Dive Response - A Deep Dive Into The Mechanics of The Heart

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Dive Response: A Deep Dive Into the Mechanics of the Heart when Stressed


The three reflexes used in the diving reflex were analyzed through a series of trials and

factors such as temperature, apnea, and facial immersion were altered to see their effects of heart

rate on a participant. The trials were conducted in 30 second intervals and were done over a

bucket of water to stimulate an aquatic environment. Over the set of four experiments, the diving

reflex was analyzed to determine the biological process.


Through the evolution of tetrapods introduced breathing through the lungs which

provided a faster diffusion of oxygen into the blood system. Reversing the natural homeostatic

reflexes of mammals, the diving response consists of the bradycardia (slowing of the heart rate),

apnea (breath holding), and peripheral vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels) (BIOL

Prelab, 2023). Even if the heart rate is reduced, the body systems maintain sufficient blood flow

to maintain oxygen usage for a longer period of time. I predict that when the body is put under

water, the heart rate would decrease due to the body’s natural system to maintain homeostasis

and blood flow through the body.


“Fill the wash tub about ½ full with cool tap water and add ice until you reach a

temperature of 15˚C.” (BIOL Prelab, 2024). For each experiment, a volunteer was chosen to

conduct the following experiment. To ensure stable data, the experimental subject was standing

and bent over for all trials and experiments.

In the first experiment, the volunteer hovered over the water and their heart rate was

recorded for 30 seconds in two intervals for a “Air Breathing” trial. Then the volunteer was
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instructed to after a deep breath to submerge their face in the water enough for their cheeks to be

in water for a “Apnea in Cold Water” trial. The volunteer was not forced to remain submerged if

uncomfortable. Afterwards, a 10 minute recovery break was provided to return to normal


For the second experiment, the volunteer was instructed to abide by similar variables

such as a similar temperature of water and the position during the trials. Air breathing was done

by the volunteer’s face being over the tub and 30 seconds were started to monitor the pulse rate.

Apnea in air was conducted with the volunteer initially taking a breath and while over the water

tub, holding their breath for 30 seconds while their pulse rate is monitored. After a 10 minute

break for recovery, the volunteer was later asked to put on a snorkel and to submerge their face in

cold water and to continue breathing for a snorkel cold drive trial. After another 10 minute

recovery break, the volunteer was instructed to submerge their face in the cold water with the

snorkel and to hold their breath for 30 seconds, while recording their heart rate.

For the third experiment, the volunteer was asked to put a snorkel in their mouth and had

their face positioned over the tub for a snorkel breathing in air trial for 30 seconds over two

intervals. With the volunteer in the same position, their face submerged in cold water and was

recorded as a snorkel cold dive trial for 30 seconds and heart rate was recorded. The volunteer

was provided a 10 minute recovery break in which the temperature of the water to ensure

consistent results were recorded. The volunteer was then instructed to hover their face over the

tub of water and hold their breath for 30 seconds for an apnea in air trial. After a 10 minute

recovery break, the volunteer was instructed to take a deep breath and to submerge their face in

water and to hold their breath for 30 seconds for an apnea in cold water trial. The volunteer was
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given a 10 minute recovery break in which the volunteer was asked to submerge their face in

water and to hold their breath in room temperature water.

For the fourth experiment, the volunteer hovered their face over the water and over 30

seconds, the heart rate was calculated in which the volunteer breathed normally. Afterwards, a

room temperature gel pack was placed on the volunteer’s forehead and the pulse rate was

recorded with normal breathing for a room temperature gel pack in an air trial. After providing a

10 minute recovery break, a cold gel was placed on the volunteer’s forehead and pulse rate was

recorded with normal breathing for 30 seconds. After providing the test subject with a 10 minute

recovery break, the volunteer was instructed to have their face over a 22˚C warm water tub and

place a snorkel and to breathe normally for 30 seconds (the data was not recorded). The

volunteer then submerged their face in water for 30 seconds and was asked to hold their breath.

After a 10 minute recovery break, the same was conducted over cold water for an apnea in cold

water trial.


Figure 1.1
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In this experiment it is shown through aggregate values that there is not much difference

between air breathing and holding one’s breath in cold water in terms of heart rate. There could

have been confounding variables such as stress from the volunteer when their face was

submerged in water, the volunteer could have experience with swimming or holding their breath

underwater for long periods of time, or the water could have been cold.

Figure 1.2

The figure shows that the heart rate in the air was on average less than when in the cold

dive. During stressful situations, tachycardia occurs which shows they are struggling to breathe,

her veins were constricted as shown as the volunteer’s red face on her face after the activity.

This is probably due to the volunteer being afraid or stressed during the cold water submersion

trials. The body realizes that it is preferable to give blood to the heart than the other limbs, so the

peripheral limbs have constricted arteries to lower the supply of oxygen causing

vasoconstriction. Although the experiment is a good indicator of the diving response, there could
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be discrepancies due to the amount of water that the subject is submerged in. During the trial,

due to lack of ice, the volunteer had to continue with water that was slightly above 15˚C.

Figure 1.3

In the following graph, it suggests a different outcome than the previous graphs in which

apnea causes increased breathing. This could be due to when one holds their breath, they are

focussed and stressed on the task so it elevates heart rate, near the end of the breathing, the it

shows an increased stress to remain not breathing. If they analyzed the heart rate during the last

15 seconds, it could be inferred that the volunteer was nervous to conduct the experiment. For

the normal breathing, the heart rate decreased as it is not stressing the heart rate, however for the

last 15 seconds of the apnea in air the volunteer was probably stressed. If the experiment, could

be conducted longer or repeated with the same volunteer, there could have been results that

would explain results as such.

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Figure 1.4

In this experiment, it is suggested that snorkel breathing in the air gives less heart beats as cold

water decreases heart rate. This is due to the vasoconstriction previously mentioned which is due

to how it is more favorable for the heart to supply oxygen to the brain to maintain heat and to

conserve energy, the arteries supplying oxygen are constricted.

Figure 1.5
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In this trial, it reinforces the idea introduced in Figure 1.4, in which cold water/gel pack would

induce lower heart rate.


There are discrepancies from the experimental data and the results from the experiments.

However there are some conclusions that can be drawn, apnea does not affect heart rate

significantly as shown in two of the three experiments comparing the factor. Furthermore,

changes in temperature have been consistent in data, this is probably due to the lack of

confounding variables presented with the change of temperature. Although the inconsistencies

with the data, the data is a good example of other factors that could be present in the experiment.

Literature Cited

BIOL 112, Prelab, 2024

Panneton, W. M. (2013, September). The Mammalian Diving Response: An enigmatic reflex to

preserve life?. Physiology (Bethesda, Md.).

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