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Oleh :
1. Ari Sihabun Maulana (B1B021031)
2. Patuan Lineker Sinurat (B1B021017)
Bacterial wilt disease in potato plants is caused by the bacteria Ralstonia
solanacearum. This disease is transmitted through water. The initial
symptom is that the plant wilts, starting from the shoots spreading to the
bottom of the plant until all the leaves wilt and finally the plant dies.
Diseases develop rapidly in the rainy season.

Bacterial wilt disease in potato plants is caused by the bacteria Ralstonia

solanacearum. This disease can reduce yield losses in potato plants,
especially in the seedling phase..

What is the mechanism of transmission of Ralstonia

solanacearum bacteria in potato plants?

What symptoms does Ralstonia solanacearum bacterial
infection cause on potato plants?

Why does bacterial wilt disease in potato plants develop

more rapidly in the rainy season, and what influence do
weather conditions have on its spread?

What are effective methods to control the spread of
Ralstonia solanacearum bacterial wilt disease in potato
symptoms of
Main Symptoms
Sudden wilting of plants, usually during hot weather.
Yellowing of the lower leaves which then spreads
Stem rot is usually visible from the bottom of the
A milky white bacterial exudate may appear when the
stem is cut and pressed.
secondary symptoms
There are brown to yellow spots on the vascular tissue
when the stem is cut lengthwise.
Infected potato tubers show soft rot with foul-
smelling mucus.
Bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum
Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterial pathogen
that attacks the vascular system of plants,
causing wilting and death.
Gram negative.
Stem shape
Moves using polar flagella.
Tolerant of diverse environmental conditions.
Mechanism of transmission of Ralstonia
solanacearum bacteria in potato plants
The bacteria can survive in the soil for years, especially in the
1 remains of previously infected plants, and then infect the roots of new
potato plants planted in the field, this is known as soil-borne infection.

Spread can also occur mechanically through contaminated

2 agricultural tools or through cuttings from infected plants, where the
bacteria are transferred from one plant to another.
Mechanism of transmission of Ralstonia
solanacearum bacteria in potato plants
The bacteria can spread through contaminated irrigation water or surface
3 runoff, where the bacteria enter plant tissue through wounds or natural
holes in the roots or stems, which are the main entry points for infection.

Spread through infected cuttings: The use of cuttings from infected

4 potato plants as propagation material has been shown to be one of
the main transmission routes of this disease.
Bab 2

Symptoms does Ralstonia solanacearum

bacterial infection cause on potato plants
Ralstonia solanacearum bacterial infection in potato plants can cause
distinctive and devastating symptoms, starting with wilting of the leaves which
appear hanging even though there is sufficient ground water availability, this
is caused by damage to the xylem vascular tissue due to the activity of
enzymes and toxins produced by the bacteria, thereby inhibiting water
transport. to the leaves.
The Ralstonia solanacearum bacteria spreads mainly through water during the rainy
season with high humidity. This supportive environment accelerates the growth and
spread of bacteria in agricultural land.
1 3 This bacteria causes the main symptom in the form of wilting of potato plants from
the top to the bottom. Secondary symptoms include discoloration and rotting of the
stems and roots, which indicates a serious infection.
Early symptoms of infection in potato plants include wilting of the plant, which can
be observed especially at high temperatures and then progresses to permanent
To control the spread of this disease, several effective methods include good water
management to avoid stagnation, crop rotation with non-host crops, use of resistant
potato varieties, land sanitation, and use of biological agents to suppress bacterial
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