WBCS Main Exam 2020 Paper II (English)

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WBCS Main Exam. – 2020 (Question Paper)

Paper - II (English)
ENGLISH LETTER WRITING, DRAFTING OF Orient', it is argued. It was considered to be
REPORT, PRECIS WRITING, essentially no different in the twelfth century than
COMPOSITION AND TRANSLATION it was in the eighteenth, trapped in antiquity far
behind the modern developents of the 'Enlightened'
1. (a) Write a letter to the Manager of a theatre enquiring
West. Conceived in this way, the Orient was often
about showing a movie to the children of a school
considered as 'primitive' or 'backwords'. A Westerner
in the afternoon. (Write the letter within 150 words
travelling to Oriental lands was not just moving in
and use A, B, C instead of name and address).
space from one location to the other, potentially
OR, xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å they were also travelling back in time to an earlier
(b) Last Sunday you flew from Delhi to Kolkata. On world. Hence in Orientalism, the Orient exists as a
arriving home you discovered that you had left your timeless place, changeless and static, cut off from
cabin bag on the plane. Write a letter to the Airline the progress of Western history. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
describing about the bag. (Write the letter within 5. Translate the following passages into English :
150 words and use A, B, C instead of name and îy!vþüÝþy “¤þyîû îy!vþüîû „þyöìŠé£zÐ öëöì“þ xy¢öì“þ ¢%‹y“þy îy!vþüÝþy
xö옄þîyîû£z ö”öì…öìŠé˜– „þ…öì˜y ö‘þyöì„þ˜!˜– „þyîû îy!vþü “þy ‹yö옘
2. Draft a report on the poor conditions of roads and
˜yÐ þ™%öìîûyöì˜y !”öì˜îû ö”y“þœy îy!vþü– ¢y›öì˜ Ýþy˜y îyîûy¨y– îy!vþüîû
public parks in your locality.
çþ™öìîû ö›öìÝþÆy ˜„äþŸy– †yöìëû öœ…y þ™)îÅéôé†Dy ˜†îû– ¢½þî“þ ›y!œöì„þîû
3. Write a composition on any one of the following
@ùÌyöì›îû ˜y›Ð ¢%‹y“þyîû ö‰þyöì…îû ¢y›öì˜ !îŸ îŠéöìîû îy!vþüÝþyîû ö‰þ£yîûy
topics :
„þœ„þy“þyîû ›“þ £öìëû ö†œÐ …y!˜„þÝþy ˜“%þ˜ Gþ„þGþöì„þ– ~˜yö웜
(a) The Civil Rights Movements and the Effects
îûöˆì vþzkþ“þ– ‹y˜yœyîû ˜#öì‰þ ~îûyîû„þ% œyîûÐ …y!˜„þÝþy ‹#’Å– þ™öìœhßþìyîûy
(b) How travelling the world affects life and …¢y– ‹y˜yœyëû Ÿy!vþü„þyÝþy ›ëûœy þ™îû”yÐ ˜#öì‰þ îûyhßþìyîû ¢y›öì˜ ‡öìîû
personality xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å ‡öìîû ö•y!î…y˜y– ö£y!›çþ™Äy!í ç¡ì%öì•îû ö”y„þy˜– öîû!vþç ö›îûy›!“þ
(c) Telling fairy tales to children : The cause and ö”y„þy˜Ð Ÿ!îûöì„þ Ÿ!îûöì„þ úÙ»ëÅ ç ”y!îûoÄ ¦þy† £öìëû ö†öìŠé– öîyGþy
ëyëûÐ xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
4. Write a precis of the following passage and add a
suitable title : xõþ„þyîû þ™Äyö좋 öþ™!îûöìëû Ÿ!îû!„þ vþzöìàþyöì˜îû þ™yöìŸ ~„þÝþy îöìvþüy
If the West was considered the place of historical
‡îûÐ îy!vþüÝþyîû öþ™Šé˜ !”„þ ~ÝþyÐ ¢y›öì˜ ~„þÝþy xëöìbîû xy“þy†yŠéÐ
progress and scientific development, then the Orient ‡îûÝþyîû ö”çëûyœ ç Šéyöì“þîû xyhßþìîû …¢y– ö›öìGþîû !¢öì›rÝþ çàþyÐ
was deemed remote from the influence of historical ~„þÝþy îöìvþüy “þ_«öìþ™yŸÐ xyœ›y!îûö“ì þ ›ëûœy ç xîÄî£*“þ xy£zö˜ì îû
change. 'Orientalism assumed an unchanging î£z– xyœ›y!îûîû “þœyëû ‹‚Ð
Answers with Explanation
1. (a) To Dear sir/Respected Sir, xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
The Manager (Auditorium) The on-going pandemic apart, our unit/running
Rabindra Sadan/Nandan Complex for the destitutes likes to revive the frustated
Kolkata lot of children through a child-movie-show in
Sub: Appeal for a show to the children your esteemed Auditorium. The date and time
From slated for the show is 14th November, in the
The member secretary(ABC ....etc) afternoon commemorating ''Chacha Nehru
Birthday", known as the children's day.
Governing Body(G.B) xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
R. K. Mission/Narendrapur Obviously we should abide by the Govt. order
Kolkata. on maintaining COVID-Protocol. Those three
2 î¡ìÅ éôé 9– £z¢%Ä éôé 7  ˜öì¦þÁºîû– 2021 xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
basic conditions of social & physical stone-chips, was the cause of the accident.
distancing, mask a must and hand-sanitiser According to police sources, all the injured
allocation would accompany our children .The were discharged after First-aid from a near by
approximate figure is some two hundred fourty, hospital. However no casualties were reported.
which may vary, reducing the number of There was a total traffic dislocation after the
children. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å happening. Local people and curious on lookers
In fact, the continuous lock-down and home- made the rescue operation easy for the victims.
intern had made it to some of them, for mental In fact, that was not an isolated case, but
aberration. there were many others incidents, both in the
north and south brings of the city, where poor
Hope to be favoured
conditions of roads affecting the on-going
Yours faithfully Date: 27.09.2021
vehicles and the public. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
To add fuel to the fire, the public parks are
1. (b) To also in a shabby state of-late. The civic
The Director authorities including the concerned Minister
Airport Authority of India (AAI) of the PWD affair, had made the incessant
Dum Dum Airport (NSCB Airport) rain responsible for the mishap. However the
Sub: Lost & found cabin bag, on a Flight promise for the early repairment of roads and
parks, before the puja, was avoidable
From ABC (certain passenger, boarding the
Kolkata. 3. (A) The Civil Rights Movements of the Effects
Dear Sir xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å The National Human Rights Commission
(NHRC) is celebrating its 28th anniversary this
If "forgetting" is consider to be a natural year in our country, since its inception in 1993.
phenomenon, it happened to me this time. It was formulated on the goal of preserving
Last Sunday, I came back to Kolkata from and maintaining human rights to every
New delhi, but in-a-hurry, I went past the individual, that leads to his civil rights.
Airport terminal through Gate No 4, leaving Therefore she Civil Rights Movements stand
behind the cabin bag, bearing the number 7623 for at least two purposes. If one is for the
(Boeing 2054) as attached during the Boarding- awareness of the civilians (when they are not
Pass, before the Flight from New Delhi. so alert), the other is for the specific lodging
For your information Sir, I am staying at Dover of a complaint with the corresponding
lane, adjacent to Gariahat in South Kolkata. authorities (when Civil Right for them, are
Alongwith my on-line booked ticket, I am violated).
sending herewith the Boarding Pass to you
Demeaning the person in particular or the
through the driver of my car ; as part of an country as a whole surely indicate abuses of
evidence. May I request you sir, to hand it rights. Obviously it further endangers the
over to him, the colour of which is off-white, democracy. On the contrary, establishing the
with a photo and inscription on Lord Krishna. democratic-right ensures the civil-rights also,
The name of my driver is Sreepati Yadav. to be ensured. Yet the fare fact is that, there
Thanking you. may not have any defimable specific civil right
Yours faithfully Dated : 27.09.2021 without mass awareness, even political
ABC intervention may get involved into it.
2. Wretched roads : Traffic disruption We can put forward and cite an example of
By our Staff Reporter, Kolkata, 27 the recent tragedy to the fact, that the death
september 2021: A Saltlake bound our of four protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri
crowded bus was almost our-turned during had aroused furious criticism from all over
the peak hours this morning, in Shyambazar the country. They were not at fault when
today. 5 passengers including two children got they demanded civil rights. The M.P. Govt.
minor injuries, remaning inside the ill-fated bus. was rocked by the cases of unexpected death
The dilapidated A J C Bose road with strewn
of poor farmers over the issue. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
Achievers 3
Thererby, Civil Rights Movements may exhibit initiating a sort of self-identification. Every
how burning issues come under compulsive culture fabricates its fairy tales as per the
consideration of the authorities. In fact, the specificity and locus of its needs and desires.
“basic needs” of various segments of people, Hence, even though fairy tales of one language
require either to be implemented or to voice may have different representational value than
protest for implementation. Obviously, the fair- those of another language, there runs a
price and supply of Cooking Gas, supply of common thread of morality which is
Kerosene oil to the poorest of the poor through disseminated along the social fabric. The motif
the Public Distribution System (P.D.S.), proper of the victory of good over evil is one such
allocation of irrigated-water for the cultivating perennial concept to be found in all cultures.
land, deposit in the “Jan Dhan” accounts, If anything, the moral value of these tales in
public urinals, Housing, the non-stop supply keeping with an exploration of the Jungian
chain of the Mid-day-meal for the under- unconscious is hardly undeniable. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
priviledged children, the very-recent Scholars and psychology studies have,
Government decision of the 26-month-long however, not failed to locate the debilitating
maternity leave, out-lawing of oral triple effect of these tales. While fairy tales like the
“Talaq” and so on–are the instances of the ones of Cinderella offer children of tender
few crucial Civil Rights Norms. Citizens and age a veritable storehouse of imagination, they
civilians must be projected as the beneficiaries also imprison young minds within a cocoon
of Govt. policies available for them. These of a utopia of make-believe. The world that
are the effects, where at the cost of lives, awaits these young minds with all its snares
Civil Rights are sometimes, achieved by and temptations, follies and foibles, is the one
unabated movements. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å they have to ultimately reconcile themselves
3. (C) TELLING FAIRY TALES TO CHILDREN: to. The terrible jerk that children receive while
THE CAUSE AND EFFECTS moving from the threshold of fairy tales to the
Children literature, as an independent and world of reality, can often be unnerving and
meaningful genre of literary studies, has so destabilizing and may affect them in the long
far had an uninterrupted run. It has run into run. Despite all these frailties, one can hardly
many directions and has thrived in the interest deny the value and importance of fairy tales in
and attention of perspicacious readers. The the emotional and cognitive growth of children.
field of Fairy tales has equally evolved itself 4. Title : The archaic oriental nature
into distinct category and has attracted attention
The western concept and the western
from not only children but also their more
prosperity are signalling towards advancement
mature counterpart. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å in all respect . Yet the Eastern domain likes to
Fairy tales hold great importance in so far as adhere to stalemate. So to take stock of oriental
it helps a child develop cognitively and know-how, the surveyor goes backward.
imaginatively. The famous Cognitive scholar
Jean Piaget is of the opinion that, even though 5. The house was in the vicinity of her home
fairy tales border on the concept of conjuring indeed. On her way to and fro, Sujata noticed
up a fictional world for children, they also it severally, yet never entered into it and even
offer an interface between the world of reality did not know who owned it. It was an ancient
and that of fiction. The world of fiction is two-stored building, with elongated balcony on
presented so persuasively with archetypal the front-side, urbanite architecture all-over,
stories of gods in heaven, animals in the jungle flashing with inscription "Purba-Ganga-Nagar",
and magicians who could conjure up golden probably the name of the ancestral village of
castles and filled them up with little princesses the owner. Within twenty-years before her, the
and their pets, that the demarcation between get-up of the building seemed to Sujata like that
fact and fiction merges and coalesces. of Calcuttan. Some of the parts of the building
Apart from their indisputable literary value, fairy appeared spick and span luminous. With enamel,
tales also help children relate themselves to along with the air-cooler under the window. Yet
various characters of those stories, thereby the other part of the building looked shabby,
4 î¡ìÅ éôé 9– £z¢%Ä éôé 7  ˜öì¦þÁºîû– 2021 xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å
dethroned ancient-site, untidy curtaining in the yard. It was the rear side of the house. In
windows from mutilated piece of sarees. In front of it, there was a castard-apple tree,
front of the thoroughfare in the ground-floor, a remaining uncared for. Walls of the room and
score washerman’s houses, medicinal shop of the roof of the ceiling were dilapidated,
Homeopathy and even radio-repairing shops. It cementing of the floor was rocked. However,
was easily conceived, that affluence and poverty there was a big beurgeois (wooden-piece of
bifurcated within legacies, continuously. seat) inside. There were dirty and unused
Crossing over the darkness of the corridor, books of Law in the almirah, also rusty-lair
there was a large room beside the litigated beneath the almirah. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å

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