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This document, herein referred to as “the Agreement,” is made in the city of Baldur’s Gate, on the material
plane of Abeir-Toril, on the local date 14th of Alturiak, 1483 D.R., and entered into by

Tisiphone, Duchess of Hell’s Symphony, the Infernal Patron (hereinafter “the Patron”),


The being known as Wallace Hallwinter, the Mortal Signee (hereinafter “the Signee”),


WHEREAS, the Patron possesses the capability to endow the Signee with extraordinary talents and abilities,

WHEREAS, the Signee desires to receive such endowments, acknowledging the irrevocable nature of the

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the parties
agree as follows:

Article I: Grant of Powers

Section 1.01: Musical Talents

The Patron hereby grants the Signee unparalleled mastery over three musical instruments of his choice, perfect
pitch, and an exceptional singing voice.

Section 1.02: Magical Talents

The Patron bestows upon the Signee access to potent arcane spells, particularly those of Charm, Illusion, and
Enchantment, and any others at the Patron’s discretion.

Section 1.03: Fame and Fortune

The Signee shall attain significant fame, wealth, and influence within the mortal realm, facilitated by the Patron’s

Article II: Obligations of the Signee

Section 2.01: Loyalty

The Signee shall exhibit unwavering loyalty to the Patron, executing directives and advancing the Patron’s
interests within the mortal realm.

Section 2.02: Tasks

The Signee is obligated to perform tasks and missions as dictated by the Patron, employing granted talents to
extend the Patron’s influence.

Section 2.03: Secrecy

The Signee shall maintain the utmost secrecy regarding the Agreement, disclosing details only to individuals
expressly permitted by the Patron.
Section 2.04: Tribute

Whenever the Signee utilizes the granted talents or abilities provided by the Patron, or requests additional boons,
he shall grant to the Patron an item or sum of money of personal significance. The value of such tributes shall
be determined by the Signee, in such a way that they hold personal worth or sentiment to the Signee, and are
deemed acceptable by the Patron.

Article III: Terms of the Agreement

Section 3.01: Duration

This Agreement remains in effect for the Signee’s natural lifespan.

Section 3.02: Soul Forfeiture

Upon the Signee’s demise, the Patron claims the Signee’s soul, transporting it to the Infernal Plane for eternal

Article IV: Breach

Section 4.01: Breach

Any act of betrayal, refusal to perform required tasks, or attempt to nullify the Agreement results in immediate
forfeiture of the Signee’s soul and punitive measures determined by the Patron.

Section 4.02: Applicable law

This Agreement may be rescinded or amended only following the eternal law of Asmodeus, Lord of the First,
King of the Nine.

Article V: Benefits

Section 5.01: Immediacy

The Signee experiences immediate enhancement of musical and magical abilities upon signing.

Section 5.02: Protection

The Signee receives protection from lesser infernal and celestial entities, ensuring safety during service.

Article VI: Miscellanea

Section 6.01: Visibility

The Agreement remains visible and readable solely to the parties involved and those with infernal sight.

Section 6.02: Binding Nature

This Agreement is binding and enforceable across all realms, planes and demi-planes.

Section 6.03: Severability

If any provision is found unenforceable, the remaining provisions remain in full force and effect.

Section 6.04: Disciplinary Authority

The Patron reserves the right to bestow additional boons or curses upon the Signee at her discretion, reflective
of his service’s quality.

Section 6.05: Bond

The Signee’s soul is irrevocably bound to the Patron’s will, and any act of defiance will result in the immediate
and irrevocable forfeiture of the soul, along with those of his closest kin.

Section 6.06: Right of Counsel

The Signee may be summoned to the Infernal Plane for consultation and tasks at the Patron’s discretion, failure
to attend shall be deemed a breach. The Signee may summon the Patron, but failure or delay in attendance shall
not be deemed a breach of the Agreement.

Section 6.07: Acknowledgement

The Signee acknowledges full comprehension of the terms and irrevocable commitment upon signing. The
parties acknowledge that the contract is sealed with infernal magic, ensuring compliance and fulfillment.

Signed and sealed in blood

Tisiphone, the Duchess of Hell’s Symphony, the Infernal Patron

Wallace Hallwinter, the Mortal Signee

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