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Sutras for Samyama in Sanskrit with Explanation

• Puruṣa — Pure consciousness, the Seer, Self, as distinct from buddhi). For knowledge of Purusa. This is the key to
unlock the rest. All of these in this set that follow, come on the basis of Purusha.
• Puruṣa Prātibha — Prescience, profound intuition
• Puruṣa Śrāvaṇa — Divine hearing
• Puruṣa Vedana — Divine touch
• Puruṣa Ādarśa — Divine sight
• Puruṣa Āsvāda — Divine taste
• Puruṣa Vārtā — Divine smell
• Maitrī — Friendliness
• Karuṇā — Compassion
• Muditā — Happiness or empathetic joy
• Hasti bala — Strength of an elephant (Hasti is elephant; bala is strength)
• Kūrmanāḍyāṃ — Tortoise-shaped tube (bronchial tube); kūrma is tortoise-shaped; nāḍi is tube)- for stillness,
poise, calm.
• Kaṇṭhakūpa — Trachea or pit of the throat; kaṇṭha is throat, kūpa is well, or pit). To conquer hunger and thirst.
• Nābhichakra — Navel; Note: chakra, not belly button. For knowledge of the composition of the body and its
• Hṛdaya — Heart; For knowledge of the mind. The heart is the center of Asmita, I-sense, which underlies the
mind. By samyama on the heart, awareness settles into Asmita and observes the fluctuations of the mind.
• Jyotiṣmatī — Inner light (light of higher sense perception from inner purity yielding an effulgent light of inner
knowing. For knowledge of things subtle, out of view, or at a great distance.
• Mūrdhajyoti — Coronal light (the light emanating from the small hole at the top of the head). To see Siddhas.
• Sūrya — Sun. For knowledge of Cosmic regions.
• Chandra — Moon. For knowledge of arrangement of the stars.
• Dhruva — Pole star. For knowledge of the motion of the stars.
• Kāyarūpa— Kaya is body and rupa is form, so form of the body, meaning the visible form of the body. The
intention to become invisible is implied.
• Kāyākāśayoḥ, Laghutūla Kaya is body; akasha is space; yoh means together in this context; Laghu is lightness;
tūla is cotton fiber. To become light and eventually levitate.

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