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Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

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Formulation and optimization of intranasal

nanolipid carriers of pioglitazone for the
repurposing in Alzheimer’s disease using Box-
Behnken design

Gifty M. Jojo, Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy, Anindita De & V. V. S. Narayan

Reddy Karri

To cite this article: Gifty M. Jojo, Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy, Anindita De & V. V. S. Narayan
Reddy Karri (2019): Formulation and optimization of intranasal nanolipid carriers of pioglitazone
for the repurposing in Alzheimer’s disease using Box-Behnken design, Drug Development and
Industrial Pharmacy, DOI: 10.1080/03639045.2019.1593439

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Published online: 28 Mar 2019.

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Formulation and optimization of intranasal nanolipid carriers of pioglitazone

for the repurposing in Alzheimer’s disease using Box-Behnken design
Gifty M. Jojo, Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy, Anindita De and V. V. S. Narayan Reddy Karri
Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru, India


Growing evidence suggest that Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia among Received 14 October 2018
the elderly is a metabolic disorder associated with impaired brain insulin signaling. Hence, the diabetic Revised 4 March 2019
drug can be a therapeutic option for the management AD. The researches in this area are ongoing and Accepted 4 March 2019
Pioglitazone (PIO) is one of the most investigated diabetic drug in AD. Eventhough PIO treatment was
found to improve AD significantly in the preclinical models, the poor blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeabil- Intranasal route;
ity and serious peripheral side effects limited its success in the clinical trials. The objective of the present pioglitazone; nanolipid
study was to formulate and optimize intranasal (IN) nano lipid carriers (NLC) of PIO for its targeted deliv- carriers; Box-Behnken
ery to the brain. A Box-Behnken design was employed to optimize the effect of three independent varia- design; Alzheimer’s disease
bles on two dependent variables. The optimized formulation had a particle size (PS) of 211.4 ± 3.54 nm
and zeta potential of (ZP) of 14.9 ± 1.09 mv. The polydispersibility index (PDI) and entrapment efficiency
(EE) was found to be 0.257 ± 0.108 and 70.18 ± 4.5% respectively. Storage stability studies performed has
confirmed the stability of NLCs at 4  C and 25  C. The in-vitro drug release study has exhibited a sustained
release of drug from the NLC. The formulation was observed to improve the nasal permeability of PIO
ex-vivo significantly. Toxicity studies were performed to confirm the safety of formulation for the in-vivo
administration. In-vivo biodistribution study in rats has shown a direct transport of drug from the nose to
brain from the IN-NLC.

Introduction improvement in cognition, oxidative stress and cerebral glucose

utilization with PIO treatment [12]. Further exploration of PIO to
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia
the animal model of AD has shown improvement in various
among the elderly is an age-related progressive neurodegenera-
biomarkers such as Ab (Amyloid beta) plaques, oxidative stress,
tive disorder [1]. Until now the exact cause of the disease is
neuroinflammation and NFT (neurofibrillary tangles) formation
unknown and there is no medicine that prevents or stop the dis-
ease progressing [2]. Growing evidence suggested that AD is a [13–16]. The drug was reported to normalize the hyperactivation
metabolic disorder associated with impaired brain insulin signal- of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in AD models [10]. Most
ing; hence also called as type 3 (diabetes mellitus) DM. Insulin recently, a combination of intranasal leptin with oral PIO in a
resistance/deficiency in the brain was identified as the key factor mouse model of AD was found to improve the spatial memory
behind the AD development and this endogenous brain impair- deficits, Ab deposit, synapse loss and neocortical glial response
ment can occur even in the absence of type 2 DM [3,4]. These [17]. However, the later clinical trials conducted with usual dia-
findings opened the door towards the extensive researches in the betic doses of PIO has shown only limited success. The primary
area of “repurposing of diabetic drugs for AD management” since factor that has limited the therapeutic success of PIO at the clin-
it will take around 14 years and a cost of about US Dollar 2.6 bil- ical stage was the inadequate concentration of drug reaching the
lion to bring a new molecule to the market approval. The repur- brain. Evidences says that PIO permeate BBB poorly [13,18,19] and
posed drug already passed many of the initial studies can bypass is also a substrate for the efflux transporters present at the BBB
much of the early time and cost [5]. [20–23]. Higher concentration of the substrate drug are required
Among the diabetic drugs, PIO, a PPARc agonist class of insulin to overcome the transporter activity to achieve a therapeutic con-
sensitizer is one of the most investigated in AD [6]. In addition to centration at the site of action and hence to execute the max-
improving the brain insulin signaling, PIO was found to have dir- imum therapeutic response [24]. For that reason, all the preclinical
ect role in controlling multiple targets involved in AD [7–10]. One trials were conducted with doses higher than the usual diabetic
of the earliest study conducted in Mesencephalic neuron-microglia dose. However, higher doses in human volunteers are restricted
mixed culture has reported a noticeable reduction of oxidative due to the serious-dose dependent peripheral side effects of PIO
stress via the activation of PI3K/Akt pathway and the down- such bladder cancer and peripheral edema [25].
regulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) The present situation enriches the scope of novel techniques
pathway with PIO treatment [11]. Later, an invivo investigation in for efficiently delivering PIO to the brain. Even though different
streptozotocin induced-memory impaired rats was observed with techniques are available for targeting the brain, intranasal route

CONTACT Gifty M. Jojo Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund, JSS Academy of Higher Education and
Research, Mysuru, India; Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund, JSS
Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru, India
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(IN) of administration came to the front as it is the noninvasive- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. HPLC-grade methanol, acetonitrile
direct route to the brain that bypasses BBB. It is possible to and ammonium acetate were purchased from Merck, Mumbai,
achieve a significantly high concentration of the drug in the brain India. Irbesartan (98.06%) was purchased from NeuconPharma Pvt.
from a lower dose via this direct route [26–29]. Formulation Ltd, Goa, India. membrane filter was purchased from HiMedia,
aspects also have seen to play crucial role in determining the bio- India. 3–(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
availability of intranasally administered drug. Among the conven- (MTT) (M-5655), Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) and
tional and novel formulation investigated for nose to brain Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich,
targeting, nanoformulations are considered to be the most prom- USA. Fatal bovine serum (FBS), L-glutamine and sodium bicarbon-
ising strategy [30,31]. Most recently, a Silva-Abreu et al. have ate were purchased from Merck, Germany.
investigated the permeability of PLGA nanoparticles loaded with
PIO across various mucosal tissues such as buccal, sublingual,
nasal, and intestinal mucosa. The nasal mucosa was appeared to Methods
be an attractive and noninvasive pathway for delivering PIO to Selection of lipids
the brain in this preliminary study [32]. However, the study has Solubility study was carried out according to the method reported
limited by the absence of in-vivo evidence and toxicity evalua- previously. Briefly, an excess amount of drug was added to 2 mL
tions. Hence, further studies are necessary to confirm the potential of the oil contained in the 5 mL centrifuge tube and mixed using
applicability of IN route for the repurposing of PIO in a biological vortex mixer (Yorco Instruments, Delhi, India). Then an isothermal
system. Also, the toxicity studies have to be performed to confirm shaker at 25 ± 0.5  C (IKAVR KS400i, Germany) was used to con-
the safety of IN formulations. stantly agitate the centrifuge tubes for 72 h in order to reach
Present study has used a lipid-based nanoformulation called equilibrium. The equilibrated samples then transferred to centrifu-
nanolipid carriers (NLC) system to deliver PIO to the brain via IN gation machine (Remi, India), where they were centrifuged at
route since comparing the polymeric nanocarriers, lipid nanocar- 10,000 rpm for 15 min, filtered through a 0.22 mm membrane filter
riers are more biocompatible, safe and easy to scale up [33]. The and the supernatants were analyzed spectrophotometrically using
high entrapment efficacy, stability and property to accommodate “reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography” (RP-
both lipophilic and hydrophilic molecules made the NLC superior HPLC) [38,39].The partition coefficient (Pc) study was conducted
over other lipid nanocarriers. NLCs has shown better results for the for selecting the solid lipid. In this study, 50 mg of the drug was
purpose of targeted drug delivery and nowadays are more consid- added to the mixture of with 1 g of solid lipid and 10 mL of dis-
ered for brain targeting [34]. In the present NLC formulation, cap- tilled water and the whole components were heated together at
mul MCM and tripalmitin were used as liquid and solid lipid a temperature above 70  C in a test tube. The melted mixture
respectively. The surfactant system consisted of a combination of was then mixed properly using a vortex mixer for 30 min. The
tween80 and pluronic F68. In order to enhance the bioavailability solidification of the melted lipid was prevented by frequent
of the formulation from the nasal mucosa, the positive charge exposure to the heated water bath and vortex mixer. The mixture
inducer stearyl amine (SA) was incorporated. Nanoformulations was then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 30 min at 25  C to separate
with positive zeta potential (ZP) forms mucoadhesion by interact- the lipid. The aqueous portion obtained was analyzed using
ing with negatively charged sialic acid group present on the muco- HPLC. The Pc was calculated using the equation
sal surface; thereby overcome the mucociliary drainage of the
administered formulation [35]. Optimization of the final formula- Pc ¼ ðDiDwÞ=Dw
tion was carried out using a Design of experiments (DoE) based Whereas, Di is the initial amount of drug taken (50 mg) and
approach. DoE is a systematic and scientific approach to study and Dw is the amount of drug in the aqueous phase [39,40].
optimize the effect of various independent variables on the
dependent variables of a formulation. In comparison to the con-
ventional methods, DoE allows the effects of several factors to be Selection of surfactants
assessed by a fewer number of trials [36]. Response surface meth- Surfactants were selected based on their ability to produce least
odology (RSM) is one of the techniques used by the DoE software particle size (PS) and poly dispensability index (PDI). Surfactants
to estimate the main effects and their interactions. There are two such as tween 80, pluronic F68, solutol HS15 and hydrogenate dm
RSM methods called central composite design (CCD) and Box- Phosphatidylcholine (at a concentration of 0.8%) were investigated
Behnken design. In the present work, a Box-Behnken design was for their effect on PS and PDI [40].
employed since it requires a fewer number of trials to optimize the
formulation parameters compared to the CCD. Thus the design
overcomes the limitations of the conventional methods that are Preparation of nano lipid carriers
time-consuming, expensive and laborious [37]. Hence, the frame of The NLC was prepared using microemulsion method. The oil
the present work would be using a Box-Behnken design to design phase contains the accurately weighed quantities of tripalmitin
NLC of PIO to further enhance the brain uptake of PIO in-vivo. (70 mg), MCM (30 mg) and stearyl amine (4.3 mg) were heated to
75 C. PIO (10 mg) was added to the melted lipids under continu-
ous stirring to get a clear phase. The aqueous phase (20 mL) con-
Material and methods tains the surfactants was heated to the same temperature and
added to the oil phase dropwise under magnetic stirring at an
rpm of 350 for 15 min to get a clear phase. NLC dispersion was
The active ingredient Pioglitazone (PIO) Solid lipid tripalmitin, obtained by dispersing the warm o/w microemulsion dropwise
were was purchased from BMR Pharma and chemicals, Hyderabad, into ice-cold distilled water (50 mL) (external phase) maintained at
India; whereas the liquid lipid MCM was obtained as a gift sample (3–4  C) in a beaker under continuous stirring at an rpm of 10,000
from Subhash chemicals, Maharashtra, India. The surfactant such for 20 min. Later the formulation was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm
as tween 80 and pluronic F68 obtain from SD fine chemicals, for 10 min and supernatant was discarded. The NLC pellets were

redispersed in Millipore water and centrifuged again to remove 2.4 nm and molecular weight cut off 12,000–14,000 (Dialysis mem-
both surfactant and then lyophilized [40,41]. Lyophilization was brane-150) was used and is activated by soaking in distilled water
carried out using the method developed and optimized in our for 24 h before use. PIO solution and redisposed drug loaded NLC
laboratory. In brief, 5% w/v of sucrose was added to the NLC as (equivalent to 10 mg of PIO) were placed in the bags separately
cryoprotectant. The NLC dispersion was frozen in aqueous cryo- and sealed at both the ends. The bags were placed in baskets
protectant solution for 24 h at –20  C. Samples then transferred to (USP Dissolution apparatus Type LabIndia, Mumbai) and immersed
the freeze drier (Christ, Alpha 2-4LD plus, Germany) operated at in 200 mL of SNF pH 6.4 containing 1% SLS maintained at
40  C and pressure of 0.001 bars for 72 h. The freeze-dried sample 37 ± 0.5  C and stirred at 100 rpm. A sample of 5 mL was taken out
was stored for further investigations [40]. from the dissolution vessel at 0, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 6 h,
8 h, 16 h, 24 h 36 h, and 42 h duration and 5 mL fresh buffer were
added every time to maintain the sink condition. Samples were
Box-Behnken design analyzed using HPLC [40].
Preliminary trials were conducted to investigate the effect of vari-
ous independent variables on the dependent variables. The ratio Ex-vivo permeation study. The ex-vivo permeation study was per-
of the solid lipid to liquid lipid, stirring speed and stirring time formed using Franz diffusion cell with a surface area of 1.79 cm2
was fixed from the preliminary runs. A three-factor Box-Behnken and volume of 25 mL (Kovai Glass Works, Coimbatore, India) across
design was employed to optimize the effect of three independent freshly excised sheep nasal mucosa. The fresh excised nasal
variables such as total surfactant (X1), percentage of tween 80 in mucosa collected from the slaughterhouse in phosphate buffer
the surfactant mixture (X2), and the concentration of SA (X3) on saline pH 6.4 was made free from adhered tissues and mounted
the dependent variables such as particle size (PS, Y1) and zeta between the donor and receptor compartment of the Franz diffu-
potential (ZP, Y2). Design expert software (Design-Expert 10.0.8 sion cell, with mucosal side facing the donor compartment. The
(64-bit) Installer- trial version) was used to analyze the data where receptor chamber was filled with 20 mL of simulated nasal fluid
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the sig- (SNF) pH 6.4 containing 1% SLS as the diffusion medium. The
nificance of each factor and their interactions. The upper and mucosal tissue was allowed to stabilize and stirred under the dif-
lower limits selected is given in Table 1. fusion medium for 15 min on a magnetic stirrer. The diffusion cell
was thermostated at 37 ± 0.5  C. After 15 min, solutions from both
the compartments were removed, and the receptor compartment
Evaluation of NLC was filled with fresh medium. The diffusion cell was placed in the
Particle size, zeta potential, and polydispersibility index. Particle diffusion apparatus and the pure drug solution (containing 10 mg
size (PS), zeta potential (ZP), and polydispersibility index (PDI) of drug) and lyophilized PIO-NLC reconstituted with SNF (equiva-
were determined using Malvern Zetasizer system at 25  C. Double lent to 10 mg of PIO) were placed over the donor compartment
distilled water was used as a dilution medium. under magnetic stirring at an rpm of 600. From the receptor com-
partment, 0.5 mL of media was withdrawn at time intervals 1 h,
Entrapment efficiency and loading capacity. The entrapment effi- 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, and 6 h and same volume was replaced with fresh
ciency was determined using RP-HPLC technique according to the diffusion media maintained at 37 ± 0.5  C at each time of sample
previously published method. The supernatant containing the withdrawal. The samples were filtered through 0.45 lm nylon
unentrapped drug was analyzed with RP-HPLC equipped with a filter paper and analyzed for the PIO content using RP-HPLC
UV detector at 254 nm (Shimadzu). C18 HPLC column was used as method [40].
stationary phase and 10 Mm acetate buffer and acetonitrile (70:30
ratio) used as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min [42]. Toxicity studies. Nasal ciliotoxicity study. Nasal ciliotoxicity study
was carried out using the freshly isolated sheep nasal mucosa col-
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC study using DSC lected from the slaughterhouse in a phosphate buffered saline
Q200 (TA instrument, USA) was performed to investigate the inter- (PBS) pH 6.4. The isolated mucosa divided into different pieces
action between the selected components at a heating rate of and each piece was treated with 2 mL of PIO solution in PBS pH
10  C in the range 20–200  C under the nitrogen purge of 50 mL/ 6.4 (1 mg/mL), blank NLC, lyophilized drug loaded NLC (equivalent
min. Samples of 2–8 mg of the pure drug, pure lipid, the physical to 1 mg/mL of PIO), PBS pH 6.4 (as a negative control) and isopro-
mixture of drug and tripalmitin and final formulation were taken pyl alcohol (IPA) (as a positive control), respectively for 2 h. After
separately in standard aluminum pans for performing the investi- treatment, all the samples were washed with distilled water and
gation. An empty pan was used as the reference [40]. were preserved with 10% formalin until further analysis. Each sam-
ple was sectioned and stained with H and E. The mucosa was
In-vitro drug release study. In-vitro drug release study was per- then dissected out, and the mucociliary was examined on an
formed using dialysis bad method. The bag having a pore size of optical microscope by a pathologist [40].

Table 1. Box-Behnken design for optimization of PIO loaded NLC. Cytotoxicity study. Cytotoxicity of the PIO-NLC and the pure drug
Levels was investigated on SHSY5Y (Neuroblastoma) cells lines using MTT
assay method. The cell line was cultured in 25 cm2 tissue culture
Independent variables 1 0 þ1 flask with DMEM supplemented with 10%) and the antibiotic solu-
Percentage of Total surfactant (TS) 0.4 0.6 0.8 tion containing: Penicillin (100 mg/mL), Streptomycin (100 mg/mL),
Percentage of tween 80 in surfactant 50 70 90
and Amphotericin B (2.5 mg/mL). Cultured cell lines were kept
mixture (% of tween80)
Amount of stearyl amine (SA)(mg) 2.5 3.75 7 at 37  C in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator (NBS Eppendorf,
Dependent variables Constraints Germany). Two days old confluent monolayer of cells were trypsi-
Particle size (PS) (nm) Minimize nized and the cells were suspended in 10% growth medium,
Zeta potential (ZP)(mv) Maximize 100 mL cell suspension (5  104 cells/well) was seeded in 96 well

tissue culture plate and incubated at 37  C in a humidified 5% Design of the in-vivo biodistribution study. The biodistribution
CO2 incubator. study was performed using male Wistar rats with approval from
MTT of 15 mg was reconstituted in 3 mL PBS until completely the institutional animal ethical committee (IAEC), J.S.S College of
dissolved and sterilized by filter sterilization. Samples solutions of Pharmacy, Udhagamandalam, India (Proposal no.JSSCP/IAEC/PhD/
2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg, 8 mg, and 10 mg of pure drug and PIO-NLC dis- Ph.Ceutics/02/2017–18). The animals were divided into 3 groups
solved in 500 mL of 5% DMEM and filtered through 0.22 mm (n ¼ 3 for each group). Group I received PIO-NLC (IN), group II
Millipore syringe filter to ensure the sterility. After 24 h of the received PIO solution (IN) and Group III received PIO solution (IV)
incubation period, the sample content in wells was removed and at a dose equivalent to 1 mg/kg of PIO. The rats were lightly anes-
30 mL of reconstituted MTT solution was added to all test and cell thetized by exhaling diethyl ether before nasal administration. IN
control wells, the plate was gently shaken well, then incubated at administration was carried out using micropipette attached to
37  C in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator for 4 h. After the incuba- low-density polyethene tube having 0.1 mm internal diameter.
tion period, the supernatant was removed and 100 mL of MTT Animals (n ¼ 3) were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and blood
solubilization solution ((Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO))) was added samples of approximately 0.25 mL were collected by cardiac punc-
and the wells were mixed gently by pipetting up and down in ture after 30 min of administration. Blood samples were trans-
ferred to anticoagulant tubes and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for
order to solubilize the formazan crystals. The absorbance values
15 min. After centrifugation, the plasma obtained was stored at
were measured by using microplate reader at a wavelength of
–20  C until analysis. The brain samples collected were rinsed with
540 nm [43].
saline solution and blotted with filter paper to remove the blood
The percentage of growth inhibition was calculated using the
taint and blood vessels. Brain samples were homogenized in PBS
(pH 7.4) to determine the amount of drug in the brain tissue. The
Mean optical density of sample  100 homogenate was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 15 min at 4  C and
% of viability
Meanoptical densityof control group the supernatant was collected and frozen at -20  C until further
analysis by LCMS method [40].

Stability study. The storage stability of the PIO-NLC was investi-

gated by storing the optimized formulation in dark room for Results and discussion
90 days at temperatures 4 ± 1  C and 25 ± 1  C. Samples were with-
Selection of lipids
drawn (1 mL) at 30th, 60th, and 90th days and analyzed for PS,
ZP, PDI, and EE [39,40]. The solubility of PIO in different oils is shown in Figure 1. Among
the different oils investigated, capmul MCM was selected for the
In-vivo biodistribution study. LCMS method development for esti- formulation of NLC since PIO has shown the highest solubility of
1021 ± 12.5 mg/mL in the capmul MCM. Selection of the oil is very
mation of PIO in the biological samples. Irbesartan (99.44%) used
much important as the EE is highly dependent on the solubility of
as an internal standard (IS). In brief, extraction of PIO from the
the drug in the selected lipid. Even if the drug is more soluble in
sample was done by mixing 50 mL aliquot of Serum/Brain homo-
the liquid lipid than in the solid lipid, the drug may precipitate
zine sample with 25 mL of the IS working solution (1000 ng/mL of
out to the aqueous media in-vivo if the petition coefficient is low
irbesartan). To this, 200 mL of 5% formic acid was added after vor-
[39]. Therefore, it is equally important to conduct the partition
tex mixing for 10 s. The sample mixture was loaded onto a Strata- coefficient study with different solid lipids. Among the various
X 33 mm polymeric sorbent cartridge (30 mg/1 mL) that was pre- solid lipid, PIO has shown the highest partition coefficient value in
conditioned with 1 mL of methanol followed by of 1 mL water. tripalmitin. The result of the partition coefficient study is shown in
The extraction cartridge was washed with 1 mL of 5% formic Figure 2.
acid followed by 1 mL of water. PIO was eluted with 1 mL of the
mobile phase. Aliquot of 10 mL of the extract was injected into
the LC-MS/MS system. Analytes were determined using electro- Selection of surfactants
spray ionization in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The Among the various surfactants investigated, least PS and PDI were
system (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) consisting of a Waters, X-terra, obtained with tween 80 and pluronic F68. Combination of both
C18 column (100  4.6 mm, 5 mm; Waters Inc), a binary LC- surfactants has shown to reduce the PS and PDI further. The
20ADprominence pump, an autosampler (SIL-HTc) and a solvent details of this study is given in Table 2.
degasser (DGU-20 A3) was used for the study. Aliquots of the
processed samples (10 mL) were injected into the column, which
was kept at ambient temperature. The elution system used was Box-Behnken design
0.1% aqueous formic acid: acetonitrile (40:60) at a flow rate of It was identified from the initial trials that the independent varia-
0.6 mL/min. Quantification was achieved with MS-MS detection in bles such as the total surfactant (X1), percentage of tween 80 in
positive ion mode for both the analytes and the internal standard the surfactant mixture (X2), and the concentration of SA (X3) are
using an MDS Sciex API-4000 Q-trap mass spectrometer (Foster the independent variables significantly influencing the dependent
City, CA, USA) equipped with a Turboionspray interface at 500  C. variables such as particle size (Y1) and zeta potential (Y2). Box-
The ion spray voltage was set at 5500 V. The source parameters Behnken design required 17 runs with 5 center points per block
viz. the nebulizer gas, curtain gas and collision gas were set at 4, was developed by the Doe software to optimize the effect of three
12 and 12 psi, respectively. Detection of the ions was carried out independent variables on two dependent variables. All the formu-
in the multiple-reaction monitoring mode (MRM), by monitoring lations ware made triplicate and analyzed for PS, ZP, PDI, and EE.
the transition pairs of m/z 356.99 precursor ion to the m/z 133.92 The PDI of all formulations were within the limit; that indicates a
for pioglitazone and m/z 429.2 precursor ion to the m/z 207.1 for homogenous distribution of particles within the formulation. The
the IS. EE of the 17 formulations wares seen to be comparatively higher

Figure 1. Solubility of PIO in different oils showing highest solubility in MCM.

Table 3. Characterization of NLC.

Formulation X1 X2 X3 PS (nm) ZP (MV) PDI EE (%)
F1 0.6 90 5 264 ± 3.81 6.8 ± 1.53 0.052 ± 0.005 64.51 ± 5.21
F2 0.6 70 3.75 213 ± 3.52 14.5 ± 3.06 0.098 ± 0.004 70.54 ± 4.9
F3 0.6 50 2.5 242 ± 4.85 4.9 ± 2.54 0.141 ± 0.012 66.28 ± 4.8
F4 0.4 50 3.75 342 ± 0.98 10.2 ± 1.85 0.304 ± 0.006 70.25 ± 3.9
F5 0.4 90 3.75 310 ± 3.54 5.6 ± 2.54 0.275 ± 0.184 65.54 ± 4.5
F6 0.4 70 2.5 274 ± 4.04 10.3 ± 1.75 0.498 ± 0.047 73.25 ± 5.6
F7 0.6 70 3.75 209 ± 3.52 15.2 ± 3.06 0.098 ± 0.008 70.54 ± 3.4
F8 0.8 70 5 243 ± 2.94 10.5 ± 1.95 0.035 ± 0.024 68.25 ± 4.9
F9 0.6 70 3.75 210 ± 3.52 13.9 ± 3.06 0.098 ± 0.008 70.54 ± 3.4
F10 0.6 50 5 264 ± 4.84 10.1 ± 2.56 0.065 ± 0.005 69.85 ± 6.1
Figure 2. Partition coefficient study of PIO in different solid lipids showing the F11 0.6 70 3.75 216 ± 3.52 13.5 ± 3.06 0.098 ± 0.008 70.54 ± 3.4
highest value in tripalmitin. F12 0.4 70 5 320 ± 2.54 14.9 ± 1.98 0.298 ± 0.006 68.45 ± 3.9
F13 0.8 70 2.5 198 ± 5.84 4.8 ± 2.51 0.059 ± 0.145 73.89 ± 5.4
F14 0.8 90 3.75 238 ± 2.45 3 ± 1.58 0.028 ± 0.157 71.58 ± 6.1
Table 2. PS and PDI with different surfactants. F15 0.8 50 3.75 241 ± 4.11 5.4 ± 2.54 0.128 ± 0.014 68.24 ± 5.8
Surfactant PS (nm) PDI aF16 0.6 90 2.5 224 ± 5.89 3.4 ± 2.47 0.058 ± 0.014 70.24 ± 4.7
F17 0.6 70 3.75 217 ± 3.52 14.5 ± 3.06 0.098 ± 0.008 70.54 ± 3.4
Tween 80 243 0.184
Pluronic F68 256 0.187
Solutol HS15 and 276 0.248
Hydrogenate dm Phosphatidylcholine 304 0.276 The final quadratic equation generated by the software for PS
Tween 80þ pluronic F68 218 0.134 and ZP in terms of coded factors is shown below. The positive
sign in the equation indicates a synergistic effect and negative
sign indicate an antagonistic effect.
due to the lipophilic nature of the drug. The results of the formula-
tion characterization are given in Table 3. PS ¼ þ213:0040:75  A6:63  B þ 19:13  C þ 7:25  AB
Three tests namely the sequential model sum of squares, lack of
fit tests and model summary statistics were used by the software þ 40:00  A2 þ 29:75  B2
for suggesting the best fitting model for the current data. The ZP ¼ þ14:322:16  A1:48  B þ 2:36  C0:2:22  A2
Prob > F value of p < 0.0001, higher R squared value, the higher
sum of square, lower standard deviation and lower PRESS values  6:05  B21:97  C2
suggested a quadratic model for both responses. Analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) was applied to validate the polynomial equations Perturbation graphs were plotted to find out the factors for
and the model terms were considered significant when Prob > what the response is most sensitive. A steep slope or curvature
F < 0.0500 and not significant Prob > F > 0.1000. The ANOVA results indicates that the response is sensitive to factor whereas the rela-
for the response surface quadratic model of PS and ZP is given in tively flat line indicates insensitivity towards the response. In the
Table 4. It was observed form the ANOVA test results that the case of PS, factor A has shown a steep curvature, factor B has
model terms A, B, C, AB, A2, B2 are significant for the PS. While A, shown slight but noticeable curvature and factor C has shown a
B, C, A2, B2, C2 are the significant model terms for the ZP. The lack relatively steep slope. Hence, the response PS was very much sen-
of fit p values > 0.0500 indicates that the lack of fit is not significant sitive to change in factor A and factor C. In case of ZP all the
for both PS and ZP. The value of the coefficient of correlation R2 for three factors have shown steep curvatures. Hence, changes in the
PS was found to be 0.9915, indicating a good fit. The predicted R2 three selected factors could influence the ZP significantly. The per-
value of 0.8899 has seen to be in reasonable agreement with the turbation graphs for PS and ZP were illustrated in Figure 3.
adjusted R2 of 0.9807. Similarly, the R2 value of 0.9890 obtained The relationship of the independent variables with the depend-
indicate a good fit for the ZP. The predicted R2 value of 0.9018 was ent variables was further represented by the 3 D graphs. The 3 D
in close agreement with the adjusted R2 of 0.9748 [39]. graphs for PS and ZP are illustrated by Figure 4.

Table 4. ANOVA for response surface quadratic model of measured responses.

Sum of squares df F value Prof > F p-Value
Source Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2
Model 28266.99 308.08 9 9 91.13 69.75 <0.0001 <0.0001
A-TS 13284.50 37.41 1 1 385.46 76.23 <0.0001 <0.0001
B-% OF TWEEN80 351.13 17.40 1 1 10.19 35.46 0.0152 0.0006
C-SA 2926.13 44.65 1 1 84.90 90.98 <0.0001 <0.0001
AB 210.25 1.21 1 1 6.10 2.47 0.0428 0.1604
AC 0.25 0.30 1 1 7.254E-003 0.62 0.9345 0.4581
BC 81.00 0.81 1 1 2.35 1.65 0.1691 0.2398
A2 6736.84 20.80 1 1 195.47 42.38 <0.0001 0.0003
B2 3726.58 153.99 1 1 108.13 313.76 <0.0001 <0.0001
C2 139.21 16.38 1 1 4.04 33.38 0.0844 0.0007
Lack of Fit 191.25 1.75 3 3 5.10 1.38 0.0747 0.3699
Residuals 241.25 3.44 7 7
Pure error 15.00 1.69 4 4
Cor Total 28508.24 311.52 16 16
R2 value Predicted R2 Adjusted R2
Y1 0.9915 0.8899 0.9807
Y2 0.9890 0.9018 0.9748

Figure 3. Perturbation graphs showing the sensitivity of responses towards the selected independent variables. PS is found to be more sensitive for change in varia-
bles A and C whereas the ZP is very much sensitive to all the three independent variables selected.

Figure 4. 3D plots.

Effect of independent variables on dependent variables

the oil globules into the smaller size. Also, the orientation of sur-
The independent variable “A” was found to have an antagonistic factant molecules on the particle surface stabilize newly formed
effect on PS. The increase in the concentration of surfactant nanoparticles and thus prevent its coalescence [44,45]. However, it
decreases the surface tension that helps the further breakdown of has seen from the preliminary studies that further increase in

surfactant above 0.8%, in fact, increased the PS. The possible

explanation is that at higher concentration micelle formation takes
place in the external phase instead of the orientation of surfactant
molecules on the particle surface. This will increase the local
osmotic pressure and thereby some of the external phase mole-
cules move towards the nanoparticles surface and deplete the
continuous phase between the nanoparticles. Finally, the aggrega-
tion of oil drops take place and increase the particle size [46]. It is
evident from previous investigations [47–49] and our own prelim-
inary studies that blending of surfactants produce particles smaller
than the individual surfactants can do. Blending can enhance the
flexibility of the surfactant layer and also enhance the ability to
partition at higher levels into the oil-water interphase; both stabil-
izes the newly formed oil globules [50]. In the present study, a
combination of tween 80 and pluronic F68 at a ratio of 70:30 ratio
has shown to produce the smallest particles. As observed by the
previous investigators [51,52], in the present work also the SA has
shown a direct relationship with PS.
The intensity of positive ZP was found to decline with the
increase in factor “A”. This could be due to the increment in Figure 5. PS and ZP of optimized formulation.
tween 80 since it is evident from previous studies and our own
studies that use of tween 80 impart a negative ZP to the nanocar-
the nanocarriers and the drug is in the amorphous form rather
riers [53–55]. Replacement of a part of the tween 80 with the non-
than in a crystalline form [40].
ionic surfactant pluronic F68 was found to reduce not only the
particle size but also the intensity of the negative ZP. Among the
different ratios, highest ZP was achieved with 70:30 ratio of tween In-vitro drug release study
80: pluronic F68. In agreement with previous studies [56–58], fac-
tor “C” has a synergistic effect on ZP. The ZP has seen to increase The drug PIO is having limited solubility in water with log p
significantly with an increase in the concentration of SA. values of 3.4 [58]. Therefore 1%, SLS was used in the dissolution
Hence, the tween 80 that minimize the PS impart a negative media to maintain sink conditions [39]. The NLC formulation has
zeta potential; while the positive charge inducer SA increase the shown a biphasic release pattern; that is an initial fast release
PS. The replacement of a portion of the total tween80 with non- followed by a sustained release. The initial fast release from the
ionic surfactant pluronic F68 reduced the intensity of the negative NLC was contributed by a certain quantity of PIO that got
zeta potential as well as the PS. The design expert software was adsorb on nanocarrier surface. Also, the difference in melting
used to optimize the level of these three factors so that NLC with point of solid and liquid lipid results accumulation of certain
minimum PS and maximum ZP can be formulated. liquid lipid on the outer shell of NLC. The drug entrapped in the
liquid lipid deposited on the outer shell release rapidly [59,60],
while the portion of the drug accumulated in the core get
Optimization of formulation release slowly by the diffusion from the matrix or by the erosion
of the matrix system [61]. It has seen from the further analysis
The criteria for the optimized formulation has set in the software
that the release pattern form NLC is fitted with Higuchi’s equa-
in such a way that the resulting NLC should be of the minimum
tion that means the release is diffusion controlled. The “n” value
particle size and maximum zeta potential. The model has pre-
obtained from the Korsmeyer’s Peppas was found to be 0.16
dicted NLC formulation having PS of 208.926 nm and ZP of
12.55at 0.72% of A, 67.91% of B and 4.33 mg of C. To validate the that indicate the Fickian diffusion [62]. The graph showing the
experimental model, the predicted formulation has made triplicate cumulative amount of the drug released vs. time is illustrated in
and the mean observed values of PS and ZP were found to be Figure 7.
211.4 ± 3.54 nm 14.9 ± 1.09 mv respectively. The observed values
have shown a close agreement with the predicted values that Ex-vivo permeation studies
means the current model is significant in optimizing the formula-
tion parameters. The Zetasizer reports showing the PS and ZP of The permeation rate of PIO-NLC was found to be higher as com-
the optimized formulation is illustrated in Figure 5. pared to the PIO solution. At the end of the sixth hour,
1789 ± 4.50 mg/cm2 of PIO was found to permeate across the tis-
sue from the NLC with the flux of 8.609 mg/cm2/min and the per-
DSC study meability coefficient of 0.00086 cm2/min. While the amount of
The DSC thermograms of PIO, Tripalmitin, physical mixture of PIO drug permeated from the solution at this time interval was
and tripalmitin and the PIO-NLC are shown in Figure 6. A sharp 989 ± 3.58 mg/cm2 with the flux of 4.733 mg/cm2/min and the per-
endothermic peak indicating the crystalline nature of the com- meability coefficient of 0.00047 cm2/min.
pound has been observed for the PIO and tripalmitin at 165.01  C
and 72.68  C respectively. Appearance of same peaks in the phys-
Toxicity studies
ical mixture indicate no interaction between the two components.
Whereas, the PIO-NLC has shown an endothermic peak corre- Nasal ciliotoxicity study
sponding to tripalmitin at 66.54  C and the drug peak was absent. Treatment of nasal mucosa with IPA, the positive control resulted
Absence of drug peak indicate complete entrapment of PIO inside in extensive mucosal damage, shrinkage and loss of epithelial cells

Figure 6. DSC study results showing no interaction between formulation components.

Figure 7. In-vitro drug release study showing sustained release of PIO from the NLC.

and cilia. While no changes have been observed with the tissues to be 16.626 mg/mL and 17.3874 mg/mL for the pure drug and PIO-
treated with PBS pH 6.4, blank NLC, lyophilized PIO-NLC or PIO NLC respectively. The absence of any significant changes in the
solution. The result shows that the developed formulation as well investigated parameters of PIO-NLC and the pure drug has con-
as the PIO solution are safe for nasal administration. The histo- firmed the neuronal safety of developed formulation.
pathological sections of nasal mucosa treated with different sam-
ples are illustrated in Figure 8.
Storage stability study

Cytotoxicity study In the present work, the surface charge was limited below þ20mv
Since the various formulation parameters like surface charge, the as the high cationic charge is neurotoxic [63–65]. Since the surface
concentration of surfactants etc can induce toxicity to the neu- charge is one of the factors influencing the stability of formulation
rons, it is highly recommended to conduct the cytotoxicity study significantly, it is necessary to examine the storage stability of final
of the nanoformulations. The percentage cell viability and LC50 formulation. Result of storage stability study is shown in Table 5.
values were calculated to indicate the cytotoxicity of the samples. It has seen that there were no significant changes in the investi-
The percentage cell viability results have shown in Figure 9. The gated parameters of the PIO-NLC (p < 0.05) at the investigated
LC50 values calculated using ED50 PLUS V1.0 Software was found temperatures. While a slight but non-significant changes have

Figure 8. Histopathological section of nasal mucosa treated with different samples showing no toxicity with PIO-NLC and PIO solution.

correlation (r) of 0.9999. The lower limit of quantification (LOQ)

was identifiable and reproducible at 10 ng/mL. The method has
been successfully applied to estimation of PIO in serum and brain
homogenized samples. Biodistribution study has shown that the
IN-NLC formulation significantly improved the amount of PIO
reaching the brain. A concentration of 1.64 mg/mL of PIO has
reached the brain at the end of 30th min from the PIO-NLC. While
only 0.38 mg/mL and 0.88 mg/mL of the drug has seen to reach the
brain from the IV solution and IN solution respectively.
It was observed from the ex-vivo permeation study that the
NLC formulation has improved permeability of PIO across the
nasal mucosa significantly. Hence, an enhanced bioavailability of
Figure 9. Percentage of cell viability vs. concentration graphs of PIO-NLC and drug in the brain as well as in the serum could be expected in-
pure drug. vivo. Eventhough the IN-NLC has improved the concentration of
PIO reaching the brain to a great extent, the serum drug concen-
tration obtained was almost same for both IN-NLC and IN solution
(Figure 8). The degree of plasma protein binding of the PIO might
have played the major role here. In normal cases, PIO is exten-
sively protein bound (>99%) in human serum [66]. The protein
bound PIO retained in the blood as it is unable to cross the bio-
logical membrane due to the macro size [67]. Whereas, the
entrapment of drug inside the nanocarrier restrains the degree of
protein binding. In addition, the small size and improved lipophi-
licity of the NLC offers a faster distribution of the drug to various
organs including the brain from the blood [68]. The enhanced vol-
ume of distribution of PIO-NLC compared to the drug solution
might have narrowed the plasma drug concentration in the for-
Figure 10. In-vivo biodistribution study results. Administration of IN NLC was
observed to improve the concentration of PIO reaching the brain significantly. mulation-treated group.
The bioavailability of the drug in the brain from a nose to
brain-targeted drug delivery system is dependent on several fac-
been observed with the PS and EE at 25  C. Hence the formulation
tors including characteristics of the drug, formulation parameters,
is found to be stable at 4  C and 25  C.
physiological properties and also the position of the head. In the
present study, all the IN administration were given in supine pos-
ition with head at 90 ; as the supine position with 70 and 90 is
In-vivo biodistribution studies
the most favorable position for nose brain transport [29]. The
With the present LCMS method, linearity was established for the maximum exposure of the formulation to the olfactory region of
range of concentrations 10 – 5000 ng/mL with a coefficient of the nose at this position significantly enhanced the bioavailability
10 G. M. JOJO ET AL.

Table 5. Storage stability study results.

Particle size (nm) Zeta potential (mv) Polydispersibility index Entrapment efficiency (%)
Days 4 C 25 C 4 C 25 C 4 C 25 C 4 C 25 C
0 days 211.4 ± 3.54 211.4 ± 3.54 14.9 ± 1.09 14.9 ± 1.09 0.198 ± .14 0.198 ± .142 72.89 ± 8.4 72.89 ± 8.41
30 days 212 ± 2.15 213 ± 4.64 14.48 ± 2.01 14.21 ± 2.9 0.199 ± .85 0.210 ± .25 71.93 ± 5.4 71.08 ± 5.21
60 days 212 ± 3.25 216 ± 2.45 13.98 ± 1.95 13.51 ± 1.06 0.204 ± .25 0.235 ± .35 71.20 ± 2.2 69.94 ± 6.01
90 days 214 ± 2.14 219 ± 1.98 13.51 ± 1.4 13.15 ± 2.04 0.214 ± .15 0.289 ± .27 70.84 ± 3.46 68.87 ± 5.04

in the brain. In the present experiment, the concentration of the Acknowledgment

drug reaching brain and blood from the IN solution was further
influenced by the mucociliary clearance as well as by the efflux The authors would like to thank the Department of Science and
Technology–Fund for Improvement of Science and Technology
transporters present at the mucosal surface [69]. On other hands,
Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions
the electrostatic interaction formed by the NLC with the nasal
(DST_FIST), New Delhi for their infrastructure support to
mucosa minimized the drug loss via mucociliary clearance. Also,
our department.
the unique property of nanocarriers to escape the efflux transport-
ers present on the mucosal surface further improved the bioavail-
ability from the PIO-NLC [70]. Funding
The brain/plasma ratio was calculated for all the treated
groups. Ratios for IN-NLC, IN-PIO solution and IV-PIO solution This work was financially supported by the University Grants
were found to be 1.6, 0.84, and 0.15 respectively. A ratio >1 indi- Commission (UGC), Government of India, under the scheme of the
cates the direct nose to brain transport [71]. Direct transport of UGC-MANF Fellowship. The author, Ms Gifty M Jojo wishes to
drug to the brain from the IN-NLC has significantly improved the express his gratitude to the University Grants Commission (UGC),
New Delhi, India for the award of the UGC-MANF Fellowship
concentration of PIO reaching the brain in the present experi-
ment. The current results shows the possibility of achieving a
therapeutic concentration of PIO in the brain from lower doses via
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