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彩 tf-,B.
SubieCt: Law
(03 Years) Part - lll
of Evidence and Legal Ethics Paper: lll(Common)
: Ro‖ No.....“ ...・ ……Ⅲ

Time:3 Hrs, Marks:100

%...・・ o・・・ ●●00● ●●●●●●

′ar7d ONE

N07E′ ハ empt any FryE q“ estio,s h att FOtJR Q"es“ Ons from Pa月
.ハ ″9“ es“ o■ s carry eq″ a′ markS.
“estion from Par′ ′

P‐ I

CQan00E‐ ●Shah348t Order9 198o

Q.1 V雌 絆S審 師 頑 h覇 幡 1事
朧 蹴 閣 露由1lities?

Q。 2. Deftne ttSSion,Explain働 障 cimumm● ces in which an aCmission ISな loWec lo

be ttli鋼 だinfavoroftt par malittit,

Q。 3. ffiEAIarBSon is an important piecg of evidpnca" Dlscttss the Hw 8$ Io rr5

*missifility and eniderrtiary value in criminal ca$e$"

薔轟t mann繊 朧s
oonOthasbeninoorpolamd httQS"

Q.5. ifu 'Oral Evidence' ard how is it rquircd to be

mads ina court?

Crdit of a籠 職 ss andコ 嶽 議 Ing tts

Q,6. Discuss tt law as to iコ 甲 濤 袖 嘔 機
潔 鷹 町 摯 鰐 灘 山 dum酬 麟 QЮ ?

Q.7. Discu tte provisions dealing with the撫 ,錠t Othrise relevant become
relevant with pericular FefmnCe to the plea ofalibi.

Q.8。 Whatis m“ 雌t by a leading ques轟 o爵 When ar ld how itcan be asked?

(I*grl Ethtcs)

Q。 9。 Advocatss $re 81 impcrturt pillar of Pakistani legal systvm. Discuss their rights
and duties for makini juttice-delivcry system efficacious aad speedy?

Q・ 10・ 画 面 画 面 轟 by prOFesslomal饉 8onduct7 How a client could鋼 電:any remecy

ifhis attα tte is found to co― t SICh Conductt
UNI VERSI TY OF TⅡ E PUNJ 郎 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 00● ● ● ● 0000000● ● ●

Pt t T― Ⅲ Aノ 2015
Exami nat i on: ‐ LLoB. l「 卜
: 1! 】 : L∵ : ∵: ∵: ∵: ∵: ∵ : =t i

subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (old & New course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
PAPER: I Ⅱ MAX. 阻 コu( s: l oo
INSTRIICTIONS: Attempt any FIW qaestions in all & selecting FOAR questions
from Purt-I S, ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal
Part (1) Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984.
in various legal proceedings for
Q.1: Who is competent to testify and how many witnesses are required
establishing rights and liabilities?

e.2: What is meant by admission? When an admission is allowed

to be utilized in favor of the party
making it?

parade for identification of accused

Q.3: Sometimes.the prosecution has to carry out identification
persons. Discuss the circumstances and the manner in which it should be conducted?

the law as to it its admissibility and

e.4: Dying declaration is an important piece of evidence. Discuss

evidentiary value in criminal cases?

----:-E-^L fact in issue' Discuss the
the same is
Q.5: Character of has nothing to do with his case unless "

and criminal cases?

relevant provisions of the eSo for admissibility of character evidence in civil

Q. 6: Oral evidence is excluded by documentary evidence

to prove the terms of written contracts and
is admissible for removal of
dispositions of properties. Discuss the circumstances when oral evidence
doubts and clarification of documentary evidence?
extent they are admissible to prove
e.7: How many kinds of judgments are there in the QSO and to what
various facts?

and re-examination?
Q. 8: Discuss in detail examination in chief, cross examination

Part (2) Legal Ethics

e.9: An advocate is expected not to share the communications made

to him by his client' Are there
some legal provisions on this matter in the QSo? Analyze them in detail?
good advocate should
e. 10: Advocates are an important part of our legal system. What qualities a
possess to play his role effectively?
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ● ● ● ● 0000● 0● 0000● 0● ● ● ● ● ● ●。

PART― I Ⅱ S/ 2015
Exami nat i on: ― LLoB. 1191∬ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : L・ :∵ : 1l f

Subj ect : Law of Evi dence and Legal Et hi cs( Ol d&New Cour se) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt any FIW questions in all & selecting FOUR questions
from Port-I & ONE from Part-II. All questions cafry equal marks.

Par t ( 1) Qanun― e― Shahdat Or dOr ′ 19壁・

e.1: An advocate is expected not to share the communications made to him by his client. Are there
some legal provisions on this matter in the QSO? Analyze them in detail?

e.2: Discuss the law as to competency of an accomplice as a witness? Can his evidence be accorded any
credence without corroboration or not?

e. 3: Define confession? Discuss the circumstances in which it has been declared to be inadmissible and
to what extent?

e. 4: What is an expert opinion? Elaborate on the relevant provisions of the QSO for its admissibility?

e. 5: Discuss the principle of estoppel as mentioned in the QSO and how its concept has been
reinvigorated under the banner of promissory estoppel?

e. 6: What is meant by primary and secondary evidence? ln what circumstances, secondary evidence is

declared to be admissible?

e. 7: Discuss the provision dealing with the facts not otherwise relevant become relevant with

reference to the plea of alibi?

Q. 8:What is meant by a leading question? when and how it can be asked?

Part (2) Legal Ethics

e. 9: Legal ethics is the most ignored aspect of the legalprofession. Discuss its general principles?

Q. 10: What are the rights and duties advocate under the legal system prevalent in oul country?
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB 0000● ● ● ● ● ● 0● 0000● 00● ● ● ● ●
。 .

PART― HI A/ 2016
Exami nat i on: ― LL. B. 三
。191∬ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ :l・ : ∵ : ∵ :∵ li

Subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Old & New Course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
IYOTE: Please attempt FIW questions: FOUR froru the Part-I and ONE from the
Pt r t ―I I .

Par t ( 1) Qanun_e― Shandat or der ′ 1984

Q. 1: COmpet ency of a‖ per sons as vvi t nesses i s one of t he f oundat i onal pr i nci pl es of t he Law of Evi dence
i n Paki st an. Di scuss t he pr ovi si ons of t he QSC) deal i ng wi t h t hi s pr i nci pl e?

ヘ Q. 2: Some cat egor i es of communi cat i ons ar e consi der ed pr i v‖ eged and no quest i on can be r ai sed about
t hem. Di scuss t hi s concept vvi t h par t i cul ar r ef er ence t o t he cOmmuni cat i ons bet ween spouses as
embodi ed i n t he QSO?

Q. 3: Denne cOnf essi on?Di scuss t he l aw gover ni ng i t s admi ssi bi l i t y and i nadmi ssi bi l t t y i n c面 mi nal cases?

Q. 4: Di scuss t he ci r cumst ances and t he manner of conduct i ngさ n i dent i ncat i on par ade al ong wl t h i t s
evi dent i ar y val ue?

Q. 51 0pi ni on i s i nadmi ssi bl e as a pi ece of evi dence. Di scuss i t s except i ons i n! i ght of t he l aw of opi ni on
evi dence/ eXper t e宙 dence asi ai d down i n t he QSO?

Q. 6: What do YOu under st and by t he t er r n 4。 r al evi dence′ and how i t i s r equi r ed t o be made i n a cour t ?

Q. 7: Exami ni ng a l l vi t ness i s one of t he modes of ascer t ai ni ng t he val ue of hi s evi dence. Di scuss i n det ai l
var i ous modes of exar ni nat i on pr ovi ded i n t he QSO?

Ct . 8: What i s r neant by pr i mar y and secondar y evi dencさ ?i n what ci r cumst ances′ secondar y evi dence i s
decl ar ed t o be admi ssi bl e?

r l ( 2) 19g, I Et ぃ i cs

Q. 9: What ar e t he r i ght s and dut i es of an advocat e under t he l egal syst em pr eval ent i n our count r y?

Q. 10: Di scuss vat t ous r emedi es aval l abl e t o a di ei t r hi s advocat e i s f ound t o commt t pr of essi onal

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PART― I I I S/ 2016
Exami nat i on: ― LL. B. 1191∬ 91∵ : L・ : ∵ : ∵ : l ・ : L° :■ .三

subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (old & New course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
PAPER: Ⅱ I ( cOmmOn MAXo MARKS: 100
NOTE: Please attempt FIUE questions: FOTIR bom the Part-I and ONE horu
the Part-II.

Part (1) eanun-e-Shahdat Order, l_9g4

Q'1: who is competent to testify and how many witnesses are required
in various legal proceedings for
establishing various kinds of rights and liabilities?

Q' 2: Define confession and admission? And distinguish them from each other
referring to the provisions
of the QSO?

Q'3: sometimes the prosecution has to carry out an identification parade for identification
of accused
persons. Discuss the circumstances and the manner
in which it should be conducted?

Q'4: Technological advancement has enhanced the significance of an expert

opinion? Elaborate the
relevant provisions of the eSo for an expert opinion,s admissibility?

Q' 5: what do you understand by res gestae? How far and in what manner this
concept has been
incorporated in the eSO?

Q'6: what is meant by judicial notice and discuss the circumstances in which
a court may resort to
judicial notice according to the eSO?

Q' 7: Define oral evidence co-relating it with one of the overarching principles
of evidence, i.e., exclusion
of hearsay evidence? Discuss the circumstances in which it is
admitted along with its exceptions?
Q' 8: Discuss in detail examination in chief, cross examination and re-examination?

Part (2) Legal Ethics

Q' 9: Advocates are an important part of our legal system. what qualities a good
advocate should
possess to play his role effectively?

Q'10: An advocate is expected not to share the communications made to him

by his client. Are there
some legal provisions on this matter in the eSO? Analyze
them in detail?


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・● ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・・ .
PART― ⅡI : Annual ‐ 2017
: Rol l No. … …
Exami nat i on3‐ L. LoB. ( 03 Year s) … … … ..:

Subject: Law of Evidence and Legat Ethics TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.


Please attempt five questions: four from the part (1) and one from the pmr (z).

Part (1) Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984

a. 1: Who is competent to testi& and how many witnesses are required in various legal
proceedings for establishing various kinds of rights and liabilities?

Q. 2: Some categories ol communications are considered privileged and no question can be

raised aborrt them. Discuss this concept with particular reference to the communications between
spouses as embodied in the QSO?

Q. 3: Define confession? Discuss the law governing its admissibility and inadmissibility in
criminal cases?

Q. 4: Discuss the circumstances and the manner of conducting an identification parade along
with its evidentiary value?

Q. 5: What is meant by the term res gestae? How far and in what manner this concept has been
incorporated in the QSO?

Q. 6: What do you understand by the term ooral evidence' and how it is required to be adduced
in a court?

Q. 7: Examining a witness is one o{'the modes of ascertaining the value of his evidence. Discuss
in detail various modes of examination provided in the eSO?

Q.8: What is meant by prirnary and secondary evidence? ln what circumstances and how,
secondary evidence is declared to be admissible?

Part (2) Legal Ethics

Q. 9: What are the rights rrnd duties of an advocate the legal system prevalent in Pakistan?

Q. 10: What is meant t'y professional misconduct? And how a client could avail any remedy if
his advocate is for-rnd tr; commit such conduct?
●0● ●●●●●●● 000● ●●●0 0 0 0● ●.
PART - III: Supplementary - 2017 .●

Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years) : Rol l No. . . ". . “

“ ¨ ●●●●●●…

Subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

PAPER: III (Common) MAXo MARKS: 100

Please attempt five questions: four from the part (1) and one from the part (2).

Part (1) Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, lgg4.

Q' : Discuss nature and extent of the legal obligation of non-disclosure

imposed on an advocate
as to the communications made to him by his client?

Q. 2: Define confession and admission? And distinguish them from each other along with
explaining the relevant provisions of the eSO?

Q' 3: Identification parade may become an important mode for identification of accused persons.
Discuss the circumstances and the manner in which it should be conducted?

Q' 4: opinion is inadmissible as a piece of evidence. Discuss .its exceptions in light of the law of
opinion evidence/expert evidence as laid down in the

Q' 5: Discuss the provision dealing with the facts not otherwise relevant become relevant with
particular reference to the plea of alibi?

Q' 6: Discuss the provisions of the QSO for explaining the admissibility of character evidence of
parties in civil and criminal cases?

Q' 7: Elaborate on the general principle of exclusion of oral evidence by documentary evidence
and its exceptions under the light of the relevant provisions of the
Q' 8: What is meant by a leading question? When and how it can be asked? Can a hostile witness
be subjected to leading questions?

Part (2) Legal Ethics

Q' 9: What are the rights and duties of an advocate under the legal system prevalent in pakistan?

Q. 10: Legal ethics is one of the ignored aspects of the legal profession. Discuss the general
Rrincinles governing thlleeal ethics?

aaaoa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaa aa
PART-III: Annual - 2018 aa

Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years)

!lla RoUNo......................
ao l aaaaaaaaaaaallaato

Subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs.


Part (1) Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984

Q. l: Wlrat do you understand hy professionai communications? Explain the nature and extent of
legal obligation of non-disclosure imposed on an advocate in this regard?

Q. 2: Dying cleclaration is an in:portant piece of evidence. Discuss the law as to its achnissibility
and evidentiary value in criminal cases? :

Q. 3: Discuss the provisions of the QSO for explaining the admissibility of character evidence of
parties in civil and criminal cases?

Q. 4: Define admission? Explain the circumstances in which an admission is allowed to be

Q. 5: Evidence of an accomplice is generally not treated at par with other witnesses. Explain the
legal provisions of the QSO about his evidence's evidential value?

Q. 6: Elaborate on the general prineiple of exclusion of oral evidence by documentary eviclence

zuid itg exceptions urder the QSO?

Q. 7: What is meant by a leading question? Discuss the law as to permission and prohibition of
raising a leading question?

Q. B: Discuss the law as to impeaching the credit of a witness and refreshing memory by a
■ ■●

Part (2) Legal Ethics

Q. 9: Legal ethics is the most ignored aspect of the legal profession. Discuss its general

Q. 10: Advocates are an important pillar of Pakistani legal system. Discuss their rights and duties
for rnaking justice delivery system efficacious and speedy?
UNI VERSI TY OF TⅡ E PUNJ AB 000● 000000● 00●
: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
PART-III Supplementary -2018

Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years)

1191∬ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : =Lf
Subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics TI ME ALLOWED: 3 Hr s.
PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt FIYE questions in all, selecting FOUR Questions from Part-I and ONE
question from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.

Part (L) Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984
advocate as to
obligation of non-disclosure imposed on an
Q. L: Discuss nature and extent of the legal
the communications made to him by his client?
in favor of the party
What is meant by an admission? when an admission is allowed to be utilized
making it?
evidential value of his
competent rrri
-r:^^ ^a -^*noroni
Q.3: ls an accomplice
witness against his co-iaccused? Exprain the

evidence with and without corroboration?

value in criminal cases?
"r,0"n,,." of parties in
provisions of the for expraining the admissibirity of character evidence
Q.5: Discr-rss the QSO

civil and criminal cases?

relevant with particular
the provision dearing with the facts not otherwise rerevant become
e. 6: Discuss
reference to the Plea of alibi?

provisions of the QSO?
exceptions under the light of the relevant


Part (2) Legal Ethics


UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ● ● ● ● ● l ooo● ● ● ● ││││● ,

ヽ轟″ L. L. B. f 03 Year sヽ Par t _I I I An■ ual Exam- 2019

nCe and Legt t E山 sp‖ &恥 w couぃ
1191ヽ 出∵
: : 殿旨 鰍
言 0
Ti me: 3H¨ . =∵
Mar ks:=∵
l c,
i 3ぶ

NorE: Attempt any FrvE questions in alr. Fo(tR

euestions lrom pafi-I and oNE question fro*.
Part-II. All queslions carry equal marks,
Par t l

Q 1: What do you understand by privireged communications?

Exprain this concept with particurar
reference to commun,cations between spouses and their impact
on rerevance of evidence?

Q 2: ls an accomplice a competent witness in criminal cases

under the eSO? Discuss the value of
evidence in various offences? his

Q 3: Discuss various kinds of corifession, i.e. judicial,

extra iudiciar and retracted, with reference
governing their admissibiiity and evidential to rures

Q 4:'Dying declaration is valuable piece of evidence provided

it is corroborated in material particurars,"
Critically analyze the above statement under the relevant
provision of the eSO?

Q 5: What legal guidelines have been evolved by the

eSO and judicial pronouncements for relevancy
and evidentiar varue ofexpert opinion? Discuss with reference
to medicar and DNA evidence?
Q 6: what are the main principles for relevancy of oral
eviden.e and how it is permitted to be presented
in court proceedings?

P. T. o.
Q 7: A witness is examined in a court by different modes. Explain all such modes along with the
restrictions placed on them under the QSO?

Q 8: The QSO has allowed causing doubts about the credit of a witness without being putting harassing
and intimidating questions. Explain the permissible modes of discrediting his evidence?

Par t 2

Q 9: Discuss the qualities an advocate is supposed to possess and harness for an efficacious and
effective justice delivery system?

q 10: Discuss the main features of legal ethics which an advocate, a client and a judBe are obliged to
observe In court proceedings?

妙 LLRH理電
理LI P: 話 淋翌繁…2“ 911111111111■
Subi eCt : Law of Evi dence and Legal Et hi cs Paper : : ‖ { COnl mOn} T: me: 3 Hr s. Mar ks: 100
Attempt any FIVE guesfions in all. FOUR Quesfions from Part-l and ONE question
from Part-ll. All questions carry equal marks.

Part 1

Q 1: Dlscuss in detail the provisions relating to competency and number of witnesses as laid down in the

Q 2: Res gestae is an important plece of evldence despite an exception to the exclusion of hearsay
rule. Discuss the law ahut its relevancy and explain its pmbative *orth?

Q 3: What is meant by identification parade? How it is conducted under the rules enunciated by the
superior courts in Paklstan?

Q 4: Define and distinguish admigsioir and confession? How the relevancy of confession is regulated to
prevent involuntary confessions under the qSO?

Q 5: Explain the legal provisions as to relevancy of judgments under the QSO?

Q 6: Character evidence of parties is often not admitted. Dlscuss the provkions which form exceptlon to
this principle?
Page 1ot2 P.T.O.
Q 7: Discuss tfte legal provisions about primary and secondary documentary evidence along wlth '
situations when the latter is allowed to be presented before courts?

Q 8: Hostlle witness ls special klnd of witness under the qSO. Dlscuss hls chamcterlrtlcs a$ to
examination and value of hls evidence?

Part 2

Q 9: An advocate is required not to dlsclose what he has learnt from his cllent without the latey's
permlsslon. Explain the scope and implication of this rule in court proceedlngs?

Q 10: What are the duties and rights of an advocate yis a vis his ctient and courts?

Page 2 of 2
3 LL酬 出篤配脳:P蹴浙E駆 漑鮮
SubieCt: Law of Evidence and Loga:Ethics Paper::‖
0 111'1■
Time:3H腱 .


ⅣOTE:Affempr a″ y FryE 91Jestions h att FOυ R Q“ esf′ orPs from Pa月卜

′and OⅣ E q″ estio″
rrOm Paル ι ハ″9“ es″ o″ s ca″ y eg“ a′ marks.

Part l

Ql:DiscussJttdevantprovisions ofthe QSO ttlating to competency am■ umber ofwimesses

for various抽 直s ofci宙 l and criminal liabilities?

Q2Discss憮 )● oncepts of admission嵐 曇 lon by higblinting l騰 main differences

between the輔 ?

Q3:What do you understand by機 ooncept ofestoppel?Discss tt law pminin3ゎ estoppel

as laiddowninthe QSO?

Q4:Explain the legal pro宙 sions as toFeleVancy ofjudttents undertt QSO?

Q5:Whatisttt imponacc OfcxPa OpittOn/e宙 dmse undert“ QSO?Discuss with reference

to medical and DNA evidence?

Q tt Discuss the bgal provisions about prim鴫 r and secondaFy dOcmentary evidence ttong with
the citumstances when the latris a1lowed to be adduced before coЩ 鴬?

Page 1 ol 2 P.T.0.
proof, Analyze them along
Q 7: The QSO has laid down the rules for ascertaining the burden of
with their main exceptions?

Q 8: Exptain various modes of examinations as provided in &e QSO with particular emphasis on
ttre rules governing the moss examination of witnesses?

Part 2

e 9: Discuss those characteristics of a professional advocate which he is expected to develop for

an efficient performance in the justice delivery system?

e 10: An advocate cannot disclose before the judicial forums what he has learnt from his olient
without the latter's explicit consent. Discuss the scope and impact of this rule?

Page 2 of 2
L.L.B. (03 Years) Part - lll Annual Examination - 2021 i .1:t!.\::::':1,'rr,r.. .l
Subject: Law of Evidence and Legal Ethica Paper: lll (Common) Time:3 Hrs. Marks: ioo

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guesfions in all. FOUR Quesfions from Part-l and ONE
question from Part-ll. All questions carry equal marks.

Psrt (l) Qrnun-oShehadat Order, 1984 (QSO)

Q.l: Competency ofall persons as witnesses is one ofthe foundational prinoiples ofthe Law of
Evidence in Pakistan. Discrss the provisions of the QSO dealing with this principle with
particular rofercnce to children and police witrsss€s?

Q.2: Some categories of commuaications are considered privileged and ao qucstion can be raiscd
about thecr. Discuss this concept in light of the privilcgcs granted to tlte judicial ofticials. policc
and spouscs?

Q.3l An accomplicc a competent witness against his co-accused. Discuss this statement along
with evidental value of his widence?

Q.4: Define confession? Discuss the law goveming its admissibility and inadmissibility in

Q. 5: Discuss the law dealiag with the fac,ts not olhenrise rclevant become relevant in context of
&e plea of alibi?

Q.6: What is meaat by judioial notice and discuss the circumstances in which a court may resort
to judicial notice underthe QSO?

Q. 7; Defirc oral evidoncc co-relating it with one of the overarching pinciples of evidence, i.e.,
exclusion of heersay cvideoce? Discuss the circumstarccs in which oral evidencc is admitted
along with is exceptions?

Q. 8: Exami'ring a witness is one of the modes of a$ertaiDing the value of his evidence. Discuss
io detail various modes of examination providcd in the QSO?

Pert (2) Legel Etbte

Q.9: Discuss the rights and duties of an advocate under Pakistan's legal system along with the
concept of professional misconduct?

Q.t0: An advocaie is cxpected not to share the communications made to him by his clicnt.
Analyze the lcgal provisions on this matter as eructed in the QSO?

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