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TV Programs Affect Children

Children love cartoons, and they can sit for hours watching them. For this reason, Sunday
Morning television offers one cartoon program after another. However, given the age of the
viewing audience, these programs communicate a disturbing message : they suggest that the
world is one big battlefield with warfare which is the primary activity of humans and aliens
alike. In cartoon after cartoon, animated characters shoot, boom, and blow one another up. The
message is that warfare is fun, without any serious or damaging effects. And the message is
further reinforced by the commercials interruptions which are designed to sell everything from
play tanks to toy grenades.


1. The main idea of this paragraph is __________

a. Children love cartoons on Sunday mornings.
b. Cartoons give children a mistake view of the world.
c. Children spend too much time watching cartoon.
d. Television offers too many cartoons.
e. Children love the animated characters in cartoons.

2. From the paragraph we can conclude that the writer _________

a. Is concerned about the effect of all TV programs on children.
b. Object to the violence shown in cartoon films.
c. Thinks that too many commercials interrupt television programs.
d. Is worried about the warfare that is going on in the world.
e. Suggest that children should not be allowed to watch television.

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