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In hindsight, a more detailed warning about the nature of Kartakass

would have been appropriate on my part, and for that slight, I can offer
only my sincerest of apologies.
The events in Emherst were no doubt unusual for you, but imagine the
surprise when the town’s actors—who are accustomed to occasionally
playing the part of the dearly departed—unexpectedly find themselves on
death’s door in a much more real and terminal sense.
Braving werewolf furriers, poisoned Meekulbrau, and an understudy
with a murderous streak is all in a day’s work, I guess.
In any case, Kabe insists that you “performed” admirably. They insisted
that I emphasize this. I can’t help but presume that the pun is intentional.

Yours in reason,
Alanik Ray

PS: The item that you found along the way is safe at my chateau should
you need of it in the future (choose one; line out the others):
o (4) Arrows +1
o Cloak of billowing
o Potion of healing
o Ghost Light*
*Ghost light functions as a lantern of revealing which is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. This ornate brass lantern is engraved
with ghostly images and faces twisted in horror. Each time you add 1 pint of oil to the lantern, three drops of blood from a
humanoid creature are also required to fuel it. While you possess the lantern, you are haunted by a minor poltergeist that
rearranges your pack, hides your socks, occasionally pelts you with small pebbles, and generally makes life annoying for you.

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DDRL-01 The Final Curtain (COPY EDIT DRAFT) 25

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