149-Research Results-318-1-10-20180215

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Dahler, 2)Serli Marlinawati
Dosen FKIP Universitas Lancang Kuning
Alumnus FKIP Universitas Lancang Kuning

Students at the first year students accounting department of SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang
had problems in writing English business letter. They were facing difficulties type of English
business letter. The Purpose of this research was to find out what kind of difficulties in writing the
English business letter faced by the first year students accounting department of SMKN 1 Bandar
Seikijang. The design of this research was survey. Sample of the research was 23 students at the
first year students accounting department of SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang. Instrument used was
questionnaire. The questionnaire was about the students’ difficulties in writing the English
business letter. The questionnaire was analyzed by using percentage formulation. The result of
analyzing data that the students’ response toward their difficulties in writing the English business
letter was making up negative response with 71.73%.In conclusion, the students at the first year
students accounting department of SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang had trouble in studying style of
letter in English business letter.

Keyword : Business Letter Writing, Difficulties

1. Introduction business letter as media of

English is an international communication.
language. It is used widely in English business letter is one
international communication. As of businesses’ focused where everyone
international language English has should master it. It is taught at school
important role in several affairs, such level, especially at business aim in
as for commerce, education, politic, order to perfect of many business
business, and cultural affairs. letters, and to prepare the young
Nowadays, people communicate in generation to be able to follow
English to make their business developing of business world.
successful in international commerce Based on the writer’s first
and trade. We have possessed a great observation, the students have
deal of sophisticated instruments such difficulties in writing English business
as telephone, telex, telegraph, internet letter. Some of students cannot write
and many others that can help them in English business letter correctly. Some
communication. In business world, of the students don’t know about
these kinds of instruments are very English business letter so far. As a
useful. Most of the directions in these result they cannot make it and only
instruments are written in English, as copy it from English business book,
international language and it plays an some students cannot each the idea of
important role in daily activities. the English business letter, some still
Mavor. W. Ferrier (1988:1) says that confuse in choosing the appropriate,
since it is international language, many type, style and word choice.
factories and institutions use English Regarding on the explanation
above, it was an interesting field for the
researcher to investigate on the to be familiar with different
students difficulties in writing English variation of written English. They
business letter under the titled : A cannot be expected to write a letter
study on the writing English business in a style that they have never seen.
letter difficulties at the first year Thirdly, good writing depends on a
students accounting department of set of specific skills. Writing does
SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang. not follow automatically good
The purpose of the research grammar and adequate vocabulary.
was to find out what kind of difficulties
in writing the English business letter b. Characteristics of English
faced by the first year students Business Letter
accounting department of SMKN 1 Everyone has characteristic
Bandar Seikijang. ways of writing but we know how
to write a good letter. Because the
2. Literature Review aim if the letter is to secure the
a. The Nature of Writing interest of the reader and his
The term writing is different cooperation. King and Cree (1962:
from other terms of language skills 1) states that the characteristics of
such as: listening, speaking, good letter are as follows:
reading and writing. It is kind of 1. The letter should begin with sentence
process where the writer always that introduces the matter without
considers the choice of words, and undue delay and polite forms.
ideas to be expressed. When 2. The letter should have necessary
sentences have been arranged information and arguments.
closely related with each other, it is 3. The letter should have suitable
expected that idea on writing can ending-one that is not long but make
be understood by the reader. It is the reader fell that his point of view
related to what Lyons (1987: 5) is being considered. This is
says that writing is clearly complex especially necessary when the sellers
process and competence. He also are writing to buyers.
states that writing is frequently 4. The letter should avoid something
accepted as the last long skill to be that can waste of time.
acquired (for native speakers of 5. A good vocabulary in writing a
language as well as for foreign / letter.
second language learners). A writer
must be able to write a series of c. Purposes of Writing Business
sentences that grammatically and Letter
logically connected, this is made The business letter is more
order that the writer can convey economical form of
and express his ideas to the reader communication for long distance.
clearly, meaningfully and It’s cheaper than fax, telegraph,
intelligently. and telephone. Gartside (1981: 8)
Writing is an instrument of says that business letter as three
both communication and self- main purpose. Firstly, a letter
expression. Pincas (1989: 10) states conveys a message, seeks of give
that in doing writing, there are few information, places or knowledge
initial principles to note. Firstly, and order, to make an
writing should be as close as appointments, forwards document.
possible to genuine functional uses Secondly, a letter provides a
of language. Secondly, since ways permanent record for future
of communicating information are reference and also valuable
very varied there is a single way of evidence in the event of legal
writing correct English. It is disputes. Finally, a letter provides
therefore important for students to opportunities to increase goodwill
read as widely as possible in order
by creating a good impression of distinguishing of in writing
the writer’s firm and recipient. business letterat the SMKN 1
Bandar Seikijang. With regard to
3. Method of the Researach the finding of the research it was an
a. Kinds of the Research input for the English teacher make
The design of this research was such as evaluation in teaching
survey quantitative. According to specially.
Creswell (2005:354). Survey
designs are procedures in b. Sample
quantitative research in which With regard to the population
investigators administer a survey a number, researcher took sample
sample or to the entire population because the total of population to
of people in order to describe the large number. According to
attitudes, opinion, behaviors, or Arikunto (1996:120) if population
characteristics of the population. is more than 100 person, the
The survey design has two kinds; sample can be take between 10-
the first is “at one point in time” 15% or 20-25%, but if he
(Cross sectional), and the second population is less than 100 person,
“Study over time” (longitudinal). the sample can be take all of the
In this case researcher population. The technique to take
conducted one point in time the sample total sampling, which
(Cross-sectional). Creswell means, every member of
(2005:355) state that cross- population has an equal and
sectional designs consist of independent change of being for
particularly type that matches to the sample. So by using the
this research is related to program technique, it is expected to able to
evaluation. Program evaluation is a get the objective and representative
survey that provides useful data. Further explanation of the
information to decision makers. In sample of the research can be seen
this study, the performance of a in the following table:
study on the student’s ability in

Table 3.2:
The Sample of the Research
Classroom of the first year
Tryout 23 23
c. Instrument of the Research was based on the indicator of direct
Instrument was the tool use to strategies concept above.
collect the data from the To get the data from the
respondent of the research. In this questionnaire, the answer provided
research, the researcher used was the multiple choices. It is
questionnaire. refracted into a, b, c, d, and e. the
. design of the answer is Likert-
d. Technique of Collecting Data Scale that is drawn as Strongly
To collect the data, the Agree to Strongly disagree. The
researcher asked the students for answers provided of the
giving their response by filling the questionnaires are presented below:
questionnaire. The questionnaire
Table 3.3
Questionnaire answer
Questionnaires’ answer Score indication
a. Strongly Agree 5
b. Agree 4
c. Neutral 3
d. Disagree 2
e. Strongly Agree 1
Likert Scale

question, ”What kind of difficulties

e. Technique of Analyzing the Data in writing the English business
After the data was collected letter faced by the first year
from the participants by using students accounting department of
questionnaire, the data was SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang?” The
analyzed and become a percentage. research question was answered
According to Arikunto (2006:235), based on the data that had gotten
the data analysis technique from questionnaires.
consisted of three steps, as follows:
1. Preparation 1. The Reliability of Instruments
In this step, the activities are including Here, the researcher was used
checking the completeness of the data, Cronbach Alpha to calculate the
examined the contents of the filling reliability of the instruments. Based
instrument, and checked the data form. on the result of calculating the
2. Tabulation
instrument by Using SPSS version
The tabulation is an activity to
combine the data into a frequency table for 16.00, the value of Cronbach Alpha
ease in analysis. was 0.794. it was higher than the
3. Implementation of the data significant 0.05.
The implementation of the data used
percentage to classify the response, by 2. The Data Presentation of the
presenting the results of the research of Students’ Questionnaires
frequency distribution tables with The data of the students’
percentage for each items. difficulties in writing the English
business letter in the first year
4. Finding and Discussion students accounting department at
a. Finding SMKN 1 Bandar Seikijang was
In this chapter, the researcher presented in each indicator used.
presents the description of data
analysis for findings and
discussion. To answer the research

Diagram 4.1
Students’ Questionnaires Recapitulation
20,00% 34,77% 43,47%
39,12% 39,12%
10,00% 21,73% 21,73% 17,39%
0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 4,34%
0,00% 8,68%
4,34% 8,68%
Referring to 4.1 above, The last, the students lack of
students not really like English grammar. Grammar is so important
language, it can be reported that especially in writing case. In
there was a significant number of writing, the writer should write in
the students who perceived good grammar especially for
themselves focused on they not business letter that it used in formal
really like English language. There situation. This was one of the big
were 4 students gave the always problem of the students in writing a
answer with the percentage business letter. They could not
17.39%, 1 student answered often comprehend the text well because
with the percentage 4.34%,14 they had less of grammar
students answered sometime with knowledge. So, the content of the
the percentage 60.86%, and 4 problem that should they
students answered rarely with the understood they did not. Also less
percentages 17.39% . It can be of vocabulary was the problem the
concluded that almost all of the students to get the meaning well.
students (60.86%) had a neutral Based on the result, the negative
perception of students not really comment was the most high
like English language. percentage that gotten by the
b. Discussion students. it proved that, the
During the process of taking students had problem in writing
the data. The students got some business letter.
hindrances in writing a business Referring to the result of this
letter. Naturally, writing a business research that students will
letter the writer should takes understand the business letter if the
attention to every single teacher gives the materials by using
components. Based on the something that can be liked such as
identification that researcher picture, it can be occurred because
compilated. First, the students did the picture has several functions
not familiar with the style of that help students to interact with
writing in English Business letter. the teachers’ explanation of
It proved that the students could business letter. It supported by
not placed every components in Gartside (1981: 15) the business
business letter in right place. For letter is the chief instrument of
example, the students did not know external communication. It is
the place to write the Letter Head, enough for the firm to contact the
The letter Line, and The Receieve customers and make relationship to
well. other companies through letters. In
Second, the students were conclusion, the students had
difficulties of type in English trouble the studying style of letter
business letter. In business letter, it in English business letter
divides into some of types. a)
Letter of Inquiry, b) Answer
Inquiries, c) Purchase Order 5. Conclusion
Letters, d) Sales Letter, e) Letter of Based on the purpose of this
Complain, f) Replies of complain, research waste find out the students’
and g) Request for Payment. difficulties in writing the English
However, the problem of the business letter at the first year students
students were they could not accounting department of SMKN 1
choose wether it was a Letter of Bandar Seikijang and the formulation:
Inquiry of Purchase order letter and “What kind of difficulties in writing the
so on. Also, they did not know the English business letter faced by the
body letter of the business letter first year students accounting
itself. department of SMKN 1 Bandar
Seikijang?”. I has been successfully
answered that the kind of difficulties in Bandar Seikijang was trouble the
writing the English business letter studying style of letter in English
faced by the first year students business letter with percentage 43.47%.
accounting department of SMKN 1
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