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E- Mail Writing

1. Subject Line:
● Make it clear and concise.
● Summarize the purpose of the email.
● Example: "Meeting Reminder: May 30, 2024"
2. Salutation:
● Start with a formal greeting.
● Use the recipient's name if known.
● If unsure, use a general greeting like "Dear [Recipient]" or "Hello".
3. Opening:
● Begin with a polite opener.
● State the reason for your email.
● Example: "I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to..."
4. Body:
● Organize your thoughts logically.
● Keep paragraphs short and focused.
● Provide necessary details and context.
● Be clear and concise.
● Use bullet points or numbered lists for clarity if needed.
● Use proper grammar and punctuation.
5. Closing:
● Thank the recipient for their time or consideration.
● Provide any necessary follow-up actions or information.
● Example: "Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know
if you need any further information."
6. Sign-off:
● Choose a professional sign-off based on the context and your relationship
with the recipient.
● Examples: "Sincerely," "Best regards," "Kind regards," etc.
7. Signature:
● Include your full name.
● Optionally, include your job title, company name, and contact information.
8. Attachments:
● If you're attaching files, mention them in the body of the email.
● Double-check that you've attached the correct files before sending.
9. Proofread:
● Before sending, proofread your email for any typos or errors.
● Ensure that all links and attachments are working correctly.
10. Send:
● Once you're satisfied with your email, send it to the recipient.
E- MAIL Writing Format

[Your Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Company/Organization (if applicable)]

[Your Contact Information (optional)]


[Recipient's Name (if known)]

[Recipient's Position/Title (if applicable)]

[Recipient's Company/Organization (if applicable)]

Subject: [Brief and Clear Summary of the Email]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

[Opening Greeting/Statement]

[Body of the Email: - Clearly state the purpose or reason for the
email. - Provide necessary details, information, or context. - Use
bullet points or numbered lists for clarity if needed. - Keep
paragraphs short and focused.]

[Closing Statement: - Thank the recipient for their time,

consideration, or assistance. - Mention any follow-up actions or
information if necessary.]

[Closing Salutation],

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Company/Organization (if applicable)]

[Your Contact Information (optional)]

[Attachments (if any)]

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