EOY - English (IV) 23-24 (PA) - Marking Scheme

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SECTION-A (Marks: 25)

Question 1
Correct Option Answer Page No Marks
(i) C spoken 102 1
(ii) D shy 97 1
(iii) A astronomy 104 1
(iv) A eaten 102 1
(v) B hyphen 108 1
Question 2
Answer Page No Marks
(i) were walking 1
(ii) was repairing 1
(iii) were waiting 1
(iv) was sleeping 1
(v) was jumping 1
Question 3
Answer Page No Marks
(i) next week 1
(ii) this morning 1
(iii) tomorrow 124 1
(iv) at the moment 1
(v) usually 1
Question 4
Answer Page No Marks
(i) stamp 1
(ii) magnifying glass 1
(iii) half 137 1
(iv) raced out 1
(v) examined 1

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Question 5
Answer Page No Marks
(i) large brown 1
(ii) metal 1
(iii) colourful 130 1
(iv) old 1
(v) weeping 1

SECTION B (Marks : 32)

Question 6 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Marks

(i) a person who is a member of a country 141 0.5
(ii) become grey, dull and discoloured 133 0.5
(iii) of great importance and value 126 0.5
(iv) slept lightly for a short time 119 0.5
(v) sustain, support or survive on a basic level. 126 0.5
(vi) a person who has been forced to leave 104 0.5
(vii) money given to the poor as charity 91 0.5
(viii) puzzled, confused 82 0.5

Question 7 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Marks

(i) uncomfortable 0.5
(ii) opened 0.5
(iii) carefully 0.5
(iv) quickly 123, 0.5
(v) dirty 87 0.5
(vi) aloud, loudly 0.5
(vii) first 0.5
(viii) remember 0.5

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Question 8 (04 Marks)

Answer Marks
jumping (present participle) 88 1
reading (present participle) 88 1
broken (past participle) 101 1
finished (past participle) 101 1
Question 9 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Marks

(i) berry 1
(ii) flower 1
(iii) bow 1
(iv) fish 1
Question 10 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Marks

(i) possessive pronoun (adjective) 01 mark each for
correct answer
(ii) possessive pronoun
(iii) subject pronoun 137

(iv) object pronoun

Question 11 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No
One Two Three Four Key Points/ Marks
syllable syllables syllables syllables
behind, 93
slack,mused Award 0.5 marks for
efforts, perfectly unhappily
lived each correct answer.
Question 12 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Key points/ Marks

Award 1 mark for each
correct sentence. 0.25
marks will be deducted for
Students will make their own sentences. 110
minor grammatical and
spelling and punctuation

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Question 13 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Key Points/ Marks

(i) five syllable word 138
(ii) neuter 93 01 mark for each
(iii) adverb of manner 123 correct answer.
(iv) northeast 130
Note: Deduct 0.25 marks for each grammatical, spelling and punctuation error (if any).
Question 14 (04 Marks)
Answer Key Points/ Marks
Award 01 mark for each correct
sentence. The sentence should do as
The students can make their own Page
per the level of class IV. Deduct 0.25
sentences. 101
marks for each grammatical, spelling
and punctuation error (if any).
Question 15 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Key Points/ Marks

Award 0.5 marks for each
unsuitable correct match. Deduct 0.5
incorrect marks for each incorrect
Question 16 (04 Marks)

Answer Page No Key Points/ Marks

(i) Ruth Pfau was born in Germany.
(ii) Ruth Pfau moved to Pakistan 143 Award 1 mark for
each correct
(iii) Ruth Pfau was a nice woman answer.
(iv) Ruth Pfau loves Germany.

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SECTION C (Marks: 18)
Question 17 (06 Marks)

Key points/ Marks

The students will describe the picture in their own words. Award 01 mark for each relevant,
grammatically correct, sensible and complete sentence. Deduct 0.25 marks for each
grammatical, spelling and punctuation error (if any).
The students will mention what scene is shown in the picture.
What is family doing?
What is mother doing and what the other children are doing.
Briefly explain the overall scene going on in the picture. (children are playing in a garden –
there are trees and grass in the ground, family is enjoying in the ground etc.)
Question 18 (06 Marks)

Key points/ Marks

• The students will be required to write the letter in proper pattern, address, date,
salutation, body and closing. Or
• Proper introduction and conclusion should be written.
Award 01 mark for each relevant, grammatically correct, sensible, logical and complete
sentence at par with the standard of class IV. Deduct 0.25 marks for each grammatical,
spelling and punctuation error (if any).
Question 18 (06 Marks)

S No Answers Marks Key points

(i) Leprosy is a disease that can damage nerves. 1
The nerve damage makes people with leprosy numb in
(ii) certain parts of their bodies, such as their fingers and toes. 1

Award 01 mark
for each correct
These body parts get injured repeatedly and, as a result,
(iii) 1 answer. Deduct
people with leprosy can end up losing them.
0.25 marks for
(iv) Leprosy can damage eyes, skin, and airways. 1 grammatical,
People who had the disease would be treated badly. They spelling and
would be sent away or locked up. Sometimes all the punctuation error
(v) people with leprosy in one region would be sent to live
1 (if any).
together with no one to look after them.
They could only survive by begging and with the help
(vi) of a few kind people. 1

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