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Dekar DSS 1
Modeling for DSS
 Modeling is
 a key element in most DSS
 a necesssity in a model-based DSS
 Simulation is a common modeling

Dekar DSS 2
Sample at the P&G’s DSS for its North
America supply chain redesign

 A generating model (based on an algorithm) to make

transportation cost estimates
 A demand forecasting model (statistically based)
 A distribution center location model
 A transportation model
 A financial and risk simulation model
 A geographic information system for a user interface

Dekar DSS 3
Sample at the P&G’s DSS for its North
America supply chain redesign

 The P&G Case DSS demonstrates that a DSS can be

composed of several models, some standard and
some custom built, used collectively to support
strategic decisions in the company.
 As is evident, modeling is not a simple task.
 The model builder must balance the model’s
simplication and representation requirements. So, it
is useful for the decision maker.

Dekar DSS 4
Categories of Models
Category Process and Objective Representative Techniques

Optimization of problems with few Find the best solution from a small Decision table, decision trees
alternative number of alternatives

Optimization via algorithm Find the best solution from a large or Linier and other mathematical
an infinite number of alternatives programming models, network models
using a step-by-step improvement
Optimization via an analytic formula Find the best solution in one step Some inventory models
using a formula

Simulation Finding a good enough solution Several types of simulation

Heuristics Find a good enough solution using Heuristics programming, expert

rules systems

Other models Solve a what-if case using formula Financial modeling, waiting lines

Predictive model (Website) Predict the future for a given scenario Forecasting model, Markov analysis

Dekar DSS 5
Static and dynamic models
 Static models
 Take a single snapshot situation.
 For example: a decision on whether to
make or buy a product
 During a static analysis, stability of the
relevant data is assumed

Dekar DSS 6
Static and dynamic models
 Dynamic models
 Represent scenarios that change over time.
 For example: a 5-year profit and loss
projection in which the input data, such as
costs, prices, and quantities, change from
year to year.
 Dynamic models are time-dependent

Dekar DSS 7
Model Base
 Generating model
 Financial
 Forecasting
 Simulation/Risk analysis
 Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
 Goal Seeking/Optimisation/Linier
 Sensitivity Analysis

Dekar DSS 8
Financial Models
 “adjusting for the time value of money
based on interest, depreciation, inflation
 Net Present Value (NPV)
 Interest Rate Return (IRR)
 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
 Amortisation

Dekar DSS 9
 “predicting future value based on past
pattern of time series”
 Regression
 Exponential smoothing
 Decomposition

Dekar DSS 10
Simulation/Risk Analysis
 “either the modeling of a process or a
form of sensitivity analysis where many
-what ifs- are performed”
 Systems Dynamics
 Dynamic
 Based on store/flow/control
 Difference equations

Dekar DSS 11
Simulation/Risk Analysis
 Monte Carlo
 Variation of given variables according to an
assumed statistical pattern
 static

Dekar DSS 12
Simulation/Risk Analysis
 Discrete
 Snapshot of model is triggered by an event
 Continuous
 Snapshot of model is triggered at regular time
 Visual
 Interface
 Iconic
 Abstract …real

Dekar DSS 13
 Statistical model
 Dependent, independent variables
 May be time based

Dekar DSS 14
 “exploration of the pain and gain
associated with different alternatives”
 Alternatives
 Criteria
 Rating of alternatives
 Weighting of criteria
 exploration
Dekar DSS 15
1. List Options (Candidates, Choices,
alternatives, etc.)
2. List Criteria
3. Rate the Options (say on a scale of 0 -100)
for Each Criteria
4. Weight the criteria
5. Find the total Score each option (Weight x
Score and summed over each criteria)

Dekar DSS 16
Goal Seeking/ Optimisation/
Linier Programming

 “either the search for pattern of

variables that will lead to a goal or the
pattern of variables that will optimise a
goal under given constraints”

Dekar DSS 17
Sensitivity Analysis
 “the performing of –what if- analysis in
a given model through varying
underlying variables”
 Fixed values
 Interval/increments
 According to a statistical pattern

Dekar DSS 18

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