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PROPERTY LAW (KSLU previous year questions 2016-2022)


01 GENERAL Define transfer of property and explain the essentials of a valid transfer (2021, 2020, 2018)
PRINCIPAL OF “condition repugnant to interest created is void” explain with exception (2022)
TP ACT In general “property of any kind may be transferred” Explain (2016) with exceptions (2019,
Discuss the rule against prepetuity and state the exceptions to this rule (2021)
Explain the provisions grverning the direction for accumulation of income (2022)
Define “transfer of property” and state the properties which cannot be transferred (2019)
Explain the concept of “immovable property” and “transfer of property” (2019)
Define “transfer of property” and state whether partion, surrender, compromise and gift
amounts to transfer under the act (2019)
Discuss the law relating to the transfer of property made for the benefit of unborn person
(2019, 2018)
Explain the conditions restraing alienation and enjoyment (2021)
What is condition precedent and condition subsequent and explain the rules relating to the
performance of these conditions (2021)
Define immovable property and what property can be transferred (2021)
“Transfer of property act applies to transfer intervivos, but transfer for the benefit of an unborn
person is an exception to this rule” comment (2020)
Explain the provisions realting to conditions in restriction of enjoyment of the property
transferd absoulutely with exceptions (2019)
What is meant by notice and explain the applicability of notice under the provisions of TP act
What is the meaning of vested interrest and distinguish it from contingent interest (2021, 2018, 2016)

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02 DOCTRINE OF Explain the doctrine of election (2022, 2021)
ELECTION Who is an ostensible owner(2019) and when is a transferee from an ostensible owner protected
against the real owner (2021, 2019)
Explain the provisions governing the transfers made by unauthorised persons who
subsequently acquire interest in the property (2022)
State the provisions governing the transfers made during the pendency of litigation (2019)
“A person who accepts the benefit from the instrument shall also take the burdon of it” Discuss
(2019, 2018)
Explain the doctrine of part performance and state the essentials of it (2019)
“Every transfer of immovable property made with intent to defeat or delay the creditors shall
be voidable at the option of creditors so defeated or delayed” discuss (2021)
Explain the doctrine of part performance and discuss the principle underlying this doctrine
Discuss the different dimensions of lis-pendens concept (2017)
Discuss the circumstances under which creditors can set aside a transfer as fraudulent (2020)
03 MORTGAGES State the circumstances under which the conditions imposed by the mortgagee amounts to clog
OFLMMOVABLE on the right of redemption (2021)
PROPERTY Explain the rights and liablities of mortgagee (2021)
Define mortgage and explain the various kinds of mortgages (2022, 2019, 2019, 2021, 2021,
2019, 2018)
What are the liablites of a mortgage in possession (2022)
Explain the doctrine of marshalling and contribution in mortgages (2021)
Explaine the circumstances under which the mortgagee can sell the mortgaged property
without the intervention of the court (2019)
Define sale and state the rights and liablities of seller and buyer (2019)
Explain the right of redemption and what is clog on the right of redemtion (2020)
“Once a mortgage is always a mortgage” Explain (2018)

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04 SALE OF Explain the rights and liabilities of seller(2018) and buyer(2017)before completion of sale (2021)
IMMOVABLE What are the modes of determination of leases (2022, 2019)
PROPERTY Define “sale” and explain the rights and liabilities of the seller (2019, 2020)
Define ‘gift’ and explaine the principles relating to revocation of a gift (2022, 2021, 2018
(essential features gift 2021)
Define lease and state the essentials of a valid lease (2018)
Define lease and explain how a lease of immovable property is determined (2021)
What is an actionable claim and how can an actionable claim be transferred (2019)
Define exchange and explain the rights and liabilities of the parties in transfer by exchange
Explain the rights and liabilites of lessor and lessee (2021, 2021)
Explain the meaning of the term ‘lease’ bring out its distinction from sale, exchange and
mortgage and gift(2017)
05 LAW OF TRUST Discuss the various types of trusts as given in the indian trusts act (2021, 2019)
WITH Explain the rights and liabilities of a trustee (2021, 2019, 2017)
FIDUCIARY Define trust & explain the duties and liabilities of trustee (2021, 2021)
RELATIONS “Certain obligation are in the nature of trust” discuss (2019)
Explain the statutory powers of a trustee (2022, 2019)
Define truste and Explain how a trust is created (2022, 2020)
Explain the rights and disablities of a beneficiary in a trust (2019, 2021)
Discuss the provisions of indian trust act in relation to the creation and extinction of trusts
Define trust and distinguish it with agency and bailment (2018)
Discuss the provisions of the transfer of property act which regulate improvements made on
immovable property by bonafide holders under defective title (2021)
What remedies are available for the improvements made by bonafide holders under defective
title (2020)
Discuss the rule against perpetuity and state the exception to the rule (2017)
Analyse the provision relating to accumulation of income suggest the exceptions (2017)

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SHORT NOTES Spes successionis. (2021)
Vested and contingentr interset. (2021)
Immovable property. (2022, 2019)
Oral transfer. (2019)
Rule of acceeration. (2021)
Constractive notice. (2019)
Doctrine of election. (2021, 2019)
Doctrine of lis pendens. (2021)
Doctrine of apportionment. (2022, 2019)
Ostensible owner. (2022, 2019)
Doctrine of Accelertion. (2019)
Transfer by co-owner. (2021)
Appotionment by time and apportionment by estate. (2021)
Charge. (2021, 2019)
Conditional sale and sale with a condition to repurchase. (2021)
Right of redemption. (2022, 2019, 2019)
Subrogation. (2022)
Rights of a mortgager. (2019)
Priority of securities. (2021)
Exchange. (2022)
Onerous gift. (2022, 2019)
Sale and contract sale. (2021, 2019)
Universal donee. (2021)
Termination of leasee. (2019)
Creation of trust. (2021)
Extinction of trust. (2022, 2021)
Charitable trust. (2019)
Essentials of a valid trust. (2019, 2019)
Appointment of trustee. (2022, 2019, 2021)
Disablities of trustee. (2021)
Public trust. (2015)
Direction for accumulation. (2021)

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