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Instructions ARDAR PATEL t FIRST M.B.e 2009 Thursday, 6” 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m BIOCHEMISTRY-i Total Marks . 50 ) ch section in a separate answer book (ii) to the right indicate full marks SECTION -| Q.1 MCOs (0x4 = 10} Q.2 Read the following case reports and answer the questions given below (25 = 10) A) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (B) e) An anemic teenager showing symptoms. of growth failure and complaints of weakness was brought to a clinic. His hemoglobin value was only 8 gm/di. Microscopic examination revealed sickle cell disorder. Explain why the teenager is anemic What is the ffiolucular defect in the patient Differentiaté sickle cell trait and anemia. Explain the life long pain and weakness seen in sickle cell anemia How is it different from thalassemia : A Twelve year patient with generalised edema was hospitalised She had puffy face. Her Lab reports were as under Urine : Turbid and frothy 24 hr. urine albumin : 10 g Serum albumin : 1.9 g/dl. Serum cholesterol ; 300 mg/dl. The clinician diagnosed this as a case of nephrotic syndrome. What is the cause of edema’in the girl : How will you detect albuminuria Explain functions of piasma albumin Which are the other conditions in which hypoalbuminemia is seen-? Why 2 t Wy What Is your comment on serum cholesterol level ? Give your commen Alpha-l antiprote on the following [5x t= 4) tase |S an important protein in the body Serotonin has importance in the body (c) Milk and egg pr: are first class proteins (d) Unsaturated fatty acids may be omega 3 or omga G (e) All the wate soluble vitamins act as coenzymes. SECTION - 1 Q.4 Give an account of {any two) (2x5=10 (a) Enzyme inhibition. (b) Calcitrio! : Formation, functions and deficiency (c) Collagen : Structure, formation, functions and disorders. Q.5 Write short notes on (any three) [3x3=9) (8) Prostaglandins (b) Biocd buffers. (c) Antioxidants (d) IgG. (e) Biologicaliy active peptides. Q.6 Write briefly on : [3x2 =6] (2) Cerebrosides. (b) IgE (c) Free redicals. ©OOOOOOO Rsity NATION Friday, ugust 41.00 am to 1.00 : 00 pm BIOCHEMISTRY - 11 instructions: Total Marks: 50 \ Answer each section ina separate answs book (i) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION «1 : Q.1 Os (10x 1= 10 2.2 ne id the following case reports and answer the questions given = [2 x 1 elow (A) A twenty years old man presented in a hospital with complaints of passing red coloured urine. History showed that he was treated for malaria with chloroquin tablets one week ago. He had taken Primaquine tablet the previous day as advised by the clinician as a prophylactic measure against recurrence of malaria. He was looking pale and had mild splenomegaly and tachycardia. The lab findings as follows : total bilirubin : 5 mg/dl. Direct bilrubin 6.4 mg/dl oglobins © 18 mg/dl (N . 100-200 mg/dl) blood . + Urine urobilinogen : ++ Urine bilirubin : absent (a) Which enzyme is deficient in this patient. Explain the mechanism of development of the symptoms «b) Why haptoglobins are decreased, c) VWhatis your interpretation of bikrubin levels qd) Tr enzyme deficiency produced no sympioms till now. What is the ise of the acute condition, at present Why the urine of the patient did not contain bilirubin inspit f urobilinogen in urine at : A sites year old lody was adinited to the Coronary cave wit of Pita oftex a suspected mild mnyoeatdial infarchion dl 220 mga t 37 mg/dl 216 mgldl (2) How will you interpret the lipid profile of the patient b) Explain the roles of LDL & HDL in the body {c)_ What will be your advice to the patient so as to minimise the chance of future AMI in the lady qd) W is LCAT ? What is ils function ? (ec) Name one hypolipidemic drug and its mechanism of ac Q3 Give your comments on the following statements (a) Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of certain enzymes ele the regulation of metabolic pathways. Lipoprotein lipase is ditterent from hormone sensitive lipase. Leptins have an important role in the body iVetabolic syndrome is a combination of several disorders. Lipoprotein ‘a’ if increased is dangerous. SECTION - I! [2x52 10 Q.4 Give an account of (Any Two) ° ications of Diabetes mellitus (a) Metabolic changes and chronic comp! (b) Primary and Secondary gout. (c) Biot techniches and applications. Q.5 Write short note on (Any Three) : {a) 7 ranscription ae (b) Transamination and deamination (c) Post translational modifications id) Electron transport chain (e) Ketogenesis and Ketos!s Q6 Write briefly on (Any Three): (a) Glycosylated Ho ib) Renal function tests Prions Topoisomerases 2DAR PATEL UNIVEr FIRST M.B.B.S. EXAMINA 200 Wednesday, 14 October 41.00 am to 1.00 pm BIOCHEMISTRY -| Instructions: () Each Section should be written in a s : si separate answet (i) Figures to the right indicate full marks" PO SECTION -1 Q.1 MCQs Q.2 Read the two case reporis and answer the questions given below: (A) A 40 year old lady had a malignant tumor obstructing the bile duct. Her sclera, skin and urine were yellowish and stools were clay coloured. Her lab reports were as under Serum Bilirubin (Total) B 11.00 mg/dl Serum Bilirubin (Direct) : 9.8 mg/dl 350 ul Alkaline Phosphatase Urine Urobilinogen absent The patient was diagnosed to have obstructive jaundice (a) Explain direct and Indirect bilirubin. (b) What is the basis of diagnosis. (c) Why the stool is clay coloured (d) Give your comments on the alkaline phsophatase level. (e) Explain different types of jaundice. A 52 year old businessman with acute chest pain radiating to left arm, breathlessness and profuse sweating was brought to a clinic Although the ECG was normal, the cardiac marker enzyme/proteins had increased. The diagnosis was AMI. ‘ (a) Name the early cardiac marker enzyme/proteins with justification (b) Define isoenzymes, how are they important in the diagnosis of this patient What will be the LDH isoenzyme pattem in this patient. ) 4 ) Which enzymes are increased lately in AMI ) Mention the therapeutic use of enzyme In this patient (B) (€, (d (e {5 x Q3 Give your comments on the following (a) Aromatic amino acids are converted to several important conipounds () There are several heteroglycans in the body. (c) Serum amylase and lipase have diagnostic value. (0) Thromboxanes and Prostacyclins have opposile roles. (e) Blood buffers have important function SECTION - 1! Q.4 Give an account of (Any Two) : [2x5 = 10) (a) Plasma proteins : types, functions & disorders. (b) Hemoglobinopathies (©) Classification & functions of lipids. [3x3=09 O85 Write shori notes on (Any Three) : (a) Essential tatty acius. (b) Functions of vitamin A (c) Role of calcitriol (qd) Importance of folate and vitamin Biz {e) Heme containing proteins Q.6 Write briefly on (Any Three) : {[3x2=06 (a) Coenzymes derived from niacine (b) Action of sulpha drugs (c) Role of vitamin C in Collagen formation {d) IgG (e) Primary structure of proteins QOOOOOO SAKOAR PATEL UNIVERSITY FIRST MBBS EXAMINATION Thursday, 15'" October 2009 11 am-4 pm BIOCHEMISTRY -11 Total Marks 50 tructions h Se hould be written in a separate answer book Figures to the sight indicate full marks. SECTION -1 (10x 1 = 10) [2x8 = 10) ports and answer the questions given A middle aged executive approached a clinician with severe pain on his big toes in the early morning. He was drowsy and disoriented as he had con: ed alcohol the previous night. He also complained of painful knees. The doctor suspecting goul, got his serum uric acid tested. It was quite higher than normat confirming the diagnosis of gouty arthritis The lactic acid was also elevated in the patient (a) What is the norma! range of serum uric acid? {b) How uric acid is formed in the body? (c) What are primary and secondary gout? {d) Which drug is useful in gout? Explain. (e) What are the precautions to be taken by a gouty patient? (B) A teenager with Type | Diabetes mellitus was brought to a hospital in 2 semicomatose state. The Lab reports of the patient was as follows RBS 575 mg/dl Urine sugar 3+ Urine Ketones . 3+ The diagnosis was Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Explain type | and type Il Diabetes mellitus What is the reason for Ketoacidosis? How urinary ketones are tested? What are the functions of Insulin? How can the patient be managed? (a) b) 3 (a) () (c) fd) fe) Q4 1b) (b) (c) (d) (2) Give your comments on the following Early diagnosis ts important in phenyl ketonuria d Hb is an important test good quality protein. dren iook edematous. a1 important in GIT Glyco SECTION - it Vv account of (Any Two) iS. Si ance and regulation. ation, deammation and urea synthesis ‘binant Technology and its applications min, Write short notes on (Any Three) ONA repiication Blot techniques Glycogenotysis Digestion and absorption of lipids Types and functions of lipoproteins Write briefly on (Any Three) Alkaptonuria Atherosclerosis Glucose tolerance test (normal) Galactosemia t- RNA 1st 2 00 pm Bloc AISTRY - PAPER. 1 (2]ach section should be written in a separate answer boak a (2}Figures to the right indicate full marks SECTION - 1 Q 1 MCQs 10x 1=10 Q.. 2 Read the two case reports and answer the questions given bellow 2x5=10 (A) A 14 year old boy was brought to a Hospital with complaints of fever , nausea, abdominal discomfort and yellowish discolouration of mucous membrane, sclera and urine The doctor suspecting hepatocellular jaundice got the liver function tests of the patient done which were as follows : Total Bilirubin : 12 mg /dl Direct bilirubin : 3.7 mg/dl Indirect Bilirubin : 8.3 mg/dl Serum ALT 5900 u /L Serum AST : 500u/L Serum ALP :300 u/L This confirmed the diagnosis of hepatocellular jaundice and the treatment was stared. (a)Explain the basis of diagnosis the patient comment: enzyme leva d patient Nonden Beey dest does i help in dfagnaats of dite kypes Gist the Brochewical explanation for He symptoms Jaunake nild with a history of bone fractures even on minor falls was brought to an vaedie surgeon The child a5 diagnosed to have osteogenesis in at is the biochemical defect in osteogenesis imperfecta blDes ibe the structure and function of collagen {c)What are the other collagen disorders (diWhich vitamin 1s required for collagen synthesis. Describe the mechanism (e)What is the halflife of collagen Q..3 Give your comments on the following statements Sx1s5 (a)Sulpha drugs acts like competitive inhibitors (b)Pyridoxine and biotin function as coenzymes (c)Alpha-1 antiproteinase is an important plasma protein (d)Oxygen saturation curve of haemoglobin is sigmoid in nature (e)Myoglobin is not an oxygen transporter SECTION - 2 (U4 Give an accaunt of any TWO of the following (a)Polysaccharides f (b)Plasmea praverns Kewneglebinepal ies hort note ny THREE of the follows staglandins ib) Retinoids (c) anti oxidants of the body (d) Membrane structure (e} Acid base balance in the body Q.6, Write briefly on any THREE of the of the following {a} Primary structure of insulin (b) Antidote for methanol poisoning (c) HbF as compared to HbA (d) Dipalmityl lecithine (e) Prions om ikach section should be writer Figures to the right indicate full n SECTION ~ 10%1= 16 Q.1 COs Q. 2 Read the two case reports and answer the questions given below (A) 4 type ~ 2 Diabetes mellitus patient approached a consultant with symptoms like weight loss spite of high food intake and increased urine output. The doctor asked the patient to come fast nz the next day morning for fasting and postprandial blood glucose estimation The lab reports of the patient were as given below Fasting blood glucose : 250 mg / di Postprandiai blood glucose :375 mg/dl GlycoHb 11% (a) What are the characteristics of type ~ 2 Diabetes mellitus (b)What is your interpretation on FBS and PPBS levels in the patient (c)Explain the significance GlycoHb estimation (d)Describe the long term effects of diabetes mellitus hy 1s it necessary to check the ction and its applications (e)Polymerase chain Q.. 6 Write briefly on any THREE of the following (a)Ribozymes (b)Ketoacidosis {c}Serotonin (d)Telomere and telomerase (e)Lipoprotein “a” BA in RY -PAPE (1)€ach section s Each section ritlen ina separate answer book (2)Figures to the right indicate full marks, SECTION-1 t 1 MCOs 10x1=10 Q.2. Read the two case reports and answer the questions given below. 2xS=10 (A)An oedematous child was brought to a hospital . The doctor on duty got the urine of The patient tested positive for proteinuria. The serum albumin level was 2.0e/dI. The Chiid was diagnosed to suffer from nephrotic syndrome (a)What is the basis of diagnosis is detected {b)How albuminu (c)What is the cause of oedema in the child {d)Give the normal ranges of : total proteins, albumin and globulins in serum {e)Draw the normal serum protein electrophoretogram and compare it with that of the patient (B)A 50 year old business man complained of severe chest pain radiating to the left orm along with cweating and breathlessness. He was rushed to the hospital where his ECG and cardiac marker enzymes were examined. The ECG findings were inconclusive but serum CKMB levels were high The patient was diagnosed to have suffered from acute myocardial infarction and acrmitted to ICU (a)What is early cardiac marker enzyme (b)What is the clinical utility of cardiac troponins Give two examples with explanation (c)What are isoenzymes jostic use of serum transaminases (d)Describe the dia % Gruppen wea rem my rea pants wangart bahiogan be Pps a paaessential (opt here are te dords important tor humans SECTION.2 2.4 Give un account of any TWO of the following (alClassification and functions of carbohydrates (b)Lipids. types and functions (clvitamin A sources, types , functions & deficiency states Q. 5 Write short notes on any THREE (a}immunogiobulins (b)Competitive enzyme inhibition (c)Calcitriol (d)Sickle cell disease {e)Collagen Q_ 5. Answer briefly on any THREE » (a)Primary structure of proteins (b)Folic ald ic}Bloactive amines {ayCoenzymes ase [ejoiagnostic wtlty of serum pane and any wongants Nv Q.4. Give a of any f the following {a)Classification and functions arbohydrates (b)Lipids: types and functions A: sources, types , functions & deficiency states 3x3=9) Taplin we gf Enearner on thoapenbic. woagerts ayy odwean DNA BRIA Teass}emin imp peotein Blood Dbubens Tmportast fundions {Amino acts i al or nonessential (e}There are two essential fatty acids important for humans SECTION-2 .4.Give an account of any TWO of the following {a}Classification and functions of carbohydrates (b)Lipids: types and functions (c)vitamin A: sources, types , functions & deficiency states Q. 5 Write short notes on any THREE (a)immunogiobulins (b)Competitive enzyme inhibition (c)Calcitriol (a)Sickle cell disease (e)Collagen Q.. 5. Answer briefly on any THREE : (a)Primary structure of proteins {b)Folic aid (c)Bioactive amines (d)Coenzymes* {eyDiagnostic utility of serum lipase and amylase nt ak age —_— fi section shou nigel Figures to the right indicate full marks SECTION ~1 Q1 mca 1ox1s10 Q.2_ Read the two case reports and answer the questions given below 2x5=10 (A) A type J diabetes mellitus patient was brought to 2 consultant in a semi unconscious state. He exhibited kussmaul type of breathing with acetone smell, The biochemical report of the patient was as given below RBS . 650 mg / dl Urine acetone - present inexcess The patient looked dehydrated and also showed electrolyte imbalance. The patient was diagnosed to have Diabetic ketoacidosis and was admitted to ICU for treatment. (a)How the diagnosis was made (b)Write the differences between type -1 and type -2 Diabetes mellitus (c)Explain ketogenesis (d)Why the patient was dehydrated and also had electrolyte disturbances (e) How the patient is managed (B) A middle aged man with drinking habit approached a doctor with extreme pain and inflammation of joints especially on the big toes . The serum uric acid level of the patient was 9.7 mg/dl and serum lactic acid was also elevated. This was diagnosed as @ case of Gout. The patient was asked to take allopurinol and drink a lot of water and advised to avoid alcohol. (a)What is the normal level of serum uric acid (b) Why the lactic acid level was increased 7 (c)What is the mechanism of action of allopurinol What is primary and secondary gout How ts we arid formed fn wody Reateetion endonueleants — known on rialeeulan s elss os ie oberg ipumarw havenhighoe BMT cerol can be converted (d}2,3-BPG is important in RBC {e)Serum creatinine and urea are done to assess rena! function SECTION -2 Q..4.Give an account of any TWO of the following : (a)Describe the formation and detoxification of ammonia in the body {b)Glycolysts-significance, steps and regulation (c)Metabolism of lipoproteins and related disorders Q.5.Write short notes on any THREE of the following : (a)Phenyl ketonuria (b)Functions of insulin. (c)PCR (d)DNA replication (e)Glycosylated Hb Q.6.Write briefly on any THREE of the following : (2)Chimeric DNA and c DNA (b)Lipoprotein’ a“ (c)Carnitine (d}Genetic code 2x5 ses Atalist 36 S 7 ust 2012 pm BIOCHEMISTRY: PAPER. It Instuctions al Marks. § 1 Each section should be written in a separate answer book 2.Figures the right indicate full marks SECTION -1 2x5=10 Q. 2 Read the two case reports and answer the questions given belo veek old infant was taken to a hospital with complaints of convulsions. The urine of (A) AS the infant emitted a peculi oheny! pyruvic acid and phenyl lactic acid, Further the blood showed raised levels of phenyl! mousy odour. The urine, when tested, was found to contain alanine. The diagnosis was phenyl ketonuria basis of diagnosis ? {al What is th {b} Identify the biochemical defect in phenyl ketonuria? ‘onutia can be managed? {c) How pher (d)Why the infant had convulsions and the urine had a mousy odour? e) Explain why tyrosine is an essential amino acid in phenyl ketonuric patients (B) A 14 year old boy was brought to a consultant in a semi comatose state. The patient was e of 475me/di ria and dehydrated. The lab tests revealed the boy had a random blood glucose vali. The serum potassium level was below normal. The boy also had severe glyc: ketonuria. The diagnosis was made as diabetic keto-acidosis. (a) Explain on what basis the diagnosis was arrived at en in the patient. Mention other types of (b) Explain which type of diabetes mellitus is, betes mellitus is of ketoacidosis in the patient c) Describe the genes te the functions of insulin nsuch patients ‘ests which are televe oliowing statemen ts Q.3 Explau your comments on the fol (a) Adenyi cyciase and phosphodiesterase regulate the cyclic AMP levels (b) There are different lipases in the body {c) Adipose 1¢ has endocrine function also (d) Glutathione and NADPH are invoived in free radical scavenging (e) Type-l urea cycle disorder is most severe SECTION II Q.4 Give an account of the following (any two): (a) DNA recombinant technology and its applications {b) VLDL, LDL and HDL metabolism with their clinical importance. {c) Gluconeogenesis from amino acids : steps, regulation and significance Q.5 Write short notes on the following (any three): 3x (a) Oxidative phosphorylation (b) Special products formed from aromatic amino acids {c) Polymerase chain reaction and its applications (d) Primary gout (c) Biochemical explanation for diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, angiopathy and neuropathy 3x2 Q.6 Write briefly on the following: (any three): (a) Posttranscriptional modifications {b) Dietary ways to lower serum cholesterol level {c) Rate limiting enzymes of glycogenesis and glycogenolysis {d) Topoisomerases ik (e) Oncosuppressor gene + SMeMEVACTION, hursday 18th October , 21 {ham 1.00pm —— Max.marks 50 BIOCHEMISTRY ~papER Instructions : (2)tach section should be written ina separate answer book (2)Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION-1 10x1=10 Q.1Mcas Q.2.. Read the two case reports and answer the questions given below (A)A child with oedema was brought to a hospital . The doctor on duty got the urine of the patient tested which was positive for proteinuria.The child was passing frothy urine. The serum albumin level was 2.2g/dl. The Child was diagnosed to suffer from nephrotic syndrome. (a)What is the basis of diagnosis (b)How albuminuria is detected (c)What is the cause of oedema in the child {d)Give the normal ranges of : total proteins, albumin and globulins in serum (e)Draw the normal serum protein electrophoretogram and compare it with that of the patient (B)A 50 year old business man complained of severe chest pain radiating to the left arm along with sweating and breathlessness. He was rushed to the hosoital where his ECG and cardiac marker ‘enzymes were examined. The ECG findings were inconclusive but serum CKMB levels were high The patient was diagnosed to have suffered from acute myocardial infarction and admitted to ICU. (a]What is the basis of diagnosis {b)What is the clinical utility of cardiec troponins {c}What are isoenzymes. Give two examples with explanation {d}Describe plasma functignal and non-functional enzymes {ejExpivin the use of enzymes as therapeutic agents Q. 3. Give your comments on the following statements nween DNA and REA Hoiportant protei igou butters have important funcbons, (a}Borb ¢ {and nonessential amino acids are important here are 5 major classes af immunoglobulins SECTION-2 Q.4.Give an account of any TWO of the following (a)Classification and functions of carbohydrates (b}Formation of bilirubin and different types of jaundice (c)Calcitriol : formation, functions and deficiency states Q. 5 Write short notes on any THREE (2)Phospholipids (b)Competitive enzyme inhibition (c)Visual cycle (a)Sickle cell disease (e)Collagen Q. 6 Answer briefly on any THREE {a)Primary structure of proteins (bjFolic aid arison of myoglbin and haemoglobin comp. idicoenzymes erum lipase and amylase feiDiagaostic utility of 5 275710 3x329 Vitel MBAS EXAMINATION fay 9" Ox pber 1 00am = 1.00 gn BIOCHEMISTRY ~ PAPER - 2 insti uctions: £)F 204 section should be weitten m a separate answer book (ibgures to the rele indicate full marks SECTION ~1 10x1=10 Q.1MCQs Q. 2 Read the two case reports and answer the questions given below 2x5=10 (A) A type ~2 Diabetes mellitus patient approached a consultant with symptoms like wi spite of high food mtake and increased urine output. The doctor asked the patient to come fasting the next day morning for fasting and postprandial blood glucose estimation The lab reports of the patient were as given below: Fasting blood glucose » 250 me / dl Postprandial blood glucose :375 me / dl GiycoH 11% (a)Describe different types of Diabetes mellitus {b}Explain polyphagia, polydypsia and polyurea (c)Explain the significance GlycoHb estimation (d)Describe the long term effects of diabetes mellitus (e)Weite apout the functions of insulin (B)A 5 year old chile! was brought to a paediatrician with complaints of menta! retardation, seizures 2nd a mousy odour. The chromatography of urinary amino acids showed the presence of phenyl atanine suggesting phenylketonuria Fxplain the molecular defect in phenylketonurie hildren become mentally retarded biwhy th jat precautions should be observed by such patients: Which ive 1 Jct accurmutate in this diss metsbole aoe (eiWeite shout any other bern error of amino acid metabolisi 2.3 Give your comments vn the following statements (alHemotysiy may be caused by a non-functioning HMP shunt pathway (b}Even chain fatty acids are not glucogenic (e)Ketoacidosis is more common in type-I diabetes mellitus {d)Muscte givcogen cannot contribute to bload glucose (e)Telomerases have important functions SECTION ~2 Q..4 Give an account of any TWO of the following : (a)Lipoprotein metabolism and dysiipidemias (b)Glycolysis, regulation and significance (c}Formation of ammonia and its disposal Q_ 5 Write short notes on any THREE of the following {a)Primary gout {b)Enzymes required for gluconeogenesis {clGenetic code {d)one carbon metabolism {e)Digestion of lipids Q. 6 Write briefly on any THREE of the following : {a)Ribozymes, (b)t-RNA (c)Serotonin (d)Cholesterol lowering diet (e)Lipoprotein “a” eK KKK KKK IIOOK 2x5=10 3x3=9 3x2=6 PATEL UNIVE raminates SIOCHEMISTRY- PAPER | 02-08-2013 Gam-1230pm — Total 1 Weite each section in a separate answer book 2 Figures to the right indicate full marks SECTION I Q.4 MCQs 10x1=10) Q. 2. Read the case report and answer the questions given below 10 A five year old boy, having high fever. was brought to a consultant who after examining the patient asked for the microscopic examination of the blood smear of the patient for malarial parasites. The report was positive confirming malaria. The dot escribed anti-malarial treatment by which the patient improved. Aiter a couple of days the patient was brought back with symptoms of jaundice. Now the report was as under Total bilirubin 6 mg/d! Conjugated bilirubin - 0.4 mg/at bilirubin 5.6 mg/dl 30 U/L ALT Urine urobilinogen: elevated irubin. absent Urine bi Significantly. the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) level in the patient was found to be below normal (a) What is the type of jaundice that the patient is suffering from? Give your explanation fier anti-malanal therapy (b) Why the patjent developed jaundi (c) What is the is the role and importance of G6PD estimation Vhat 18 conjugation of bilirubin te rolytic, hepatic and obstructive jaundice te) Describe hae chemistry- Paper ll Time. 10.30aim"-1 aturday. i. Write each section in a separate answer book 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks Section-t Q.1.Multiple choice questions Q.2,Read the case report carefully and answer the given questions 50 year old senior business executive woke up in the morning complaining of Severe pain in his joints especially on his first metatarsophalangeal joint. The executive, an alcoholic, had consumed alcoho! the previous night. He went toa consultant doctor. The doctor suspecting gout asked for assaying the uric acid and lactic acid levels in the serum of the patient. The lab report was as follows. Serum une acid: 8 8 mg/dl Serum lactate: 4.0 millimol /Litre (normal < 1.4 millimol /Litre) The patient was diagnosed to have gouty arthritis (a) Explain the basis of the diagnosis (b) Describe primary and secondary gout (c) What are the precautions lo be observed by the a patient of gout (d) Give the name and the mechanism of the action of the drug used in gout () Explain purine salvage pathways and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Q.3. Give your explanation/comments on the following statements 5x1=5 (a) Muscle glycogen does not contribute to maintenance of blood glucose level (b) Fat burns in the flame of carbohydrate (c) In glycolysis. there are two steps of substrate level phosphorylation (d) HDL is a beneficial lipoprotein (¢) Oncosuppressor genes prevent carcinogenesis Section-Il Q.4, Give an account of any 2 of the following (a) Oxidation of fatty acids, its regulation and energy liberation (0) DNA replication ic) Metabolic alterations and complications in diabetes mellitus Q.5. Write short notes on any 3 of the following (a) VLDL and LDL metabolism ib) Significance of HMP shunt pathway citic for gluconeogenesis (c) Enzymes spx (d) Polymerase chain reaction and its applications (e) Atheroscierosis and risk factors for its development Q.6. Give your expianation/comments on the following statements. 3x3=9 6x1=6 (a) Thermogenin acts as a physiologic un-coupler of oxidative phosphorylation (b) Propiony! CoA is glucogenic ic) Olive oil can reduce cholesterol level (d) Increased homocysteine level is bad for health () Bile salts have important functions in the bedy (f) Ammonia detoxification is very crucial in the body axe BIOCHEMISTRY- PAPER ! 19-8-20%4 10.30. am- 12.30 pm Total Marky Write each section in a separate answer book 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks SECTION I t cad the case report and answer the questions given below: : af old obese person felt severe chest pain and the pain was radiating to hi left arm. Soon he was sweating profusely and felt breathless and drifted into a semiconscious state. The relatives immediately brought him to a Hospital © Consultant doctor, after examining the patient, suspecting acute myocardial (AMI) got the ECG of the patient done which was not confirmatory © report on the serum cardiac marker enzyme (CKM®) showed higher ncicating All. The treatment of the patient wus infaretio: it normal range, ly started, are isoenzymes’ Explain their clinicalidiagnostic utility markers and how are they useful? we the early car are plasma spe and plasma nonspecilic enzymes? Give examples enzymes atain the therapeutic u: (d) Write about the diagnostic significance of serum AST and ALT Give your comments /explanation on the following statemenis. (a) Bile salts have important functions in the body ch with a different function active forms & (b) Vitamin A has th leciinin is required in lungs {c) Oypatmit are interrelated (4) fhe functions oF Vitarnin-612 and Fo ed Fatty acids are omega-3 or omega.6 SECTION.2 Q.4 Give an account of any two of the following: (2) Haemoglobinopathies and thalassemias' (b) Metabolism of bilirubin, types of jaundice and their main features (¢) Activation of Vitamin D and calcium homeostasis Q.5 Write short notes on any three of the following (a) Functions of plasma albumin {b) Types and functions of immunoglobulins (c) Blood buffers (a) Competitive enzyme inhibition with application (e) Collagen- types, formation and disorders Q.6 Wrie briefly on any three of the following (a) Lecithin and cephaline (b) Functions of VilaminE on graph of haemoglobin an diss (c) Oxy ns of Vitamink fun (d) Fun 2X5=10 3X3=9 3X2=6 isl MBBS Examination BIOCHEMISTRY PAPER Total marks:50 ay 20-08-2014 10.30am-12 300m 1on should be written in a separate answer book Wecdn Notes’ 1 Each se © the right indicate full marks 2. Figures Section-1 O.1MCas 10x1=10 2 s Q.2 Read the case report and answer the questions written below: 10 ‘ly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic patient came to the hospital for his A 47 year old recen regular check-up. The biochemistry report was as under: Fasting blood glucose : 190mgidl Glycosylated Hb :8 Total cholesterol 305mg/al HDL cholesterol 38mg/dl Triglycerides 300 mg/dl LDL cholesterol 230 mg/dl (a) What is your interpretation of the lipid profile, FBS and Glyco Hb ‘evels of the patient, stating the normal range of each parameter (b) Expiain why increased level of LDL is bad (c) What is the function of HDL (2) Why there is dyslipidemia in this person. State the future complications which may occur in this person, if not taken care of (e) What are the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases 5X1=5, Q.3 Give your commenis/expianation on the following statements. Fo at (a) Telomerase is an important enzyme Even chat foity actts eannot be ghueegente i ‘Paden e qout need to. aud cleaned Xevodenma Pigmentosun veal pam dappetive pai damaged DNA lopoisomerases are involved in DNA replication Section-2 Q.4 Give an account of any two of the following (a) DNA recombinant technology and its applied aspects (b) Significance of HMP shunt pathway esis and diabetic 1 (©) Types of Diabetes mellitus, metabolic changes, ketoge ketoacidosis Q.5 Write short notes on any three of the following: (a) Blot technique and its medical applications (b) Urea formation (c) Gluconeogenesis from lactate (d) Posttranscriptional modifications (@) Beta oxidation of fatty acids Q.6 Write briefly on any three 3X2=6 (a) Polymerase chain reaction (b) Enzymes required for DNA replication {c) Phenyl ketonuria (d) Purine salvage pathways DOKI KKK U SARDAR PATEL First MBBS b va: Biochemistry Po Date 13.11.2014 Time: 10.30 am. 12.30 pm Total Marks 50 uctions. 1. Each ion should be written in a separate Answer Book 2. Figures to the ight indicate full marks Section- | 1 Muluiple choice questions ie Q.2 Read #! © case report carefully and answer the questions given below 10 ent be Id fever. abdominal pa'n, nausea and was passing dark Feaching the hospital, the doctor noticed yellow sclera, 2 ard mucus membrane. Soon, the lab tests showed the following results: lal bilirupin: 8 4 mg/ml Serum Conjugated bilirubin: 4 mg/dl Serum ALT 900 uid Serum AST: 450 udi The student was diagnosed by the doctor to be having hepatic jaundice. our interoretation of the Leb report (b) How could the doctor alrive al the diagnosis o! hepatic jaundice in the student (c) Describe the other major types of jaundice and how are they different id) Give the steos involved in the process of conju ‘on after secretion into inte (e) What happens to dil line Q.3 Expiain/ give your comments on the given statements: 5X (a} Vitamin AT clive forms Leciticn is important in the lungs, especially in the newborns © Ethenol fs ov antidote for methano! poisoning “Blood fox guucose estimabisn is Collected tn Prucaide tubes \©) Coenzymes are derived from water soluble vitamins : Section Il e an account of any 2 of the following 2X5=1 fa) f 1 proteins- types, functions and abnor malities (b) Lipids- types and functions fc) Serum enzymes and their diagnostic significance 3X Nrite short notes on any 3 of the following: (a) Sickle cell anaemia {b) Polysaccharides {c) Blood buffers ) . id) Collagen (e) Factors affecting enzyme reactions Q.6 Write in brief on any 3 of the following: (a) Essential fatty acids (b) Aromatic amino acids * (c) Haemoglobin and myoglobin (o) IgG 2) pROAR PATEL UNIVERSITY First Examination Biochemistry Paper! te 1a 11-2014 Time: 16 30 am-12 30 pr Total Mar¥s 50 nstruchons: 1. Write each Section ina separate Answer Book 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks Section: | 1 Multiple choice questions 40X1=10 0.2 Read the case report and answer the questions given below briefly 10 A middle aged person woke up in the morning with severe pain in joints especially in big toes. Soon’he went to a Hospital, wnere the Consultant on duty examined the patient. The patient conveyed to the doctor that he had taken alcohol, the previous during a party The patient also informed he had been consuming alcohol often ‘The Consultant. suspecting gout. got the se-um uric acid of the patient estimated and the yaiue turned cut to be: 9.8 mg/dl. The lactic acid in the serum was also elevated. The Consultant diagnosed this as a case of gouty arthritis and advised the patient on the drugs and other precautions to take: (a) Write as to how the doctor arrived at the diagnosis (b) Which medicine is usually prescribed for gout and what is the basis for this (¢} Avoiding alconol and non-vegetarian diet can improve the condition. Explain how (d) How uric acid is produced in the body ie) Explain primary and secondary gout Q.3 Give your comments/explanation on the following statements: SXi=5 (a) GEPD is an important enzyme (o) Blood for glucose estimation is collected in fluoride tube {o) Insulin and glucagon have opposite functions {d) Statins are used te lower cholesterol levels in the body 2) Starvation ean lead to ketoacidocis Section- fl Q.4 Give an accotint of any 2 of the following: (a) Steps. importance and regulation of gluconeogenesis ds and regulation (b) Oxidation of fatty (c) Formation of urea in the body Q.5 Write short notes on any 3 of the following (a) PCR and its apptications (b} Phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria / (b} DNA replication (c) Metabolism of lipoproteins “ (d) Post transcriptional changes (e) Genetic code Q.6 Write briefly on any 3 of the following (a) Regulation of glycolysis (b) Plasmids (c) Mutation (d) Transfer RNA 24 SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY First MEBS Examination Biochemistry Paper. | Date 13-08-2015 Time. 10.20am-12.30 pm Total Marks: 50 Notes 1 Each section is to be written in separate Answer Book 2 Figures to the right indicate marks Section-| Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions Q.2 Read the following case report and write down the answers in brief: 5X2=10 52 year old Bank Manager felt severe chest pain in the morning. Soon the pain was radiating to the left arm. He became breathless and was sweating profusely. The patient was immediately rushed to a nearby Clinic where the Consultant examined the patient subjected the patient to certain tests. His ECG was not very conclusive, but, the serum CKMB levels were more than normal which helped the doctor to diagnose the patient to have Acute Myocardial Infarction. The patient was admitted to the Intensive Cardiac Unit and the treatment started (a) Explain the basis of diagnosis in the patient (b) What are the early cardiac marker proteins present in the serum? (c) What are isoenzymes? Give examples and explain their utility. (2) Can serum ALT and AST, be used as early cardiac markers. Give proper justification (e) Write about the therapeutic utility of enzymes. Q.3 Write your comments on the following statements in brief: 8X1=5 _{2) Hb F is replaced by Hb A during the first weeks of life \46) Ascorbic acid is essential for collagen maturation. \ 67€aleitrio! has important functions in the body. : Us Pestagiandins have different functions in the body. © Certain fatty acids are essential in the diet Fifst MBBS Examit Biochemis yt y Pape te. 13 08-2048 Time 10 30am-12.30 pm Total Marks: SS Notes 1 Each section is to be written in separate Answer Book 2 Figures to the right indicate marks. Section-| Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions 4@X1=10 2 Read the following case report and write down the answers in brief: 5X2=10 A.52 year old Bank Manager fell severe chest pain in the morning. Soon the pain was radiating to the lefl arm. He became breathless and was sweating profusely. The patient was immediately rushed to a nearby Clinic where the Consultant examined the patient subjected the patient to certain tesis. His ECG was nol very conclusive, but, the serum CKMB levels were more than normal which helped the doctor to diagnose the patient to have Acute Myocardial Infarction. The patient was admitted to the Intensive Cardiac Unit and the treatment started Explain the basis of diagnosis in the patient {0} What are the early cardiac marker proteins present in the serum? (c) What are isoenzymes? Give examples nd explain their utility (d) Can serum ALT and AST be used as early cardiac markers. Give proper justific (e) Wate about the therapeutic utility of enzymes. Q.3 Write your comments on the following statements in brief () Ho F is replaced by Hb A during the first weeks of life (©) Ascorbi 'Scorbic acid is essential for collagen maturation. ‘ol has important functions in the body. 0) Prosiagiant e agiandins nave different functions in the body. atty acids are essential in the diet SMR reece Give an account of tr following (any 2) Haemoglc inopathies and thalassaemias (b) Types c indice a i their diagnosis (c} Plasma proteins: types. functions and disorders Q 5 White short notes on the following (any 3) {a) Blood buffers (b) Retinoids (c) Competitive enzyme inhibition and its medical uses (d} Phospholipids (e) Methyl folate trap Q 6 Write briefly on the following (any 3) (a) Coenzymes () Diagnostic use of serum lipase and amylase {c) Antioxidant vitamin (d) Primary structure of proteins Biochemistry Paper-ii Daete :4-8-2015 Time: 10.30am-12.30pm Total Marks. Notes 1. Each section should be written in separate answer books 2.Figures to the right indicate marks. Section-| Q.1 Multiple choice questions 10x1=10 Q.2 Read the given case report and answer the questions given below: 5x2=10 A50 year oid with abdominal obesity approached a doctor as he noticed increased thirst and urine outgut. The patient also complained of fatigue. The clinician asked the patient to come next day morning after an overnight of fast for 12 hours for fasting blood glucose estimation. The glycated haemoglobin level was also estimated: The values were asunder Fasting plasma glucose: 220mg/di Glyco haemoglobin. 10 8 percent PP2BS 265mg/dl ad this as a case of disbetes mellitus and the patient was asked to take and also to make life style changes including dietary adjustments. The {a} Explain the diagnosis and wnat type of diabetes is it? (b} Describe najor s of diabetes mellitus {c) What is the signiticance of glyce Hb test? id) Which other tests are required in this patient and why (e} Explain polyurea. volydypsia polyphagia angiopathy, nephropathy.retinopathy and neuropathy Q.3 Give your comments/expianation on the following statements 5X1=5 (2) HGPRTase de‘ciency may cause hyperuricemia (b} G6PD deficiency can lead to haemolytic disease 6) Carmitine is tial for be ta oxidation of fatty 2 yme disorders in urea synthesis can cause a toxic state. mids are used a! vectors, Section-li Q.4 Give an account of any 2 of the following (a) Metabolism of various lipoproteins, associated disorders including atherosclerosis (b) Beta oxidation of fatty acids, ketogenesis and ketoacidosis eps, significance and regulation (c) Gluct short notes on any 3 of the followin, iy chain reaction and its applications of HMP Shunt pathway (e) DNA repiicat Q.6 Write briefly on any 3 of the following: (a) Fatty liver (b) Posttranscriptional changes (¢) Pnenyrketonuria (d) Telomerase No. of Priniad Pages DAR PATEL UNIVERSITY First MBBS Supplementary Ex. amination ; Biochemistry Paj . 1-201, Pricay me:10.30a 7 Fo Time:10.30am to 12.30 pm Total Marks.50 ection should be written in a separate Answer Book Section-1 Q.1 Multiple choice questions: 40X1=10 Q.2 Read the case report carefully and answer the questions given below: 8X2=10 A.55 year old obese person felt severe chest pain which was also felt in the left arm. He was sweating a lot and was semi unconscious. He was taken to @ Hospital where the Clinician, suspecting Acute Myocardial infarction (AMI), got the ECG of the Patient done which did not show confirmatory changes. Simultaneously the serum cardiac markers were found to be elevated pointing towards @ diagnosis of AMI. The patient was immediately admitted to the Intensive cardiac cere and the treatment got underway. (a) Explain plasma specific and plasma nonspecific enzymes. How are the latter useful? (b) What are isoenzymes? Give example with explanation and use in the diagnosis of AMI (c) What is the role of Troponins in the diagnosis of AMI (a) What is the basis of diagnosis of AM! in the patient? (e) Mention the therapeutic uses of enzymes Q.3 Explain and comment on the given statements: (a) Conjugation of bilirubin is of great significance (b) Coenzymes are derived from water soluble vitamins (c) Collagen synthesis requires ascorbic acid (d) Thalassemia may be of 2 types (e) Albumin has transport functions also Section 2 Q 4 Give an account of any 2 of the following (a) Plasma proteins, their functions and abnormalities (b) Types of lipids and functions (c) Classification of carbohydrates Q.5 Write short notes on any 3 of the following: (a) sickle cell anaemia (b) Functions of plasma albumin (c) Diagnostic use of serum enzymes in jaundice (d) Mucopolysaccharides (e) Calcitriol: synthesis, functions and deficiency Q 6 Write briefly on any 3 of the following (a) Alpha-1 antitrypsin (0) Thiamine (c) IgG (d) Methy! folate trap LAs Mo: of F EpsiTy ¥ Exarnines atry papers) Dale 2114-2015 Time: 10.30 am 20 am to 12 Max Marks Note Each section ts ta be written in a sepa Section : 4 Q 1 Multiple choice questions: 2 Réad the e report carefully and ar: he questions giveA below A 45 year old lady was brought to 2 Hospital with complzins of weight loss, frequent urination, increased thirst and fatigue. The Clinician suspecting the lady to suffer from Giabetes asked her to get done the fasting glucose, PP2BS end glycol Hb levels the next day and the report was as under FBS: 190mg/dt PP2BS: 240 Glyco-Hb: 9.5 The Clinician diagnosed this as 2 case diat mellitus and the treetment stared which included lifestyle chenges and medication. (a) What type of diabetes mellitus is this? What is the basis of diegnosis? (b) Explain Polydypsia, polyurea and polypnagia (c) Write about nephropathy, retinopathy, angiopathy and nuropathy (3) What is the significance of glyco- Hb levels (e) Which other investigations are necessary in this lady Q.3 Explain/give your comments on the following statements: 5xi (2) Elevated levels of LDL are injurious to health. (6) Carnitine is an impertant substance in the body (c} Serum creatinine and urea serve as renal function tests (0) DNA replication requires several enzymes. (e) The genetic code 1s unambiguous but degenerate Section-2 Q4 Give an account of any 2 of the following: (a) Lipoprotein metabolism and associated disorders (b) Formation and detoxification of ammonia (c) Gluconeogenesis , its regulation and significance Q.5 Write short notes on any 3 of the following: (a) Beta oxidation of fatty acids (b) Ketogenesis and ketoacidosis (c} Polymerase chain reaction (d) Ribonucleic acids (e) Significance of HMP shunt pathway Q.6 Write briefly on any 3 of the following: (a) Fatty liver (b) Post transcriptional modifications (c) Lipid digestion (d) Glucose tolerance test 3x3=9 3x2=6 First MBBS Examination Biochemistry Paper 1 Date 6-8-2616 Time: 10.30am-12.30pm Maniniuimr Marke 3 Notes. 1 Each Secon shou'd be written in a separate Answer Book e ook, 2 Fig to the night indicate full marks Section | Q.4. Motiple Ghote Questions Q.2, Read the report given below and answer the questions given below: 5X2=10 id Gul faving mild fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting with dark urine and ‘onjunctiva wes brought to 2 Hospital. The Clinician, suspecting hepatic tion tests done in the Lab, results of which are written below: AW yea jaundice got certain fiver f Serum total bilirubin, ‘9mg/di Serum direct bilirubin: 3.8mg/di Serum AU 955UIL Serum AST S85U/L Serum ALP 280UiL tie diagnosis of hepatoceilutar jaundice. The Lab report conti {a) What is the basis of diagnosis in the patient? tb) Explain the major types of jaundice and their diagnosis {e) What is conju subine? (d) Describe Vanden Bergh Tes (e} Formation and fate of urobilinogen Q.3. Explain/comment on the following statements (2) Free bilirubine is not water insoluble {o) Serotonin has important function in the body (e)Thromboxane A2 and Prostacyclines (9) Cenain Troponins serve as early cardiac markers. (€) One type of phospholipid has a specific role in lungs Section I Q.4, Give 29 accourt of any 2 of the following ders ) Calcitriols formation. functions and dis! (0) Plasma proteins. types, separation, functions and eonormalities (c) Types of enzyme inhibition and their applied uses hort notes on any 3 of the following. 3K3=9 as.w (2) Diagnostic utility of serum Glucose- 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (b) Maintenance of acid base balance in the body (c) Methyl folate trap (d) Collagen (e) Sickle cell disease Q.6. Write fly on any 3 of the following 3X2=6 (a) Oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin (b) Thalassemias (c)Chondroitin sulphate (a) Essential fatty acids SARDAR VALLABHAI PATEL UNIVERSITY Furst MBBS Examination Biochemustry Paper il Date: 8-8-2016 Time: 10.30am-12.30pm Maximum Marks: 50 Notes 1 Each Section should be written in a separate Answer Book 2 Figures to the right indicate full marks Section | atm le choice uestions. 10X: Q.2, Read the following case report and write the answers of the given questions: 5X2=10 A50 year old person experienced severe pain in the big toes, early in the morning. He had inflammation and pain in other joints elso. He had consumed alcohol the previous evening. The person consulted a doctor in the morning who aiter examining the patient asked him to go to the Biochemistry lab fer estimating his serum uric acid an lactate levels. The values were as under Serum uric acid: 9 mg/dl Serum lactate: above normal The doctor diagnosed this es gout and the treatment started (a) How x doctor arrive at the diagnosis of gout? {b) What is gout and describe different types of gout (©) What is the preferred drug for gout and what is the mechanism action of it? (@) Why cid the patient have above normal lactate levels and how is it of concern? (e) Describe the different uric acid forms seen in the patient, has it got any chnical significance? Q.3. Give your comments/expiain the following statements 5X1=5 (2) Glucose-6 phosphate can have different fates (b) Deficiency of Methionine may lead to falty liver (©) Nucleoside analogs can be employed as anticancer agents (0) insulin is antiketogenic {e) Diabetics are at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis Section tt Q.4, Give an account of any 2 of the following 2x5=10 (2) Describe the metabolism lipooroteins, Explain the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and Coronary artery disease (e) Give the details of metabolic alterations in the acute and longterm complications of diabetes mellitus (c) The DNA replication, DNA damage, repair mechanisms and associated disorders Q.5. Write short notes on any 3 of the following 3x35 (2) Beta oxidation of fatty acids (a) Regulation of glycogenolysis (e) Posttranscriptional modifications 3X26 Q.6. Write briefly on any 3 of the following: (a) Polymerase chain reaction (b} Southern blot technique {c) Vitamin K in post translational modification (a) SCID 0. Of Priated Paggeaie 7 SARDAR PATEL UNIVERS|Ty First MBBS E amination Biochemistry Paper! Date 17-11-2016 Time 10.00 am To 12.00 pm Total tdarkw 6k Note. Each Section should be writen in a separate Answer Hook Section Q.1 Multiple choice questions 10K1=10 Q.2 Read the case report written below and answer the questions given below %2=10 A middle aged person felt acute pain in the chest and the pain was radiating towards the left arm. He felt dizzy and was sweating profusely. Soon he was taken to the Hospital and the consultant suspecting acute myocardial infarction sent the patient for ECG and for testing the early cardiac markers. The ECG was not conclusive but the biochemical cardiac markers showed an elevation. The doctor diagnosed this as a case of AMI and the patient was admitted to the ICU. (a) What are the biochemical early cardiac markers? (b) What are Isoenzymes and their clinical utility? (c) Which are the non enzyme cardiac markers? (d) How did the doctor arrive at the diagnosis? () What is the significance of AST and ALT in the diagnosis of AMI? Q 3 Give the explanation/comment about the statements given below: patee (a) Vitamin A is important for vision (©) Vitamin C is required for collagen maturation (©) There are several essential amino acids (9) There are antioxidant vitamins (2) The Enzymes are grouped into 6 classes Section -I1 Q 4 Give an account of any 2 of the following (a) Plasma proteins (b) Haemoglobinopathies and Thalassemias (c) Factors affecting enzyme reactions Q.5 Write short notes on any 3 of the following (2) Mucopolysaccharides (b) Blood buffers (c) Calcitriol (d) Prostaglandins (e) Jaundice Q.6 Write briefly on any 3 of the following (2) Essential fatty acids (b) Lecithine (c) Competitive enzyme inhibition: examples (d) Primary structure of proteins 2X5=10 3X3=9 3X2=6 SARDAR PATEL UNIVERS/Y First MBBS Exarmin ert Date 18. 100 Farday Note Each sec! Maximum Marks should be wntten in Section-| Q.1 Multiple choice questions Q.2 Read the case report and answer the questions given below 5X2=10 50 year old person felt severe pain in his big toes in y morning hours. He also had pain in other joints also. Further he had been a habitual drinker of alcohol and had consumed the same the previous night He went to 2 nearby Hospital and the doctor suspected that the patient might be having Gouty arthritis Accordingly the serum uric acid and lactate level of the patient was tested and the results were as follows Serum uric acid: 10. Smg/dl Serum lactate Abnormally increased With this the doctor could diagnose as a case of Gout (2) What was the basis of diagnosis in the patient (b) What are the different types of Gout (c) Which drugs are useful in Gout (a) Why the lactate was increased in the patient (e) Why alcohol is bad for the patients of Gout 3 Give your comments/expiain about the statements written below SX1=5 (2) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell (b) TCA cycle is an amphibolic pathway (c) Carnitin is necessary for beta oxidation of fatty acids (0) It's essential to maintain blood glucose level (€) Diabetic pati ic Patients can have polyurea. polydypsia and polyphagiya Ce 70) @ 4 Give an accourd of any 2 of ne fonowing (a! Lpoprotens Met metaboasm and atheroscierass (bv) Gluconeogena tis ic) Drabotes melitus and metabobs alterations 2.5 inte short nates on any 3 of the fofowng ja) Regulation of glycolyss ib) Urea cycle (6) Oigestion af bots (dc) Phenyl ketonuria and alkapionur (dt) DNA repheation 6 Winte briefly on any 3 of Ine folovang (2) Poanranscriptional modicatons (B) Fatty beer «t) Potymerase cham reacton iC) Prasad yee ao Sardar peste! Hoiversiy Departinent of Biochemistry Tirnes 40:00em to 12-Otlpin 1° MBS Baamination (Paper |) Hate 260K 2057 (Saray Max mars 5 Instructions: ¢ Both sections should he in separate answer book # Rigure to the right nds ate marks, Qs McQ viNtO ts 2 Case a An 1 ]-year old boy 1s admitted to the hospital with vomiting. nausea and a The nurse notes the sboratory results potassium: 2.9 n:kg. Sodium: 132mEq'L. PH :7.4& (Normal range: Potassium 3.§ to S2mEq’L. So Chloride 98 to 109mEq/L, PH 7.35 to 7.45) 12 136 t0 148mb qi. Honive Calcium 1.1 to L3tmbg t 1) Which primary acid-base imbalance is this boy at risk for if medical attentx provided? 2) In blood which is the most effective butfer and why’? 3) What is an anionic gap how it is calculated? 4) What is other acid base imbalance” 5} How the non volatile acids are cleared from the body and explain? Q-3 One line answer of the followin; (IxS-3+ 1) Name saturated Fatty acids, 2) Bilirubin in serum is estimated by which method” 3) What is the role of 2,3 BPG in high altitude? 4) What is the significance of GT? 5). Significance of inulin clearance test? Secnon (5x2=10) (24 Give an account of the following: (Any two) ance? 1) What do you meant by Km value, and what 18 its sign 2 ed in the diagnosis of inyovardiai infarc ) Name some enzymes that are the pattern of rise followiny in acute myocardial infarct 3) What1s the normal blood jevel of culeiuim® What are calcium homeostasis is maintain” ingchanivin by Write short note of the following: (Any three) (3x3=9) 1) Source of Vitamin C, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations. 2) What are phospholipids? Name their functions. 3) Transport mechanism of glucose: 4) What is primary structure of protein? 5) Classify the jaundice and how do you investigate a case of jaundice? White in short of the following: (Any three) (2x3=6) 1) Biologically important peptides. 2) Explain the specificity of enzymes with suitable example? 3) How the iron absorption take place? 4) What is the biological role of Vitamin K? (MBBS Examination (Paper U) = Date: 28’08/2017 (Monday) Instructions: Qt Q-2 Q3 Q4 Both sections should be in separate answer book. Figure to the right indicate marks. McQ xl 10)~ CG (2x5=10) ws old lady wi s brought to hospital with complains of weight loss, frequent urination inerease thirst and fatigue. The clinician suspecting the lady to suffer from diabetes, asked he to get done FBS, PP2BS and HbA,C and her results are as under, FBS: 190mg/dl, PP2BS: 240mg/dl, HbAYC: 9.5% (Normal ranges FBS: 70 to 110 mg/dl, PP,BS: up to 140mg/dl. HbA\C: 4.5% to 5.9%) 1) What are the biochemical bases of polyuria and polydypsia. 2) What are long term complications of diabetes mellitus when it is uncontrolled? 3) What is the significance of HbA,C? 4) What are other investigations could be done in this case? 5) What do you understand by metabolic syndrome? One line answer of the following: (ix5"5) 1) What are the major actions of insulin? 2) Explain aspirin is useful in prevention of heart attack? 3) From which substances Succinyl CoA is generated? 4) What is bad cholesterol, why is it called so? 5) What is the importance of PUFA in cholesterol metabolism? Section Il Give an account of the following: (Any two) (Sx2=10) 1) Describe the process of glycolysis, Explain how many molecule of ATP » esbdaatilad in aerobic and anaerobic conditions? : : a : =) ics ic the Process of DNA replication, name two inhibitor of replication? ‘tone bodies. Give two conditions characterised by excessive production of ketone bodies. Explain the metabolic derangement and consequences of k rai SEATNo AR PAR TL UNIVERSITY artment of Biochemistry am (0 12:00) BS Examination (Paper 1) 22017(Monday) Mer OF pisted page UT Max marks: $6 oe book os McQ U6) 0) wa bour duration, The biceher Siena ghicose ang LDH: 4000/1, 288 mg’di, AST: SSU/L, ALT: 20U/L. CPK: 3 1) What are other markers which can be e: ed in this case? agnosis y significance! et AST. A ALT 2 a Shot fydtniscase & wsty? Section II 2-4 Write noie of the following: (Any two) ayy 1) Enzyme inhibition. 2) Hemoglobinopathies, 2) Define BMR and factors affecting BMR. SORT {06 Marasmus. Puanetions« of RUAR PATEL LNIVERSITY Lcpartinent of Biochemistry Num fae: L0z(Masn 10 12:00pm +) MBBS Eaamination (Paper 11) yore LD 12 2017 Tuesday Max eae ‘ber of printed pase (241 jastractions: «Both seetions should be in se -e to the right indicate marks. ins er bey aby (10) a0 Flyperipidemia , Hypertension snd ‘ne visit, Laboratory tests fore HDAIC a sive 12.9%, months previous'y lysis was perfonnedi ved fasting blood glucose o sstimated by HPLt FBS: 70 -110 mg/dl, HbAIC: 4 ~ 5.7%. 1d by impaired blood ignificance of HDAIC? + viel blood should be collected 4; What is renel threshold for glucose? What do understand by metabobe syndr ‘ e answers of the foliowir: (03) iv 2 sterol, why is it cailed so” ] ansdesmination? 4) Whai are imporiant substances synthesized from tyrosine’ 5) What is the defective enzyme in Phenyl ketouria? Section U 40) + Write note of the following: ( Replication, - Oxidation and ts regulation ‘ose level a! Remiation of Biood g (064 1 MBBS Date: 27/07/2018 (Friday) Inst Q4 Qs sxamination (Paper }) ructions: «© Both sections should be in separate answer book ure to the right indicate marks, McQ (x10=19) Case: (2x5=10) A 50 year old known alcoholic man attended the general medicine clinic and the following abnormal liver test results found, cause of ascites Bilirubin: 10 mg/dl (1 10 1.2 mg/dl) 76 U! (up to 40 U/L) ALP: 271 U/L (up to 110 U/L) Albumin: 1.8gm/dl (3.5 to $.2 gmv/dl), yGT: 324 U/L (upto 38 U/L) 1) What is the cause of hypoalbuminamia? 2) What are the hepatic and metabolic disorders? 3) Explain Van den berg’s reaction? 4) What do you mean by prothrombin time and what is the clinical utility? 5) Why Bilirubin has to be protected from light? One line answers of the following: (1x5=5) 1) What is the difference between Insulin and inulin? 2) Low lecithin/sphingomyelin levels leads to RDS. 3) Trans fatty acids are considered to be injurious to health. 4) Essential amino acid on the bases of nutritional requirement. 5) Glucose is reducing but sucrose is non reducing in nature. Section I! Write note of the following: (Any two) (5x2=10) 1) Write note on structure and functions of proteins 2). Write down the role of kidney in acid base disorders and add a note on Metabolic acidosis. 3) Function and deficiency manifestation of Vitamin B» and folic acid. Write in brief of the following: (Any three) 1) Difference between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus, 2). Digestion and absorption of lipids. 3) Hemoglobinopathies 4) Factors affecting enzyme activity, Explain, define or short answer of the following: (Any Three) 1) Vitamin D acts as a hormone. 2) Cell membrane structure. 3) Heparin and its importance. 4) Biologically important peptide. | SAREREREAEE REE BAVAR PA Li MINEV ER ate T Department of Biochemistry Hine: 10 minutes 1° MBUS Faamination (Paper D Date: 27/07/2018 (Friday) Select most appropriate answers Write correct answer in the box [| piven, Qt ) xy ) a 4 5) 6 MCQ Phase 1 a) Conj b). Excretion of the different conjugates. tions are concerned with which of the following’? tion with UDP glucuronic acid. ©) Monooxypenation. d) Hippuric acid formation. Which of the following is not seen in hyperthyroidism? a) Increase weight. b) Increase BMR. c) Moist skin. d) Exophthalmos. C peptide estimation can be used to a) Diagnose type | diabetes b) Diagnose type II diabetes. c) Differentiate between type | and type II diabetes. d) To asses GFR. Chylomicrons : a) Principally carry cholesterol. b) Are synthesized in small intestine. ©) Are apolipoproteins. 4) Are the smallest lipoproteins. Enzyine xanthine oxidase contains. a) Zine, b) Molybdenum. ©) Copper. 4) Cobalt. Mas marks 16, Examination Number fae (oy CO LJ = O OU To replenish 2-3 BPG what is to be added in the blood collected bottles? [aul 2) Glucose, b) Inosine, ©) Sucrose, 8) Heparin SADAR PATEL UNIVERSITY Department of Biochemistry Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm 1° MBBS Examination (Paper 11) Date: 30/07/2018 (Monday) nstructions: * Both sections should be in separate answer book ‘+ Figure to the right indicate marks. mee. (ix10=10) Case (2x5=10) 51 year old male present to emergency unit with chest pain, He states that he has had chest discomfort or pressure intermittently over the last year especially with increased activity. He describes the chest as a pressure behind his breast bone that spreads to the left side of his neck. Unlikely previous episode, he was lying down watching television, The chest pain lasted approximately 15 min then subsided on its own, He also noticed that he was nauseated and sweating during the pain episode. He has no medical problems that he is aware of and has not been to a physician for several years, On examination he is in no acute distress with normal vital signs. His lungs were clear to auscultation bilaterally and his heart had regular rate and rhythm with no murmurs. An ECG revealed ST segment elevation and T waves in leads II, II] and AVF. Serum troponin I levels are elevated. 1) What is the most likely diagnosis? 2) What biochemical shuttle may be active to provide ATP per glucose molecule? 3) What are the other cardiac markers? 4) In this patient are we suppose to monitor Lipid profile and why? 5) Which is the rate limiting step of cholesterol metabolism? One line answers of the following: (1x55) 1). Specialised products synthesize from tyrosine. 2) Clinical utility of HbA<. 3) Serum appears milky after high fat diet 4) Albumin globulin ratio is reverse in which condition? 5) Name important antioxidants. Section II Write note of the following: (Any two) (Gx2=10) 1) Write in detail about urea cycle and its disorders. 2) Write in detail about odd and even chain fatty acid oxidation. 3) Transcription and post transcriptional modification. | Write in brief of the following: (Any three) ‘Acute and chronic complication of diabetes. Gout and its management. Gene therapy. 4) Risk factors associated with atherosclerosis. Explain, define or short answer of the following: (Any Three) 1) DNA damage and repair mechanism. 2) Cori cycle. 3) Ketosis and Ketogenesis. 4) Component of ETC. THERESE EERE CHEE HEE CHEECH EEE HH EEE ER ERE EE HEHE HEE EEE (2x3=6) SITY Ti me ime: 10:00am t0 12:00pm 1 MBBS Examination (Paper 3 Date: 22/11/2018 (Thursday) + Both sections should be in separate answer book. + Figure to the right indicate marks. Section I 1: MC ss | (1x10=10) Q-2: Case x10) A 61-year-old business man felt severe chest pain in the carly moming. The pain was radiating to the left arm and he felt breathlessness and was profusely sweating. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital where the consultant after examining the patient admitted him to the Intensive Care Unit. His ECG tured out to be inconclusive. The serum analysis showed a definite increase in CKMB levels. His cardiac troponin T was also elevated. The patient was administered streptokinase. Give the Probable diagnosis. Mention the clinical significances of CKMB and LDH estimations in this case. 1 2. 3. Mention the use of enzymes as therapeutic agents. 4. 5. What are the risk factors for developing this disorder? Which is earliest marker to be increased in the blood in this condition? Q3 One line Answers of the following: (1x5=5) Explain function of vitamin k in coagulation. ‘Name any two enzymatic antioxidants. Enumerate two functions of albumin. Enumerate Tests included in Renal Function Tests. Enumerate Essential Fatty Acids. sey Section IT Q4 Write note of the following: (Any Two) (5x2=10) 1. Write in details about Digestion and Absorption of Lipids. 2. Explain in details about Regulation of Blood pH. 3. Describe bilirubin formation. Classify and explain in detail about jaundice. Write note of the following: (Any Three) 3x3=9) . Balanced Diet Classification of Enzymes with examples. . Labelled Diagram of DNA structure. Mucopolysaccharides. AONE Write note of the following: (Any Three) (2x3=6) 1. Enumerate function and deficiency of Vitamin A. 2. Nucleotides. 3. Molecular Defect in Sickle cell anaemia. 4. Classification of Amino acids. oo (a8? SADAR PATEL UNIVERSITY Departinent of Hiochemistry Tame: 10:00am to 12.00pm 1 MBBS Examination Paper 11) Date: 26/11/2018 (Monday) Instructions: swer book, ‘+ Both sections should be in separat + Figure to the right indicate marks. Section 1 A 40-year-old male present with severe pi Number of printed pape 92 Max marks 50 x10. 10) (Qx5- 10) . redness and swelling of the base of first metatarso- phalangeal joint in the night after a bout of alcohol consumption. He woke up with severe pain in his right big toe. On examination, Big toe was swollen, warm, red and exquisitely tender, serum uric acid level was 11.2 mg/dL. * a) Whatis the likely diagnosis? b) What is the pathogenesis of this condition? c) Which are primary and secondary causes for this condition. d) What is the normal reference Range for serum uric acid in male and female? e} How to do management of this condition? Q:3 One line Answers of the following: 1. Enumerate Stop codons 2. Enlist Four tumour markers. 3. Special products of Tryptophan 4. Enumerate enzymes for Protein Translation. 5. Types of fatty acid oxidation. Section II QA Write note of the following: (Any Two) (Ix5°5) (2x5=10) |. Transcription and post transcriptional modifications. 2. Details of TCA cycle. @ Types, Procedure and Application of PCR. crtoa? Write note of the following: (Any Three) (3x3=9) 1. Significance of HMP shunt pathway. 2. Post translation modifications. 3. Gene Therapy. 4. Purine Salvage Pathways. Write note of the following: (Any Three) (2x36) LG. 2. Chronic complication of Diabetes mellitus. 3. Enumerate Glycogen storage disorders. 4. Phenylketonuria. Note: + Both sections should be in the separate answer book + Figure to the right indicate marks Q- 1Case: Q2_ One line answers of the following: Q-3. Write short note of the following: (Any two) Sardar Patel University Subject: Biochemistry Paper-1 First MBBS Date: 31/07/2019(Wednesday) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Maximum Marks: 50 2x5=10 A 51 year old men felt severe chest pain in the morning. The pain was radiating to the left arm and he felt breathlessness and was profusely swatting. He was immediateh rushed to a nearby hospital where the consultant after examining the patient admitted him to the intensive care unit. His ECG turns out to be inconclusive. The serum analysis showed a definite increase in CKMB levels. His cardiac troponin T was also elevated. The patient was administered streptokinase. 1). Give probable diagnosis. 2). What are risk factors for developing this disorder? 3) Which is the earliest marker in this case and why? 4) Mention the use of enzymes as therapeutic agents. 5) Name the lipid lowering drug and its mechanism of action 1x5=5 1) Different types fatty acid oxidation. 2) Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. 3) Enumerate tests included in Thyroid Function Test. 4) Molecular defect in sickle cell anemia. 5) Structure and function of Heparin. 5x2=10 1) What are phospholipids and name their functions in detail. 2) Biochemical functions, dietary requirements and absorption of calcium 3) Name important buffer in the body? Describe the role of kidney and lungs in the maintenance of acid base balance? Section I! short note of the following: (Any two) 5x2=10 gestion and absorption of lipids. Describe Bilirubin formation and explain in detail about jaundice. 3) Enumerate different immunoglobulin. Describe the structure of immunoglobulin and compare the salient features of different classes of immunoglobulin. 1) Write in details about di

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