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Accessing your higher self

Emotions to deal with:

 Stressed
 “What’s the point”
 Depressed
 Low mood
What to do:
 Random act of kindness
 Looking after a plant
 Looking after a pet

Self-Love / care
Emotions to deal with:
 Feeling of guilt
 Feeling of shame
What to do:
 Make your bed
 Make yourself a nice meal
 Take a shower or bath
 Buy a small treat

Emotions to deal with:
 Anger
 Fear
 Uncontrollable emotions
What to do:
 Box breathing
 Physiological sigh (breath in big and then a tiny bit more)
 5 senses (See, touch, hear, smell and taste)

Emotional release
Emotions to deal with:
 Strong emotions like anger or fear
 Help release pressure.
What to do:
 Cry
 Exercise
 Watching a funny movie (laugh)
 Yell into a pillow
 Ice showers
Thought challenge
Emotions to deal with:
 Confusing thoughts (negative ones)
What to do:
 Write in a journal (put down your negative thoughts and then write down what someone who
loves you would say.)
 Talk it through with a trusted adult.
Emotions to deal with:
 Giving your heart, mind a break from strong feelings.
What to do:
 Draw
 Do some art.
 Play a game.
 Listen or play a music

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