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ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

NIM 047940137
Questions :
Please choose one of the questions below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3
paragraphs. Elaborate your own opinion with the referees related to the question that you

1. Discuss the impact of monopsony-like conditions created by online marketplaces on small

and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. In your essay, explain how the
concentration of buyer power in platforms such as Tokopedia and Shopee can affect the
pricing, competitiveness, and growth prospects of SMEs. Provide examples to support
your arguments.
2. Analyze the effects of monopsony-like conditions in the Indonesian agricultural sector,
particularly focusing on the relationship between large supermarket chains and small-
scale farmers. In your essay, discuss how the dominance of a few large buyers can
influence the pricing of agricultural products, the income stability of farmers, and the
overall sustainability of the agricultural sector. Use specific examples to illustrate your

Answer :
The Impact of Monopsony-Like Conditions Created by Online Markets on Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia

Online marketplaces such as Tokopedia and Shopee have created a monopsony in Indonesia.
This means a number of dominant platforms have great power in influencing sellers, especially
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This buyer power impacts prices, competitiveness and
growth of SMEs substantially. Small sellers are forced to sell through this platform because
they have no other option to reach consumers widely.
As a result, platforms can suppress the prices paid to sellers, reducing their profit margins.
Product prices must be adjusted to remain competitive, often at the expense of the seller's
profits. This forces SMEs to sacrifice innovation and improving product quality. Additionally,
high commission and advertising fees charged by platforms have a detrimental impact on the
competitiveness of SMEs. SMEs with limited resources must bear these additional costs, while
large manufacturers are better able to absorb them. This dominant buyer power can hinder the
growth of SMEs and reduce market diversity.
To support sustainable growth for SMEs, governments should consider regulations that protect
small sellers from unfair trading practices by large platforms and encourage diversification of
sales channels.

References :
 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2020). Indonesian E-Commerce
Annual Report 2020. Retrieved from

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