know how lonely you must've felt when everything just came falling down on your

Just when Xie Lian thought Wu Ming's words couldn't hit him any harder, the next following words
hit him like giant boulder straight on the heart.

"You wanted to help with a smile. But your broken and crying inside."
Xie Lian's lips twitched and wobbled. Despite Wu Ming's face was hidden behind the mask, Xie
Lian knew very well what expression he was wearing right now. He knew it by heart.


"Your Highness, believe me when I say I wanted you to just let out your feelings and destroy the
world and the people because they deserve it! They don't know what's good infront of them. The
world doesn't deserve you!" Wu Ming then pointed to the two gods behind them.

"They don't deserve your mercy nor your forgiveness!"

His voice then turned sad as he added. "But I can't let you fight them like this because I know you'll
regret it. You'll regret it and then you'll feel even more broken. I won't be able to handle it when I
see you in misery again..."

Wu Ming then glanced upwards to Xie Lian, "So Your Highness, you don't need to carry any
burden at all. Release your anger if you really need to and then order me to handle the rest. I'm
Your Highness' blade after all. Only the blade shall be dirty, not the hand."

Xie Lian's eyes slowly shifted to Wu Ming. The light on his eyes came back at the same time his
expression crumpled. Tears flooded down from Xie Lian's cheek but he didn't look away from the
ghost infront of him.

"I hate them just as much, so just let me kill them in your place alright?" Wu Ming added.

"HEY!!" Mu Qing yelled from behind. Telling them that he was only injured, not turn deaf. Feng
Xin was healing him through spiritual powers so the pain was gradually decreasing.

Xie Lian couldn't hear them from behind though. The only person he could see nor hear properly
right now was his beloved infront of him. Somehow what Wu Ming just said eased the tension on
his shoulders that he didn't even know he was carrying at all. Perhaps for the first time in his life, to
be able to be told that he didn't need to carry anymore burden on his shoulders, he truly felt...

Xie Lian's shoulders slumped before he slowly allowed his body to fall and sit on the chair beside
him where he was sitting earlier.

Wu Ming immediately examined him from head to toe worriedly, "Your Highness? How do you
feel? Are you hurt?"

"I'm.. I'm fine. I just calm down" Xie Lian responded before he closed his eyes to
meditate. Slowly, the spirits on the sword's blade decreased until the sword was normal again.

Feng Xin slowly stood up with Mu Qing's arm around his shoulders for support before they slowly
walked towards them. When the distance was just right, Wu Ming immediately grabbed the sword
Fang Xin and pointed it at them, telling them that this was the closest that they could get.

Xie Lian continued meditating with his eyes closed and Wu Ming stood infront of him with a sword
on his hand.

Mu Qing and Feng Xin Immediately shot him a glare.

"You... Why are you following His Highness?! What's your intention?!" Mu Qing rebuked.
Wu Ming ignored his question and responded with, "I believe trashes don't speak. They get thrown
out and burned to dust."

"YOUㅡ" Feng Xin and Mu Qing gritted at the same time.

Xie Lian's voice was then heard from behind Wu Ming.

His voice was calm and controlled this time. "If he says that's where the line draws, then stay
within that line."

Now the situation felt wholly wrong to Feng Xin and Mu Qing. Now, it seemed that it was as if Wu
Ming had the authority above them despite being on Xie Lian's side for only a year.

They badly wanted to beat up that figure in front of Xie Lian, but they knew they'd end up fighting
Xie Lian first before they could even touch him.

"Your Highness!" Feng Xin called to him agitatedly. "Why would you even trust someone like him
when he can't even show his face to us!"

Wu Ming remained on his position between them. Standing firmly as one hand gripping the sword
that was pointed at them, and the other hand behind his back.

Xie Lian spoke slowly and calmly, "You say he doesn't deserve to stand by me but what you don't
know is the fact that he had won against White No-Face."

Mu Qing and Feng Xin paled just from hearing the name.

When Xie Lian's eyes opened and shifted sharply to them like a knife, they were immediately
locked frozen in that position as if someone was holding a knife up their throat.

His tone gradually turned darker "He was facing White No-Face while he possessed my body for
days. He endured the amount of times a sword stabbed in his chest, he endured the feeling of
having been toyed and tricked by him with no spiritual weapons to his advantage at all but still

Xie Lian's voice becane heavier as he emphasized, "And he did all of that.... Alone."

Mu Qing and Feng Xin's face slowly turned to the warrior infront of Xie Lian.

Xie Lian remained his eyes on them. "No matter how mean I was to him, no matter how badly I
treated and threatened him, he never left."

Xie Lian painfully added. "He stayed and listened when none of you would."

"So don't you dare say that he is unworthy!" He scolded after a pause.

The two martial gods closed their mouths and remained silent. After a long silence had passed
between them, their guard on Wu Ming slowly dropped but not fully enough that they completely
trust him now. If he was someone really strong enough as Xie Lian had said, then they had no right
to discriminate him further.

Mu Qing spoke reluctantly after another long while.

"Whats.. his name."

Wu Ming visibly froze form the spot. He reluctantly turned to Xie Lian who still remained his
looking at them with no weakness nor doubt in his gaze.

He wondered what Xie Lian would decide to say what his name was. Would he ignore it? Change
the subject? Make them leave? After all, the first they met he had told Xie Lian that he had no
name. And what Xie Lian responded was,

'Without a name would be, Wu Ming.'

He even thought to himself that he didn't deserve a name, and he didn't think he needed one either.
He just got used to Xie Lian calling him Wu Ming so it was really not that imporㅡ


Wu Ming's eyes widened. His grip on Fang Xin loosened for a brief moment before he immediately
turned to face Xie Lian. His thoughts ran wild, 'Wh-what did dianxia just call m-'

Xie Lian didn't glance back at him and stood up form his chair that instantly cut his thoughts. He
grabbed and pulled Wu Ming close to him possessively. "His name is Hong-er so stop pestering
him anymore!"

Like a flip of a switch, Xie Lian's tone of voice suddenly changed from scolding like a strict master
to scolding like a possessive lover!

Mu Qing and Feng Xin visibly froze from too much shock that they probably looked like the most
accurate version of their god sculptures by now. Wu Ming was thanking the stars that he had a
mask on right now because his face was blushing furiously that he could've sworn his face probably
looked like a tomato.

Mu Qing's face couldn't even be described properly. He looked as if he didn't know whether he was
gonna roll his eyes or throw up. Meanwhile, Feng Xin paled too much that his soul probably left
him by now.

"Hong... er..." Mu Qing muttered. Somehow that name sounded familiar to him but he couldn't

When Feng Xin's soul finally came back to him. He snapped, "Hong, what?"

Xie Lian glanced Wu Ming for a second. The first thing that came to his mind was how he told him
that he was his favorite flower but Wu Ming stated back that he wanted to be a butterfly instead.
But too bad for him, he decides whether he's a butterfly or a flower! Xie Lian thought. So he went


Wu Ming half-suppressed the chuckle that suddenly came from his mouth.

Xie Lian held Wu Ming closer as if he was scared somone was gonna take Wu Ming away from
him. He was hugging him so tightly that he was practically squishing the poor ghost in his grasp. It
was a good thing he didn't need to breathe.
Mu Qing and Feng Xin visibly cringed from the scene. An idea slowly growing from the back of
their minds thinking that these two weren't just master and subordinate.

"You got your answer now right? So leave me and my huahua alone. Never come looking for us

Mu Qing and Feng Xin spat out blood.

Xie Lian's face suddenly darkened. "If you come looking for us or even try convincing me again to
go back with you, I won't hold back, you hear me?"

Mu Qing and Feng Xin still looked reluctant but they somewhat understood what Xie Lian was
trying to tell them.

Xie Lian's eyes landed on the part where he was hit by the sword's burst of attack before looking
back at Mu Qing. "The wound on your waist is temporary. The pain would be gone by tomorrow
but it'll continue to hurt the longer you stand near Fang Xin."

After a short while Mu Qing lowered his head and gave a nod in acknowledgement. He swallowed
the bitter taste in his mouth. He wanted to bring Xie Lian back so they would make amends and
even perhaps...become friends again.

But maybe it wasn't meant to happen... Atleast for now.

Feng Xin supported his arm and waist carefully so he wouldn't accidentally fall. Mu Qing had to
hide his embarrassed face behind his bangs. He told himself that he was useless at this point. He
even needed Feng Xin to support him in order to walk.

Xie Lian only then moved his hand to hold Wu Ming before turning around. "You two should..
head back now."

Mu Qing and Feng Xin faced each other for a second before looking back at him. Xie Lian glanced
behind his shoulder before muttering in a low voice, not really caring if they heard or not.

"It's nice to see at least the two of you living well."

Xie Lian did cherished them before. They were the jewel among the rocks he handpicked himself
after all. He had considered the idea of reconciling their friendship but right now... It wasn't the
right time.

They still need to settle things on their own, apart.

The two then began calmly walking away in a straight path towards the forest. Mu Qing and Feng
Xin wanted to catch up but they felt so far out of reach now. They couldn't help it, even though it
was a small world, they feared they truly might never see Xie Lian again. Both of their feet felt
stuck to the ground due to Xie Lian's words that continued to linger on their minds like a spell, they
knew they shouldn't follow anymore but they couldn't help but worry for him.

They care about him after all. He was their master...

...and their friend.

The cold winds continued to blow and dozens of leaves swept past their eyes like snowflakes. The
two martial gods watched the two slowly walk away until a leaf brushed passed their sight, and the
two were suddenly gone.

Out of sight, but never out of reach.

Chapter End Notes

Oh my god I think this is the first time I've ever ended a chapter that sounded so poetic wtff 😭
It hurts I know... But I did say grab some tissues before reading, didn't I? XD

But guess what? This author has some good news for you! A lot more things actually
happened after Xie Lian and Wu Ming left but that part would be focused on....
FengQing's POV!
Yes that's right! That means you would know the aftermath in the upcoming book 'A Chance
Encounter' ((Please look forward to it! >.< ))

[Check my twitter post and follow to be informed!]

Ah, incase you didn't realize it yet, the title of this chapter and the previous chapter is the same
name as the book

Please pray for this author that I may be able to pass my exams \(;´□`)/ Our exam starts

I need to focus on studying, I'm sorry!!

my best.
😭 🙏
next week so there's a chance that the two chapters for next week would be postponed because
Please bear with me for a while I'm also trying

Thank you for your endless love and support. Y'all don't know how much your comments,
kudos, and support brighten up my life after a tiring day from school

As always,

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Late Night Revelations
Chapter Notes

Yayyy I'm backk!! Enjoy this chapter dear readers 🦊

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When they arrived back home, Wu Ming wanted to approach Xie Lian about the unexpected
meeting earlier knowing how exasperated Xie Lian must be feeling right now. But before a word
even escaped his mouth, Xie Lian had already began storming all the way to Fang Xin's room and
locked himself inside for almost an entire day!

Wu Ming waited infront of that door for hours until he lost count. He could feel it, Xie Lian was
hurting. He wanted to be there and comfort him but everytime his hand reached for the doorknob
his stomach would twist and hold him back. He thought that Xie Lian probably needed some alone
time for himself so he stared at that black door for hours, unmoving.

When nightfall arrived, it was only when Wu Ming was able to steer himself away from standing
infront of the door in order to cook dinner for Xie Lian. When he finished, he carefully delivered
the tray upstairs before he felt his heart suddenly drop.

Fang Xin's room was open.

The aura coming out of the room was so resentful to the point thay that was too dangerously
suffocating! Wu Ming quickly walked to the room while making sure the food on Xie Lian's tray
wouldn't accidentally spill. But when he arrived inside, it was only a dark empty room with Fang
Xin chained on the center and torches that illuminated the center of the room. But most importantly,
no signs of Xie Lian was found.

Wu Ming carefully exited the room and gently closed the door behind him with heavy thoughts.
Xie Lian still hadn't allowed him to freely enter this room and explained to him why. But Wu Ming
had a few guesses, like for one, he thought Xie Lian had feared Fang Xin would suddenly become
unstable and his soul would accidentally be sucked inside.

Wu Ming then thought that Xie Lian might be in their room so he headed inside to their bedroom

When he entered the room, his eyes twinkled as he immediately caught sight of his god sitting on a
chair and staring at the window outside. His thoughts must've ran deep because he didn't even
notice his presence until he heard the sound of the tray gently being placed on the table.

Xie Lian's mood lightened up a bit when he saw him before his eyes glanced down on the tray of
food in front of him. He weakly smiled, "How sweet... Thank you Wu Ming."

Wu Ming's lips curled to a small smile and he felt his heart jump from the praise. But then, he
noticed something was wrong. Xie Lian seemed even more tired than usual.
Perhaps the events earlier was too heavy on him? Or did it have something to do with the sword
Fang Xin?

Xie Lian then reached out for a hand, indicating for him to come closer and interrupting his
thoughts altogether. Wu Ming's eyes twinkled. Let's face it, when had he rejected his god's touch?
Without hesitation, Wu Ming immediately ran to Xie Lian's embrace. Xie Lian was still sitting
down so he buried his head against Wu Ming's stomach with his arms wrapped around him

"How nice..." Xie Lian whispered.

Wu Ming smiled warmly as he gently cupped Xie Lian's face to look up at him before brushing Xie
Lian's cheeks with his thumbs.

Xie Lian's warm smile didn't last long though. When he looked back up at him, his smile dropped
to a cold frown. The latter became worried thinking he did something wrong to upset him so he
immediately pulled his hands away but Xie Lian caught one of his wrists before before suddenly
pulling him close and making him sit on top of his god.

Xie Lian secured him with another hand that was wrapped around his waist as he continued to stare
down at him heavily.

Wu Ming was becoming anxious. "Y- Your Highness what's wrㅡ"


The ghost's eyes widened as something plastic on his face suddenly split into two. When Wu Ming
looked down, the splitted smiling mask dropped on his lap.

Oh. Right, he was still wearing it.

It only took one swipe of Xie Lian's finger and a small sweep of spiritual energy to crack the plastic
mask into two. Actually, did Xie Lian even use spiritual energy? He should've been able to notice it
a few miliseconds before it happened but there was really none. Unless...

Wu Ming's heart squeezed in realization.

Just from that one sharp swipe of Xie Lian's finger, the air reaction was so fast and sharp that it
cracked the mask into two without even needing his spiritual power! As expected of his god!

Wu Ming's cheeks reddened from the thought and embarrassment that he actually forgot that he still
had his mask on the whole time.

Xie Lian's tired smile came back, "There you are..." He mumbled as he glanced at his left eye
before shifting his gaze to his right eye where he was most insecure about.

Xie Lian held him close before leaning in and kissing his right eyelid. The god then trailed his
kisses down to the ghost's cheek then to his neck earning soft giggles from his beloved.

Wu Ming's cheeks reddened even more. Xie Lian kisses him almost everyday yet his reactions are
still the same as if it was his first time getting kissed by his god. It was ridiculous but he couldn't
helped it. He tried schooling his expression to the best of his abilities before mumbling softly.
"Your Highness, the food will get cold..."

Xie Lian placed one more kiss on his cheek before burying his head against the ghost's neck. “

"Is that so?" He muttered softly. Xie Lian's cold breath against his neck made him shudder. "But I
have no problem eating my food cold though..." His god added.

Wu Ming slightly frowned from the response. Never in a million years would he serve nor even
allow his god to eat cold foods especially if it was served byㅡ then it hit him.

Wu Ming's expression blanked in a second before his cheeks flushed red again that he was smoking
steam from his ears and head. Xie Lian softly laughed at his reaction.

Ghost's cold body temperatures + Wu Ming in bed = cold food.

Wu Ming internally screamed for a long while before he was finally able go extinguish his
embarrassment. Even though Xie Lian was tired he still has the strength to tease him to this point.
Wu Ming took a few moments to calm himself down before his face melted into a warm smile.

A vow was then made: Someday... He'll get back at him for teasing him so much.

He then allowed his body to relax and leaned against Xie Lian comfortably. He let out a quiet
breath. Atleast, his god was smiling, He thought. It was now as if his entire world was at peace and
that he could die with no regrets only because seeing Xie Lian happy...

It was enough.

The god then continued to caress his cheek before angling his head so he would be facing him. The
ghost smiled warmly at his god before the hand on his cheek moved to the back of his neck and
slowly pulled him close for a kiss.

Xie Lian angled his head slightly before slowly pushing his head closer and deepening the kiss. Wu
Ming followed his lead, kissing him back the same way as Xie Lian kisses him slowly and lovingly.
Wu Ming placed both hands on either side of Xie Lian's neck while brushing his god's sharp
jawline with his thumbs.

Just something about this scene right now made the air so... Intimate. Was it because of it was night
time and quiet, and the sounds they could only hear was the sweet yet seductive sounds of their kiss
exchanges? Or was it because the only light that reflected the room was the moon's bright light
shining from the window that perfectly captured his god's beautiful facial features?

Xie Lian's lip movements were slow but every touch sparked a flame inside Wu Ming that he
couldn't get enough of; that we wanted more of. It was as if he was being teased and he was at his
wits end but he had to force himself to maintain the pace.

Wu Ming felt Xie Lian's mouth part slightly before he suddenly felt a wet and nerve-tingling lick
on his upper lip! Wu Ming suddenly felt himself back away as response before covering himself
with both his hands from embarrassment. Xie Lian softly laughed in response.

Wu Ming remained there on his seat, his lips burned and swollen, he could still feel the tingling and
ticklish feeling on his upper lip. No matter how many times he bit or nibbled on it, it wouldn't go
away! His ears, neck, and cheeks flushed red once more with the additional of his now swollen red

Once again, his god managed to rile him up to this point.

Wu Ming muttered under his breath. "Your Highness, you will really be the death of me."

Xie Lian continued smiling at him before petting the ghost's hair as compensation. Luckily the
ghost did show some signs of calming down before he eventually found the courage to move his
hands away and reveal his flustered face.

"Did Wu Ming like that?" Xie Lian chuckled.

Wu Ming continued staring at him until he felt the tingling feeling again on his upper lip before he
quickly nibbled on it again and nodded his head in response. Xie Lian hummed in satisfaction
before he slowly pulled the ghost to lean his front against him again and brushed his back.

It was a long silence between them but they didn't mind. The peacefulness in the air felt nice. He
could fall asleep in Xie Lian's arms if he wanted to but then a question popped in Wu Ming's mind.

“Wh-... Where did Your Highness acquire the name... Hong-er?”

Wu Ming remained burying his face against Xie Lian's neck and waited for an answer but Xie Lian
was strangely quiet.


After a while Xie Lian mumbled, "This one had always said that red suits Wu Ming so well didn't

Wu Ming remained his gaze on Xie Lian for a long moment before a nervous chuckle escaped his
lips. "A-ah of course. This one forgot, I apologize Your Highness."

After a short while he added, "Does... Your Highness want to keep calling me that from now on?"

Xie Lian maintained the smile on his lips as he tucked the bangs covering his right eye behind his
ear. "Does my Wu Ming want to? If he asks for itㅡ"

Wu Ming immediately interrupted embarrassedly, "No, no, no... It's fine. I like what dianxia is
calling me right now."

Xie Lian chuckled. "If that's what Wu Ming wants..."

The ghost nodded in response. Sure he wouldn't have mind whatever Xie Lian called him but
hearing Xie Lian calling him Hong-er again just like what his mother used to call him, he would
feel like a different person. He wasn't even sure if the name Hong-er was his real name since it was
only a nickname that his mother gave to him. But the name 'Wu Ming' even though it basically
meant nameless, Xie Lian gave that name to him. That was all that mattered so he would rather
keep it that way...

Wu Ming snapped out of his train of thoughts when he felt warm lips on his ear. The ghost flinched
in response before quickly ducking his head low to hide his flustered expression.
Xie Lian's eyes squinted at him. "Ah...Wu Ming is so cute."

"By the way..." He quickly added. "When I was paying for the boots earlier, I noticed you glancing
carefully at a certain section of the store. As I recall, It was mostly composed of red robes with
silver accessories."

Wu Ming remained quiet.

Xie Lian continued brushing his hair. His voice was gentle and soft as ever. "We could go back
there tomorrow and buy it if you want."

Wu Ming slowly lifted his head. His hand mindlessly reached to the hems of Xie Lian's robe. He
responded quietly, "No need. I just thought the design was familiar... that's all."

Xie Lian inclined his head in confusion. His eyes looked down before he stared up the ceiling as if
he was thinking.

After a long moment, Xie Lian's face suddenly brightened up. "Oh! I remember now..."

Wu Ming lifted his head to see Xie Lian's expression. The god began, "Back when I was still a
crown prince, my teachers taught me the different cultures near XianLe territory. I remember a
certain tribe with those characteristics. I think it was Miao Tribe if I'm not wrong."

Wu Ming's mouth slightly parted before it shut close.

Xie Lian glanced back down. His gaze was warm. "But according to history and my poor memory,
that tribe mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Some claimed that the tribe was slaughtered by
vicious ghosts and some claimed that they just disappeared out of thin air because of a curse. So
only a few people could actually remember a tribe like them existed in the first place. "

Wu Ming seemed as if he wanted to pry for answers but he quickly swallowed them down and
thought first instead. He studied Xie Lian's expression carefully. "What about dianxia? Does he
believe they exist as well?"

Xie Lian's smile turned warmer. "Of course they do. I had a teacher from XianLe who was familiar
with their tribe to the point I began suspecting that he actually is Miao. But I didn't ask him in the

"Why?" Wu Ming asked.

Xie Lian chuckled. "Because it was obvious. Besides, he seemed the type to keep secrets but won't
deny it if he was asked first. But I wasn't so sure before that because I heard people from Miao
culture were usually sincere, honest, and kind."

The god then puffed a laugh. "But he weren't those things at all! His voice didn't sound sincere at
the slightest and he was cunning as an old fox! So I doubted at first." He then sighed. "But in the
end, I learned that although his voice sounded insincere, if you listen closely his words actually
makes sense." He then quickly added. "But he's still quite the strict master. He didn't give me all
those sugar-coating words like the other teachers because of my title back then."

He then smiled, "I liked it that way. He's like goushi but... More general-like frown."
Hearing Xie Lian praise a teacher to this extent made Wu Ming's interest grew even more. "What
does he look like?"

Xie Lian then looked up as if he was thinking again. "Hmm..." He then looked down at Wu Ming
who was waiting for him with peaked interest.

"Kinda looks like you. When you frown that is."

Wu Ming's face went blank.

Xie Lian chuckled. "Remember how angry you got when you were facing White No-Face? It was
somewhat like that."

Wu Ming let out a chuckle. Xie Lian took that as if he thought his words ridiculous just now. "Hey
I'm serious! I can't give you anymore detailed information since my memory isn't that good

Wu Ming smiled at him warmly. "It's okay, Your Highness doesn't need to exhaust himself just to
remember what happened for this ghost."

Xie Lian caressed his cheek softly before leaning in and giving a soft peck on his lips. Xie Lian
stared at him intently.

His lips curved teasingly, "Does this mean I have to buy Wu Ming more silver accessories from now

Wu Ming continued admiring Xie Lian's gaze on him as he mindlessly replied. "Only if it pleases
Your Highness..."

Xie Lian's gaze on him deepened.

He looked as if he had something on him now. This sparked Wu Ming's curiosity as he raised a
brow in confusion before his face froze.

He only then realized the words Xie Lian meant!!!!!

Wu Ming quickly looked away from Xie Lian embarrassedly once again. Meanwhile Xie Lian
seemed to already know what was going on in his mind.

"In case you haven't realized it yet, I asked you that question in Miao dialect."


Chapter End Notes

Yayy I'm back!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for your supprot and patience so far. Though it has
only been a week it already felt like a really long time!!
How was the chapter? (Forgive me for the errors I'll edit them tomorrow because it's almost
2am in the morning!)

You can now begin your 'What if's'
👀 (If you saw my twitter post you'd already have an idea

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

The Marquis pt. 1
Chapter Notes

Early post yay!

Here's the long chapter as I promised!! Read thoroughly to receive a surprise at the end of the

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Miao Dialect..."

Miao Dialect...

Miao Dialect...


Miao Dialect...

Miao Dialeㅡ

Wu Ming quickly stood up from Xie Lian's embrace eye-wide, and face flushed. He flailed his
hands around followed by jumbled words that escaped his mouth with speed.

"Wh-... I don't-... Why did-... I didn't evenㅡ"

A soft chuckle eventually escaped the gods lips interrupting Wu Ming's words. Xie Lian remained
seated and smiled at him quietly. He slowly watched the ghost stand there awkwardly with head
slightly lowered. The longer he stared at him the more anxious the latter became.

Wu Ming opened his mouth after a short while but before a word escaped his lips, Xie Lian had
already spoken first. "You do not need to explain." Wu Ming slowly raised his head and studied Xie
Lian's expression.

He didn't seem mad nor sad. Quite the opposite really much to his relief. There had always been
this fear in him that if Xie Lian finds out he wasn't a full citizen of XianLe and that he was actually
part of a tribe who had a mysterious background, his god would change his view on him. But
instead, Xie Lian's eyes and lips were smiling. Though it seemed like he was smiling mostly
because he easily managed trick him so many times and discover a big secret while at it.

The god let out a low sigh, "Whether you're from the Miao Tribe... Or the XianLe army... Or just a
ghost with really no name, it doesn't matter." Xie Lian's eyes became warmer as he slowly reached
out a hand to Wu Ming and placed it on his arm before slowly pulling him close so that he was
standing in front of him again. Xie Lian's hand then moved to his cheek and caressed it with his
thumb. "Whatever your origin or your past is... You're still my beloved... and that will never

He saw the ghost's eyes slightly widened and he was touched to the point that even his breath
hitched. Wu Ming's eyes twinkled before slowly tearing up. "Your Highness...." He muttered under
his breath and squeezed his eyes.

"Hm?" Xie Lian hummed. Wu Ming blinked away his tears before letting out soft chuckles. "You're
really going to kill me if you keep attacking me with teases and kind words." Hearing this, the god
chuckled as well but then he quickly heard his voice shortly after.

"But" Wu Ming added, "No matter what, If ever a situation happens wherein you're in desperate
measures, I still won't hesitate to risk it all. Even if it costs my life."
Xie Lian slightly frowned at that. "I won't let that happen."

Wu Ming was now the one smiling warmly. "It's a promise I'm determined to keep all my life.
Please don't fret Your Highness, I am confident with my current abilities. If ever there was someone
much more powerful that could kill me, Iㅡ"

"I will kill them."

Xie Lian interrupted. The ghost stopped in his words and turned to look at him. He froze on the
spot the moment he met Xie Lian's terrifying gaze that was filled with dangerous fury and
determination. "Anyone who dares to kill you... I will come for them and give them the worst
retribution that they would never ask to be reincarnated ever again."

Wu Ming shuddered. Xie Lian continued "I will make sure they would never see the light of day
again and suffer that even death would be the most lenient punishment I could give them."

Oh... gods.

Wu Ming blushed madly that he had to turn his head away. He stuttered, "Y-Your Highness... You
don't need to exert too much effort just forㅡ"

Xie Lian interrupted. "If it's your choice to sacrifice your life in order to save mine, then it is also
my choice to avenge you with my life in return."

Wu Ming was left stunned once again. The rage in Xie Lian's eyes slowly melted as he pulled the
ghost to sit on his lap again. "If you truly don't wish for me to go all out like you said, then don't

Wu Ming chuckled in return after a short moment before he mindlessly uttered out a thought. "I'd
rather Your Highness go all out on me instead."

The intensity came back in Xie Lian's eyes again. He smiled at him mischievously before suddenly
carrying him bridal style.

He definitely heard it.

"Ah! W-wait, waitㅡ"

"I'd rather you going all out on me instead?" Xie Lian echoed with a more teasing tone. He smiled
widely shortly after, "This one has promised he would give anything his beloved asks of him, no?"

Wu Ming was looking to the side in embarrassment all the way to avoid Xie Lian's gaze. He didn't
mean to say his thoughts out loud but now it was too late! Well perhaps it was for the best... He had
originally wanted to cheer Xie Lian up after the sudden meeting earlier but atleast he still achieved
it in the end.

Xie Lian was happy, he could feel at ease now...

13 years ago

(XianLe in its flourishing era.)

The gentle breeze flows along the air, blowing a few leaves off the trees. The sun shines brightly
and the sky was clear. The bird's chirping sounds was heard from the nearby trees, and there was
also the sound of the water coming from the fountain.

What's more was the sound of a sharp blade piercing and slicing through the air in various
directions. In that garden where the short grass spread, a young prince around 10 to 12 years old
danced along with his sword gracefully. The prince was diligently practicing his sword formations
for an entire afternoon. The prince was donned with exquisite yellow and white robes that matched
the colors of his kingdom. His hair was tied in a high ponytail with a fashionable hairtie clipped
just on the base of his ponytail.

The young prince's figure was short and slim but he could easily wield any swords with ease. Being
the only heir in the direct family line, the young prince was famous not only inside the palace but in
the entire kindgom as well. Despite his young age, he had been taking his lessons as crown prince
seriously, especially his cultivation where he was known to be talented at. But this prince wasn't
only famous for this title, people working inside the palace would grab any chance at seeing the
crown prince with their own eyes only if there wasn't a law wherein only certain people could be in
close range with the crown prince. This is because everyone in the palace knows that the prince
was not only gifted with talents in sword fighting, but he was also remarkably gifted with an
angelic face.

The crown prince was already attractive even if he was still at a young age, soft and warm looks
that could melt the hearts of the people. People had already considered that his gifts and talents
were only natural because the crown prince was born on a very auspicious date.

But despite his soft and warm facial features,

the crown prince would frown every now and then, afterwards he would throw a tantrum whenever
he performs poorly. Born royalty and considered as the darling of the kingdom and heavens, it was
no doubt that this crown prince was very spoiled.

But he wasn't spoiled rotten, his parents especially his mother, the Queen had raised him to fight,
cry, laugh, and talk with a heart.

After the princce performed the last sword stance, he lowered his hand and took deep calming
breaths to cool down. When the crown prince's head eunuch noticed this, he signaled the other
prince's court members to offer his refreshments and offer him towels.

The crown prince, Xie Lian, sheathed back his sword and gave it to the maid who was holding the
long box where his most prized sword and other swords were being kept.

"Taizi Dianxia," His head eunuch called. "Your father has sent a letter, requesting you to meet him
in the court room once you've finished your sword training."

Xie Lian let out a soft laugh. "Father has time for me now? That's interesting."
His breath still somewhat full of breaths considering that he had just finished training. He grabbed a
cup of water and slowly drank it once he had already steadied his breaths, his adams apple slowly
bobbed up and down as he swallowed. The crown prince was already 12 years old and he was at
the stage where his body was beginning to slowly mature. His voice was now slightly deeper that it
didn't sound like a child anymore compared to a few years ago.

Xie Lian then began walking the path leading back inside the palace with his head eunuch behind
him and other members of his court a few steps behind them. Truth be told, the crown prince found
their presence slightly disturbing. Where ever he went, they would always follow him as if he was a
leader leading a pack. Even if he just wanted to take a walk, they had to be there too.

Xie Lian sighed. But what could he do? The king carefully chose them and made the edict himself.
Perhaps it was because the king thought that he was still young and that he needed more people
looking out for him? Or perhaps it was because he was too precious in his father's eyes that not an
insect should be able to touch nor hurt him.

Whatever the reason was, the crown prince had hoped that maybe one day he could convince his
father to take down the edict and just allow him to have one or two company. If Xie Lian was sure
of one thing, he definitely didn't need the outrageous number of people following him whenever he
trotted to every single day! One guard and one personal maid should be enough right?

After the maids donned him with a new sets of robes and accessories, the crown prince hung his
most prized sword on the side of his waist and headed to the hall leading to the court room. This
time and thankfully, only his head eunuch accompanied him on the way to the door. When they
stood infront of the two giant closed doors, they waited patiently first for the guard to announce
their presence.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived Your Majesty!"

The giant doors then slowly opened, revealing the ginormous court room with all members of the
court inside.

The court was divided into two and was placed on either side of the room, leaving a giant path in
the middle where it leads to the throne where the King was currently sitting on.

All eyes immediately fell on the young prince. The amount of attention and heavy eyes on him
right now made him slightly embarrassed but he forced his expression to remain calm and
collected. He slowly began walking towards the throne where his father's heavy eyes was also
watching him. As a crown prince of XianLe, it was also part of his job to be involved in the court.

It's just that his father rarely calls his presence whenever he was in a meeting so he still couldn't get
used to the amount of stares.

When he was steps away from the throne, he folded his sleeves and gave a slight bow of respect.
"Father, you called for me?"

The king gave a nod. "Indeed. This matter involves you so I thought that your opinion must also be
considered." Xie Lian gave a slight nod in response.

"Just now, the court was talking about choosing your personal guard and the preparation for the
selection for the Crown Princess." The king then immediately cleared his throat at the end. "I just
need your opinion on these matters."
Xie Lian froze on the spot. At first he was elated to hear the news of his father choosing his
personal guard for him so that he could also mention his concerns about his outrageous number of
court ladies/men following behind him...... Until the latter immediately came after.

What Cown Princess? He's 12 years old!!!!!!!!!!

Xie Lian cleared his throat as well. "F-Father isn't it a little.... too early to be mentioning of a crown
princess?" Crown princesses are mostly selected by the time any prince reaches atleast 16 years old
to be able to marry. But besides that, just the mention of it made his head spin. Right now, his
priorities was on developing his cultivation and had no interest whatsoever in the harem nor the
selection for the future queen of the kingdom.

He had even considered the possibility of passing the crown to his cousins (Definitely excluding Qi
Rong on the list) by the time he achieves his goal of achieving godhood.

"Not selection, preparation." His father corrected. "The court reasoned that the earlier the crown
princess is selected, the more time it will give you to get to know your fiancé before the two of you
reach at the proper age to be married."

He then added, "...And to help your bond become more harmonious."

Xie Lian knew it himself that he could control his emotions most of the time, and using the most
appropriate emotion at a specific moment. But....

For the first time in Xie Lian's life... He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The prince thought helplessly, 'Isn't it just giving way for ambitious officials to establish their high
position early?'

Either way, the prince quickly schooled his face and spoke in a serious tone. "I do not wish to talk
about that."

The king smiled as if he had already expected that answer before his eyes glanced up to the court
members of the room. From that, Xie Lian immediately understood. It seems that the court had
been pestering the king about selecting the crown princess early for quite sometime so the king had
him come himself to put the matter down.

Xie Lian suppressed his smile at the thought.

"You hear that? The matter of rushing the selection of the crown princess is unnecessary. It will be
chosen by the time the crown prince reaches the age of 16 just like all the other princes."

The court then began to murmur amongst themselves. One particular conversation however caught
Xie Lian's ears.

"Whether the crown prince is at the age of 16 or not, it doesn't matter anyway. The position would
still most likely fall that high ranking official's daughter from the Jian clan!"

"I agree..."
Xie Lian almost turned his head to the direction of of that conversation when the guard suddenly

"Your Majesty, the general has finally arrived and is ready to make a war report!"

In an instant, a new wave of interest and excitement immediately replaced the air. The murmurs
intensified, and when Xie Lian turned his head back to the king, he saw his father also became
elated at the news.

"Let him in! Xie Lian, you go first."

Xie Lian was curious to which general they were referring to but after hearing his father's words, he
gave another slight bow.

"I'll take my leave." He spoke before turning around and leaving the court room.

As he walked through the halls, his head was still filled with thoughts about the things discussed in
the court room. He was 12 but he knew a thing or two about arranged marriages. He definitely
didn't want to be stuck for more than a few hours discussing unnecessary things with a girl his age.
He'd rather spend it on sword training instead!

He then thought about discussing this with his goushi so he could help him talk to his father about
this until he suddenly bumped roughtly to a tall person just infront of him. The fall made Xie Lian
trip on his boot and felt his body going forward but luckily strong hands caught him on time.

Xie Lian's head slightly spinned from the impact before he realized that a voice was speaking from
above. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

When Xie Lian looked up, he was stuck in a daze as he instantly thought. 'Oh wow this gentleman
is handsome.'

Usually when Xie Lian meets people he didn't know, the first thing he analyzes is the outfit or
uniform that could help him identify the person. This helped him a bunch of times especially during
banquets where his presence was mostly involved. But this time... his attention was immediately
grabbed up to the man's face!

The smile on the handsome gentleman immediately disappeared when he realized the person he
bumped into. He quickly knelt down on one knee with one hand behind his back and the other on
his chest.

Xie Lian blinked at that position. It was definitely the first time he had seen someone kneel like that
as if they were devoting their entire and deepest sincerity to anyone. He was unfamiliar that there
was also that time of kneeling position, if servants were to accidentally bump on him they would
scramble to their knees and their heads on the floor that made his heart race with anxious

This position however...

It made him feel as if he could forgive him almost instantly even if he robbed the entire kingdom
infront of his face.
"Accept my sincerest apologies Your Highness, this one was in a rush to head to the Heavenly court
that I did not notice Your Highness, do forgive me for the impudence."

Xie Lian's felt his ears tingle just from the sound of his voice. What a gentle and soothing voice!!!!

Xie Lian quickly urged him to stand up. "Ah, please don't. I was distracted as well so I didn't see
you either, I'm to blame as well."

The crown prince then thought, heading to heavenly court? He must be the general everyone must
be so excited about!

The latter looked up to him with an amused smile that his canines were showing. "Haha, the rumors
are true! Your Highness the Crown Prince does indeed possess a merciful and benevolent heart.
This kingdom is lucky to have such a kind hearted leader in the future."

Xie Lian smiled sheepishly, "Ah... Don't make it seem like father is the opposite."

The man's face froze for a second before breaking out to a loud laugh.

The eunuch then behind Xie Lian interrupted with a soft voice. "Forgive me for the interruption
Your Highness and My Lord, but His Majesty is still waiting for your presence. It's best if you head
there first."

Xie Lian raised a brow at that title in curiosity. A lord? Could he be that famous marquis his father
was always praising in court?

"Ah that's right. Thank you for reminding me." The man responded to the eunuch before turning his
head to the crown prince with a warm smile.

"Your Highness you're too fun, I should introduce you to my son sometime." He then stood up.

Xie Lian was almost intimidated by his height. If he didn't mention his position earlier, never in a
million years would he have guessed that he was a high ranking general coming home from war
because of that face!

Xie Lian smiled at him, "Invite your son whenever you like, just say it's under my orders."

The general smiled at him fondly before responding.

"I appreciate it Your Highness. I'm sure that brat- that kid would be more than honored to have
your time."
Chapter End Notes

Now who could this be?

👀 Lmao why am I still asking, the answer is obvious now isn't it?
At this point Xie Lian is 12 years old and Hong-er is 5 years old. I'm basing the age wherein
Hong-er died at the age of 18

As I said on twitter, I'll be updating every monday or thursday from now on so I can't update

promise ❤️
twice in a week now due to time management reasons, I'm very sorry... I'm really trying I
(more important and additional info is there on my twitter page)
Follow my twitter for the colored versions! ❤️
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
The Marquis pt. 2
Chapter Notes

Long chapter again yay!! Enjoy ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A few days had passed by so quickly, Xie Lian was at the horse stables feeding his favorite horseㅡ
whom he hadn't ridden on yet which totally upset him to the point he wouldn't eat nor drink for
days until the Queen was able to coax him into eating again. He wanted to take his horse riding
lessons quickly but the horse was too high for him to reach the stirrup iron even though he reasoned
that he definitely could reach it if he could just tip his toes a little bit. So in the end, his father had
to find him a shorter horse instead.

Xie Lian gave the horse another small batch of hay for it to chew on and small pets on the muzzle
before jumping down from the stool and back to the ground. He wasn't that short, the horse was just
too high for him, Xie Lian claimed.

The young prince then walked outside the stables and began heading back with his head eunuch
behind him as usual. It wasn't long before Xie Lian heard a voice behind him, "Your Highness,
would you like to stroll through the gardens next?"

Xie Lian looked up to think for a second while walking. He hadn't visited the gardens in a while,
perhaps it would be refreshing for him if he takes a quick small visit himself. With that, the prince
smiled widely, "Sure! I haven't taken my daily visit there yet this week."

So they headed to the palace gardens and Xie Lian was mesmerized by how lovelier the flowers
looked since he last visited. He ought to thank their gardeners for their hard work everyday. He
glanced at the carnation flowers and surprisingly, a lot of them bloomed today since he last
remembered. The smile on the prince's lips increased when he glanced at the orchids, gardanias,
before his eyes finally landed on to the beautiful pink camellia flowers.

Xie Lian admired them for a few more moments before he decided to pluck three camellia flowers
that were perfectly blooming in his eyes to gift for his mother. He was sure the gardeners wouldn't
mind, he often visited here and knew them well anyway. He then held two in right hand and twirled
the other in his left fingers. He happily trotted to the path that lead back inside the palace, he
couldn't wait to see his mother's reaction when he gifts him the beautiful flowersㅡ

"Your Highness?"

The prince's thoughts were then immediately cut off when he heard an unfamiliar voice not far
across him. He stopped in his tracks to lift his head up to look, only to find a young noble around
his age standing a few feet away.

She had soft looks and skin was pale but her cheeks were red as if she was blushing. And just like
how Xie Lian identifies any other stranger in his home, he first looks at their clothing before to
their face just like what he did with her just now. That was how he was able to assume she was a
noble right away.

But besides that, they were in the inner part of the palace, and the garden at that. No random
strangers could just waltz in here as if it was their own backyard.

The girl smiled excitedly as if she couldn't believe she was meeting him. "It's- it's really you! G-
good day Your Highness!" She then quickly (too quickly) bowed down to him.

Xie Lian, still foreign to the girl's identity, smiled back in return. "No need to bow, what brings you

"I can't believe Your Highness actually responded to my letter!" The noble interrupted before Xie
Lian could even finish his sentence. Right after hearing this, Xie Lian was stunned as she kept
talking excitedly. "...I was worried because you weren't responding to my letters but then you
suddenly agreed to come here! I'm honored!"

Xie Lian was even more stunned. Letters? Agreed to meet her here? But he came here to just visit
the garㅡ

Then it hit him.

Who was the person who suggested him to visit the gardens just now? Xie Lian flashed a quick
stare at the head eunuch behind him who immediately lowered his head even lower apologetically
in response.

Just who was she to make his head eunuch play a part in their litte play too? He continued thinking
until he remembered a certain conversation he overheard a few days ago.

"Whether the crown prince is at the age of 16 or not, it doesn't matter anyway. The position would
still most likely fall that high ranking official's daughter from the Jian clan!"

"I agree..."


Xie Lian only then fully understood the situation. The girl infront of him was most likely to be the
daughter of that high ranking offical they were talking about a few days ago! The stare he was
giving his head eunuch quickly shifted to a glare. He and him had already talked about how he felt
about entertaining any official's daughter because he didn't want to give any hope to any official at
all! He thought he had already made himself clear that he wanted to focus on his cultivation first
before any unnecessaryㅡ

"Your Highness?" The girl softly called, snapping Xie Lian out of his thoughts.

"Oh, um..." Xie Lian awkwardly faced back to her. He wanted to quickly leave before he could
attract any wandering offical that could start rumors he definitely didn't want to deal with, but he
couldn't just leave rudely.

The prince let out a quiet sigh, the situation had escalated to this so there was no point in glooming
over it. It'd be rude as well to let out his frustration on her when she's innocent.
The prince took a few deep breaths before a small warm smile showed on his face that made the
noble's smile grew wider. She then paused as if she remembered something before she quickly
bowed again. "Ah! Forgive me, Your Highness! I forgot to introduce myself. I am from the direct
family of the Jian Clan, Jian Lan."

The head maid servant was also bowing behind her quietly. Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut and
sighed, I knew it. No wonder even his head eunuch was also involved in their little scheme. He was
known to avoid meeting any potential betrothals so this was his first time, though it was accidental.

"Nice to meet you, lady Jian." Xie Lian greeted back.

The young lady then smiled brightly, "Would you like to stroll with me through the gardens Your
Highness? I heard a lot of beautiful flowers are blooming today."

Xie Lian awkwardly smiled. "That sounds lovely but... I have to politely decline. I still have....
other things.. that requires my attention at the moment." Liar.

The smile on the Jian Lan's face immediately disappeared. She slowly lowered her head and gave a
soft response. "Oh...I see.."

Xie Lian's heart instantly dropped. If there's one thing he didn't like, it was seeing other people
miserable. He quickly looked around trying to find something that could keep her company besides
himself before his eyes landed back on the camellias on his hand. Xie Lian gently squeezed it in his
hand for a moment, he originally wanted to gift this to his mother since it was blooming the best
among the crowd but...

Xie Lian sighed before walking closer to her. When Jian Lan felt a shadow over her, she looked up
and her eyes glimmered at the sight of the handsome face of the crown prince everyone outside the
palace had been dying to see.

Just seeing his face was alreeady a big honor and everyone knew it. He wasn't allowed to show his
face in public until he was 18 or legally married. Her eyes then glanced down to the three pretty
pink camellia's being offered to her.

"Take this as an apology gift from a friend since I am unable to accompany you today." Jian Lan
kept her gaze at the camellia flowers as her heart kept beating madly in her ears.

"Th-thank you, Your Highness..." She slowly responded before carefully receiving them. The
prince then gave a slight bow before leaving along with his head eunuch behind him.

Jian Lan then smiled giddly to herself as she continued to admire the camellia's in her hand.

"My lady, why didn't you push the Crown Prince to spend more time with you?" She heard a soft
voice behind her spoke with a tint of irritation and disappointment. But she wasn't affected at all
since her attention was mostly directed at the pink camellias.

"Your meeting today with the crown prince was a golden opportunity! Not many people are lucky
enough to have his attention." She added.

"Oh don't fret over it anymore, I'll make him meet me again! But for now, I'm satisfied." She
giggled to herself once more.
Her head maid tsked in irritation before muttering to herself. "Aiyah, you're too young to
understand the opportunity you didn't grab tightly."

Jian Lan chuckled in response before she began to walk to the opposite end. She then responded
softly shortly after, "Understand what? Love never needed complex measures like what mother
said. If it's love, then we're bound to meet again. If not, it doesn't matter. I only ever wished to be
truly loved after all."

Her head maiden sighed again once more as she followed closely behind her.

When Xie Lian arrived back inside his private chambers, his head eunuch immediately fell to his
knees with his hands and head on the floor and broke out apologizing which undoubtedly startled

He kept blabbering about he didn't have a choice and that he was also thinking about his own good
etc, etc, etc. Xie Lian didn't want to listen any further and just motioned him to stand back up.

"You disobeyed my orders which was very unlikely of you. But I'll let it go for now considering
how long you've served under me, so please stop apologizing." Xie Lian quickly explained which
fortunately worked and the eunuch was back on his feet again.

"Thank you Your Highness! I promise you it won't happen again!" He spoke with all his heart.
Although, Xie Lian had a feeling it would happen again.

He then changed his robes so that he could meet with his goushi to practice his calligraphy lessons
in the afternoon inside his study room. As usual, his goushi praised his calligraphy which made the
prince feel good about himself too. He had always known his goushi was always proud of himㅡ he
wasn't really trying to hide it anyway. He kept praising his skills and often told everyone that he
was his favorite disciple.

It had been going well and he was about to reach to the difficult characters when there was a
sudden knock on the door. His goushi opened it and talked with someone for a brief moment with
someone Xie Lian didn't know who. But from the look of their clothing, it seemed like it was a
messenger. His goushi nodded in response before turning to Xie Lian.

"Your Highness, your father requests your presence in the throne room urgently."

Xie Lian let out a cute pout. He wanted to shape his skills especially on the difficult characters.
Perhaps he could convince his goushi he could meet with his father another time? "What about our
calligraphy lessㅡ"

"Your Highness, I'm truly honored you value our lessons, but I don't think it's wise for you and my
head specifically to ignore the king's orders. I still want my head intact mind you!"

Xie Lian softly laughed in response before standing from his chair. "We'll continue this in another
time then." His goushi nodded in response before bowing slightly as he watched the prince leave.
Xie Lian quietly left the throne room after their meeting session ended. He definitely expressed his
displeasure with his father exercising his authority to make him skip his calligraphy lessons in
which he received a good laugh from him in return. But in good news, he told him someone else
was going to teach him to sharpen his sword abilities.

If he gets to choose between calligraphy and swords, he would choose the latter no doubt!
Thankfully he was able to start now so he quickly grabbed his armour and his favorite sword before
heading to the training fields where he was assigned to meet his new teacher.

When he walked in the training fields, he expected his new teacher to be practicing early but
instead... He saw a man wearing a farmer's hat while laying down the grassy fields of his kingdom
and leaning against the haybags like it was his own backyard, and chewing a farmer's gum in his
mouth on top of that!

Perhaps it was one of the workers tending the training fields? Xie Lian awkwardly walked to him
so he could ask where his new teacher could be because he was told he was already here. When he
stopped just infront of him, the man didn't even move an inch.

This perked Xie Lian's curiosity even more. Usually, people would've already scrambled to their
feet by now.

Did he truly not notice his presence?

Xie Lian cleared his throat. "Err.. Excuse me. Could you perhaps tell me if you've seen a teacher
arrive here before me?"


Not a single voice was heard after that. Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Apart from
not noticing his presence, don't tell me he didn't hear him too? The farmer was laying down on the
grass with his hat covering his face apart from his long farmer's gum, so he couldn't really tell what
the other was thinking.

Was he asleep then? Xie Lian sighed. "Perhaps the new teacher is running late. Should I practice
my sword forms beforeㅡ"


Xie Lian paled. Not a single inch of his body moved, he couldn't anyway. He didn't even notice his
body trembling from fear and the single thought running inside his head: there was a blade up his

It was so quick he didn't even notice it too!

Without thinking too much, Xie Lian reached for the sword hanging on his waist.
"Wrong!" The man behind him snapped sharply which made Xie Lian's hand flinch away from his

Xie Lian was sweating. Just who was he threatening him like this?

"A sword is against your neck and you dare reach for the sword on your waist! Are you seeking
death?!" The man snarled behind him.

Oh he was angry too. Nobody had ever dared talk to him like this apart from his father before! Xie
Lian quickly took a few milliseconds to take a breather so he could calm down and think. Someone
was threatening him but.... they were inside the palace anyway.

With dozens of guards standing by on the gates, how could he escape? So, Xie Lian slowly raised
both hands and remained quiet.

The prince then felt the blade against his neck slightly relax. "Good.. good. Knowing your
surroundings first when being threatened like this is correct." Like day and night, the man's voice
was now suddenly nicer! And almost sounded familiar.

Xie Lian quickly took this opportunity to unsheath his sword to hit it against the sword so he could
escape and turn around to face him. He pointed at the sword towards the man with his guard up
high this time.

"I don't know what your deal is with me sir, but I don't think threatening me like this inside a
guarded palace is a smart idea."

The man chuckled with his head low. "En. Your right, it's pretty stupid." The crown prince was


Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xie Lian gripped his sword tightly and squinted his eyes at him. "If you quit your job right now, I
won't report you to the king."

The man then snickered in front of him. "Haha, the crown prince is as graceful and merciful like
the heavens. I'm moved."

He then lifted his head to reveal his face. Xie Lian almost dropped his sword in response. How did
he not recognize his voice? It was that marquis he bumped into a few days ago!!

"It's you!" Xie Lian gasped. His smile immediately came back. He had to calm his heart for a few
seconds due to the sudden surprise attack and the sterness of the other person's voice.

The last time they talked, he remembered his voice sounding like the most serene voice he had ever
heard! So he didn't expect his other voice to be so intimidating that he couldn't even think properly
in that situation.

Well, he was a general who lead the army after all. He should be able to do both. Xie Lian didn't
waste anymore time and greeted the general. "I'm guessing you're the teacher my father sent for me
here?" a part of him had hoped he wasn't wrong.
The man then sat back down and lounged back against the stack of hay once again. "No." He
responded flatly.

Xie Lian's heart sank down. "Oh..."

The Marquis then lifted up his head and gave the prince a chuckle. It wasn't long before he sat up
and rested an elbow on his knee. "... Unless you say I am." He added out of no where.

Xie Lian immediately lifted his gaze to him faster than light. "Pardon?"

"Your Highness, when I teach someone to either sword fight, plan strategically, talk properly..." He
then shrugged as he added, "To stop crying and complaining so much?"

Xie Lian accidentally let out a snort in response. The marquis must be referring to his kid at the last
part. The man also chuckled alongside him before his eyes softened for as he added.

"Or to even teach them to believe in someone..."

His eyes then landed back to Xie Lian. "I always tell them that it must come from their own

Xie Lian's lips slightly taken back. The general continued, "The choice to fight, the choice to plan,
the choice to talk, the choice to believe... It should be from their own will and not from the will of

A smile slowly crept up to the prince's lips. How meaningful, he thought. He never really thought
that deep when doing his princely duties before.

"So rephrase that question you asked, Your Highness." He said with a sharp smile.

With those deep and encouraging words, how could the prince not be motivated more than ever? So
Xie Lian stood properly with a prideful smile on his face and spoke proudly. "Please teach me your

"Yeah? Well, I don't wanna." The general responded shamelessly.

Suddenly, Xie Lian felt like giant boulders crashed on his head all at once. He truly didn't know
whether to laugh or cry now.

Just what was he trying to achieve?!?! Xie Lian was starting to get impatient. He was ordered to
teach, but won't teach. He ordered him to teach him, but also won't teach. So what did he want???

"You're a prince.." The marquis suddenly began. He gazed at the view of the palace from his end
for a short while.

His voice suddenly sounded somewhat sad. "Even though they say your home is the safest place...
They're wrong."

Xie Lian's eyebrows suddenly relaxed and remained silent. He continued, "Your Highness,
everyone knows you're the talented crown prince that both people and heaven adore. You live in the
palace where dozens of guards are stationed in every corner, silently watching you to ensure your
The general then eyed him heavily from the corner,

"But just how many are there looking at you with the same eye?"

Xie Lian flinched. He understood what he was saying but he couldn't understand why he was now
starting to feel uneasy. It was as if he was starting to doubt his own surroundings now.

The general looked and sounded even more worried. "The way you casually just spoke your
thoughts out loud earlier and continued standing infront of me with your guard down was truly
alarming. What if it was a different person at that moment and truly wanted to kill you?"

Xie Lian was stunned. "I-..."

Huh. He had a point. Perhaps he had grown accustomed to the point where he assumed the palace
was his most safest place and that he didn't need to worry about anything else. What if it was truly a
murderer back then, what would he do?

"Not to mention your first move to reach for your sword. Your Highness, unsheathing your sword
and lifting it requires a great amount of precious seconds while that sword against your neck only
needed one to end your life. Do you understand what I'm saying here?"

Xie Lian placed both hands on each of his side and nodded with his head low.

After a good amount of seconds, the general suddenly raised his voice like a child.

"So I ain't no way teaching someone with a mindset like that! What if you make the same stupid
decision in the future and the king blames it on me? Hell no!" The general then lowered his hat and
continued lounging against the hay.

Xie Lian didn't expect his playful attitude to suddenly come back right after he was just
reprimanded. This time he was truly goofing around so the prince just laughed in response.

It did prove to be effective since it also quickly remove the pressure on his shoulders. The prince
smiled warmly and responded, "I swear not to make the same stupid action again. May shifu
forgive me."

A smile crept up to the general's lips. The prince couldn't see it due to the hat covering his face but
he could feel it radiating from there.

"Now then. Shall we start, Your Highness?" The general began as he unsheathed his sword or
rather... His scimitar.

Chapter End Notes

Yayy early update right? I just thought I might as well just publish this chapter early before my
flu gets worse.

Thank you for all your support and encouraging words last chapter I'm really happy and
thankful y'all are willing to wait

Also about Jian Lan's sudden appearance, I was very intrigued when I read the chapter about
Qi Rong mentioning that Jian Lan could've been Xie Lian's concubine back when XL was still
a prince since she was the likely candidate to win but ofc our XL is devoted in cultivation and
wouldn't pick one.

Don't get me wrong I don't ship them, I just found the concept of XL almost getting engaged

to someone else when he was still a prince interesting so I thought I'd make that point here.
(The chap is 140 if y'all are interested to read the full convo )

Also great news, I'll be adding new chapters so the last chapter won't be chapter 52 but I can't
give an exact number now.

Share your thoughts on this chapter?

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

[ ⚠️Spoiler alert: Miao Tribe will be a major topic in the next chap. See you! ]
The Marquis pt. 3
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The young prince dropped to the ground on his back panting heavily. If he could give a summery to
their long hours of training just now... He would say..........


Not to mention not even bothering to hold back! The general would give him false openings and
attack him as planned. Even if Xie Lian decided not to take those openings, the general's
movements didn't falter as if he had also expected that too! Though there were patterns and
sequences in the general's actions, his 12 year-old body could hardly keep up!

Besides the general's body language, even his false expressions and smiles were a bothersome too!

He took a long moment before deciding to talk again. Still panting as he spoke, "Shㅡshifu.... . H.
How about you attack me with..... a regular sword instead? I don't think I can grow accustomed to...
a scimitar yet."

The prince continued to breathe heavily but the general only smiled at him with the scimitar resting
on his shoulder. "What, are you going to ask your enemies to change their weapons too so it can be
considered as a fair fight?"

He didn't want to admit it but he had a point. After a few more breaths he exhaled. "Shifu you're
being unreasonable."

The general laughed in response. He then sat down on the grass beside him. "All living things are
unreasonable my boy. That's why we must grow accustomed to change...." His voice then suddenly
shifted to a quieter tone. "...Even if those changes can be scary."

Xie Lian glanced up at the general sitting beside him. Somehow his glance was... sad for some
reason. Xie Lian was sure this time. He even noticed the general's similar expression while they
were talking earlier.

Was there something bothering him? Even if there was, he lead an even greater catastrophe. He
lead the troops to war and received great favor and honor from the king! So just how big of a
problem was it that could make the general so sad like this?

Not to mention Xie Lian's soft spot for seeing miserable people. "Shifu, is there something
bothering you?"

The general snapped out of his trance and quickly turned to look at him apologetically. "Nothing
Your Highness, this one is just overthinking things that's all."

He then showed that smile Xie Lian had always found charming. The prince slowly sat up and
leaned against the stack of hay as well to steady his breaths even more. After a short while he asked
in a low voice, "You keep mentioning your son... Is it about him?"
The general suddenly paused beside him. This caught Xie Lian's curiosity even more. He quickly
turned his body to fully face the general only to see the latter smiling cheekily back at him. "He
ought to thank the stars that even taizi dianxia is keeping him in his mind right now." The general

Xie Lian wanted to laugh as well but he secretly wanted to pry more on to the general's problem
instead. Though it wasn't really his business to meddle, he couldn't even understand it in himself
why he was so invested in the topic.

The general placed both hands behind his head and continued leaning leisurely. "I'm just worried."
He added out of no where.

Xie Lian wanted to cry at his brief answers. He would ask him to elaborate further but wouldn't that
just make him seem too invested in their story? So the prince just patiently continued sitting their in
silence while keeping his eyes on the view of the palace. It's nice to hear a father worrying for their
child. As for him, he and his father did share some moments together even though they were both
busy with their own duties. But it still makes him wonder if even a king could worry the well-being
of his child even though he was already surrounded with all the necessities and protection he

After a moment Xie Lian commented with a smile, "You must really care for your son. It's

The general chuckled. "Oh he's worse than you think. One moment you take your eyes off him, he's
off somewhere doing mischief only to come back crying to his mother."

Xie Lian almost let out a laugh. He wasn't very familiar with the general's son yet so he couldn't
guess yet whom he might've taken after.

He added, "There's a lot of good things in this world Your Highness, you must cherish it dearly."

Xie Lian slowly turned his head to look at him. He watched the general gently cover the left side of
his eye as he spoke softly. "Because there are all sorts of evil who wouldn't hesitate to take it all
away from you."

Was... the evil people that the general was talking about really that vicious? Even if there were lots
of evil people, there were lots of gods too! Surely they would still be suppressed no matter what,

The general continued to stare up the clouds before he let out a sigh. "Your Highness must be
thinking that I'm overthinking things a lot. You might be right about that too. After all... who
wouldn't believe that we are now at peaceful times."

Xie Lian bit his lower lip and stared at the sky as well. "Aren't we?" He asked.

"We are." He responded.

The general's eyes dimmed. He lied. Truth is, something is going to come. Something big,
something evil.. and it's gonna cause the end the world if it finds the perfect host.

He honestly wanted to tell the young prince what was really going on outside the kingdom. What
was lurking deeper within the ghost realms... What was waiting for the perfect moment to strike
fear and devastation. Because there's something... Something waiting for... him.

But he shouldn't involve other people to what has happened to his own people. It was his failure to
why he failed to protect the seal...

To why...

He has failed...

To protect his own son.

The screams from the outside could be overheard from even inside the walls. The sky was getting
darker, covered by layers of dark greyish and crimson-colored clouds followed by strong winds as
if there was a giant storm incoming. The sky rumbled and the incessant vague of screams from the
outside continued.

Various people and physicians continued coming in and out of the crimson door of a giant manor
with the same worried look on their faces. The sharp cry of the 3-month old baby inside the room
continued to echo in the background.

"Please save him, I'm begging you!" The woman carrying the child begged with tears in her eyes.
She couldn't even hear the ugly screams of her people outside when all she could hear was the
heartbreaking cry of the child in her arms.

"My lady, the physicians are trying to find a way. We need first to find the chief so we can get you
first to safety." Her maid servant spoke beside her worriedly.

The woman wanted to cry in misery but she wanted to stay strong for her child. She continued
humming to the child with the usual lullaby she sang for him every night to help him calm down
but her voice shaking. She tried looking for things that could atleast help her calm down so that her
voice wouldn't shake. But no matter where she looked,

She was seeing red everywhere.

She saw the red fabric of her clothing, she saw the red patterns of the tribe's uniforms that everyone
was wearing in the room, she saw the red walls of their home, she saw the crimson-red.... on both
eyes of her son.

The beautiful obsidian orbs that used to gaze back at her before was replaced with two crimson red
eyes that emitted nothing but demonic aura.

One physician kept track of the boy's pulse and the other trying one of their tribe's spells to push
deamon out that was eating inside her son's soul.
The cry suddenly became even more high pitched as if he was crying for his life. The physicians
became more anxious and everyone in the room panicked. The woman thought she had seen red
enough until...

The child on her arms suddenly vomitted out blood.

The mother's pupils shrank. She quickly stood up and screamed.


The servants around her immediately broke to a panic and quickly scattered to their feet to help.
Some went outside to find the Chief and the other to aid the physicians.

The mother held the child tightly in her arms. He wasn't opening his eyes anymore and she was
really about to loose it. Her voice trembled even more as she pleaded. "Physicians please please
please, I'm begging you... Save the young master please..."

One of the physicians gently took the 3-month old Hong-er from her arms and placed him on his
bed as the other physicians continued to surround him to help.

The mother continued crying from behind, holding a tiny silver bracelet to her chest as if it was a
lifeline. Her vision began to blur and everything was starting to become hot and heavy.

Everything was too much, it was too much. Her tribe's people are suffering outside, her son was
dying in her arms, and her husband was no where to be found! Eventually, her feet couldn't handle
the weight anymore, and she fell to her knees and broke out crying devastatedly.

Her maid servants kneeled beside her with their arms on each of her side to help steady her balance.
They continued to assure her and comfort her with words but they all came out as a blur in her ears
as the mother only kept pleading for the gods to have mercy on her child in her mind.

She squeezed her eyes and clasped her hands together like a prayer with the thin silver bracelet in
between. She whispered under her breath as she prayed in her tribe's dialect.

"Gods please help my child. Have mercy, please all gods heed to my prayer, watch over my son."

The mother continued praying incessantly until she was interrupted with another sharp cry from her
child. The mother bit her lip and whimpered between her cries.

She gasped for breaths before muttering under her breath."Hong-Hong-er... poor child... What am I
going to do? I can't even protect you..I'm sorry, it's my fault. It's mom's fault for being incompetent.
B-blame mama all you want when you get older, okay? I won't complain, alright? Just please don't
leave me...."

The people beside her patted her back and responded softly "My lady, please don't blame yourself.
It's not your fault. If only the seal wasn't broken, none of this would've happened!"

"She's right. Please save your voice just incase the physicians need you to sing a spell for the young
The mother continued to shook her head in denial. She clutched the small silver bracelet tighter to
her chest and continued crying under her breath.

Heavy footsteps then suddenly entered the room. Everyone besides the busy physicians quickly
turned their heads to the person who had just entered the manor. Some faces immediately
brightened up as they saw the person's face.

"CHIEF!!!" They greeted in unison and kneeled on one knee with a fist on their left side of their

The tribe's chief was covered with bruises but he wasn't in a critical state. His worried eyes
continued to analyze the situation in the room and his face dropped even more as he saw the child
laying on the bed with atleast 5-6 physicians surrounding him.

He quickly ran to the woman on her knees who was still oblivious to his arrival. He gently wrapped
his arms around her which startled the her for a moment. But when she lifted her face, she almost
broke to tears once again.

Her husband is here! He is safe!

She immediately jumped to his embrace and cried in his arms. She was somewhat relieved, atleast
her husband was okay. "Shh.. It's alright.. I'm here now."

The woman turned her head to where her son was currently laying down before she uttered. "H-
Hong-er... Heㅡ..."

The tribe's chief quickly turned his head to her line of sight. "Someone report to me the state of my
son! NOW!" He ordered sternly.

The strength of his voice made everyone in the room wince in fear.

One of the physicians faced him and kneeled. "My lord, Evil Qi has invaded the young master's
body and were currently trying to remove it as we speak. It should've been easy but the evil qi that
invaded the young master's body is powerful. We're trying every possible spell in our books to
remove it before it completely eats away his soul."

The look on the chief's face darkened even more. When he turned back to his wife, she was
covering her ears as if she couldn't listen anymore.

"Xianghua, this is very important. Have you tried your spells?"

Her breaths ragged and she couldn't even utter a word anymore so she just nodded in return. A
maid servant then spoke beside her, "Replying to the Chief, My Lady has tried every page in the
book of songs but none of them had an effect of the young master."

The chief squeezed his eyes shut for a moment trying to think. Time was running out, the people
outside are suffering and his son is here insidd on the verge of death. After another moment had
passed, the chief clenched his fists and turned to the people inside the room waiting for his orders.

He ordered, "Everyone inside this room will aid with the evacuation outside. Not a single soul will
remain inside the room apart from the young master and me."
The physicians immediately turned to each other in shock. If not a single physician were to remain
behind, the child wouldn't last long and die within seconds! Was... Was the chief really ordering
them to... abandon the young master?

"Hongli!! What are you saying?!!!" His wife had already stood up and marched infront of him. She
looked as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

More tears came out of her eyes as she yelled at him furiously. "Leave him? Don't be ridiculous!
Don't tell me you're giving up on our child to let him die!!!"

He placed both hands on each of her arms and stared at her straight in the eye. "I promise you with
my life that I would never let him die."

Her expression was mixed with distressed and confusion but before she could even have the chance
to respond, her husband had already turned to the side and ordered everyone to leave the manor to
get them to safety. His wife was reluctant and insisted she wouldn't leave the son out of her sight
but thankfully the people were able to get her out.

When it was just the two of them, the chief slowly walked to his son's side and gave him a quiet
stare for a moment. Without the physician's aid, he wasn't going to last long. His cries were slowly
becoming softer and his two crimson eyes were slowly loosing light.

The chief's eyes dimmed as he looked at the child with pure hostility. 'Demon...' He thought.

The chief's eyebrows furrowed for as he placed two fingers on top of the child's left eye.

'You dare put your dirty claws on my child and put him to this state....'

He was furious. Furious at himself. What good was his worth as the head of the family if he can't
even protect his own child?

When he married to his wife, he made a promise to her father, the former tribe chief that he would
protect three things with his life. One, his tribe's people. Two, his wife. And three... His child.

Her father was displeased at first because he was an outsider. He feared he would steal the tribe's
secrets and run away with it considering how powerful its methods were. But with the gods graces,
he had finally earned their trust and blessing in the end. His father in-law had even taught him the
secrets of the tribe's forbidden spells that nobody else knew in which he stated was a requirement
when one was to succeed to the chief position.

And right now, he was stuck between saving his people and his child. His people were currently
being slaughtered by those evil qi, and because of that, he wasn't able to protect his son.

If he looses his people, and his only child, would he loose his wife too? Just the thought of it made
his blood boil. If they wanted to take the three most precious things in his life,

then they would have to step on his own corpse first!

He took one small breath before he began reciting one of those forbidden spells. His father in-law
had warned him before: Using forbidden spells would require a great amount of sacrifice. But he
was a fool, and he knows it. He would dare take on those risks without looking back.
A thin line of spiritual power then began flowing along his fingers that slowly reached up to his
arm, shoulders, neck, and to his head.

He could sense the sharp pain of demonic qi flowing along but he didn't dare remove his finge not
until that thing inside his son's body would go away. He kept his mind clear and continued reciting
the spell but the longer he recited in his mind, the more painful his chest and head became. He
could feel as if there were millions of ants biting and gnashing his heart but he didn't dare remove
his fingers nor break down.

He made a promise, didn't he? He said he would protect them. He continued to generously take
away the demonic qi while at the same time feeding his son with the tribe's special spiritual qi to
help stabilize his soul again.

Just a few more seconds and he could hope for that small chance. When he read the spell, it was
stated that both the giving and receiving end's lives weren't guaranteed but there was a slim chance
that atleast either one of them could survive. And since he was a fool, he grabbed on to that slim

When the demonic qi stopped flowing, the chief quickly placed both hands on the bed for support.
His entire body was aching, both tired from defending the village and his son's life. But he wasn't
about to complain now. He slowly gathered himself to gently carry the baby in his arms.

"Hong-er?" He weakly called.

The child continued to lay in his arms with eyes closed. He was quiet, awfully quiet. His heart
quickly sank. Was he too late?

The chief nervously placed a finger near the child's nose to check if he was still breathing. He won't
admit it but, he was awfully terrified. What if he was too late and his son was already dead?

Anxiety quickly flooded his entire body but before he could even think about it anymore, he felt
faint air coming and breathing out of his tiny nose. The chief quickly opened his eyes and he almost
wanted to cry in joy.

Hong-er was breathing normally again. His tiny little hand slowly reached to his father's finger and
held it tightly as if he was afraid he was gonna go.

The chief took a deep breath. "Hey, hey... I'm here." He whispered.

Shortly after, Hong-er's eyes slowly opened. Back then it used to be two black obsidian orbs staring
back at him, then two crimson eyes, and now...

...Only his right eye was glowing crimson infront of him.

The chief chuckled at himself in relief. He would be happy to assure his wife that their child was
healthy again. Hong-er's gaze continued to fix on him. Staring at his father's loving eyes and
especially his father's left eye.
The wife continued to wait anxiously. She couldn't understand why her husband would suddenly
order every physician to leave when their son was dying! He might have promised her he wouldn't
let him die but if her own spells couldn't help Hong-er, then what could her own husband possibly

She continued pacing back and forth. She had kept herself busy by helping her people settle down
after evacuating from the place to keep her mind busy. She ensured all injured people were cured
and those affected by evil qi was stabilized again. When everyone was fine, all that was left to
worry about... Was her husband and child.

She continued to pace around worriedly, ignoring the words of her maidservants that kept telling
her to calm down and rest. But how could she rest? She couldn't rest! Not whenㅡ...

When she spotted a figure coming from afar. Her eyes widened and her heart beated madly. She
quickly pulled her long crimson skirt patterned with her tribe's symbols and ran quickly to them.

She quickly hugged her husband with tears in her eyes before quickly looking at the child he was
holding. "Hong-er? Hong-er? Can you hear mom?"

Hong-er's eyes fluttered open and twinkled when he caught sight of his mother. She was taken back
to see that only his right eye was crimson this time. But most importantly, she was relieve that her
son was healthy again!

"A-Li, what happenedㅡ" When she turned back to face him, she almost gasped in shock when she
saw her husband's face.

"Oh no..." She gently caressed her husband's cheek before she began tearing up again. Her husband
closed his eyes and pressed the side of his cheek against her warm palm.

When he opened his eyes, she was greeted with his left eye that was slightly glowing in crimson

She was worried but her husband chuckled at her ridiculously instead as if someone died.

"Look at you crying again, no wonder this brat is a crybaby as well. Xianghua, take responsibility
won't you?" His husband teased.

She chuckled helplessly at his foolish behavior. Even if things had already turned out this way, he
still had the energy to goof around. She took Hong-er out of his arms and hugged his child tightly.
Her husband then suddenly broke to heavy coughs. She quickly turned to him and placed an arm on
his shoulder.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

Her husband waved a hand assuring her everything was fine. "J-just the side effectsㅡ"

"We need to get you treated immediately." She spoke with a stern voice before helping her husband
reach to their evacuation site.

While getting treated, she was surprised to find out later that her husband had actually used a
forbidden spell on their tribe which lead to an almost self sacrifice! She was both alarmed and
angry when she had found out that he had been so careless to throw his life away like that. But then
again, she couldn't ignore that it was because of that risk that he saved their son as well.

She sat beside her husband's bed and watched him sleep that night. She was broken that she wasn't
able to do anything. Her husband and child almost died and she did nothing but cry her eyes out
that day.

She hated feeling useless the most!

Especially since she was the only one who was able to master their tribe's most powerful spellsㅡ
the book of songs. She sighed, she almost wanted to slap her husband for doing such a risky thing
but then she couldn't.

When she felt a sudden hand cover her own, she looked up to see her husband smiling at her.

"We'll get through this calamity, I promise."

She looked at him worriedly, "What about your eye? What's going to happen to you?"

Her husband then gave her a reassuring look. "It's just a side effect like Hong-er's eye, don't worry
anymore. I can just cover this with an illusion spell so that our people won't be alarmed."

Her chest rumbled and her lips wobbled as if she was gonna break down to another cry. Her
husband had been always like this. Handling everything on his own and assuring her that
everything was gonna be alright.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she slowly leaned down to rest on top of his chest and continued
crying. She then felt a hand gently caress her back which only intensified her tears even more.

"Please don't shoulder everything on your own.." She whispered.

The chief watched her with great fondness in his eyes. "Everything's going to be fine. Nobody's
gonna take you or Hong-er away from me.. not while I'm still alive."

He then listened to his wife's muffled cries as his face slowly dropped to a frown.

'I'm sorry I lied to you again Xianghua.'

The forbidden spell he used didn't actually kill the evil qi while he was cleansing his son's spiritual

It got transferred to him instead.

A powerful spirit invaded Hong-er's body in attempt to use him as a host but Hong-er was only
three months old. His body was too small and his qi wasn't powerful enough to repress the evil qi
invading his body, that's why his body was immediately failing and slowly dying.

But if he were to transfer that spirit to him, he could supress it with his own spiritual qi and if he
were lucky enough, he could kill it inside his body. The pain would slowly kick in once in a while
and the worse scenario would be if he were to succumb himself to the spirit's command.

Thankfully he was hard-headed and wouldn't easily listen to anyone so he was confident he could
win this fight.
That's why he thought that his wife didn't have to know.




The general's eyes quickly opened and forced himself to sit upwards. He felt his head aching
especially his left eye. He covered a palm over it a for few seconds before he steadied his breaths.

When he calmed down, he looked at his surroundings and found the crown prince sitting across
him with a worried look.

"Your Highness, I..." He almost wanted to throw himself into a river. Did he actually sleep just

In the middle of their lecture?

He was about to begin apologizing when he heard the prince's worried voice first. "Are you okay?
You seemed to be in pain earlier."

The general removed the hand covering his face and smiled at him assuringly. "When you're a
general leading a war, you're bound to have flashbacks like this. It's no big deal."

Xie Lian remained quiet and nodded in response. The general smiled at him again and added softly,
"Though, let's keep me sleeping-in a secret to your father okay?"

Xie Lian laughed softly. "Okay. But you have to promise to keep teaching me sword techniques in



The general continued visiting and teaching him sword techniques atleast twice a week because in
some other days he would he busy with his own duties as the general. During those times, Xie Lian
would be with his goushi and learning sword techniques from him instead.

His goushi was surprised to how his sword skills improved greatly and was even more proud of
him. Even though he wouldn't admit that the general was a good teacher.

This had continued to grow progressively as years went on. When the crown prince turned 14 years
old, he was introduced to his new body guard, Feng Xin. Xie Lian was very happy when he got to
meet him. Feng Xin was a shy type at first and greatly respected his position as the crown prince,
but Xie Lian wanted to break that barrier between them so they could be close friends who would
never betray each other through life and death instead.

But when Xie Lian's 15th birthday came around...

The general suddenly stopped coming back.

He was waiting in their training field as usual but not a soul came. Days turned to weeks, and
weeks turned to months. Even his father had been worried that something might've happened to
him until one day... The general, Hong Li was found inside his house dead beside his deceased

Xie Lian was devastated when he found out. He had thought nothing could harm the general
considering his skills in battle. He greatly respected him as a teacher as well, so hearing his death
was really a stab to the heart. He then looked back to all what the general taught him from before,
and he proved that all his words were true.

You wouldn't be able to feel perfectly safe, even if you were inside your own home or in the safest
place in the world.

From that day on, Xie Lian focused himself on improving his cultivation and his duty as a prince.
Whenever his father would set him up on dates especially that woman from the Jian Clan, he would
make Feng Xin dress up as the crown prince and make him attend in his place instead.

During the crown prince's spare time, he would look for the general's son. He was there when they
have found out that the general was dead. But only the general and the wife was there, and it
seemed that only he had known that he had a son. He had a few guards with him at first to look for
the child, but there were no traces of him anywhere. The king eventually gave up and told him not
to waste his time looking for a child that was probably already dead.

This sparked up Xie Lian's anger and the two broke to an argument. Xie Lian was furious,


"XIE LIAN ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!" His father yelled back. He continued to reason that they
couldn't keep looking for a child with no traces at all when he also had other problems on his
shoulders. But Xie Lian didn't want to hear his father's pathetic excuses. So he quickly stormed out
and sought to find the missing child himself.

He told himself that he wouldn't stop unless he would atleast find the child's body whether if it was
alive or dead!

This continued until Xie Lian's 17th birthday came around. He still hasn't given up on the child
even though he had never met him. But he was confident in his abilities that he would be able to
find him, even if he didn't know the child's name or face. He could only rely to Hong Li's small
descriptions of him.

Until one fateful day...... he did find a child.

Falling from the tower, he jumped to his feet and caught him with expertise. He could never forget
how the child looked at him as if life itself came back in his soul.

Xie Lian slowly woke up to consciousness. When he opened his eyes, headache was the one that
first greeted him instead of the morning light. He slowly sat up and placed both hands on his head
as if he was gonna fall apart. He bit back a groan and any sort of sounds of pain because he didn't
want to wake up the person sleeping on his side.

When Xie Lian turned to the window it was still in the middle of the night. Had he only fallen
asleep for a few hours? His dream felt like he had been alseep for days.

When the headache somewhat subsided, he turned to his beloved beside him who was sleeping
peacefully. A smile crept to Xie Lian's lips before he carefully leaned in and kissed his face

The ghost made a small sound in response but he didn't wake up yet. Probably still too tired from
their... vigorous activity.

He can't dare blame him, he was the one who asked to him to go all out on him after all. Xie Lian
then laid beside him and pulled him closer until his face was buried against the ghost's neck.

The headache strangely subsided. Xie Lian let out a sigh of relief. Wu Ming is such a wonder, he
thought. He was able to do this with the whispers as well.

Lately, he could feel as if fate had been playing with him. There had been too many coincidences
surrounding the ghost's identity in his arms. At first, he had suspected that Wu Ming was the child
Hong-er he saved during Shangyuan Festival. Next, he doubted this theory since Wu Ming proved
to be a descendant of the Miao Tribe instead.

Besides that, Hong-er was too familiar with XianLe's customs so it was no doubt that he was a full
XianLe citizen. But then again, isn't Wu Ming also familiar with XianLe's customs? From gifting
him his country's national flower down to Wu Ming's sword fighting techniques that were also
Xianle's style!

So who was he really?

Was he the child, Hong-er whom he saved from the tower and served the country during the war?

Or was he the child of the general who originated from the Miao Tribe?

All of the thinking made his headache come back instead. Xie Lian sighed and hugged the ghost
tighter in his arms. Shortly after, he felt a small feeling within him.

Both scenarios could be possible too. Wu Ming could've been born in Miao culture but was raised
as a XianLe citizen instead.

That got Xie Lian in a daze for a long moment before he felt a sudden slow shift of movement from
the ghost in his arms. Wu Ming opened one eye at him,
".. Your Highness?"

Xie Lian quickly stopped his thoughts and gently cuddled him close to his arms. "Yes beloved?" He
whispered back softly.

"Why.. you still awake..?" The ghost mumbled, still under the influence of sleepiness.

Xie Lian planted a soft kiss on his forehead. "It's nothing, don't worry. Did I wake you?"


Xie Lian had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment.

Gods he's too adorable.

Xie Lian had to resist the urge to crush him in his tight embrace. The god chuckled softly before
nuzzling his nose against his before mumbling back. "You're tired, go back to sleep."

Wu Ming closed back his left eye before he slowly slid a hand and wrapped his arm around Xie
Lian's neck, pulling them even closer together. Xie Lian buried his face against Wu Ming's hair,
softly inhaling the ghost's addictive scent.

It doesn't matter. Xie Lian reminded himself. Whether he was from the Miao or a XianLe citizen,
whether he was a ghost or a god, or just a soldier with no name, it doesn't matter.

Because all that mattered was the fact that he was here; beside him, loving him, cherishing him,
listening to him.

He was the very existence of his hope.

Xie Lian slowly closed his eyes with a small smile forming on his lips. He whispered,

"Thank you for choosing to believe in me."

The very last believer he had was in his arms and Xie Lian couldn't feel even more luckier. Since
Wu Ming promised to be his most devoted believer, then...

Xie Lian would promise back to him that he would be his most devoted god.

Chapter End Notes

Name Guide:

Hong-er's mother:
香如霞Xiāng RúXiá - Fragrant like rosy clouds (Birth name)
香花 Xiānghuā - Fragrant flower (Married name/Nickname given by her husband.)
Hong-er's father:
弘立 HóngLì - Great Stand


And that's the end of the flashback!! I hope you enjoyed a slice of life of HC's parents
But... I didn't give you ALL the slice yet
There's actually more to what happened but now is not the right time yet to talk about that yet.

This is also my first time writing a flashback ㅡin a flashback. That's why there were two
break lines during that flashback instead of one to avoid confusion.


Btw, 'A Chance Encounter' book is actually already out! It's a FengQing book that talks about

their point of view of what happened before and after they met calamity xie lian! Check it out!

Share your thoughts on this chapter?

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Some Things Are Meant To Be Said
Chapter Notes


paying your dental bills. <3

The second half may be not as tooth rotting as the first one so be warned.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

The next morning, Xie Lian was woken up again and thankfully it was because of the morning sun
this time.

The god slowly opened his eyes, allowing his sight to slowly adjust to the brightness of the room.
When he could properly see, he moved his line of sight to the ghost who was still in his arms. A
mischievous smile formed on his lips as he slowly gazed at the marks and hickeys on the ghost's
neck and more evidences from their late night activity.

When Xie Lian began to sit up he instantly regretted it. The sharp headache from last night and
yesterday came back almost immediately.

Xie Lian grunted. Why is the headache still here?

He stayed in that position for a moment with a palm against his forehead trying to collect himself.
He had a vague idea that it wasn't just a normal headache this time but he didn't want to make a big
fuss over it now.

It's still only a few days since the beginning of the Spring Festival after all... There was still so
much to do in the holiday and he wasn't gonna let a stupid headache ruin and waste the precious
days ahead of them.

Xie Lian took a deep breath for a moment before turning his head to the ghost behind him still
sleeping. He slowly pulled the covers around his shoulders before leaning down to lay on top of
Wu Ming with both his elbows on each side for support.

Xie Lian admired Wu Ming's adorable sleeping face for a moment before leaning in and kissing the
ghost's forehead that slowly trailed down to his nose and cheeks. Wu Ming wasn't a heavy sleeper
so his facial muscles had already reacted to the first kiss attempt.

Wu Ming slowly opened his eyes and found Xie Lian smiling at him lovingly from above. He
could've sworn he felt his heart beat at that moment.

The ghost returned the smile before he opened his mouth to speak, his voice was slightly hoarse as
he mumbled, "I wake up and the first thing I see is god smiling at me, I'd say my day is already
Xie Lian chuckled at him adoringly. He slowly leaned down and nuzzled his nose against his before
he asked in a gentle voice, "Would you like to rest some more?"

Wu Ming slowly shook his head before smiling at him mischievously. "Why dream of god when
he's already here infont of me."

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened at the same time his cheeks flushed, he was stuck like that for a
few moments before he finally snapped out of it.

The god then suddenly pinched the side of the ghost's waist playfully. He laughed, "What a sweet
talker you are, is this your revenge from last night's conversation?"

He could still clearly remember how many times Wu Ming's cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
But could he be blamed? Wu Ming was too adorable so how could he stop himself?

Wu Ming smiled at him innocently, "I don't know what Your Highness is talking about."

Xie Lian's heart squeezed. His gaze at him could not look more adoringly than it already was.
"You... why are you making me fall for you even deeper, ah?"

Now it was Wu Ming's turn to look at him stunned with flustered cheeks. "Iㅡ"

"I'm guessing..." Xie Lian interrupted as his eyes gazed at him intently. "...Last night's punishment
was still not enough?"

Wu Ming's eyes widened even more. He opened his mouth but not a single word came out. Xie
Lian gave him a look which only lasted for a few minutes before he broke out laughing at him.

Eventually, Wu Ming was finally able to close his mouth and look away embarrassedly. "Why does
Your Highness always win at this..."

Xie Lian's eyes were smiling as well as he leaned down to whisper in the ghost's ear. "Maybe after
Wu Ming matures even more, he might be able to win then."

He then heard the ghost mutter something under his breath before he looked back at him with that
adorable smile on his face that Xie Lian had always adored.

Wu Ming then decided to change the subject, "Is Your Highness hungry? Do you want this one to
prepare breakfast?"

Xie Lian's eyelids lowered for a moment. He could still vaguely feel the slight sting on the corner
of his head but it was not that bothersome anymore. But it was still a nuisance since it was taking
away some of his energy. He laid back down beside Wu Ming and cuddled him close.

The god mumbled, "A little bit but I don't want us to get up yet..."

He felt a smile on the ghost's face before he decided to turn and face him again. "We can stay like
this for a little bit... But if Your Highness is hungry, he must say the word."

Xie Lian nodded before giving the ghost a kiss on his forehead. The two laid beside each other with
wrapped arms and hugging each other close for a long moment and enjoying each other's company.
In that moment, they wouldn't have asked for anything more. Just the feeling of the other's presence
beside them and to hear the other's calming breaths was truly enough for them to forget all that was
happening outside of their home.

It was as if they were stuck in their own little world that neither of them wanted to wake up from.

When the time eventually passed, Wu Ming had to betray all nerves of his body that was telling
him to keep laying down beside his god and sat up. Xie Lian's arm was still loosely wrapped
around his waist so he was very careful when he removed the hand so he could get out of bed even
though his heart broke a little from it.

Not to mention Xie Lian was in the state of a deep sleep again. He could vaguely remembere
talking to Xie Lian in the middle of the night, although he wasn't sure if he was talking to him in a
dream or not.

But if he was, would that mean that Xie Lian had a hard time sleeping last night?

Wu Ming didn't think about it any further and just let his god to keep sleeping as he got out of the
bed to head downstairs to make breakfast.

Right after Wu Ming left the room, it wasn't long before Xie Lian's eyebrows suddenly twitched
and a slow pained expression formed on his face.

Wu Ming continued making the broth he made when it first snowed since he saw how much Xie
Lian liked it. He was thankful enough that he had good memory so he was able to see and hear his
mother's sweet voice as she showed him how to make her signiture soup.

He closed the lid and let it heat up for a few more minutes before his ears suddenly perked when he
heard heavy footsteps from above. It could only mean that Xie Lian was awake but it felt slightly
off. Xie Lian's footsteps had always been light so he couldn't help but worry for a second.

When the broth was hot enough, Wu Ming stopped the fire before grabbing a bowl and filling it. He
gently placed it on a tray with a ready spoon and chopsticks on the side. But before his hands could
lift the tray his body jolted in response when he felt strong and warm hands wrapped around him.

Wu Ming turned his head and saw Xie Lian hugging him from behind with his head on his

When did Xie Lian get here?

He was caught off guard for a second, he didn't even feel Xie Lian's presence coming. But then
again, his god was always full of surprises wasn't he? He always surpassed everyone's

The thought made the ghost smile a bit before he mumbled just enough for the other to hear. "Your
Highness, you're awake."

Xie Lian didn't respond. He kept hugging him with his weight more or less leaning on him. He only
then noticed the feeling of Xie Lian's quick heartbeats on his back and heavy breaths against his
neck which was definitely not normal. Wu Ming's eyebrows furrowed as he turned his head slightly
and asked.

"Is something wrong?"

Xie Lian shook his head slowly after a few seconds. He took a few more deep breaths before he
muttered. He sounded breathless, "Just.. Just give me a few more seconds."

Wu Ming then turned around, Xie Lian let out a low pained sound when their bodies distanced a bit
for a second. But when Wu Ming was now facing Xie Lian, the god took a step forward further
cornering him against the counter as he hugged him even tighter than before as if he was preventing
himself from falling. Wu Ming then placed a hand behind Xie Lian's back and brushing it gently to
soothe him.

Xie Lian then placed two hands on both side of his cheek before he lifted his head slightly to press
their foreheads together. Wu Ming watched Xie Lian's expression carefully. Xie Lian's eyebrows
are knitted together and the corner of his head was dripping with sweat. Xie Lian's mouth was
trembling and was letting out heavy breaths.

Just what was going on?

But whatever Xie Lian was doing was gradually working. Xie Lian's face slowly relaxed and his
breaths became steady compared to before. The hands on his cheeks slowly moved down on his
shoulders as Xie Lian lifted his head to look at him.

"Your Highness what's the matter? Are you not feeling well?"

Normally it would be a stupid question considering that Xie Lian was a god and that normal colds
or heats wouldn't be enough to put him to such a state but after seeing him like this, how could he
not consider the possibility?

Xie Lian then slowly pushed himself so that his weight would shift back to his own. He placed a
hand on the side of his head for a moment as he assured. "I'm fine love just... dizzy."

Wu Ming gave him a long look for a moment. Of course he would be relieved to know that Xie
Lian was fine now but why does he have a feeling that Xie Lian was lying to him?

He spoke in a gentle voice, "If Your Highness is dizzy he shouldn't walk around too much. I'll
deliver your breakfast upstairs like usual, you didn't need to come down."

Xie Lian gave him an apologetic smile, "Apologies, I just wanted to cling to you again haha. Wu
Ming is just so irresistible that this one couldn't help but miss him already."

Wu Ming's heart fluttered and his expression eventually softened. His lips then melted to a warm
smile as he embraced his god.

"You're too good to me."

He felt Xie Lian's hands wrap around his waist in return. He responded, "No, it's you who is too
good to this banished god."

Wu Ming felt his own heart squeeze again. After a short pause he asked, "Is Your Highness still
dizzy? He shouldn't be standing for too long like this."
Xie Lian shook his head, "No, Wu Ming made it go away."

Wu Ming then gave Xie Lian another long look, "Your Highness would tell me if something's
wrong... Right?"

He couldn't tell if he was just imagining it or not but right after he had asked that, he felt a slight
flinch from the other.

He felt that doubtful feeling again. He was honestly scared about the fact that Xie Lian was keeping
something from him again. He didn't want to admit it but he was still traumatized after what
happened to Xie Lian when he was possessed by White No-Face.

But before he could even think about it anymore, his thoughts were immediately interrupted after
hearing Xie Lian's voice.

"Of course I'll tell you."

Wu Ming carefully watched Xie Lian eat his meal. He hid his nervous expression with a smile, and
thankfully Xie Lian didn't seem to notice it because the god was too distracted enjoying the broth.

"Oh Wu Ming you've outdone yourself again!" Xie Lian smiled widely.

Wu Ming smiled. "It's just the same broth I made last time Your Highness... It's nothing special."

Xie Lian didn't seem to agree though. "I love it. It's full of flavor and it tastes even better when
served hot."

Wu Ming's eyes then glanced down to Xie Lian's half empty bowl. "Is it not hot anymore? Shall I
bring you another bowl?"

Xie Lian let out an inaudible gasp as he instinctively placed two hands on the bowl protectively
before moving it closer to him. "Don't waste this precious bowl. It's not good to be wasteful Wu

The ghost let out a soft laugh. "Your Highness only deserves the best."

Xie Lian took another spoonful sip before responding, "Well, it's pretty hard to only be served the
best when you only have limited stocks of food. But I'm not complaining, whatever Wu Ming gives
me will suffice."

Oh what a dream that would be. Wu Ming thought to himself as he imagines himself serving Xie
Lian only the best food with the best ingredients and donning him with only the best robes made
from the finest quality. He imagines himself living in a magnificent building where he would
dedicate it only to his god.

He could almost feel his dead heart start beating madly again just from the thought.
"I'm curious though..." Xie Lian's voice snapped Wu Ming out of his daydream. He looked at him

"Where did Wu Ming learn this recipe? I certainly would remember this specific broth if it was
served back when I was still a crown prince. Is it famous around the streets of Xianle? Or..."

Xie Lian's eyes shifted back to him, staring at him deeply as he added. "Somewhere else?"

Wu Ming smiled nervously. "Your Highness is exaggerating. Truth be told... my mother is the only
one who is able to cook that broth."

Xie Lian's interest immediately peaked. "Your mother? How lovely! I wish I could've met her.
What was she like?"

Wu Ming looked down and kept his smile as he looked back on his time with her. "She's wonderful.
Caring and loving like any other mother... She has a beautiful voice that could sing any monster to
sleep, her lullabies are special and one of a kind."

Xie Lian's smile deepened as he fixed his gaze on his beloved who's sitting across him. He had
never seen Wu Ming talk so highly about anyone apart from him. It felt really nice to see this side
of him.

Xie Lian then spoke, "How interesting. So I'm guessing Wu Ming has a beautiful voice too?"

Wu Ming snapped out of his expression to look at him with a flustered face. "N-no, I'm horrible at

Xie Lian raised a brow, "How so? Wu Ming has a lovely voice. deep, smooth, and mesmerizing. I
bet he would be great at singing with enough vocal practice."

Wu Ming cringes at the memory. He could vaguely remember his mother teaching him some easy
lullaby songs even though he was only around around 5 or 7 years old at that time.

His mother was determined to teach him even though he couldn't understand why. It was not like
they were a famous family of singers nor were they earning their wages for singing.

It was just a simple hobby.

It should've been easy but he couldn't help but cringe everytime he hears his voice. Not to mention
his father....

Wu Ming's face darkened.

When Xie Lian noticed his expression he quickly spoke again nervously, "Ah, but Wu Ming doesn't
need to sing if he doesn't want to of course."

Wu Ming felt a lump on his throat as he swallowed with great difficulty. He closed his eyes and
took a deep silent breath to calm down.

Xie Lian then cleared his throat, "Your mother is a loving type. I can see that very well in you.."

When Wu Ming opened his eyes again, he saw Xie Lian smiling at him warmly. The expression on
his god's face made him somewhat calm down.
Until he said this,

"You have great skills in the battlefield both mental and physical, I take it that you inherited those
skills from your father?"

Wu Ming froze on the spot.

Xie Lian continued on, "It must be, isn't it? Wu Ming is so good at fighting that youㅡ"


Xie Lian's mouth instantly stopped talking. He turned his gaze back to Wu Ming with a confused
smile. "I'm sorry?"

Wu Ming clenched both his fists under the table until his knuckles turned white. He gritted the

"I'm nothing like him."

Xie Lian fell silent for a moment before he spoke again, "Wu Ming, Iㅡ"

"I'm nothing like that bastard!" Wu Ming suddenly exclaimed. He kept his head low and felt his
stomach turn. He didn't mean to yell but his blood was boiling too much.

His head bowed lower and his voice sounded strained. "I'm.. I'm sorry for yelling Your Highness.
My fa-.. Hongli is nobody in my life."

The moment Xie Lian heard the name his face instantly fell. His shoulders stiffed and his heart
beated madly. No way, no way, no way...

The shifu who taught him his sword skills, the mysterious general who disappeared when he was
15 years old, the father who always talked about his son...

He was Wu Ming's father?

The child he was looking for all these years... He was right infront of him.

Xie Lian stared at him for a long moment. So he was right after all. He was the child of that
mysterious general and that he originated from the Miao Tribe who also mysteriously disappeared.
He could feel his heart quicken from excitement but besides the shocking news, something else
bothered him.

Why does Wu Ming seem to hate the general so much? As far as he could remember, the general
was kindhearted even though he was strict. So surely all those smiles and warm talks between them
wasn't just for show?

Then fear striked him. What if the names were just a coincidence? He had to make sure first.

With a shaky breath, he inhaled deeply before he spoke in a calm manner. "Wu Ming... I need to
confirm something."

The ghost sitting across him still kept his head low, still probably silently punishing himself for
accidentally raising his voice at him earlier. But Xie Lian would never blame him for that.
Wu Ming mumbled, "If Your Highness needs to confirm if this lowly one deserves to be punished,
then the answer is yes."

He's pouting like a child it's adorable. Xie Lian had to resist the urge to smile. There was still
important matters at hand.

He schooled his expression before shooting him a scolding glare. "No need for that. And remember
what we talked about calling yourself in that form of address?"

The ghost nodded in response before Xie Lian asked him to put his hand on top of the table.

"Yes Your Highness." Wu Ming responded before he placed his right hand on the table and waited.

"Tell me if the name is written in these characters." Xie Lian spoke and began doodling on his palm
using his finger. Before Wu Ming could fully register Xie Lian's words, he felt a ticklish feeling on
his palm.

But his smile didn't last long.

When he recognized the character of the name, his gaze darkened and his smile instantly fell.

"Is that how it's written?" Xie Lian asked before lifting his gaze. When the god saw his expression,
he felt the atmosphere slightly thicken compared to before.

Wu Ming's reaction already confirms it right?

The hand had already curled to a fist and clenched hard. Xie Lian's eyebrows furrowed before
placing his own hand on top of his.

"Wu Ming.." Xie Lian murmured which successfully caught Wu Ming's attention again.

Wu Ming looked conflicted. "I-... How did Your Highness figure out which characters I was
referring to?"

Xie Lian's thumb gently brushed against Wu Ming's skin to placate him. "Well...I did tell Wu Ming
that I used to have a teacher before whom I guessed was a Miao Citizen."

Wu Ming's eyes widened. He breathed out. "That was him?"

Xie Lian nodded, "I'm sure now, so yes."

Wu Ming's eyebrows furrowed even more and kept staring at him for a long moment as if he
couldn't believe it. The hand resting on his fist slowly made its way to intertwine their fingers to
further console him but before another word got out of Xie Lian's mouth, the ghost suddenly stood
up from his chair making their hands pull away before he began pacing back in forth frantically.

"Wu Ming..." Xie Lian stood up as well. He kept his voice low and gentle to help soothe him. "Is
something wrong with that?" He asked.

"Your Highness... You're telling me that bastㅡ" Wu Ming quickly halted his words, probably
thinking it wasn't proper to curse infront of his god.

"That.. man.." He slowly corrected before adding,

"He was a general in the army? And that he personally taught you?"

Xie Lian analyzed his expression for a moment. Was there something wrong with that? Hongli
might've possessed a cunning face but he also possessed a genuine heart.

So there was no way the general could've lied to him. Could he?

"Yes.." Xie Lian slowly responded. There was a slight pause in between before he added, "Is there
something wrong with that?"

Wu Ming began pacing around again looking as if he was gonna have a panic attack soon before
Xie Lian walked infront of him and placed gently held the ghost on either side of his arms.

He kept his voice gentle. "Wu Ming, look at me. What's so wrong about your father teaching me
back when I was still a crown prince? Isn't that a good thing?"

"Far from that!" Wu Ming exclaimed which caught them both off guard. Wu Ming swallowed hard
and kept his head low. "I'm sorry for yelling again Your Highness, I know I must seem to be
overreacting but you have tell me, did he hurt you?"

The question caught Xie Lian off guard. Hurt him? When they were sparring sure the general didn't
like to hold back but that was far from harming him!

"He never did." Xie Lian responded. He kept processing his question until a thought came to mind.
His grip on the ghost's arms instinctively tightened.

"Why? Did he hurt you?" He asked worriedly. Even though he looked like he couldn't believe that
question himself that the general would intentionally hurt his own son. He could still remember
how he used to talk about him even during their lectures so it really made him confused.

Wu Ming's voice trembled. "He... He's a devil Your Highness! He was violent at home, to me, to
mom! One moment he's calm and the next thing you know he's throwing a tantrum! He's out of his
mind so I'm genuinely worried that he did something to you during your lectures together."

The more Xie Lian listened the more shocked he became. The general couldn't possibly...

"Wu Ming... perhaps he was just having a bad day? Being a general leading a war and a thousand
men could really stress a person out that is why I'm so grateful that heㅡ"

"He killed my mother." Wu Ming interrupted in a dark tone.

Xie Lian's face froze with eyes wide.

The general who helped sharpen his sword techniques, the general who helped him master different
swords, the general who sharpened his mind in the battlefield, the general who was always worried
about his sonㅡ commited murder?

And in his own family at that?

"What?" Xie Lian breathed out. He definitely heard him though this time it was a matter of belief
once again.
Wu Ming looked as if he was trying to avoid recalling that memory. He kept his clenched fists at
the side as he allowed the tense atmosphere to envelop between them.

"He was no good as a father leading his family, let alone lead a thousand men..." Wu Ming began in
a low voice after a long moment.

Xie Lian was still too stunned to move nor speak so he kept quiet. Wu Ming's eyes continued to fix
on the side, "He always told me that I was weak and vulnerable to protect anything. He never
praised me for any of my hardwork and always told me that my efforts would still be all for naught.
Even to my mother he would push her away if she was interfering between our argument for too
much. He always made me feel like a mistake and.. and just because of my right eye heㅡ he hates
me so much! He made me feel like a monster that I began to hate myself!"

Wu Ming's words came out choked as tears began streaming down his face. He sniffed and angrily
wiped his tears. "I don't know why this happened to me either but I always felt that he was blaming
me to why our family was broken. I guess that's probably why he kept kicking me out of the house.
I wouldn't leave because mom was still there. I-I was scared that bastard was gonna do something
so I didn't leave. I couldn't understand why mom still love him even in that state."

He took another shaky breath, "Mom was perfect. If there was any flaw it'd be her choosing to love
a trash like him! Even if he treats her like garbage she still kept singing and humming to his side
with the same melody every night as if that was gonna fix anything!"

"Eventually he resorted from pushing to punching me until I was forced to leave because he
threatened me back that he was gonna kill mom if I didn't. And when I came back..."

Xie Lian's heart tensed as if he had already guessed what was gonna happen next.

"She was dead." Wu Ming said bitterly

"She was dead and it was all his fault. I couldn't see her anymore, it was all his fault! I was forced
to run away, it was all his fault! I was left to sleep on the streets and fend for myself, it was all his
fault! I was abused both emotionally and physically inside the house and outside of the house, it
was all his fault!"

The tears continued to stream down Wu Ming's cheeks."ㅡI grew to hate myself and decided that
all my problems would probably disappear by ending it and jumping off the tower, and it wAS

Xie Lian quickly rushed and embraced him tightly in his arms in a heartbeat as the two slowly fell
to their knees. Wu Ming continued crying in agony against his chest and Xie Lian continued
brushing his back with his hand.

Hearing Wu Ming's wails that was so full of pain and agony broke Xie Lian's heart to the point that
he was also on the verge of tears. In that moment Xie Lian mentally punished himself harshly over
and over again.

He had no idea Wu Ming had such a devastating childhood. He was abused, hurt, unloved.

Not to mention how he used to treat Wu Ming before only made Xie Lian hate himself even more.
Wu Ming died on the battlefield with his god's name on his lips and served him with utmost
devotion. Even until when he had no more believers, Wu Ming continued devoting himself to him
as his final believer to the point Xie Lian was sure by now he'd surely willingly risk his life with no

Xie Lian was on the verge of tears. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve Wu Ming's devotion to
him. The least he could do was to be the best person, friend, lover, and family to him.

Xie Lian gently rocked their body side to side before humming in a calming tone.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay. Don't rush. Cry it all out my love. I'm here, I'm listening."

He then continued to hum in aimless tunes while maintaining a calm melody and patiently waited
until Wu Ming was ready to calm down.

Wu Ming clutched his robe and continued crying in his arms. Xie Lian brushed a strand of hair
from Wu Ming's face to tuck against his ear.

A hand clutching on his robe that was now soaked in tears, and a face filled with snots and tears.
This scene felt too familiar.

Wu Ming's cries eventually died down until he was left with whimpers and sharp breaths. He
closed his eyes and allowed himself to be rocked in Xie Lian's embrace.

His heart squeezed,

just when was the last time he was hugged like this and sung to?

Chapter End Notes


P. S. I'm also not paying for therapy consultations.

Thoughts on this chapter? ヽ(;^o^ヽ)

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Same Blood, Different Temperature pt. 1
Chapter Notes

Long chapter!! It was meant to be only one chapter but it got too long so I split it into two
parts but nevertheless I hope you enjoy!

⚠️ PLEASE READ!! : This chapter is a flashback and in order to avoid confusion, If you see a
double lines then it means that the flashback has ended.

It's commonly known to italicize the font since it's a flashback but I don't want to do that since
it won't be very pleasing in the eyes so let's stick to the two line break rule for this one.

📌warning again: TOOTH-ROTTING FLUFF ON THE SECOND HALF ❤️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️✨

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Protect the front liners! Shield them with all your might!" The Miao tribe chief Hongli roared.

It was the Miao Tribe's darkest era. The sky was grey with a touch of crimson. It was a battle of
their lives, one that would define the future of their children and the future of the world.

The ground where the grass and trees used to spread widely are gone, the river has dried, and the
animals had fled. What once was a beautiful village was now nothing but dust and a bloody

The village people continued to defend. Within that battlefield, they had their most powerful spell
casters on the front lines to supress the evil qi spirits. Not a single spirit had broken in their minds
yet thanks to the support from their unbreakable shields chanted by the people in the front, there
were also skilled cultivators and warriors defending them both left and right,

And most especially,

Their strongest backer and leader,

The chief of the Miao tribe.

It was a brutal war, but they needed to defend. The ones who cannot fight are currently fleeing
away to hide with the help of shields, protective talismans, and the book of songs.

Xiang Ruxia held baby Hong-er in her arms and continued to carefully lead everyone to safety.
They had been planning this for almost a few months so that their people wouldn't suffer anymore.
What worried her was the fact that they only had so much people in the battlefield which was why
she was reluctant when her husband assigned people to protect them. Of course she understood her
husband's intention that he was only making sure that they were all safe. She swallowed hard, she
knew she couldn't fight like how she used to before she got pregnant but it was not like she
regretted it either.

She had only wished that she had more power to help support her husband which was why she was
utilizing powerful songs with melodies that could stun and notes that could kill to the enemies she
directed her songs at.

She didn't need to worry about accidentally hurting anyone in their circle since she had full control
on her voice. They stumbled a few here and there since there were also people with age Walking
with them but Xiang Ruxia was patient and perseverant the whole time until they were slowly
reaching their destination.

She could only hope that her husband and people left behind are doing fine.

"Chief! They are slowly weakening our defenses! If they keep it up we'll slowly loose our shield!"

"Chief! The 14th and 13th squad are down! We'll have no escape path if they surround us!"

"Chief! Chief! We should just use the remaining strength of our shields to escape!"

"Chief! The 3rd quadrant says they still need time to finish the array!"

"Chief! Most of the evil qi are being subdued but we don't have enough man power to finish them

"Chief! We need to activate the array now!"

"Chief! the 2nd quadrant are waitingㅡ"

"Chief! The array needs to beㅡ"

"SILENCE!" Hongli bellowed.

Everyone in the tent remained silent with anxious looks on their faces. The chief squeezed his eyes
shut and pressed a hand against the left side of his face.

Their people continued to defend from outside as planned in order to subdue as much spirits as
possible. There was a hidden giant array drawn on the entire map of their village drawn by their
ancestors in case the seal was broken which is how the evil qi has yet to escape from the outside
world and infect people with deep hatred and resentment that could drive anyone with a small
grudge into a devastation.
Hongli slowly removed the hand on his face and supported himself with his fists against the table
as he slowly eyed them one by one.

His voice alone sent fear running down their spines. "Escape? You want us to escape and what?
Risk letting those spirits escape as well?! Are you even listening to yourself?!" He slammed a fist
against the table angrily, making the people inside the room flinch in response and keep their head

He sighed heavily, "I've already sent people to aid and support the 14th and 13th squad to bring
them back here to treat them. We need to support everyone as much as we can until all quadrants
have finished activating the array that would permanently subdue the evil spirits so don't you
fucking dare suggest straight to my face again and tell me to escape and retreat because I've got
everything under control! UNDERSTAND?!"

"Yes chief!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

Everything was silent for a moment.

Then came a loud and elongated cheer.

The array was completed and the plan was executed perfectly! All evil qi spirits had been subdued
permanently sealed away. The physicians continued to heal the chanters and other affected soldiers,
the peopl mourned, cried, sacrificed, and cheered.

The chief let out a breath of relief. His lips formed a warm smile as the thought crossed his mind: I
did it Xianghua. I protected our people and our family. We can see each other again in a few days.

His heart softened at the thought that he would once again hear his beloved's soothing voice and his
son's laugh. Everything he sacrificed was for the future of his people and most especially the futhre
and safety of his family. Until his lungs gave out his last breath, nothing would stop him from
keeping that promise.

He sheathed back the scimitar back to its scabbard before turning to everyone. "Everyone, let's all
head back to the tent to rest and wait until everyone is ready to walk again beforeㅡ"

Then there was a rumble.

The chief halted on his words and his steps. The tiny rocks bounced on the ground and the floor
continued to shake as if it was gonna split apart.

Everyone tried their best to keep their balance with some already on their knees and waited until
the shaking would hopefully stop.

The chief had a bad feeling. A very bad feeling.

But before he could continue to dwell on the thought, everyone felt a terrifying aura from behind
them. The qi was so evil and terrifying that it immediately sent their blood running cold.
It was definitely nothing like the ones they faced. This rising fear in their chest was telling them to
run away but not one of them could move.

When they all turned their heads to the direction of the nobody dared to make a noise nor attempted
to move again.

There was a thick black smoke that reeked nothing but pure evil and hatred whom slowly imitated a
human-like body with no face.

The voice was low but enough for them to hear, calm like the waves, and soft like a breeze. Yet the
tone was dark, dark and sinister like the devil,

It spoke, "I am the voice avoided by the hearts, an emotion forced to control, the sole
embodiment of destruction ㅡ the root of all evil, hatred."

Everything suddenly stilled on that day. One managed to quickly snap out of it and quickly got on
its feet before attempting to run away.

But it only took one shift of its head and one long stare before that body suddenly fell on its knees
screaming in agony until the body suddenly exploded, splittering blood on the ground everywhere!

Nobody wanted to move anymore. In fact, the intense shock made them unable to.

Hongli remained on his feet with one hand covering his left eye that was beginning to sting again
as if that spirit's presence had something to do with it.

The floating body's head then creepily shifted to his direction as if it was now looking at him.
Everyone present slightly flinched anxiously at the sight, the spirit who exploded that soldier's body
just was now was now currently looking at their only hope as if it knew that once he was dead,
everything would fall apart on its own.

Even though the body was only made of thick shadows with no face, hair, nor clothes, it continued
to stare at him scrutinizingly and quietly that it was starting to make the chief himself anxious as

The black body then tilted its head and asked,

"Do you hate?"

Everyone held their breaths. Nobody knew what it was expecting him to answer nor how long it
was gonna be patient with him until it decides to kill him off the spot without lifting a finger.

Hongli already knew it was useless to draw its scimitar since it had already proved to be able to kill
just by looking.

It was irritating, he thought. It was only a simple question except for the fact that his life was on the
line. He stared back at it quietly for a moment before responding calmly,

"... Should I?"

The spirit the floated downwards towards him, earning shocked gasps from the people behind as
the spirit slowly circled around him like a predator cornering his prey. But Hongli didn't dare allow
himself to be scared, he tried to keep his mind empty and kept his feet stable.
"Strange. You are not the body and soul I initially cursed."

Hongli felt his heart instantly drop at the mention of body and soul. That spirit clearly meant Hong-
er's body. But what does it want to do with him?!

Hongli's blood boiled at the idea of that thing targeting his family. He would never allow it to even
lay its dirty hands on his son and wife ever againㅡ

The spirit chuckled.

The spirit laughed softly as if it knew what he was thinking. The chief slowly broke a sweat and
stopped all his thoughts at once.

"Here's why. Born under the star of solitude, and destined to have ill fates was what made your
son the most perfect vessel for me to use. I could feel it, one day he would suffer the most
gruesome pain and hatred and I will grab that chance to take over his body."

Hongli clenched his fists in anger. There was no way that thing could ever even dream to possess
him! Not when Hong-er had already successfully undergone the ritual to help stabilize his soul
from the devil's temptations!

"For centuries, your ancestors developed these troublesome spells and kept me sealed away.
Haha, for what? Feeling hatred? Making others feel the will they need to exact on their
revenge? Giving the strength and power they lacked? Do they deserve what happened to them?
Do you decide what's best for them? What they should feel? Don't you cry? Don't you hurt?
Don't you hate?"

Hongli instinctively gripped his scimitar tightly and responded in a stern voice. "Just because others
inflicted pain on them doesn't mean it's right that they have to do the same! No amount of pain
could satisfy hatred!"

"If they aren't satisfied then it simply means it's not enough. My job? My job is to 'make' it
enough. While you? You don't give people the justice they need. You make them weaker beneath
the pretense of 'making peace' when in fact the heart could never truly forgive."

The spirit continued to circle around him, the following words shot him like needles.

"You listen here Hongli, hand over your child and I will spare you all. If you don't..."

A short but suffocating silence enveloped them for a long moment. Everyone held their breaths as
they waited for that daunting voice again.

"... I will curse all your souls until none of you will be able to reincarnate ever again. No one
will have a memory of your tribe's great sacrifices nor will they be able to even remember the
purpose of your power. You would all be forgotten without a single trace."

Hongli gritted his teeth in anger. How dare that thing threaten him to choose between his people
and his child?!

He angrily drew his scimitar and pointed it at the spirit floating infront of him. He yelled, "You dare
use my child as a thing for your selfish reasons, Hong-er doesn't deserve a fate like that!"
The spirit remained quiet after that. The chief couldn'tㅡhe would never trade his son nor his tribe's
people for anything! They weren't tools to be used and disgarded!

The spirits can't use their powers no matter how powerful they were unless they have a host. If a
deal was made then they would feed on their hatred and give them the power to destroy. But the
thing is, hatred has no bound. If one was to succumb into full hatred, it would only take a matter of
time before they would loose themselves and corrupt their own souls until the spirit would be able
to take over that body and use it for their own will.

But to think they would use a child as a vessel was so unreasonable!!! Too unreasonable that the
chief's blood boils in rage just at the thought of it.

"Selfish? ..." It's voice was low and daunting, "You want to know who's the real selfish one

... It's you."


"Your people purify hatred when the main cause of hatred is still you humans. We simply give
you the power you need to satisfy that anger. If you corrupt your own souls then you're only
liable for being greedy."

The voice then mocked, "And you say it like it's my fault? I simply give and take what's

"Then are you telling me that cursing my son and almost killing him was our fault as well?!! You
have no right to give him such a fate like that! I will never allow you!"

The spirit circled around him one more time and slowly spoke, pointing out ever word, "You might
not allow it... But will your child do the same?"

Hongli inhaled a sharp breath. The spirit continued,

"Will he still have the will to live as a pure man and ascend as a god like what he's predestined
to be? Or will he succumb to hatred and rise as a devastation instead?"

The spirit continued, "Your son is special Hongli. Born as Miao who subdues demons but is
cursed to live as half demon instead. If his demonic body is immune to your tribe's powers, then
all the more he's perfect to be my host. I need his soul and spirit."

Hongli clenched his fists hard enough that his knuckles turned white. He would never allow it.

He ran with all his might and aimed the scimitars blade against the spirits neck. He fixed his eyes at
it, his gaze radiated fury as he declaimed. "Hong-er is my child. He's the rightful heir of our tribe
who will carry on its glory! If you so badly want to take him from me, do it over my dead body!"

"CHIEF NO!!!" The soldiers from behind yelled.

But Hongli wasn't going to listen anymore. He had enough, he wasn't going to allow that thing
follow his son nor would he allow that thing to gain power to spread resentment around the world.
When he was about to attack, a hand suddenly pulled him from behind and everything happened so
quickly that his eyes couldn't keep up. But before he finally snapped out of it, he was on the ground
with all his men surrounding him with shields protecting them all.

Why would they...

"Chief don't run off on your own like that!"

"Just when we were ready to sacrifice our own lives and do something noble for once, you're
already running off on your own! That shit scared me man!"

"You're the chief but it doesn't mean you can forget us all like that! You trained us personally, if you
think our skills aren't enough to fight alongside you then whose fault is that, ah?"

They continued throwing complaints at him until everything came out as a messy blur in his ears.
He was still too shocked to process what had happened.

Until a word remained in his head. Sacrifice.

The words came out stuttered from his mouth, "You... You were planning to sacrifice yourselves
for... Just for..." his son?

Another soldier spoke, "You can't save us all, chief. Even if we can't reincarnate anymore, atleast
someone in our tribe can live. It's enough."

Hongli's eyes slightly widened.

"While you two are talking, we already knew it was the end of the line for us. That's why..."

The soldier then glanced to his side as if he was signaling someone for something. It wasn't long
before a glowing crimson ball then entered his line. The chief's heart instantly dropped as he
immediately understood.

To think they would pour their powers and leave their ownselves defenseless was either really
selfless or really stupid!!!

He looked at them scoldingly, "YOUㅡ"

"We know, we know. Our tribe's spiritual powers are unique because its only cultivated in our tribe.
We only poured that power and left us with our raw spiritual powers in hopes that atleast that spirit
can't get that from us once we..."

The soldier looked away. Hongli shook his head, refusing to accept it. "No! NO! I will not accept
that! I will find a wayㅡ"

A pair of hands then gripped his arms tightly.

"It can protect your son!! Don't you see? He's the only remaining hope for our tribe!!! The spirit
had already said that it would one day find its way to take over Hong-er's body since it was immune
to the tribe's powers! Don't you now see how dangerous that risk is if we loose you and him?!"

"If our powers can be sealed in his body and act as a shield, the more chances we can prevent this
calamity from happening!"
To sacrifice their own years of cultivation to pass down to Hong-er, loosing their centuries worth of
hardwork just to protect a single child,... No greater sacrifice could ever amount to this.

Hongli's hands began to tremble. "BUT IN EXPENSE TO YOUR LIVES ISㅡ"

"IT'S WORTH IT!" They all interrupted.

Eventually, they noticed the shields are getting weaker. "That spirit is trying to break in! Hongli
needs to go! NOW!" One cried out.

Another crash of evil qi slammed against their shields and a crack was heard. Some helped the
chief stand back up and forced him to take the ball filled with their spiritual energies.

They all looked at each other for a brief moment before giving Hongli a hand on his shoulder and a
warm smile on their faces.

Not a word was said but the message was clear enough.

To have your comrades trade their lives for your family, it was enough to make any grown man cry.
But before he could shed a tear someone had already grabbed him by the hand and create a shield
for both of them before he was pulled and forced to run until they were far away.

When they were far enough he deactivated the shield and gave one final look to the chief. "I will go
back to aid the others. We need all the manpower we need to buy you time. Until then, find the
others and hide."

The chief watched him kneel down on one foot with a hand resting on the left side of his chest. One
of the Miao salutes, the salute of deep respect and gratitude.

"Chief." He spoke, signaling his leave as if he was just returning from a report. When in fact, both
of them knew that after he leaves, he could never come back. Yet the voice on the soldier didn't
hold any remorse feelings at all, it was as if he was just doing his daily routine.

As if he was just doing what he was meant to do.

The soldier was gone without a word afterwards and left nothing but the trace of wind. Hongli
stood there for a long moment before he fell to his knees.

His comrades are going to die, they all knew it and he was the only one left to return home to his
family. Hongli sat there for another moment and covered his mouth until all was heard was his
muffled cries.

After a moment, he quickly forced to regain himself as he kneeled one one foot as well and saluted.
A salute that was dedicated to all of them.

When he reached their destination, hongli met with his wife, child, and people. He explained the
circumstances of their situation before kneeling down to them to express his deepest apologies and
incompetence for leading them all to their deaths.

Everyone was heartbroken but they couldn't allow their chief to remain kneeling like that. Someone
eventually tried to get him to stand up but the chief wouldn't budge, he reasoned that a few seconds
of kneeling won't be enough to suffice his mistake as the chief.
When they did manage to get him to stand back up, Hongli proposed an idea to them. He told them
that they would be given a chance to live as a normal person again if they pour their spiritual
powers into the ball and have their memories filtered so that they wouldn't be tracked by the spirit
and kill them too.

Everyone was silent until one spoke aloud, "But.. Even if our memories gets filtered, what will
happen to you?"

Another person agreed, "Hongli this is... It would sound as if we're abandoning you and our culture

"I understand your concerns." Hongli responded in a soft tone. "However I don't see much of
another alternative. The spirit had already declared that they would erase all traces of the Miao tribe
including the memories from the outsiders. You would all be much safer in this way, in this village.
You will be tracked no matter where you go and I ㅡ... "

Hongli clenched his fists and kept his head low. "I already lost half our people. I can't bear to live
knowing I will loose all of you too because of another mistake. I am unfit guide you in our next
journey therefore I propose that we all stop here. There are plenty of crops to grow and a spacious
environment for you and your future children. I would be more than relieved to know that your
safety is assured."

Murmurs erupted from all around them before they were all finally convinced. In a short span of
months, the village had already been set up, all they needed to do was change their clothes and
learn the language that was closest to their ownㅡ Hmong language.

In this way, they would completely be safe and without a trace. Xiang Ruxia created an array to
protect them even though they wouldn't remember this seal anymore after today. But it will
continue to protect them from monsters lurking.

When everyone was ready, they all gathered at the heart of the village where the giant tree grew.
Hongli held Hong-er in his arms and faced them all. One by one, everyone placed a hand on top of
the child's head and gave their blessings to the last heir as they poured their Tribe's power into him
and the seal.

"May you be blessed with good health and fortune."

"May the gods bless you with a soulmate that could help guide you."

"May this child grow up to be a respectable leader like his father."

"May this child grow up to be as compassionate like his mother."

"May this child find his reason to live and gift as per the tribe's traditions."


When they were getting ready to leave, everyone in the village made sure they had enough supplies
with them to show their gratitude.

Xiang Ruxia prepared the oblivion spell to filter their memories and strengthen their protection. It
was better this way, the spirit can track the tribe's powers and it could use them to get what it wants.
But both Xiang Ruxia and Hongli didn't want another catastrophe so it was better to hide the last
remnants of the Miao tribe under the oblivion spell.

But before Xiang Ruxia was able to sing the oblivion spell, the tribe's people had rounded up
infront of the tree where they decorated the tree with the Miao Tribe's clothing patterns and silver

Then they sang the tribe's cultural anthem one last time.

The surprise stunned both Hongli and Xiang Ruxia that tears began to form in their eyes. Hongli
held Hong-er tighter in his arms and lowered his head to them once again until the very last line.

Xiang Ruxia wiped away her tears and composed herself. She gave her final thanks and last
message on behalf of her family before she sang the oblivion spell.

When the song ended. The crowd began to shift uneasily as if they were confused. Xiang Ruxia
couldn't bear to see the sight so she quickly covered her head with a long vail before turning to her
family and taking Hong-er from Hongli's arms.

Xiang Ruxia swallowed her tears and tried to speak as normal as possible, "L-let's leave."

Hongli turned around and kissed her on her forehead before leaning down and kissing his son's
nose. He clasped his hand on her before whispering, "We'll be fine. I promise."

When the family took a step, a granny like voice was suddenly heard from behind them.

"Excuse me young lady... May I know what happened? One moment I remember I was doing the
laundry and the next second I'm already here."

Xiang Ruxia didn't move. It was her grandmother's voice.

Hongli quickly responded for her. "There was a problem at the village that's why everyone was
temporarily stunned. Everything's fine now."

The granny looked delighted and relieved, "Why, thank you young man.. " She then quickly turned
to eveyone else behind her. "Everyone! They saved us!"

They all began to cheer and Hongli quickly tried to settle them down. "No, no, we were just passing
by and happened to have witnessed the scene. It's the gods doing, not us."

The granny placed a hand on his shoulder. "Young man, what can we do to help in return?"

Hongli turned to his wife for a moment. She kept her head low and her fists clenched. He decided it
wouldn't be best if he asks her to take over or give one final message so he responded for her once

"Nothing granny, you've done enough." This was a fact. This granny had actually done much more
for him.

When Xiang Ruxia's father was still opposed to their marriage, it was her who was able to talk and
convince the former chief to give him the benefit of a doubt.
His heart breaks at the thought that this would be their final meeting. He forced back the tears and
hid it with a chuckle before responding,

"...Perhaps you may show us the way to XianLe kingdom?"

"Hong-er... Do you know what this is?"

"M-mn." The three-year old child sitting on his father's lap responded and shook his head.

"Húdié, say it my boy."

"H.. Hudie."

"Atta boy."

The father chuckled and the child clutched the silver butterfly toy on his fingers. They had been
living in Xianle for almost three years now in which was also the same as Hong-er's age.

They also managed to buy a stable home after moving so many times and his job as a merchant was
enough to feed their family.

Hong-er is only three years old but he was advanced compared to normal kids his age. At this age,
he already knew how to talk but his shyness tends to make it seem otherwise.

It was currently the golden hour, the sun's golden rays reflected on their home's windows and the
sound of the busy street echoed in the background. Hongli was sitting on the floor with Hong-er on
his lap.

The child fiddled with the silver butterfly and traced its designs with his finger. "Húdié" He
repeated in a low voice.

"That's right. Such a smart little brat you are! You're a troublesome kid but atleast your intelligence
pays off." He laughed.

The small child got on his knees and turned to face him with his tiny hands leaning against his
chest for support. "A-die, mama likes flowers and a-die likes butterflies. What should Hong Hong-
er like?"

He watched his father look up for a second as if he was thinking. "Hmm... Maybe Hong-er should
like stems and leaves?"

The child frowned, obviously caught up that his father was teasing him again which made Hongli
laugh out loud.

The child whined, "Hong-er don't like greens. Mama makes Hong-er eat them, they taste bad!"

"Alright, alright. Baba won't make Hong-er eat greens." He cooed before picking up Hong-er under
his arms before making him sit on his lap again.
Hong-er looked back on the silver butterfly toy on his hand. "Why do a-die like butterflies?"

"Hmm, because humans came from butterfly eggs from the mother butterfly of course!"

Hong-er looked to him then back at the butterfly. "A-die came from the butterfly egg too?"

Hongli nodded. He then nudged his nose against Hong-er's stomach aiming for his ticklish side as
he teased. "That's right. It's also said that the mama butterfly will eat little brats like you who don't
eat their greens!"

Hong-er squirmed under him and laughed. "A-die is lying."

Hongli raised a brow, "Oh? How is it lying?"

Hong-er pointed his finger at him. "A-die doesn't eat greens and he's still alive."


This brat.

"How about we talk about something else."

Hong-er nodded his head. "A-die... Why do we gift presents to people we like?"

Oh he wanna talk about this now.

A grin came back to Hongli's face and pulled him close. "Because we chose them." He responded.

Hong-er frowned. "But what if I like many people? Will Hong-er will buy them gifts too?"

"Well that depends but this is different. Our tribeㅡ our family has a tradition. If we believe in
someone, we have to give them a special but meaningful gift."

Hong-er pursed his lips for a moment before his eyes twinkled. "Like mama's flower hairpin?? Did
a-die give that to her?"

Hongli nodded. "If we gift them a very special gift, it means that we chose them because we are
willing to protect, love, care, and cherish them. For example, when Hong-er grows up and likes
someone, he can gift that person that has a significance to him like a silver ring or a silver butterfly

Hong-er's lips formed an 'o' shape before his eyes landed on the butterfly toy on his hands. He lifted
his hands to show him the toy. "Did mama gift this to a-die?"

When he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen a mischievous smile formed on his lips. "Yeah,
your mama did a lousy job though. When I asked her the meaning, she told me that the flower's pair
was the butterfly because one day, baba would have to suck the nectar out of theㅡ"

"Hongli." A low but dreadful voice warned from behind them.

"Suck?" Hongli tilted his head in confused. "What's a-die going to suck?"

Xiang Ruxia quickly grabbed Hong-er out of his lap just before Hongli broke out laughing.

"Mama!" Hong-er's eyes twinkled when he faced her. "A-die told meㅡ"

"I heard." She responded coldly before flashing a glare to him.

"What? He's a curious child. What'd you expect?" Hongli responded with a teasing tone.

Xiang Ruxia sighed helplessly, "Unbelievable." She muttered to herself before turning to Hong-er.
She noticed the silver butterfly pin on his hand and she smiled.

"Did A-die told Hong-er about the butterfly?"

Hog-er nodded. "A-die said we came from mama butterfly."

The mother gave an approving nod. "And what happens if humans disobey their mama butterfly?"

Hong-er frowned and hid his face against his mother's robes. "Mama butterfly will eat humans if
they don't eat greens."

Xiang Ruxia then turned to face her husband. "Exactly. Mama butterfly will whip mischievous
humans who goes against her wishes."

Although that response was already obvious that it was directed to Hongli, the man didn't seem
affected. In fact his smile tugged even more. "Oh do punish this naughty human."

Xiang Ruxia's eyes squinted at him for a second before her eyes widened and quickly turned away.

"Shameless. Shameless." She muttered to herself once more before bringing Hong-er to the kitchen
to eat.

Nightfall came and Xiang Ruxia had just finished singing her Lullaby with Hongli sitting on the
other side of the bed.

He whispered, "You sing the same spell everyday. You know very well that the seal is enough to
protect him. You'll just tire yourself out like this."

Xiang Ruxia tucked Hong-er under the covers with a worried look on her face. "It's not a protection
spell but a purifying spell. I'm worried, what if that thing you told me is already clinging to Hong-
er without me noticing. I have to make sure Hong-er isn't bearing any grudge that could potentially-

"Xianghua" Hongli whispered as he placed a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down.

He assured her, "The seal will protect him. I won't stop you from singing those spells if it assures
you but don't forget that all our people are supporting our child with their powers in him as well."
Xiang Ruxia nodded. She gave one last look to Hong-er before mumbling, "I'm going to sleep
now." She then began walking towards the door and closing it behind her.

Hongli watched the door for a moment before sighing.

"I know you're awake."

Hong-er opened his eyes almost instantly before his face flushed guiltily. "A-die knew?"

Hongli playfully rolled his eyes. "Don't think you can fool your old man, little one! I'm wiser than I

Hong-er looked like he was about to disagree though. Noticing this, Hongli frowned. "What is it?"

"Mama keeps saying a-die is stupid and shameless."

Hongli almost broke out laughing. He forced himself to look at him scoldingly, "Hey! If you don't
want to get swatted atleast try to be on my good side so I won't tell mama your still awake!"

Hong-er smiled. After a long moment of silence he spoke softly once again, "Mama said Hong
Hong-er shouldn't bear a grudge. Why?"

Oh, he was listening too.

Hongli casually leaned against the bed and used his palm and elbows for support. "Because our
family believes in belief, not hatred. When we hate or bear a grudge, we forget our morals and
beliefs and act upon what we think is punishable. I'm not saying we shouldn't fight back, I'm saying
that we should fight back without letting go of our belief. "

Hong-er gave him a long look. Ah that was probably too much for him to process.

"Ah what I'm saying is, Hong-er should have his belief or reason to live so that when the time
comes he's in despair, he won't loose sight on what's infront of him."

Hong-er nodded slowly. He whispered, "How do we choose whom to believe in?"

"Good question. I actually don't know either it just clicks to you when the time comes. You'll know
if it's the one when the time comes when you loose all hope and then that person suddenly just
swoops in and changes your life forever."


Hong-er was silent the whole time afterwards, looking as if he was taking in on those words
carefully until a yawn eventually escaped him.

"Alright, I think this is enough talking. Your mama will kill me if she finds out you're way past
your bedtime now."

Hong-er made a quiet gasp, "Like mama butterfly!"

Hongli laughed for a good while. "Yes like mama butterfly." He responded with chuckles in
between as he tucked Hong-er underneath the covers and brushed the blanket evenly.
"Goodnight, kid."

"Night night a-die.."

Chapter End Notes

Historical notes:

The human coming from the eggs of mother butterflies is actually one of the Miao culture


Lots of feels on this one😭😭😭 Beware for what's about to come on the next chapter
though. I know it's contradicting on what I'm showing you and what Wu Ming is saying when
he described Hongli but it would all make sense next chapter.

Also... The spirit on the first half actually has a connection to what's going to happen to Xie
Lian after Wu Ming you know.... dies. (just a note)

About the oblivion spell I actually got idea that from Harry Potter XD

Tell me your thoughts? ❤️

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Same Blood, Different Temperature pt. 2
Chapter Notes

13k words I'm gonna cry 😭

probably the longest chapter I've ever wrote so far in any chapter.
I debated whether or not I should split this into two but nah fuck it.

Enjoy this chapter ❤️

(P. S. I'm half-asleep when I wrote this so please forgive the grammatical errors if you find

⚠️CW: Bone cracking and child abuse. May readers proceed with caution.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

"A-die is so tall.." Hong-er muttered.

Hongli huffed. He lifted his head up to the child sitting on his shoulders and clutching his hair to
the point he was somewhat already expecting for his hair to get ripped out if he applied anymore

"You brat.. you're complaining that it's too tiring to walk and now you're complaining that your a-
die is too tall. You're very hard to please, no woman will ever like you."

His wife beside him chuckled. "Ah, you're being to harsh on him."

Hongli gave her a look for a second. He pushed his lower lip to an angry pout. "If you knew how
tight he's gripping my hair you'd be telling him that instead of me."

Xiang Ruxia laughed softly. The trio continued to walk along the busy streets of XianLe during
night time. They had planned a little family outing in order to learn more about the traditions and
customs of XianLe. They roamed the streets buying toys and food during the daytime and leisurely
walked when the sun began to set until the moon was at its peak.

Though it looked like the little one's feet couldn't catch up anymore that he asked his father to carry
him. It was a little terrifying for him at first considering that he had never been carried that high
before and often unintentionally clutch his father's hair tighter than he intended to.

When his eyes landed on the lantern stalls his tiredness disappeared in an instant. His attention
peaked and his eyes twinkled at the sight, he (unintentionally) pulled his father's hair tighter again
to call his attention.

"A-die! A-die! Lanterns! Hong-er wants to make wishes!" He bounced excitedly from his father's
shoulders that Hongli instinctively tightened his grip on his legs incase he would accidentally fall.

"Calm down, calm down. We'll buy alright? You're so energetic." Hongli chuckled.
Xiang Ruxia smiled, "You're going to spoil him like that." She commented before walking infront
of her energetic son.

"If Hong-er wants to make wishes on lanterns he has to walk on the way back home. Deal?"

Hong-er pursed his lips before looking down to stare down at his father. His grip on his hair slightly
loosened before he gently wrapped his arms on Hongli's head as if he was hugging him to give his
thanks. He gently patted his right hand on his father's cheek. "Baba down.."

Hongli raised a brow at his wife with a smile on his face. "If he suddenly runs off don't blame me
for it."

He then carefully brought Hong-er down back to his feet before he began trotting off to the lantern
stall. He gripped the wooden counter tightly as he jumped excitedly. "Lantern! Lantern!"

Xiang Ruxia and Hongli exhanged glances for a second before a giddy smile formed on their faces
as they interwined their fingers and walked towards the booth.

"How many lanterns kid?" The booth owner asked.

Hong-er had his hands fully extended and wide open. "Many! Many! Hong-er wants one... two..
three thousand!!!" He demanded.

The booth owner blinked at him and remained quiet with his mouth slightly open. He didn't know
what to respond next until a voice was heard. "I think he meant only three." Hongli responded
when they reached behind Hong-er.

The booth owner softly laughed before handing them three lanterns. Hongli paid him before
walking to where the paints were laid out.

The three sat on an isolated grassy land with their paintbrushes.

"What does my Hong-er want to draw or wish for?" Xiang Ruxia asked.

Hong-er protectively hugged his lantern close as if he didn't want to show them yet. "Not yet..."

Xiang Ruxia giggled, "Mama is excited. Hong-er is quite the painter."

"And a messy one at that." Hongli added. Shivering at the memory when he cleaned the walls and
floors that was smudged with different colored paints everywhere as if a color bomb exploded out
of no where.

"Praise him a little would you? He's the creative type." Xiang Ruxia nudged him, earning a playful
eyeroll from her husband.

When they were done, they showed their lanterns one by one. Xiang Ruxia painted the scenery of
what their tribe's village used to look like, Hongli painted the dish that he liked when they ate
earlier, and Hong-er he painted...

Three figures. Two tall people on each side and a tiny one in the middle with a smile that was
almost exceeding its face. Hong-er smiled with a small smudge of black paint on his right cheek.
Hongli smiled proudly and Xiang Ruxia looked as if she was about to cry. Hong-er took their
silence as confusion so he pointed at the figures one by one. "This is mama, a-die, and Hong Hong-

It was now Hongli's turn to nudge his wife, "An expressive one too.." He added.

Xiang Ruxia placed two hands on her chest where her heart was located. "Oh baby, that's... Is that
Hong-er's wish?"

Hong-er nodded. "Hm-hm. I wish for mama butterfly to make mama and a-die Hong-er's parents

Tears were already streaming down her cheeks that Hongli already had a hand caressing her back to
soothe her. He teased. "Aiyah, you both are sappy crybabies. I think my tooth might rot."

Xiang Ruxia playfully punched his shoulder and laughed with tears in her eyes. "Alright, we'll
make sure the mother butterfly will make Hong-er's wish come true."

The three lit up their lanterns and together released it with Hong-er jumping as an additional effect.
The three watched their lanterns float alongside the other lanterns that were also floating above and
lighting the sky.

"Bai-bai" Hong-er waved and bid his last goodbye before finally breaking his eye contact on his
lantern and running off to catch up with his parents. He held their hands together tightly, with his
mother on his right and his father on his left and walked home together.

It was silent the whole walk until Hong-er lifted his head to Hongli. "A-die, what if mama butterfly
doesn't get my lantern?" He frowned. His cheeks puffed cutely with tears forming on the corner of
his eyes.

"If mama butterfly ignores Hong-er's lantern, a-die will break her neck and rip her wings off."

"Hongli!" Xiang Ruxia scolded playfully.

Hong-er didn't seem affected though, in fact his smile grew instead. "A-die promises?"

"A-die never breaks his word."

Hong-er held their hands tightly as he jumped and cheered in excitement.

A loud crash was heard followed by a loud scream and cries echoed the house. Xiang Ruxia who
was been cleaning the sink in the kitchen suddenly bolted inside the room where the cries had been
coming from. She quickly opened the door and her face paled.

Papers were scattered on the floor, the chair was broken and her child was sitting on the floor
crying his eyes out.

She quickly picked him up and held him close, "Hong-er, Shh, shh, I got you..What's wrong.."
Her eyes continued to travel around the room until her gaze landed on her husband who was
leaning with his hand against the wall for support.

"A-Li... What's going on? Why is Hong-er crying like this?"

Hong-er clutched her robes tighter. What really made her anxious was the fact that Hong-er's
breaths were all sharp and his entire body was trembling in fear.

Hongli suddenly faced the two of them and placed a hand to cover the left side of his face as if his
left eye was stinging.

Xiang Ruxia's eyebrows furrowed. "A-Li? What's goingㅡ"

When she took a step forward, Hong-er's cries intensified that she immediately halted her steps.
She initially thought an accident had occured but.. Judging from her son's reactions, her blood ran
cold at the thought.

'Don't tell me he's...' Xiang Ruxia looked as if she couldn't believe it. 'scared of him?'

To placate his son's cries she took a step back and rubbed Hong-er's back to soothe his cries. No,
Hongli wouldn't hurt him. She told herself. She knew how much Hongli loved their child as much
as he loved his people and her. He would never...

But to think Hong-er was afraid of him when they have such good chemistry together was truly...

"A-Li?" She called once again and Hongli suddenly snapped his head. He looked sweaty and
breathless as if he had just finished running miles. He took a deep breath and scrutinized his wife's
worried look.

He looked around and was shocked to see the papers and mess inside the room. "I-... what..."

His attention was then immediately diverted to Hong-er's cries. He took a step forward and reached
out a hand, "Kid, What's the mattㅡ"

Hong-er screamed. "GET AWAY!! GET AWAY! MAMA! MAMA!!"

Hongli's hand froze for a second before he quickly drew it back. Xiang Ruxia didn't know what to
do when she saw the heartbroken look on her husband's face.

Hong-er never rejected his father's touch before. Much less scream so loud as if he was screaming
for his life! Not to mention how Hong-er always tend to speak in a soft tone, hearing him scream
and yell was truly worrying.

Xiang Ruxia faced her child and continued rubbing his back. "Hong-er? It's okay, it's only a-die."

Hong-er shook his head and clutched her robes tighter. "No, no, no, noㅡ"

Hongli didn't look any better. He tried to close their distance again with his hands open. "Son, I- are
you mad? Did.. a-die do something? I don'tㅡ"
"Mean." Hong-er pointed out. He didn't face him and buried his head deeper into his mother's robe.

Mean and scary. What other words to horrify a father knowing that was how his son described

Hongli looked crushed. He took a step back and paced around the room trying to remember the last
few seconds before he heard his wife barge in. But everything was a blur and he couldn't remember
a single thing!

Just what had he done?

He took deep breaths and tried to compose himself but there was this burning sensation in his chest
that he couldn't help but feel hot and irritable.

"I'll take Hong-er to his room for a breather. He'll come around when he's calm." Xiang Ruxia
assured him before walking away with Hong-er in her arms.

Hongli remained in that room looking beyond confused and heartbroken. Never had Hong-er
rejected him like that. He was scared, like he was scared for his life.

He sat on the floor with his fingers wrapped around his head trying to remember what happened.
After noticing the chair, he had a guess that he must've thrown that and scared the living life out of
his son, but why would he do that?

He would neverㅡ

"Tsk. Tsk."

A voice suddenly whispered in his ear. Hongli snapped his head and looked around the room. He
quickly stood on his knees and braced himself for any unexpected attack. But the longer he scanned
the room, there more he found that there was truly no one else but him.

Was he just imagining it?

"Throwing a fit like that infront of a child right after a small provocation. Hongli, I thought you
said you'd protect him?"

Hongli turned around to the sound of the voice once more but once again, nobody was there. But
that voice was definitely familiar.

"How dare you!! Show yourself you coward!"

"Ripping your son's drawing like that after he so heartedly drew that for hours just to present it to
you. Such a father figure you truly are."

Hongli's eyebrows furrowed. What drawings? His eyes scanned the room once more until his gaze
caught sight of ripped pieces of paper scattered on the floor. He slowly knelt down and picked the
pieces one by one.

His eyes widened and he felt his heart squeeze. He felt it squeeze so much that it hurt.
It was a drawing of him with a sword on his hand and smiling proudly as if he had lead his troops
to a thousand victories.

What have he done?

"I would never...How could I..." His breath hitched. He felt his blood run cold at the sight. He
would never ruin any of his son's art papers. How could heㅡ

"Your son must be very heartbroken right now, so much for all that talk of protecting him when
you can't even protect yourself. You must be very frustrated right now, aren't you? Do you

Hongli inhaled a shaky breath and picked the ripped pieces one by one. He ignored the whispers
until they eventually stopped. A part of his subconscious was telling him that the whispers were
actually his own thoughts but he didn't want to dwell on that problem any longer. He laid out the
ripped pieces one by one and glued them together.

He could still fix this. He could still fix this.

Nightfall came and Hongli stood infront of the door that lead to Hong-er's room. When his wife
went out, he kept his son's paper hidden behind his back.

Xiang Ruxia sighed softly. "I managed to calm him down. He's asleep now so just talk to him

"Oh.." Hongli responded and kept his head low. Xiang Ruxia looked heartbroken. She placed both
hands on either side of his cheek to lift his face before she leaned in and kissed his forehead.

When his eyes glanced back to her. She spoke, "You owe me an explanation."

They both sat down for tea. He explained to her that he didn't have a memory whatsoever and that
it all happened out of the blue before he was even able to realize it had already happened. Xiang
Ruxia had her arms crossed but she wasn't mad. In fact she was worried.

"Is it those side effects again? The spell you did was dangerous after all..."

Hongli had both hands supporting his head and clutched his hair tightly. "I don't understand. Hong-
er was never this afraid of me before! It's driving me nuts."

Xiang Ruxia stood up from her chair and hugged him tightly. "He's only shocked that's all. He
doesn't mean what he said earlier. I'm sure he'll forgive you once he's ready to talk."

Hongli's hand moved to cover his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. He mumbled under his
breath. "Seeing Hong-er like this... It.. It.. ." breaks my heart.

"Shh, shh, you'll be fine. Come now. Let's head back to our room and I'll sing you a mind purifying
spell to help you calm down. How's that?"

After a short moment, Hongli's head lifted to face her. He actually looked like he was about to cry.

"You really won't charge me for it?" He mumbled.

Xiang Ruxia laughed softly. "Not this time."

His wife sang him the purifying spell as promised. It helped him calm down to some extent. The
next day came by and Hong-er seemed to be finally willing to talk again. Hongli entered his room
and apologized to him before handing him back the drawing he glued together.

Hong-er was still slightly wary of him but he was responding with small nods and accepted his

Hongli tucked him to bed diligently to close the distance between them as suggested by Xiang
Ruxia in which thankfully seemed to have worked.

But just when they thought everything was finally fine, it happened again. Not once, not twice, not
thrice, Hongli wakes up to the same nightmare where his son was already crying in agony and what
was left of him was a little to no memory of what happened.

He would have particles of memory sometimes, where he was provoked by only a few times by the
whispers and the next thing he knew, he was already directing his anger and frustration out on his

It was too much. Once or twice might still be forgivable and Hongli was trying his best along with
his wife whom was also beginning to become distressed by the situation.

They tried everything in their power until one day, Hongli had done something worse.

"A-Li! A-Li! Stop!" Xiang Ruxia pleaded and kept pulling Hongli's arm from walking out the

"Xianghua... Don't stop me." Her husband muttered in a low voice.

"A-Li, please don't leave! Hong-er can't grow up without a fatherㅡ"

"I'm not a father!!!!" Hongli snapped as he turned to her and slapped her hand away.

That slap stung. It stung so much that her hand turned red but she paid it no mind and swallowed
down her tears. But she wasn't crying because of the pain, she was crying because her husband was
leaving!! He was gonna leave just like how they left their soldiers and how they left their tribe's
people! She couldn't allow that to happen! Not again!!

She inhaled a deep breath and gently placed both hands on either side of his arms. Her voice
trembled, "A-Li... Please, let's just talk about this for a second, okay? You.. You can't leaveㅡ"

"Xianghua..." His voice sounded as if his patience was growing thinner by the second, "Are you
seriously allowing me to stay under the same roof as that kid? Do you have any idea how much
pain I inflicted on to that child?"

"I know, I know. But let's just please think about this through. If you leave now, Hong-er will grow
to hate you! I don't want this problem to prolong any longer!"
He clenched his fists and casted her a glare, "Xianghua... Don't stop me."

But Xiang Ruxia wasn't willing to back down. "A-Li! We will find a way to deal with this together!
Hong-er is still a child, he will one day understand! If you leave now and grows up without a father
by his side, he will never forgive youㅡ"

"I FUCKING HURT HIM!" Hongli yelled angrily.

Xiang Ruxia was taken back by the sudden raise of his voice and remained quiet.

Hongli took a step forward and argued once more, "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! KEEPING

Xiang Ruxia's head lowered and she clenched her fists as well. "But if you leaveㅡ"

"So what if I leave?!" Hongli interrupted. "You're scared that our son would resent me? Incase you
haven't realized it yet, HE ALREADY DOES!! So what good does it do to any of us if I remain
here any longer?!! If anything, it'd just make him hate me even more!!"

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" Xiang Ruxia yelled back in response. Tears steamed down her cheeks as

Hongli pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "Xianghua... I'm not going away forever.
I'm just going to train in XianLe's army for a few years to give our son some space. Hong-er can't
grow up in an environment where his father beats him for no good reason."

His gaze landed on both his hands as he added, "I... I can't live every single day in shock and
misery knowing that I've hurt him again.. He doesn't deserve anymore pain."

Xiang Ruxia remained quiet for a long moment before wiping her tears. She muttered, "But what if
you don't come back? What am I going to do?"

Hongli stared at her for a second before pulling her for a hug. "I'll come back, I promise. I just need
to get away from our son. He'll be fine without me."

More tears streamed down on Xiang Ruxia's cheeks before she finally managed a nod. She
mumbled after a moment, "Atleast say goodbye to him first."

Hongli swallowed hard.

He walked to the door leading to Hong-er's room with careful steps. He took a deep breath and held
the silver butterfly with his right hand and gripped the silver accessory close to him.

He raised his other hand to knock on the door three times slowly.

There was no response.

He kept his voice calm, "Hong-er? Can you come out so we can talk?"

There was no response again.

Hongli's breath trembled, ".... please?"

He then heard muffled footsteps that made his heart skip a beat. But then there was a stop and
silence once again. The man immediately understood, he was hesitating.

Hongli's heart broke and he felt suffocated. He would never and never be able to forgive himself
nor would he able to get used to their distance like this.

He was not a man to break his word, yet the very first person he betrayed had to be his own son.
What once was a beautiful bond between them was now shattered to bits and pieces that could
never be fixed again.

So he was left with the only choice to leave.

Hongli took another shaky breath, "Son, I know you're mad at a-die. He doesn't blame you, he
deserves it..."

He stopped in his words. His chest rumbled and his eyes began to feel hotter before tears eventually
made their way into the corner of his eyes.

His voice sounded hoarse, "But a-die will leave now... Hong-er doesn't need to lock himself in his
room anymore. He won't get nightmares, heㅡHe won't cry or scream anymore..."

Hongli waited for a response. He felt undeserving but his heart yearned for the sound of the door
unlocking to atleast see him before he leaves.

But only the long silence greeted him once more.

Hongli's eyelids lowered and his grip on the silver butterfly toy slightly loosened. He somewhat
had already expected this response, yet it still hurts on his part as a father.

He slowly kneeled down on one knee and carefully placed the silver butterfly on the wooden floor
before staring up the door for a long moment.

He held on to his last breath and final hope that the door would open or atleast hearing a response.

But once again his hope was for naught, let out a quiet breath and stood up before quietly leaving.

When the sound of the main door had closed, Hong-er opened the door slightly and peeked with his
left eye to see but not a soul was found at his doorstep. His gaze lowered where he immediately
spotted the silver butterfly sitting on the floor.

Only then did he fully emerge from hiding behind the door and standing infront of it. He stared at
that silver butterfly for a long moment before wet droplets stained the wooden floor around the
silver toy.

Soft cry and whimpers surrounded the room before the child crouched down to hug his knees and
cry silently.
Hongli applied for a soldier position in the XianLe army. He overheard a conversation about it
while he was still a merchant. He made good use of the spirit's curse. The curse that filtered
everyone's memories and forgetting the Miao Tribe's contribution to the world and its people. With
that, people are unfamiliar with the Miao tribe's artifacts and accessories that thankfully deemed
valuable when he began selling it.

So when he overheard that the King was looking for new and potential candidates that would be a
great additional asset to the army, he thought about it deeply for a long time before finally signing
his name on the scroll of applying candidates. There were lots of people applying and if he was
qualified, he would immediately be sent away to train.

It should be good. Being part of the army means having a better wager than being a merchant
where one's wagers would depend on his business skills. His family wouldn't need to worry about
when their next delicious meal would be.

And most especially,

He would be away from Hong-er. The curse on his left eye already proved to still have a connection
with Hong-er so it shouldn't be a bother anymore now that he was away.

He can fulfill his father's duties this way. He can provide for his family and his son wouldn't be
abused by him anymore.

So why does it still hurt?

Hongli could only think of it as punishment and nothing more.

He was a chief in his own tribe's army so it wasn't a challenge for him to get in. The only thing he
needed to get used to was Xianle army's own style of fighting but that didn't prove to be anymore
of a challenge either.

Whenever there was a fight off, he would secretly use his tribe's tricks that would lead him to a
secured victory and it worked everytime. His new comrades praised him for it and his seniors
recognized him too.

Weeks turned to months, months turned to a year, and a year turned to another year in a flash. He
was given promotion after promotion and immediately shot up to the ranks like it was nothing.
Everyone was proud of him, while the others have been bitter but not a single one of them raised
Hongli's spirit. In his mind, he had been doing this out of duty, like this was what he was supposed
to do. It was for his tribe, his family, and for his son.

He never missed a deadline of sending them the money they need for their daily spending. He
would also send letters to assure his wife and would occasionally ask how Hong-er was doing even
though Xiang Ruxia never forgets to write about what was happening with Hong-er.

When he wrote about the king's acknowledgement of him, promoting him as the army's general
himself and granting him the opportunity to give special lessons to the kingdom's crown prince, his
wife had never been more proud of him and didn't miss to pour all that in their letters.

While Hongli was ofcourse grateful from the enormous amount of support from the king, his heart
still couldn't count this as a success but rather just a side distraction from what his original goal
was: To stop the curse and finally coming back home.
He began training the crown prince and luckily the curse didn't seem to react around him. Perhaps
it was a given considering the fact that Xianle's crown prince was born under a lucky star.

He couldn't help it but whenever he was around of the crown prince... His demeanor would change.
The way he instructed him and the way he would drop some life pointers that wasn't even part of
the training anymore made it seem like he wasn't doing it out of his job as a general and instructor

But rather... His father instincts were kicking in.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that Xianle's crown prince was still a kid and the way his eyes
were so determined reminded him of his own child back home.

That thought was enough to lock him into his own room to cry all night. That was the problem
wasn't it? He missed Hong-er to the point that he was letting it out on someone else's own child.

It pained him but it gave him a sense of relief at the same time. Xianle's crown prince was also
good at understanding people that he didn't even realize that he was already spilling some of his
family problems to the crown prince before he even realized it. But he was thankful for the heavens
about that too..

...because it finally gave him the confidence to go back home.

When Hongli arrived back to their home, it was much better than before he remembered. With the
help of his great salary, he was able to come back home to a house that his family deserved.

A course of different emotions flooded him at the same time: He was feeling happy, excited,
doubtful, worried, and many more.

He didn't announce in his letters that he was coming back home so it was really much of a surprise.
He took a deep breath and knocked on the main door.

Truth be told, he didn't come back here just for a vacation. He came back here with a plan in mind.
A plan for a scenario that was unavoidable in their family. Incase the curse acts again, atleast his
son would be safe and prepared.

The sound of the door unlocking snapped him out of his thoughts. He kept his mind quiet and
emotions steady, it had been two whole years since he last saw his own wife and son. He had been
given a lot of chances to come back earlier but his fear of hurting his son again haunted him so he
kept reasoning that he had the kingdom's priority at first.

The door finally opened. The soothing flowery-fragrance that he had expected was not the scent
that greeted him at the door but rather, a different yet familiar scent instead.

Hongli's heart skipped a beat as he realized. His eyes glanced down and what greeted him was a
five-year old boy standing with red robes and longer black hair that was tied to a braid. But what
really caught his attention first was the sight of the child's crimson right eye.

Hong-er was finally standing infront of him after two agonizing years had passed.
Hongli blinked fast to snap himself back to reality before giving the boy a nervous smile. He
opened his mouth to speak but Hong-er's shift of expression caught attention instead.

At first he was equally shocked, then the corner of his eyes teared up and his lower lip wobbled as
if he was about to cry. He remained on his position and didn't utter a word but he could sense
nervousness radiating from the child.

Hongli took a deep breath, he prepared himself for this moment.

"Hong-er.." He took a careful step forward but the boy took a step backwards in response. He
looked away from him before trotting off probably to alert his mother that the monster who beated
him two years ago had finally decided to come home..

He then heard muffled voices coming from the other room before two figures emerged from the
room not long after.

The sight of the beautiful woman he married was enough to wash away his thoughts in an instant.
Her breaths were heavy and she looked like she was about to cryㅡ god she was so beautiful. She
also looked exactly like that on the day he asked her to marry him.

"A-Li.." She whispered.

Hongli dropped the bag he was carrying and opened his arms for an inviting hug. "I'm home,

In an instant she quickly ran to his embrace and hugged him tightly. She cried in his embrace for a
long while with Hongli whispering sweet assurances near her ear.

She raised her head with tears in her eyes that was streaming down on her rosy cheeks. "I was so
worried you weren't coming home soon, I- This is so sudden, why didn't you mention that you were
coming back?"

Hongli smiled warmly and wiped those tears away as he whispered. "I told you I would come home
didn't I?"

His wife hugged him again before the sound of light footsteps caught her attention. She quickly
wiped her tears and turned her head to the child still standing at the door.

She opened her arms and smiled, "Come here Hong-er, say hi to a-die..."

Hong-er held his other arm and stood there nervously that made Hongli worry. What if it was too
much for him?

He spoke with a low tone, "Xianghua.. don't force him."

"Don't worry." She responded before turning back to the child. "Hong-er also missed a-die didn't
he? come greet your father."

Hong-er stared at her in silence for a few seconds before walking towards them. Hongli held his
breath as he watched Hong-er slowly turn to face him. He had his head lowered as if he couldn't
look at him as he mumbled,

"Welcome home..."
Hongli smiled. He reached out a hand to pet his hair but once again, the child stepped back. The
father frowned in response but his wife quickly assured him, "He's just nervous don't worry. Just
give him time to adjust. But in the meantime, let's eat to celebrate a-die's accomplishments!" Xiang
Ruxia then stepped forward and reached out a hand to Hong-er.

Hong-er held her hand and gave a subtle nod before Hongli watched them walk towards the

Suddenly there was a lump in his throat and the air seemed to be thicker than before. He should be
happy, he was finally home. He was able to see his family again so why...

Despite being so close to them again, he still felt so distant.

His heart squeezed at the thought of what his wife told him before he left was true.

Hong-er was growing apart from him.

Dinner time was slightly awkward. Whenever he asked Hong-er some questions he would give
short curt answers that left Xiang Ruxia to elaborate for him everytime.

"I can see that Hong-er still likes to wear red.. Is red still Hong-er's favorite color or is it because
that's the only color his mama makes him wear?"

Xiang Ruxia frowned at the latter part at the same time Hong-er gave his answer,


"You know," Hongli began again. "On the way back, I noticed some silver accessories being sold
and found a particular accessory that would look good on Hong-er. Do you want to go out and buy
it tomorrow?"

"too much accessories.."

"Ah.. What about butterflies and other toys? Does Hong-er still play with them?"


"Do you want us to go buy tomorrow?"

"No. tiring."

Hongli chuckled nervously, "A-die can carry you. Hong-er doesn't need to walkㅡ"

"don't wanna leave tomorrow." He answered.

He then took a few more bites before standing up with his plate and leaving the dining room. Xiang
Ruxia stood up and tried to stop him, "Hong-er wait!"
But the child had already left the room and didn't come back. Xiang Ruxia sighed before walking to
his side, "I'm truly sorry for his behavior. I'll go talk to himㅡ"

"No.." Hongli interrupted. He palmed his forehead and covered his eyes. "Give him space.." He

Xiang Ruxia sighed before coming over to his side and giving him a rub on his back. "He'll come
around don't worry.."

Hongli brushed his hair back and tugged it as he leaned against the table with elbows propped up
for support. He squeezed his eyes shut.

'I prepared for this. I prepared for this.'

What matters is that Hong-er should atleast be prepared for the worst...

For when the time comes he really looses himself.

"You're doing it wrong. Again."

Hong-er stood straight before putting himself in another sword stance with a wooden sword on one

He was having a slight difficulty in maintaining his balance but he tried his best not to move and
keep his stance straight.

"Maintain your equilibrium and grip your sword tighter! You'll loose your sword in a second with a
grip like that!" His father commanded.

Hong-er did as he told. He maintained his stance and gripped his sword tighter but no matter what
he did, nothing seemed to please his father that it began to irritate him.

Not to mention he was suddenly called first thing in the morning to 'build his qi' or whatever his
father had mentioned. They've been doing this the whole day and he was getting tired.

"tired." He muttered.

He broke his stance and stared up his father. He saw him open his mouth looking like he was about
to retaliate but a sigh escaped his mouth instead.

Not to mention that was the first word that escaped his mouth since they began training. He
wouldn't have gone outside if it weren't for his mother trying to convince him otherwise.

His father then finally allowed him to go back inside. When he did, he ran inside to look for his
mother but she had unknowingly already gotten outside to talk with his father. So he followed her
closely and overheard them talking,

"Don't you think it's a little too early for him to be building his qi?"
He then heard his father's voice next, "If he has the ability to do so then naturally he can build his
qi at any age. He has his ancestors gifts passed down to him, he should be able to do it."

His mother then argued, "It's not that I don't believe he can't do it, it's just that why should he start
his training early? I don't want him to overexert himself. Handling all of our tribe's powers in a
seal is no joke!"

"It's exactly because it's not a joke that he should start early! The sooner he builds core the more
controlled he would be with his powers the moment the seal breaks again!"


The two continued to argue until it drilled a hole in Hong-er's heart. They were arguing again.

They were arguing about something he couldn't understand. About something he couldn't help his
mother with.

He leaned against the wall and continued to listen.

"Xianghua, you know what kind of power is sealed within our son. It's the kind of power many
people tried to steal back in our tribe. If the time comes someone tries to steal it from him, our
people's sacrifice would be all for naught!"

"I understand that of course. I understand that power better than anyone! But I only wish for Hong-
er to continue living his childhood without this kind pressure. Atleast give him another year or
month? Or just focus on fixing your relationship with him first. Atleast in this way, you two can
bond withoutㅡ... "

Hong-er couldn't listen anymore and ran straight to his room. He closed the door and hugged his

He didn't know if he was happy his father was back or not. He was atleast happy seeing his mother
smiling more than ever but... seeing them arguing made him feel scared and want to run away.

Even though he couldn't understand what they were saying, the root of the argument was clear.

They were arguing because of him.

A few weeks came by and they continued training everyday. His father was getting more and more
strict and he was even unintentionally yelling at him now.

Hong-er couldn't understand what his father wanted of him. He couldn't understand why he's doing
any of this! When he had the heart to ask, the only answer he had gotten was because he needed to
train his powers in order to break the seal and to keep himself from harm.

What seal and what harm?!

He has seen some guards patrolling the streets and they've never been broken in! So what danger
was his father implying exactly?

He would continue to leave him in the dark and force him to take lessons he didn't want and asked
that it irritated him.
He never heard praises, only complaints!

"Focus Hong-er. You're breaking your stance. Your qi won't build in that state!"

"You can't protect people with that lousy form!"

"This is ridiculous. I've given you the same pointers everytime! What's the matter?!"

"You can't stop now. If the time comes that someone would try to take your power away from you,
who can protect you?!"

"You can't even do this right. We've been over this many timeㅡ"

Hong-er suddenly threw his wooden sword on the ground. He threw it too hard that it snapped into
two and interrupting his father's words. He clenched his fists and for the first time in years,


Tears streamed down his cheeks. "YOU MAKE ME DO THINGS I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

Hongli looked at him stunned.

TAKE IT!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" He yelled before running upstairs to his room and
shutting the door.

He cried in his room that night. He wouldn't go out even if his mother begged him to. He never
denied his mother anything in his life before either.

He hated what he was feeling right now.

He hated himself.

"Hong-er?" A deeper voice muffled through the door this time.

Hong-er lifted his head and turned his head to the door. When he realized it was his father calling
him, his eyebrows furrowed and sunk his head back on his lap.

"Go away!!" He yelled.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I was harsh. It's my fault. I didn't realize I was being too harsh on you because I
was rushing things which only pressured you. But I was only doing it merely to shape you to

"I don't care!!! Go away!!" Hong-er interrupted.

"Hong-er, Please come outside and we'll talk properly."

"No!! Go away!!!! I don't want to see you!!"


He never heard a voice after that.

A year had gone by and another. His father sometimes leaves for work and sometimes comes home
after a few months. But whenever he did come back, their relationship with each other grew for the

He was still on set on training him even though he was much more patient than before. He gave
him breaks when he asked for it but he was still strict for the most part.

When he was at the age of 7 years old, he already mastered the basic stance and basic sword forms.
It was only at this age when his father began showing him different swords such as a sabre and a

The two were different swords but he figured that the scimitar was his father's choice of weapon
considering how more precise and detailed he was when he wielded it.

Whenever they were on break from their sword training, his father would teach him these weird
hand formations that he found silly and ... stupid.

He frowned whenever his father pushing him to follow his hand gestures so he had no choice but to
comply for the sake of his mother's smile. She watched them train once and would often scold his
father whenever she thought he was being too harsh so it wasn't long before his father had to
change their environment.

Hong-er didn't like the waking up early part the most. At first his mother seemed to reject the idea
but then she mentioned something about rebuilding their bond so she agreed in the end.

"I don't like this. It's weird." Hong-er muttered.

"This is important Hong-er. If you are to master your qi, you must learn how to use it. You will
cultivate using our tribe's method so that you will master your ancestorsㅡ"

"Tribe?" Hong-er suddenly asked.

Hongli gave him a look for a moment before turning away. "I meant, family. Our family has a
distinctive cultivation method. You will use that when the time comes your seal would be broken.".

It's that word again... Seal.

Hong-er clenched his fists at his side and remained quiet with no choice but to comply.

Another year passed and at this age, he could already feel a weird energy radiating through him. It
was like he could see it too. It was the color red like his right eye but more lighter unlike his
father's that was in a darker shade of red.
He could feel a different type of energy radiating through him. His father's energy was ten times
more powerful than his that it was often intimidating whenever he showed it.

He was grateful for the lessons (even though he didn't ask for it) but it didn't mean that their
relationship with each other turned for the better.

They've maintained this cold relationship with each other for years. It was much worse compared to
what his mother sees when they were together but atleast now he knew how to defend himself
whenever his father suddenly throws a tantrum and decides to hit him.

Was that his father's goal all along?

Hong-er shook his head. That was ridiculous thought. If that truly his goal then he shouldn't be
punching his kid in the first place!!

Hong-er remained in his bed and was left thinking for the whole night,

Was this really how their relationship was going to be from now on?

He turned to his side and closed his eyes. It couldn't be anymore worse than this, couldn't it?

"Weak. He's still weak. He'll never be strong enough to master your tribe's tactics!"

"Shut up.." Hongli muttered.

"He can never be ready for the devastation I'm about to bring upon him."

The veins on Hongli's forehead bulged. "Shut up..." He muttered again.

"I'll make sure that the moment he dies is when he is feeling the most resentful feeling in the
world. And when that time comes, nothing in this world can stop me from using him as a

"Shut up, shut up!" Hongli hissed.

"You were never powerful enough to stop me Hongli!"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" Hongli opened his eyes and saw the same mocking expression and voice
he saw and heard from the battlefield where he lost all of his soldiers.

It was staring upwards at him and everything else was a blur like he was in a dream. But that
mocking face spiked his anger more than anything.

The lips curled to a smile, "You can't stop me from killing him. This is his fate. To be born in a
powerful sect skilled in purifying powerful evil qi and being cursed as a half demon of my kind!

Hongli took it as a final straw he quickly leaned down and pulled its shoulders as he yelled.


He inhaled sharp breaths as everything continued to feel hazy around him. He could feel his ears
were ringing from too much yelling and the frustration in his chest was too much.

Then that blurry face looking back at him became clear as his vision came back.

Hongli's breath stopped and he stared at him wide-eyed.

The tiny arms he was gripping so tightly was still and trembling. And the face looking back at him
had his eyes fully widened with thick tears streaming down his face. His expression was full of
shock and misery.

"H-Hong-er" Hongli breathed out.

The child in his grip struggled as he tried to escape. His breath was all over the place and he was
crying non stop.

What have he done?

"I-I'm sㅡ"

Hong-er squeezed his eyes and screamed as he cried harder when he found his attempts to escape to
no avail.

What have he done?

He had never heard Hong-er cry like this again after he had first left to apply for Xianle army five
years ago.

"Son, I didn'tㅡ"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!! YOU'RE NO FATHER!!!" Hong-er yelled.

"Hong-er!!!" A voice full of alarm yelled from behind them.

When the two turned their heads, they saw Xiang Ruxia running over to them with a worried look
on her face.

She must've heard him when he screamed.

Seeing his wife made his grip on his son loosened. Hong-er immediately took this opportunity to
escape from his grip and run towards his mother.

Xianghua kneeled down and hugged him tightly trying to soothe him.

"Shh, shh, sweet child, I'm here. Mama is here."

Hongli could only watch them from behind. Just when he thought he could already control

And the problem was really him all along. He was the reason why his son was miserable, not the
spirit nor the curse.

"A-Li, what happened?" Xiang Ruxia asked still alarmed from the scream.

Hongli didn't respond. He sat there on his knees and remained quiet.

Hong-er continued crying in his mother's embrace and clutching tightly on her robe as if he had just
escaped from almost being killed.

How long has it been since he last heard Hong-er's laugh?

How long has it been since he last saw his son's smile?

How long has it been since he last felt his son's gentle touch?

How long has it been since he last carried him on his back?

When was the last time they made jokes together? Played pranks together? Whispering in son's ear
and assuring him that he will take care of everything.

... that he would protect him from everything.

How.. long has it been since he last heard him call him "a-die" or "baba" so sweetly?

He could vaguely remember a littler version of Hong-er running up to him and hugging his knees
as he stared at him with a mischievous smile and calling him "baba" that was so sweet to ears.

It broke his heart. It hurts so much. It hurts too much. The pain was too much, he was tiredㅡit was
too painful to bear.

He thought he was doing everything he can but really, he was only making it worse.

Hongli didn't face them and covered his mouth with a hand trying to muffle his sobs that he thought
were pathetic. He should've been the strongest in their family. He should be the one keeping his
family together.

Not the other way around.

That was it. The last straw. He really couldn't do anything now. The curse was going to fully posses
him sooner or later because he was the material that the spirit needed in order to spark resentment
in his son.

If only he had realized this sooner.

If there was really no other way to get rid of the spirits, then he needed to get rid of the target first.

As long as he didn't know where his son's whereabouts are, the spirit won't be able to touch him.

He won't be able to touch him.

Hongli wiped his tears and stood up. When he turned back to face him, his face and demeanor was
colder than before.

Xiang Ruxia was worried. "A-Li..." She whispered. The winds were growing harsher and greyish
clouds covered the sky.

"Let's head inside, please?" She sounded as if she was about to cry.

Hongli's fists clenched. This was the only way...

His son already sees him as the bad guy in their life. What else could he do?

Hongli raised his head upwards and took a deep breath. 'I'm sorry Xianghua, I'm sorry Hong-er..
This is all I can do now to protect you two.'

He glanced back at the two of them before his eyes fell on the child clutching on his mother's robe.
When him and the child made eye-contact, Hongli only needed to utter one word.


Xianghua and Hong-er visibly flinched.

"W-what?" Xianghua breathed out. It wasn't long before she took a step back and placed a hand
infront of Hong-er.

"A-Li.. What's going on?"

He didn't remove his gaze from him, "Leave." He ordered in a dreadful tone.

"HONGLI!!" Xiang Ruxia yelled.

It was too late. Hongli had marched up to them and grabbed Hong-er by the arm and roughly pulled
him to the main door. But before he could leave, Xiang Ruxia pulled him back.


Hongli shot her a glare. "Don't fucking stop me! I'm going to get rid of this bastard son for good!"

He could feel Hong-er's attempts to pull away but all his efforts were in vein as he held his arm
tighter and earning a yelp of pain from him.

At this point Xiang Ruxia was practically begging him, "You're hurting him!!! Hongli let him go
please!! Hurt me instead, don't take it out on him please!"

"Get out of my way!" Hongli pushed her away and turned to face Hong-er.

He gripped hong-er in both arms as he gave him a dreadful stare, "Remember this. Never return and
never show your face infront of me again. You hear me?!"

Hong-er continued to look at him frightenedly before his gaze shifted to where his mother was
currently trying to stand back up.

"NO!!" He yelled.
He continued "I WON'T LEAVE!! YOU CAN'T MAKE MEㅡ"

A loud slap echoed the room. Hongli gripped Hong-er's chin that the child began crying again.

"HONG-ER!" Xiang Ruxia yelled. She quickly tried to stand back up but Hongli threatened to
tightened his grip on him if she took another step.

Hongli then leaned down and whispered to him.

"You listen here you little brat. If you ever show your face in here again I will kill your mother. Do
you understand?"

Hong-er froze on the spot and looked at him wide-eyed. He stared at him for a long moment before
he finally stopped fighting back.

"Leave." He ordered.

Hong-er's lips wobbled as he took a few steps backwards before running off.

"No, No! HONG-ER!!" Xiang Ruxia yelled as she quickly ran after him but Hongli held her back
tightly on both arms and stopped her from going after their son. Xiang Ruxia only struggled in his
arms for half a second before she raised a hand and gave him a hard slap across the face.

Hongli remained in his position, unmoving. He couldn't look at her but she could hear her crying
miserably and taking in heavy breaths.

His wife never raised a hand on him before.

"How could you..." She gritted angrily.

"To threaten your son leave like that... HOW COULD YOU?!!!" She yelled.

Hongli turned away. And spoke indifferently, "Pack your things and whatever you need. The
money pouches are in our room, take them all and leave. Hong-er won't run off that far, it won't be
hard for you to find him."

"What?" She breathed out in disbelief.

Hongli shot her a glare. "You heard me. Leave with Hong-er and never come back."

"A-Li!!!" She yelled in agony as if she was going crazy before she fell on her knees and cried.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening! Y-you're going to separate our family too? I can't
bear that pain anymore! Not again! I don't want to!"

"XIANG RUXIA!!" He yelled. He had enough. He ordered, "You will pack your bags, find that
child, and never come near my sight again!"

Xiang Ruxia stood back up and glared back at him. "No. I will find our son before you and I are
going to have a serious talk!" She responded in a authoritative tone before walking outside and
finding Hong-er.
Hongli stood there for a long while before he slowly paced around the room anxiously. He can't
make them stay. It won't do any better if he was the one to leave because he knows where they are.
The spirit can just easily control him again and find them with ease.

They have to be the ones to leave! He continued pacing around the room before he quickly turned
his head to the door.

And when he did, Xiang Ruxia was already standing infront of him with someone holding her by
the neck.

"Xianghua!" He cried in alarm.

"Tik, tok, Hongli. Seeing the family feud amused me for a while but my patience is at its limits
now. Hand over your son."

That voice and that blackish figure. It's the spirit from the battlefield!

"You.. How could youㅡ"

"How else? Feeding on your son's resentment for a few years earned me this few minutes of
existence. I'm not in a mood to waste time so hand over your son before someone else dies."

Hongli instinctively grabbed for his waist but his scimitar was kept in his room.

The spirit chuckled. "What? No toys to defend you? If you don't want another life to be wasted
because of you, hand over yourㅡ"

"HE'D BE A FOOL TO HAND OVER OUR SON TO YOU!!" Xiang Ruxia yelled hoarsely. The
spirit turned to face her for a few moments before increasing her grip on her throat.

The few seconds of silence from the spirit was enough to make Hongli's blood run cold. Who
knows what that thing could be thinkingㅡ

"You're that tiny princess running along the plains of the Miao tribe village aren't you? What a
big girl you've grown now!" The spirit spoke, sounding like a proud uncle who watched his niece
grow up.

Xiang Ruxia didn't respond and kept staring at the figure in response.

"Rumors has it that you posses a rare trait and a gift from the heavens. If others could kill with
looks, you my dear, can kill with voice and a single note."

The grip on her throat slightly increased making her choke.

"Xianghua!" Hongli cried. He quickly turned to the spirit and yelled, "Stop what you're doing

"Your voice is your only and the strongest known weapon in the Miao tribe which definitely
earned your place as the heiress. I'd be wary of the things coming out of my mouth while I still
can if I were you."
The spirit's head then turned back to Hongli. "And you. With the title of the strongest general in
the army and the chief of the most secluded tribe! Tsk. Tsk. All these titles you both possess yet
you can't even protect a single child from me. It's pitiful truly."

Hongli clenched his fists. What could he do? It was a good thing he had already kicked Hong-er out
but his wife's life was now at the line!!

The spirit's taunting voice distracted him from his thoughts once more. "It's a smart trick you did.
Filtering your tribe's memories to hide them and the tribe's powers from me. But are those
sacrifices worth it? You tell me, Hongli."

"If it meant sparing their lives then it was!" Hongli spat back.

"Huh-haha.. Hahahaha!!!

... Boring." It's voice suddenly dropped at the end.

"Playing the hero when you shouldn't be, and playing the villain when you're not supposed to
be. You're hopless Hongli. This is going to be the end of the line for you. I'm going to find that
holy seal and break it with my own hands!"

Xiang Ruxia immediately slammed a handful fist of spiritual energy to strike the spirit but it was
too quick to dodge before she suddenly felt a punch on her waist that sent her on her knees and
spitting out blood.

"Xianghua! How dare you!" Hongli gestured his hands to a hand form and recited a spell before he
aimed at him with powerful strikes.

But the spirit wasn't affected by any of it. "You won't tell me where your son is? Fine... I'll make

The spirit grabbed Xiang Ruxia by the neck and slowly squeezed it hard


But no matter how hard he pleaded and cried, the spirit continued to squeeze her neck tightly until
the sound of the bones cracking echoed the room.

Hongli's breath and words halted in an instant. He fell to his knees as the color of their tribe slowly
entered his vision.

"No. You will be the one to watch your son fall down into the abyss and to his death. All together
with the people who sacrificed their lives for your son in which you wasted because of a stupid

Hongli watched the spirit slowly walk towards him and raising its bloody hand at him.

"All hail the chief of the Miao Tribe." It whispered before the hand shadowed and blocked his
entire vision.

A sinister chuckle was heard,

Then everything went silent.

Hong-er continued to run. He ran and ran then he stopped. He could feel someone following him.
His father taught him how to differentiate qi's. This feeling was different from the one his father
had taught him.

It was dark, smokey, and ominous that it was giving him the shivers. He felt dreadful and continued
to run and hide.

When that dangerous feeling finally subsided, he quickly ran back to their house. He ran straight
for the door to open it but the door wouldn't open as if it was stuck.

That dreadful feeling increased in his chest that he began to whimper as he banged on the door

"Mama?? Mama!!!" Hong-er called. He paced around before stepping backwards and running to
the door, hitting his arm roughly against the wooden door but it still wouldn't open.

Hong-er looked around before he quickly ran to the window and jumped upwards. His legs were
short and he wasn't tall enough to see through the window.

"Mama!! Mama!! Hong-er is here!!" The child cried frantically until it eventually became noticed
by the passerbys.

"Child, what's wrong?" a man asked from behind.

Hong-er was going insane from panic. When he saw the man approaching, he quickly ran to him
and pulled on his robe. "C-cant open the door! Please help!!" He cried.

The smaller group eventually grew to a bigger amount. The people tried their attempts to open the
door until one was finally successful and broke the door open.

Hong-er was the first to run inside with frantic breaths.


The child halted in his steps. The group from outside eventually followed in until they all gasped in
shock from the sight.

The first sight that he saw the moment he walked in was the bloody sight of his mother and nothing
else. Everything else was a blur in his eyes.

When the shock passed him, something pooled in his chest. Anger, resentment, guilt, devastation.

Hong-er clenched his fists and took deep breaths. But his breaths were growing quicker than he
anticipated. Was he hyperventilating? His thoughts ran wild and he felt his body grow limp.

Suddenly his throat was dry too. Had he been screaming? Had he been crying?

He couldn't anymore. He wanted, heㅡ needed to get away!

First it was one step, then another, then came the third. Hong-er twisted his body and pushed the
crowd out of his sight as he ran away. He continued to run aimlessly into the streets. Bumping
people here and there, tripping and missing a step, staining his robes dirty, just as long as he could
get away! He continued to run and run untilㅡ

The sound of a horse suddenly scared him. Hong-er only had a second to spare it a glance. It was a
carriage, a carriage made for royalty. The coachmen seemed angry so he quickly ran away before it
decided to chase after him too.

When his body grew weary, he gasped sharp breaths before hiding himself beside the stack of
boxes on the corner of a street. He inhaled sharply and hugged his body tightly.

He remained there, still gasping for air until the scene of his mother laying down on the floor full of
blood finally caught up in his mind. The tears and emotions that he had been running away from
eventually caught up to him as well.

Why... How could his father have done such a thing? Because he yelled back at him? Because he
complained about his training? Because he was too weak to protect?

Because of his right eye?

Did he really hate him to the point that he would actually kill his own mother? Hong-er choked a
sob and hugged his limp body closer.


Why was he born like this? Why did everything go so wrong? Had everything really been his

If he had practiced hard enough, would his father have spared his mother?

Hong-er's body slowly leaned to lie down on the cold streets. He then remembered what his mother
last told him,

Her voice was still clear and gentle in his head,

"Shh, shh, sweet child, I'm here. Mama is here."

Hot thick tears fell from his cheeks as he hugged his body tightly. His chest rumbled and he wanted
to cry and scream so badly.

But he was tired.

He was so tired.

"Mama..." Hong-er whispered.

"... ... Sing me to sleep?"

His vision then turned black.

Hong-er sat on the streets of Xianle. He found an old bandage at the garbage can that looked like it
could still be used so he quickly dipped it in the river and squeezed it dry before wrapping it around
his right eye. His red robes have turned dirty and the color faded to the point that it didn't even
matched the color of his eye anymore.

He walked along the streets barefooted and would often avoid market places where he could smell
the scent of a newly baked bread which would only make him grow hungrier even more. He would
sit and wait for someone to offer him something but not many people would be kind enough to drop
him any food.

Hong-er then noticed a group kids that also looked homeless like him. He would follow them
around secretly and often caught them stealing food from the market places. They were smart too.
They worked as a group with one of them distracting the booth owner and the others stealing away
the food.

It was wrong to steal. His mother often told him that stealing was taking away someone else's
hardwork. But seeing them eat something better than he had eaten anything else for weeks made his
head go dizzy.

His stomach rumbled and he thought maybe he could steal... Just one time..

But he was alone unlike them. He had no one else to distract the seller like the other kids did. But
he was small and he was good at running. Maybe that should be enough?

Hong-er slowly walked to the same bread stall and fixed his gaze on the chosen target bread he was
gonna steal. When he saw a chance open, he sneakily walked towards it and reached out a hand and
grabbed two before his hand was suddenly slapped lightly by a stick or... A fan.

Hong-er flinched from response, dropping the bread entirely but the man skillfully scooped it with
ease. When the bread was caught he quickly turned around in attempt to run away but a hand
grabbed him his collar.

"Ah, you naughty street boy. Stealing isn't good you know? If you wanted bread you could've just
asked. The people here in XianLe aren't that selfish because they all follow in His Highness the
crown prince's ways! The pure and righteous way!"

Hearing the man speak so highly about the crown prince made his head turn in curiousity.

"Here, here" The man then offered him a bag and noticed him paying the stall owner from the
corner of his eye. He was reluctant to take it but his rumbling stomach left him to just take the bag
Hong-er analyzed the man for a second. He was wearing white clean robes and he had a dignified
air of a noble.

When Hong-er opened the bag the sweet scent of freshly baked bread enveloped him to the point he
could almost faint.

He held the bag tightly before giving him a grateful bow. "Thank you shushu!"

He sae the man's hand wave at him. "Yes, yes. But remember my words, you hear me? Young kids
like you should follow the example of his highness the crown prince. Following the path of pure
and righteousness!"

Hong-er nodded but he mostly missed a few bits in his words as his stomach continued to rumble.

"But honestly child you can do better than this. I'd gamble if you'd take a turn on your life after this
but..." The man stopped on his words before he pressed his fan close to his nose. "I'm not sure if the
scent I'm smelling from you is misfortune or just the fact that your really stinky. Dear heavens,
atleast take a dip in a river or something."

Hong-er lowered his head and remained quiet. If he takes a bath, he would need to take off his
bandage and people would see his hideous right eye snd immediately call for the guards.

But still he responded meekly, "I will shushu.."

"Good, child. Now I must be off. I still have a whole shangyuan festival to plan and a crown prince
to train. Haha, I'm XianLe's head priest after all."

He then waved his fan as he walked away. Hong-er then quickly ran back to his hiding spot and
began chewing on the freshly baked bread on his hand hungrily. The bread was still slightly hot but
it was all the more delicious in his mouth. He had never eaten anything this good in weeks that he
could cry!

When he finished the bun he grabbed for another bite until numerous sillouhets suddenly blocked
the sun's light above him. Hong-er slowly lifted his head and saw the kids whom he saw steal from
the bakery man earlier. He instinctively clutched the bag close to him as he scooted closer against
the wall.

"Hey," One greeted casually with a sly smile. His eyes then glanced down to the bag on his hand.
"That bag, give it." He ordered.

Hong-er didn't respond and clutched the bag tighter. The kid immediately took it as an offense and
frowned. The kid beside him then pulled his robes as he yelled, "Are you deaf?! He said give it!!!"

He then began pulling the bag from him until eventually all the other kids began pulling as well.
Hong-er didn't let go and neither did the kids. They continued pulling until the bag eventually
ripped apart and the bread fell and scattered to the floor.

Hong-er quickly reached down but the other kids had been quicker than him and picked all of it
without leaving a single bun before running off.

Hong-er's lower lip wobbled before he turned to face the remaining kids who stayed behind. They
began walking towards him in a hostile manner until he was cornered against the wall.
Hong-er couldn't understand. They already took all of his bread. Why were they still here? What
did he do wrong???

Was it wrong to keep what was his? Was it his fault why the other kids took it?

It wasn't long before they began pulling and throwing punches at him angrily. Honger wrapped his
arms around his head for protection as they continued to throw punches at him.

He should've been able to defend himself. His own father taught him, didn't he?

But how could he when he was so tired and drained? He wasn't even full from that one bread and
he hadn't eaten for almost two weeks.

Their tugging and pulling eventually made its way to his bandage until they suddenly pulled it out.
Hong-er was too late to stop it and his right eye was already exposed to them before he even
realized it.

They all paled as they looked at him. The kid holding his bandage dropped it to the ground as they
all screamed, "MONSTER!! MONSTER!!!"

They then began running away until they were no where in sight anymore. Hong-er's chest boiled
and his lips wobbled once more. He forced to crawl his limp body on the floor to pick up his
bandage as he tried to wrap it around his head again.

But after seeing how horrified they look and how they all screamed at him and called him a
monster took all of his remaining strength until his arms dropped along with the bandage.

Hong-er let out a choked sob. He hugged his knees and cried for a long while.

"monster.. monster.." He repeated in a low voice.

That was really all that he was, wasn't he? He was born to be a monster. He was born to live as a
monster, and he was gonna die as a monster. All of the monsters he read in books didn't say that
they lived in a good house, it didn't say that the monsters had friends nor did the monsters have
mothers who sang him to sleep every night and fathers who carry him on his back whenever he was

Monsters were never loved. They were feared and ought to be killed.

Hong-er hugged his body closer and whimpered.

Nobody would ever love a monster like him.

Two years passed by in a blink of an eye and Hong-er learned a lot of things while living on the
streets. He learned to steal, to lie, to deceive. He felt guilty because he promised that uncle who
bought him bread that he would never steal again.
But then again, his bag of bread was stolen from him too, didn't it? How was it fair if he can't do
the same? Others can steal food from him but he can't?

Two years had passed and his life was still the same. He left that old spot he used to rest on because
he didn't feel safe anymore. When winter time comes, the floor is too cold for his feet and his
clothes are too thin to keep him warm. He often gets colds and chills in the entire night. But what
really surprised him was the fact he didn't die yet from too much sickness.

He transferred places from time to time and especially avoided the street leading to... his old home.
He didn't have the heart to go there again.

Not after what he has witnessed.

It traumatized him to the point that he still had repeated nightmares about it and there was no one to
sing him to sleep anymore so Hong-er seldomly slept.

But what really pushed him to the limits was when the rumors grew about a certain demon with a
red right eye walking around the streets of the kingdom.

He immediately understood that the guards were looking for him.

But what did he do wrong?! What did he do to deresrve this? Was it really so wrong for him to
continue living?

What's so wrong about trying to survive?!?!

He continued walking around trying to look for food until someone sneaked a hand behind his head
and pulled the bandage off him.

Hong-er was too shocked and froze on the spot as numerous people gasped and turned to look at

"SEE?! I TOLD YOU!" The kid who pulled the bandage yelled. He pointed at him,


Hong-er's breaths quickened. His heart raced madly as he continued to turn, trying to set his gaze
away from the crowd but every time he turned his head, the crowds seemed to grow bigger.

People were giving him different looks. They were looking at him with scorn, pity, and fear.

Hong-er began gasping for breath. His vision began to spin and he felt like he was gonna die if he
continues to stay.

He eventually saw the guards slowly circling him.

Hong-er's eyes began to tear up once more. "Help.." He whimpered. He turned his head and

"Help me"
"Help me.."

"Help meㅡ"


Hong-er's eyes snapped up. He quickly picked himself up on the ground and began running away.


How could he have been so stupid? Nobody was going to help a monster like him! No one! No

Hong-er began punching his head as if he was punishing himself as he continued running.

Why him? Why him? Why him? He had only wanted to survive so why him?!

Other kids had done much more meaner things than him, he only stealed but that was because he
was hungry! So why was life harsher on him?!

Was it wrong to live?! Was it wrong to breathe?! Was it wrong to survive?!!!

He still haven't found the reason for living, and now even the heavens seems to already want to take
him away so badly. Because of what? His red eye?

Why? WHY?! WHY HIM?!


Hong-er's chest boiled but this time it wasn't because of the rising tears. He was gonna cry but he
was also gonna scream. He was gonna scream full of anger and resentment!!!!

If the heavens badly wanted to remove his existence before he even finds his reason to live then he
will!!!!! He mindlessly ran up to a crowd and marched up the tower

He didn't care about the people he stepped on or bumped into. He was like a curse in the world. The
heavens wouldn't allow him to eat, to walk, to sleep, to breathe, not even to live!!!!

Hong-er eyed at the ginormous number of crowds. The cheers and sounds were all but a blur in his

Why are they happy? How could they be happy?!

Hong-er's chest boiled in anger once more.



"Say it."







HE HATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then the next words whispered in his ear like the the devil sweetly tempting him, "Jump."

Hong-er stepped on the rails and jumped.

The air moved quickly around him and his ears and line of sight continued to blur. It was alright, he
was gonna be alright soon. It didn't matter whose voice it came from earlier when he was lead to
the tower and was ordered to jump.

The heavens wouldn't be bothered by a troublesome monster like him anymore who merely only
wanted to survive. The people won't have to see his face again. And no one...

No one would have to hear nor see him ever again.

Hong-er was prepared for all the bones in his body to break the moment he hits the ground but then
there was a gentle bump against him and long arms wrapped around his tiny body. And before
Hong-er could even realize it, he was seeing the sky no more but instead, he was seeing the face..

He was seeing a god.

A god who smiled so warmly at him that it instantly melted all his thoughts away. In that moment,
everything seemed to stop.

Hong-er held his breath as his heart skipped a beat and his body felt lighter and warmer than he had
ever been.

No one.. smiled and looked at him like that for a long time.

Nobody aside from his mother looked at him like that as if he was worth anything...

Hong-er's eyes welled up with tears as he clutched the man's golden robes. He held on to him
tightly because he knew his heart was going to fail him if he was gonna let him go or even let him
out of his sight.

Then out of no where, a memory suddenly played in his head in this exact moment. The voices
were as clear as day in his heart and mind,

"How do we choose whom to believe in?"

"Good question. I actually don't know either it just clicks to you when the time comes...

...You'll know if it's the one when the time comes when you loose all hope and then that person
suddenly just swoops in and changes your life forever."

On that day, on that fateful day... Hong-er found something he had never known he lost.


Chapter End Notes

And that concludes Hua Cheng's backstory! This is just in my perspective and I stretched it a
bit with the evil qi and miao trive powers for the sake of the plot XD but I hoped you liked it
nevertheless <3

🎂 Fun Trivia: Did you notice that Xie Lian's backstory and Wu Ming's backstory both ended

and saving his life. ❤️

at their first meeting together? When Hong-er fell off the tower and young Xie Lian catching

you how much my heart screamed when I saw someone cosplaying Lan Zhan 😭 Never have I
Side talk: So we had this school event going on where everyone cosplayed and let me tell
expected to meet someone from the MXTX fandom in the same campus! We talked a bit but I
didn't get their number bcs I don't want to seem too pushy bcs I already asked for a selfie with
them but I really hope we meet again <3

where 😭
Thank you for all your comments oml I didn't expect my inbox suddenly blow up out of no

I'm truly grateful for all your love and support I will try to respond to all of them
one by one after I publish this. They truly make my day ily all sm

I know this chapter is long but heart breaking 😭 ❤️

This author promises to shower you all with
comfort that Wu Ming deserves in the next chapter

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Let Me Devote Myself To You Too
Chapter Notes

Hello dear readers!! Terribly sorry for the delayed chapter but I have good news! ❤️
This chapter is long! Very. Long. Probably the longest chapter I've ever written with 12k
words ( That's why it took so long)

And it's long for a number of reasons :

1. We're almost at 600 kudos yay! Tysm 😭❤️

2. It's a therapy chapter (We all deserve it after this author was being mean to them)
3. It's our exams next week so I might not be able to publish a chapter next week bcs I have to
focus on studying. (but it's still undecided and I'll just see if I have the time but I can't promise

Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
⚠️ CW: tooth-rotting fluff, self-worth issues, they fight a little but it all ends well. 🙂 , slightly
explicit. <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian studied Wu Ming carefully. After Wu Ming cried for a long while in his arms, he suddenly
got up and began apologizing profusely.

Xie Lian assured Wu Ming that he did nothing wrong but the ghost was determined to quickly wash
the robes he stained with tears and snots to the point he looked like he was going to be even more
distressed and embarrassed if he doesn't allow him. The god could only sigh as he took off his outer

Xie Lian observed Wu Ming closely that following day. He tried to convincing him to rest but Wu
Ming kept denying him, the ghost kept reasoning that having him by his side while he was in that
state was more than enough. Of course Xie Lian wouldn't force his beloved to do anything he
doesn't want to and it should be alright if he really was feeling fine

But there was a problem.

Wu Ming was easily distracted. He kept tripping during their walks, forgetting things, and even
forgetting his words easily. He was also quiet for the most part and whenever Xie Lian would ask
him a question, his words would come out jumbled and clumsy.

Seeing this made Xie Lian even more worried sick.

Nightfall came and Xie Lian took a deep breath. He ought to do something about Wu Ming's
strange behavior. He waited until Wu Ming was asleep beside him before he snuck out of bed to get
some fresh air outside the balcony.
Xie Lian wore another coat since it was still somewhat snowing, he closed his eyes and kept his
mind calm despite the waves of anxiousness towering all over his entire body. The gentle breeze
swept his hair gracefully until he was calm enough to collect his thoughts.

He needed to do something to make Wu Ming feel better.

Xie Lian opened his eyes before he leaned and rested his weight against the balcony's rails, he fixed
his eyes on his hands before he allowed himself to drown in his train of thoughts once more.

He was worried and desperate to make Wu Ming feel better. Not because hearing Wu Ming's
agonizing cry for the first time still caught him off guard, well maybe there's that too, but mostly it
was because he wasn't any better compared to the awful people who did Wu Ming wrong in his

He hurt him, abused him, ridiculed him. Memories during the first few weeks and months of them
together resurfaced in his mind, he remembered how awful he treated him despite Wu Ming's pure
devotion to him.

Xie Lian pressed his lips to a thin line and gripped the rails tight and lowered his head in shame.

Guilt enveloped him shortly after. He had never known Wu Ming was abused by his family and
was kicked out to feed for himself on the streets for who knows how long! He entered the military
then died with his god's name on his lips filled with nothing but devotion.

But what did that god do in return?

He humiliated him, tortured him, used him. He was no better than those who people who inflicted
trauma on him!

Xie Lian let out a shaky breath. He remained in that position before he lifted his head back up again
with a determined look on his face. He stared at the night sky as if he was looking at the heavens as
he whispered under his breath.

"I swear with my life... I will never make you feel that worthless and lowly again."

But just promising it wasn't enough. He needed to make sure he repays back all the humiliating
things he did in the past with a special treatment as an apology. It was only through this way that
can make Xie Lian sleep soundly again.

Xie Lian was jolted awake when he felt a sudden movement from beside him.

"Hngh.. Go.. Go away, leave me aloneㅡ!"

Wu Ming continued to shift uneasily and his eyes were squeezed shut but tears were streaming
down his cheeks. Xie Lian's eyebrows furrowed at the sight.

Was he having a nightmare?

Xie Lian blinked a few times before trying to think of the best way to comfort him as possible. Wu
Ming never had nightmares before so this was entirely new to him. Was this another effect from
their talk of yesterday morning?

Xie Lian gently brushed his back with his hand before he slowly cradled him.

"Shh, shh... No one can hurt you." He murmured before shifting Wu Ming's body so that he was
resting on his chest. Xie Lian held him close like he was the most precious thing in the entire
world, because he really was.

He rested his chin on top of the ghost's head and continued brushing his back.

Wu Ming continued spilling tears from his tightly shut eyes until he was breathing sharp breaths as
if he couldn't breathe. This made Xie Lian worry for a bit. Ghosts didn't need to breathe, they could
mimic breaths but that didn't mean that they needed to. Was the nightmare really that awful to the
point that his body forgot that it didn't need to breathe again?

It wasn't just any normal sharp breaths either. He had basic lessons on medical treatment back when
he was still a prince, and the kind of breathing Wu Ming was mimicking is rapid.

Xie Lian's face looked pained more than ever. Wu Ming was hyperventilating.

It must've been caused by too much trauma back when he was still a mortal and a kid. The poor
ghost must've had panic attacks so often to the point that even his body still mimics it until now
even though his lungs didn't need it anymore.

This was a serious problem. And this serious problem broke Xie Lian's heart to bits.

To think that this problem only resurfaced now. Wu Ming needed proper care and he hid that
problem along with his trauma so well behind his bright smile and twinkling eyes to the point that
Xie Lian would never have even thought of it.

Wu Ming kept it well from him and he must've had his reasons, but now that Xie Lian knew, he
couldn't just turn to a blind eye to it anymore.

He continued rubbing Wu Ming's back and whispering him sweet assurances until he slowly
calmed down. When Wu Ming's soft cries stopped after an hour, Xie Lian made sure to wipe them
before kissing the ghost's furrowed eyebrows until it softened in response.

Xie Lian smiled warmly at him before he whispered near his ear, he really didn't care whether or
not the ghost heard it.

"I think you might hold on to your dear heart for what's about to surprise you when you wake up."

Xie Lian played with Wu Ming's long black hair for a long while since he calmed down. He twirled
a lock of hair around his finger before brushing it evenly out again.
He was still cradling Wu Ming in his embrace and he loved every second of it. Whenever the ghost
would flinch Xie Lian would never fail to comfort him again.

When Xie Lian felt Wu Ming slightly move again, he looked down and smiled when he saw Wu
Ming rubbing his eyes and was awake now.

Xie Lian leaned down and kissed the closed eyelid of Wu Ming's right eye. He then noticed a cute
blush and a small smile coming from the ghost under him.

"Good morning, my love." Xie Lian greeted before he leaned down and prepped Wu Ming's face
with soft kisses.

Wu Ming laughed softly. "Ah, Your Highness seems to be in a good mood today." He watched him
look away for a few seconds before the ghost slowly craned his neck to slightly to kiss him back
and added, "G-good morning to you too... Your Highness.."

Xie Lian's cheeks blushed from the unexpected attack coming from the ghost himself. His smile
depeened, "I have plans for us today, of course I'm in a good mood."

Wu Ming looked curious before chuckling softly. "Whatever Your Highness plans to do, he knows
this one will follow him."

Xie Lian had a mischievous smile on his face. "Wu Ming promises not to deny anything this god
asks of him?"

Wu Ming blinked for a moment. Of course the obvious answer is yes, he would re-align the stars if
his god would say the word. But after hearing Xie Lian in that tone gave him a slight feeling that he
would probably have a hard time keeping that promise.

But nevertheless, it was his god he was talking about. So what's there to regret?

"What does Your Highness have planned for today?" Wu Ming asked.

Xie Lian didn't respond but instead brushed a strand of hair from his face and tucked it behind his
ear. He kissed his nose and responded softly, "You'll see.."

Without giving the latter a chance to respond, Xie Lian suddenly sat up and began wearing his
outer robe. He could feel the frown and pout radiating from the ghost behind him from their break
of contact. Xie Lian had to force himself not to laugh because he noticed it, heavens he's too

Xie Lian then began wearing his socks and boots before he spoke without looking back at him,

"Don't get off the bed and wait for me here. I will just grab something from downstairs."

Xie Lian then headed outside the room before closing the door behind him. He carefully walked
downstairs and headed to the kitchen to grab a bowl and filling it with... what's supposed to be a...

Xie Lian had all night to brainstorm his ideas and remember the recipes his mother used to make in
which he was still contemplating whether it was a good idea or not. He tried his best, cooking was
never really his forte since that skill wasn't needed back when he was a crown prince.
But now that he wasn't, Xie Lian realized that cooking was truly an important skill. He had
forgotten this for a while because Wu Ming took care of it by himself.

Xie Lian's hands unconsciously gripped the bowl tighter but not enough force to accidentally break

How dependent he had been to drop all those heavy chores onto Wu Ming without a care in the
world. He hasn't changed at all!

He might've been too distracted because of his resentment and hunger for revenge back then but
now that he wasn't planning on doing a massacre anymore, he has no role whatsoever in the
household that it was almost shameful.

Xie Lian continued stirring the bowl with a spoon. To think that Wu Ming still had the spare time
and energy to celebrate the Spring Festival with him. He never really thought about how much of a
big help Wu Ming was in this life when he was at his lowest.

He had always been resentful about the fact that nobody would listen to him nor even look at him.
But now that there was someone who would, how could Xie Lian allow that only person to break as

Xie Lian hissed. He quickly pressed a hand to a side of his head and remained in that position for a
few seconds. Just now, he felt that annoying sharp pain again that would always make him feel
nauseous and dizzy.

How come this was happening everytime whenever he left Wu Ming's side?

When Xie Lian's breaths stabilized again, he quickly gathered himself and carried the tray with
him. Whatever he was feeling, he needed to set it aside and deal with it afterwards. All that
mattered now was making sure Wu Ming receives the special treatment he deserves.

Xie Lian was careful in his steps all the way back to the door leading to their bedroom. When Xie
Lian opened the door, he saw a quick image of Wu Ming sitting down on his side of the bed
looking down and fiddling with his fingers. But Xie Lian's eyes were quick to catch on to the
sadness in his eyes before the ghost flinched when he heard the door opening to quickly change his
expression to a smile.

Xie Lian felt his heart being mashed to pieces. He was angry, but he wasn't furious at him. He was
angry and disappointed to how he failed to notice these tiny details before. So much for being a god
who promised to look after a single person!

Xie Lian had to force himself to set his petty emotions aside for a moment and smiled back. He
watched Wu Ming's gaze slowly lower down until it reached to the tray on his hands.

Wu Ming's smile faltered. He quickly understood in a second and scurried to his feet until Xie Lian
stopped him frozen with a warning glare. "What did this one say to Wu Ming before he left?"

Wu Ming remained on his frozen position for another second before he shrinked back to the bed.
He lowered his head and murmured, "To.. to stay in bed."

Xie Lian hummed in satisfaction and began walking to his side. He placed the tray on the table
beside the bed and sat beside Wu Ming. He opened his right arm for invitation and the ghost
snuggled in without a moment of hesitation. He rested his weight on Xie Lian's chest and rested his
head on the crook of Xie Lian's neck. The god gladly rubbed his back and kissed his head for
additional comfort.

He then held the bowl with his free hand before removing the hand he used to rub his back to pick
up a spoonful of soup before bringing it up to his lips and gently blowing it.

When the soup wasn't that boiling hot anymore, Xie Lian then gently directed the spoon to Wu
Ming's lips. The ghost blinked in surprise and didn't immediately open his mouth. Instead, he
looked up to Xie Lian with a quizzed look on his face.

Xie Lian's smile deepened and inclined his head to confirm whatever confirmation was running in
Wu Ming's brain. The ghost smiled nervously and somewhat apologetically as well before he
finally opened his mouth and allowed the spoon to enter.

But just before Xie Lian was able to pull the spoon out he suddenly heard a choked sound coming
from the ghost that immediately alarmed him. He quickly pulled the spoon out and set aside the
bowl to take a proper look at him.

Heavens, was the soup really that atrocious?

He asked alarmed, "Wu Ming? What's wrong? Does it taste horrible? Don't force to swallow it
down, you can spit it out!"

Wu Ming shook his head frantically. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he quickly spoke,
"No, no, no. You misunderstood Your Highness."

He placed both his arms on top of Xie Lian's to soothe him. Wu Ming smiled, "It's just that... Your
Highness' soup is really delicious that this one didn't want to swallow it but it came out as a choked
sound instead. "

Xie Lian didn't look like he believes it though. He gave him a concerning look. He brushed aside a
hair from Wu Ming's face and caressed his cheek. "Love, you know you can be honest with me. I
can do better the next time Iㅡ"

"Your Highness.." Wu Ming breathed out. His cheeks were flushed red as he nuzzled his cheek
deeper on Xie Lian's palm. His eyes looked away as he confessed,

"No one... No one has ever made me a thoughtful meal before. Not since... I was a child." He
murmured at the end before he looked back at Xie Lian with a smile on his face as he added, "I
could taste how much effort His Highness poured on to that soup. I felt so happy that I didn't want
to swallow."

Xie Lian was slightly caught off guard. He stared at him with a stunned look, then with affection.

Yes, this was exactly what he needed to see and hear.

"If Wu Ming is happy with the soup then this god won't complain. But he should know that it's
okay to also say something when it tastes bad. I don't want to force him to swallow anything he
doesn't want to."
Wu Ming softly chuckled, gods he's too precious, "Anything Your Highness offers is worth more
than gold to this lowly one to be rejected."

Xie Lian slides a hand again behind his neck to pull him slightly closer, "What did I say about
addressing yourself in those words?"

Wu Ming could sense the teasing in Xie Lian's voice so his smile didn't falter. "I'm sorry Your

Xie Lian leaned in and gave a peck to his lips one more time before grabbing the soup again. "Lay
comfortably against me. I'll feed you today."

Wu Ming was more than happy to comply as he leaned once more to lie on Xie Lian's chest before
raising his head and speaking, "Your Highness didn't have to make this one breakfast. It's my job to
serve you."

Needles pricked Xie Lian's heart for a second. His thoughts began blaming him once more, See?
This is what happens when you rely on him too much. He thinks he's responsible for everything!

Xie Lian forced to swallow down hard again. "That doesn't mean I can't serve Wu Ming the same

Wu Ming was rendered speechless for a moment. He pressed his lips and lowered his head. Xie
Lian carefully studied his moves, he knows how much the ghost was smart just as how quick he
was to assume things. He didn't want to create any misunderstandings between them especially on
this particular topic.

"Your Highness doesn't need to tire himself. I canㅡ"

"I want to do it." Xie Lian interrupted before he began blowing the steam off the spoon and
pressing it on Wu Ming's lips again. This time it was probably to stop Wu Ming from saying any
more ridiculous things about himself.

Wu Ming gladly took the spoon into his mouth and swallowed the soup with an additional lick of
his lips afterwards. "Mmm, Your Highness is talented at cooking."

Xie Lian pffted. "You regard me too highly. Stop lying, I know it must taste bad."

Wu Ming slightly frowned. "No, even if I was given the world's most delicious broth I would still
choose this one."

Xie Lian's heart fluttered. "Ah, you... Stop making my heart all mushy." He chuckled as he pressed
another kiss on Wu Ming's head.

"It's true Your Highness." Wu Ming chuckled. Xie Lian then raised the spoon to his mouth again to
blow the steam off until he heard Wu Ming spoke softly,

"Your Highness doesn't need to blow the steam off."

Xie Lian retracted the spoon slightly to look at him, "The soup is still hot. It would be good if I
blow off the steam off first."
Wu Ming's chees flushed and smiled shyly, "Your Highness is thoughtful... But my tongue won't
burn that easily. His Highness should save his energyㅡ"

"Wu Ming.." Xie Lian warned. The god gave him a long chilling stare until the ghost lowered his
head again apologetically.

"My apologies Your Highness.."

Xie Lian sighed through his nose before his expression softened again. He wasn't frustrated at him,
he was frustrated at how his previous self treated Wu Ming so unfairly that lead to one of the
reasons why Wu Ming had self-worth issues.

He murmured, "I want to do this for you. It doesn'tㅡ it shouldn't matter how tiring it is. Whether
it's something big like me feeding you my spiritual powers to keep your soul stable or just simply
feeding you your breakfast like right now, If it makes you feel better then it is enough for me." He
then slides a free hand behind the ghost's back to pull him closer as he added,

"That's how important you are to me. Can't I take care of my Wu Ming the same way he cares for

He could've sworn he felt the ghost flinch slightly in his embrace. Wu Ming was quiet for a long
time before he raised his head with tears in his eyes.


"There's no buts." Xie Lian interrupted. "I don't need you to be strong for me all the time. It's okay
to be tired or weak too at times. Whatever you are, whatever state you are in, it doesn't make me
love you any less."

As if the last words nailed straight into his heart, he saw Wu Ming's lower lip wobble until thick
tears finally fell from the ghost's cheeks. Wu Ming quickly attempted to wipe them off but the tears
wouldn't stop until Xie Lian placed the bowl back on the bedside table to embrace him with both

His left hand rubbed Wu Ming's back while the other was brushing the ghost's hair. Wu Ming
must've felt embarrassed because his cheeks and ears were flushed red so he continued to
frustratedly wipe away the unstoppable tears from coming out until Xie Lian had to stop him.

He cooed, "It's okay, it's okay, cry if you need to."

Wu Ming whimpered under him until he eventually did stop and rested his head on the crook of Xie
Lian's neck.

He choked out the words, "I'm s-sorry Your Highness... I- m-must look p-pathetic right n-nowㅡ"

"Shh, shh, don't apologize anymore." Xie Lian whispered.

He continued to add while his hands also continued to rub the ghost's back for comfort. "Wu Ming
is not pathetic. He is strong, kind, thoughtful, and the most devoted believer in my eyes."

Wu Ming spoke with cried in between, "I-I'm j-just b-being emotional it's stupid Iㅡ"
"Wu Ming, breathe with me." Xie Lian interrupted. He knew Wu Ming would find it hard to fully
accept his words right now because his emotions are at peak that he wouldn't listen.

Wu Ming craned his head deeper into Xie Lian's neck and sniffled. Xie Lian took deep breaths and
repeated until Wu Ming began copying him. Xie Lian could feel it with his hand on Wu Ming's
back whenever he breathed so Xie Lian's heart faltered slightly when Wu Ming finally attempted to
breathe with him after a few breaths.

After a few more breaths, Xie Lian took another look at his beloved just to make sure he had finally
calmed down. When he did, Xie Lian smiled and kissed his forehead and cooed, "Such a good boy
Wu Ming is... following my instructions so well."

Wu Ming didn't respond and continued sniffling.

Oh how it breaks Xie Lian's heart just knowing that the ghost must've thought that he needed to
continue being useful in order for Xie Lian to love him which was entirely wrong! His love for Wu
Ming had never been conditional from the start. How it depresses him just knowing he had found
out only now.

"My love.." Xie Lian whispered. "I'll never find the words to tell you how I feel about you because
no mere words could express how precious you are to me."

He placed a finger under Wu Ming's chin to lift it upwards to make the teary-eyed ghost to look at
him in the eye. Xie Lian's smile and gaze turned warmer, "I don't need you to be strong at every
waking moment of the day. You didn't need to do anything to keep making me loving you because I
will always, and always, love you forevermore."

Wu Ming's eyes welled up with tears once again.

Xie Lian leaned in again to press their foreheads together as he whispered, "So please don't say that
your emotions are stupid or pathetic. You are neither of those things. I hope Wu Ming understands
this soon.."

Wu Ming took one shaky breath before he slightly moved back to wipe his tears again. He
murmured, "I- I'm not sure I can fully understand but... I'll.. try.."

Xie Lian smiled and kissed the remaining tears away from his cheeks before he grabbed the bowl
from the bedside table again.

"Thank you Wu Ming. Now, let this one feed you until you're full okay?"

Wu Ming nodded. Thankfully this time he was really willing to be fed.

Breakfast ended successfully. Xie Lian couldn't help but ask every few seconds if the broth was
truly okay then Wu Ming would giggle adorably and assure him that it was more than fine.

He lead Wu Ming to his study room and made the ghost sit beside him. Xie Lian then pulled out a
blank paper and ink.
"Now, I want Wu Ming to list three things he wants to do for the entire afternoon." He says as he
slides the paper and ink to his side and waited.

He brainstormed this last night too. He had a hard time thinking about what Wu Ming would like to
do together but shamefully, he barely knew the things Wu Ming liked to do in his personal time
other than... their late night indulges. He then thought it wouldn't also be right to assume doing
things or activities that he thought Wu Ming would like. They have the entire afternoon to do it
anyway before Xie Lian's next plan for the day.

"Umm.." Wu Ming looked hesitant. He hadn't picked up the pen yet and kept staring at the blank
paper. Xie Lian wasn't sure if he was hesitating on sharing the activites he desired or if he was
hesitating on picking the pen up.

But either way Xie Lian felt a twinge of concern, "Is something wrong? Wu Ming can write
anything he wants and this one will do his best to accomplish it."

Wu Ming smiled nervously, "Ah... I just.."

After a short few moments he saw Wu Ming's hand slightly move to pick up the pen but it stopped
halfway and immediately flew back on his lap. Wu Ming then casted him with a nervous smile, "I
like anything Your Highness wants to do."

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ah but he did somewhat already expect this

"Is Wu Ming sure? He knows I will accept any request, right? There must be something he desires
to do with this one."

Wu Ming's gaze then lowered shyly, "Just being with Your Highness is already more than enough.
This one can't dare ask for anything more. If anything, he only wishes to stay by Your Highness'
side all the time."

Xie Lian mouth slightly parted in awe before his expression melted to a warm smile. "Then we will
do exactly that. I won't leave Wu Ming's side for even a second, pray he won't find this god

Wu Ming laughed softly. "I could never. It should be me praying that His Highness won't find this
one annoying for being so clingy and emotional."

Xie Lian smiled before picking the pen up and walking towards the drawers on the side. But the
moment he turned away, he could've sworn he heard a sigh of relief but he wasn't sure either.

Xie Lian's eyes then lifted to find the flower laying on top of the book still dazzling more than
before the last time he left it. His eyes smiled as he picked up the gardania flower and twirled it
around his fingers.


The sudden squeak made Xie Lian immediately turn back around to face him. "Oh?" Xie Lian
repeated inquisitively.
Xie Lian immediately eyed him to make sure he was alright. He did feed him the soup he made
earlier, the fear of accidentally poisoning his beloved was still there.

Wu Ming's cheeks flushed as his eyes quickly darted to the flower as he smiled nervously, "I mean..
Oh, it's the flower I gave Your Highness before."

Xie Lian's expression softened and chuckled. He then lifted the flower to his nose for a quick smell
but was slightly surprised when it wasn't emitting any smell anymore.

"Strange.. I usually feed it with my spiritual power everyday to keep it alive. How come the scent is
gone?" Xie Lian murmured.

Perhaps he was growing weak? Or was the spiritual power he was giving not enough?

"Your Highness..." Wu Ming suddenly spoke up making Xie Lian snap out of his thoughts to look
back at him.

Wu Ming looked down flustered. "I'mㅡ.. I'm still eternally grateful of all the efforts Your Highness
did for me. Even now he still generously feeds the flower with his own spiritual powers despite the
cursed shackles on him shows how much he cares for the gift. I'm.. I'm thankful for all of His
Highness' efforts."

Xie Lian's smile turned warmer as he opened his free arm to incite the ghost to come closer. It
didn't take that long for Wu Ming to quickly walk closer to his god and rest his head on Xie Lian's

Xie Lian held the flower closer to his heart and kept his gaze at Wu Ming. "You gifted this to me.
Of course it must be kept preserved."

Wu Ming's smile grew before his eyes landed back on the flower on Xie Lian's hand. "But Your
Highness.." He began.

Xie Lian kissed his forehead before humming in response and waiting for him to continue,

Wu Ming kept his gaze on the flower as he continued, "I believe that even if Your Highness doesn't
feed it with his qi anymore it would still be alive..."

Xie Lian chuckled. "It's a flower Wu Ming, it would wilt without proper care."

Wu Ming's smile didn't falter, "I think Your Highness' love is enough to keep it alive."

Xie Lian laughed softly. "Okay, now you're just being mischievous but I'll just have to agree to
disagree. I hope Wu Ming doesn't mind but I really don't want it to wilt." He says as he placed the
flower back on the shelf before he walked back on his study table to fix the papers he picked out
earlier that weren't used.

Wu Ming's eyes lingered on the flower for another moment before he walked back beside Xie Lian
who was now sitting down leisurely on his chair.

Xie Lian gently grabbed Wu Ming's hand and gave the back of his palm a few sweet kisses before
eyeing the ghost with a mischievous smile. "Is Wu Ming really sure he doesn't have anything he
wishes to do with this one?"
Wu Ming blinked a few times before looking at the window or literally anywhere else that could
hide his flustered face away from Xie Lian's irresistible eyes. 'It's still daytime though'

"Hmm? What is my Wu Ming thinking?" Xie Lian spoke so softly that it sent tingles all over his

"N-nothing..." Wu Ming responded before Xie Lian intertwined their fingers and pulled his waist to
make him sit on his lap facing him.

With his face so close how could Wu Ming still dare lie? The ghost buried his head on Xie Lian's
neck to avoid eye contact with the god.

Xie Lian then began rubbing his back for comfort. He cooed, "I'm sure whatever Wu Ming is
thinking is just as creative as he is.."

Yeah, creative.

Xie Lian began kissing Wu Ming's exposed neck before he whispered near the ghost's ear, "Wu
Ming better think of something he desires to do or else this one is going to have take matters into
his own hands."

Xie Lian then began gently nibbling on the ghost's ear and making him flinch and shudder in
response. "Y- Your Highness is cornering me.. no fair.." Wu Ming whined that screamed adorable
in Xie Lian's ears.

"Oh? How am I cornering you?"

Wu Ming didn't lift his head up to look at him. "I-I can't think when Your Highness is..." He
hesitated for a second, "... distracting."

Xie Lian huffed a laugh before kissing Wu Ming's flustered ear apologetically. "My bad, my bad.
I'll leave your sensitive ear alone for you to think."

Wu Ming slowly lifted his head up after a few moments before looking behind him to gather some
ideas. Not that the idea of having sex with his god didn't immediately come to mind but he just
thought that it would be more enjoyable if he tortures himself slightly longer so he could fully
enjoy it later in the evening.

Plus, he noticed that Xie Lian was really trying to spend quality time together with him for some
reason. So of course he would also want to create new moments with his god that he would forever
cherish in his heart.

His eyes continued traveling around the room until it landed on the pile of books and scrolls
stacked on one shelf. He felt his body slightly grew excited on the thought of laying beside Xie
Lian while reading him a book like how his mother used to read him sometimes.

He never realized how much he missed that kind of activity. "Your Highness.." He began.

Xie Lian who never left his gaze off him smiled warmly and tucked the hair on Wu Ming's face
behind his ear. "Has Wu Ming found what he desires to do?"

Wu Ming looked back at him and nodded excitedly with his eyes twinkling. "Would.. Would Your
Highness be willing to read this one a story?"
Seeing Wu Ming's adorable smile and twinkling eyes, suddenly the word 'no' and anything related
to it disappeared in his dictionary.

"Wu Ming doesn't need to ask. Of course I'll be happy to read him a story." He says before kissing
Wu Ming's cheek and standing up to the shelves again to choose a book or scroll.

Xie Lian scanned through his shelves for a moment. There was a slight problem, the books he
mostly collected were books of information about ghosts ever since he began his interest on Wu
Ming suddenly began so there was not really much of an interesting story there. The books on his
small library were no better either as it was mostly composed of the same subject.

Oh dear... Xie Lian fears he might have to go outside to buy a book first but he already knew Wu
Ming wouldn't allow him to go outside just for a book.

But he couldn't tell him that there was no interesting story either!

Ahh.. That hopeful smile and twinkling eyes really makes it hard for him to stop looking for

Perhaps he could just tell him a story from memory?

But his memory wasn't good either.. He might do a bad job retelling it on the spㅡ


There was that one particular scroll he found the last time they went out. At that time he was still
determined to look for options to keep Wu Ming's soul stable until someone suggested a scroll from
one of the shops so he bought it as well.

As he read though it, it did tell him a particular tale that was related to what he was looking for too.
That should be good enough right?

Now, the question lies before him, where did he keep it?

Xie Lian continued searching through the numerous scrolls stacked, looking for that specific scroll
with an interesting dragon symbol.

Heavens, he really hoped that he hasn't misplaced the scroll or worse, threw it away. He continued
searching and searching until his hand brushed against a strange hard design. He carefully pulled it
out all the way from the back making the other scrolls infront fall down.

Xie Lian was too focused examining the scroll to really care until he found the dragon symbol he
was looking for. "I found it!" He cheered.

Wu Ming who had already began picking up the scrolls that fell down one by one looked up to
smile at him. "Found what Your Highness?"

Xie Lian responded, "The scroll with an interesting story of course. I've been meaning to discuss
this with Wu Ming for a while now but so much has happened that it quickly slipped my mind."

Wu Ming placed the scrolls he picked up back on the shelves before humming in
acknowledgement. "Where does Your Highness want to read it together?" He asked.
Xie Lian eyed the room for a moment. Reading a story in here would be too dull. Plus, laying down
on a comfortable bed while cuddling and reading sounds like a much better plan anyways. So he
grabbed Wu Ming's hand and the two of them walked back to their bedroom.

Xie Lian laid on the bed and opened his arms to invite Wu Ming to lay beside him. The ghost didn't
waste time and quickly snuggled in close to him.

"So before I read to you, I have to mention that I got this scroll while browsing through the artifacts
that could help your soul stabilize more. They recommended me this scroll and it did mention
something useful that I was looking for."

Wu Ming nodded. "Your Highness is too thoughtful for this one. I won't disappear from your side
anytime soon." He chuckled.

Xie Lian leaned in and brushed his nose against his teasingly as he responded, "I know... But I just
want to be prepared."

He then opened the scroll and Wu Ming snuggled closer to him with eagerness to listen to the story.
Xie Lian thought his behavior was similar to a kid eager to listen to a bedtime story that it was
really too adorable.

"One upon a time..." Xie Lian began. He kept his voice soft with an addition of emotions in his
tone to keep the story interesting to listen to. "...Along the plains stands a village known for
healing. It is said that the people there are mysterious but friendly. They had unique abilities that
can heal and give tranquility to one's mind and soul that were said to be gifts from the heavens
passed down to them as they have no memory themselves on how they acquired that special skill."

Wu Ming hummed. "How interesting.." He commented.

Xie Lian smiled and nodded. "Right? All the villagers there are all mortals with no cultivation
whatsoever, but they are all gifted with a unique power passed down to them that even themselves
are not aware of its origin!"

Wu Ming smiled back and watched Xie Lian clear his throat before getting back on the story. "It is
said that even people from all around the world come to receive special treatment from them.
What's more was the fact that even their entire village was protected from monsters that cultivators
nor gods are even needed for protection. Eventually their village became known until it was
formally named as the village of healing and luck."

Xie Lian rolled the scroll again but unfortunately it had already ended. Ah that quickly?

"Oh.." Xie Lian's voice turned to disappointment. "I'm sorry that's actually the end of it. I thought
that there would be more twist to it but other than the village being miraculously blessed with
protection and luck, nothing else happened. You must've found it boring I'm sorry."

Wu Ming quickly shook his head. "No, not at all! Even though it's short it's really interesting!
Imagine living in a village and being blessed with abilities thst you yourself are not even aware of
its origin, its really rare and mysterious if you think about it."

Xie Lian was caught off guard, Wu Ming wasn't lying when he said he found it interesting. His
smile and gaze looked genuinely impressed.

Xie Lian stared at him for a moment before he pulled Wu Ming impossibly closer. He rested his
chin on top of the ghost's head. "I guess.. But I'm still sorry that the story wasn't long enough. I
don't think I have any more interesting books to read."

Wu Ming nuzzled his head deeper to Xie Lian, "Nonsense. I enjoyed it. Just listening to Your
Highness' voice is already enough for this one."

Xie Lian's heart skipped a beat before his cheeks flushed. "Ah you... you're too much." Xie Lian
laughed as he leaned down to kiss Wu Ming's cheek.

Wu Ming added, "I think there's more to their story. One cannot just be simply blessed with unique
powers out of no where."

"Yeah I thought so too." Xie Lian nodded before he picked up the scroll again and scanning its
contents one more time before it landed again on its dragon print on the side.

"The only clue we have on it is this symbol."

He then moved the scroll slightly closer to Wu Ming to show it to him before adding,

"Interesting right?"

Wu Ming's eyes squinted at the imprint to take a closer look. Somehow the design of the dagon
looked so.... familiar.

As if...

As if he's seen it before? His thoughts quickly flashed him different scenes he wasn't familiar with
at once with the same symbol on it. There were ones from a cape, from a mountain, from a tree,
from a flag.

... From a flag?

Wu Ming's heart thrummed anxiously. It felt so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

His fingers unconsciously reached out to brush the symbol before his vision suddenly flashed him a
sceneㅡ a memory, of him clutching a flag with that same symbol on it before his ears suddenly
rangㅡ it was so loudㅡ It hurts! It Hurts!!!!!

Wu Ming yelped a sharp cry and covered his ears that startled Xie Lian beside him. There was a
loud, and agonizing scream inside his ear, millions of voices were screaming all at the same time.
His vision narrowed and he curled his body protectively.

Xie Lian quickly dropped the scroll on his hands to place both his hands on either side of his
shoulders. Xie Lian scanned him from head to toe to search for the cause of the sudden scream but
found nothing.
Xie Lian's brows drew tightly in concern and in panic, "Wu Ming? Hey, hey, I'm here.. What's

The ghost under him didn't respond but instead continued crying and muttering that it hurts.

What happened all of a sudden? Wasn't he just fine a few seconds ago?

Wu Ming tossed and turned on the bed and continued muttering incessantly until he cried once
more, "It's so loud!!"

Xie Lian was at lost on what to do. Wu Ming looked as if he was about to rip his ears out. He
continued rubbing the ghosts back for comfort as he slowly began to feed him spiritual powers to
help stabilize his soul and calm his mind.

Wu Ming was inhaling sharp breaths again and continued covering his ears shut tightly with both

Xie Lian looked broken from the sight before he pulled his body closer. "Shh, I'm here..
Everything's okay.."

Wu Ming's body continued to tremble. His lips wobbled and he could feel his ears burn from the
unending screams. Why were so many people screaming at the same time? They were all high-
pitched and they sounded painfully agonizing and devastated!

Wu Ming continued crying in his embrace and Xie Lian never looked away once. He continued
rubbing his back to soothe him and comfort him with words.

Xie Lian then side-eyed the symbol on the scroll for a moment. He narrowed his eyes and drowned
himself in deep thought. That dragon symbol must've triggered something in Wu Ming that made
him react this way.

Was it one of the main causes of Wu Ming's trauma? Why else would Wu Ming react this way if

Xie Lian pressed his lips to a thin line before quickly averted his gaze from it to focus back to Wu

Xie Lian whispered, "I'm here.. you're safe, don't worry."

"Stop screamingㅡ please it hurts.. It hurts.." Wu Ming slurred.

Xie Lian slightly increased his amount of delivering spiritual energy until Wu Ming finally showed
signs of calming down.

Xie Lian closed his eyes and focused on feeding him with spiritual powers. When Wu Ming's cries
slowly died down to whimpers, Xie Lian smiled wearily and praised him softly. "That's it... good
boy Wu Ming. Just listen to my voice, no one else's. Nobody is screaming, nobody can hurt you.."

His qi was draining quickly too. Before Xie Lian realized it, he was beginning to feel weary as well
but didn't want to stop until he was fully sure that Wu Ming's soul was stable again. He continued
to murmur, "My poor Wu Ming, he must've gone through a lot in his childhood."
Xie Lian was too scared to imagine how big Wu Ming's childhood trauma were to cause a big
effect on him like this. Panic attacks are no joke, especially if one was already a ghost with no need
of a beating heart nor air in the lungs yet his brain managed to trick his entire body into thinking
that he was in danger thus jumping into his pure instincts.

Xie Lian leaned in and kissed Wu Ming's temples then his nose, then to his lips. "I'm sorry you
have to go through all this.." He murmured.

When the screams in Wu Ming's ears began to die down, he slowly began to see and hear his
surroundings better until he regained full consciousness again. When he finally got a hold of
himself, he quickly wiped his tears away and began to sit up properly until Xie Lian's hand stopped
him from doing so.

"Wu Mingㅡ"

But before Xie Lian could even utter another word he saw Wu Ming's broken expression for a split
second before he rushed to the floor and kneeled on his knees.

Xie Lian's eyebrows drew even tighter. He quickly rushed to get up and hold him on either side of
his arms as he spoke in alarm. "Wu Ming! The floor is cold get up!"

Wu Ming clenched his fists and shook his head. His voice was shaking as he spoke, "No. I- I'm- I
didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry I spooked Your Highness like that. I'm fine I swear! All of Your
Highness' efforts today were not in vain! I- I don't understand why I suddenlyㅡ"

"What?" Xie Lian interrupted.

The way Xie Lian asked wasn't out of curiosity or surprise, it had a chilling feeling attached to it
that immediately caught Wu Ming by surprise as well.

" 'All of my efforts were not in vain?'" Xie Lian repeated in a darker tone.

Wu Ming slowly closed his mouth and remain silent for a moment. He must have said something
wrong, otherwise why does his god look mad?

The feeling between them, he hasn't felt this since their first few weeks together!

"Th-the breakfast earlier, the never ending praises, the wishlist, and the book reading... W-wasn't it
all because Your Highness wanted to cheer me up for some reason?"

Xie Lian remained his eyes on him for a moment. "It is." He replied. After a short pause he added,

"But I didn't do all those things just because you weren't yourself yesterday but it was mostly
because I was willing to spoil you and care for you like that."

Xie Lian clenched his fists as he continued, "All my efforts were not in vain? Wu Ming, I would
willingly keep doing the same routines for you for an entire eternity if you would let me! I never
asked you to immediately feel better."

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened. It wasn't long before guilt eventually found its way to eat him
Xie Lian's gaze turned colder, "And now you say that you feel better but do you even see yourself
right now?"

Wu Ming sniffled and lowered his head. His thoughts ran wild in every second. He's done it, he
made Xie Lian mad. He's mad at him, it's been so long since he was mad at him, he was so stupid to
say such a thing. Didn't that just make his god's efforts on him even more worthless by saying it
outright? How could he be so stupidㅡ

Strong hands suddenly wrapped behind his back and under his knees. Before he realized it he was
already being carried and brought into another room.

Wu Ming slowly looked up to his gid but instantly regretted it when he saw the cold expression
lingering on Xie Lian's face. He looked around and he was bought to Xie Lian's private pool.

Xie Lian brought him down to a nearby divan and began gently stripping his clothes. The ghost's
eye immediately widened from the sudden action as he realized he was going to get bathed next.
He instinctively reached his own hand out to stop Xie Lian so he could strip himself but the god
only needed to flash him one warning look to stop him.

Wu Ming tensed and quickly looked down to look behaved. He didn't like what he was feeling right
now. The tension between them was almost killing him.

After Xie Lian slid off his last inner robe he then kneeled down and began taking off his boots.

Neither of them uttered a single word the moment they entered the room.

When all what's left was his pants, Xie Lian stood up and leaned in to wrap his arms around him
again. When Wu Ming realized that he was gonna get carried again he quickly looked at him and
broke the silence,

"Your Highness!"

Xie Lian didn't even spare him another glance and quickly carried him at the edge of the pool. He
gently brought Wu Ming down to the side and tested the pool temperature with his hand first.

He dipped his fingers in before a light slightly flashed then disappeared. After a few seconds there
was steam coming out of the water.

"Slowly dip your feet in. Tell me if it's too hot or not warm enough." Xie Lian ordered.

Wu Ming tried to hide his remorseful expression as he could even though he knew there was no
fooling his god. He turned his body and slowly dipped his feet in and sank it all the way down until
the waters reached just below his knees.

The warm temperature against his skin felt nice, making the ghost relax and sigh a bit. When he
remembered Xie Lian was still waiting for a response he flinched and quickly turned to face him.

"Th-the water is nice.. Just right."

Xie Lian gave him a look for a moment before he stood back up. "I will just grab something back
inside. Slowly dip yourself in until you adjust to the temperature and sit down on the ledge
Wu Ming nodded and watched Xie Lian walk back inside. After a few short seconds of silence Wu
Ming's eyes slowly travelled back to the waters before he carefully dipped himself lower as Xie
Lian instructed.

The warm water against his skin made his muscles tense and relieved as well. The way his body
slowly relaxed and how the warm water made the tension in his body disappear. But not all tension
was completely eliminated, some found its way to form tears in his eyes.

Wu Ming sniffled and forced back the tears before swallowing hard.

The way Xie Lian was looking at him earlier made him nervous. He's really done it this time. His
god was trying so hard to get him to stop degrading himself too much even though a big part of him
still thinks that he is unworthy.

They were having such a good time earlier too... But those sudden screams in his ears destroyed it
all at once! Why were they even screaming in the first place? Just because he saw a symbol that he
thought was familiar?!

Wu Ming hugged his knees and lowered his head to rest on top of it. His fists clenched as he
drowned in his thoughts yet again,

'I don't want to disappoint him. But he's mad at me now. I'm horrible, horrible. His Highness can't
even smile anymore and it's my fault. Sooner or later he's gonna leave me. He won't love me
anymore! He won'tㅡ'

The sound of the doors opening snapped him back to reality. Wu Ming turned his head and saw Xie
Lian holding a basket and a pair of towels on another hand.

He placed all of them on top of the divan before he began taking off his layer of robes as well. Wu
Ming's heart jumped at the sight of Xie Lian's bare back but it all quickly turned to guilt once the
ghost felt Xie Lian's cold demeanor still remaining.

Xie Lian then began walking towards him with his pants on while holding the basket he bought in
earlier before he sat on the edge of the pool with Wu Ming in between him.

Xie Lian's brows drew tight once he noticed the tears on Wu Ming's eyes. "What's wrong?"

Wu Ming shook his head and quickly wiped them. "Nothing.."

Xie Lian's hand gripped the edges of the pool tightly. "I see... How's the waters? Did it help you
clear your mind?" He suddenly asked.

Wu Ming nodded and smiled weakly, "En. Thank you for warming it up for this lowly one."

Xie Lian's gaze darkened for a moment before he patted the space beside him. "Sit here and do
nothing. I will take care of your bath."

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened. Xie Lian would what? Bathe him?

After being bought in here he thought it would be just like their usual bath time together. But never
had he expected that Xie Lian would personally take care of cleaning him himself!
No one's ever given him such an intimate offer! And the thought of Xie Lian's hands take care of
him in all sorts of places made him shiver.

"Y-Your Highness I could never ask you toㅡ"

"I want to." Xie Lian looked up at him to show that he was determined to go even this far just for
his sake. Not to mention that he used to be a crown prince, everyone took care of him. There was
always a servant assigned to help him with his daily routine. But to be the one personally bathing
the other person instead of the other way around was unspeakable!

Xie Lian grabbed a clean body cloth and a bottle of soap from the basket before placing them down
beside Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's eyes watched Xie Lian's movements carefully. He didn't dare comment on anything
more, not when they still had this cold air between them.

Wu Ming badly wanted to break down apologizing, but what did that lead to the last time he
prostrated and apologized?

He should've known Xie Lian would still never require him to prostrate like that again even if his
mistakes were grave. How could he forget that he wasn't the same person he used to be before? He
wasn't that cold calamity that shut the doors behind him and talked to him coldly.

He was this god who only ever wanted to love him equally.

Wu Ming's chest rumbled at the thought and blinked back the tears as Xie Lian continued
sprinkling his chest and shoulders with water to make his body slightly damp.

Xie Lian dipped his hand back on the warm water before bringing it upwards and gently brushing
his hand all over his chest. The warm water and the feeling of his god's skin against him made him
flustered. His feelings riled up inside him as if it was being teased.

"I'm sorry." Xie Lian suddenly apologized and breaking the silence between them.

Wu Ming's eyes widened. No no noㅡ why was Xie Lian suddenly apologizing???

He quickly opened his mouth to disagree "Your Highness I should be the one who'sㅡ"

"Wrong." Xie Lian interrupted. He grabbed the clean cloth and opened the bottle of liquid soap
before pouring it. He continued, "I know you only think that because I looked angry but it wasn't
mostly directed at you."

Xie Lian rubbed and squezed the cloth in one hand before he gently began rubbing it on Wu Ming's
bare chest. Wu Ming tried his best to remain still and behave but the feeling of being bathed was
wholly new to him that he didn't know what to feel. Xie Lian may have bathed him himself before
but he could barely remember it since he was asleep the whole time.

"I was angry because you thought that you needed to immediately feel better because I treated you
with much more care today than usual. I never asked Wu Ming such a thing."

Wu Ming lowered his head and just focused on the feeling of the cloth gently rubbing against his
skin. "I know.. I'm sorry.." He murmured.
Xie Lian then brought the cloth to his right shoulder and continued from there, "I know Wu Ming
had a rough childhood. Even until now it breaks me to know that there is still fear in you that I
would stop loving you if you committed even the tiniest mistake."

Wu Ming's breath hitched, he lifted his head to speak again but Xie Lian had already spoken again
before he even got the chance to utter a word out.

"Am I wrong? If so, then why did you kneel?"

Suddenly the words became stuck on his throat. Xie Lian had stopped rubbing the cloth and stared
at him straight on the eyes as he waited for an answer.

Now, Xie Lian had given him the chance to speak, but he had nothing to say at all.

Instead he shut his mouth and remained quiet instead.

"I believe I had already lectured Wu Ming about how I feel when I see him prostrating after a

Wu Ming slowly nodded in response. Xie Lian then began cleaning his arms diligently, making
sure that not a spot was missed and that he wasn't rubbing the cloth too hard.

Wu Ming remained quiet for a while before a question popped in his mind. "Why.. Why did Your
Highness apologize?"

Xie Lian stopped his movements again before he sighed and lowered his gaze. He responded,
"Because I'm to blame for it as well."

Wu Ming stiffened. He furrowed his brows as if he couldn't believe it. "Blame? Your Highness has
done nothing wrong! I believe it should be me who's supposed to apologize."

Xie Lian shook his head. Wu Ming's heart dropped as he saw tears building up form the corner of
Xie Lian's eyes.

He inhaled a shaky breath. "The reason why you're still so cautious of me is because of how I
treated you before isn't it?"

Wu Ming froze on the spot. Xie Lian blinked away the tears in his eyes before a hand slowly
reached to his cheeks to caress it. "I was awful to you. I threatened you, forced you, and demanded
so much from you." Xie Lian then wrapped his hands around his waist and hugged him tight.

"You've already gone through so much... And I only ignited the flame even more. I'm so sorry for
how I treated you before."

Wu Ming was caught off guard to do anything. How ironic, he thought. He imagined it would be
him who was supposed to be begging for forgiveness, not the other way around!

When he snapped out off it he placed his hands on Xie Lian's shoulder and spoke with all
seriousness, "Your Highness, I never took offense from any of it. I promise you that."

Xie Lian looked like he didn't want to accept it. "But still, you didn't deserve the harsh treatment I
gave you. Other than how I got you running left and right just to collect resentful spirits, I even
dared to take off your mask and exposing your right eye without your consent! Worst of all, I was
even crazy enough to touch you and forced you to sleep with me!"

Hearing how Xie Lian recalled their time before made the tension between them die down and
turned to fondness in Wu Ming's heart. The time when they were still oblivious to each other's
feelings was a nice thing to reminisce.

He chuckled, "Didn't we already talk about that last part? I was already in love with Your Highness
at that time, I never took offense in any of what he did. Does Your Highness know why?"

Xie Lian looked at him and waited for another response.

Wu Ming's smile grew deeper. "Other than my love for Your Highness, I also knew that he was
going through a lot at that time. He also had a rough time didn't he? He was angry at the world and
sought to find revenge. The world deserved it anyway after what they've done to you."

The way Wu Ming talk about his past sounded as if he had been there himself. Xie Lian remained
his gaze on on him longer before he sighed and slowly leaned in and kissed him.

The kiss remained for a moment before Xie Lian pulled back. The god gave him a weary smile,
"What is this? I'm supposed to be the one comforting you yet you're the one doing it instead."

Wu Ming laughed. That's what he thought too, "And I'm also the one who was supposed to
apologize to His Highness but he stole my line. I think it's only fair now."

Xie Lian chuckled in return. Wu Ming's heart fluttered, his god was smiling again.

"En. It's fair." Xie Lian muttered before he kissed the ghost's cheek. He brought the cloth back and
began rubbing his right hand before it travelled to his fingers, diligently taking care each of his
fingers before proceeding to his other shoulder.

Wu Ming hummed at the sensation. Oh how he would never get used to this feeling. His muscles
would tense every now and then whenever Xie Lian shifts the cloth to touch another part of his

Xie Lian then jumped downwards to let his body fully submerged in the water before he stood
between Wu Ming's legs.

The god smiled at him as he caressed his waist with his fingers, earning a small gasp from the ghost
in response. His stomach sucked in when Xie Lian's fingers reached his stomach.

"You're precious Wu Ming..." Xie Lian muttered.

Xie Lian's gaze deepened as he continued to speak softly, "... Every part of you inside and out are
all precious to me. I know I wronged you before and I'm sorry for only apologizing now. I hope Wu
Ming can forgive me. "

Wu Ming really wanted to argue back that his god never needed to apologize to him about
anything. It was the world's fault to why he was pushed to his own limits and seeked comfort in the

But he also now knew how much Xie Lian regretted his past actions and rejecting his apology now
would never heal the wound in his heart. So Wu Ming let out a quiet breath and smiled at him,
"I never blamed Your Highness but if it makes him feel better then I forgive you. Please don't
blame yourself anymore."

Xie Lian smiled affectionately before dipping his head and left ginger kisses on Wu Ming's
stomach, earning adorable yelps from him in response.

Xie Lian damped his hands with water before letting the water drip on the Wu Ming's stomach. "I
would also like it if Wu Ming trusts this god a little more that he won't leave him that easily. I know
that he was kicked out of his home but he should know that I would never do that to him as well.
This is his home too."

Xie Lian lifted his gaze to look at him seriously, "I will say this again: you're not a lowly one nor
are you still a servant in this household. The things I own are also yours..." Xie Lian then
emphasized heavily on the next following words, "....I am yours."

Wu Ming's eyes slightly widened and his cheeks flushed in response.

"So please don't be ashamed if you let out your feelings from time to time. Don't apologize when
you cry or talk to much. I'm here to listen to your problems and talk it out with you. We aren't that
same master and servant we used to be anymore. We're much more than that." Xie Lian then smiled
softly and so affectionately that made Wu Ming's vision blur and breaths heavy.

Before Wu Ming realized it he was already crying again. The tears he blinked away and swallowed
all resurfaced all at once. Wu Ming lowered his head to try hide his expression behind his bangs
even though he already knew that it would never hide anything from Xie Lian.

"Oh baby... I'm here.." Xie Lian cooed as he wrapped his hands around the ghost's waist again to
pull him into a hug.

Wu Ming didn't hesitate this time to wrap his hands around Xie Lian's neck and rested his head on
his shoulder as he continued sobbing.

Xie Lian rubbed his back, "That's it.. cry it all out. Such a good boy you are for me. This gege loves
you so much..."

Wu Ming hugged him closer as Xie Lian left sweet kisses on his ear and cheeks.

"My baobei deserves all the love in this world. He needs to be spoiled and loved because he is more
than worthy to receive it."

Xie Lian continued whispering praises near his ear as he then began scrubbing his back with the
white cloth while Wu Ming was still leaning against his chest crying and whimpering.

Xie Lian hummed softly, "Wu Ming had a bad dream earlier didn't he? Just say the word and I will
do all what I can to make you feel better."

Xie Lian then kissed his ear one more time before he gently pushed Wu Ming to sit straight so he
could lean in and prep his face with kisses.

Xie Lian brushed a tear away from Wu Ming's face with his thumb as he smiled warmly, "You've
been swallowing your pain in silence for far too long. Please share your burdens with me whenever
you're ready, okay my love?"
Wu Ming nodded before he wiped away the remaining tears with his own arm.

Xie Lian began to hum calming melodies as he began to scrub Wu Ming's sides and washing the
soap away with the warm water before moving to another side. It was peaceful and quiet between
the two of them for a long time before Xie Lian began washing away the soap on his shoulders and
chest with water.

Wherever his fingers would roam, Xie Lian followed it with ginger kisses right after making the
ghost whimper and shudder.

"Hm? Does Wu Ming like that?" Xie Lian asked with a teaseful smile on his lips as he continued
kissing the ghost's stomach.

Wu Ming nodded.

Xie Lian's smile grew before he lifted himself up to catch Wu Ming's lips against him again. Oh
how his lips tasted sweet, Xie Lian could almost lick his own lips to taste more of it.

But forced to restrain himself a little bit more.

Xie Lian then tugged on the waist band of Wu Ming's pants earning another surprised sound from
the ghost and breaking their kiss.

"Y-Your Highness!!" Wu Ming yelped. His face almost resembling the color of a tomato.

Xie Lian laughed. He then responded with a tone that was also teasing, "I'm bathing you, aren't I?
Naturally that also includes whatever you are hiding under here.."

Xie Lian tugged on his pants again before Wu Ming placed a hand on his to stop him and lowering
his head to hide his flustered face.

"I-.. It's-"

"What are you hesitating for?" Xie Lian chuckled. He added, "Surely it's not something I haven't
seen before? Besides, I bathed you myself many times already, you were just asleep to notice"

With how much they indulged with one another, how could Xie Lian not know every inch of his
body by now?

Wu Ming began whining that it was adorable. "But Your Highness! It'sㅡ I'mㅡ"

Xie Lian waited for him to continue but Wu Ming continued to struggle with his words until he
eventually just sat there in silence with a flustered look.

Xie Lian chuckled at his ridiculousness before he patted Wu Ming's lap.

"Go on, lift your hips so I can slide it off."

Wu Ming hesitated for a few more seconds before he eventually cooperated and lifted his hips
slightly as Xie Lian began sliding his pants off.

Wu Ming looked away embraassadly. He thought it was stupid to be feeling like this too but he
couldn't understand why he was feeling this way either.
Xie Lian hummed and began damping his thighs and knees with water. Wu Ming was looking away
but he could definitely feel Xie Lian's heated gaze on his half-hard crotch.

Wu Ming wanted to die in embarrassment. Xie Lian's touch and kisses earlier felt really good, he
couldn't help himself.

"Haha, is this why Wu Ming was so hesitant on taking his pants off?"

Wu Ming squeezed his eyes shut. Right on the spot as always. There was no hiding from Xie Lian

"Your Highness' k-kisses and touch felt good."

Xie Lian's smile deepened.

He continued kneeding the ghost's thigh with his hand while trying to damp it wet with water.

"Hm, there's no need to be embarrassed. It should be a normal body reaction, isn't it?" Xie Lian
then began scrubbing Wu Ming's thighs before gently lifting it up so he could scrub the undersides
as well.

The way Xie Lian's hand would slide down to the innerside of his thighs made his hand go
inevitably close to his crotch for a split second before it slides back up.

It was almost as if he was teasing him.

Wu Ming was trying really hard not to go fully hard or else he really wouldn't be able to take it

Xie Lian then scrubbed his knees and legs next before proceeding with the other side. When only
his feet remained, Xie Lian held his hand out with his palm facing upwards as he looked up to Wu
Ming with a smile. The ghost's face twisted however as he immediately understood what that hand
is for and immediately shook his head.

His feet on his god's hand.

Wouldn't that just be the same as him stepping on his god? Heavens no! Wu Ming would never let
anything degradeㅡ

"Wu Ming.." Xie Lian warned as if he read his thoughts. Wu Ming's lips tugged downwards before
he sighed in defeat.

He carefully reached his feet out. When it was inches away from his god's palm he allowed his toe
to rest on it for a few seconds.

When Xie Lian saw that he only placed his toe in, he snickered and quickly held back a laugh. He
smiled at Wu Ming, "If Wu Ming behaves, I will reward him very generously tonight."

There was also that tone on his voice that was hard to ignore. Wu Ming whimpered before he
eventually allowed his foot to fully rest on Xie Lian's palm.

Xie Lian praised, "Good boy.." He then gently began scrubbing each of his toes before his thumbs
began to gently rub and squeeze his sole.
Wu Ming pressed his lips together tightly. Oh that felt good.

It felt slightly ticklish too. His foot would instinctively back away whenever Xie Lian accidentally
brushes a ticklish part on his sole feet.

Xie Lian chuckled, "I'm almost done don't worry. Endure it for me a little more?"

When Xie Lian was done he then moved on to the other foot. Xie Lian's hand felt good, especially
how Wu Ming's stomach would tense whenever Xie Lian's fingers were too close to a spot that
would make him squirm.

When Xie Lian was done with his right foot, he gently placed it down to dip on the waters before
Xie Lian leaned in to sniff his shoulders.

"Oh you smell nice and fresh." Xie Lian then did a quick scan on him from head to toe. "... clean

Wu Ming smiled his cheeks still flushed from embarrassment. He lowered his gaze before
muttering, "It's all thanks to Your Highness."

Xie Lian hummed. "Taking a bath felt good didn't it?" He leaned in and kissed Wu Ming's bare
chest once more.

Xie Lian then accidentally brushed a nipple with his fingers that made Wu Ming utter a moan. The
ghost immediately placed both hands to cover his mouth in embarrassment.

Xie Lian's smile grew as he leaned in to leave a trail of kisses on Wu Ming's neck and shoulder
before inhaling his scent greedily once more. "Oh baby, you smell so good."

Wu Ming whimpered at the nickname before his shaking hands slowly traveled to rest on top of Xie
Lian's shoulder.

There was no doubting it, he was fully hard now.

Xie Lian's breaths became ragged. He then kneeled on the ledge to push himself higher so he could
kiss and nibble the ghost's ear.

"Hhhㅡ ah, Your Highness!"

Xie Lian slid his hands to wrap around Wu Ming's small waist to pull him even closer. He
murmured, "Does that feel good?"

Wu Ming nodded. Feeling Xie Lian's skin against him and their bodies pressed together, nothing
else could feel so good. "Please, closer .." He begged.

Xie Lian chucked, "Wu Ming is so hard right now. Don't ask how long I've been trying to restrain
myself from pouncing on you and ravishing you right then and there like an animal."

Wu Ming then glanced down, only to find out that Xie Lian was terrifyingly hard. How did he not
notice the large tent in his pants before?

"Your Highness.." Wu Ming whimpered.

Xie Lian pressed their bodies closer as Xie Lian leaned in and kissed the ghost passionately. Wu
Ming felt dizzy from the kiss but loved it all the more.

All the tension and anxiousness he felt earlier was gone and burdening his shoulder no more. Xie
Lian, his beloved was here now.

He was there, he was loved.

Chapter End Notes

EYES HERE PEOPLE!! Go and check the slight nsfw art on this chapter and follow me for

Art link!


Dragon - Miao Tribe symbol ;>

(Dropping some hints here and there, any theories y'all might be willing to share? I'm all eyes

they've gone through! 😭

I really hope the chapter wasn't too cheesy but nevertheless the two deserves it after all what
But I hope you enjoyed it as well!

As we're close to the end I just want to say how lucky I am to be able to share this story with
you all and how thankful I am to see supportive comments that truly made my day (I can't

put an exact number of the total number of chaps yet because it's still not finalized but I can
tell you that were very close to the end... Like about 85% finished )

See you next week or the week after! Come find me on twitter 🤍
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Sweet Torments
Chapter Notes

WOOOHOO I'M BACK!!! I apologize for the delay please forgive this busy author ToT

But thankfully we're on break right now so I can properly focus on this fic.

Brace your hearts for this one <3

( CW: Slight explicit scene at the beginning. The ending might creep you out a bit but that's
the point--)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian continued kissing and nibbling on Wu Ming's neck as his hand reached out to caress Wu
Ming's stomach making the ghost shudder beneath his gentle touches.

Wu Ming inhaled a sharp breath when he felt Xie Lian's teeth bite into his skin yet again. It stung
but it did nothing more than to raise his arousal even more. Moreover, the stimulation was too
much that his cock was hard and flushed with precum soaking the tip and leaking on the floor tiles.

But despite how difficult his orgasm delays were becoming, what's even harder was ignoring Xie
Lian's grin whenever he was at his limits.

Wu Ming bit down on his lower lip and remained still. As much as he loved pleasing his god, he
could only delay his orgasm so much before he finds himself ascending straight into heaven before
Xie Lian could grin mischievously once more for the nth time. He knew better than to continue
pleasing him by continuing to show how much he was getting tormented by the teasing.

Who even taught him that anyway? Wu Ming could never guess.

All he knew was how Xie Lian was quick to notice and adapt to the way he reacts and teases him
on the spot until he was satisfiedㅡ


It's different this time?

Oh that's a possibility too. Should he gamble for it? If he guesses wrong, all his orgasm delays
would be all for naught and he would probably be stuck for another thirty-minutes from Xie Lian's
round of teasing.

Wu Ming's body jerked slightly when Xie Lian's stomach licks were getting too close to home. Wu
Ming's entire body was trembling, he wantedㅡhe needed a release soon!
The ghosts breaths quickened as he quickly gathered his thoughts. Xie Lian told him it's okay to
make requests right? That's the whole point of this bath wasn't it? Xie Lian wanting to serve him in
the best possible way and assuring him that they were on equal grounds now despite how that idea
still somewhat doesn't sound right to him.

But he really wasn't in the best position to retaliate now!

Thus, in a flash of a quick decision and movement, Wu Ming quickly placed a hand behind Xie
Lian's neck to pull him slightly close to where he wanted him; near his throbbing, leaking, flushed

Xie Lian's eyes looked up at him and waited.

Wu Ming bit his lip. He didn't care whether or not the pulsating heartbeat he was feeling was really
from his own heart or from his delusions, but what he needed badly was to get the steam off of him
in an instant.

"Y-Your Highness.." Wu Ming finally uttered.

Xie Lian's smile deepened. Thankfully he didn't move nor did anything to remove the hand behind
his neck.

"Yes beloved?" He replied with that tone of innocence in his tongue but Wu Ming knew those pair
of lips long enough to notice that there was definitely intention coated on those beautiful cherry lips
of his god.

But in all honesty, it makes him even more beautiful and dangerous at the same time.

Xie Lian could save the world with a smile on his lips, and equally destroy it while wearing the
same expression. The best part? Nobody would even notice it was even the same person.

After a few more seconds of hesitation, he finally gathered enough courage to speak despite his
voice trembling so much, "Please... please Your Highness I-help me.."

Xie Lian's smile remained on his lips and his eyes never left him.

Wu Ming turned away with eyes shut closed. If he gambles wrong, Xie Lian would really tease him
to his wits end. But if not, perhaps Xie Lian would spare him some mercy and help him finally

"What if I don't want to?"

Wu Ming's heart sank at the same time he turned to Xie Lian dumbfoundly. "Wh.. what?"

Xie Lian hummed. His hands kneeded his thighs as he kept his gaze on him. "You heard me, what
if I don't want to?"

Wu Ming pouted. His cock was aching and now his god was denying him, something about this
made something stir in his stomach in the wrong way.

Xie Lian's eyes were hinting something too. It wasn't the eyes of someone forcing into submission
anymore, but something.. entirely the opposite.
Wu Ming's mouth slightly opened.

Xie Lian was grinning mischievously while his cock was practically begging for release. Wasn't his
god teasing him to help him relieve? Why is he denying him now when he was at the brink of

Something about this situation made Wu Ming temporarily forget his own thoughts and initiated on
full instincts.

With a dark shadow looming over the upper half of his face, he suddenly grabbed Xie Lian's
shoulder to push him closer with a grip tight enough to show that he was determined to keep him in

The abrupt movement made Xie Lian's mischievous demeanor quickly drop. When he lifted his
head to look at him, he saw an expression he never thought he would ever see being directed at

The look of a predator.

"No." Wu Ming gritted his teeth. Xie Lian then sensed a hand behind his head for a few short
moments before he felt a grip on the base of his ponytail.


Wu Ming's voice was low and slightly irritated, "Your Highness is being unfair... He says I could
ask him anything. If he doesn't want to obey then, then, I'm sorry because I'm gonna have to borrow
his throat for a while to shove my own cock in until I'm satisfied!"

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened. Oh how his heart was beating madly because of this. For the first
time during their time together, he finally used force to get what he wanted for the first time.

Xie Lian's heart raced at the new development. Wu Ming was still too conscious with their status
difference and he feared that Wu Ming would never be able to voice out what he truly wanted. But
after teasing him to his wits end, he finally broke off from that and denied him to take what he

Without another moment, Wu Ming narrowed his eyes, and Xie Lian could've sworn he heard him
mutter 'I'm sorry Your Highness' afterwards. But before a chuckle could even escape Xie Lian's
mouth, Wu Ming's hand moved to his cheeks to cup it with a slight force just enough to give him a
warning that wasn't gonna face anywhere else but him.

"Open." He ordered in a deep and rough voice that Xie Lian would only seldomly hear from him.
Something about his dominant behavior stirred something in Xie Lian's heart that he couldn't
understand. And it excited him.

Xie Lian slowly opened his mouth obediently and Wu Ming wasted no time in gently pushing his
head down to suck on the tip.

Wu Ming tipped his head back and bit his lip to stop the moans that were threatening to come out.
He gripped Xie Lian's ponytail tighter and urged him to suck down deeper.
The confidence from that grip was making Xie Lian's stomach all tingly. There was definitely
something about this that excited him, something that makes a certain type of emotion wake up that
he thought was long gone.


No, he wasn't afraid of Wu Ming. But rather, it was the fear of the unknown. The thrill of
excitement coursing through him and not knowing what could happen to him because Wu Ming
was incharge of how he was gonna break him.

He thought he had gotten used to fear long ago, but perhaps he was wrong. If ever comes the day
where he was gonna be the strongest god or the most powerful calamity in the world, the only ghost
that could ever put him into this submissive state was going to be only, and only Wu Ming.

Xie Lian angled his head slightly before he sucked in deeper, and finally earning a groan from Wu
Ming. He teased with his tongue and made suck to tease all of his sensitive spots before pulling
back slightly and sucking all the way deeper once more.

Wu Ming let out a sharp moan and unintentionally gripped his hair tighter before he tugged it until
Xie Lian had to remove the cock from his mouth.

Xie Lian glanced it and it was weeping badly and desperate for a release. Wu Ming's body spasmed
a few times but he still held it in.

Xie Lian's grin gradually came back as he licked his lips and leaned in to plant a kiss on Wu Ming's
neck. He then leaned on his ear and chuckled before whispering, "Even at this state you love to
torcher yourself. How adorable."

Wu Ming bit his lower lip. He watched his god carefully lift his legs until they were out of the
waters and placed them on either side of the floor to keep his legs open and fully exposing his
flushed cock.

"Torcher yourself no more, beloved. This one will make sure to make you feel good." Xie Lian
whispered once more before he placed another trail of heated kisses against the ghost's neck.

Xie Lian then leaned down, opened his mouth, and began to suck the tip once more. Wu Ming shut
his eyes closed and focused on Xie Lian's movements as his hand slowly reached out to grab the
base of Xie Lian's ponytail once more.

"Deeper." Wu Ming commanded with a rough and pressed tone. Xie Lian obediently followed and
began to suck deeper as instructed, but he really didn't have much of a choice either considering
how the tight grip on his ponytail was also pushing his head deeper.

Xie Lian couldn't help but wonder what would happen to him if he suddenly disobeyed. Wu Ming
had been denying orgasm for too long hasn't he The thrill of excitement just from the thought was
enough to make his heart race.

But putting all of those thoughts aside, this day is about Wu Ming after all. He couldn't just ruin it
now and disappoint him. So probably next time then.

Wu Ming tipped his head back as high pitched moans escaped his mouth. His legs were shaking
and the feeling was too overwhelming. He gripped Xie Lian's ponytail tight as his hips began to
thrust to chase that delicious release. His movements eventually went from reluctant thrusts to
decisive pounding.

Every thrust was quick and precise, Xie Lian had already stopped moving his head down and
remained still as he dutifully accepted the cock being thrusted in and out of his mouth. The feeling
was making the ghost delirious as he continued feeling himself reach closer and closer and closerㅡ

Wu Ming gasped, "fuckㅡfuck! Y-Your Highness I'm g-gonnaㅡ"

Xie Lian gripped the edges of the pool tightly as Wu Ming continued pounding inside his mouth
faster and faster until he cried out and shot out hot liquid of cum into Xie Lian's mouth.

Xie Lian remained in that position and received squirt after squirt of post-release until Wu Ming's
thighs and his grip on Xie Lian's ponytail relaxed. Xie Lian dutifully swallowed every drop before
he moved his head back until the entire now limp cock was out of his mouth.

Xie Lian licked his lips and chuckled as he placed his weight on both hands to lift himself upwards
to meet Wu Ming's eye level.

Oh that was good. He loved the feeling of Wu Ming coming out of his shell a little to show his
dominant side. Xie Lian wondered what it would be like if he was under Wu Ming's mercy next

Xie Lian's smile deepened. Ah Wu Ming would probably need to mature a few more years before
they could reach to that level. And in order to achieve that, he first needs to learn to be more
confident about himself.

"Tired?" Xie Lian asked in a low voice.

Wu Ming blinked a few times slightly before nodding his head.


Just like Xie Lian wanted. With all the tension out of his body, Wu Ming could relax properly and
improve his sleep. If he's lucky enough, his nightmares won't bother him anymore.

Xie Lian hoisted himself up until he could sit on the edge of the pool again just in time when Wu
Ming's body leaned in and rested his weight against him tiredly.

He took one good look at the ghost for a moment and seeing how relaxed he looked compared to a
few minutes ago brought him relief and a warm smile in his face. He then wrapped his arms around
the ghost once more before carrying him and placing him on a divan next to the pool.

Wu Ming had already fallen asleep by the time Xie Lian began wiping his body carefully with a
towel and helping him put on his sleeping robes before carrying him again to their bedroom.

He gently placed Wu Ming on the bed and pulled the covers to tuck him in. Wu Ming was sleeping
so comfortably that it was almost too tempting to pinch his cheeks.

Xie Lian smiled warmly once more before leaning in and kissing his forehead.

"Sweet dreams..." He whispered before walking back to the bathroom to clean himself as well.
When Xie Lian got out, he walked back to the bedroom to sit on the bed near Wu Ming who was
still asleep soundly. Xie Lian petted his sides gently for additional comfort before sighing quietly.

He really didn't mean to scare Wu Ming with the cold facade he put on earlier. He also knew how
much it tortured the poor ghost because of the cold shoulder he gave him as well but he had to in
order for Wu Ming to be able to really learn how to stop pressuring himself so much. But his efforts
still proved to be successful in the end, didn't it?

Wu Ming was peacefully sleeping next to him. Not bounded by shackles nor nightmares. He
deserved this and more, but there's only so much Xie Lian could give. Sometimes Xie Lian wished
he still had a little of fortune left so he could properly spoil Wu Ming to make up of the horrible
things he did in the past.

Xie Lian glanced at the window after a while and noticed the pink clouds on the sky, indicating that
the sun was now setting and it was gonna get dark soon. Not to mention they haven't even had
lunch yet and the day was already ending.

With that in mind, Xie Lain quickly got up and headed down to the kitchen to test his cooking
abilities... once more. After debating for what food to cook, he came to a conclusion that having
wonton for dinner was good enough. The climate is still cold so it's best if they continue on with
the soup meals to help warm the body.

Maybe he would have better luck this time...

"Maybe it needs more salt?" Xie Lian muttered while he stirred the pot.

"Or maybe it's the green onions that's lacking?"

"Maybe I added too much water."

Xie Lian sighed in defeat. How come the the book made it seem simple to make wontons? He read
it over and over again and imagined the steps in his head a dozen times. So how come the outcome
looks a little bit worrying?

If his young prestigious self saw this.. concoction he would probably immediately call the guards to
report a poisoning murder attempt.

Xie Lian pushed his lower lip to express his frustration. His teachers had always praised him for
having a good hand with swords and executing stances, but why is so different when it comes to
holding spoons and executing steps in making fucking wantons?!

Xie Lian's brows drew tighter, he didn't realize he was squeezing the wooden spoon too tight that it
suddenly snapped and pulled him back to reality.

He stared at the broken spoon for a moment before he blew a heavy breath to calm himself.

It's fine, he told himself. He could always try again to improve. Hopefully.
He picked up the broken spoon and tossed it to a nearby bin. But just as he was about to step back
again, a splitting headache crashed over him out of no where! The pain was even more unbearable
than before that his vision was spinning.

He grunted and exhaled sharply as he slowly began loosing his balance until his hands caught and
held on to the kitchen table to support himself from falling down. He was sweating profusely and
his breaths were all over the place.

This headache again.

He placed a hand on a side of his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He began to take deep and
controlled breaths before panting the words under his breath.

"Fang Xin.. calm down..." Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut even tighter and bit his lower lip to pull
himself back from screaming at the intense pain.

"Not now, Wu Ming is still asleep. Don't break please, don't break, don't break, don't break.."

Xie Lian continued begging in a low voice as if he was making a desparate prayer. He held on to
the table tighter as he slowly kneeled down to help support his balance even more.

He tried his best to keep his breaths steady and prevented himself from falling asleep.

"Don't break.. don't break..." He continued muttering.

The pain was unbearable. It was torture. He felt as if he was gonna puke or faint any minute, it was
horrible. At every slight turn or shift, his headache would intensify and mess up his equilibrium and
vision. He could only try his best to keep himself still, quiet, and unmoving apart from his
controlled breaths.

Then the pain suddenly stopped.

Xie Lian opened his eyes. Just like that, the pain was gone as if it was never there. His heartbeat
steadied and he stopped feeling dizzy.

Then there was a voice from behind,

"Your Highness?"

Xie Lian quickly turned around and found Wu Ming standing at the kitchen door looking like he
had just woken up.

When Wu Ming's sleepy brain finally processed that his god was kneeling on the floor while
holding onto the table, his expression quickly changed to worry.

"Why are you kneeling on the floor? Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly.

Xie Lian quickly stood up and walked infront of him to hold either side of his shoulders. He smiled
at him assuringly, "It's nothing." He responded, his voice still sounded out of breath and the god
could only hope that his shaking hands weren't too obvious.

He took another silent breath before asking, "Why are you awake though? You haven't even slept
for that long."
Wu Ming looked to the side before rubbing his right eye. "I don't know..." after a short pause he
added in a lower tone, "Your Highness wasn't there, I didn't have any reason to sleep."

"Nonsense." Xie Lian quickly replied before leading him to sit on a chair. "You were tired earlier,
of course that's enough reason to sleep. Go back to the bed if you're still sleepy."

Wu Ming shook his head in response, "Mn-mn. The bed is too cold and lonely." He whined.

Xie Lian puffed out a soft chuckle. "Ah, how clingy. Fine, fine. I was just finishing up cooking
dinner anyway."

Ah, that reminds him.

Xie Lian reluctantly walked back to the pot of wontons and still devated on whether or not he
should feed a bowl to an animal first to make sure.

It's stupid too. It's just a bowl of wantons, it shouldn't be that hard!

"Your Highness still hasn't answered my question. Why was he on the floor earlier?" Wu Ming
spoke from behind.

"I told you, it's nothing." Xie Lian replied with a smile as he continued stirring the pot.

Then there was silence. Xie Lian had expected a response so the awkward silence made him
slightly worry. He opened his mouth again but Wu Ming had already spoken first.

"Your Highness looks tired. Maybe I shouldn't have slept after all..." The way his tone carried a
heavy feeling of regret made Xie Lian's stomach instantly drop

Xie Lian quickly rushed to his side, clasped his hands between his and kneeled down. "Wu Ming!
Don't say that, it's just... It'sㅡ"


Wu Ming waited for an answer before Xie Lian dropped his head and sighed. He's bound to figure
it out soon anyway...

The god took a deep breath before slowly facing him. He smiled at him awkwardly. "Eat first, then
I'll tell you."

Wu Ming was frowning from worry but Xie Lian had leaned in to kiss his forehead in hopes of
atleast making his drawn eyebrows relax a little.

Xie Lian then stood up to turn the stove off and served Wu Ming a bowl before sitting across him
on the table. Wu Ming followed obediently as he had always done, he picked up a spoon and
quietly ate. After biting a few porks, Xie Lian sighed and called back his attention.

"This is about... Fang Xin." Xie Lian muttered.

The spoon stopped mid-air as Wu Ming suddenly froze upon hearing the name. He hasn't heard
about Fang Xin for a while so it definitely caught him off guard. Not to mention how dangerous
that sword is now with all the resentful spirits trapped in there. But just from the topic itself was
enough to make Wu Ming already feeling dreadful about what was to come.

Wu Ming slowly placed back the spoon in the bowl and waited for him to continue. Xie Lian took
another deep breath and collected his thoughts for another minute before speaking again,

"Remember how I used to keep you beside me to grind the ink every night?"

Wu Ming nodded. How could he forget? He looked forward to those nights everyday in the past. To
be able to stand close to his prince and god to bask in his presence while being useful to him at the
same time. But why was he mentioning this again?

"I remember.." The ghost replied. Xie Lian nodded slowly in acknowledgement.

"And.. Do you remember when I explained to you the intention behind those nights you grinded the
ink for me?"

Wu Ming nodded as well but slower. The dread inside him was growing bigger and every silence
between them was getting even more louder.

As Xie Lian previously mentioned, he called him to grind the ink for him to test if he had
something in him that was suppressing the tormenting whispers in his god's head. To his god's
surprise, his speculations were right. Then it became even more clearer to him after he suddenly
took off his mask and exposing his right eye that was responsible for suppressing it.

But why are they talking about this now?

"I remember. But I didn't take any offense to that if that's what Your Highness is worried about."

Xie Lian chuckled slightly, "I'm grateful but no, it's not about that. It's.." He looked down and
clasped his own hands together tighter to brace himself.

After a short pause he finally said it,

"It's happening again."

Shock strucked Wu Ming's face as the ghost did not spare another second to quickly stand up and
stand beside Xie Lian.

"You're being tormented by those whispers again? But I thought they vanished along with White

Xie Lian couldn't stand to see the worried look on Wu Ming's face. He felt like a failure, Wu Ming
should be rested without another care in the world. But he also knew he could only hide this
problem long enough before he eventually catches up.

"That's what I don't understand either. The feeling struck me out of no where that I didn't recognize
it at first during the first few waves." Xie Lian then quick assured him, "But like before, they all
disappeared whenever I stand next to you. So don't worry too much."

Wu Ming frowned. "Your Highness, what ifㅡ"

"No." Xie Lian interrupted. He clenched his fists as he added in a grave tone, "White No-Face
won't come back. He's the scum of the earth and he deserves to rot and never to be remembered
again and I will make sure that not even the thought of reincarnation enters his lunatic brain!"

Wu Ming analyzed him closely, "But are you sure that he isn't trying to possess you again? What if
he uses the same trick and forces you to succumb to him again?"

Xie Lian squeezed his hand, "That won't happen, I'm sure of it this time. I would never allow that
thing to hurt you again."

Wu Ming then slowly sat on the chair beside him and remained quiet as if he's trying to gather
some ideas to help. Xie Lian smiled at him warmly as he reached his hand out to pet his head.

"Don't pout, you look cuter when you do that." He teased.

Wu Ming frowned deeper. "Your Highness, How can I not frown when I know that your life might
be in danger again?"

Xie Lian shook his head, "Don't worry, It's not that a big of a big deal. I just haven't meditated in
Fang Xin's room for a while, that's why the sword is starting to become unstable again."

After a sigh he added, "Although I'm not sure yet, I think what triggered the whispers to come back
is when I used Fang Xin to attack Mu Qing and Feng Xin. I was so angry at that time and I think it
affected the sword since we're connected by spiritual powers."

Xie Lian could've sworn he noticed Wu Ming gritting his teeth in anger. He squeezed his hand to
call back his attention once more, "I'm at fault to why this happened. I'm sorry."

Wu Ming shook his head, "No, Your Highness. I was there beside you the whole time. Those fools
didn't stop after you told them to back away so many times. It's only natural that you used Fang Xin
as a threat."

Xie Lian forced a smile. "I'm not so sure anymore. I've known them for years, if I had controlled
my emotions better then perhaps I would've thought of a better way to stop them."

"Your Highness!" Wu Ming exclaimed. "They've wronged you! They left you at the point where
you needed them the most! You're being too merciful on them! If it was another person, they would
already have killed them for betrayal!"

Xie Lian chuckled. It comforts him to hear Wu Ming sympathyzing his pain for him. And what he
said might be true too, even though he's already at his lowest, he still never had the guts to kill
anyone who would dare stand his way.

Xie Lian's eyes then traveled from Wu Ming's hand to his face and stared at him for a moment
before continuing his thoughts,

What if a day really comes where he would kill everyone in a blink of an eye to whoever would
dare stand in his way? A day where he wouldn't hesitate to kill a traitor nor torture a person just
because he thinks they deserve it?

A day when a complete opposite version of the eminent perfect merciful crown prince emerges?

Xie Lian's eyes softened, no he could never come to that point.

He has Wu Ming after all.

He could never go back to that lowerst point again.

When Wu Ming noticed Xie Lian staring at him with a suspicious smile he nudged his hand again,

"Your Highness please stop teasing me... You might think it's too much but it's actually not. What
they've done to you is wrong yet their heads are still intact. Not to mention how they're living in
perfect glory right now but they act like they forgot that it was you who helped them reach to that

He clenched his fists in anger and added, "ㅡThose bastard servants should be grateful that Your
Highness is still willing to be merciful to them."

Xie Lian's smile deepened. How did Wu Ming even figure out that they were servants before?

Even if he was listening to their conversation on that day, the way his anger was radiating off him
tells Xie Lian that his anger runs deeper than what he had just heard on that fateful day.

Xie Lian held his hand that was clenched into a fist before interviewing their fingers.

'I knew you'd be back... Hong-er.'

Wu Ming knew from the start that they already met before yet he chose not to say a word about his
identity behind the mask. Xie Lian won't question his decision but he can't help but feel curious to
the reason why he didn't say anything about his identity.

But nevertheless, he already told him before didn't he? That he didn't care whether he was that child
he saved from falling off the tower, or the child that he was looking for after the general died.
Because what matters now the mere fact that he's here, safe and sound in his arms.

"Is Wu Ming jealous of their glory?" Xie Lian teased, trying to lighten the mood on his face. "If he
wants it, I'm more than willing to teach him to cultivate or train enough until he can ascend on his

The anger on Wu Ming's face immediately dissipated as Xie Lian expected, then it was replaced
with shock and horror afterwards. Okay, not what he had expected.

"Your Highness, no.. I- I don't want to." Wu Ming immediately responded.

Xie Lian hummed. "It's never too late to build your core you know? Even if you're a ghost there
should be plenty of ways to build your cultivation path. But if you can't build a core, you can also
ascend through martial strength like Feng Xin did."

Wu Ming's brows knitted tighter, showing his displeasure in the idea. "No, I don't need that kind of
glory. I'm already satisfied with just being with you."

Xie Lian's brows raised higher. Even though half of him already expected this answer, he can't help
but shake off the feeling that perhaps Wu Ming might want that kind of glory as well. If Wu Ming
wanted to ascend, he would be willing to work himself to the bone to help him achieve that dream.

"A-are you sure? I observed you from afar whenever you fought sometimes and I can see that you
have great potential. It won't be difficult for you to ascend either though cultivation or martial

Wu Ming shook his head not a second later after he spoke. He looked at him in the eyes with sheer
determination as he told him with a decisive tone,

"That kind glory means nothing to me. Being able to fight for my prince and god, that's what true
glory is to me."

Xie Lian remained silent, his breath was slow and heavy and his eyes blurred slightly from the tears
that were starting to build up. When he snapped from his daze, he quickly blinked the tears away
and covered his expression with a chuckle.

Xie Lian lead an army of thousands before, didn't he? But just how many of them were truly
standing with him to fight for their kingdom and not fighting for the glory of wealth and powerful
positions in the army?

How many of them are currently standing now to serve him with no difference from his position
from then and now?

Xie Lian's heart was crushed, how could Wu Ming remain to be so pure like this even after what
he's gone through?

"Is.. Is that so?" Xie Lian sniffled afterwards. His eyes glued to the side, unable to look at Wu Ming
in the eyes in fear that he might notice the tears.

He can't let him know what he's really feeling in this situation. He doesn't want Wu Ming to give up
on any hopes and dreams he might be holding on to just for his sake.

Xie Lian chuckled softly again to hide it, "If that's what he wishes for then, I won't ask again. But
he should know that... if he wants something, he should come to me for help."

Wu Ming smiled, "Alright." He then picked up the spoon to take a sip once more but then he
suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, Your Highness mentioned that he hasn't meditated in the room where he keeps Fang Xin.
Does that mean after he meditates, the whispers and headaches will go away?"

Xie Lian leaned back on his chair and sighed, "I don't know about the whispers but as for the
headaches it will go away, I'm sure of that. However..."

Xie Lian's eyes went back to him as Wu Ming continued waiting for him to continue.

"With how unstable Fang Xin currently is, there's a possibility that the sword might...


The ghost's eye widened. His tone now laced with concern, "If Fang Xin breaks then the spirits will
be released. Your Highness, I have to go with you when you meditate. It's too dangerous!"
Xie Lian frowned, "No. It will be too dangerous for you too if we're in the same room. Besides it's
only a possibility, I've meditated and handled Fang Xin many times, I'll be fine."

Wu Ming felt uneasy, "Your Highness, I won't be able to rest assured if I'm not beside you. Please
let me go with you just in case."

"Wu Ming," Xie Lian warned. "There's a reason why I had a room assigned only to Fang Xin and
kept you restricted from going there. If you're in that room while I'm meditating, the whispers will
try to torment you as well."

It's dangerous for Wu Ming to be in that room. Xie Lian wouldn't care whether or not something
might happen to him, he can handle pain. But what he could never handle is seeing Wu Ming being
tormented as well. He would never be able to take that.

He continued to press on, "What's worse is that you're a ghost as well. A lot of things could happen
to you. Your soul could be pulled inside Fang Xin or the whispers might try to get in your head."

Wu Ming argued back, "I won't! I promise, I'll be able to resist it. I won't let you to take on this
difficult task on your own!"

"Do you even know what's the worse that could happen to you in there?" Xie Lian quickly asked.

He didn't wait for another response as he added, the intensity on Xie Lian's eyes grew and his tone
was much more assertive compared to before,

"Those whispers will try to trigger your emotions by tempting you and mocking you until you
succumb to act upon it. Since you're a ghost, they could use that to their advantage to use your body
as a gateway to release themselves from Fang Xin! Your soul could tear apart in that process and I
will NOT allow that risk to happen!"

Wu Ming remained quiet and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before his instincts finally
kicked in and ran to his side to kneel and put his hands to rest on Xie Lian's thighs. He looked up as
he pleaded,

"Your Highness, nothing will happen to me I swear! Just please let me go with you, alright? If you
still don't trust me, I've had experience in dealing with temptations before. Surely it can't be
different from this one."

Wu Ming could still clearly remember the time where he and Xie Lian were stuck in an unfortunate
situation. Xie Lian was still a crown prince at that time and he was just a young soldier.

What's more was that it was just the two of them during that time. Xie Lian was inside trying to
alleviate the poison effect called the Tender Fragrance from the flower demon while he was sitting
at the entrance of the cave on guard. The surrounding flowers all tried their best to lure him to
smell their fragrance as well.

Of course he resisted, but what he couldn't resist was seeing Xie Lian pierce a sword through his
stomach in order to stop one of the urges. He could never allow that to happen again!

Xie Lian on the other hand looked distressed as he was. The god was afraid that something might
happen to Wu Ming. He would never take any chances that could risk his life.
"Wu Ming.." Xie Lian squeezed his eyes as he muttered his name in distress.

"Your Highness," Wu Ming called him back and placed his hand on top of Xie Lian's palm.

When Xie Lian opened his eyes, he saw his beloved looking up and smiling at him assuringly.
"Please let me go with you. Think about how you would feel if you were in my position. Wouldn't
you also want to make sure that you are there beside me in case something happens?"

Xie Lian looked at him for a long moment. He's right about that too. He wouldn't be happy
knowing that Wu Ming locked himself in a room with a sword filled with resentful spirits alone to
deal with. He would overthink nonstop and he wouldn't be able to calm down.

A heavy sigh eventually escaped Wu Ming's lips. "Alright, fine." He said as he gave in.

Wu Ming's face immediately lifted as he grinned widely, "Thank you for trusting me Your
Highness! I promise I won't fail you!"

Xie Lian smiled back in return but it was still laced with worry. He reached out a hand to pet his
head lovingly as he softly spoke, "Wu Ming never failed me."

He then gently pushed Wu Ming's head as he leaned in to meet his lips halfway and breaking the
kiss after a few seconds.

Xie Lian made his voice decisive once again, "But if the situation becomes dire, you must leave.
Do you understand?"

Wu Ming nodded.

Xie Lian added, "I haven't meditated in Fang Xin's room for a while so it's going to be messy. I will
draw an array for additional protection incase Fang Xin really does break but atleast I would have
time to subdue them again since they can't get out either."

Wu Ming frowned, "But Your Highness is also locked in there. What ifㅡ"

"I will be fine." Xie Lian assured him. "I'm more worried for your sake. Even if there's an array, it
won't stop the spirits from trying to get into your head. You have to resist them in all costs! The
spirits will use any means to make your emotions haywire."

Wu Ming nodded.

Xie Lian sighed after a short moment of silence. Dipped his head low as he muttered, "I'm really
sorry I have to put you into this mess. You should be healing right now."

"So should you." Wu Ming added affectionately.

"You deserve it just as much Your Highness. After all what you've gone through, you deserve to
rest and heal as well. Please don't ever forget about yourself as well when you're caring for me."

Xie Lian's heart squeezed, "Oh you.." He muttered as he leaned in and rested his forehead against

"You're too precious." He whispered.

Wu Ming and Xie Lian walked hand in hand on the way to the room where Fang Xin was kept.
They decided to do the mission the next day afternoon while they prepare. They talked it out again
last night on the procedure and made sure that every possible scenario was carefully planned out.

They're both worried for each other's sake after all. So of course they both wanted the other to leave
the room safe and sound.

When the two stood by the door, Xie Lian turned his head to look at him and spoke,

"You can still wait at the door if you want to back out now. Honestly, I would still prefer you wait

Even though they had already talked about this, Xie Lian had really hoped Wu Ming would use this
chance to stand back. But once again, his hopes proved to be wrong.

"I'm no coward Your Highness, not when it's your safety we're talking about. I won't stand by and
watch you go through this alone. I'm not like them." Wu Ming responded, rejecting Xie Lian's offer
with a determined tone once more.

Xie Lian showed a plaintive smile before sighing once more and opening the door.

When they got inside, Wu Ming's eyes widened at the sight. He witnessed giant chains from all
four sides wrap around Fang Xin's blade and hilt that it was almost terrifying to look at. The chains
kept the sword tight in place that it made Wu Ming wonder if the sword was really unstable enough
that Xie Lian had to use giant chains just to keep it in place. Wu Ming's eyes slowly traveled the
room, he saw the walls painted in all pitch black and a few torches from the side that illuminated
the room.

When they stepped inside, there was this strange cold air that brushed past his face that came from
who knows where considering that were no windows.

The way the cold air passed him made him shudder. Just everything about this room was eerie and
the silence was too loud.

Wu Ming's eyes wandered around the room once more before his eyes looked down to see that the
floor was different from the inside as well. The texture was granite and it was smooth enough to
make his every step echo around the room.

What's more is that every inch of the room had this weird and creepy energy floating around. It was
only then he was truly relieved that he pushed Xie Lian to make him come along. He didn't know
the room had this dangerous vibe inside, not to mention that the strongest creepy energy was even
stronger at the center where Fang Xin was chained.

Xie Lian didn't close the door when he stepped in. He was quiet the entire time the moment they
stepped in as if he was allowing him to fully observe the room that the two if them are going to be
locked in for an hour.
"Are you still confident that you will remain here?" Xie Lian asked, finally breaking the silence.
His tone wasn't soft like how he asked him when they were outside, it sounded more as if this was
the last time he was gonna ask him to back down.

"I won't hold it against you if you back down now."

Wu Ming clenched his fists on the side as he analyzed the room once more. After a second he
turned around so his back was facing the door.

"Close it." Was all that Wu Ming responded.

Xie Lian's eyes narrowed and didn't respond from behind him after that. The door creaked as Xie
Lian slowly swung the door closed.

Then the sound of the door locking echoed in the room.

Chapter End Notes

Xie Lian: What if I really loose it and just kill everyone?

Also, Xie Lian: Lol nah. Not possible.
Author: *sweats profusely*


How is it? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? (Tbh I honestly can't wait to
show it to you all since it's a major plottwist but here I am just casually saying it XD)

I did a quick reading on the remaining chapters and there's roughly about 3 or 4 chapters left. I
haven't edited them yet but I will definitely include a special chapter in the end.

I still can't believe it's already been 6 months since I published the first chapter of this fic.
Thank you so much for the continuous love and support

Follow me on Twitter to be updated!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

The Master Of The Whispers
Chapter Summary

Xie Lian finds himself stuck in a void and the soul realm between the mortal and the ghost
realm where he shockingly learns the secret behind the whispers.

Who knew that the one to reveal that secret to him... would also be himself?

Chapter Notes

Hello dear readers! Please read carefully throughout the chapter because it's gonna be a real
twist >.<

Also there will be 4 remaining chapters left with the addtion of a sequel chapter at the 56th
chapter! Yes, this book is getting a part two!! More details on this on my twitter page!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian just finished drawing the array to serve as a shield just incase the sword really does break.
At the very least the spirits won't be able to break out and cause havoc in this way.

Xie Lian then began walking towards the center still in silence before he turned to Wu Ming who
was sitting at the corner outside the array.

"Wu Ming, listen to me."

Wu Ming tensed from the firmness of Xie Lian's voice. He kept his back straight and hands on his
lap, clenching his fists tightly as he waited.

Xie Lian kept his eyes on him and remained quiet for a while before he spoke again, "Once I begin
channeling my spiritual powers to Fang Xin, it also means I can't stop until I finish. Fang Xin is
very unstable at the moment and I can't guarantee that it will go smoothly."

Wu Ming swallowed hard before nodding slowly in acknowledgement.

Xie Lian looked at him straight in the eye as he firmly ordered, "No matter what you see or hear, do
not come inside the array. That's an order."

The ghost sitting at the corner became even more anxious. He could only imagine what Xie Lian
meant by what he could possibly hear or see during the meditation process.

But to not come to Xie Lian's aid when the process is still going?

Wu Ming spoke up in distress, "Your Highnessㅡ"

"Everything will be all for naught once you step inside." Xie Lian interrupted. "The spirits won't
hesitate to come at you and Fang Xin will break. That's why I just need you to sit still and stay on
guard to make sure nothing else disrupts what's happening here. If you can't handle the whisper's
torments leave the room and stay a few feet away until they can't reach you."

Wu Ming remained silent for a while before he looked at Xie Lian in the eye and asked, "Do you
remember what I told Your Highness earlier?"

Xie Lian stared back at him for a moment before nodding.

"I do. Stay in that position and don't move until I come get you myself." Xie Lian added before
turning around.

Xie Lian activated the array and sat down on the floor just infront of where Fang Xin was chained
in the air. He crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

He focused on his breathing and his surroundings. His senses heightened as he observed every
sweat, every breath, every pulse of his heartbeat.

The god remained in that position until he was fully in the state of peace with a clear mind. Fang
Xin is connected to him through his spiritual power, so any signs of weakness could lead to a
catastrophe. Not to mention that the whispers are good in riling up emotions, they will use every
means to tempt him, mock him, ridicule him, until he breaks his focus and his emotions haywire.

But Xie Lian knew better than to succumb to that temptation once again. He could never allow that
to happen after seeing the price for his actions.

He only needed one believer in this world. He won't lust nor covet for anything else.

Without wasting another moment, Xie Lian inhaled a heavy breath before he began channeling his
spiritual powers to Fang Xin.

The sudden sound of the chains rattling was heard that startled the ghost sitting on the corner of the

Xie Lian focused on the feeling of his spiritual power slowly coming and wrapping around the
blade of Fang Xin like a transparent blanket to seal any possible cracks or weak spots.

Not to mention he hasn't done this in a while because of the unexpected events so the current seal
on Fang Xin must be very weak.

Then, Xie Lian felt a resistance. His eyebrows slightly twitched when he felt a different kind of
energy trying to stop his own qi.

It was strong too.

Xie Lian raised his hands to form a hand seal to battle the strange resistance. The strange energy
faltered slightly before gradually fighting back until their both their qi are pushing against each
other with equal force.

Xie Lian frowned. Had Xie Lian neglected Fang Xin for far too long? He has never met with such
resistance before!

He then felt that cold breeze brushing against him again. The strange cold air circled around him
until it was followed by another breeze, then another, then another.

He heightened his senses and kept his eyes shut. If he opens his eyes while the process is still on
going, he's done for.

The chilling air continued to surround him but it wasn't strong enough to make him loose his
balance. It just carried a creepy feeling with it.

Then his ears twitched when he felt a faint brush of air against it.

'Xie Lian'

'Xie Lian...'

'Your Highness'

Xie Lian kept his guard up and braced himself as he was about to enter the second stage of the
process. He needs to be able to ignore the whispers and keep his mind clear while channeling his qi
to Fang Xin.

He's done this before, it shouldn't be a problem now.

The voices were all faint in his ear at first. They were all easy to ignore since they weren't that loud
and disturbing.

Xie Lian inhaled a deep breath and kept his hand seal formation sturdy. If he could keep this up for
more than 30 minutes, he can escape this unharmed.

'Xie Lian'

'Save us'

'Free us'

'Help us'

Xie Lian's breaths were slowly becoming heavier. The amount of whispers in his ear only increased
and the voices are still soft and faint. So how come the feeling of his body is already becoming

Something isn't right.

Why is he already feeling tired? Had he wasted too much spiritual energy from last night?

His heartrate slowly began to increase as the drumming in his ears continued to grow with his
anxiousness and along with the ever growing pressure of the whispers in his head.

'Xie Lian..'

'Xie Lian...'

'Xie Lian!'

'Xie Lian!!'

'Xie Lian!!!!!'

Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore them!

The whispers in his ear doubled and the voices began to slowly increase in volume. Xie Lian
continued to drive himself away from listening and focused on fighting against the resistance that
was hindering him from enhancing the seal on Fang Xin.

He can make it. Nothing else could tempt him after all, He thought. He continued thinking about
the consequences if he dares loose this battle. He continued thinking about how Wu Ming would
suffer if he proves to be weak.

He only needed to protect one person. ONE person!

Another 10 minutes passed and the whispers continued to multiply and become louder in his ear.
Xie Lian's breaths had grown to become more erratic as the faint whispers in his ear from before
had now develop to torturing screams.

'Free us!'


'Unleash our wrath!'

'Kill! Kill! Kill!!'

'Let us go!'


'Kill!! Killl!! Kill!!'

'Free us!'

'Let us go!'

'Unleash our wrath!'

'Unleash our wrath!'

'Unleash our wrath!'

'Unleash our wrath!'


Stop Screaming Stop Screaming Stop Screaming Stop ScreamingStop ScreamingStop Screamingㅡ

Xie Lian screamed.

He breathed in heavy breaths. His heart was pounding against his ribcage. His ears burned and it
felt as if it was gonna explode. He wanted to scream so bad the agony was too much!!
Then in a second, everything fell silent.

But before Xie Lian even had the chance to sigh in relief, another voice clear as day whispered near
his ear in the next second.

"Should we kill Wu Ming to make you free us?"

Xie Lian's eyes flew open as the next heartbeat struck Xie Lian so hard that it reached his ears. He
gripped his chest tightly as if he couldn't breathe.

Everything stilled in that moment. He couldn't feel his heart beating, he couldn't hear himself
breathing. He couldn't feel himself moving.

His vision began to double and the next thing he knew, he was seeing red.

Blood droplets continued to drip down, staining his white robes. His ears were ringing but he could
faintly hear a voice screaming from behind.

Everything felt so tight and suffocating.

Was he at the end of the line?

4 hours and 30 minutes before.

"Your Highness..." Wu Ming mumbled.

Xie Lian hummed behind him. The sun had just risen and the two of them had just woken up. He
was holding Wu Ming tenderly in his arms while the two of them are still cuddled up on their warm
bed, neither showing signs of getting ready to get up.

Wu Ming still had his eyes closed as he mumbled lazily, "Don't you need to prepare to deal with
Fang Xin? Do you need help in drawing the array?"

Xie Lian pouted. "It's still early, Wu Ming is so warm like this."

Then a chuckle was heard. Wu Ming snuggled closer to Xie Lian as he spoke softly once more,
"Shouldn't it be cold? I hope Your Highness didn't forget that this one is a ghost."

Xie Lian wrapped him tighter in response. He was too lazy to open his eyes to lecture him so he
just frowned instead. "So what? You don't need to be warm-blooded to literally make me feel warm
around you. Everything about you makes me feel warm inside, figuratively."

Wu Ming laughed softly. Oh how he could never get used to hearing that.

Then the ghost responded faintly like a gentle whisper, "In- In that case I hope Your Highness
would always feel warm around this one."

It was only then Xie Lian finally decided to open his eyes to look at his beloved who was grinning
adorably at him.

Xie Lian smiled back at him mischievously before he suddenly switched their positions earning a
puffed laughter from the ghost.

Drowsiness was still somewhat in Xie Lian's head. He didn't even want to think about the plan of
dealing with Fang Xin later on. All he wanted to do right now was just have and to hold Wu Ming
close to him.

Xie Lian leaned in and left trails of soft kisses on Wu Ming's neck before pulling his head back to
stare at Wu Ming's lips.

Wu Ming smiled as he gazed at his god's beautiful golden eyes for a second before taking initiative
to lean in and pressing his lips over to his god.

Xie Lian closed his eyes before opening his mouth to kiss back slow and sweetly.

His chest felt warm and he felt home. Oh how he wished he could show Wu Ming how warm he felt
right now.

When the two broke off the kiss, Wu Ming leaned back to rest his head against the pillow as he felt
his eyelids getting heavier.

"Fang Xin.." Wu Ming muttered as if to remind Xie Lian of the important mission at hand once

The god analyzed Wu Ming for a moment before responding in a quiet voice, "Are you still sure
you want to come? I don't want you to suffer in there with me."
Wu Ming smiled at him assuringly, "Then please remember this Your Highness.."

Xie Lian listened closely and waited,

"... I would suffer more if I didn't know what could be happening to you in there. If you have to
suffer, I would either be taking the pain for you, or suffering alongside you."

Xie Lian sighed before resting his weight on top of Wu Ming and burying his head against the
ghost's neck.

"Please change your mind.." Xie Lian muttered.

"Never." Wu Ming chuckled before his hand reached on behind Xie Lian to rub his back

4 hours and 30 minutes after; Back to the Present.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" Wu Ming exclaimed.

Wu Ming quickly stood up from where he was sitting and ran.

Then he stopped.

The ghost glanced down to the floor to where his feet are currently standing on. He was standing
right behind the line where Xie Lian specifically told him not to cross.

Then his eyes glanced back at the god sitting on the floor with a hand clutching on his chest and
blood trickling from his mouth.

Wu Ming was about to loose it. He clenched his fists tighter and he was breathing air heavily into
his lungs. Even though he didn't really needed it, he felt as if he was gonna go mad if he doesn't do

'What do I do? What do I do? What do I doㅡ'

Wu Ming began gasping for air. He wanted to run towards Xie Lian but he was specifically told not
to cross the line. He looked at the floor, back at Xie Lian and the floor again.

Wu Ming gritted his teeth and lifted his foot.

"Everything will be all for naught once you step inside." A voice from his memory whispered in his
The foot he raised on the air halted.

"No matter what you see or hear, do not come inside the array. That's an order."

"If you can't handle the whisper's torments leave the room and stay a few feet away until they can't
reach you."

Wu Ming's expression twisted. He can't let Xie Lian die, but he also can't disobey him either!

Wu Ming squeezed his eyes shut as he continued to struggle in the dilemma he was in. He wanted
to break it out but what could he do?!

What could he do?!!!

Then a whisper came in his ear.

All of the anxiety in Wu Ming's body and along with his expression dropped in an instant. The
ghost's expression stilled to nothing as he continued to listen to that sweet voice in his ear.

He listened,

then he lowered his boot.

Xie Lian opened his eyes in a heartbeat.

He quickly scanned his surroundings and everything immediately felt wrong.

He was not in the room, nor was he feeling any of his senses.

He couldn't feel his sweat trickling down, he couldn't hear his intense breathing, he couldn't feel
himself moving, he couldn't...

He couldn't hear his heart beating.

But that wasn't the one that made all hair in his skin stand nor struck him dumbfoundedly. When
Xie Lian looked up,

someone was sitting across him.

A cultivator donned in white robes, dark-hazel colored hair, and honey-colored eyes stared back at

Xie Lian stumbled back from where he was sitting from shock.

It was 'him' staring back at him. But it wasn't just an ordinary stare, the 'Xie Lian' staring back at
him had intense eyes that screamed 'rage.' Xie Lian continued staring at him wide-eyed and waited
for something, anything to happen to help him snap out of whatever crazy thing he was seeing.
Xie Lian then checked himself in an instinct and found that he was still inside his own body before
he sighed in relief. He squeezed his eyes shut and gathered himself some courage once more,
secretly praying to himself that whatever he saw was just an illusion because he had truly gone

After who knows how long, Xie Lian slowly opened his eyes.

ㅡAnd still met that intense raging gaze staring back at him all the way to his soul.

Xie Lian flinched and looked away in response with a sharp breath.

'This is not normal, this is NOT normal!'

He must be dreaming, he thought. He clinged to that thought before he slowly moved his head back
to properly look at the person sitting on the floor with crossed legs and staring back at him.

Despite how creeped out he was, he still tried his best to remain calm. He analyzed the figure

It was definitely alive, but there was no trace of spiritual power anywhere. And just like him, he
wasn't breathing nor moving.

But the only difference, his skin was pale like a ghost. Even though his skintone was normally pale,
the figure across him was even paler. One would mistake him as a ghost with the addition of the
coldness emitting from him.

Then those intense eyes, those golden-eyes that screamed nothing but hatred. Xie Lian almost
wouldn't believe it himself that an expression like that was coming from his own face.

When was the last time he made a face like that?

Did he also look like that when he was desperate for revenge?

When Xie Lian finally got used to looking at the figure across him, he slowly pulled himself
together and crossed his legs properly.

Xie Lian nervously stared back at him and waited.


The figure only continued to stare back at him. Not a single hair moved nor did the intensity of his
eyes faltered.

When he felt that there really was no response coming out of the figure, he decided it was safe
enough for his eyes to look away to analyze his surroundings.

Surely enough, the place was also just as strange. Anywhere he looked, only a white void
surrounded them and a clear glass floor that was also painted clear white.

Xie Lian swallowed hard as he felt another wave of anxiousness slowly enveloping him. The last
time he was stuck in a void like this was when White No-Face trapped him in his own

Xie Lian's eyes widened as he quickly stood up from that realization. Was he trapped again?

He panicked. He quickly turned around, looked to his sides, looked above, and looked anywhere
for an answer.

Xie Lian was restless. There could only be two answers to why he's currently here.

One, he's currently asleep and everything was just a dream.

Two, he fell to the whisper's temptation and lost control of his own body again.

Even though the second option seemed unlikely, there was no confirmation Xie Lian had that it was
not a possibility. Previously, he had willingly succumbed to White No-Face's calling because his
emotions were haywired.

But the situation right now is completely different. He was willingly fighting against the temptation
and there's no White No-Face to be found.

Xie Lian suddenly halted his every movement and every thought as he had only just then
remembered that he was not the only person trapped in here.

There was still that person sitting behind him. Watching and waiting. Xie Lian tried his best to
ignore that fact as he tried to keep his mind straight so he could think rationally.

He swallowed hard once more the feeling of anxiousness continued to grow dreadfully. He pressed
a hand to his chest and still, no heartbeat was felt.

Third, was he dead?

In a split-second, he turned around and found the figure still there. Sitting, unmoving,

As the confusing situation only continued to confuse him even more, anxiousness slowly turned to
impatience, and impatience... slowly turned to anger.

Xie Lian had enough. Wu Ming was out there alone probably scared and worried for him. He
pointed a finger at the figure angrily as he yelled,

"YOU! You better fucking tell me where the fuck I am right now or I'll fucking have to force the
answer out of your throat!!!!"

Xie Lian had never swore that much for a long time. Hearing it himself was even stranger but with
the situation at hand, he didn't really have the enough patience to care.

Who knows what could be happening to Wu Ming right now? Considering his behavior, it would
only be a matter of time before anxiousness overwhelms the ghost and decides to go against his

The figure sitting across him, again only stared at him with intense eyes and remained still. Xie
Lian was about to loose all hope and sanity whenㅡ...
All colors from Xie Lian's face disappeared as he inhaled a cold sharp breath and stepped back.

...ㅡa menacing smile formed on its lips.

Xie Lian looked horrified and took another step back. He could've sworn all hair in his body stood
up from too much fright. He couldn't even tell if the 'him' sitting across was even his own body or

Xie Lian was too shocked to looked away, "Y- Youㅡ"

It chuckled. It chuckled. "You sure think a lot."

Xie Lian's eyes only widened even more. Had it been silent the whole time because it was reading
his thoughts?!!

The intense eyes of the figure softened to a fraction as it grinned wider. "Look at you. Thinking
about another person's being before your own."

Its own voice echoed the entire plain white void, "You were always like that Xie Lian."

First it was quiet and unmoving, now it was reading his own thoughts and talking. Everything was
too much for Xie Lian to process! He gritted his teeth and quickly pulled himself back,

"Y-You! Are you White No-Face?! How dare you try to meddle my life again after you've been
beaten! Haven't you had enough?!"

'Xie Lian' only smiled widely before it broke into soft laughters.

The voice and laughter was even the same as his, it was too creepy!!!

"Oh, is that his name? White No-Face. Hm." It sounded as if it was intaking new information but
that only made Xie Lian confused even more.

Thinking that it was a trick, Xie Lian backed away another step defensively for good measure. He
shot back, "I don't know what tricks you have in mind to decide to play again, but I won't be fooled
this time!!"

'Xie Lian' then looked up at him before slowly standing up as well. Then it took a step forward.
And another, and another, and another.

Xie Lian's breath hitched as he quickly backed away, his eyes still locked onto those honey-golden
eyes that was creepily staring back at him as it continues to step forward.

Xie Lian didn't know what to think. He wasn't breathing but he NEEEDED to breathe. He inhaled
heavy breaths and continued to back away. He couldn't feel his spiritual power flowing in him nor
did he have any weapons on him right now.

Xie Lian continued to back away until he felt a sudden glass wall behind him. Xie Lian's heart
dropped in an instant as he continued to push himself while maintaining eye contact on the 'Xie
Lian' that was slowly coming closer!

Why was there a sudden wall here?!

Xie Lian's own breaths became ragged and his insides felt cold from intaking too much cold air
which only spiked his anxiousness even more.

When he couldn't back away any further, he quickly turned around and began slamming the
window to try and break through. He continued slamming and punching the window while his
dread and anxiousness shot high up knowing that 'it' was behind him and slowly coming closer and

An icy-cold hand suddenly grabbed the back of his neck.

Xie Lian screamed from fright as he quickly turned around and pushed the figure away. Xie Lian
continued to impossibly pull himself closer to the wall as he maintained eye contact with himself
once more.

'Xie Lian' smiled sinisterly, like a mad man who was enjoying toying his little plaything. It then
suddenly asked, "Do you know why I've been following you Xie Lian?"

Xie Lian inhaled deep breaths, never leaving his eye contact from it again. He gritted his teeth in
anger. He badly wanted to crush its head and kill it for toying with him, but he also needed to get
answers from it in order to escape!

When Xie Lian had saved enough breaths, he responded, "Because you've always been like that Bai
Wuxiang, you love toying with me. You love seeing me miserable!"

'Xie Lian' crossed his arms before black smoke emitted from his figure and surrounded himself.
When the black smoke disappeared, what came out was a taller man with a half-smiling half-crying

Seeing that it was not copying his own body anymore, Xie Lian relaxed a little. He would honestly
rather face White No-Face's crazy antics instead of seeing his own body doing it.

Xie Lian spat at him, "You've finally stopped being a coward, Bai Wuxiang."

Bai Wuxiang tilted his head slightly to the side before a chuckle escaped his mouth that slowly
evolved to a sinister laughter.

"Is that so Your Highness? But between us, who really is the coward?" Bai Wuxiang asked in a
soft tone that only made Xie Lian want to puke.

It took a step forward and Xie Lian pressed himself harder against the glass wall that he
mysteriously couldn't break.

"I'm not the one hiding from my enemies and playing house here. You are."

Xie Lian glared at him. How dare he mock him?! That 'playing house' he said just now was his
LIFE!!! He never truly lived before he met Wu Ming, and now he dares to ridicule him like this!

Xie Lian shot back, "Well at least I'm not the one using another person's body to get what I want
aren't I? If anyone's the coward and the fool, it's you!"

Bai Wuxiang stood there unmoving. Xie Lian's vision slowly narrowed and before he realized itㅡ
The following words was heard right behind his ear.

Bai Wuxiang grabbed him by the neck from the back as if the wall from behind mysteriously just
disappeared before turning them around and pinning Xie Lian against the floor. Bai Wuxiang
slowly leaned down and whispered near his ear,

"The real reason why I followed you is because you're one of a kind."

Xie Lian badly wanted to scoff. He didn't want to hear any shit from him anymore as he continued
to struggle but the person above him was too heavy! But then, the following words that came out
from his mouth completely caught him off guard.

"Your hatred is delicious."

Xie Lian stopped struggling as he paused to slowly digest what he had heard just now. He slowly
turned his head to meet the creepy mask staring down at him.

"What?" Xie Lian gasped.

"You see, you lived your life dealing with other people's problems. You're that perfect little crown
prince of XianLe who serves his people with a smile. You're that god-pleasing crown prince who
has the power to take on the world but a heart as gentle as a flower."

Xie Lian only continued to stare at him with confusion clearly still written on his face. He couldn't
understand what White No-Face was trying to point.

Bai Wuxiang then trailed on, "You're that human who was born to serve with a smile and to not
hate. You couldn't hate because your heart is too pure. That's how my interest in you sparked."

Xie Lian could feel his blood boil, he raged. "Is that why you took away my kingdom?! Is that why
my parents decided to hung themselves?! Is that why the only friends I had left in the world

Bai Wuxiang snickered. "That was the trigger White No-Face did that only turned the events into
my favor."

Xie Lian's brows furrowed. Why is he speaking as if him and White No-Face are two different
people? It doesn't make sense...

Seeing the confusion in his face, Bai Wuxiang snickered and placed a hand on his mask.

Xie Lian felt his chest tightened from the sudden anticipation thrown on him. He continued to stare
at him wide-eyed as he waited for what kind of face was going to be revealed in the next couple of

Bai Wuxiang cupped the mask, pulled it, and...

Xie Lian's brows furrowed as he exhaled a heavy breath.

He couldn't believe it...

The person underneath the mask was still 'Xie Lian'. That same old copy of his face that he was
fearing only a few moments ago. That face smiled down at him once more that only made Xie
Lian's blood boil even more.

Thinking that he was fooled again, Xie Lian yelled in too much rage that his voice was starting to

'Xie Lian' laughed in amusement before responding, "You felt it didn't you? When you first
succumbed to me... to my power."

Xie Lian's brow slowly raised. What power was he talking about? When did he succumbed to

"What are youㅡ"

"After being pure for so long. Tasting hatred from you was like tasting heaven." It added a
chuckle in the end before it continued,

"You have immense hatred kept within you that are just waiting to be released! The will to
destroy the world but you still have the heart to stay noble. Your taste of hatred is one I've been
searching for in a millenia!!"

In a millenia? Hatred? Taste? The longer Xie Lian listened, the longer he couldn't believe what he
was hearing.

Slowly he was beginning to realize that maybe the figure above him might not be White No-Face
after all...

But someone entirely else. Someone, something entirely more terrifying.

"You have great potential Xie Lian. Your hatred runs deeper than the oceans and thicker than
blood. You need me to unleash those hatred."

"SHUT UP!!!!!" Xie Lian yelled. He had enough hearing anything else that was coming out of his
mouth and hearing it with his own voice was even worse!!

Xie Lian yelled. "I don't need you! Whatever you are! Whether you're Bai Wuxiang or not, you're a
pest that needs to leave me the fuck alone!!!"

'Xie Lian' laughed at him ridiculously. "Oh you need me, Xie Lian. You NEEDED me before, and
you WILL need me. Have you forgotten the taste of power when you first succumbed to me?"

That word again. Succumbed. Xie Lian furrowed his eyebrows, "Just when had I succumbed to the
likes ofㅡ..."

Then it hit him.

That day... when Xie Lian's emotions became haywire because he thought Wu Ming was inlove
with someone else, didn't Bai Wuxiang take that as an opportunity to posses him?

He had always been trying to posses him by using the whispers to rile him up didn't he?

Xie Lian's eyes shot back to the figure sitting above him.

His eyes widened.

"It was you?" Xie Lian breathed out. He was too shocked to move in realization.

'Xie Lian' 's smile deepened. "I told you, White No-Face's sins to you was the trigger. I only took
advantage of your hatred. I used the main source of your hatred against you to lure you come to
me. To listen to me."

To listen to me. To listen to meㅡ the whispers!

Xie Lian was to horrified to move as realization finally struck him. "It was you the whole time?"
Xie Lian's voice trembled.

"It was you whispering to my ear from the very beginning? The person who possessed me at that
time was never Bai Wuxiang, but you?"

'Xie Lian' laughed softly as it continued drinking at the shock and fear in Xie Lian's eyes. "That's
right. There was never a 'White No-Face' that came across you in this household that tried to
possess you. It was all me..."

It then slowly leaned close to Xie Lian's ear as it whispered, "...I'm those whispers in your ear
haunting, tormenting, and tempting you since the very beginning."

Xie Lian froze on the spot as breaths became more erratic. He slowly turned his head to meet...
'The thing' staring back at him with a sinister smile.

It was only Xie Lian then understood why it was copying his body. It never had a body to begin

Whatever it was, it was dangerous. It was evil! Xie Lian tried to struggle once more but the thing
above him was too strong!

"Don't run off now Xie Lian..." It spoke in a sing-song manner.

Xie Lian gritted his teeth. If that thing had been reading his mind and watching him closely from
the shadows, then it must know what he was fearing all along. He faced him furiously as he spoke
through his gritted teeth, "If you dare lay a hand on Wu Ming, I swear I'llㅡ"

"Oh, I won't lay a hand on him. Even though he had been an eyesore I'll ignore him."

Bastard, Xie Lian thought. He clearly remembers the moment it possessed him, the very first thing
he did was to try get rid of Wu Ming!!

"How can you expect me to believe that?!!" Xie Lian yelled. "Don't forget what you've done to

"Only because he was in the way. He was strange to be honest. Whenever he's near you my
powers become strangely weak. It must be because he's a ghost but that was mainly the reason
why I tried to eliminate him. But I won't this time if you'll let meㅡ"
"NO!" Xie Lian barked. Let him what? Possess him again?!

"I would never succumb to the likes of you nor will I ever need you! NEVER AGAIN!!"

'Xie Lian' didn't look like he believed him though. The smile on its face only deepened as he softly
responded, "Oh you'll need me Xie Lian. You needed me before, and you might not need me

...But you will soon."

Xie Lian shook his head and continued denying him. He continued telling him that he would never
need him even if he could wish his last breath right now.

He will never allow Wu Ming to suffer again because of his mistake!

"You wish!" Xie Lian spat back. He would rather die than be foolish enough to succumb to that
thing's temptations again.

It was terrifying to think how long he had been creeping in the shadows and waiting for the perfect
chance to posses his body again!

Xie Lian could remember that the whispers began a few days after he ran away from seeing his
parents kill themselves, and met Wu Ming. He originally thought the whispers had been Bai
Wuxiang's doing as a means to torture him;

Tormenting him with the whispers to drive him crazy enough to make him succumb to him.

But really, it was all to make a deal with that demon or whatever he was that's above him right

When the weight on Xie Lian's back gradually disappeared, Xie Lian took this opportunity to
escape but after hearing a snap of the fingers, he suddenly froze on spot.

Xie Lian was frozen on the spot and he couldn't move no matter what he did. No matter how much
force he applied, he couldn't escape.

He did a quick look on himself before directing his gaze back at the 'Xie Lian' who stood beside
him. It was no doubt that it was powerful, powerful than his own self.

But if there's one thing Xie Lian realized, it was that no matter how much power it has, it could
never be powerful enough to destroy even a single hunk of rock. Why? Because he needed a body
first to be able to use its powers outside the real world.

Its powers are only limited in one's subconsciousness.

Xie Lian could almost pity it. No wonder it's so desperate to posses a body.

As Xie Lian continued staring at the figure beside him, he noticed that the white void that
surrounded them slowly dropped and revealed the room where he had been meditating Fang Xin!

Xie Lian's anxiousness spiked once more.

He badly wanted to scan the room to search for Wu Ming but his body was still frozen and forced
him to stay still.

'Xie Lian' beside him then stepped infront of him. The way it looked right now was transparent and
he could see through it.

Xie Lian's thoughts were then immediately caught off the moment he heard its voice.

"You'll die very soon if you don't calm down and listen to me."

Xie Lian bit the inside of his cheek as he continued expressing his fury through his eyes.

'Xie Lian' only stared back at him as he gave a reminder, "Don't bother screaming too. Nobody
will hear you in this world."

It then added, "You see, you're nothing but a floating soul right now, trapped helplessly in this
subconscious world I placed you in. And the longer you're out of your body, the less chance you
have in getting back before your heart fully stops. Now you don't want that, do you?"

There's no denying that. But that doesn't mean that 'that thing' wants him dead either. Not after
knowing it's desperate to use him as a host to whatever crazy plan he had.

With another snap of its fingers, Xie Lian fell from the air and quickly braced himself for the hard
ground but surprisingly, it didn't hurt.

Xie Lian slowly got up and checked himself. He was also transparent just like the impostor who
was also copying his own body. When Xie Lian lifted his head, he saw his own body again.

But this time it was the real body, in the real world. His own body was still sitting with crossed
legs, but his back was now slightly bending down. There was also blood that stained his robes and
he looked really worrying in this state.

Xie Lian became anxious at the sight. Normally, this kind of pain would be nothing to him. But he
knows it was not the same with Wu Ming.

Xie Lian's eyes widened. Oh gods Wu Ming!

Realizing that he could move again, Xie Lian quickly turned around right on the spot where he had
left Wu Ming and...


'The thing' behind him chuckled. "What? Don't look like that. It'd make me want to wish I really
did something to him... that's worse."

Xie Lian reacted on instinct, he turned himself, reached for his neck, and pinned him down. He
used all of his strength to try and strangle 'Xie Lian' under him but it proved to be of no use.

"Why are you so angry?" It laughed as it turned its head to the corner where Wu Ming sat.

"Shouldn't you be relieved that he's still sitting on the position you last left him?"
Xie Lian also turned his head and watched Wu Ming obediently sitting on the corner with crossed
legs. Knowing him, he should've reacted the moment he began to feel dizzy. Even worse, he
couldn't even imagine what his reaction might've been when he spat out blood.

Seeing Wu Ming all calm only made Xie Lian's suspicions raise. He turned to the figure anrgily,
"Something's wrong. I can feel it!"

"You spent too long feeling what others felt. Shouldn't it be about time when they start feeling
how you felt?"

Xie Lian was caught off guard.

'Xie Lian' took that opportunity to get up from where Xie Lian was pinning him down. It got up and
began circling him around like how a predator tease its prey, "Shouldn't it be about time when you
give what they deserve? You forgive too easily and go easy on any enemy Xie Lian. That kind of
mindset will kill every last one of the people you care about."

Xie Lian's chest rose and fell heavily a few times before he quickly lunged at its throat and
squeezed his hand tightly as he could in attempt to choke it. But once again, the figure did not react
so Xie Lian just remained his hand there as an act of threat.

Xie Lian glared at it intensely as he warned gravely, "Stop giving me lectures and telling me what I
need and do not need. I'm still not fully believing that you're not White No-Face whose just trying
to fool me under the mask of something else entirely."

'Xie Lian' only gave a subtle smile in response. "I'll take it as a compliment. It felt too real didn't

Xie Lian squeezed it's throat even tighter even though it continued to prove no use. "The
conversations between me and White No-Face felt too real. The way we conversed then compared
to how we conversed now is entirely different. What's your excuse on that?!"

'Xie Lian' laughed softly. "I told you. Everything was an illusion. From the mask, White No-Face
himself, the additional swords in the armory room, the change in lay out of the base, everything.
Since White No-Face is the source of your hatred, I simply used all the information I needed
from your memory in order to trigger your hatred."

Xie Lian continued to look at the figure unbelievingly,

"The White No-Face that irksome ghost dealt with was just a puppet I created. All his actions,
conversations, and voice acting were all orchestrated by me."

Xie Lian stilled his gaze on it for a few more moments before he quickly decided to direct his
attention back to Wu Ming. He walked away from him and stood near the ghost to analyze what he
was doing to make sure nothing was wrong.

'Xie Lian' continued staring at him with a fond smile on its face before it spoke again, "It's fine if
you don't believe me right now. You'll know once you need me again anyway."

"I will never need you. In any lifetime." Xie Lian responded coldly without even sparing it a
glance. Just before, he feared that something bad might happen to him if he looked away. But after
knowing that 'that thing' wanted his body as a host, Xie Lian was confident enough it won't really
try to kill him.

"Fine. But in case you do decide on joining hands with me, I only ask of one thing in return."

Xie Lian only then spared him a glance. Even though he was so sure that he would never accept his
help, it wouldn't hurt to know what he's asking for in return right?

A short moment of silence from Xie Lian was all it needed before 'Xie Lian' crossed his arms with
a smile as he responded.

"The Miao Tribe Seal."

Xie Lian's eyebrows furrowed, then raised as he heard the name. He instinctively took a quick
glance at Wu Ming before staring back at the 'Xie Lian' across the room.

"The what?" He asked, still in shock.

'Xie Lian' hummed. He kept his arms folded inside his sleeve as he responded, "It's just an ancient
seal from a tribe. You don't need to know about the details." It then clapped its hands, "It's simple
right? I give you unworldly power, and you give me the Miao Tribe seal. Simple."

What would that thing even want from an ancient seal that came from a unknown tribe? Now it
only worried Xie Lian even further, Wu Ming is part of that tribe isn't he?

Wouldn't his life be in danger if that thing knew he had some soft of relation to his natal tribe?

Before Xie Lian could even respond, the sound of retching was heard not far from where they were

Xie Lian quickly turned his head to the sound and saw his body in the real world puke blood once
more just in time when a gasp was heard behind them.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" Wu Ming cried as he quickly stood up from his sitting position and ran to
his direction.

Xie Lian felt his own heart drop. "NO, WU MING DON'T CROSS!!!" He yelled.

Xie Lian quickly ran to him and stood infront of the ghost who was standing just a few inches away
behind the line.

"Wu Ming do not cross! Remember what I told you many times before? Please!!!" He begged.
When he saw Wu Ming raising his foot, Xie Lian's was going mad from fear and anxiousness.

"No, Wu Ming stop!!!! Everything will all be for naught once you step inside! Don't you
remember? No matter what you see or hear, do not come inside the array. That's an order!"

Wu Ming continued to look lost in his dilemma. Xie Lian also saw the hurt and agony in his
beloved's eyes that he immediately understood. He understood how badly Wu Ming wanted to help
but he was stuck between following his instincts and following his orders.

It broke Xie Lian's heart watching him look so hurt like this. Didn't he promise he wouldn't make
Wu Ming sad or worry again?

Feeling remorseful, Xie Lian slowly leaned in and wrapped his arms around the ghost closely. They
weren't in the same world so Xie Lian was basically hugging the air but he still thought that it was
needed to be done in hopes that atleast his warmth could reach him on the other side.

Xie Lian leaned close to Wu Ming's ear as he whispered, "I know it hurts. Please just endure this a
little longer while I try to find a way to escape, okay?"

His words trembled as he continued, "If Wu Ming is good, I- I promise to spoil him and sing him a
song everynight. Okay? Please, just don't step inside.."

When Xie Lian broke the air-hug, he noticed how Wu Ming's expression suddenly changed. Xie
Lian watched him closely debating whether it's because he heard him or because he finally knocked
into his senses.

But Xie Lian's thoughts didn't last long as a voice from across the room interrupted them once

"It's no use. I told you, no one can hear you here."

Xie Lian's expression quickly changed to fury once more when he met eyes on the impostor
standing not far from them. Xie Lian clenched his fists as he marched infront of it.

He grabbed 'Xie Lian' by the collar as he spoke gravely, "You better bring me back to my own body
this instant. I'll find a way to kill you if you don't."

'Xie Lian' laughed in response. "How cute. You make it seem as if the Miao Tribe hasn't passed
enough ancestors to try and find every means to stop me other than sealing me for centuries."

Xie Lian's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of that tribe again. Just exactly what was going on
that involved a creature unheard of like this infront of him is involved with a tribe with an unknown

Perhaps the Miao Tribe actually has a much more story to tell than what it seems.

Xie Lian continued to think until a sudden hum slowly made its way to his ears. The god snapped
out of his train of thoughts and directed his attention to the owner of the unfamiliar melody.

Xie Lian was stuck in an awe. Wu Ming didn't cross the line, thank gods. But rather, he sat down on
the floor near the line, crossed his legs and shut his eyes as he continued to sing a melody he had
never heard off before.
The melody was gentle, soothing, and soul calming.

Xie Lian could feel as if his own heart was racing as he understood what Wu Ming was trying to

He explained that the whispers might try to tempt him that's why he needed to do the mission alone
and concentrate. Who knew Wu Ming found a smart way to help him redirect his focus?

Just from listening his calming hum, Xie Lian would be able to find his focus again without getting
sucked in deeper into the temptation.

Xie Lian sighed proudly.

It would've worked only if his body wasn't in this transparent state right now.

If only that thing...

Xie Lian blinked. The impostor had gone surprisingly quiet. Didn't that thing liked to meddle with
him like a pest he is?

Xie Lian slowly turned around. Why had it gone suddenly quieㅡ

His eyes widened at the sight.

'Xie Lian' was on his knees looking incredibly paler than before. His smug smile and cool
demeanor completely vanished and looking as if the life was slowly being sucked out of him.

"You..." Xie Lian muttered.

Why was that thing weakened all of a sudden?

Then 'Xie Lian' 's head slowly turned to Wu Ming. The intensity in his eyes from before slowly

Seeing the way it looked at Wu Ming quickly alerted Xie Lian to stand infront of the ghost between

"Don't get any ideas. I won't let you lay a finger on him!"

'Xie Lian' who was trembling head to toe slowly began fading away. He looked up at Xie Lian with

"That song...haha.. That. Song. "

It looked as if it was about to die but it still had the guts to talk.

"What song?" He asked confusedly. Was it referring to the unfamiliar melody Wu Ming was
currently humming?

The intensity on 'Xie Lian' 's eyes grew even more.

"The purifying spell! Haha. Those are the notes for the purifying spell under the disguise of that
lullaby!" It began laughing as if it had gone delirious.
It kept its intense eyes on Wu Ming as it continued, "Haha, That ghost. He's from the Miao Tribe
isn't he?"

Xie Lian tensed. He remained quiet and didn't respond.

"No wonder I've wanted to kill him from the very beginning. It's because every time he's near
you, that tribe's spells trigger on me!"

'Xie Lian' eyed him intently as he grinned maliciously, "Keep him close Xie Lian, he might just be
the key to both our problems."

Xie Lian lifted arms protectively infront of Wu Ming. He warned him one more time with a deathly
glare, "Don't get any ideas. You won't get what you want, not unless you go through me first!"

'Xie Lian' kneeling down on the floor continued to slowly and gradually fade once again. "You're

It then raised its head to look at Xie Lian in the eye. "But you could be wrong as well. You will
need me one day Xie Lian, you still have all those repressed hatred in your blood, I can smell it
and I'm craving for it."

'Xie Lian' then slowly began standing up weakly as Xie Lian kept his defensive stance. Seeing how
determined it looked to take over his body, and all the events that happened that showed his intense
effort, it's really hard to make one not curious about it's identity.

Xie Lian narrowed his eyes at him. "Just who are you?" He whispered.

'Xie Lian' 's eyes softened at him as a smile crossed his lips.

Slowly it spoke, "I am the voice avoided by the hearts, an emotion forced to control, the sole
embodiment of destruction ㅡ the root of all evil: hatred."

The smile on its face deepened as he stared at Xie Lian like he was staring all the way through his

The voice added,

"Do you Hate?"

In the next second, its body completely disappeared into nothing.

Before Xie Lian could think about it anymore, he felt a throbbing headache shortly after and felt
himself stumbling to the ground.
Then everything went dark.

Chapter End Notes

Dear readers! Did you enjoy that? 👀

Thus the reveal of the major plottwist in the story!! Hoho~ I really hoped you understood what
happened here but just incase you missed out some important details, I will lay it down here.

Q: Was that spirit the same as the one who showed up during the Miao Tribe war.

-Yes, the 'Xie Lian' was the same spirit that Hongli dealt with during the war and the one
hunting the Miao tribe. It doesn't have any physical appearance that's why it's taken up the
form of Xie Lian.

Q: How did it get to Xie Lian?

- Do you remember the chapter when Wu Ming said that the strange aura sticking to Xie Lian
was also similar to the aura emitting from the half-smiling and half-crying mask that Xie Lian
wore during their missions together? While looking for the Miao tribe seal it got attached to
Bai Wuxiang's mask at first but then White No-Face gave the mask to Xie Lian in the og story
remember? That's how the spirit met Xie Lian and became drawn to it.

Q: White No-Face didn't possess Xie Lian?

-Correct. It was the spirits doing. But don't be confused, just because the spirit used BWX as a
puppet, it doesn't mean that there's no real BWX. The real BWX doesn't know where Xie Lian
currently is.

Do y'all remember the scene in this story where Wu Ming faced off 'White No-Face' in the
armory room? Wu Ming held up the identity-revealing sword right? And the figure shown on
the blade was a smiling mask under the disguise of Xie Lian.

In the og story, it's supposed to reveal the 'real' identity no matter how much disguises there
are. So if that was really BWX then it's not supoosed to reveal a mask even though it's under
the disguise of Xie Lian, but his real identity which is *spoilers* Jun Wu.

But since the spirit as we said has no real physical form, the sword can only reveal the puppet
disguise that is BWX.

(I'm so sorry it's long but I hope this clears out any misunderstandings. There's actually still
another note but I'll save it for the next chapter <3)

Comments and kudos really helps
🙏 I hope you readers enjoyed this chapter and have a merry
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Chapter 53
Chapter Notes

Happy new years!! 🎉

Chapter 25 and Chapter 52 titles are slightly similar aren't they? 😉 Coincidence? I think n-
actually yes it is a coincidenceㅡ

Enjoy this chapter!! <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian felt his consciousness slowly coming back along with his senses. He could feel his ears
ringing and head throbbing in pain. It felt as if he smashed his own head into the wall and was left
there to deal with it.

He tried opening his eyes slowly, letting his vision slowly adjust to the brightness of the room but
everything was still a blur in his eyes. It felt uncomfortableㅡno he was uncomfortable

Every inch of his body was ached and whenever he moved, the intense ringing of his ears
worsened. Still, he pushed himself to sit upwards even though he was wincing from pain.

When his vision finally refocused, the first thing he saw was Fang Xin sitting on the floor. He
reached out and placed two fingers on the blade and felt the spirits are all shut tightly inside before
a breath of relief escaped his lips. The mission was successful.

When the ringing in his ears finally disappeared, Xie Lian turned his head to the corner and his face
immediately dropped when he saw his Wu Ming sitting still behind the circle and his face full of
tears anxiously waiting for him to withdraw his order.

Xie Lian's heart shattered at the sight but he didn't waste another moment to weakly open his arms
as an invitation. Wu Ming quickly rushed in and threw himself in Xie Lian's embrace and cried in
his arms nonstop.

Xie Lian wiped the excess blood off his lips with his sleeve and tried to ignore the taste in his
mouth as he tried to comfort the ghost in his arms.

Wu King was gasping for air when he choked out, "Your Highness! I-I- I was so scared you were-"

"Shh, shh, I know. I saw.." Xie Lian muttered with a sad smile. His voice even sounded broken, just
how long had he been laying down there?

Wu Ming held him tightly and continued sobbing. Xie Lian slid a hand behind him and patted his
"I was so scared, I- You were hurting- you threw up blood, y-you were screaming- I didn't know
what toㅡ"

Xie Lian held him tightly and cradled him close. "Shh, shh, Wu Ming did such a good job
following this one's instructions. He was so brave not to break his promise, I'm proud."

Wu Ming buried his head deeper into Xie Lian's chest. Xie Lian raised a hand and petted his head
in the way that he knew his Wu Ming had always loved. They remained in that position for a long
while, Xie Lian was patient the whole time until he heard Wu Ming taking a deep breath and a long
sigh of relief.

Xie Lian had a look of adoration in his face the whole time before he lifted his head to stare at the
distance. His expression shifted to anxiousness as his thoughts wandered to that strange spirit he
dealt with earlier.

It was still somewhat hard for him to believe that Bai Wuxiang never actually invaded their home
nor was he the reason why Wu Ming was so badly hurt that day.

What's more was the scary fact that it was after the Miao Tribe. Xie Lian's gaze slowly shifted back
to the ghost in his arms.

Soon enough, a new fear entered his mind.

Now that it knew Wu Ming had a relation to the Miao Tribe surely enough it would try it's best to
try and approach him. And if he succeedsㅡ

Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut before his thoughts dug any deeper. He gently shifted one of his
knees until he was at a kneeling position and carried Wu Ming bridal-style before standing up.

Wu Ming was caught off guard but his expression was immediately replaced with a nervous smile,
"Your Highness, I think the roles should be reversed here..."

Xie Lian chuckled. "Is Wu Ming saying he should be the one carrying me instead?"

The ghost's face turned red at the thought, "Y-Your Highness channeled his spiritual power to Fang
Xin for an hour. He should be resting and not... not.."

'not waste his energy by carrying him' was what he intended to say but he knew that his god
wouldn't be pleased to hear it so he stopped mid-way.

"Wu Ming is so thoughtful. But sitting there and watching the whole scene must've been torturous
in your part as well." Xie Lian responded before leaning in and kissing his cheek. He murmured,
"You deserve this much, don't worry."

All the worry he had in his thoughts were immediately washed away as if they were never there.
Wu Ming's lips slowly curved to a smile as he allowed himself to adjust in Xie Lian's arms

Xie Lian then began walking out the room and headed for their bedroom upstairs.

"If Wu Ming wants to carry this one, he can definitely do so in the future."
Wu Ming lifted his head up with his eyes twinkling, "I would be honored!"

Xie Lian chuckled. "Wu Ming is still growing after all..." He continued. His eyes gaze then shifted
to something the ghost couldn't fathom as he added "...There are still lots of things we can try in the

Wu Ming smiled happily. Before he realized it, he was already being gently brought down on the
bed and tucked in under the covers.

"Your Highness..." Wu Ming murmured. He watched Xie Lian slowly walk away with his back
faced to him as he slowly stripped off his outer robe.

"I'll just clean up and we'll talk about it. Alright?" Xie Lian told him with a reassuring smile before
he walked to the bathroom connected in their bedroom.

When he closed the door behind him, Xie Lian walked to the sink and washed his face. He wiped
the dried blood on his chin and stripped off his stained robes.

When Xie Lian looked up, he saw his reflection through the mirror. Both sweat and water trickled
down his cheeks, his eyebrows were furrowed that it was almost sticking like Feng Xin's from too
much worry, and the dark circles under his eyes made him look tired which was understandable
considering the hectic week this had been.

Xie Lian continued staring at the mirror as if he couldn't even trust his own reflection anymore. The
after effects of that dreadful encounter earlier still lingered on him like a bad dream.

He didn't take his eyes off the reflection thinking as if it was gonna move on its own if he had any
moment of relaxation while his hand slides up his chest to feel his beating heart.

"You felt it didn't you? When you first succumbed to me... to my power."

Xie Lian's free hand gripped the sink tighter. Memories of their conversation earlier slowly sank
down on him heavily one by one.

"You have immense hatred kept within you that are just waiting to be released! The will to destroy
the world but you still have the heart to stay noble. Your taste of hatred is one I've been searching
for in a millenia!"

Why him? He just wants to live peacefully...

"You have great potential Xie Lian. Your hatred runs deeper than the oceans and thicker than
blood. You need me to unleash those hatred."

Had he not suffered enough? Sure, he failed his people and his best proved to not be enough but he
paid great sacrifices as punishment didn't he? Must he continue to live like this for eternity as

"You see, you lived your life dealing with other people's problems. You're that perfect little crown
prince of XianLe who serves his people with a smile. You're that god-pleasing crown prince who
has the power to take on the world but with a heart as gentle as a flower."
Why him? Does he not deserve a peaceful life as well? He's not even asking for endless riches nor
great power, he's not even asking for much, heㅡ

"You're that human who was born to serve with a smile and to not hate. You couldn't hate because
your heart is too pure. That's how my interest in you sparked."

Is he undeserving to be happy now? Is that why he keeps attracting bad luck and bad spirits around
him? Is that the price for having the title of the God of Misfortune?

"You spent too long feeling what others felt. Shouldn't it be about time when they start feeling how
you felt?"

He doesn't even want revenge anymore! He doesn't want power, he doesn't want glory, he doesn't
want gold, he doesn't want friends, he just needs ONE person!!!!

The one who believes in him, the one who sees him, the one who loves him.

When every believer decided to spit at him did he kill?

When his family decided to leave him, did he leave their corpse hanging?

When his friends decided to leave, did they look back?

Xie Lian's hands were trembling as he slowly bent his back lower from the growing pressure in

He only needed one person to listen...

Tears spilled from his eyes, he wanted to scream out his frustration. person to stay.

His chest felt too tight that it hurts. Why him? Why him? Why..

... one person to love.

"Oh you need me, Xie Lian. You NEEDED me before, and you WILL need me. Have you forgotten
the taste of power when you first succumbed to me?"

"Leave me alone..." Xie Lian finally muttered out with a trembling tone. He lowered his head as his
knees slowly sank down.

"Please.. just let me live peacefully.." He choked out. He lost too many people, he lost too much to
the point that he wasn't even sure enough if he was strong enough to defend one person.

"I won't ask for anything more.. Just let me keep him." Xie Lian muttered as heavy tears continued
to stream down his cheeks. Only Wu Ming was able to bring back color in his lifeless eternal life,
he felt himself suffocating at the thought of going back to that lifeless state he used to be in.

He could never go back to that kind of life again!

Xie Lian remained in that position for who knows how long until the tears finally stopped.
The spirit said that they wouldn't touch Wu Ming again since it admitted that it was attracted to Xie
Lian instead.

But after the turn of events, Xie Lian wasn't sure anymore if the spirit would still turn a blind eye to

Xie Lian sniffled and took one long calming breaths before he looked back at the mirror again.
When he was calm enough, he took a long bath with these bearing thoughts in mind that he ought
to think about carefully and sort it out.

After Xie Lian dressed himself in his sleeping robes, he got out of the bathroom and walked to the
side of the bed.

"Your Highness took long, I was starting to get worried." Wu Ming murmured and even looked to
the side and pouted slightly.

Adorable. Like magic, the sad look on his face were immediately washed away and was replaced
with a heartfelt smile. Xie Lian supressed a laugh after seeing his beloved act so petty like that. He
leaned in and gave the ghost a peck on his cheek before sitting beside him.

"Forgive me, I was too caught up with my thoughts earlier." He then reached out to gently grab Wu
Ming's hand and used his free hand to rest on top of it.

"I'm sorry if I made Wu Ming worry earlier..." He added.

Wu Ming turned his head to look at him, "Don't apologize Your Highness, I just wished I had done
something to help."

Xie Lian looked at him ridiculously as if he couldn't believe it. He laughed softly, "What is Wu
Ming talking about? His action earlier helped me immensely."

He slid one hand behind Wu Ming as he pressed him closer to his side until the ghost was leaning
against him. He then added, "You think I don't know? While the whispers continued to torment me
you sang a song didn't you?"

Wu Ming's face blanked for a moment. Then a wide blush spread his cheeks and made his
expression flustered. Wu Ming quickly lowered his head to moan in embarrassment. "Ahhh Y-You
heard that?!?!"

He began shifting uncontrollably while both of his hands are slapped on his face to cover himself.

Xie Lian laughed at his behavior. Even though his own soul wasn't inside his body at that moment,
he saw how his body became more controlled in channeling spiritual power to Fang Xin which
greatly helped him succeed. Afterwards, the spirit's powers weakened and Xie Lian's soul was
pulled back to his own body again.

"I definitely heard it, and without Wu Ming's lullaby song I would've failed the mission. I owe this
success to you."

He noticed Wu Ming's body relax after hearing his words. When he finally found the face to look at
him, he asked once more. "Y-Your Highness isn't lying? I really helped him?"

Xie Lian nodded.

He wanted to tell Wu Ming about his conversation with the spirit earlier but then he thought that
now wouldn't be the best time considering that it would only make his beloved worry.

In fact, should he even tell him? Not only would it sound ridiculous to hear but not even Wu Ming
would be able to do something to eliminate that spirit.

If it hadn't been for Wu Ming's lullabyㅡ hold on.

Something clicked on Xie Lian.

He already knows that the lullaby Wu Ming sang was actually a purifying spell that weakened the
spirit. And looking back to their conversation a few days ago, Wu Ming mentioned that his
mother's lullabies were special and one of a kind. Could she have taught that lullaby to Wu Ming...
on purpose?

With that, Xie Lian decided to ask, "Wu Ming had such a lovely voice earlier, his tone was gentle
and soothing. Was it your mother who taught you that Lullaby?"

Wu Ming's eyes lit up. "It was! She was keen on teaching me that Lullaby specifically. I'm just glad
her efforts had paid off after all"

Xie Lian's eyes slightly widened on the confirmation. So it really was taught to him on purpose...

If Wu Ming's mother really did have the ability to conjur spells using songs, the most important
spell she could've taught him was a protection spell.

So why a purifying spell?

Xie Lian furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to think hard. It was as if she knew the spirit
would be clinging to Wu Ming...

Xie Lian's gaze then slowly shifted to the ghost leaning against him. If Wu Ming's mother really
had a relation to the spirit he encountered earlier, then.. Does Wu Ming also know?

If he really is aware behind the spirit's secrets, he could help him eliminate it. But if he doesn't, Wu
Ming would become suspicious of him.

"How did Wu Ming know that singing would help?"

Wu Ming was caught off guard. His expression froze and he remained silent while looking at him.

Xie Lian's chest began to feel stuffed. Even if he does directly ask, would Wu Ming answer him
honestly? Perhaps it was a secret in their family.

Perhaps... Wu Ming already knew all along that by being close to Xie Lian the whispers in his head
would die down.

Was that why he kept followed him? Was that the reason why Wu Ming can't rest in peace?

Because he still has a mission in this world?

Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut to stop himself from thinking any further.
He couldn't believe himself right now that he badly wanted to slam his head against the headboard
of the bed. Had he lost unconsciousness for too long that he had grown the nerve to began
suspecting Wu Ming's intentions now?

Wu Ming told him he stayed because he still had a beloved in this world. If that's what Wu Ming
said, then he should just believe in his words and not just jumping to conclusions.

Wu Ming proved time and time again of his devotion to him. He would be a fool to turn against
him now just because of some thoughts that held no grounds.

Besides, even if Wu Ming really did.. lie at some point.. He should just trust him.

Because in his heart, he was certain that Wu Ming 's love for him had never been a lie.

"I.. actually don't know Your Highness.." Wu Ming replied after a pause.

Xie Lian immediately opened his eyes to look at him confusedly. He doesn't know?

"I'm not sure if it was just my thoughts but.. I think someone whispered it to me that immediately
gave me that idea."

Xie Lian narrowed his eyes and thought deeply. Someone whispered it to him? Who wouldㅡ

Then it hit him.

When he was growing frantic because Wu Ming was struggling to hold himself back from stepping
inside the line, he gave a ghost hug and whispered near his ear to help him remind of what he
should not do. And among those words he whispered, he promised that he would sing him a song
every night as a reward.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the coincidence. Perhaps Wu Ming really did hear him at
that time.

As for the purifying spell...

"Did your mother have a reason to teach you those lullabies?" Xie Lian asked as he played with Wu
Ming's hair to make it sound casual.

"That's what keeps bugging me when I was a child too. I kept asking her why since I would have
no use to learning lullabies but she kept pushing me to learn anyway."

Xie Lian chuckled. He could only imagine how that conversation went.

Wu Ming sighed, "In the end, she told me that I would need it in the future. I think she probably
meant that I would need it to sing for my own children someday pfft."

Xie Lian's fingers stopped playing his hair after hearing that response. Would that mean that Wu
Ming had no idea that the lullaby was actually a spell?

Was it to protect him?

His eyebrows furrowed and his gaze darkened. Wu Ming's parents are from the Miao tribe and they
probably know how to eliminate the spirit, and that must be the reason why the spirit is going after

Xie Lian continued to think hard. If this thing was really powerful and threatening as it sounds,
shouldn't the mortal, no, even the heavens should be involved in dealing with something like it!!

But to think only the Miao Tribe had only ever really posed a threat to it by being able to seal its
own kind for centuries!

He then also thought that if his thoughts were correct, then shouldn't the Miao tribe be well known
for doing the world a great favor? Why was their origin so mysterious that it's too suspicious.

The only information he was taught about that tribe when he was a prince was that the tribe
mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Some claimed that the tribe was slaughtered by vicious
ghosts and some claimed that they just disappeared out of thin air because of a curse. That's why
only a few people could actually remember a tribe like them existed in the first place.

Perhaps those speculations were right after all? What if that vicious ghost or curse who destroyed
the Miao Tribe was the spirit he encountered earlier?

Xie Lian clenched his fists tighter and his body shifted anxiously. Apart from Wu Ming, another
citizen who originated in the Miao tribe was his shifu who was actually Wu Ming's father... was
mysteriously disappeared and killed unjustly.

He remembers his shifu's words that he couldn't understand before until now:

"Your Highness must be thinking that I'm overthinking things a lot. You might be right about that
too. After all... who wouldn't believe that we are now at peaceful times."

"There's a lot of good things in this world Your Highness, you must cherish it dearly."

"...Because there are all sorts of evil who wouldn't hesitate to take it all away from you."

Xie Lian shut his eyes closed tightly, 'Shifu... I understand it now.'

If his speculations are true, wouldn't it mean that Wu Ming's natal tribe, people, and family were
destroyed unjustly?

"Your Highness."

Xie Lian snapped out of his train of thoughts once more to look at the ghost beside him who looked

He was too lost in his thoughts that he had remained silent for too long!!

"Ah! I'm soㅡ"

But it was already too late. Before Xie Lian could finish his sentence, Wu Ming had already began
profusely apologizing and blabbering frantically, "I didn't mean to upset Your Highness! Of course
even though my mother had taught me that ridiculous lullaby for her intentions, i-it doesn't really
mean that I would actually be required to have children! I would never dare touch or even look at
another person the same way as I look at Your Highness! So please don't misunderstand!"
Xie Lian was caught off guard once more before he let out soft chuckles. He gave Wu Ming's arms
a gentle squeeze as he responded, "Ah no, I wasn't thinking about that.."

"Oh... Then what was Your Highness thinking about?"

Xie Lian hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to make Wu Ming upset knowing how hurt he was
the last time they talked about his parents...and especially about his father.

His eyes looked away as he continued to find the right words but no matter how hard he racked his
brain, there was noㅡ

"Your Highness must be thinking about how hectic this week must've been.." Wu Ming interrupted
in a low voice. Xie Lian turned back to face him and remained silent.

"I agree with you though" Wu Ming sighed. "I enjoyed our time during the first day of the Spring
Festival. Then suddenly, all these crazy things happened during the last five days.."

The ghost stared at Xie Lian with determination as he declaimed, "But fear not anymore Your
Highness, I will try my best so that we can enjoy our holiday properly!"

Xie Lian's gaze softened, "Fang Xin is stable now so there's really nothing else to worry about. We
can enjoy the remaining days of the festival together as much as we want."

Wu Ming laughed softly, "I look forward to all of them! I want to spend all the holidays with Your

Seeing the excitement on the ghost's face made Xie Lian's heart flutter as he leaned in and gave his
beloved a soft peck on the lips.

"That's right, just be happy like that." Xie Lian murmured.

"...I'll make sure to protect that smile."

The moon's light reflected on the window, shining softly and bright. Through that window, aside
from the radiant glow of the full-moon, the sky was clear of clouds and filled with dazzling stars all

The god's eyes continued to drown himself in that peaceful view, dazed and fully-immersed as he
allowed the time to simply pass. He looked at the sky as if he was seeking for hope, for help, for

Perhaps he couldn't turn away because of the darkness that enveloped the room. The darkness or
the reality that was waiting for him the moment he turns his head. So he chooses not to.

At first it was just a simple thought, that later evolved to a question, a concern, then a possibility.

If he could, he would've prayed. Praying that one day all his problems would be solved by a god.
But unfortunately, he is a god. Made to answer prayers, not to hope for answers.

He was a god. A god that was banished, a god with no temples, no offerings, no power, no riches...

... But a god with a last believer.

And that last believer was in his arms right now, sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Xie Lian's gaze remained staring at the moon's light as he was unable to sleep. Thoughts continued
to plague his mind but thankfully the peacefulness of the air and the soft light of the moon was
enough to bring peace back to him.

He looked back through his conversation with Wu Ming earlier to sort his thoughts once more. The
spirit was indeeed after the Miao Tribe and according to the spirit, it wanted the Miao Tribe Seal.

He speculated tha the spirit probably needed the seal in order to gain some kind of power that could
benefit it. Like a physical body since its powers proved to be limited in the real world.

If it's after the Miao Tribe Seal then that seal would probably be found in a scroll. But Wu Ming
was only born Miao, he proved in their conversation earlier that he was unaware of what his tribe
had been doing.

What Xie Lian also realized was that even if the spirit does come for Wu Ming, it wouldn't be able
to do anything since the ghost doesn't have anything to benefit it.

What's more was that the spirit won't be able to stay in contact with Wu Ming for that long since it
becomes weak whenever he's near. Xie Lian was more than grateful that Wu Ming was blessed
with such luck and protection. With this he wouldn't need to worry with the spirit coming after

As for the Miao Tribe Seal...

Xie Lian's eyes darkened. It didn't matter where the seal was, what's important was that it was far
away from Wu Ming as possible.

With those thoughts finally sorted in mind, the god felt assured and his body relaxed. He let out a
quiet breath of relief and his eyelids began to feel heavier.

Xie Lian smiled warmly, he was thankful for Wu Ming's parents for equipping him with discreet
protection spells in advance that were able to protect him from this spirit that was after him now.

If only Wu Ming knew what his parents had done...

Then he..

A small yawn escaped Xie Lian's lips


He finally turned his gaze away from the moon and snuggled himself close to the ghost laid beside

...would've felt...
He craned his neck to kiss Wu Ming's forehead before resting his head against the pillow again.


Xie Lian's eyes slowly closed as he finally drifted to a peaceful slumber.

Chapter End Notes

"At first it was just a simple thought, that later evolved to a question, a concern, then a
possibility. "

= How to overthink 101 🥂

I hope you enjoyed reading! I know the emotions of this chapter are full of ups and downs but
please look forward to the next chapter because it's gonna be full of fluff this time I swear it'll
be worth it! X3

(spoilers: they are gonna go on another date, something big is gonna change as well! 😉)
Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡
Shangyuan Festival
Chapter Notes

Consider this as my apology gift in advance.. :'>

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Morning light seeped through the windows of the bedroom. The sun felt bright and warm against
Xie Lian's skin until the god finally woke up. He slowly opened his eyes until it slowly adjusted to
the brightness of the room.

Not feeling the need to get up yet, Xie Lian's hand reached out the space beside him to feel the
other person but instead, he felt the silk sheets, soft pillows and an empty space... again.

How many times has he woken up alone on the bed? Eight times? Ten times?

A frown formed on Xie Lian's lips as he craned his neck to make sure and... he was right. Wu Ming
had already rose from the bed and just like the last few days he went out to the village to 'do some
business' which also meant that he was gambling to earn money again.

He warned him one to many times that too much gambling was bad for his mental health and
reminded him that there were other methods to earn income but alas, he didn't listen again.

The god sighed and decided that he should pay a visit to this 'business' and deal with him more
properly. He got up, took a warm bath first, then wore his robes before heading downstairs.

Wu Ming didn't specify what place he was visiting exactly but Xie Lian already knew what to do in
order to find him. He closed his eyes and focused on his steady breaths. His surroundings darkened
as he raised one arm. A black smoke swirled around his hand before it turned into a shadow crow.

He already used this trick before when he needed eyes to investigate the village where he sent Wu
Ming to gather resentful energies before.

When Xie Lian opened his eyes again, it was that dark cold honey-golden eyes that could send
shivers down to anyone's spine. His eyes gazed down at the crow as he commanded,


The crow responded with a loud kraa! Before unfolding its wings and quickly flying off.

Somewhere along the market place in the central plains, Wu Ming walked along the streets wearing
a long black cloak with a hood gifted to him by his god that covered his body and a black bandage
covering his right eye.

He thought that this outfit should be more than enough to send a message clear in anyone's head to
get the fuck away.

He was on his way home after he purchased what he needed. He spent the last week gambling and
testing his luck in order to purchase what he had been wanting to prepare for a long time. Not to
mention that every item was expensive but fortunately luck was on his side once more. He checked
his bag a few more times just incase before he accidentally bumped into someone infront of him.

The bump was harsh but Wu Ming had a good grip on his bag and didn't drop anything. How
troublesome, he muttered in his head.

He turned to look to see the person he bumped into and unfortunately it didn't look like the guy was
gonna let him off easy.

"Fucking watch where you're going!" The person barked angrily at him. The man was tall, very
muscular, and there was a huge scar across his face.

He was trouble, and the first thing Wu Ming had thought was that it wouldn't be polite if he came
home with bloodstains on his shirt, and even if his black clothing didn't make it obvious he
wouldn't be able to cover the stench.

So in order to avoid anymore conflict and other unnecessary attention, the ghost swallowed his
pride and apologized even though it sounded half-heartedly spoken.

He quickly trotted off but the guy suddenly pulled the back of his cloak. Wu Ming was caught off
guard and quickly steadied his balance. He sighed, his irritation increasing by the second. He was
actually in a hurry too. He needed to come home before Xie Lian wakes up or else he'll make him
worry and receive another round of scolding.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Wu Ming didn't respond and quietly gripped for the sabre hiding behind his cloak. He eyed the man
behind him in a dangerous manner and waited for a chance to push him away way until
unexpectedly, two more people that looked just like him came and surrounded him, they looked
annoyed. But Wu Ming was already more than pissed.

He inhaled a deep breath as if he was buying himself patience even though those rats don't deserve
even a speck of it. He knew he could just kill them on the spot and problem solved but he didn't
want to worry his god.

So once again, he swallowed his pride and spoke just loud enough for them to hear,

"Forgive me, I wasn't looking. Please let me off."

The other monkey-looking hooligans scoffed as they laughed. Shedding blood it is then. One of
them grabbed his chin and pulled it upwards to face them directy face to face.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you look at us straight in the eye and tell us what you're really thinking!"

The other guy beside shouted, "He could be a thief. Check your pockets! Dirtbags like him like to
use this petty trick. They bump into ya' then the next thing ya' know they're already scurrying off
with your money!"

Wu Ming gave a loud noticeable tsk. His free hand grabbed the hand holding his chin up and
glared at the man as a warning. The owner of the hand he was gripping suddenly flinched and his
entire demeanor had changed as if he wasn't expecting that bone-crushing grip from him.

But instead of letting go, his braincells failed him once again and decided to pull his collar harder
to show dominance. Which also showed the last action he was gonna be able to do with his wrist,
because at the next second, there was a resounding crack on his wrist

His eyes widened. When the other two noticed, their faces went from horror to anger and quickly
pushed him away until one of them accidentally pulled the bandage off and revealing his right eye.

The look of horror spread across his face, "What- what the hell is that?!"

When the other two saw his right eye, their expressions also shifted to horror and cried out:

"How ugly! Is it cursed?"

"Holy shit! What the hell is that?!"

Wu Ming quickly pushed them away and covered his eye with one hand. The situation was
becoming more messy, he needed to get away beforeㅡ

"If you let us gouge that eye out we'll let you go."

Wu Ming's body froze. He was momentarily reminded of the people who were also desperate to
gouge out his right eye back when he was still a kid.

The two men continued to bicker:

"But boss it's too ugly to look at!"

"That little guy could be a demonㅡ"

"Demon or not it's oughta be worth a fortune!!! Just look at it!!"

Wu Ming clenched the bag he was holding and took a step back. Should he draw his sword? It
would end in a bloody massacre if he does, he wouldn't be able to come to the village again if he
becomes a wanted person now which was also very troublesome!

"...Oh that's right! You're so smart boss! Come! Help me gouge that eye out!!"

"You're gonna do it here?! Are you fucking stupid?!"

"Who the fuck are you calling stupid you shitㅡ"

"FUCKING SHUT UP!!" The man with the large scar on his face yelled, making the two stop
bickering before he grabbed Wu Ming's collar more roughly compared to the previous guy.

Still not learning their lesson huh? Wu Ming sighed, unable to decide if he was sighing out of pity
or irritation anymore. He semeed to forget what he had done to the wrist of the last person who
grabbed his collar just now.
"We're just gonna gouge his eye out stop fucking trying to make a big deal out of it!!! Let's drag
him first to an alley then we'llㅡ"

"Who's gouging whose eye out?"

Wu Ming's thoughts quickly dropped and his entire body froze in shock upon hearing that familiar
voice from behind him.

When he turned his body to see, he gasped when he saw Xie Lian, his god, already standing behind
him at a distance while glaring at the three men surrounding him.

Wu Ming couldn't look away from that piercing gaze. Because just from that stare alone, it was
enough to hold the freeze the enemies on the spot and hold them there.

Xie Lian tilted his head slightly to the side, his terrifying gaze fell heavily on the hand gripping his
collar as it slowly travelled along his arm and then to his face.

The ghost felt the hand shudder and tremble. There was no escaping for him now.

Xie Lian maintained the terrifying eye-contact as he asked,

"Shall I gouge your eye out first?"

Wu Ming felt the other two flinching in response. They looked like they wanted to run but had a
feeling that if they did, it would be the last thing they were gonna be able to do.

Meanwhile the ghost just stood there and watched quietly. He couldn't help but shudder in both
excitement and fear from being reminded of the feeling of Xie Lian in his terrifying state.

There were no traces of the usual warmth and carefree in his voice. Perhaps he have gotten too used
to seeing Xie Lian smiling and being patient around him that seeing his god so dangerously angry
like this made him excited.

In that exact moment, Wu Ming was once again reminded of how terrifying his god could be.

When Xie Lian took a single step forward, the group took a step back.

Wu Ming knew he could just easily escape their grip but he felt a little selfish at that moment and
remained pliant in their grip on him. There was a rising excitement in his chest, fearing and
wondering how Xie Lian would deal with them.

One of them took out a knife and held it against his throat as he threatened,

"D-Don't move! Stay right where you are!"

When the surrounding people noticed the knife, they began to panic and ran away. Some watched
from a distance either from fear or from the same excitement Wu Ming had been feeling.

When Xie Lian saw the knife against his throat, his eyes widened a fraction before it narrowed
dangerously at them.

"I would start praying to the gods right now if I were you..." Xie Lian spoke.
One of them scoffed despite the noticeable nervousness, "Y-You think you're someone to be feared?
Judging from your clothes I think you're better off picking up scraps!"

Wu Ming bared his teeth at him from the insult making the guy push the knife against his skin
deeper in response.

"Fucking hold still!" He yelled at him.

Xie Lian's gaze darkened. He tilted his head to the side slightly as he asked in a mundane tone,
"Are you that desperate for your bones to be picked up by me?"

The three froze and continued to stare back at him cautiously. After a moment's pause, a bone-
chilling smile formed on Xie Lian's lips.

A dark heated gaze and a melting smile, Wu Ming could die happily right then and there.

Xie Lian spoke softly. "I'm going to count to three. If you don't let him go, not even the gods will
be able to save you now."

They flinched.


They panicked. One cried out, "Boss I think you should let him go!"

The man holding Wu Ming with a knife yelled at him angrily, "Shut up! It's clearly an empty threat!
Don't be a fucking coward!"


The other guy eventually panicked as well. "Boss! Let him go!"

Xie Lian parted his lips slightly.

The group continued to argue while Wu Ming looked around them and found that there were too
many people watching. If Xie Lian sheds blood right now infront of them, things could turn for

So before the last number escaped Xie Lian's lips, Wu Ming took advantage of the distraction and
grabbed the hand holding the knife against his throat and broke that wrist as well.

"Three.." Xie Lian whispered dangerously low as he dashed to the guy behind him at a quick
speed. He reached out his hand and aimed for the guy's throat but Wu Ming suddenly stood
between them and stopped him.

"Your Highness that's enough!" Wu Ming spoke sharply and loud enough for him to hear. He had
his hands open and stood between Xie Lian and the two guys who fell to their knees a second later
from too much fright.

When Wu Ming opened his eyes to see, Xie Lian was standing infront of him looking displeased.

He whispered, "Your Highnessㅡ"

"We're sorry! Have mercy please!!!" The guy behind him suddenly cried out. When Wu Ming
turned his head, all three of them were already kneeling and begging for mercy.

Xie Lian's gaze was still dark and cold. He was about to take a step forward until Wu Ming stood
infront of him again.

Wu Ming placed a hand on Xie Lian's arm to soothe his anger as he whispered, "They're just
ignorant mortals Your Highness, it's not worth wasting your power on them.."

Xie Lian's eyes glanced back at him for a moment before turning to the people behind him. They
continued to blabber and beg for mercy until Xie Lian couldn't listen anymore. Just hearing them
talk made his head ache as he interrupted sharply,


They quickly knowtowed in gratitude and scurried away. Xie Lian continued to stare at the
direction they ran off, making sure that they were really out of sight.

Not a moment later, a chuckle interrupted his focused gaze. When Xie Lian turned his head, he saw
his Wu Ming smiling brightly at him. The tension in Xie Lian's shoulders loosened and his icy
expression melted to a warm smile.

He sighed and placed a hand on his head, gently petting his hair. Wu Ming leaned to the touch even
more and purred.

Xie Lian's smile grew. He petted Wu Ming's hair a lot of times already that he had lost count.

Wu Ming let out another soft sigh from the soothing touch. Xie Lian's gentle headpats gave him a
sense of relief and comfort. He could sense that Xie Lian must've loved doing it too considering
how often he does it.

When Xie Lian's hand finally withdraw, Wu Ming smiled at him. "I'm surprised to see Your Hiㅡ"

Xie Lian quickly placed a finger on his mouth. He smiled as he whispered in a low tone.

"Shh, people are still looking."

Wu Ming then glanced to the corner of his eye and found that some people were still staring at
them. Watching the aftermath of the heated scene earlier.

Wu Ming blushed in embarrassment as he remembered how he was blushing and purring to Xie
Lian's soft head pats earlier and momentarily forgot that there were still people around them.

Not only that, he also almost blurted out Xie Lian's title which could've caused a problem too.

Xie Lian then suddenly grabbed Wu Ming's hand making his thoughts interrupt abruptly and ran as
he pulled them away from the scene.


They continued walking in silence around the busy market place. Wu Ming found himself placed in
an awkward situation, what was he gonna call Xie Lian if he can't call him formally like this? He
had planned to stay quiet until they reached back home but it seems like Xie Lian isn't planning on
going home anytime soon.

He continued enduring the silence until he eventually he gave up. He purposely walked closer and
wrapped his hand around Xie Lian's arm before leaning close to his ear and whispered.

"Your Highness, if I can't call you that then how else can I address you?"

Wu Ming then slowly backed away a few steps behind him afterwards. When Xie Lian suddenly
stopped walking, Wu Ming stopped beside him and noticed a mischievous smile creeping in his
lips. He then turned to Wu Ming with a smile as he responded,

"Xie-ge will do."

Wu Ming coughed out blood.


Xie Lian's smile brightened even more as he laughed in satisfaction.

"Haha! Even better!"

Wu Ming's face reddened as he quickly looked away. Not that he was addicted to calling him 'Your
Highness' or anything but calling him like that feels so scandalizing to him. He had gotten used to
calling his god in that title that it was practically engraved in his brain to not call him anything else.

Also, not to mention the last time he called him Xie-gege it unknowingly awakened a beast inside
Xie Lian. Who knows what he might provoke with 'gege' alone?


Xie Lian walked closer and offered a hand, "Shall we go? Wu Ming?"

Then there was a silent pause. Wu Ming already knew that Xie Lian was waiting for him to call
him in that new form of address but...

Wu Ming's face blushed harder the longer he looked at Xie Lian. His lips twitched as he continued
to hesitate, "G-.. sigh, Master we should go home now."

The ghost immediately regretted it the moment he saw the smile quickly fade from Xie Lian's lips.

Xie Lian stared at him in silence for a moment as he slowly retracted his hand.

Then the light in his eyes disappeared.

Xie Lian's eyelids lowered at him like how one would look at another person who was below them.
A new fear rose in Wu Ming's chest. The way Xie Lian was staring at him was so cold and distant
that it couldn't be compared to how he was angrily staring at those gang of people earlier.

After another round of silence, Xie Lian raised a brow at him.

"The nerve to casually talk to me, are you seeking death?"

Wu Ming's body flinched at the same time his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and fear. He took a
step forward and reached a shaking hand to him.

However, Xie Lian quickly slapped it away as he threatened him once more.

"I don't know you. Get lost!"

He then turned to walk away leaving Wu Ming stunned.

When Xie Lian was walking too far Wu Ming quickly forced himself to snap out of his daze to
quickly chase after Xie Lian.

"Your H-..Master! Please don't be like this.."

Xie Lian continued to ignore him as if he wasn't there. Wu Ming's stomach sank deeper.

Even though a part of him guessed that Xie Lian wouldn't be mad at him forever, he felt restless
after seeing those distant eyes from Xie Lian.

He tried called his attention a few more times until he had to grab his sleeve to stop his god from
walking. Fortunately Xie Lian's steps did halt but when he turned back to him, he threatened him
with a quick glare making Wu Ming quickly retract the hand on his sleeve.

Xie Lian's voice was low but grave, "Do that again and I will really kill you."

Wu Ming was stunned yet again before sighing in defeat. He looked up to Xie Lian who was still
glaring at him as if he was waiting for something.

Wu Ming bit his lip and lowered his head as he murmured.


Xie Lian's terrifying glare suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a smile that he knew and
loved in a second.

"Ah, my Wu Ming there you are. I wondered where you have gone to?"

The tones from before were also completely different. It was as if they weren't even the same
person at all. Wu Ming sighed helplessly with a smile as he remembered just how lucky he was to
have him as a lover and a master right now.

He decided to play along as he spoke, "Gege was ignoring me earlier.."

Though the name still felt stranger to his lips, he could only try his best to get used to it after seeing
how happy Xie Lian looked right now.

Xie Lian laughed at him ridiculously.

"Nonsense! As my beloved, Wu Ming does not need to ask for my attention nor does he have to
anything because he already has my deepest favor. But if it was someone else, of course they would
have to try to earn my favor first."
Wu Ming only then came to a realize and understood why Xie Lian suddenly changed his behavior
towards him earlier. Xie Lian had already told him before many times that he doesn't need to
continue acting like a servant when they are already together like this.

So when he was calling him master earlier, Xie Lian was looking at him not as Wu Ming but as a
servant with literally no name. That's why he pretended not to know him.

Xie Lian's smile softened as if he just read Wu Ming's thoughts.

"I can see that you understand now."

He then added after a pause,

"However, I don't see the reason why we shall go home when it's such a fine afternoon and the
market is bustling. I wish for us to act like common folks just for today."

Wu Ming blinked upon hearing his request, he slowly repeated as his mind processed.

"Common.. folks?"

Xie Lian nodded. "Yes. Just common people on a date while strolling through the market place
without any burdens in their shoulder or a traumatic past. Just.. normal.. "

Wu Ming could feel his chest go light as he smiled warmly. He thought,

'In this world, most people's goal is to be powerful and ascend as a god. Yet there's a god in this
world who wishes to be normal. How ironic.'

He continued walking alongside Xie Lian as he smiled warmly,

'Is your wish to become normal is also because of me?'

Wu Ming watched as Xie Lian gazed at the lanterns hung above them with a big smile.

He knew it very well that it was also Xie Lian's wish before to become a god for his people which
makes it so hard for him to believe that Xie Lian would wish for them to become normal.

Wu Ming continued staring at his god as if he was falling for him for the first time before a
question suddenly came to mind:

'When a mortal wishes to become a god for his people, would a god wish to become a mortal for
his lover?'

Wu Ming felt warm inside as he walked closer to Xie Lian.

The answer, he already knows it himself.

Wu Ming initiatively took Xie Lian's hand trying to ignore the blushing mess on his face as he
began pulling Xie Lian to a restaurant for them to eat. The sun is already at peak and it would be
too late to go home at this point just for lunch.

Plus he bought spare money anyway.

He ordered Xie Lian gluttonous rice balls and a plate of steamed buns while he sat across him.

"These steamed buns are really good."

After hearing Xie Lian's comment, Wu Ming's interest immediately perked up.

"Would Your Highneㅡ I mean would.. gege like me to make you those everyday?"

Xie Lian grinned at his mistake. Wu Ming laughed apologetically.

"Sorry... gege, It's a bit hard to adjust calling you that."

Xie Lian smiled at him warmly.

"It's alright, you'll get used to it someday. Also, yes I would love to taste Wu Ming's attempt at
making steamed buns."

Xie Lian continued to eat while Wu Ming rested his cheek against the palm of his hand as he
recalled all the crazy past events from the beginning 'till now.

And right now, they weren't even living in a proper house since the base was made from resentful
energies which was very unhealthy for Xie Lian's cultivation. Not only that, Xie Lian also only has
a few sets of robes which bothered him for a long time.

Back then, he didn't mind all the minor details because he knew it was all temporary. But now, after
Xie Lian confessed that he wasn't going to go through his plan on unleashing resentful spirits in
Yong An, it was only then Wu Ming considered all these minor details important.

Wu Ming looked up to Xie Lian after that thought with a determined face.

"Gege, someday I will save up a lot of money and put up a lovely house just for you. I will make it
even better that if other people see it, they would would all gasp and say 'what a paradise.' "

Xie Lian laughed softly in response, "You don't need to do that Wu Ming."

The ghost assured him, "Don't worry, it'll just take a lot of time. Also, I would be happier knowing
that gege would have more than just a few sets of robes."

Seeing how determined Wu Ming's face was right now a thought then occured to him that living in
a house made out of ghosts is indeed.. Inappropriate.

Xie Lian hummed. "Very well. But don't push yourself too much. I wouldn't want your soul to
become unstable because of exhaustion."

Wu Ming smiled widely, "I promise I won't be a burden to gege."

Xie Lian smiled warmly at him as he gently took Wu Ming's hand and kissed the back of his palm,
"I'll be there at your side and help you all the way."

After lunch, they both strolled along the marketplace once more before Xie Lian noticed another
tailor shop and lead them both to take a peek inside.

"Good afternoon!" The store clerk greeted.

Xie Lian's eyes wandered around the store for a bit before gently pulling Wu Ming's hand to a chair
and making him sit on it.

"Is gege going to buy new robes?" Wu Ming asked.

Xie Lian's eyes continued to travel around the store as if he was looking for something specific.
The ghost continued to watch him silently the whole time until Xie Lian went to the store clerk
himself and asked.

The store clerk perked up in interest before responding to him in a whispering manner but they
were both at a distance and whispering to each other that Wu Ming couldn't understand a single
word. He badly wanted to stand up and listen to their conversation but it was already too late.

When the store clerk came back he called another person and smiled at him, "Please follow the
tailor in that room while he gets your measurements."

Wu Ming raised a brow curiously before turning to Xie Lian. "Gege, you're not trying to get me
another set of robes are you?"

Xie Lian only smiled at him and responded softly. "Just do as he says."

Wu Ming only then stood up from his chair and followed the other store clerk inside a room to get
his measurements. He was definitely getting another robe, he sighed.


"My lord, forgive me if I'm being too forward but are you two..." The store clerk spoke softly from
behind him.

Xie Lian turned around and his gaze slightly darkened. "We are. Is there a problem?"

The store clerk smiled nervously as he chuckled. "Of course not, it's just that you have asked us to
get the young master's measurements for a customized wedding robe."


"And I'm left wondering why only one set was asked to be made. Wedding robes should be worn by
a pair during a wedding is it not?"

Xie Lian pursed his lips and looked away in silence. After a long moment he responded, "I.. I just
wanted to surprise him with that robe. I haven't even asked him yet."

The store clerk smiled warmly, "If that's the case, why not have your own measurements taken as
well? I'm sure the other young master would immediately want you to be wearing one as well."

Xie Lian hesitated for a moment. He glanced back to the store clerk before directing his gaze to the
room where Wu Ming was currently taking his measurements.

"I guess it would make sense that I should have a set as well.." Xie Lian murmured.

The store clerk clapped happily. "I'm so glad to hear that! Now come," He said as he began pulling
Xie Lian to another room.
"I'll make sure that both your robes are exquisite that I'm sure it'll be the most memorable wedding
in your lives!"


After they have gotten their measurements, the store clerk gave Xie Lian a small paper with a
specific date written on it, stating on when they can pick up the robes as Xie Lian paid to the front
counter while Wu Ming sat on a chair behind them.

Afterwards, they left the store and Wu Ming noticed that Xie Lian's face looked flushed for some
reason. They continued walking around until the sun began to set.

When they reached to the outskirts of the marketplace where no other people are found, Wu Ming
bit his lower lip as he held the bag in his hand nervously. It was almost time.

He glanced towards Xie Lian and spoke, "It's getting late gege, let's go home now."

Xie Lian softly let out a sigh before nodding. Saddened by how their little date would now come to
an end.

"There's one more thing we haven't done yet though." The god murmured.

Wu Ming stared at him confusedly and began to think for what else could be missing in their date.

"Really? I think we pretty much have already covered it up. Eating at a restaurant, holding hands,
talking while strolling, I can't think of what else could be miㅡmmph! "

Xie Lian suddenly pulled his waist closer and pressed their lips together, interrupting whatever Wu
Ming had left to say.

Wu Ming's lips smiled for a bit as he realized what their date lacked. Of course he wouldn't want to
disappoint his god now would he? With that, Wu Ming closed his eyes and wrapped both of his
hands around Xie Lian's neck as he returned the kiss deeply while the golden sun set behind them

When they arrived back home, Xie Lian told Wu Ming that he would just take a bath for a bit then
come back.

Wu Ming quickly took this opportunity to set the stage he was planning for a long time since the
start of the spring festival. He had worked extra hard on the last few days since a lot of things
happened that hindered his plan.

When everything was all set, he glanced up at the night sky. The wind wasnt strong and there were
no more snow falling on the ground.

Wu Ming smiled, perfect.

After Xie Lian got out to the bathroom with his sleeping robes on, he walked to the garden where
Wu Ming said he'd meet him when he was done.

When he saw Wu Ming standing outside while looking at the sky his heart immediately felt warm
as he approached him.

"Wu Ming I'mㅡ"

The moment Xie Lian stepped outside, his attention was immediately caught by various floating
golden lights from above.

His eyes widened and twinkled at the sight. He breathed out from shock,

"What's all this.."

Seeing Xie Lian's shocked face made Wu Ming's smile grew even more.

He chuckled softly before he explained, "I knew gege would forget. Tonight is the Shangyuan
Festival! I'm sending off blessing lanterns to worship gege!"

Xie Lian laughed and found his explanation adorable. He walked closer to him and checked one of
the lanterns.

He was shocked when he found out that the lanterns Wu Ming bought weren't just ordinary
lanterns. He really went and bought blessing lanterns of everlasting light!

Xie Lian was slightly overwhelmed, "A-aren't these types of lanterns.. expensive?"

Wu Ming's smile didn't falter as he responded proudly, "Only the best for my god."

Xie Lian was caught off guard for another moment before he laughed.

'If the heavens notices whom these lanterns are for I'm sure it'll be another talk for a decade.'

But that didn't matter to him. Wu Ming spent all this effort to buy expensive lanterns just to offer
for him even though he was a banished god now.

He smiled warmly at Wu Ming as he helped him prepare to light up another lantern.

He whispered under his breath, "Wu Ming.. you really are..."

Wu Ming was too busy excitedly lighting up the lantern to notice Xie Lian's low voice.

He then watched Wu Ming gently lift the lantern up, letting it float into the air before clasping his
hands to a prayer and making a wish.

Xie Lian's heart squeezed as he gave another huff of laugh.

"If that prayer is for me, you know you can just tell me right?"

It would also be a shame if he misses his prayer due to his cursed shackles. He wasn't sure if Wu
Ming knew that though.
Wu Ming smiled nevertheless,

"Ah, Your Highness is right. Ehem, god if you can hear my prayer right now, I only pray that Your
Highness will continue to smile like now and live happily."

Xie Lian's eyebrows slightly raised as he listened to his unexpected prayer.

"Oh? Most people would usually wish for themselves, this is the firstime I heard someone wish for
their own god to live happily. How very selfless of you Wu Ming."

Wu Ming giggled, "Just having gege by my side is already happiness to me. I could only ask for the
meaning of my life to be happy as well."

Xie Lian smiled as he gently grabbed one of Wu Ming's hands and intertwineded their fingers
together before gently pulling Wu Ming's body closer against his. Closing in the gaps between their
bodies while leaning his face closer to Wu Ming.

Xie Lian only then finished what he whispered a while ago,


He then locked their lips together before leaning in again for a deeper kiss. Their bodies pressed to
each other closely while their fingers are still intertwined, unwilling to let go.

They continued to kiss lovingly under the night sky filled with floating lanterns above.

Thus concluded the Spring Festival.

Chapter End Notes

Dear readers... I'm really sorry for the pain I'm about to inflict to you...

-Just a note on Wu Ming hesitating on the gege type of address. He is still (somewhat) in the
state where he sees Xie Lian as a master and a god and he is just a soldier with no name unlike
his future identity as Hua Cheng whom he developed his cheekiness and sly attitude later on.
That's why he wasn't as confident on addressing Xie Lian as 'gege' yet compared to Hua
Cheng :>

Another note: Consider the next chapter as the last chapter of this book. Because the following
chapter after that will be a sequel chapter (yes there's a book 2 coming soon!)

Also were almost at 700 kudos as well I'm crying, I'm so grateful for all your love and support
throughout this book. To the people who have been with me since the very first chapter and
especially to the people that are with me now, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart ♥️
Chapter Notes

⚠️CW: Major Character Death.

Not holding back on this one 🙂

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Waitㅡ haha! gege please sto-ppftt hahaha!"

Wu Ming was trying to push Xie Lian's head away from his stomach where Xie Lian was leaving
kisses that tickled.

A few weeks had gone by in a blink of an eye. And with each passing day, the two spent it together
in each other's company. Wu Ming had already saved up quite a number of money from gambling
since it proved to be his most proud talent. While Xie Lian often reminded him not to indulge too
much in gambling since it depended a lot on luck. He often reminded him that he was scared that
he would one day come home with a god-knows what debt that didn't involve money!

But like all the other times Xie Lian reprimanded him, he assured his god that he was careful not to
harm his mental health.

Xie Lian looked up at him with a cheeky grin as his fingers brushed smoothly against Wu Ming's
stomach and his head leaning up to kiss him.

When Xie Lian pulled back, his eyes was soft as he gazed down at Wu Ming like he was the most
precious thing in his eyes. Wu Ming looked back at him with equal devotion and smiled back.

"Gege will exorcise the spirits from Fang Xin after a few more weeks right?" Wu Ming asked softly
after a quiet moment.

Xie Lian nodded while his eyes were still clearly locked on Wu Ming's lips.

He responded softly, "I have to. The longer I keep Fang Xin, the more unstable the spirits would be
to even be contained anymore. I've practiced on how to initiate exorcism using my spiritual power
but it's not enough."

Wu Ming's lips frowned slightly, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Xie Lian chuckled softly, "I made Wu Ming collect all those resentful spirits in the past. He already
did his part."

Wu Ming was silent for a moment before an unexpected question slipped past his lips,

"Does Your Highness still wish to exact revenge on Yong An?"

Xie Lian was caught off guard for a second. He looked down and responded,

"No, no. I've already decided I wouldn't touch them anymore." When Xie Lian lifted his gaze to
meet Wu Ming's eyes, his gaze softened again.

He smiled, "Besides, I have Wu Ming. I don't really feel that revengeful anymore. Even if my
ancestors curse at me for being selfish, I wouldn't risk you for the world."

He watched Wu Ming's cheeks flush red, "Wh-whatever gege wants to do, I'll follow him."

Xie Lian's heart ached as he closed the gap with their lips again.

It still makes it hard for Xie Lian to believe that the world gifted him someone so precious as Wu

Who knew that the boy he saved a few years ago, would be also be the son of the teacher he lost

Who knew that the soldier who died in the battlefield, would not rest in peace because he was still
in this world.

Who knew that the ghost whom he tortured in the past, was actually his very last believer?

Xie Lian's heart ached painfully just thinking about it.

Everything Wu Ming had done; he lived and died for him. No one else would have been able to do
what he had done. To stay when the world turned his back on him, to love him at his worst even
when he lost himself, to devote himself to a god who was banished and ridiculed.

He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve to receive Wu Ming's pure devotion to him but he did
anyway, that's what makes it so painful that his heart ached.

The ghost flinched under him the moment he noticed Xie Lian trembling and tearing up above

He panicked, "Your Highness! What's wrong? Does something hurt? Are you not feeling well?"

Xie Lian chuckled and quickly wiped the tears in his eyes, "I-it must be the incense getting in my
eyes. I'm fine don't worry."

Wu Ming analyzed his face carefully before reaching out a hand to cup his cheek. Xie Lian remain
frozen on that spot for a few seconds before another batch of hot tears formed in his eyes. He gazed
down at Wu Ming's soft expression.

Gods he was so perfect.

Xie Lian reminded quiet before leaning against the palm of Wu Ming's hand on his cheek.

After another moment of silence, Xie Lian whispered,

"What did I do to deserve you?"

Wu Ming's gaze widened slightly before it softened again full of devotion that his heart stuttered at
the sight,

He responded back softly, "I ask myself the same question every day."

Xie Lian laughed softly as the tears building in his eyes finally streamed down his cheeks. Even
until now his Wu Ming was still saying ridiculous things as if he hadn't done anything that left him
speechless every time.

But before Xie Lian could counter that statement, the ghost continued. His voice was soft but clear
as day,

"I ask myself..."

His hand on Xie Lian's cheek then slowly traveled as a finger gently wiped a tear falling down. "ㅡ
That out of all the people who wanted you, you chose to be with someone like me. I don't deserve
you but you're here anyway."

The heat in Xie Lian's eyes only increased even more. He feared more tears would come if he
spoke so he whispered with a smile, "Took the words right out of my mouth."

Wu Ming continued to smile at him. His gaze showing nothing but devotion as he added, "... If I
could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the
corpse bones you need to trample to climb up..."

Xie Lian remained frozen as more tears continued to stream down his cheeks. His stomach twisted
and turned in denial and fear the longer he continued to listen.

"ㅡThe sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives.."

"Wu Ming stop!" Xie Lian couldn't listen anymore. His breath trembled, his chest was tight and he
couldn't stop the thick tears streaming down his cheeks.

Wu Ming was silent for a few seconds, his smile never faltering as he whispered,

"...But I know you wouldn't allow it."

Xie Lian's breath hitched, "No- NO! I would never allow that!!! I could neverㅡ"

Wu Ming unexpectedly held both of his cheeks as he gently guided his head to look back at him

"Then that's the answer to your question."

Xie Lian sniffled. He looked up at him under his damp eyelashes as he continued to stare at him


Wu Ming smiled softly, "You asked what you had done to deserve me. Your Highness, it is I who
does not deserve you. Your Highness is noble, gracious, and kind. He is my beloved in this world,
my savior when I was a kid, my god who told me to live for him when I lost hope...
...It was you who gave me a reason to live. That is what Your Highness had done."

Wu Ming then tucked a few strands of hair behind Xie Lian's ear as he continued, "So I pray Your
Highness will never question if he's deserving of this one ever again."

Xie Lian's lower lip trembled. His eyes blurred from the tears in his eyes as he breathed heavily. He
quickly blinked away those tears and leaned down to nuzzle his head against Wu Ming's neck.

"Precious.." Xie Lian whispered as he hugged the ghost close to him.

"Also stop calling me in that title."

"Sorry gege."

Another few days had passed and Xie Lian had just come back from the marketplace where he
found some interesting information that could help him exorcise the spirits inside Fang Xin.

He looked around the house where he would usually find Wu Ming cleaning or cooking but it was
surprisingly quiet.

So he walked upstairs to their bedroom where he finally found Wu Ming laying on the bed and
staring blankly at the ceiling.

Xie Lian snorted a laugh. It was rare to see Wu Ming just lounging around. Usually he would be
busy cleaning, cooking or doing anything just to keep himself busy.

When Wu Ming noticed him walk inside, he quickly attempted to sit up but then immediately
regretted his decision. The second he attempted to lift himself up, he felt terrible pain from his
lower back, his legs, his neck, and pretty much from every part of his body at this point. Xie Lian
had already rushed to his side by the time he moved to lay back down again.

Now it was clear to the god on the reason why Wu Ming was still laying on their bed. He laughed
apologetically as he gently massaged Wu Ming's side.

"Forgive me, I was too rough on you last night."

Wu Ming tried to move but his body didn't allow him again. He sighed in disappointment, he didn't
want Xie Lian to blame himself but he couldn't even sit straight to look at him properly.

So he just assured him, "Gege doesn't need to apologize to me. It's not a big deal really."
Xie Lian then decided to climb up the bed beside him before enveloping him in a careful embrace.
He leaned in and kissed the bite marks and bruises he accidentally gave him.

"I'll stay here to keep you company."

Wu Ming snuggled close to him before looking up at him and pushing his lower lip to show a pout,
"Won't gege give this one kisses on his lips as well?"

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Didn't I give you kisses just now?"

The ghost frowned and exaggerated his pout even more, "Gege my back hurts..."


Didn't he just say that it wasn't a big deal?

Wu Ming made a pained look before whining again,


Xie Lian may or may have not spoiled him to the point of no return. He laughed helplessly before
leaning in and giving the 'pitiful' ghost a kiss on the lips before biting on his lower lip shortly after
and earning a gasp from the ghost in response.

"Hm. I can't believe how spoiled you are! Back then you wouldn't even be able to whine in front of
me, now you dare complain when you're being showered with affections. I think I need to start
thinking about putting a line by the amount of affections you'reㅡ"

Before Xie Lian could finish his sentence, Wu Ming suddenly tackled him and pinned his body
against the bed. A punched-out laugh escaped Xie Lian's lips as he placed his hands on Wu MIng's

Wu Ming then responded with a cheeky grin, "That's fine. I can spoil gege in my own ways

Xie Lian shook his head sideways helplessly and didn't bother to argue anymore. He really needed
to lecture him more stricter, he's becoming more and more shameless by the day! Wu Ming
snuggled close to Xie Lian before another long moment of silence passed them again.

"Where did gege go earlier?" Wu Ming asked, breaking the silence.

Xie Lian then explained what he found out earlier while strolling in the market. He told him that he
overheard people talking about experienced group of exorcists coming to the capital of Yong An
due to the increasing amount of evil qi lurking around. It was said that they were to arrive in three
days and Xie Lian thought that it would increase his chances of success in finally eliminating the
spirits trapped in Fang Xin in a group instead of just him alone.

Wu Ming nodded in understanding, "Ohh, that's good then. Gege's decision in going to the
marketplace turned out to be fruitful. How lucky!"

Xie Lian blushed. How lucky indeed. He actually went there to check on the current progress of the
wedding robes. The tailor told him that the set would be finished after three days as well.
"Do you want me to accompany gege?"

Xie Lian quickly rejected his idea. "No." He firmly responded with a frown, "You must stay here. If
the exorcists finds out you're a ghost they won't let you off. So It's much safer if you stay here and
wait for me."

Wu Ming looked down and nodded. But he felt a strange feeling somehow, almost as if he felt
dreadful that something bad was gonna happen.

Or was he just overthinking it?

Seeing the frown on Wu Ming's lips again, Xie Lian leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead,
snapping the ghost from his thoughts. The god smiled at him warmly, "Don't worry, I'll come back
to you as soon as possible."

Wu Ming nodded. He rested his weight on top of Xie Lian and close his eyes to allow himself to
slowly fall asleep, only then perhaps the dreadful feeing in his chest would also drift away. When
Xie Lian noticed, his heart melted. Wu Ming looked so peaceful in his sleep like a baby looking so
comfortable and quiet.

He whispered, "Sweet dreams."

Exactly three days had passed and Xie Lian was currently preparing to leave to meet the exorcists
in Yong An. He hoped that they would be able to help him remove the spirits in the sword. If the
exorcism goes smoothly, Xie Lian would finally be able to live in peace with Wu Ming.

As for the spirit... Xie Lian thought that it wouldn't be able to feed off him since he wasn't even
feeling resentful at all. One day it'll get bored waiting for him and it'll only take a matter of tie
before its hunger finally forces it to look for another host. Besides, he hasn't heard from the spirit or
from any of the whispers at all after the incident.

Xie Lian took the sword Fang Xin out of its room before walking to the main door where and saw
Wu Ming standing by the door waiting for him.

Wu Ming seemed anxious about him leaving. "Do you really not want me to go gege? What if-"

"I already told you many times Wu Ming." Xie Lian interrupted. "It's dangerous if you go. What if
they notice you're a ghost and suddenly decide to perform exorcism on you too? I'd have to kill
them if I can't convince them not to. So it's best if you stay here."

Wu Ming lowered his head as he frowned. The feeling of dread was still there inside him.

Xie Lian softened his gaze as he lifted his chin with a finger and kissed him on the cheek. He
assured him with a whisper, "I will return, don't worry."

The god then headed outside and began walking away. Wu Ming watched him slowly getting father
away before a sudden impulse rushed through his body. He stepped out of the house and yelled
loud enough for his god to hear,
"I love you gege!!! Be safe!!!"

Xie Lian turned around as a smile formed on his lips. He waved goodbye.

Wu Ming smiled back and watched him until his god was out of sight. When there were no traces
of his god anymore, it was only then Wu Ming walked back inside the house. He looked around
and the empty air only made him feel empty. Whenever Xie Lian was out of the house, their home
would feel dead, in a literal sense. Since his heart wasn't beating anymore, he was no different from
the furniture around him, except that he had a mind of his own.

Wu Ming sighed when he realized he was straying from his thoughts for too long. A frown tugged
on his lips and his chest felt empty. He already misses his gege.

After walking around, he decided to enter Xie Lian's office and headed to the office table where a
neat stack of papers were piled on the side. When he grabbed a paper to look, something in the
corner caught his eye.

Wu Ming turned his head saw a sparkling Gardania Flower he gifted to his god placed on a vase. It
was in its full bloom and looked so alive that it didn't even looked like...

Wu Ming's smile deepened.

He walked towards it, took the flower out of the vase and twirled the stem between his fingers.

He remembers the time when White No-Face asked him to hand over his ashes. He almost wanted
to laugh at him pitifully when he couldn't get an answer from him. Nobody could ever steal his
ashes from him, not unless they were Xie Lian.

He remembers how adorable his god looked when he told him that the flower didn't need to be
watered anymore. Wu Ming smiled to himself. He had gifted this flower to his god for a long time

Wu Ming gazed deeply at the flower as he whispered to himself,

"I wonder if gege realized it yet."

Xie Lian finally made it to the middle of the city of Yong An where he was informed that the
exorcists would be found, he looked for them for a while but strangely there was no signs of
them. Usually they would be in groups and wear the same uniform equipped with tools needed for
exorcism just like when they invaded a village back then.

After an hour Xie Lian was starting to get anxious because he was racing against time, he needed to
exorcize the spirits before Fang Xin becomes unstable again.

"Are you looking for a certain exorcist?"

A voice from behind suddenly spoke up. Xie Lian quickly brightened up and sighed in relief.
"Yes I am thank you soㅡ..."

All color drained in Xie Lian's face the moment he turned around. A person wearing a half-smiling
and half-crying mask stood and loomed over him.

At the same time the sky rumbled and a thunderbolt shot at the sky, accurately expressing the shock
Xie Lian was feeling.

His heart was already racing before he even realized it. He initially thought that it was the spirit
trying to mess with him again but the aura coming from the person in front of him kept saying
otherwise. The yang energy coming from this 'White No-Face' was so heavy and thick that it was
too intimidating!

Xie Lian was so sure, the ghost standing in front of him...

was no illusion.

He remained frozen in spot, he couldn't even turn away.

Why.. Was he here?

White No-Face let out a soft laugh.

Just hearing his voice brought goosebumps to Xie Lian's body.

"Oh? Were you perhaps looking for someone else?"

Xie Lian swallowed hard and tried to maintain a steady breathing. That creepy mask was there in
front of him again, his right hand twitched as he remembers every single horrible thing White No-
Face had done to him before he met Wu Ming. The plague, his people, his parents, his friendsㅡ

"Tsk.Tsk. You're becoming too gullible for your own sake, Your Highness. You took the bait so
easily, I almost found it adorable."

Xie Lian stared at him confusedly. He didn't know what he was talking about. He couldn't
understand why he suddenly chose to show up here.

'Took the bait?'

Xie Lian's breath hitched. It was only when he finally found his voice to speak, "The people who
informed me a few days ago... that was you?!"

White No-Face only stared at him for a long while, neither confirming or denying his question, But
the answer was already clear. How else would White No-Face be here at this exact time and

Xie Lian could feel his vision narrowing and his heart beating madly. Various emotions coursed
through at once: he was feeling angry, upset, terrified, confused. He couldn't fathom why White
No-Face suddenly decided to show up here.

"Did Your Highness enjoy rolling around the mud all these past months?" His voice laced with
Xie Lian glared at him as he quickly aimed the sword's tip towards him. He gritted his teeth, hiding
the tremble in his voice as he ordered,


White No-Face didn't move a muscle, but a bone-chilling chuckle escaped his lips.

"Why should I when the show is just getting started?"

Then there was a second-pause. Xie Lian paled as the following words escaped the calamity's lips,

"Aren't you gonna call that ghost over to watch the show as well?"

Xie Lian's emotions quick went haywire as he yelled, "Don't even fucking think about it!!!!"

White No-Face laughed menacingly, "Look at you Your Highness, one word about that pest
sticking around you and you already look like you're gonna loose it."

Xie Lian forced himself to swallow down his anger. He assured himself over and over again as if he
was reciting the ethics sutra that everything was still under control. He reminded himself that Wu
Ming was still back home and far away from Yong An. There was no way White No-Face would be
able to lay a finger on him.

Xie Lian kept his guard up even though his body was still running cold and numb. His hands were
shaking as he held the sword. He may have swallowed down his anger but his nervousness was
hard to hide.

"I'll give you another chance."

Xie Lian's body flinched. He held his breath and remained still.

White No-Face then lifted a finger and pointed towards himㅡ no. He was pointing at the sword.

"Exact your revenge right here and reborn as a calamity ghost. It is only through this way on how
you can get back at those who ridiculed you!"

"Never!! I'm not like you!" Xie Lian spat back in an instant. So what if his ancestors spit and stomp
on him too? So what if he failed his chances at exacting revenge for his people? For his kingdom?
Apart from the Yong An royal family he killed with Wu Ming on the first day they met, the people
in the kingdom were all innocents!!!

"Your grudges knows no boundaries!!" Xie Lian yelled back again. "You don't care whoever you
have to stomp on as long as you can get back at them!"

Xie Lian could feel his anger rising through his throat as he yelled once more, "ㅡAre you telling
me that destroying Yong An would bring back that bastard traitor king from the dead and kill him

White No-Face remained silent infront of him as Xie Lian caught his breaths.

"I won't give you what you want. I'm not the kind of person you think I am!!! Nor will I become
White No-Face remained quiet. The eerie atmosphere intensified around them and the sky darkened
even more.

After what Xie Lian felt like a really long time, White No-Face responded, "... Is that so?"

After a second, he saw White No-Face raise a hand. He prepared himself for the incoming attack
but it never came. He remained his gaze on him until the sword in his hands began shaking out of
no where!

His eyes widened as he realized White No-Face must've triggered it. The shaking intensified even
more that Xie Lian was struggling to hold it still in his grip.

He heard White No-Face voice again, "What a pity Your Highness, I gave you opportunities one
after another, but you still choose to stay in that third path of yours. Let's see how you escape this
one, Your Highness."

Just right after White No-Face finished his statement, a sound of explosion erupted!

Numerous black spirits shot out of the sword and began circling around Xie Lian. The God had an
arm infront of his face to shield his eyes from the dust and intense wind.

He steadied his footing to avoid himself being accidentally swept away. He tried to analyze his
surroundings to look for the calamity in white but the spirits were too great in number that it felt
like he was practically inside a tornado!

The spirits continued to shoot out of the sword making Fang Xin slightly easier to hold. The God
held it in his hand as he tried to think of ways to stop a catastrophe from happening.

The spirits won't rest until they are aimed at a certain target. That's why Xie Lian is trying to look
for signs of White No-Face so he can direct the spirits at him. But he was no where to be found!

He also couldn't risk the surrounding people in Yong An! If he shoots aimlessly, the possibility of
destroying Yong An would be inevitable!

Time was wasting and Xie Lian's options were limited. His breaths quickened as he glanced at the
spirits surrounding him.

There was really no one else.

Xie Lian's vision was then directed at the tip of the sword's blade. And like he was in a trance, his
intrusive thoughts got the better of him as he pointed the end of the blade towards his chest.

There was really no other way then. He was blinded by the spirits and White No-Face was no
where to be found. If he doesn't do anything, the people in this kingdom would die.

Xie Lian pointed the blade to his chest. He bit his lower lip until he tasted blood. A passing thought
then suddenly caught his attention.

He thought of Wu Ming who was still waiting for him back home. Xie Lian's heart ached as he
continued to think what Wu Ming could be doing right now.

He thought about what he would think when he realizes he wouldn't be able to come home soon
than expected?
Tears built in the corner of Xie Lian's eyes. He didn't want to do this. He wanted to go home!

He wanted to be selfish and go back to where Wu Ming was still waiting for him! Xie Lian
squeezed his eyes shut. But he also couldn't just let these people die...

He couldn't bring himself to make a selfish decision...

'I'm sorry..'

Just when Xie Lian was about to pierce Fang Xin through his chest,

... A hand suddenly grabbed the hilt.

The sword's blade was instantly stopped just before it was about to pierce Xie Lian's chest. Xie
Lian opened his eyes and in an instant, his heart dropped dead and his surroundings came to a halt.
His eyes widened and his breathing stopped. His gaze never leaving the owner of the hand who had
grabbed the hilt.

A terrifyingly familiar silhouette stood before him. Donned with black robes that matched the color
of his hair that was tied to a high ponytail with a noticeable braid work on the side. His skin pale
and cold yet he always carried a sense of warmth with him.

His beautiful mismatched colored eyes that was so full of devotion, especially his crimson eye that
he loved and stood out most of all.

And his smile... a smile that was so beautiful and gentle that Xie Lian would find himself falling in
love all over again whenever he saw it. And just when he thought that smile couldn't become
anymore softer, the ghost's lips curved in a way that was easy to understand: sincerity.

Wu Ming's expression softened, and gentle like as a flower, he swiftly took the sword away from
his hand.

It was only then Xie Lian snapped out of his trance the moment he realized that Wu Ming had taken
the sword from him. His breath hitched that the back of his throat felt cold. His body went numb,
and his lips trembled as he uttered the words,

"Why... are you.. here?"

Xie Lian watched him take a few steps back but the ghost only needed to take one step away from
Xie Lian to quickly understand what was happening. Dread and fear twisted in his stomach and his
blood ran cold the moment he realized what Wu Ming was trying to do.

Xie Lian was still struck dumb from his sudden appearance, he kept deluding himself that his eyes
were just playing a trick on him.

Yet he ignored the tremble in his voice as he spoke anyway, "No... Wu Ming, give it back.."
Wu Ming's smile however only deepened even more. Xie Lian found himself being drawn in his
gaze deeper as he felt the world stop for a moment. Despite the chaotic wind circling around them,
Xie Lian was deaf to it. Because the only thing Xie Lian could see and hear was his beloved's
beautiful smile and gentle voice. Wu Ming must've felt the same because he also didn't look
affected by his surroundings as well.

Wu Ming's gentle gaze looked down to the sword in his hand. "Your Highness,"

"...Do you remember what I told you when we first met?"

Xie Lian swallowed down a whimper at the back of his throat. How could he forget?

He remembers somewhere in the midst of corpse and bones, a young soldier with a smiling mask
kneeled before him with one hand on his chest and the other behind his back.

"Are you a soul from a dead soldier from this battlefield?" He asked coldly while looking down on
the kneeling ghost before him with one hand on his chest.

"I am."

"Then follow me." The calamity in white then reached out a hand as he added, "I will give you
what you want."

After a moment of silence, he unhesitatingly clutched Xie Lian's extended hand, bowed his head
deeply and pressed his cold forehead against the back of Xie Lian's hand.

A moment later he said profoundly,

"I swear to die following Your Highness."

Xie Lian was starting to go nuts as he forced himself to snap out of his memories. Why was Wu
Ming asking him this right now?

Xie Lian took a step forward, tears were already forming on the corners of his eyes as he pleaded

"Please Wu Ming... Give the sword back to me."

When Xie Lian took a step forward, the chaotic winds only seemed to intensify even more. He
didn't tear his gaze away from Wu Ming as he pushed himself to walk closer. He didn't realize it at
first because he was too shocked from Wu Ming's sudden appearance to notice that the intense
winds was actually preventing him from getting any closer.

But that didn't bother him. Because what really terrified him was the fact that Wu Ming he was here
when he shouldn't be! Not only was the sword on his hand, he also knew that White No-Face was
also here somewhere watching.

Wu Ming placed a hand on his chest as he looked back at Xie Lian,

"I meant what I said before... I still do now."

He then suddenly kneeled down while holding the other sword in his hand with blade was pointed
to the ground.
Xie Lian felt everything crash on him in a second as an agonizing scream escaped his throat. He
broke out from his shock state and quickly used all forces in his body to run up to him but the
spirits were blocking his path.

He yelled in panic, "No! Wu Ming stop!! Give it back!! Give it back!!!"

Wu Ming's smile never faltered. He knows he was hurting his god right now. He knows he was
disobeying his god right now. He knows very well what could happen to him in the next few

But nevertheless, he doesn't regret it. Because he had sworn to fight, live, and die for Xie Lian, for
his god, for his beloved.

Xie Lian was shaking his head in disbelief, his heart was pounding in his chest, his breath was all
over the place, everything was happening too quickly as he tried to break through the spirits
blocking him with all his might.

He was so scared, he was terrified that his mind went blank every time he thought about the next
few seconds. He was screaming and pleading the ghost to give the sword back to him.

"Nononono!! Please Wu Ming! give it back! Give it back! Give it back!! GIVE IT BACK!! WU

Suddenly, all the surrounding spirits all joined and began running to the ghost's direction. When the
barrier blocking Xie Lian disappeared as well, the god ran up to him like he was running for his

He ran, he reached out his hand and yelled with all his might.



The unused white silk cloth that had always been wrapped around his hand suddenly moved as if it
was alive, uncoiled around his arm like a snake and immediately shot towards Wu Ming's direction
in quick speed.

Ever since Xie Lian's first encounter with it, he had never used the white silk and treated it just like
any other white silk that was wrapped around his body because in every moment that he spares it a
glance, a picture of his parents painfully reminded him about what he saw on that day. But after
watching the current events unfold right infront of him, suddenly that feeling didn't amount to an
ounce of the pain Xie Lian feared in this exact moment.

"STOP HIM!!!" Xie Lian yelled but it was too late.

The spirits had began to surround Wu Ming's body like a thick black smoke. However, the ghost
still met Xie Lian's eyes-no. He never looked away from him since the moment he arrived. His eyes
looked remorseful for a moment as if he was apologizing to him through this way before it was
immediately replaced with the same amount of gentleness in his lips as if he was assuring him
everything was going to be fine.

Wu Ming maintained his smile despite his body being devoured by the spirits. He wished he could
console Xie Lian right now and say these words to him. But he couldn't anymore,

"Your Highness... In this life I protected you, served you, loved you. I have to admit that I am still
lacking in a lot of things. I was weak, slow, and dumb to be deserving of your love...

...In my next life, I want to be the person whom you can rely on next time. When we meet again, I
will make sure to be smarter and stronger enough to defeat your enemies that you wouldn't even
need to lift a finger to do anything. I want to become rich enough to be able to buy the things you
wanted in your life and you would never have to worry about your next meal...

...So forgive me for doing this. Forgive me for leaving you right now and causing you pain. But I
will come back. And when I do, I will find you...

...So please, wait for me until then."

Wu Ming knelt for him until the very end. The spirits successfully swarmed around his body, Xie
Lian was loosing his mind as he kept pushing his body closer and reaching his hand further. And
the thing is, Xie Lian could still see his smile. His heart felt as if it was being pierced a thousand
times. Wu Ming's body was being attacked by the spirits, it must've hurt a lot but he could still
smile like that as if it was nothing.

Xie Lian's gaze never left his until that smile was covered with the thick black smoke as well. The
spirits then swirled up in the air and disappeared.
the sword then made a loud clank! as it fell to the ground, a flower then gracefully landed on the
sword's blade shortly after.

Xie Lian stood there, frozen in place. The figure who was kneeling just a few seconds ago was now

What's left was one flower and one sword.

Xie Lian's vision blurred, then it re-focused again, blurred, and refocus. He remained still,
unmoving. He still couldn't processㅡno. He just didn't want to believe it. The pounding heart in his
chest eventually became deaf to him as well. It wasn't long before his legs felt weak and he fell to
his knees.

Xie Lian's eyes fixated on the exact spot where his Wu Ming had been kneeling just a few seconds

His gaze then landed on the flower on top of the sword.

Xie Lian felt another knife stab his heart as he held back the rising emotions in his throat.

He recognized the flower almost immediately. It was the flower kept inside his office, the flower
that Wu Ming had gifted to him.

Xie Lian didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that Wu Ming was...

His reason for living; the reason why he was able to smile again, the reason for his hope, the only
reason why he was still willing to fucking breathe!!!

Xie Lian didn't even blink once. He kept his gaze on the ground. Wasn't Wu Ming back home? He
saw him stay there just before he left didn't he? He can't beㅡ...

Xie Lian stopped the rising emotions threatening to come out once more. 'He can't be gone. N-no,
no, no, he can't be gone. He was just home. I-.. I saw him just before I left. He can't be gone- no no
no noㅡ'

Xie Lian didn't know what to believe. He already knows what happened but his eyes still couldn't
believe it.

He didn't want to believe Wu Ming was dead.

Xie Lian began to mutter, "H-he will come back. H-he has too. Maybe this is a trick? H-he must
c..come back.."

He then heard a tsk from behind him.

Xie Lian didn't turn his head, he still sat there unmoving.

"So sad, so sad. your Highness, look at yourself, look what they've done to you."

Shut up.

"They've taken away your kingdom, your family, your friends..."

Shut up.

"And now... the only person who had sworn to never leave you, died for your sake."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!!!!!!!

Xie Lian gritted his teeth as he spoke, his words still trembling.

"He.. He's not dead. I-I d..don't believe it."

He then heard the voice behind him laughing at him ridiculously.

"Why are you still denying the truth? The souls ate away his body, his soul, and along with his
ashes. He won't come back."

His ashes.

Xie Lian's heart stuttered. He blinked, at the same time his entire body trembled in fear as he just
realized that he didn't know where Wu Ming's ashes were.

Xie Lian's eyes widened. What if the ghosts devoured his ashes along with his body?

He denied once more, "No...he couldn't be really-.."

"He's dead." White No-Face interrupted firmly.

"He's dead because you couldn't bring yourself to decide."

Xie Lian immediately covered his ears. First it was one choked sob.

White No-Face continued, "...He's dead because you are stubborn to stick to that third path of

Then another.

"If you had just chosen to release those spirits to the people of Yong An, he would still be here!"

And another.

"It's your indecisiveness and foolishness that drove your very last believer to be killed."

"SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!" Xie Lian screamed as he pressed his hands
firmly against his ears.

Wu Ming...

Xie Lian could feel hot tears in his eyes.


Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Anger and regret flooded in his heart as he remembered
their conversation just before he left the house.

'Had I known, I would've kissed him in the lips earlier when Iㅡ..'

"I love you gege!!! Be safe!!!"

He didn't know. He didn't know!!!!!!

He didn't know that was gonna be their last conversation!!!!!!!!!!!

Xie Lian's back bent down as he placed a hand on his heart before clenching his chest tightly. His
hand gripped the skin of his chest so tight as if he was gonna rip his heart out.
Why? He didn't even get the chance to say I love you too.


Why him?

Xie Lian slowly lifted his head, his vision blurred from the hot tears that he still prevented to fall.
Like in a trance, his hand lifted to where he thought Wu Ming's head would've been as if he was
still kneeling in front of him.

His imagination messing with him as he pretended that Wu Ming was still there. He reached his
hand and placed it on his head gently patting it just like how he knew he loved it.

Xie Lian's heart broke.

He felt nothing, it wasn't real. Wu Ming was really... dead.

When it finally dawned on him, Xie Lian slowly leaned his weight back on his knees. The shock
and pained expression from his face disappeared as well as the light in his eyes.

Wu Ming was gone. Dead. He was never coming back.

There were tears in his eyes but not a single tear fell. The sobs all choked in his throat. Suddenly,
he didn't know how to cry.

Xie Lian felt tired. Very tired. All he wanted to hear now was Wu Ming's voice. He wanted to see
his beloved's face.

He muttered, "You said you would never leave.."

Xie Lian squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his own chest grow heavier by the second. A different
kind of emotion then washed over him, something dark, deep, and dangerous: anger.

Xie Lian clenched his fists to the point that his palms were bruised and bleeding. When Xie Lian
opened his eyes, his gaze dark and cold as ice with no sense of warmth and light found within

They took away so much, he was willing to let everything go if fate would just let him be with the
person he loved.

But no, they took him away too.

The sky rumbled once more. The air became eerie, and the people surrounded became anxious
from the vibe coming from the cultivator kneeling on the ground. No one dared to approach for a
long moment,

until one person dared to approach him.

"Look at you..." A different kind of voice spoke from behind him, his tone was laced with pity and
a tinge of anxiousness.

The god's fingers twitched.

"Sitting here all by yourself. You look like you're planning to end the world or something." He
added. After that, Xie Lian felt an object's shadow approaching his head.

"Look it's about to rain soon so I thought this should atleast help youㅡAHCKK!"

The surrounding people gasped, screamed, then ran away.

Blood dripped from the corner of the man's mouth. When he looked down, a hand-no, an arm
stuffed inside his chest. When he lifted his gaze, a pair of terrifying golden-matte eyes stared back
at him.

Then he dropped dead.

But Xie Lian had no reaction whatsoever as he took his arm out of the man's bleeding chest and
dropped his heart on the floor beside a bamboo hat.

Xie Lian loomed over it. The man was probably planning on giving him a bamboo what?
Help him?

He wanted to laugh. He raised his foot above the bamboo hat and broke it with a single stomp.

Xie Lian then turned around and saw the flower on top of the sword. He kneeled down and held the
flower with his clean hand. He stared at it for a few seconds before tucking the flower carefully
inside his robes before he grabbed the sword.

When he got back up, he turned to the people looking at him, his piercing gaze made them all
scream and run away in terror.

He couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't know how to laugh or cry, he couldn't decide whether to laugh
or cry.

Xie Lian suddenly thought about dying. But he was a god, he couldn't die. He might temporarily
die but that was useless anyway. He's still gonna wake up sooner or later.

Xie Lian suddenly hated that he ever ascended as a god.

The people whom he died for turned their backs on him to be loyal to a king who betrayed his
kingdom. His worshippers carved a statue of him not to worship, but to spit and ridicule him. His
family couldn't handle him and their situation so they died to escape from it and left him alone. His
friends whom he thought were jewel among the rocks left him when he needed them most.

And Wu Ming...

Xie Lian clenched his fists. He couldn't even protect one person.

His only believer in this world, died for his sake.

Wu Ming was his life branch. He was his entire lifetime. Every second with him couldn't be even
be compared to the years without him. If Xie Lian could, he would've already chosen to die with
him the second he disappeared.

Hot tears filled his eyes once more. They were supposed to die together, live together. He was still
planning on marrying him, but he hadn't even gotten the chance to ask.
Xie Lian shut his eyes close, it wasn't long before he felt raindrops on his head and shoulders.

It was starting to rain.

The god held his head up high, letting the heavy rain drop on his body. It felt nice.

He took one long staggered breath as he stood under the heavy rain that washed the blood away
from his hand and hid the tears on his face.

After a long moment, he asked. "You're still here aren't you?"

"..." Silence only greeted him, but Xie Lian didn't need an answer from him to know.

"Fight me.. Right here, right now." He added.

"Even if you die?" White No-Face asked.

Xie Lian turned to the voice behind him. His golden eyes noticeable in the rain that was hungry for
vengeance. Anyone would've ran away if they saw it.

Xie Lian tasted bitter and swallowed the rising emotions in his thought once more as he responded,

"I've got nothing to loose anyway."

But just before he jumped to attack, a loud bell suddenly resounded from above the sky. Xie Lian
looked up and saw the dark clouds gradually disappear and was replaced with a clear sky and bright
sun. A thick streak of golden light then appeared as he saw a god descend.

The Heavenly Emperor, Jun Wu.

Xie Lian stood there silently as Jun Wu approached him.

To others, having the Heavenly Emperor descend himself and personally tell you that you've
ascended as a god, anyone given that honor would be able to boast that for decades.

And to Xie Lian who has received this honor not once but twice. But nevertheless, it meant nothing
to him now.

"XianLe..." The Emperor, Jun Wu began. His tone in that gentle manner that he had always heard
from him. Yet somehow it irked him.

"...You prevented a calamity from happening. You're welcome in the ranks once agaㅡ!"

...Blood trickled down on the corner of Jun Wu's lips.

The emperor's eyes were slightly widened from shock. He looked down and saw his elegant robes
now stained with blood.

Xie Lian had actually stabbed Jun Wu on the chest!

Jun Wu was at lost for words. Anyone would be. The emperor of the heavens also holds the title for
'Strongest Martial God' so he was untouchable. Yet, probably for the first time in centuries, Jun Wu
tasted blood.
"Greetings, My Lord." Xie Lian greeted him back indifferently as if he was still not holding the hilt
of the black-bladed sword that pierced the chest of the strongest known Martial God of the

What's more was the fact that there was a lace of sarcasm in his voice when he addressed his title
as if he was ridiculing him.

Jun Wu breathed out a laugh for a second before he quickly steeled his expression. He held the
sword's blade with one hand and pulled the blade out, making the bloodstain on his chest increase.
Jun Wu then placed a hand on the injury and the bleeding stopped in an instant before he took a
good look at his bloodstained palm.

Nobody had ever made a scratch on the emperor, much less draw blood.

Jun Wu's voice was calm as he asked, "XianLe, what's the meaning of this?"

Xie Lian's gaze darkened. He quickly aimed the sword's blade to him and gritted his teeth in anger,

"You.." Xie Lian's voice shook in anger.

"You dare come down here and congratulate me?" Xie Lian sounded as if he wanted to laugh at the
end from too much anger. The emperor only continued to stand still and listen,

"You were watching from above the whole time weren't you? You clearly saw White No-Face
tormenting me yet you didn't do anything!!!!" The corner of Xie Lian's eyes welled up with hot
tears as he continued, "You knew what was about to happen yet you chose to do nothing! AND

Jun Wu remained silent. As the emperor of the heavens, he had the right to watch or interfere when
a god was experiencing a calamity. In this case, he saw this as a test, to see if Xie Lian's act of
judgement was worthy enough for him to ascend again in which he was successful. However,
White No-Face is a powerful calamity that was in equal in power with the emperor, he the heaven's
greatest threat. So in terms of justice, as the emperor, he should've interfered to help the god.

But he didn't, that's why Xie Lian was so angry with him now.

"I understand you're upset XianLeㅡ"

"Understand?" Xie Lian laughed.

Without needing to look back, Xie Lian pointed the end of the sword to the ghost standing a few
feet behind them who was suspiciously quiet until now.

Xie Lian spoke dangerously low, emphasizing every word laced with anger, "That bastard killed
my very last believer..."

The god's eyes narrowed at the emperor standing in front of him as his voice came out a whisper,
"and you dare tell me that you understand?"

Jun Wu remained quiet once again.

Xie Lian's intimidating eyes never left him. He never talked back to him in this way before, he had
always respected him for his incredible power for being able to stand a chance against his worst

But he disappointed him in the end.

The 'emperor' he looked up to watched until Wu Ming's last bones were eaten away by the spirits
until the very end.

Just because of what? A test?

After what seemed to be a long moment of silence, Jun Wu finally spoke again, "So are you telling
me you will descend as a wrathful ghost to exact revenge on me?"

Xie Lian was caught off guard. His eyes widened as he analyzed the strange emotion coming from
Jun Wu's eyes.

What did he say? The way Jun Wu's eyes showed a glint of light when he asked. Normally one
should be worried since it was an act of rebellion against the heavens but heㅡ...

He looked as if that's what he had hoped to happen.

It almost sounded like...

Xie Lian side-eyed the White Clothed Calamity from behind him.

His heart dropped. No way... No way...

"XianLe?" Xie Lian snapped out of his thoughts and turned back to face Jun Wu.

After a few seconds of silence, Xie Lian slowly bowed his head, "....F-Forgive me My Lord for
being rude just now. I was overwhelmed by my emotions so I acted in an impulse."

Jun Wu was silent. Either he's being silent because he's feeling remorseful, or disappointment

After a while Xie Lian felt a hand on his shoulder as reassurance, "Forget it. I will turn a blind eye
to this once you come back."

Xie Lian took a step back, "My Lord, this one wants to make a presumptuous request."

"Say it."

"This one requests to be banished once more, stripped off his powers and be branded with the
cursed shackles once again."

Xie Lian kept his head bowed to not look at the other's expression.

"Why?" Jun Wu asked.

"To punish myself. I ascended at the expense of someone else's death."

Xie Lian's tone became remorseful, "I... am not worthy of your graces, My Lord."

He heard a sigh escape Jun Wu's lips. Then he was granted of his request before Jun Wu walked
behind him and began walking towards the Calamity still standing behind them in silence,
Jun Wu then added, "I will battle White No-Face to make up my wrong to you."

Xie Lian's eyes were still downcasted as he watched the two powerful figures in the three realm
battle. Of course with Jun Wu being the winner in the end. He dispersed White No-Face and
succeeded in giving him a temporary death once again before heading back to him.

They exchanged a few words and Xie Lian assured him that he would be fine before he watched
Jun Wu ascend back in the heavens.

Then it was silent for a moment.

Xie Lian's downcasted gaze slowly lifted upwards.

Jun Wu's question earlier still shocked him. 'So are you telling me you will descend as a wrathful
ghost to exact revenge on me?'

No way...

The way he sounded hopeful as if that's what he wanted.

No way...

The way his eyes glinted when he asked.

No way...

The way... White No-Face was silent the entire time as if he was... a puppet.

If someone else held the same suspicions as he had, they would've probably looked for ways to kill
themselves permanently now.

Xie Lian's legs felt numb as he fell to his knees on the ground once more.

The shock and horror of knowing that the most powerful god in the heavens and the most powerful
calamity being the same personㅡ

"Ha... Haha."

At least... that would've been anyone else's reaction.

A menacing smile formed on Xie Lian's lips. 'When I apologized to him earlier, he was definitely
disappointed wasn't he?'

When he suddenly became docile and respectful to Jun Wu earlier, it was all an act.

Xie Lian carefully watched the slightest change of his reaction and confirmed his suspicions

The god laughed to himself hysterically for a long time. So that's how it is?

Xie Lian continued laughing to himself for a good while, then there was a pause, then a wrathful
expression replaced it immediately in a second. Xie Lian's eyes were burning for revenge as he
gritted the words out angrily in a whisper,
"Just you wait... I'll be coming to you myself, Jun Wu."

Xie Lian weakly walked back all the way to their house. He felt angry, tired, drained.

When his eyes met the door, his chest felt tight.

He remained standing in that doorframe for a long while, waiting until he could find the resolve to
open it himself.

When he finally entered, his eyes scanned the empty room. Xie Lian's eyelids lowered in
disappointment. What did he expect?

A part of him still hoped that the situation earlier didn't really happen; that it was all just an
illusion, a trick. That his Wu Ming was still here, cleaning, cooking, or just simply lounging

Xie Lian couldn't even feel himself breathing the moment he checked in every room. He didn't
know why but he just felt he had to.

When he walked in the kitchen, his imagination momentarily created a situation where Wu Ming
was cooking something, he then would turn and his face would brighten up the moment he sees Xie
Lian on the door before fading away.

Xie Lian's eyes then landed on the kitchen table where he saw a tray placed on the center. When he
slowly walked towards it, his hand trembled as he lifted the cover.

His eyelashes flickered the moment he saw steamed buns sitting on top of the tray.

He then heard vague familiar voices recall a scene in his ear.


"These steamed buns are really good."

"Would Your Highne- I mean would.. gege like me to make you those everyday?"

Xie Lian grinned at his mistake. Wu Ming laughed apologetically.

"Sorry,... gege, It's a bit hard to adjust calling you that."

"It's alright, you'll get used to it someday. Also, yes I would love to taste Wu Ming's attempt at
making steamed buns. [¹]"

Xie Lian took one steamed bun, it was still hot and freshly made.

Did Wu Ming make this for him before he left?

Xie Lian felt his emotions coming from his throat once again before he quickly swallowed it. He
blinked the tears away as he carefully returned the steamed bun with a trembling hand and gently
closed the lid.

He was tired. Drained. Weary. Yet he forced his numb legs to walk upstairs.

When he reached his office, he glanced at the stack of papers laid on the table. He turned his head
and walked to the shelf with an empty vase, his hand reached in the inside of his robes as he took
out the flower out. Despite the heavy rain, it still looked healthy and alive.

Somehow it made Xie Lian slightly relieved.


"You gifted this to me. Of course it must be kept preserved." He remembers himself saying as he
held the flower close to his heart.

He remembers Wu Ming's smile as he chuckled softly. "But Your Highness, I believe that even if
Your Highness doesn't feed it with his qi anymore it would still be alive..."

"It's a flower Wu Ming, it would wilt without proper care."

"I think Your Highness' love is enough to keep it alive.[²]"

Xie Lian's chest suddenly felt tight. He blinked the tears away once again as he turned his head
away from the flower in fear a dam he has been holding back might break. When his gaze was
redirected at the open drawer, his expression looked slightly confused. But before he realized it, he
already found himself walking towards it.

He opened the drawer even more where he saw a folded paper. The paper look slightly old
compared to the other papers stacked underneath it so he slowly took it out of curiosity.

And when he unfolded the paper, Xie Lian was taken back.

It was a drawing of himself. Sitting on his desk while scribbling on his paper looking busy enough
to notice. [³]

Xie Lian was in awe as he gently traced the lines of the drawing with his fingers delicately as if he
feared it would rip at the slightest scratch. The god analyzed it closely until he realized...

The drawing was in Wu Ming's perspective.

Xie Lian's hand trembled. He remembers that he would sometimes notice Wu Ming scribbling
something on his paper. He originally thought he was just scribbling random characters for fun
since he didn't give him a chance to peek at it but....

Xie Lian held back a choke sob. So it was actually a drawing of him the whole time?

The god carefully placed the paper back down before leaning his hands on the edges of the table for
support. He stared at the drawing under him as he gripped the edges tightly that it threatened to
crack. A pained expression shot through Xie Lian's face as he squeezed his eyes shut and lifted his
Struggling to hold the dam inside him from breaking loose.

He inhaled deep breaths before he calmed down. He had lost track of time of how long he had
stood there before his body decided to head to their bedroom.

When Xie Lian walked inside. He felt his heart immediately grow heavy. His eyes slowly examined
at the empty room.

He felt his eyes heat up the moment he smelled the familiar scent in the bedroom.

Wu Ming's scent was still here.

He was struggling to hold it together. He felt his legs grow numb as he slowly kneeled down on the
stone-cold floor. He remained there and kept himself still. He can't cry. He cannot cry. He was
afraid to cry.

Because he knows that if he allows the dam to break, he won't be able to stop.

The scent that he used to be addicted in was still wafting in the air, tickling his nose and triggering
the tears in Xie Lian's eyes once more. He didn't cry since he witnessed Wu Ming's death earlier, he
didn't cry when he killed an innocent citizen, he didn't cry when he found out that he was betrayed
by the person he used to look up to.

He can't cry now! HE CAN'T!!!!!!!

Xie Lian crouched down and gripped his chest tightly. It hurts..., he wants to cry and scream but he
was too stubborn.

He can't... He can't.

"Look at you."

Xie Lian turned his head and saw a black silouhette standing behind him. It was the spirit.

"I told you didn't I? That your foolishness will take all those who are close to your heart. Now that
the ghost is gone, what are you planning to do?"

Xie Lian turned his head back to stare at the stone cold floor. He croaked out, "Leave me alone."

But the spirit didn't. It was a long silence between them before Xie Lian heard a box suddenly drop
from beside him. He turned to look at the box before lifting his gaze to look at the spirit.

"Here." The spirit motioned at the box beside him.

"Take that as my assurance payment that I played no hand whatsoever to the incident earlier." He

Xie Lian glanced down to the box silently.

He then heard the spirit sigh, "You're still not yourself. I'll leave you time to adjust first before
making a deal with you. Until then, call me by my name and I'll appear."

Xie Lian made no move nor sound in acknowledgement.

"Jīngshén. Call me in that name and I'll appear."

The spirit then leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I'll help you get back at them a

Then the spirit disappeared without a trace.

Xie Lian remained in that position for another hour before he finally made a move to unwrap the
box. A part of him already expected that it was probably something like an offering to get him on
his good side. Now what's it gonna be? A dead deer? Money? A human heart?

But just after Xie Lian opened the box, his hands dropped the case a second after his eyes laid on
what was inside.

His eyes glimmered in awe before it welled up with tears immediately after. His trembling hand
reached in and caressed the beautiful hems of the crimson robe. The god inhaled a deep staggering

It was the wedding robes he was supposed to pick up today.

Xie Lian held the robe with two delicate hands as he slowly stood up to fully see the robe. His eyes
travelled from the top until it reached all the way to the bottom. The crimson robe was stitched with
beautiful golden patterns. It was exquisite.

'Wu Ming would've surely looked...' breathtaking.

Tears really threatened to fall this time as Xie Lian held the wedding robe close to his heart.

His head ached from holding back his tears for too long. It was becoming more and more difficult
to hold back his tears.

He squeezed his eyes shut and choked back a whimper.


"Your Highness doesn't need to worry. This ghost won't leave. I could only die following Your
Highness. [⁴]"

Xie Lian felt his own body growing weaker and number by the second. He held the robe tightly
with one hand as the other leaned against the bed for support. The voices in his head doesn't stop:

"Your Highness is the flower crown martial god, of course every flower would reminded me of you..
"Then Wu Ming can be my favorite flower."

Xie Lian remembers Wu Ming kneeling afterwards with a cheeky smile on his face. "No. I don't
want to be one of Your Highness' flowers."

"Haha, What a picky believer you are. Alright alright, what do you wanna be instead?"

He remembers Wu Ming's soft smile, and his eyes that showed sincerity as he spoke with upmost
devotion that nobody else could've achieved.

"I want to be the butterfly that seeks for you. "

Tears formed in Xie Lian's eyes once more.

"Alright. Then please continue to seek for me."

Xie Lian's own mouth was trembling the moment he opened it slightly. Letting his mind play along
with his memories.

He whispered, "Please.. never stop.. seeking me.."

He remembers Wu Ming's sincere twinkling eyes and beautiful smile once more,

"Until the day my ashes are completely destroyed, I will continue to seek for you."

Xie Lian snapped.

The dam finally broke. It was the last straw.

He let out his last choked sob before he fell on the floor with his knees, finally crying. His chest felt
so tight, his eyes burned, his head ached. He wailed out loud while squeezing the wedding robe in
his embrace.

It hurts. It hurts so much that he wants to die. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It
hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts! It hurts! It hurts. It!! hurts!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!!! It hurts!!!!! IT
It hurts so much he wants to die.

Xie Lian screamed his name as he cried out loud. He begged and begged for him to come back.

"You asked what you had done to deserve me. Your Highness, it is I who does not deserve you. Your
Highness is noble, gracious, and kind. He is my beloved in this world, my savior when I was a kid,
my god who told me to live for him when I lost hope...

...It was you who gave me a reason to live. That is what Your Highness had done.[⁶]"

Xie Lian leaned both his hands on the floor as he kneeled, he let out sharp gasps and deep breaths
as he continued to let out long painful wails in agony.

"Oh wow, back then I wondered where those giant explosions came from. I always hid in tight
spaces while I covered my ears until it was over. I never imagined it would be this beautiful! [⁷] "

A picture of Wu Ming gazing at the fireworks with twinkles in his eyes appeared in his mind. "As a
child I hid and ran a lot. Nobody really explained these things to me so I didn't have the courage to
go out and look to see what the explosions were about until I just got used to hiding."

Xie Lian rested his weight on the bed's side. Slowly his screams gradually became silent whimpers
as he called his name once more.

"Wu Ming.."

"Gege, someday I will save up a lot of money and put up a lovely house just for you. I will make it
even better that if other people see it, they would gasp and say, 'what a paradise.' [⁸]"

"Don't worry it'll just take a lot of time. Also, I would be happier knowing that gege would have
more than just a few sets of robes."

Tears continued to stream down Xie Lian's face as he began crying quietly.
"I knew gege would forget. Tonight is the Shangyuan Festival! I'm sending off blessing lanterns to
worship gege!"

Xie Lian's soft cries turned to whimpers.

"I love you gege!!! Be safe!!! [⁹]"

He gritted his teeth at the same time he felt his heart clenched tightly before he whispered with
sharp gasps in between from his cries,

"I.. love you.. too.."

It was not long before he felt his eyes heat up again and his chest grew heavy once more before
another wail escaped his lips.

He was hurting so much. It hurts so much he wanted to die. He wanted to die, he wanted to die!!!
He didn't want to be a god anymore! He didn't want to live! He hated that he was a god! He hated
that he couldn't die!

He didn't want to breathe!! He wanted... He wanted to be with his beloved.

The pain was too unbearable that it was driving him nuts. It hurts everytime he breathed. He asked
himself once more: Why him?

Even after everything has been taken away from him... He never asked for anything more did he?
So why did the world take away his only believer now too? He only ever needed one person...

Just one person,

One. Person.


Xie Lian hugged his knees and cried alone in that room for hours before there was a sudden
movement from his wrist. The white silk uncoiled itself slowly and carefully as if it was being
cautious around him first before wrapping itself around Xie Lian as if it was hugging him for
Realizing this, Xie Lian's heart broke even more. He had never acknowledged the silk until he was
dire enough to finally use it. Who knew it also possessed such sentiments for him even after he
treated it badly?

Xie Lian choked, "R-rouye...W-Wu Ming is gone...He won't come back."

He didn't know what came over him when he talked to the silk. But his heart was hurting too much
to care. He needed to tell someone.

Rouye coiled itself tighter around Xie Lian in response as if it understood while the god continued
to cry his heart out.

That night... for the first time in years...

Xie Lian fell asleep alone.

Chapter End Notes

... *long silence*...

Take deep breaths everyone.

You know what really hurt me the most in this chap? Xie Lian using Rouye for the first time

If you can't see the pic on the chapter just keep refreshing the page or check my account in
twitter @callmehyuel

Chinese notes:
Deer - A symbol of longevity and grace
精神 (Jīngshén) meaning "spirit"

1. Ya'll didn't miss the fact that Wu Ming revealed where his ashes were, right? ...right? I
dropped some clues on chapter 50 and a major obvious clue on this chapter. If you already
guessed it on chapter 50 big kudos to you!! Feel free to reread that chapter again. <3 )
2. So you know how the 'Bamboo Hat' in the og story became a big significance to Xie Lian
because that's the time his humanity was restored right? So in this fic, he rejected the bamboo
hat thus signifying that he had really lost hope in humanity.
3. Not really a trivia but I find it slightly funny that Xie Lian is unable to put two and two
together even after Wu Ming dropped obvious hints about his 'beloved' Yet he was able to
immediately guess who Bai Wuxiang was XD
This author siked you again. All those fluffy moments were actually all set up specifically for
this moment >:)

Chapter references:
1. Chapter 54
2. Chapter 50
3. Chapter 35
4. Chapter 26
5. Chapter 36
6. Chapter 55
7. Chapter 39
8. Chapter 54
9. Chapter 55

Did this author did a good job in breaking your hearts? Good. Sequel Chapter and additional
notes will be posted the next day so ya'll don't need to wait for another week. <3

As always,

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Chapter Notes

Don't forget to check art posted in my twitter acc <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Guoshi!" An energetic child called out full of breaths with wobbly legs as he ran up to his teacher
with a white mask.

"I-I'm done running my laps...C-can you..." The crown prince stopped mid-sentence as he took the
chance to catch his breaths.

When he finally calmed down he looked up to his teacher with big and hopeful eyes as he begged,

"...T-Teach me that sword technique you used to save me back then?"

The State Preceptor loomed over him in silence for a moment before responding coldly, "Are you
that confident with your current abilities? You can't even handle the current sword technique I've
been teaching you, much less that technique."

The smile on the crown prince dropped in an instant. "But guoshiㅡ"

"Go run another ten laps." He ordered firmly and the prince immediately rushed back to running
ten miles from scratch without complaints.

"My... My... The rumors regarding the State Preceptor, Fang Xin Guoshi is as true as they say. Very
strict indeed." A whisper crept from behind Xie Lian's ear suddenly appeared out of no where. The
god didn't need to turn his head to find out who it was considering that it was the only voice who
dared to talk so close to him.

A black crow landed on Xie Lian's shoulder shortly after. The crow's feather's were as black as
night and his eyes were both crimson in color. After making a deal with Jingshen 500 years ago it
wasn't long before it decided to take up the form of a crow until it got used to it. Meanwhile the god
felt annoyed everytime he saw that form.

The god then mocked in a lifeless tone, "Out of all the forms you could've taken, you decided to
take the form of a bird."

Jingshen took that personally again as he let out a kraa! to voice out its aggrievance. "Taking
human forms is tiresome, don't you know? They take up a lot of energy compared to this form."
Xie Lian humphed. "I already have enough animals around. Get lost." He said before he shrugged
his shoulders to shake off the crow. The crow fortunately did take off and perched itself on top of
the desk beside him.

Jingshen then spoke again, "I totally get what you mean. First there's that white silk that coils
around you like a snake, then there's that dog you raised for 16 years. I don't get why you're raising
another dog that acts more wildly when you already have a trained dog around you."

It didn't take long for Xie Lian to realize which 'dog' Jingshen was currently referring to.

Lang Qiangqiu had always been an energetic child. The boy loved to cling to him all day and beg
for him to teach him sword techniques.

Xie Lian sighed quietly. "You're becoming too loud Jingshen. Shall I just feed you to 'that dog' I
raised then?" He warned with a dangerous glare.

He watched the crow shut its beak closed tight in a second.

Xie Lian walked to the edge of the palace balcony and watched Lang Qiangqiu do his laps from

It's been 500 years...

500 years since his soul died that day. 500 years since the ability to breathe became a torture. Even
until now his nightmares continued to hunt him, torturing him endlessly of what he saw on that day
that he practically stopped sleeping because of it.

He began travelling around ever since until he 'accidentally' met two fruitful encounters. One of
which was saving Lang Qiangqiu from the bandits and earning his position as Head Priest of Yong
An and private teacher of the crown prince.

Jingshen often ridiculed him for deciding to teach his enemy's son himself.

"You'll find out soon Jingshen..." Xie Lian spoke again after a short minute silence pass between

Xie Lian's eyes glinted maliciously as he added, "That 'this dog' I'm currently raising will be a
useful tool for me in the future."

Sensing how the god was now up to something, the crow flapped its wings excitedly as he flew and
landed on the balcony rails near the god who was watching the crown prince run his laps.

The crow then turned his head just in time to meet Xie Lian's dark and amused gaze that sent his
feathers pointing straight just from the sight of it.

"How are you so sure he will be useful? Are you going to wait until this brat becomes king and kill

Xie Lian shot him an unamused look as he mocked it once more, "Jingshen... I think you've been
taking up the form of a crow for too long. You underestimate me too much."

The crow made loud kraa! sounds once more before Xie Lian suddenly pressed the crow's beak
shut between his fingers and shutting it up in an instant.
Xie Lian shot the bird with a warning glare once more. It didn't take long before the crow decided
to calm down and stay still. When the crow finally settled down, Xie Lian spoke again,

"No I won't kill him..."

The crow's head tilted slightly in confusion and watched the god turn his head to the direction of
the village.

The god's lips curved to an amused smile once more, "Why should I dirty my hands when
apparently 'my dear cousin' is already plotting something from behind his sleeve?"

The crow's eyes widened a fraction. Xie Lian knew someone else was planning a coup?

As far as he had watched Xie Lian take this role of being Head Priest in Yong An, he had only ever
seen the god busy himself with training the crown prince. When did he acquire that information?

And with bits of information, the spirit knew that Xie Lian's cousin was... a lunatic. Other than that,
with his understanding of Xie Lian's personality, Jingshen knew that he would never associate
himself with someone so unruly that the word 'trust' could barely escape his lips at the mention of
him. So the possibility of him and Xie Lian working together was unlikely.


The crow was stunned from realization as his excitement grew once more. Was Xie Lian planning
to just simply...

watch from behind the curtains?

The spirit couldn't help but feel excited for what his host had in store to amuse him.

Xie Lian fixated his gaze on the crown prince. He knew Lang Qiangqiu respected him as a teacher
and trusted him since he saved his life before. So he was confident that when the day Qi Rong acts
on his plot...

...would be the day his leash on Lang Qiangqiu would become unbreakable.

The god knew that the child's loyalty and sense of justice was just as strong as his foolishness.
That's why he was carefully raising him as the first step.

Because one day...

All powerful heads in the Heavenly Court...

would become his pawns.

100 years later. (200 years before Xie Lian's third ascension.)

Xie Lian stared at the distance. The god was currently somewhere up on a high cliff, the air swept
his hair gracefully as the god took deep silent breaths.

It was all peaceful for a moment before he heard flapping sounds from behind him.

"Jingshen." Xie Lian called.

The crow spoke from behind him, "You really have the time to stare at the distance right now? It's
been 600 years, Xie Lian. All I've seen you do is travel, collect scraps while raising 'that dog' for 16
years before you decided to raise 'another dog' under the name of Fang Xin Goushi."

His tone then became annoyed as he added, "Then after the infamous Gilded Massacre, you
allowed yourself to be buried alive by your own cousin without him knowing it was you. What's
more was that you purposely lead the crown prince away just before the massacre even happened
thus basically saving his life for the second time! And that's not all, after you watched your
precious disciple ascend, you reverted back to collecting scraps! Just what are you trying to do?!!"

A smile crept on Xie Lian's lips.

"I told you before, didn't I? I purposely saved Lang Qianqiu's life because he's still useful to me.
You'll understand someday."

Flapping sounds occupied the silence for a while before Jingshen's voice was heard again, "Hmph. I
have to sleep every few years because just watching you pathetically waste all these hundreds of
years also tires me."

Xie Lian ignored him as he lifted his head up to watch the sky. The sky was cloudy but there was
an empty sky hole in the middle where the sun's light shined down. It looked almost as if it was a
portal to heaven, if one would dare to imagine.

"Qianqiu is up there.." Xie Lian whispered in awe. "I wonder how he's doing right now."

The bird commented on it almost immediately, "Probably dozing off as he usually does. Honestly,
can you really trust him to become your messenger when he can't even sit through a meeting when
he was still a prince?"

Xie Lian turned around to meet the crow's gaze. Xie Lian looked at him ridiculously like he had
just heard a joke, "Him? As my messenger in the heavens? Haha! Jingshen, you're the spirit of
hatred yet you're developing a sense of humor!"

The crow stared back at him, his wings now flapping nervously, "Am I wrong?"

Xie Lian looked back as he admired at the clouds once more. After another round of silence, Xie
Lian responded with contempt,
"Why use a dog to catch mice when I already have a cat?"

The crow suddenly let out a sound of surprise in response as he quickly understood what the god
meant. He quickly flew in front of Xie Lian as he gasped, "You actually have another pawn up in
the heavens?!! Why haven't I heard of this until now?!!!"

Xie Lian scoffed. He used a hand to push the bird away from blocking his view. "You only have
yourself to blame for missing it."

"Tell me who they are now!" The crow demanded.

Xie Lian however didn't respond this time. He tucked his hands inside his sleeve as he gazed up at
the clouds like he was taking a fresh air.

He once mentioned that he met two fruitful encounters, this was the second fruit.

"Atleast tell me if they're reliable or not!" The bird demanded when he was only greeted with
silence after a few moments.

Xie Lian snickered, "Oh they're reliable alright..." Xie Lian's eyes glinted.

"...Too reliable that they came crawling to me themselves."

After a moment of silence, Xie Lian felt another pair of presence arrive from behind him. The
sound of kneeling followed shortly after.

The crow made another sound, "Oh guess who's here. It's that 'dog' you raised for 16 years."

Xie Lian made no room of acknowledgement nor uttered a sound. He continued staring up the
distance until a different voice this time was heard from behind him.

"This servant greets His Master."

Xie Lian turned his body to meet a man who looked around his 20's kneeling down on one foot
with his right hand out where Rouye was coiled around.

Xie Lian watched him with a heavy gaze but the man made no move of flinching or moving. He
continued kneeling there on one foot in a perfect posture and waited patiently for his command.

A perfect definition of a servant; better yet, a tool, Xie Lian would compliment.

The man was donned in light black armor but not enough to cover his entire black robes
underneath, he also wore a matching black cape and a thin black crown on his forehead with a
small golden flower design in the middle. His skin was pale like a ghost, and his hair was black as
ink that also matched the color of his eyes.

His facial features was sharp and his expression was cold as ice. And just like his sword techniques,
it was precise, cold, ruthless, and smoother than a mirror.

He was a soldier worth a thousand army.

Xie Lian would've described him as a mad dog but Lang Qiangqiu proved to be more worthy of
that title apparently, though the meaning was literal.
But he also often heard Jingshen call him as 'A black Jade' and Xie Lian found himself pleased with

After a heavy silence passed, Xie Lian slowly held out his hand where Rouye finally uncoiled from
the man's arm and wrapped around his own wrist.

"I'd stop addressing him as a dog if I were you Jingshen.." Xie Lian spoke, directing his words at
the crow beside him while keeping his gaze on the soldier kneeling in front of him.

"Why?" The bird tilted its head inquisitively.

Xie Lian only then teared his gaze away from the soldier as he looked upwards to admire the sky
once more.

"Because he's the one I've been sending to look for traces of the Miao tribe scrolls."

The bird made a choked sound.

"Y-You... I can't believe you Xie Lian! You just sat and watched me address him as 'a dog' in all
these years yet you never told me anything!!! This is the problem with you. You keep too much

Xie Lian smiled. His lips curved in a way one would smile in satisfaction after seeing the look of
betrayal shoot across one's face.

This is what happens when you give your trust too much, Xie Lian thought to himself. He had
trusted people too much in the past only to be betrayed again and again.

But this time he had enough. Had enough of people betraying him, had enough of people leaving

The bird then began flying in circles above the man's head randomly before speaking once more,

"You really raised him well. Look at him, he didn't even budge the moment he got here. I bet he
won't even budge if you stabbed him with a sword right now."

Xie Lian hummed before turning around to gaze at the nature's view below him.


"Jingshen, I heard someone made a ruckus in heaven." Xie Lian spoke after a round of silence.

The crow made a sound of surprise, "Did it come from your secret messenger?"

Xie Lian's tone was laced with amusement, "I heard... someone ascended but jumped back straight
down the moment they got there."

"What do you think their motive is?" The crow asked.

Xie Lian was silent for another few seconds, "What about you? What do you think their motive is?"
Xie Lian threw the question back but this time, his words were directed at the kneeling man from
behind him.
After a short pause of silence. The soldier clad in black finally spoke. His voice was cold but not
enough to sound rude, "Replying to master, this servant thinks that the newly ascended god
despises the heavens thus decided to leave in an instant."

Xie Lian smiled in response. The mirth in his eyes increased as he complimented, "On point as

He praised like he knew the answer all along, in which he really did. He received that news years
ago before another news was just reported to him not long ago that piqued his interest on the
strange god who rejected heaven once again.

He added, "Shortly after, a calamity payed the heavens a visit. When he left, he successfully earned
a title from successfully humiliating and murdering thirty-three heavenly officials in one go."

The crow stared at him cautiously for a few seconds. Finding his host's behavior slightly strange as
he questioned, "You sound too amused. What are you plotting?"

Xie Lian shrugged his shoulders, "Perhaps I'll invite him over for some tea."

The crow immediately fell silent. Rouye flinched from Xie Lian's wrist and the soldier's hand
clenched slightly as they all felt the shift in Xie Lian's aura. This was the type of aura they were
most anxious of. The type of aura that makes one feel dread, worry, and cautious.

How was Xie Lian going to play his cards this time?

Xie Lian's dark smile deepened before turning around to the man still kneeling behind him

"What do you think?...

...Fang Xin?"



-End of Book 1-_


Hello dear readers! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

(Y'all can skip to the important parts after the🦋 emoji. But if y'all are free to read from the very
beginning if you want to see this author cry while writing this TvT)

I decided to place my final notes here instead of the notes section so that I won't be limited with the
character count. It also feels sort of different writing in the chapter page honestly especially now
since I'm writing you my final notes for this book.

This has been a life changing for me. A rollercoaster of emotions, and a memory to be cherished.
This book ran for a total 7 months! (From July 5, 2022 - January 20 2023)!

Even until now it's hard to believe how far we've gone through. 😭
I'm so happy and sad at the

same time but even more grateful because I got to meet amazing and supportive people along the

Not to mention that I even hesitated in posting this book and never really thought about publishing
it the moment I began writing the 1st chapter. But now I'm really glad that I decided to publish it
back then.

Posting this book, meeting you all, reading your comments and knowing how much you loved the
book, I'm really touched. I'm grateful for every read/hit, comment, and kudos this book had gotten.
Even if you're a reader/guest who never posted a comment before, I'm still thankful that you chose
to read this book.

But now that this book has come to a close, I... I'm still speechless until now on the amount of love
this book has gotten. I'm happy especially since this is my first book in ao3, and I can happily say
that it really helped me get through tough times. To the people who have been with me since the

start of the book and to the people who are with me until now. If you're still reading this, this author
is immensely grateful for your love and support.

So what's gonna happen now is that there will be a new book posted soon. This time our main
couple is Hua Cheng/Xie Lian instead of Wu Ming/Xie Lian.

I want you all to understand that even though Wu Ming and Hua Cheng are the same people, their
experiences with Xie Lian will be different.

The new book will have the title of: White Flower

And just like Black Flower's full title: (Black Flower: The Last Believer) the book sequel's full title
will be:
White Flower: The Calamity in White.

From Black Flower to White Flower. Now guess if the author decided this because it was really
smart or just really lazy XD

As for the release date I don't have an offical date yet but you can find updates in my twitter
account where I usually post updates, art, and other contents at : @callmehyuel

Follow me so you won't miss out on any updates!

If you have seen my post regarding some information about book 2, I'm not kidding when I said
Xie Lian is out for all of them. (I might also post chapter leaks there as well so make sure to follow
the acc to not miss anything!)

I already have my notes here and scenes laid out especially on the climatic events so I'm not
exaggerating when I say that Xie Lian will turn all the three realms upside down for revenge!

Some of the tags you may see in book 2 are: manipulation, gaslighting, murder, graphic violence,
horror, etc.

But despite how graphic and dark book 2 is compared to the first book, this will contain a happy
ending this time I promise! So rest your fears on what happened in to Hua Cheng on his 3rd

...Cause I made a little twist of my own😉

Also this author will not be following the sequence of what happened in the og storyline but it still
depends, so some scenes may be chronologically accurate and some wont.

As for the number of chapters, I don't have a specific number yet but I can say that the chapter
count won't be as long as this one. It would probably only consist of 15 - 30 chapters? I'm trying
not to make the chapter count too high since I'm planning on making the chapters longer anyway.


1. Black Flower is the title for this book because Xie Lian saw Wu Ming as a flower who stood out
the most, and 'black' since he usually wore black robes. Whereas 'White Flower' will signify the
gardania flower Wu Ming had given to Xie Lian.

2. Another reason is that when I first began planning the ending of the book, I initially thought of
the flower turning black after it landed on the sword on the day Wu Ming died.

3. Apart from collecting scraps, he dedicated himself to planting white gardania's for years in honor
of Wu Ming.

4. Before Xie Lian began traveling, he kept the flower Wu Ming specifically gave him and buried it
in the grave he dedicated for him. He spent a lot of time near that grave during his healing process
since he decided he won't come back to that grave once he begins to travel. But of course his
devotion to Wu Ming never changed, that's how he decided to start planting gardania flowers
wherever he temporarily stayed during his travels.

5. When Wu Ming came back as Hua Cheng, he found the grave Xie Lian made for him. Since
ghost's can locate where their ashes are, although I'm not entirely sure if it's legit. But anyway,
that's how he got back his ashes. But since it was far away from his current residence, he left a
wraith butterfly there for centuries incase Xie Lian came back, though he never did.

6. Y'all remember the random guy who gave Hong-er bread when he was hungry? It was actually
Mei Nianqing, aka Xie Lian's guoshi back in Xianle. It was mentioned in Chapter 49 that one of his
lines said:

"...Good, child. Now I must be off. I still have a whole shangyuan festival to plan and a crown
prince to train. Haha, I'm XianLe's head priest after all."

ㅡThis author was left somewhat surprised that none of the comments seemed to mention or notice.

But this specific encounter will become very significant in Book 2. Don't forget that! 😉

And that's it for the important notes! I hope you all enjoyed, laughed, and cried in this story as

much as I had . Once again, this author is immensely grateful for all your love and support and
I'll see you all in the next book...


Sounds of hurried footsteps echoed in the hall. The crimson walls and its exquisite decor blurred
and became out of sight.

The Ghost King continued running and running. He sharply turned at every corner and blasted the
giant crimson doors open that led to the specific room.

When he finally arrived, his mind blanked as his gaze peered in the sight before him.

In that room painted crimson on all sides,

…a cultivator donned in white robes stood out.

The world stopped for a moment.

The Ghost King's gaze eyed him carefully in an instant. The cultivator's dark hazel colored-hair
was half-tied in an elegant bun with a crystal lotus hairpin as an accessory that made him look
noble. His facial features were soft and divine, so perfect and gentle that the Ghost King could
practically see holiness emitting from the cultivator's aura.

So perfect and untouchable.

He couldn't help but momentarily look back to those times when he was given the honor to be able
to easily touch his skin whenever he pleased. Just thinking about it made him taste bitter in his
mouth as he realized just how lucky he had been during those times.

Slender and elegant fingers gracefully cupped the tiny teacup as the cultivator slowly brought it
down on the table.

In any part the Ghost King set his gaze on, he was bathed with the sense of holiness and regality
from the cultivator's presence alone. He looked so delicate and peaceful that the Ghost King felt
like he was staring at a live painting.

In other words, he was looking at a god.

And not just any god, it was his god.

The Ghost King couldn't turn away and simply continued to stand there frozen. His lower lips
trembled, threatening to let out a sound or a word, but his eyes were too drawn on the sight before
him. He could feel his legs aching to just straight up kneel on the spot and wait for his god's
command to use him, to break him.

After the god placed the teacup on a tiny plate, it made a subtle clink sound that snapped the Ghost
King out of his daze.

The god's pale and slender fingers then slowly moved from the table and to his lap.

Talk about perfect table manners. The Ghost King made a side mental note that his god could easily
ascend just by regality alone.

Hua Cheng watched him turn slightly so that his body was facing him while still sitting on the
decorative stool. He never wanted to be a chair so badly in his life.

Seconds later, a gentle smile crept in the god's lips.

The Ghost King wanted to kneel then and there, to apologize, to beg, to be of service. Instead, he
clenched his fists from his sides and held himself back from doing anything rashly once more.

He then noticed the god's eyes deepened on him. Watching him intently and silently that made the
Ghost King shudder and lowered his gaze submissively just from the pressure in his eyes.

Then, a chuckle surrounded the room shortly after. Completely breaking the silence between them
since the moment the Ghost King arrived in the room.

The Ghost King's gaze snapped back to his god. He felt himself instantly grow weak the moment
he saw the god's lips curl in a way that completely broke his delicate demeanor.

That gentleness was no longer to be found as both the god's eyes and smile showed mirth.
"Crimson Rain Sought Flower."

The Ghost King's shoulders tensed for a second before relaxing himself and showing a gentle smile
on his lips.

He looked up at him with the same amount of limitless devotion like he used to before finally
opening his mouth.

"Your Highness."


𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗
( : The Last Believer)

-The End-



“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same

- Heraclitus

Chapter End Notes

Did you like this author's little treat at the end? ;)

You didn't expect it to be FangXin kneeling behind didn't you? Here's my defense: If Pei

Ming, Quan Yizhen, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing can turn into a SWORD. Y'all cannot tell me a
sword cannot have a human form!!!!
Not book related but apart from the book sequel I will also be posting short hualian & other
mxtx fanfics in the near future! One of which has the title of 'Forever Lucky' which will show
Xie Lian taking the child-bearing pill. (further info will be posted in my twitter acc

Check art here!

Art link


Everyone... I sincerely thank you all for reading.

From the very beginning and to the end,

As always,

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


You probably weren't expecting this book to be suddenly popping up in your notifs, right??

A few months back, a reader once asked me if I could post here to let you know when book 2 is
coming and I said why not! 'Cause I know some of you haven't followed my twitter account yet or
just don't have the app.

SO ANYWAYS, if you've been waiting for the continuation of this book, you're in luck!

!! Cause the release date of book 2 shall be on the date of :


🎊 December 24th, 2023 | 12:00 WST 🎊

Is it a Christmas gift?

:YES !

Will it have longer chapters?

: YES !

Will it cover the first book's plot holes?


!! As a disclaimer,...

Please be advised that book 2 will be much more graphic compared to the first book since Xie Lian
is going to go all out in this and will be killing, haunting, and taunting them one by one. So that
also means if Xie Lian was going off character in the first book, then he's going to be totally out the
character in this part.

So I really recommend reading the tags.

Moreover, the first chapter will start with a prologue so you might get confused at first but it'll all
make sense in the end.

So while I'm placing down the chapters in ao3, feel free to reread BLACK FLOWER to freshen
your memory. Remember that I placed down subtle yet important hints that will later be revealed in
this book!!! :D

Most importantly, enjoy! 🫶

If you have any questions regarding book 2, place it down in the comments <3

(I forgot to add a few more so the tags may change)


“...𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉, 𝖎𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖎𝖙. ”

After loosing his own very last believer, Xie Lian could only laugh at his own pitifulness as he
finally accepts the vengeful spirit's offer. Only this time, he truly had nothing to loose. Without pity
and kindness to hold him back, the entire three realms shook in fear for the calamity that was about
to bestow on them. The power born from an unknown origin, it was strong enough to destroy the

Even if he had power more dangerous than all of the Heavenly Emperors of the years combined,
Xie Lian still wouldn't feel remorse. How could he after experiencing the most heart-wrenching
experience of loosing Wu Ming in his life?

Xie Lian would gladly destroy the world for him. On this cursed journey, he encounters a strange
Ghost King whose identity was too strange... Yet familiar.

...Can the flower still bloom once it's dead?

● 𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 ●


: 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔶 ℑ𝔫 𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔢


Chapter End Notes

Keep up with the latest news and surprises in my twitter account!

Twitter acc here!
End Notes

Follow my twitter account for chapter peeks and arts related to the book!

Comments/kudos makes my day! (´∀`)♡

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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