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Name : Dava Rafhael Marco R.

NRP : 1823022003

1. She was walking down the street when she saw her mother and stopped to
say hello.
2. Helen saw the old man and went to help him.
3. Coral was reading a book when the phone rang.
4. When he received her letter, he was staying in Germany.
5. While he was looking out of the window, he noticed that there was a man
who stood on the other side of the road.
6. The grocer locked up his shop, got on his bicycle and went home.
7. I gave Claire her present and she said thank you.
8. The pirates dug a hole and hid the treasure in it.
9. While they were eating their lunch, somebody came to the door.
10.When he was younger, he was growing vegetables for the whole family.
11.Sarah met Mrs Jones while she was doing her shooping.
12.He broke his leg while he was playing football.
13.She dropped the glass because she carried too much.
14.Kate met Maria while he she worked as a waiter in Benidorm.

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