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Bismillahhirrahmannirahim, thank you to Mr/Mrs Tutor for the questions given in this
discussion, please allow me to submit a revised answer so it can be reviewed

1. Informal English is common in everyday conversations, texting, social media, and casual
writing. Formal English is used in academic writing, business communication, official
documents, and professional settings.

It's important to learn both informal and formal English for several reasons:
- Communication versatility: Being proficient in both forms allows me to adapt my language to
different situations and audiences. Whether chatting with friends or writing a professional email,
i can communicate effectively.

- Social interaction: Informal English is crucial for building rapport and connecting with others
in casual settings, while formal English is necessary for conveying respect and professionalism
in formal situations.

- Academic and professional success: In academic and professional contexts, mastery of formal
English is essential for writing reports, essays, resumes, and presentations. It demonstrates
professionalism and attention to detail.

2. I think point A informal social interaction and point B is formal for academic and professional
A uses the sentence "Sorry" to express regret, where Sorry is usually used for people who use
informal language, and other examples are "Also", "But", and "So".
Meanwhile, B uses more standard sentences or word choices in writing his sentences like
"Additionally", "However", and "Therefore"

3. Slang is language used by a specific subgroup, a colloquialism is a word or expression used in

a certain region or time period,

Slang :
1. "Bro, I'm just going to chill at home tonight. "
2. "That's a really cool shirt bro"

Colloquialism :
1. “Mom, I want to go to Bandung for Eid al-Fitr, please pray for me”
2. “Annisa, I wanna marry u”

That is my revised answer, thank you to Mr/Mrs Tutor for your willingness to review my answer
Source reference :
-BMP MKWI4201 Modul halaman 1.14
-Linguistic Community Service Journal │ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

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