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Broadcasting Media Studio


Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to present a proposal for the amendment of our organization's

Constitution and By-Laws. The proposed amendment pertains to Article One,
specifically focusing on the inclusion of an additional element related to
membership fees for the betterment of our organization, TALIAPAS.

The objective of this proposed amendment is to introduce a modest supplementary
membership fee of 150 pesos during the enrollment period of the second semester.
The funds collected will be designated as a mobilization fund for TALIAPAS to
facilitate the successful completion and publication of the first issue of the
school paper. Each enrolled student will receive a copy of this issue at the end of
the academic year.

Proposed Amendment:
The following amendment is suggested for inclusion within Article One of the
Constitution and By-Laws:

Section X: Membership Fee for School Publication

During the enrollment period of the second semester, an additional amount of 150
pesos shall be incorporated into the standard enrollment fee for every student.
The collected funds will be designated as a mobilization fund for TALIAPAS,
specifically allocated for the successful completion and publication of the first
issue of the school paper.
Each enrolled student shall be entitled to receive a copy of the school paper issue
at the conclusion of the academic year.
Sustainable Funding: The proposed membership fee addition will establish a
sustainable source of funding for TALIAPAS, ensuring the continuous publication of
the school paper.

Enhanced Student Involvement: Encouraging students to contribute to the school

publication through a modest membership fee will cultivate a sense of ownership and
active participation among the student body.

Improved School Paper Quality: The allocated funds will enable us to enhance the
quality and content of the school paper, providing a more enriching experience for
both readers and contributors.

Implementation and Timeline:

Proposal Approval: Seek approval for the proposed amendment through discussions and
voting during a general assembly of TALIAPAS members.

Communication and Enrollment Period: Notify all students of the proposed amendment
and its implications. Begin the implementation of the additional membership fee
during the second-semester enrollment period.
Fund Allocation and Paper Completion: Mobilize the funds for the first issue of the
school paper and work towards its successful completion by the end of the academic

Distribution of School Paper: Distribute copies of the school paper to all enrolled
students upon its completion.

We believe that this proposed amendment will greatly benefit TALIAPAS by providing
the necessary resources to enrich our school paper and actively engage our student
body. We kindly request a thorough consideration of this proposal and look forward
to your support in enhancing the TALIAPAS experience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We remain at your disposal for any
further clarifications or discussions.


Subject: Proposal for the Amendment of the Constitution and By-Laws - Addition of
Membership Fee Element


Subject: Proposal for Amendment to Constitution and By-Laws - Scholarship for


Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to submit a proposal for an amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws

of our organization, particularly focusing on ARTICLE VII: RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF
THE EDITORS AND STAFF. The proposed amendment aims to introduce a scholarship
program, granting a 25% scholarship to members of TALIAPAS, the highest student
governing organization of Gani L. Abpi College Incorporated.

The primary objective of this proposed amendment is to acknowledge and reward the
dedication and commitment of TALIAPAS members by providing them with a 25%
scholarship. This initiative not only serves as an incentive for excellence but
also fosters a sense of belonging, recognition, and motivation within the

Proposed Amendment:
The following amendment is suggested for inclusion within ARTICLE VII: RIGHTS AND

Section X: TALIAPAS Scholarship Program

TALIAPAS, as the highest student governing organization of Gani L. Abpi College

Incorporated, shall establish a scholarship program offering a 25% scholarship to
its active and qualified members.

Eligibility for the scholarship shall be determined based on the following


Active membership in TALIAPAS, demonstrated by consistent participation and

contribution to the organization's activities and projects.
Academic excellence, as defined by maintaining a minimum GPA of [Specify GPA
Good standing with the college and adherence to the code of conduct.
The scholarship will be renewable on an annual basis, subject to the continued
fulfillment of the eligibility criteria.

Recognition and Motivation: Providing a scholarship to TALIAPAS members
acknowledges their commitment and motivates them to excel in both academics and
their contributions to the organization.

Retention and Recruitment: The scholarship program enhances member retention and
attracts new talent, strengthening TALIAPAS as the leading student governing body.

Academic Excellence: Encouraging members to maintain a high academic standard

contributes to the overall academic excellence of Gani L. Abpi College

Implementation and Timeline:

Proposal Approval: Seek approval for the proposed amendment through discussions and
voting during a general assembly of TALIAPAS members.

Scholarship Criteria and Application Process: Define the scholarship criteria and
create an application process, including deadlines for submission.

Review and Award Process: Establish a committee responsible for reviewing

applications, selecting recipients, and ensuring compliance with the eligibility

Scholarship Promotion: Promote the scholarship program to current and potential

TALIAPAS members.

We believe that this proposed amendment will not only recognize the dedication of
TALIAPAS members but also enhance their academic achievements and the
organization's overall standing within Gani L. Abpi College Incorporated. We kindly
request a thorough consideration of this proposal and look forward to your support
in furthering our mission of excellence.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We remain at your disposal for any
further clarifications or discussions.



Subject: Proposal for the Establishment of TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB as a Sub-Organization

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to propose the establishment of a new sub-organization under TALIAPAS,

our esteemed student governing body. The proposed sub-organization, to be named
"TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB," aims to foster creativity, engagement, and community
involvement through reenactment of news, entertainment engagements, and community
The primary objective of this proposal is to create an avenue for students with a
passion for drama, broadcasting, and creative expression to actively engage with
the school and wider community. TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB will enable students to reenact
news events, showcase their creative talents, and contribute to the school's and
community's entertainment and engagement initiatives.

Proposed Sub-Organization:
The following is an outline of the proposed sub-organization under TALIAPAS:

Sub-Organization Name: TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB

TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB aims to nurture creative talent, encourage active participation,
and contribute to the school and community through engaging reenactments of news,
entertainment events, and community engagement programs.


Provide a platform for students to express their creativity through drama and
Collaborate with the Broadcasting Team and Creative Department for efficient
planning and execution of events and activities.
Actively engage in reenacting news events to enhance awareness and understanding
among the student body.
Participate in various entertainment engagements inside and outside the school to
foster a sense of community and camaraderie.
Contribute to community engagement programs to create a positive impact in the
broader community.
Enhanced Student Engagement: TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB will provide an avenue for students
to actively engage with their creativity, enhancing their overall school

Collaborative Efforts: The sub-organization will work closely with existing teams
like the Broadcasting Team and Creative Department, promoting collaborative efforts
and a cohesive approach toward common objectives.

Community Contribution: Through community engagement programs, the sub-organization

will enable students to give back to the community and develop a sense of social

Implementation and Timeline:

Proposal Approval: Seek approval for the establishment of TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB
through discussions and voting during a general assembly of TALIAPAS members.

Recruitment and Selection: Develop a recruitment process and criteria to select

potential members for TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB.

Training and Planning: Conduct training sessions and outline a strategic plan for
the club, aligning with its objectives and mission.

Event Participation: Engage in reenactments, entertainment events, and community

engagement programs to actively contribute to the school and wider community.

We firmly believe that the establishment of TALIAPAS DRAMACLUB will further enrich
the TALIAPAS experience, providing students with an outlet to showcase their
creativity and actively engage in various events. We kindly request a thorough
consideration of this proposal and look forward to your support in expanding
TALIAPAS to encompass this dynamic sub-organization.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We remain at your disposal for any
further clarifications or discussions.


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