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SAP - SF - methodology - SAP Activate

Prepare Phase - Upper management project discussion

Explore Phase (Reqirement gathering) - Certified consult will go to clientand

finalize requreimtns

Realize - System Ready and do configurations (side by side)

Deploy & Run - Configuration Servers DEV Data -> QAS (Testing) -> PRD(Live Data)
(3 types of servers in sap 1. Development - DEV (Developemnt), 2. Qaulity Assurance
- QAS (Testing Purpse), 3. Production - PRD (Live data) )

SUccessfactors - Use Agile Software Life Cycle

Agile - doing work parts by parts (1. you Done some work and go to client and show
the system (Sprint Sessions)

Project - 6 months - 3

Two Systems SF - 1. provoisioning 15 % (certified consultant access enabling

switches - activations all kind (languges, modules, instance system) ) ,
2. instance 85 % (system all configurations)

Employee Central - EC - Hire to Retire Cycle (Employee Data / Activities from

joininng till the end day)

Performance & Goal managemnt - PMGM (Digitalize apprasial process) - Employee

perforamcne and goals

SF - Modules - 10 Modules (Every module is linked and integarted to others by


SF - categorize two - Core module (Employee Central) rest modules talent modules

introduction to mastery - Core building Block of All SF

MDF - Meta Data Framework - Customoizating things up to customer needs

right now - MDF objects - dont need to go for custom solutions

SF can be deployed without EC module

2001 me SF stand alone system (talent module PMGM module) sap acquired sf
applciaiton on 2010 - SAP Intorduced EC module

Standalone - Complete SF syste, with all sf moduels (any modules)

Hybrid - Mixture of previous sytem (HCM - for employee or any other system) + SF
System (PMGM + Recruiremnt)
previous system + Sf system (in between both integrations involevd)

cloud solutions - access anywhere around the globe

Manage Business COnfigurations - Different Elements

1.Standrd elements (When you dont have EC system / have ec system The file we used
to import users / employess all fields across sf came from this )
2.Background elemtns - (50% portlest irrespecitve of employee central (data)
protlest are fall on this category like taletns module secitons )
3.HRIS - Elemetns - specific to employee central data

50% portlest(HRIS) + 50% portlest(backgorund) = complete employee profile

On Confugure Object Deifnitions - if we select any obejct there are two thigns we
are seen
1. Properties (by default beviours)
2. Fields (some are generated by you and some are Which starts with MDF are never
going to appear on the front end but they are technial prereqursite fields)

when we create custom or we use standrd MDF obejcts there are two thigns by default
in nature came 1. ID , 2. Name

API - Application Programming Interface - used for other system itnegrations

when we are creating different obejcts for assicaotions we will procediue from
bottop to top like child to parent (we make assocaitions on choild level of
parent )

when we are creating obejcts we use valid when option

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