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vRepublic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Central Maguindanao Institute
Buayan, Datu Piang, Maguindanao
The Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated, formerly Central Maguindanao Institute shall provide quality Education for the
School’s Vision: development of the productive individual and the community they serve towards the country’s sustainable growth and

The Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated formerly Central Maguindanao Institute aims for the development of a humane
School’s Mission: person with creative, critical mind and diversified skills adaptive to his environment, responsibly participative to the
well – being of the community where he belongs.
1. To produce graduates who are academically prepared.
2. To undertake research which would contribute to the socio – economic growth and development.
Objectives: 3. To develop student’s potential towards the realization of a self – actualized person.
4. To inculcate values of loyalty, honesty, commitment, dedication to service, integrity, self – reliance and love of
God and country.

Core Values: G – God Fearing L – Loving A – Attainable C – Commitment I - Integrity


1. Enhance manpower skills development in the field of various educational levels that will lead to self-reliance and
sufficiency among rural communities.
2. Educate individual that, steer Central Maguindanao’s political, economic, social and cultural development.
3. Improve the quality of life of the community and people through utilization of available resources and extension
delivery services.
4. Establish sustainable income generating projects.
5. Strengthen/establish linkages, networks and partnership among government line-agencies, and private
organizations at local, national and if possible as well as international level.
To achieve these goals, College Department intents to undertake the following programs:
a) Instruction b) Research c) Extensiond) Production

College Objectives: A four years degree program, which aims to prepare the graduates to teach in elementary school, English,

social studies, and mathematics. This program provides the student, with the necessary exposure that will
equip them to become teacher who are humane in attributes Godfearing, responsible, productive, effective,
loving, peaceful, caring, just and article thinking.

Instructor’s Information
Name: JOHN RAY D. GARCIA LPT/MAEd Eng. 09774282673
Email Consultation 54 hrs
Address: Hours:

Course Details
Course Code: SSE 102 Descriptive Title: WORLD HISTORY
Pre – Course
Credit Units: 3 SSE 102 TTH : 12:30PM-2:00PM
requisite: Schedule:
The World History 1 provides the basic concepts, theories and historical developments like emergence of societies
and civilizations, rise of kingdom-empire states, formation of states, age of exploration, expedition and
colonization, and age of commercialization from pre- history up to 8 th century C. E
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
a. Gain familiarity with some of the main events and ideas in pre- world history
b. To understand the origins of humankind and the development of civilization
c. To comprehend the classical and medieval societies.
d. To comprehend the development of religious traditions and philosophical systems in ancient history
e. To learn about non- western civilizations
f. The ability to think critically about the discipline of history
g. To develop a sense of historical continuity by understanding historical process
h. The ability to discern, assemble and evaluate relevant evidence bearing on historical argument
1. The ability to synthesize content and evidence in historical inquiries

(with citations and OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT
At the end of the unit, the
students are expected to:
A. Unit I: The Rise of Collaborative work
Western Civilization - explain the origin of The students will
mankind according to make a flow chart that
Chapter 1. The different religions will show the events
Beginnings of during the Old Stone
- Pre- test
Civilization - explain all the theories Age
Graded recitation
based on the origins of Picture Analysis: the
Post test
a. Achievements are humankind students will - Pictures
made in the Old determine the - White board marker
Week 1
Stone Age -discuss the significance of pictures of the - Laptop
- Reaction paper
prehistory different materials - Projector
regarding the video
b. The New Stone Age especially stones used
Brings Change - characterize the transition during Old Stone Age
of life during the Paleolithic Video presentation
c. Civilizations period regarding Africa on
Emerge in Asia and how it was develop as
Africa - compare and contrast the a civilization
events during Paleolithic and
Neolithic period

Week 2-4 B. Chapter 2. The - examine the events on the Like, comment, - White board In tabular form
Ancient Near East Paleolithic period that serves share and cards marker compare and
to be the foundation of first with discussion - Laptop contrast the different
a. Civilization Begins civilizations regarding the topic - Projector civilization that arise
in Mesopotamia
in Mesopotamia
- report on the factors that
b. Egyptian led to the emergence of
Civilization Lasts Mesopotamian civilization in
3000 years the river valley

c. Other Near Eastern - compare and contrast the

Peoples Make Mesopotamian and Egyptian
Contributions civilization

-clear evaluation on the

contributions of the
civilization that arise near the
river valleys

- examine all the elements of

Minoan and Mycenaean
-compare and contrast the
Minoan at Mycenaean
d. Later Empires - explain the decline of the
Dominate the Near both civilization
East - clear evaluation on the
decline of city- states

- appreciate all the

contributions of the Greeks
in according to specialization
- explain the spread of Greek
civilization around the world

- examine all the events that

happened on the Greek
C. Chapter 3. The
Move on Letters the
Greek City- States
- report on the factors that presentation of the
led to the emergence of topic to be discussed
a. Greek Civilization - White board Pre- test
Mesopotamian civilization in
Begins in the Aegean
the river valley The students will marker Graded recitation
Week 5-6 group into three for - Laptop
b. Greek city- states
- compare and contrast the the activity namely - Projector Group Quiz bee
Mesopotamian and Egyptian ‘’Travelers of
civilization Knowledge” about the
c. The city- states Fall
Greek civilization
to Conquerors

Week 7-8 D. Chapter 4. Greek - appreciate all the

Culture contributions of the Greeks

a. Art and Literature

Flourish in Greece
in according to specialization
Student will choose
b. Scientific Thought
- White board one philosopher and
and Philosophy - explain the spread of Greek Group reporting with
he/she will portray
Develop civilization around the world a different strategies marker
work of the chosen
Cooperative / - Laptop philosopher.
c. Learning - examine all the events that collaborative Learning - Projector Quiz on the reading
Continuous in the happened on the Greek via: Group work
Hellenistic Age civilization
Formation commonly
used in Rhythmic
- examine all the events that
happened in Roman
E. Chapter 5. The civilization
Roman Republic
- explain the reasons why
a. The Romans Build Roman civilization became
a Strong Republic powerful in Mediterranean Lecture/ Discussion
regarding the rise and
b. The Republic -give importance to all the fall of Rome
Comes to an End contributions brought by the The students will - White board
- Pre- test
Week 9- Roman civilization make a short video marker
- Graded recitation
10 c. Rome Unites a Vast presentation how - Laptop - Post - test
Empire - explain all the factors that Roman culture has - Projector
led to the decline of Rome been a good influence
d. Roman Society Empire to other countries
Changes 
-explain the importance of
e. The Romans Build church in Rome
on Greek Culture
- disclose all the events on
the rise of Christianity

Week 11 F. Chapter 6. The

Decline of the Roman

a. The Roman Empire

- explain all the factors that
led to the decline of Rome
b. Many factors
Cause the Decline of
Rome Lecture / discussion - White board
-explain the importance of Write a short poem
Message Relay and
church in Rome marker regarding the decline
c. Christianity reflection paper about
- Laptop of Rome
Spreads Throughout the topic
- disclose all the events on - Projector
the Empire
the rise of Christianity
Unit Two: The West in
the Middle Ages

- explain how Medieval

G. Chapter 7. The civilization develops in
Early Middle Ages Europe
- Short presentation
a. Medieval - examine the spread of on the different
Group reporting with
Civilization Develops Manorial system and - White board activities in a Manor
a different strategies
in Europe Feudalism in Europe and in Feudal system
Cooperative / marker
Week 12
collaborative Learning - Laptop
b. A Feudal System - compare and contrast the - Quiz on the reading
via: Group work - Projector
Takes Shape concepts of manorial system materials
and Feudalism
c. Life Centers on the
Manor - describes the way of life in a

Week 13 H. Chapter 8.
Medieval Europe at
Its Height

a. The European - examine the causes of trade

Economy Expands resurgence in Europe - White board
Move on Letter for the marker
b. European Nations - explain all the factors on presentation of the - Laptop Pre- test
Take Shape how Church became powerful topic - Projector Graded recitation
and gain authority Post - test

c. The Church’s
Authority Grows
Make a poster that
d. Christian Europe
- appreciate how the church shows the relationship
Expands Bingo Cards with
contributes to the European of church and state
countries based on rubrics
Unit Three:
Civilization Beyond

I. Chapter 9.
Byzantine and Islamic Compare and contrast
- examine all the events that
Civilization the Byzantine and
show developments of
Islamic civilization
Byzantine civilization
a. The Byzantines using Venn Diagram
Develop a Rich
- appreciate all the
contribution made by the - White board
Byzantine people Bingo Cards with
b. Islam Spreads in marker
Week 14 lecture
Asia and Africa - Laptop
- explain how Islamic
civilization develops - Projector
c. Islamic Culture
Reaches Its Height
- compare and contrast
Islamic and Byzantine
d. New Empires
Dominate the Muslim

Week 15 J. Chapter 10. - explain how Indian Decoding for the - White board - Pre- test
Civilization in India civilization develops presentation of the marker - Graded recitation
topic and the concepts - Laptop - Post- test
a. Indian Civilization - appreciate all the to be discussed - Projector
Develops contribution brought by the
b. Religious Thought
Shapes Indian Society - explain how religion shape
the Indian Society
c. Indian Empires are

d. India Comes Under

Muslim Rule

K. Chapter 11:
- describe the geography of
Civilization in China
Huang Ho valley
and Japan
- discuss the significance of
a. The Chinese
Huang Ho in the History of
establish Lasting
Traditions Make a timeline on
Group reporting how the China and
- explain how China - White board
b. China’s Rules regarding on the topic Japan became a
dominates Asia
Create an Empire Concept learning marker civilization
Week 16
Via: class lecture and - Laptop
- explain what are the
c. Imperial China Brain Storming - Projector Quiz based on the
advantages of Japan upon
Dominates Asia reading materials
developing a Feudal Society
d. Japan Develops a
-explain how Tokugawa
Feudal Society
Shoguns unify Japan
e. Tokugawa Shoguns
- compare and contrast
Unify Japan
China and Japan empire.
Week 17 L. Chapter 12: Group reporting - White board
Civilization in Africa regarding on the topic marker
Concept learning - Laptop
a. Trading Empires Via: class lecture and - Projector Role play the duties
Develop in Africa Brain Storming and responsibilities of
-describe the geography of Slaves in Africa based
b. Bantu Peoples Africa on rubrics
Migrate Quiz based on the
-explain all the factors why reading materials
c. The Slave Trade slaves are rampant in Africa
Damages Africa Life
- describe the geography of
M. Chapter 13: Mesoamerica
Civilization in

a. Civilization - explain how civilization

Develops in develops in Mesoamerica
- compare and contrast the
b. The Aztecs and culture of Aztecs and Incas
Incas Establish
Empire - give importance to all
contributions of
c. Many Cultures A Mesoamerican civilization in
rise North of Mexico the world history

Week 18 N. Chapter 14: - identify all the factors that Group reporting - White board The students will
Renaissance and contributes on the period of regarding on the topic marker feature at least three
Reformation Renaissance Concept learning - Laptop works of the different
Via: class lecture and - Projecto artist during the
a. Renaissance Brings - examine all the Brain Storming period of renaissance
Change contributions of Renaissance through gallery walk
in all specialization Quiz based on the
b. The Renaissance reading materials
Spirit is Reflected in - explain how the church
Literature and Art paves the way of reformation
Pre -test
c. The Reformation - evaluate the event and Graded recitation
Ends Religious Unity impact of Scientific revolution Post- test
in Western and The reformist: the
Central Europe - explain the contribution of students will amend
scientific studies contemporary rules
and regulation and will
O. Chapter 15: - evaluate the events and present to the class
Scientific Revolution impact of Enlightenment
and Enlightenment
- explain the reasons why
a. Scientists Develop enlightenment thinkers seek
a New View of Nature reforms

b. Enlightenment - compare and contrast

Thinkers seek Scientific revolution and
Reforms Enlightenment

Total hours:54 hrs

Course Requirements
Each student is required to:
1. Class Attendance
2. Assessment Activities
3. Demonstration Teaching
4. Research Abstract Impression Papers
5. Major Examination

Grading System
Written Tasks ----- 20% Attendance ---- 5%
includes: Behaviour ---- 10%
 Quizzes Prelim Examination ---- 10%
 Assignments Midterm Examination ---- 10%
 Term Paper
 Seatwork Semi – Final Examination ---- 10%
 Compilation Final Examination ---- 10%
 Portfolio
Performance Tasks ----- 25%
Total: 100%
 Class Participation
 Oral presentation
 Creative Performance
 Demonstration

References, Textbooks and Supplementary Readings


Perry , et. Al., ( 1989) A History of the World. Revised Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, One Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Mateo, et. al.,(2012) Kasasysayan ng Daigdig. Bagong Edisyon. Vibal Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City

Prepared by: Approved by:

JOHN RAY D. GARCIA LPT/MAEd Eng. Felino M.Manipol Ph. D

MVP College Instructor College Dean

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