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Subject : Business English

Lecturer : Ivo Selvia Agusti, SE, M.Sc.

Compiled by Business Education Class A 2023



We give thanks to the presence of God Almighty because with His mercy, grace and
guidance we were able to complete this Business English Idea Engineering assignment report
well even though there were many shortcomings in it . And we also thank Mrs. Ivo Selvia
Agusti, SE, M.Si. who has given us this Mini Research assignment.
We hope that this Idea Engineering assignment report can be useful for others. And we
also realize that inside In preparing the report that we have made, there are still many
shortcomings. Therefore, we are here if we need suggestions, criticism and suggestions for
improving the preparation of Idea Engineering reports in the future .
We hope that this Idea Engineering preparation report can be understood by anyone
who reads it. And we also apologize if there are words that are inappropriate for preparing this
report. We really need every suggestion and criticism from all readers, because every human
being must have mistakes that they are not aware of.

Medan, November 2023



FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1
A. Background............................................................................................................................ 1
B. Formulation of the problem ................................................................................................... 1
C. Writing purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BASIS......................................................................................................... 3
A. Use of Instagram Social Media for Product Sales .................................................................... 3
B. Introduction to the Social Media Platform Instagram ............................................................. 3
C. Benefits of Using Instagram for Product Sales ........................................................................ 3
D. How to Create a Business Account and Profile on Instagram .................................................. 3
E. How to Optimize Profile and Content on Instagram ............................................................... 4
F. Marketing Strategy via Instagram........................................................................................... 4
G. Use of Special Instagram Features for Product Promotion ...................................................... 4
H. Tips and Tricks for Running a Business Account on Instagram ................................................ 5
I. Monitor and Analyze Sales Performance via Instagram Insights ............................................. 5
CHAPTER II I DISCUSSION................................................................................................................... 6
A. Benefits of Using Instagram Social Media in Product Sales ..................................................... 6
B. Risks from Sales Competition on Instagram Social Media ....................................................... 6
C. Solutions to Solving Sales Problems on Instagram Social Media.............................................. 7
CHAPTER I V CLOSING ........................................................................................................................ 9
A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 9
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................................. 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................ 10


A. Background
In the increasingly dominant era of online marketing , Instagram has become a very
important platform in product sales strategies for businesses. The growth of Instagram's
active users, which has reached more than a million people, makes it a potential platform
for increasing brand awareness and sales. However, along with these opportunities, the first
background provides an understanding of the challenges that businesses face in competing
on these platforms. Market oversaturation , algorithm changes, and the risk of dependence
on one platform are part of the competitive dynamics in the digital world.
It is important to understand these risks to develop adaptive and effective strategies.
Understanding the risks of fakes engagement , algorithm changes, and public criticism help
businesses mitigate the negative impact. This reflects the need to stay connected to industry
trends and maintain a balance between paid and organic marketing strategies.
It then provides an overview of solutions and strategies that businesses can adopt to
increase sales on Instagram. Diversification of marketing channels, focus on product
innovation, and content quality management are the keys to overcoming emerging
challenges. Awareness of data security, responding to criticism, and engaging followers and
communities also play an important role in building sales success on these platforms. Thus,
an in-depth understanding of this background helps businesses to design effective and
sustainable marketing strategies in the dynamic online environment.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. How can using Instagram social media increase product sales for business people,
especially through collaborating with influencers , posting product photos, and utilizing
Instagram features?
2. What benefits can businesses gain from using Instagram in the context of product sales,
including increased brand awareness, strong visual marketing, and direct interaction
with customers?
3. What are the risks and challenges faced by businesses in the competition for sales on
Instagram, including market oversaturation , the risk of fakes engagement , algorithm
changes, and dependency on one platform?
4. How can business people overcome these risks and challenges through marketing
channel diversification strategies, focusing on product innovation, content quality
management, and responding to criticism or controversy?
5. How can the implementation of these solutions and strategies affect product sales
performance on Instagram, and can the adoption of marketing channel diversification
or product innovation increase business success on this platform?

C. Writing purpose

1. Providing In-depth Understanding in providing readers with an in-depth understanding
of how the use of Instagram social media can be a key factor in increasing product sales.
2. Identifying the Benefits of Using Instagram Through this writing, it is hoped that
readers can identify and understand the benefits that business people can obtain from
using Instagram in the context of product sales.
3. Highlighting Risks and Challenges to highlight the risks and challenges faced by
businesses in the competition to sell on Instagram.
4. Providing Practical Solutions provides practical solutions for business people to
overcome the risks and challenges they face.
5. Encouraging Strategy Implementation can encourage business people to implement
suggested solutions and strategies.


A. Use of Instagram Social Media for Product Sales

The use of Instagram social media has proven effective in increasing product sales. By
collaborating with influencers , posting photos of products or services, and utilizing
Instagram features such as followers , photo uploads , and photo effects, business people
can promote their products to potential consumers easily. Instagram also allows business
people to expand and simplify promotions and establish relationships with potential buyers,
so as to increase social engagement and sales results. Thus, the use of social media Instagram
has become an effective marketing strategy for businesses in selling their products online .

B. Introduction to the Social Media Platform Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media platform for sharing photos, videos and stories. With
more than billions of active users every month, Instagram offers a variety of interesting
features for its users, including social interaction, business promotion, and a source of
inspiration. The use of Instagram has proven effective in increasing product sales, enabling
business actors to expand and simplify promotions and build relationships with potential
buyers. By utilizing Instagram features such as followers , photo uploads , and photo effects,
businesses can promote their products to potential consumers easily. Therefore, Instagram
has become one of the largest and most influential social media platforms in the world, as
well as being an effective marketing strategy for businesses in selling products online .

C. Benefits of Using Instagram for Product Sales

Using Instagram can provide great benefits for product sales. Instagram makes it easier
to promote products and services, and expands the reach of promotions with features such
as followers , photo uploads , and photo effects . Instagram business accounts have many
features needed to optimize business and marketing affairs, so they can increase social
engagement and sales results. Instagram also allows business actors to build relationships
with potential buyers, thereby increasing consumer trust and loyalty. Thus, the use of
Instagram has become an effective marketing strategy for businesses in selling products
online .

D. How to Create a Business Account and Profile on Instagram

Here are the steps to create a business account on Instagram:
1. Login to your Instagram Application.
2. Change to business profile. If you don't already have an Instagram account for
your business, you can create a new account with a username that clearly reflects
your business.
3. After logging into your Instagram account, go to the Profile section, then tap the
gear icon in the top right corner, and choose to switch to the business profile.

4. Select the category that best describes your business, then select Business.
5. Your Instagram account has been successfully converted as a Business Account.
By following these steps, you can create a business account on Instagram and take
advantage of the special features available for your business needs.

E. How to Optimize Profile and Content on Instagram

Here are some ways to optimize your profile and content on Instagram:
1. Optimize your business profile by using clear, engaging descriptions and adding contact
information and links to your business website.
2. Use the right hashtags and relevant keywords to increase the visibility of your content
on Instagram.
3. Create quality and interesting content, and suit your target audience .
4. Post regularly and consistently to build your brand presence and awareness on
5. Use Instagram features like Instagram Stories , Reels , and Instagram Live to expand
your reach and increase user engagement.

F. Marketing Strategy via Instagram

Here are some marketing strategies via Instagram:
1. Looking for potential customers : Take advantage of the search feature on Instagram to
find potential customers who match your target audience .
2. Create Instagram profile guidelines : Determine the profile appearance and content that
suits your branding and business identity.
3. Create quality content: Create interesting and informative photos and videos about your
products or services.
4. Optimizing Instagram feeds : Use relevant hashtags , geotags , and interesting captions
to increase the visibility of your content.
5. Using Instagram Stories : Take advantage of the Instagram Stories feature to build
interaction with followers , send quizzes, and teach about your products or services
6. Sending messages to followers : Send messages directly message (DM) Instagram to
build relationships with consumers and invite them to buy.
7. Using branded hashtag : Create a unique and interesting hashtag to reach a wider
audience and build awareness about your product or service.
8. Collaboration with influencers : Partnerships with influencers who match your target
audience can help increase the reach and credibility of your product or service.
9. Using Instagram Live: Take advantage of the Instagram Live feature to attend
interactive events, such as product demos, Q&A, or consultations with experts.

G. Use of Special Instagram Features for Product Promotion

Some special Instagram features that can be used for product promotion include:

1. Instagram Stories : You can upload digital advertising pamphlets or product catalogs on
the Insta feature Story and choose the sticker feature to find out consumer interest in
your product.
2. Hashtags : Using the right hashtags can increase engagement on your Instagram account
and highlight how often consumers search for your products.
3. Instagram Shopping: This feature allows you to display products from various brands ,
and the products that appear are usually based on the brands that the user follows.
4. Instagram Quiz , Poll , or Ask Me Question : These features can help you to promote
products in an interactive way.
5. Instagram Live: This feature can be used as an opportunity to express yourself and
promote products directly to users.

H. Tips and Tricks for Running a Business Account on Instagram

Here are some tips and tricks for running a business account on Instagram:
1. Use a Business Account : Make sure you use a business account to access free business
tools, like Instagram Insights , Instagram Ads, Instagram Shopping, and the contact
information on your profile.
2. Set Goals Clearly: Define your business goals on Instagram, whether it is to increase
sales, brand awareness, or user engagement.
3. Define Your Audience : Understand who your target audience is and tailor your content
to their interests and needs.
4. Optimize Your Profile: Make sure your business profile looks professional with a clear
description, contact information, and a link to your business website.
5. Choose an Attractive Profile Photo: Use a profile photo that reflects your brand or
business well.
6. Optimizing your Instagram Business Profile: Make sure to choose the categories that
best suit your business and supplement your profile with relevant information.

I. Monitor and Analyze Sales Performance via Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights is a feature provided by Instagram for business users to monitor their
account performance and understand more about their audience . With this feature, users
can see statistics about the number of followers, interactions and user activity on their posts
. When running a business account on Instagram, it is very important to monitor and analyze
sales performance through Instagram Insights . By monitoring sales performance, you can
find out how effective your marketing strategy is and adjust your strategy to increase your
product sales. You can see your sales performance through Instagram Insights by checking
statistics such as the number of followers, interactions, and user activity on your posts . By
taking advantage of the Instagram Insights feature , you can improve the marketing and sales
performance of your products on Instagram.


A. Benefits of Using Instagram Social Media in Product Sales

Using Instagram social media can provide many benefits in increasing product sales for
businesses. Here are some of the main benefits:
1. Increased Brand Awareness
By regularly sharing product-related images and content, businesses can increase
their brand awareness among Instagram users. This helps create a positive image that
can influence purchasing decisions.
2. Powerful Visual Marketing
Instagram mainly focuses on visual content such as images and videos. Visual
marketing can provide greater appeal than plain text, allowing businesses to display
their products in an attractive way and capture the attention of potential consumers.
3. commerce Features
commerce features such as Instagram Shopping, where businesses can tag products
in their images and provide product information. Users can immediately buy the
product without leaving the Instagram platform.
4. Direct Interaction with Customers
Through comments, direct messages, and responses to stories, businesses can
interact directly with their customers. This creates a closer relationship and builds trust,
which can drive purchasing decisions.
5. User Reviews and Recommendations
Customers can provide reviews and recommend products through comments or
stories. These positive reviews can help build trust with potential consumers and
encourage them to try or buy the product.
6. Performance Analysis
Instagram provides performance analysis tools that allow businesses to track metrics
such as the number of impressions, interactions, and conversions. By understanding this
data, businesses can optimize their marketing strategies to achieve better results.

B. Risks from Sales Competition on Instagram Social Media

To manage these risks, businesses need to develop thoughtful marketing strategies, focus on
authentic interactions with customers, and stay connected to industry trends and changes in
consumer behavior. Additionally, diversifying marketing channels can also help reduce
dependence on one particular platform. Although Instagram social media can provide many
benefits in product sales, there are also several risks that need to be considered in the
competition for sales on this platform:

1. Over- Saturation
Competition on Instagram can be fierce, especially in such a popular industry. The
availability of many similar products from different brands can lead to market
oversaturation , making it difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves and attract
consumer attention.
2. Fake Engagement and Followers
Some businesses or individuals may use certain tactics to increase fake follower and
engagement numbers. This can mislead customers and create unfair competition.
Additionally, the Instagram platform is actively trying to address this issue through anti-
spam measures.
3. Algorithm Changes
Instagram is constantly changing its algorithm to provide a better user experience.
However, these changes may affect the visibility of business posts . A significant
algorithm change can reduce organic reach, potentially reducing the effectiveness of a
marketing strategy.
4. Public Criticism
Any action or marketing campaign on social media can be subject to public criticism.
Negative comments or controversy can quickly spread, affecting brand image and
increasing the risk of boycotts or decreased sales.
5. Vulnerability to Hacking and Data Security.
The security of user data and accounts is a serious concern. If business accounts or
customer data are compromised, this can undermine customer trust and create
significant financial risks.
6. Trend Fluctuations
Instagram often creates and popularizes fast-changing trends. Businesses that are
unable to keep up with trends or adapt to changing consumer tastes can lose appeal and
presence in the market.
7. Dependency on Specific Platforms
Businesses that rely too heavily on a single platform like Instagram could feel a
significant impact if there is a change in the platform's policies or if the platform
experiences a decline in popularity.

C. Solutions to Solving Sales Problems on Instagram Social Media

To overcome problems in selling on Instagram social media, here are several solutions that
can be considered:
1. Marketing Channel Diversification
- Relying on just one platform can be risky. Consider diversifying marketing channels,
such as using other social media platforms, building a presence on a website, or
incorporating an email marketing strategy.

- Maintaining a balance between paid and organic marketing is also important. Paid
campaigns can help increase visibility.

2. Target Audience Analysis

- Conduct an in-depth analysis of your target audience . Understand the needs,
preferences and behavior of potential consumers in order to develop more targeted
marketing strategies.

3. Product Innovation and Differentiation

- Focus on product innovation and look for ways to differentiate yourself from
competitors. Unique products or special offers can attract customers' attention and
differentiate your brand.

4. Content Quality Management

- Make sure the content shared on Instagram is high quality, interesting and relevant.
Good quality images and captions can help increase user engagement and create a
positive brand image.

5. Understanding Algorithms and Performance Analysis

- Understand how the Instagram algorithm works and stay up to date on algorithm
changes. Use performance analysis tools to track important metrics and measure the
effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

6. Data Security and Account Protection

- Increase the security of customer accounts and data. Implementing strong security
measures can help protect your accounts from hacking and maintain customer trust.

7. Response to Criticism and Negative Feedback

- Respond to criticism or negative comments wisely and immediately. Demonstrating
transparency and responsibility can help build customer trust.

8. Team Training and Development

- Make sure your marketing team understands the Instagram platform and has the
necessary skills. Conducting regular training and development can help teams stay up-
to-date with trends and best practices.

9. Engaging Followers and Community

- Build a community around your brand by engaging followers. Consider running a
contest, holding a Q&A, or inviting followers to share their experiences with your


A. Conclusion
From the material that has been presented, several important conclusions can be drawn
regarding the use of Instagram social media in product sales. First, Instagram has been
proven to be an effective platform in increasing product sales for business people. Through
collaboration with influencers , posting product photos, and utilizing special Instagram
features, businesses can easily promote their products to potential consumers. Instagram not
only facilitates product promotion, but also allows business actors to expand promotional
reach, build relationships with potential buyers, and increase social media engagement .
However, despite its benefits, using Instagram also carries risks and challenges. Fierce
competition, risk of fakes engagement , algorithm changes, and dependence on one platform
are some of the risks that must be overcome by business players. Therefore, careful
marketing strategies, diversification of marketing channels, focus on product innovation,
and content quality management are the keys to overcoming these risks.

B. Suggestion
Based on this analysis, several suggestions can be made to business people who want to use
Instagram as a product sales platform:
1. Diversify Marketing Strategy: In addition to using Instagram, consider leveraging other
social media platforms and additional marketing channels. Diversification can reduce the
risk of dependence on one platform.
2. Product Innovation: Focus on product innovation to differentiate yourself from
competitors. Unique and innovative products can attract consumer attention and create a
competitive advantage.
3. In-depth Analysis of Target Audience : Conduct an in-depth analysis of your target
audience . Understand the needs, preferences and behavior of potential consumers in
order to develop more targeted marketing strategies.
4. Responsibility : Recognize the risks that may be encountered on the Instagram platform
and remain responsive to changes. Preparing contingency strategies and responses to
criticism or controversy will help protect the brand image.
5. Improved Content Quality: Ensure that the content shared on Instagram is of high quality
and meets the needs of the audience . Attractive and relevant visual content will be more
effective in attracting user attention.
6. Engaging Followers and Community: Build a community around your brand by engaging
followers. Building direct interactions and understanding user desires can help increase
customer loyalty.
7. Algorithm Understanding: Always update knowledge about Instagram algorithm
changes. Understanding how algorithms work will help you optimize your marketing
8. Team Training and Development: Make sure your marketing team has a deep
understanding of the Instagram platform and stays up to date with trends. Training and
skills development can help teams stay competent.


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