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Assessment 1: User Interface (UI) Design


IT5017: Web Concepts

Part 1: User Research


Essentially, Travel NZ’s vision is to offer superior tourist services to foreign travelers to New
Zealand. It is crucial to know key characteristics such as preferences and behavior of the target
audience in order to build an efficient and friendly portal. This paper aims to provide a reason
why the website needs the information and why it is crucial, as well as how to improve the user
experience. Another feature of this template is the user persona that would depict the target

User Persona:

● Name: Emily Johnson

● Age: 28
● Occupation: Graphic Designer
● Location: San Francisco, USA
● Travel Preferences: prefers to read detailed itineraries and customer reviews before
making a decision, values user-friendly booking systems, and takes pleasure in
adventure and nature tours.

Content of Homepage:
Given the fact that it is important to grab the attention of users, and create a lasting first
impression, there should be a hero section on the homepage that contains beautiful pictures of
New Zealand tourist attractions. A route menu should provide easy access to the Home, Visit,
and Contact pages, making sure that clients can quickly navigate to the information they
require. A pursuit bar will enable clients to directly search for specific information easily. The
clients will build confidence and the quality of services will be affirmed by informing the clients
of the available and famous tours as well as the special offers and the previous clients
feedbacks. A clear and easily distinguishable set of call to action buttons for booking and
requests will lead clients to engaging the site.

Content of Tour Page:

Since the visit list must contain the accessible visits with channel decisions, it should be possible
in a way that will help the clients investigate them effectively. This way, the consumers will be
able to be informed by the information that the complete descriptions of the tour should
contain, including the route, the services included or excluded, and the price. An easy to-utilize
booking framework with the structure and the schedule will give a daily society to the cycle to
make the reservation more effective and efficient.

Content of Contact Page :

The site needs a contact structure for the requests and criticism and this makes the clients have
an immediate way of contacting the company. Providing such contact information as the
telephone number, e-mail address, and the physical address ensures that the clients can reach
the firm through the preferred mode. An inserted guide will be useful to clients in order to help
them locate the workplace with ease. Other social media websites will help in expanding the
reach of the brand across the different platforms.

why the information is needed:

The main page with the use of the hero section creates an impression that is considered
appropriate. Properly defined menu for navigation helps users find what they need, and this
results in a better experience for all the users. The inquiry bar is a helpful device that empowers
clients to get explicit data quickly, making it more straightforward. By featuring the most-
booked tours and reviews, confidence and clients’ satisfaction with Travel NZ’s quality services
are established. Call to action buttons that lead clients to either a booking or request page
boost commitment and transformation percentages.

A list of tenures with sludge options on the stint runner as shown below helps drug users to
easily move around the options. Specific spell descriptions help junkies to go on feelings that
are well-informed by providing each and every detail. The process of making a reservation is
made easier and enhanced through easy-to-use booking system hence increasing stoner

It is recommended to incorporate a contact form in the contact runner to enable drug users to
report any issues, ask questions or give feedback. Crystal clear contact data that include a
telephone number, dispatch and actual location ensure junkies can communicate through
leaned toward framework and makes availability more perfect. Graph relation with A helped
junkies to identify the workplace easily. In the contact runner, social media links promote
interaction and the brand’s account on colorful platforms enhancing brand familiarity among

Improving User Experience:

The website should be made with a responsive layout so that it can be accessed from any
computer, tablet or portable device in order to improve the stoner experience. This is
important as travelers may employ several predispositions in framing their entries in detail.
They include the improvement of pictures and scripts to reduce stacking times to help the
stoner disappointment and drop brio rates. Simple and brief call-to-conduct (CTAs) will guide
addicts through the booking process, enhancing the journey idealizing and adding tweaks.
Moreover, the website must be usable to all the visitors including those with the disability if it
follows accessibility standards like the WCAG in the following ways: The images must have
textbook colors, icing must have sufficient color difference, and the point should be navigable
using the keyboard.


You wish to learn the qualities that clients possess and their manner of operation to create a
remarkable site. Travel NZ has the ability to offer international traveler a perfect online
experience by offering all the information they need and organizing it in a manner that is easy
for the user. This further enhances client experience and thereby contributes to creating new
revenues for organizations through attracting new clients as well as retaining existing ones.
Part 2: Wireframes

Figma tool
Task 3: Prototypes
Figma tool

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