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Important things

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Fundamental Paper Education
Relationship: Oliver/Engel
Characters: Oliver, Engel - Character, Zip, Edward, Miss Circle, Claire, Alice
Additional Tags: LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, Gay Male Character, Gay Panic,
Gay Sex, Bisexual Male Character, headcanons, Fluff, Fluff and Smut,
AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, notcanon, rareship, Anal Sex, Sex
Toys, Public Sex, Love Bites, Moaning, im sorry
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-26 Updated: 2024-04-08 Words: 4,349 Chapters: 5/?
Important things
by Ya_Nicora_Epta


Oliver and Engel somehow became friends and began to spend time together very often.
They sat close to each other, walked during breaks, talked, even visited each other. And
together, they didn’t notice that they had become very close. Well, what if they find out that
they have feelings for each other?


“Just call out my name”

It was normal, maybe normal day in school. Everyone were doing their own things, and
someone were just playing. This time, Oliver,Zip and Edward wanted to make fun of Engel,
who was peacefully sitting and doing his homework. The band walk to the door, and start
— So, what do you think about it? — Zip asked, she was looking confident, with smile on
her face.

— About what? I just forgot . — Answer from Oliver, he smiled nervously, looking to
another direction.

— Phah!! About idea to make fun of Engel! The “perfect student”! — Edward did silly
noises, with funny face.

— Oh, yea, that’s… good idea! — The answer from Oliver was not confident. But the band
didn’t take it seriously.

They walked to the classroom, and looked at Engel, that was writing something in notebook.
They walked to him, and two of them smiled, Engel looked up at them, not understanding
what they want.

— Hello, Engel… What do you have here?… HOMEWORK?! HAHAHAHA!! you

studying your life?! Well, let me just- — Edward takes notebook and was getting ready to
tear it up, Engel stand up getting ready to take it from Edward’s hand. But Oliver stopped it.

— Enough!! — Oliver screamed, hitting Edward's hand, causing the notebook to fly off.

The band were shocked, Zip and Edward looked at Oliver, they were flabbergasted. When
Engel picked up notebook, he smiled softly looking at Oliver.

— We need to go, guys, leave him alone. — Oliver walked out of the room, and his band

— WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT OLIVER?! — Asked Zip, she was a litle mad at Oliver.

— YEA, DUDE, WHY DID YOU HELP HIM?! — Edward stomped his foot, looking at

— I just needed to end this, guys.… — Oliver removed some hair out of his face, looking
awkwardly at his friends.
— Ugh, okay, let’s just forget about it, we will have another days to do that. — Zip said,
looking angrily in the other direction, she was definitely thinking about it.

— Yes, you’re right Zip. Let’s go somewhere else, because this situation making me to blow.
— Edward exhales, and the Band goes somewhere.

At the end of the day, lessons ends.

Oliver takes his backpack, and walks out of classroom. He was going to exit the school, but
someone stopped him, it was Engel.

- Wait!! Oliver!! - Engel screamed behind Oliver, he was running to him.

Oliver stands, and moves to another side, when Engel finally gets to him. Engel takes a deep
breath, drawing air into his lungs.

— I wanted to thank you, to helping me… — Engel smiles softly, looking at Oliver.

Oliver looked at Engel’s eyes, and smile, this smile, is so soft… so unforgettable… and his
eyes… is beautiful. It makes Oliver smiling too, it really makes him happy, he looked
nervously to another side, with nervous smile, the small blush appeared on his face.

— Yeah, no problem… You better keep your items from my friends, or they will never leave
you alone. But, if you need help.… — He looks at Engel, that was still looking at him. —
Just call out my name, I’ll be there. — Some blush appeared on Engel’s face too, he was still

- Thank you Oliver, you really make a good impression on me, now I’m sure you’re good
boy, see you tomorrow! - Engel screamed softly, running to the exit, but Oliver was still
standing at one place, thinking about Engel’s words, he walked slowly to exit, and leaves
The butterflies.
Chapter Notes

Oh, I forgot to tell that Everyone in my AU is alive, even Claire.

It was free time, all students were doing everything they want.
Oliver and his band were making fun of students in the library, Oliver was just standing and
looking at what Zip and Edward doing, but sometimes he was laughing too. After 5 minutes,
he hear “pss” behind him, and turns to another side to look who called him.He noticed Joyful
Engel behind the bookcase, and quietly ran to him when he came up to hear what Engel
wanted to tell him. He saw Engel's friend, Claire, she was also smiling.

— Hello Oliver, Oh, I told Claire that you’re my friend now! She was so happy about news
that you helped me that time! — Happily said Engel, softly smiling as time when Oliver
helped him.

— Yes! You did a good impression on me too! — Said Claire, giggling.

— O-oh, no problem! I just, knew that they need to stop. — Answered Oliver, nervously
smiling, he laughed a litle.

Soon, Oliver heard that his friends walked to him, Zip and Edward smiled, and laughed
loudly, standing next to Oliver.

— Oliver, why are you talking with those LOSERS?! — Asked Edward laughing, he looked
so confident at this moment.

Oliver exhales, he wished he never felt this moment, he would rather die, because all he
could do, it’s just say something, but it will never stop his friends from making fun of Engel
and Claire.

— Yes, they are not as cool as Us!! — Zip smiled, she was getting ready to beat them up,
even with paper.

Oliver turned to them, and stood in front of the guys while Engel and Claire looked on in

— Enough is Enough!! You can’t laught at them, but you can laugh at the others! But if you
will laught at Engel… and his friends… — Oliver looked at Engel, and then looked at Claire,
he just wants to look cool in front of Engel, he takes a deep breath and looks back at Zip and
Edward. — Then, y’all will be on their place. — He was looking mad, his band were
shocked, but then they decided to walk somewhere else, laughing nervously.
Oliver looked at Engel and Claire, and they hugged him, he was shocked at first minutes,
standing straight, without any movement. But then he smiled, and hugged them back, that
was so sweet of themselves, he never felt that… Engel softly pulled back with Claire.

— Oh, Oliver, what a sweet boy… — Engel looked at Oliver, the smile wouldn’t stop
showing at their faces, Oliver wished for that moment never end, this is how real friends act,
not any bullying. Yes, Zip, she is his friend , and Edward too, but they never hugged him, and
they could betray him at any moment. He was feeling lucky, now, he was thinking, what if he
started to feel something for Engel…

Just imagine, a perfect student, with good taste and great knowledge. With good behavior…
Beautiful appearance, beautiful laugh, slim figure... It’s perfect… boyfriend? Well, why not?
But first, he need to think about other relationship, with Alice… What she will say about
that? Will she be angry about that? Because, Oliver liked her too, but now he thinks that he
have something else to Engel, something soft, and fluff, like… good relationship. He have a
chance, he will use it.
After five minutes with that soft hugs, bell rang, Oliver pushes them, and looks at time, oh
no! It’s math lesson! Miss circle would get angry at him if he will be late for class.

— Ah! It’s time! Let’s go guys! — He takes their hands, and runs as fast as he can, and
luckily they are not late for class.

They in class, and sat at their places, breathing heavily, and looking at teacher. Miss circle
turns around, and looked at them.

— Well well, guess you’re lucky today, right on time! — She smiles, and starts to write
something on board, while Class are watching her.

After 20 minutes of lesson. (HAHAHASHSJS lesson ends after 30 minutes! I guess…)

— Such a boring lesson… — Thought Oliver, just looking at the window, and touching the
table, because of tiredness.

— Well, uninspired lesson… Isn’t it? — Engel laughs, looking at Oliver.

Oliver looked at him awkwardly, he smiles too.

— Well, yea… I wish this lesson will end soon… — Oliver exhales, looking at Engels eyes.

— Me either.… — Engel was still smiling. — And, what’s so interesting in my eyes? Oliver?
— Asked Engel, giggling softly.

Oliver straightened his back, coughing and looking in the other direction. Blush appeared on
his face, he was feeling clumsy for looking into his eyes.
— Well, your eyes are beautiful too, Oliver. — Said Engel, looking at the other direction, he
just wasn’t copying Oliver, he felt a litle awkward too. This words are were spoken by
accident, out of mind. He blushed too, then he looked at Oliver.

— I wish to touch his hand, like in movie… — thought Oliver, raising his hand to Engel’s
hand, he almost put his hand on Engels. But then bell rings. All students were packing their
backpacks. Oliver takes his hand back, blushing. He takes his backpack, runs to the exit from
the class, he opens the doors and runs to the exit, this time it was sunset outside. He ran to the
exit and heard footsteps behind him.

— Wait for me Oliver!! — Screamed Engel, he walked toward him, taking Oliver hands in
his hands . He was Smiling , and looking deep into Oliver’s eyes. — Would you like to…
take a walk with me? Oliver? — Engel asked, with soft smile on his face, Oliver couldn’t say
no, he blushed.

— Of course! E-Engel! Let’s go!… — Oliver takes Engel’s hand, and runs to garden, running
with Engel.

They were running, and laughing, Oliver felt butterflies in his stomach, he felt this moment
correctly, he knew, that he have feelings for Engel. They were next to someone house, and at
this moment they stopped. Oliver would like to tell about his feelings, but Engel had another
words, he giggled, looking at Oliver.

— Well, it’s my house, thank you for leading me here, thank you for taking walk with me,
Oliver. See you next time! — Engel hugged Oliver, and then softly pushes away.
Oliver was standing smiling, and then went to his house.
Deep Breath, and…
Chapter Notes

Idk what his parents look like, and who they are, so I will just write them as mom and

Weekend, early morning, the sunrise outside, birds are chirping and flying, wind is softly

Oliver is still sleeping, because weekends is the only day when all students can sleep as much
as they want. Engel is sleeping too, and he having dream, where he was talking softly with
Oliver, strange, isn’t it?
The Sun is going up and up, until it’s in the sky. The sunlight shines, and it goes through
Oliver’s window, it wakes him up. Sleepy Oliver slowly opens his sleepy eyes, and yawns.
He tries to wake up, and stands up opening the curtains. The sunny view makes him smile, he
walks to bed again, and sits on it, taking bottle of water, taking a sip. After five minute his
mom walks to room, wishing good morning to him, and telling him that breakfast is ready.
She walks out of the room, and Oliver goes after his mom.

At the kitchen, his dad is lovely waiting for him to sit at the table, to enjoy delicious meal,
that they made him. Oliver sits, and starts to eat the breakfast, sometimes drinking milk.
After he done his meal, he thanked his parents, and walks to his room, to put on other clothes,
after he puts it on. He runs to his parents to ask something.

— Mom,Dad, can I go for a walk? I will take my phone with me, I promise I will be careful.
— Asked Oliver, looking at his Parents.

— Of course darling, but don’t forget to come before lunch, because you need to eat. —
Answers his mom, with soft smile.

— Thank you mommy, thank you dad! — he walks to them, to hug, his mom kisses him
softly on the forehead.

with gentle smile, he walks out of home, closing door. Oliver was living in small town, with
small houses, and place is peaceful enough, but Oliver’s mom is anxious about situations, so
she telling him to take his phone with him. Oliver walks looking around, he almost forget
about yesterday situation with Engel, until he sees him, Engel is living in the same town?!
Engel is happily taking a walk, and after one second, when he looks to another direction he
notices Oliver too, he smiles and runs to Oliver, at that time Oliver is extremely nervous and
anxious, his heartbeat is racing so fast, like it’s running more then Engel. Oliver just stands at
one position, and looks somewhere straight. Until Engel hugs Oliver tightly, Oliver blinks
and hugs him too, with soft smile and blush.

Oliver wasn’t thinking about everything else, he was enjoying hug.

— Oh Oliver!! That’s so happy that we live in the same town!! We will spend time
together!! Don’t we?? — Engel hugs him more tightly, he was breathing heavily but next to
Oliver’s ear, that make Oliver embarrassed a litle.

Goosebumps run through Oliver's body, and he smiles even more awkwardly.

— Uh-huh…) — all he can answer to that.

— We will walk and talk together, play games, maybe you can even visit me at my home, and
I can visit you at yours! — Continued Engel, softly pulling away, and looking at Oliver.

— MhM)).… — Oliver still Loking at the same direction, with the same silly smile, and

— Oh… Silly Boy, you make me blush. — Engel blushes a litle, as he understands that
Oliver enjoys hugs and listening to Engel’s words and Voice.

Oliver realizes, and blinks, he kind of wakes up in reality, and blushes like tomato, looking at

— Wha-What?! What’s wrong?! — Asked Oliver, jumping a litle, he looks at Engel, while
his friend giggles softly.

— Everything okay, don’t worry, Oliver. — Softly speaks Engel, looking somewhere else.

— Oh, O-okay then, ahem… Engel… I-… — Oliver speaks, he wants to ask Engel.

Engel blinks, and looks at Oliver, interested in what Oliver will say, Oliver looks nervously in
mix with anxious, and worried, Oliver blushes even more, it makes him feel uneasy about
this question. He, alone with his friend, that he have Feelings too, they are alone standing. He
better not lose this moment.

— I… Uh… I-I… T-th-think… t… t… that… - Oliver tries to speak, but he can’t, anxiety is
full inside of him. Now, his face is like tomato, he breaths heavily, taking a deep breaths
every time, he squeezes his hands together, with his eyes closed.
— I think… t-that… I-… — He opens his eyes, Engel looks like he says “Go ahead, say it.”
With his look on his face. Engel smiles softly, stil looking at his Oliver. It makes Oliver even
more and more anxious, so he just couldn’t say that.

— I can’t say that!! — Oliver runs to his home, as Engel screams.

— Wait!! Oliver!! You can do it!! Wait!! — Engel runs to him, and puts one tiny paper in
Oliver’s pocket, until Oliver reaches his home, and walks in closing door, Engel smiles softly,
and walks to his home too, thinking, what would Oliver will do.
Engel social media…
Chapter Notes

Get ready for something special)))……

See the end of the chapter for more notes

As Oliver get home, the lunch was ready, and he dresses up in house clothes, and goes to

— So, how was your walk? — Asks Oliver’s mom, she was curious.

— It was… great. - answers Oliver, while eating soup.

— Great. By the way, who’s was that boy? Your classmate? — Dad smiles while asking this.

— He… he is my friend… — Oliver feels a litle uncomfortable in this situation, he knew that
he have feelings for Engel, but couldn’t say that he is his crush in front of his parents.

— What a sweet boy, he treats you well. — Oliver’s mom sat in front him, looking at Oliver.

Oliver blushes, and finishes eating, he gets up and goes to his room, unpacking his bag, he
notices that paper that Engel leaved.
He takes out it, and reads. There was Engels number and litle text “call me maybe”. Oliver
looks at it, and decides to text him

Oliver takes his phone, and founds Engels number. Great, all he need to do, is text him. But
feelings getting stronger and more powerful, his heartbeat is faster as always when he meets
him. He can’t forget Engel’s smile,laugh. He cliks at message button, and starts to text him.

Hello Engel, it’s Oliver. I found your paper, and decided to write you. So… I
wanted to ask you… How about met on Friday at 15:30 o’clock? Text me.

Oliver puts his phone down, and lays on bed, thinking about it. He smiles softly, while
looking at walls, all he thought it’s the moment when they will lay down together on grass,
and he can confess about his feelings. Sounds easy, right? Well, not for him, he is shy boy for
Engel. He was more confident with Alice, wait… Alice?! What he will say to her? It’s hard,
really really hard, but he will find way to make it. He didn’t noticed how he felt asleep,
closing eyes.

Oliver wakes up by phone vibration, he slowly opened his eyes, and picks up phone, looking
at message.

Great, I’ll be happy to see you sweet boy, I’m so excited to wait till next Friday! See
you on Monday!

It was Engel, he wrote that, Oliver blushes. The nickname that Engel gave him makes
Oliver flustered, he hugs phone, with smile on his face. Then he click on Engels profile,
and notices link on social media, he click on it too, because he was too curious. When
social media started, he sees Engels posts. By clicking on them, some of them were…
kinda interesting.… Oliver even more blushes, and starts panicking, by accident
clicking on like button, when he saw it, he screamed and deleted like, that was relief to
him, but he didn’t knew that Engels saw it. Oliver continued watching photos from one
to another, they were different. By every photo, Oliver felt butterflies in his stomach,
and one different feeling, below the stomach. This feeling was strange, he never felt
that. When he looks down, he notices… that he have erection… He blushes even more
putting down the phone. Enough photos for today… He was confused by that, and he
have only one choice, he need to stop it. He slowly unzips his pants, and frees his dick.
Having smeared drool on his hand, he slowly puts his hand on the penis and begins to
move it down and up, gradually increasing the speed and then slowing it down. It’s
kinda… great to feel, he smiles a litle, increasing the speed. After 20 minutes, he was
doing it as fast as he can, he moans quietly, but sometimes too loud, and at one moment
he cums on his hand. He exhales, taking breath, he stands up and goes to bathroom. He
washes his hands, and taking off clothes he takes shower, and then brushes his teeth. He
went back to bedroom, and goes to bed.

Chapter End Notes

The sunset, just the two of us.

It’s already Friday, maybe, for all students it was a ordinary school week, but not for Oliver,
at this day he had a lot to do, especially with Alice and Engel. It was free time after lessons,
and Oliver was having a lot free time to do all of that, and what he going to do is tell Alice
about one thing, that he is so nervous about. He was walking in hallway, and thinking what to

“Damn, what I gonna do?? What I gonna do?!?” Was in Oliver’s head, while he was walking,
he by accident met his band, Edward and Zip.

— Hello bro! Hah! Why are you so nervous? — Asked Zip, she punched him in the back.

— Huh! W-why?? Well, I got something to tell Alice, that’s why. — Answered Oliver,
looking to another side, he was feeling extra nervous, this questions making him more
anxious. This damn questions.

— Well, we’re wishing you luck, yea Edward? - With sly smile said Zip, she was telling it
with sarcasm.

— Yea, bro, rest in peace. - Said Edward, he was looking like he knew that Alice would kill

Oliver growled, This damn friends making him angry, the fuck they decided to make fun of
him?! He is the main!!

— SHUT THE FUCK UP!! — Screamed Oliver, at all hallway, everyone were looking at
him, but he don’t give a fuck.

— You two, be careful while listening me. I am the main, who made this group, and you two,
just litle shit, who tryna to laugh at me, and make fun of leader?! But I’m warning y’all , if
you will not listen to me and shush right now, by stopping doing that.
I.WILL.RIP.Y’ALL.OFF. — Oliver was grabbing his pencil hand, with sharp teeth’s.
Edward and Zip took two steps back, and ran from Oliver, while Oliver was breathing
heavily because of anger. He took deep breath, and continued walking to Alice’s room, before
he came to that door. He knocked, and after two minutes, Alice opened the door.

— Oh, It’s you Oliver. Go ahead, come inside sweetheart. — Said Alice with smile, Oliver
walks into her room, and Alice’s noticed that Oliver was shaking.

— What’s wrong Oli? — Asked Alice, she walked towards him.

— A-Alice, I need to tell you something. — Said Oliver, getting ready to die.

— Well, then say it. Say to me. What’s that? What’s wrong? — Alice became looking a litle

This damn words, what Oliver was thinking about, they like ran out of his mind, at this

— Alice, I-I… — Said Oliver, he closed his eyes, he was scared, he felt that Alice was
looking at him, with questionable look at his face, the pause, silence.

— Alice, we… — He opened his eyes, and took a deep breath. “ Be cool Oliver, Be cool!
Like last time! “ — We need to break up.— finally! He said that! With confidence in his
voice, he looks at Alice. Alice gasped, raising both hands a little up, it felt like her heart was
really breaking, did Oliver really have to say this to her?!


TO EAT?!!! — She sounds crazy and angry at that moment, but with litle sadness.

— Not me, I’m sorry. But I have feelings for another person. —

— Well, seriously I don’t give a damn about that, I just need to tell, GET OUT OF MY
ROOM!!!!!! — Screamed Alice by running to him, Oliver takes step to another side, causing
Alice to hit the wall by her head at full speed. She fell and from her side was heard loud
scream of pain, while at her head were blood. Oliver was little sad about all that situation, but
he had no choice.

— Sorry Alice, but I need to go. Good bye. — Oliver walked out of Alice’s room closing the
door. And after he leaved, Alice screamed again, but Oliver was having one thing in his
mind, that he have a meeting today, with Engel. He cannot believe that this day is already
here, but it’s change to tell Engel about his feelings. He takes a deep breath, and hears a
school ring bells, he runned to class, and sits at his place.


Oliver is walking out of his home, to meet Engel, he was a litle anxious. And started to walk
to that place, where they gonna met. While he was walking, he noticed pretty flower, like
Engel, he reaches down, snatching it away. And bringing it closer to his face, he inhaled the
delicious smell. He smiles softly, the memories about Engel makes butterflies alive in
Oliver’s stomach. Oliver stood calmly until he felt someone gently and sharply take him by
the shoulders, covering his eyes with their palms with a gentle chuckle.

— Guess who! — Happy and soft voice, Oliver chuckled too.

— Is this Claire?? oh! Oh! Maybe Abbie!! Oh wait! Engel!! — Oliver laughed with Engel,
while Engel takes hands back.

— You’re so funny!! — Said Engel, with soft smile, and happiness in his eyes. — Finally this
day came, and I’m with you… — Engel smiled more, Oliver blushes a litle, and giggles a
litle with nervous smile.

— Yea, I’m sure you will like one view, but first… catch me! — Oliver started running, and
Engel after him, they were laughing, and running at glade.

After 20 minutes, it was sunset, and the crickets began to cricket. Oliver stopped with Engel,
and turns his head to Engel, while Engel too.

—Well, I’ve waited for that moment. Come on, take my hand. — Oliver extended his hand to
Engel, and Engel took his hand. They runned to up the hill, and sat on grass. The sunset was
beautiful, and boys are finally alone, this moment needs to never end. Oliver takes a deep
breath, while blush in his face appears more. Engels blushes too.

— Well, since we’re here, and it’s already this moment, I want to tell you… — Oliver closes
his eyes a little, raising his head and looking at the first star. While Engel was looking at the
sun that were coming down.

Silence, Engel looked at Oliver, and Oliver looked at Engel, they were two blushing more.

— No, I AM need to tell you something, Oliver. And its important. — Engel looks at the
other side.

— Then, let’s say it together. — Said Oliver, with smile.

Engel looked at Oliver, they both smiled at the same time.

— I feel drawn to you. — They both said that.

Oliver jumped a litle by surprise, he blushes like a tomato, while Engels laughed softly,
taking Oliver’s cheek by his hand.

— Well, since we have the same feeling, I think we’re boyfriends now, let me do something. —
Engels pushes his head toward Oliver’s head, and they’re lips is touching each other, making
smooch. Oliver was shocked, his eyes opened more, while his heart was beating as fast as it
can. He closed his eyes again a litle, taking softly Engels hand, and kissing him too. Engels
lips were soft as marshmallow, and his hand too. They were kising softly, after one minute
they leans back. Stoping the kiss.

— Whoa, you’re a good kisser — Said Oliver with smile, Engel chuckled.

— Then let’s kiss again! — Oliver kissed Engels again, but more passionately. While Engel
were breathing heavily. Again, again, and again. One more kiss, but at this time with tongues
touching, Oliver would like this moment least forever. He liked Engel so much, he need him,
he want him, he remembered the day when he were doing one thing with Engels photos. But
first, they need to get more relationship, and then they can do, something fun.…
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