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Software Regression Testing in Industrial Settings: Preliminary Findings from

a Literature Review

Chapter · February 2022

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-96147-3_18


1 319

5 authors, including:

Raul H. Rosero Miranda Omar S. Gómez

Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo


Raúl Antonio Aguilar Vera César Pardo

Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Universidad del Cauca


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Software Regression Testing in Industrial Settings:
Preliminary Findings from a Literature Review

Raúl H. Rosero1[0000-0002-2315-9773], Omar S. Gómez1[0000-0002-2951-3833], Eduardo R. Villa1,

Raúl A. Aguilar3[0000-0002-1711-7016], and César J. Pardo2[0000-0002-6907-2905]
1GrIISoft Research Group, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba 060155,
2 Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Programa

de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías de la Informa-

ción (GTI), Popayán, Colombia
3 Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, Yucatán, México

Corresponding author email: rrosero@espoch.edu.ec

Abstract. In the professional field of software development, unit tests are often
used as a verification mechanism of the code produced. With the design and ex-
ecution of test cases, it is possible to verify new or modified code, as well as to
verify existing versions of it. In order to prevent new defects from spreading
over existing versions of the code, it is necessary to strategically re-run different
test cases. This activity is known as software regression testing and can consti-
tute a high percentage of the total cost of the verification process. Researchers
continuously are dealing with making software regression testing efficient. In
order to shed light on the application of software regression testing in industry,
this paper presents a literature review on different aspects of regression testing
applied in industrial settings. As a result, 40 primary studies that report the use
of regression testing in the industry were identified. We observe that the main
regression testing technique used is the selection of test cases followed by the
prioritization of them. The use of combinations of metrics based on coverage,
requirements, risk, defects, cost-efficiency searches is also observed.

Keywords: Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Industry, Software

Regression Testing, Software Verification, Literature Review.

1 Introduction

Software testing constitute an important element in the software development pro-

cess. It contributes to the quality of the software developed or maintained. A particu-
lar type of software testing approach is known as software regression testing, which
aim is to determine a subset of test cases that should be re-executed in order to check
either injection or propagation of defects [1].
During software development or production stages, the software product can be
modified for different reasons, such as the fix of existing defects or the addition of
new functionalities; being required the application of regression tests; activity that

according to reports can cost up to 80% of the budget of the software development
project or up to 50% of the maintenance budget [2,3].
The frequency and the moment at which a regression test is applied depends on the
development context. In traditional software development processes, regression test-
ing is run after changes are made, usually at night or before new versions of the prod-
uct are released [4]; on the other hand, in agile development processes, regression
testing is run every time the code is saved and compiled. In any case, the goal of a
regression test is to help ensure that new changes have not affected the behavior or
functionality of the software product.
Different regression testing approaches, as well as tools are documented in the lit-
erature. Examples of these approaches are prioritization, selection, or reduction of a
set of test cases to be executed by this testing approach. However, research on this
topic is still ongoing in industrial settings [5,6]. It is observed a major research in
academic contexts than industrial settings [5].
The main objective of this work is to present a global vision of the main software
regression testing approaches, metrics and indicators reported in the industry. For this,
the application of a literature review [7] is conducted. The rest of the document is
structured as follows: Section 2 presents the relevant aspects regarding software re-
gression testing. Section 3 presents the method used for conducting the literature re-
view; later, in Section 4, the report of the results is discussed. Finally, in Section 5
some conclusions are presented.

2 Overview of Software Regression Testing Approaches

At first glance, conducting regression testing consists in re-test (or re-execute) all
of the available test cases. However, following this approach is expensive and time-
consuming. In order to reduce the “retest all” approach, approaches such as minimiza-
tion, selection, prioritization and optimization have been proposed. Following, we
briefly describe each one of these approaches.

2.1 Regression by minimization

According to [8] and [9], the minimization or reduction consists in the elimination
of redundant test cases. It is defined as following: Given a test suite, P, a set of re-
quirements {r1, r2,….rn}, which must be satisfied to provide the “adequate” test of a
program, and subsets of P1, P2,…, Pn, associated with each of the rj's, such that any of
the pj's belonging to Pi, can be used to meet ri requirements. The problem focuses on
representatively determine a P' of test cases which is subset of P, and that satisfies all
the requirements ri of P.

2.2 Regression by selection

In this approach, the reduction also occurs permanently, but this strategy focuses
on the detection of the modified parts of a software program (code), which normally
works based on static white-box analysis. According to [10], given a program P, the

modified version of P, P' and a suite of tests T, the problem consists in determining a
subset of T, T', with which to test P'.

2.3 Regression by Prioritization

The objective of this approach [11] is to determine and to order a set of tests based
on a characteristic or property such as the ability to detect failures. Its main objective
is to find the ideal permutation of the sequence of test cases. Formally: Given a suite
of tests P, the set of permutations of P, PP and a function from PP to real numbers f:
PP → ℝ, then, find P' that belongs to PP, such that (∀P'') (P'' є PP) (P'' ≠ P') [f (P') ≥ f

2.4 Regression by Optimization

This strategy uses combinations of the aforementioned approaches. The use of

multi-objective optimization and artificial intelligence techniques are also used [12].
A thoroughly review of the mentioned approaches also the discussion of aspects
such as their implementation and domain can be found in [5].

3 Method

In order to examine evidence published in recent years on the subject of software

regression testing in industry and thereby characterize the information found, the
methodology proposed in [7] was used as a guideline.

3.1 Research questions

The purpose of a literature review is to bring together a set of existing knowledge,
in our case, concerning the application of software regression testing in the software
industry. Through posing a set of research questions, we aim to identify aspects as
well as factors of the regression testing approaches applied and evaluated in the soft-
ware industry. The questions posed for this literature review are as follows:

• RQ1 What software regression testing approaches are the most used in industry?
• RQ2 What software regression testing metrics are usually taken into account?
• RQ3 Under what process stage is regression testing usually applied?
• RQ4 In which software domains is regression testing applied?
• RQ5 At what level of verification is software regression testing applied?

3.2 Information sources

To obtain an expanded vision on this subject, different sources of information were

reviewed, including journals and conference proceedings on this subject [13]. Data-

bases such as: Scopus, Science Direct, Springer, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library
as well as Google Scholar were considered in the present review.
These databases cover publications within the software engineering field [14]. Un-
published work in progress was not considered due to quality issues (only peer re-
viewed publications were considered).

3.3 Searching criteria

The searching criteria used for this review includes different terminology, the
search string created for this review is as follows:

(“Software regression testing” OR “software regression test”) AND (industry OR

industrial) AND publication year between 1990 and 2020.

We considered works from 1990 to 2020 related to software regression testing in

industry. Another aspect was the language, in this case English was the only language
selected. The initial search returned a result of 480 documents.

3.4 Study selection process

Once executed the first filter by excluding documents with regards their tittle, we
selected 420 documents, in the second filter we discarded documents by their sum-
mary, selecting in this stage 320 documents. We proceeded to read the contents of
these documents, thus selecting 44 documents. We were not able to access the con-
tents of four papers, so we ended up with 40 documents as primary studies. The pri-
mary studies selected cover information of the factors of interest to our review such as
metrics, regression testing approaches, methods used, size of the software applications
and finally the industrial context where the software regression testing is applied.

3.5 Information extraction and synthesis

Using the described procedure, 40 primary studies were selected. These studies
show empirical approaches that consider software regression approaches by prioritiza-
tion, selection and optimization with different application methods. We examined
each of the primary studies with regards the research questions previously presented.
Concerning the software products used by the regression testing approaches reported,
we classified the size of the product as follows: small, medium, and large (S, M, L),
according to the number of lines of code: up to 10k lines of code (LOC) small, from
10k to 100k medium, and large software products greater than 100k. Those works that
did not consider this information were left from the sample.

4 Results

In this section, we briefly summarize the findings with regards each of the research
question previously defined. With regards RQ1 (What software regression testing

approaches are the most used in the industry?), it was observed that the test case se-
lection technique is the most commonly used (24 papers) [18-21,25-27,29,31,32,35-
37,40,41,43,45,47,48,50-54], followed by the prioritization technique (14 papers) [15-
17,22-24,28,30,34,39,43,45,47,50]. We observe that the approach that considers arti-
ficial intelligence methods such as data mining is the least used with 2 papers found
[32,39]. It is worth to mention that the minimization approach is not reported in the
primary studies we examined.
Regarding RQ2 (What software regression testing metrics are usually taken into
account?), we observe that efficiency by means of detecting software defects is the
most used metric with 23 papers [20-23,25,26,28, 30-32,34,36,37,39-43,47,49-51,53].
The second most used metric is the test case reduction metric with 8 papers [16,27,29,
35,36,40,44,48]. We also observe the reduction in execution time metric with 6 papers
[23,34,39,41,45,46]. Other metrics such as precision (4 papers) [34,36,38,40], classes
coverage, and based on requirements are also mentioned to be used.
With regards RQ3 (Under what process stage is regression testing usually ap-
plied?). We observe that software regression testing is mostly applied under a correc-
tive approach (software maintenance stage), with 22 papers [17,18,20,22,24,25,26,
28,29-32,36,38,39,43,44,47,53]. On the other hand, we found 17 papers [15,16,19,21,
23,27,34,35,37,40-44,48,49,54] mentioning to apply software regression testing under
a progressive approach (software development stage).
In the case of RQ4 (In which software domains is regression testing applied?), we
observe that software regression testing approaches have been applied mostly in the
context of information systems (17 papers) [15,21,23-25,28,32,35,36,41,43,45,46,48,
51,52,54] such as: healthcare services, commerce, resource management, finance.
Other application domains observed are telecommunications (10 papers) [16,20,
22,29,30,34,40,47,49,53], software development (web browsers development, 6 pa-
pers [24,25,26,29,32,40]) and Gaming with 4 papers [26,31,33,39]. We also observe
primary studies discussing regression testing in the context of real time systems such
as robotics and manufacturing (4 papers [17,18,19,42]).
Finally, for RQ5 (At what level of verification is software regression testing ap-
plied?), we observe that software regression testing is mainly used at unit testing level
(21 papers) [16,19-23,26,33,34,37,38,39-44,46,48,49,52], acceptance testing (17 pa-
pers) [15,17,18,24,25,27-31,35,36,45,50,51,53,54], and integration testing (2 papers)
[32, 47]. A summary of the aforementioned results is available in Table 1 of Annex

5 Conclusions

Secondary studies like the one here reported are subject to limitations, in this
sense, the findings of our review have limitations related to the research design, the
databases, and the applied bibliometric approaches. Concerning the research design,
the choice of primary studies is based on a searching string, which does reduce the
scope of the study. However, although increasing the number of keywords in the

search string may improve the sample’s scope, it also tends to add noise (irrelevant
documents) and makes the sample increasingly challenging from a practical perspec-
tive. However, the primary studies analyzed here correspond to a representative sam-
ple on the main subject here addressed. We also reviewed the literature beyond the
primary studies included in the analysis and integrated important references into the
literature review. Due to a literature review is a demanding endeavor, perhaps possi-
ble recent relevant papers may have been left out from our review.
Our findings show that the software regression testing most applied in industrial
settings is the selection of test cases (RQ1). The metric commonly used is the effi-
ciency in the detection of defects (RQ2). Regression testing is mainly applied in the
maintenance stage of the software process (RQ3). With regards to the application
domains, it is observed that medium-sized information systems are mostly used
(RQ4). Finally, unit tests are commonly used in software regression testing (RQ5).
With regards our previous research [5], where we observed that most of the soft-
ware regression testing approaches are mainly reported under an academic setting,
software regression testing in industry tends to use only a subset of the existing re-
gression testing approaches reported by the academia.


The authors thank the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, in particular to

the Faculty of Informatics and Electronics for their support in carrying out this work.
Also thank anonymous reviewers. César Pardo acknowledges the contribution of the
Universidad del Cauca, where he works as an associate professor.


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Annex A
Table 1. Characterization of the software regression testing approaches used in industry.
RT Verification
Ref. App. domain App. size Process stage Metric
Approach level
[15] Prioritization Acceptance Information system Medium Development RC
[16] Prioritization Unit testing Telecommunications Small Development TCRS
[17] Prioritization Acceptance Robotics Large Maintenance CR
[18] Selection Acceptance Manufacturing Large Maintenance ID
[19] Selection Unit testing Manufacturing Large Development CR
[20] Selection Unit testing Networking Large Maintenance DDE
[21] Selection Unit testing Information system Large Development DDE
[22] Prioritization Unit testing Networking Small Maintenance DDE
[23] Prioritization Unit testing Information system Medium Development DDE, ETR
[24] Prioritization Acceptance Information system Medium Maintenance TCS
[25] Selection Acceptance Information system Large Maintenance DDE
[26] Selection Unit testing Videoconference Medium Maintenance DDE
[27] Selection Acceptance Software testing tool Small Development TCRS
[28] Prioritization Acceptance Information system Medium Maintenance DDE
[29] Selection Acceptance Electronics Large Maintenance TCRS
[30] Prioritization Acceptance Networking Medium Maintenance DDE
[31] Selection Acceptance Gaming Medium Maintenance DDE
[32] Optimization Integration Information system Large Maintenance DDE
[33] Selection Unit testing Web browser Large Maintenance PC
[34] Prioritization Unit testing Telecommunications Small Development DDE, PR, ETR
[35] Selection Acceptance Information system Medium Development TCRS
[36] Selection Acceptance Information system Small Maintenance P, DDE, TCRS
[37] Selection Unit testing Software tool Medium Development DDE
[38] Selection Unit testing Software tool Large Maintenance P, R
[39] Prioritization Unit testing Entertainment Medium Maintenance ETR, DDE
[40] Optimization Unit testing Telecommunications Medium Development DDR, TCRS, P
[41] Selection Unit testing Information system Large Development DDR, ETR
[42] Selection Unit testing Electronics Large Development DDR
[43] Prioritization Unit testing Information system Medium Maintenance DDE
[44] Selection Unit testing Software tool Large Maintenance TCRS
[45] Prioritization Acceptance Information system Large Development ETR
[46] Selection Unit testing Information system Large Development DDR, ETR
[47] Prioritization Integration Telecommunications Large Maintenance DDE
[48] Selection Unit testing Information system Large Development TCRS
[49] Selection Unit testing Telecommunications Large Development DDE
[50] Prioritization Acceptance Software tools Small Maintenance DDE
[51] Selection Acceptance Information system Large Maintenance DDE
[52] Selection Unit testing Information system Large Maintenance CC
[53] Selection Acceptance Telecommunications Medium Maintenance DDE
[54] Selection Acceptance Information system Small Development ReqC
Terminology: TCRS (Test Case Suite Reduction), ETR (Execution Time Reduction), RC = (Risk Cover-
age), CR (Cost Reduction), CC (Class Coverage), PC (Partition Coverage), ReqC (Requirements coverage),
TCS (Test Case Similarity), DDE (Defect Detection Efficiency), (ID = Index of Diagnosability), DDR
(Defect Detection Reduction), P (Precision), R (Recall).

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