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SEM :-- 6I
YEAR :-- 2022-2023
2 Marks Questions
Describe Android and importance of OHA. (chap1)
List various tools or IDE (with installation step of any one) used for android application development.
Describe activity and Manifest file in detail. (chap 3)
List various Components of Android UI Design. (chap 3)
Explain Android SDK and Java SDK. (chap 2)
Explain any four features of Android. (chap 1)
Explain custom permission. (chap 6)
Describe Multimedia framework. (chap 5)
Explain SQLite. (chap 5)
Explain Geocoding. (chap 6)
Describe service in Android Application. (chap 5)
Describe role of Emulator.(chap 2)
Explain String and Layout File. (chap 3)
List various attribute of Text view and Button. (chap 4)
List various multimedia component used for Android Application development. (chap 5)
List various classes of SMS Telephony. (chap 6)
Describe need of Android. (chap 1)
State difference between Windows OS and Android OS. (chap 1)
List various IDEs that can be used to execute Android Operating System. (chap 1)
List various attributes which can be used with any layout managers. (chap 3)
State the steps for creating Virtual device. (chap 2)
Enlist different attributes of Edit Text. (chap 4)
Enlist different Buttons. (chap 4)
Enlist different uses of Intent. (chap 5)
Draw neat sketch for Android System Architecture. (chap 5)
Write a short note on Geocoding. (chap 6)
List and explain files associated with build.gradle. (chap3)
List all attributes to develop a radio button. (chap 4)
Define Services in Android Operating System. (chap 5)
Enlist the steps for publish the Android application. (chap 6)
4 Marks Questions
Compare JVM and DVM. (chap 2)
Draw and explain Android Architecture. (chap 1)
Describe Linear and frame layout. (chap 3)
Explain Screen component. (chap 3)
Develop an android application by using table layout or relative layout. ( chap 3)
Design a student registration form with database connectivity. (chap 5)
Explain intent and fragments. (chap 5)
Write a program to place Name, Age, and mobile number centrally on the display screen using
absolute Layout. (chap 3)
Explain the steps to install and configure Android Studio and SDK. (chap 2)
Write a program to display 10 students basic information in a table form using Table Layout. (chap 3)
Explain grid view. Enlist different methods of grid view. (chap 4)
Describe in detail Time and Date Picker. (chap 4)
Explain activity life cycle in detail. (chap 5)
Write a short note on SQLite database. Enlist their advantages. (chap 5)
Explain the term Android security model. (chap 6)
Explain process of application deployment in detail. (chap 6)
With neat diagram, show the major components of Android stack. ( chap 1)
What are the benefits of Content providers? (chap 1)
Write an xml tag for determinate progress bar. (chap 4)
Define SQLite. Explain example table for SQLite store data in tables. (chap 5)
Define activity. Explain the steps for creating activities. (chap 5)
Write a program to create a first display screen of any search engine using Auto Complete Text View.
( chap 4)
Write the steps to create a content provider in android applications. (chap 5)
Develop an application to send and receive SMS. (Write ONLY java and permission tag in manifest file.
(chap 6)
Describe steps for publishing android app. (chap 6)
Explain any two UI Component with example. (chap 5)
Describe location based services. (chap 6)
Explain Android eco system. (chap 1)
Explain steps for publishing android app. (chap 6)
Describe Bluetooth and sensors use in multimedia application. (chap 5)
Develop an android application by using table layout and relative layout. (chap 3)
Explain concept of Geocoding and Reverse coding. (chap 6)
Design application to display Google map with current location. (chap 6)
Describe service lifecycle. (chap 5)
Develop a application to generate alert. (chap 5)
Explain importance or use of developer console. (chap 6)
Give example for extracting value for cursor. (chap 5)
Difference between list view and grid view. (chap 5)
6 Marks Questions
Write a program to insert data in SQLite database using AsyncTask. (chap 5)
Write a program to capture an image using camera and display it. (chap 5)
Write a program to draw a route between two locations. (chap 6)
Develop an application to store student details like roll no, name, branch, marks, percentage and
retrieve student information using roll no in SQLite database. ( chap 5)
Write a program to create two screens. First screen will take one number input from user. After click
on Factorial button, second screen will open and it should display factorial of the same number. Also
specify which type of intent you will use in this case. (chap 5)
Develop a simple calculator using table layout. (chap 3)
Develop an android application for feedback form with database connectivity. ( chap 5)
Develop an android application for any location based service. (chap 6)
Develop an android application for date time picker. (chap 4)
Describe the role of publisher in android application development. (chap 6)
Describe linear and frame layout. (chap 3)
Explain need of SQLite Database.

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