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Time Prepositions Answers

A preposition is a word that tells you where something is or when something

• At refers to an exact time.
• On refers to days or dates.
• In refers to long periods of time or a part of the day.
Directions: Complete the sentences with the best-fit preposition (at, on, or in).
1. I go to school in the morning at 8:00 a.m.
2. I need to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to make it to school on time.
3. What do you like to do on the weekends?
4. I will finish my homework in one hour.
5. Labor Day is on the first Monday of September.
6. The bus leaves in five minutes, you better hurry!
7. I always brush my teeth in the morning and at night.
8. My birthday is in June.
9. I can’t wait to have a party on my birthday.
10. Cinderella had to leave the ball at midnight.
11. The shop is always closed on Mondays.
12. School is over when the bell rings at 3:00 p.m.
13. We need to leave in one hour.
14. I sleep late on the weekends.
15. My flight leaves at 5:00 p.m.


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