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Estd. 1985

Executive Editor
Sbr. AK Tatukder Pradip Chakraborty
An Annual Refereed Research Journal of Public College of Commerce
Dimapur : Nagaland
PCC lournal of Economics& Commerce, Vol: 11, ISSN: 2229-6417
Vol: 11, 2019
2019 ISSN: PCCJournal of
Economics& Commerce,
2229-6417 PCC Journal
The joumal is published by Public College of Commerce, Dimapur,
Nagaland. of Economics and
The facts or
opinions contained in the articles are of the authors and ISSN: 2229-6417
not of the publisher
Copyright reserved by the publisher Editor-in-Chief
Dr. AK.Talukder

Principal, Public College of Commerce, Dimapur

Executive Editor
Dr. Pradip Chakraborty
of Commerce, Dimapur
Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of Economics, Public College

Advisory & Reviewers Board

1. Dr. S. S. Khanka,
& Entrepreneurship, Delhi
Professor (HR),University School of Management
Phase -II, Delhi
Technological University, East Delhi Campus, Vivek Vihar,
Dr. Amalesh Bhowal
Diphu Campus
Professor & Head, Deptt. of Commerce, Assam University,
3. Dr. N.M.Panda
Professor, Dept of Commerce, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya
Dr. Purusottam Nayak
Professor, Department of Economics, NEHU, Shillong,
Subscription rates 5. Dr. Mithilesh Sinha
Professor, Deptt. of Economics, Nagaland University,
Lumami Campus,
Single copy Individual Rs. 120
Dr. N. Martina Solo
Lumami Campus
Institution Rs. 150 Associate Professor, Deptt. of Commerce, Nagaland University,
7. Dr. Gautam Patikar
Student Rs. 100 Professor, Deptt. of Commerce, Nagaland University, Kohima
3. Mr. D.Majumdar
Vice-Principal, Public College of Commerce, Dimapur

Editorial Board
1. Dr. Ranjit Paul
Asst. Professor, Public College of Commerce, Dimapur
2. Dr. Nipul Sutradhar
Communication Address
Asst. Professor, Public College of Comnerce, Dimapur
3. Mr. Moaakam
The Editor(s)
Asst. Professor, Public College of Commerce, Dimapur
PCC Journal of Economics and Commerce
ISSN: 2229-6417
Public College of Commerce
Post Box-85, Dimapur
Nagaland: 797112
PCJournal of Economics & Commerce, Vol: 11, 2019 ISSN: 2229-6417

Titlc and Author(s) Page No.
01 Human Resource Management Practices in Government A

study National Capital Region (NCR)

of 1-9
Rao Kushangra Yadav
Prof. S.S. Khanka

02 A
Comparative Analysis On Teachers Up Gradation
Activities Between Private And Government colleges In 10-24
Ranjit Paul
03 Role of Information And Communication Technology In E-
Govemance In India 25-37
Dr. Manash Das

04 A Study on Employees Turnover in Hotel Industry

Dr. Nipul Sutradhar 38-47

05 Customers Service Quality Consideration & Experience in

Commercial Banks 48-58
Dr. A.K. Talukder

06 Business Sustainability of Nagaland Bamboo Development

Agency: Challenges And Issues Faced (With Special
reference to Dimapur Sadar District). 59-67
Prasenjit Bhadra
Abdul Salahudeen V

07 Financial Performance Analysis of Assam Gramin Vikash

Bank 67-78
Bitupan Borah

08 Guidelines for the Authors 79


PCC Journal of Economics& Commerce, Vol: 11, 2019 ISSN: 2229-6417



Mr. Prasenjit Bhadra

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagaland
Mr. Abdul Salahudeen VN
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagalana.

Naga people are known for its Bamboo Handicrafis. In usual Naga house, we wil
aways come across many bamboo decorative items. Nol only the Nuga's are fond of
about these products. 1here
Damboo products but the non-locals are also very curious
as Musical
instruments like flute,
are various products which are made of bamboo such
Ceremonial hat etc. As
mouth organ, Fish trapping baskets, Combs, Naga Belt, Mugs,
for marketing of bamboo
Dimapur is a commercial hub and has a great potential the behavior the
researcher to find out of
products. Following study is conducted by the which act as a
Consumers towards bamboo products
and what are the botlenecks
article also tries to know the
the sustainability of these products. Finally this
barrier for while marketing their products inside
and outside
challenges faces by the entrepreneurs
amd the data is collected through primary and
Descriptive research design was adopted
interview, observation and
secondary sources which inchude questionnaire, personal
internet. 1The method adopted for conducting survey is questionnaire & personal
interview; Non Probability sampling technique was adopted under which Quota

sampling method is being selecting the consumers on the basis of quota which
used for
falls under the age group from 18-40 years. The sample
size was 140 (133 consumer and
6 entrepreneurs &e 1 distributors)

The study found that Bamboo business has its future in Nagaland and it has huge
potential to grow in the nearfuture. Some problems like high manufacturing cost, lack of
scientific farming and innovative promotion tools cause hindrance in the flow of
business. Entrepreneurs also stated that they willfind the solution to their problems and
market it globally all over the world.

Keywords: Bamboo Products, Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency, people response

towards bamboo products, Marketing tactics, Challenges and issues.

Vol: 11, 2019
& Commerce,
PCCJournal of Economics& Commerce, Vol: 11, 2019 IsN.. PCC Journal of

sustain over a
sSN: 2229-6417 in Nagaland
INTRODUCTION identity how the Bamboo handicraft
the Indigenous

The Word Bamboo" is to issues faced by

derived from Dutch or Portuguese language. Bamboo of the study what a r e the problem
it s o that it
will s u s t a u n
for a

h of time and
family namely Poaceae. Bamboo has one special characteristic generallv
a grass
longer period producis and what a r e the possible ways to taken in both primary and seconday
within a short duration and without much
hitch. Scientifically it is proved that it
of grouing tomarket
the data for this
research is
miX of people
can grow T time. T h e r e f o r e has a heterogeneous
60 days and
within 4 years it can become a full flagged Bamboo longerperiod of hub in Nagaland,
commercial town 1s the
plant. Onee important the major Dimapur
note that it can survive
upto 120 years which is good for its business purpose as important
thing to ways. Dmapur
and for which it is also known as
M i n i India
and development

ife span. Besides

this, plantation of Bamboo plants is very simple in nature as
they havemore from all
Over India,
is the magnet
around which the the North
of the state and township of
compared to commercial
o n e of the
fastest developing
ypes of farming. All these features makes it with
Uigue from other natural resources to use other centered, it is Probability Sampling

of the district a r e chosen the Non

commercial activity. History of Bamboo culture lies with Asian it f activities researcher
for is unknown s o the size about to 140 ir
countries. Japan is population with sampling
country where bamboos are used in large quantity from decorating the house ne such
East. Though to get the sanple
and the regarding r o m age
a u d i e n c e i s the youth
to malkino sampling techniques target
chopsticks. In India, bamboos are naturally grown all over the region (apart from ing quota 1 d i s t r i b u t o r and 6 entrepreneurs:

consider its density of Kashmir). If we that 133

are consumers,

growth, it is widely found in the North eastern region 18 to 40.

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram etc. namely-Nagaland between


Nagaland is
such state in India, where the plantation of Bambo0 plants are
as well as its exteInal
very vast. It is internal strengths and weaknesses,
also because of the identify the
geographical advantage and topography of the state. Not only Bamboo plants, A Study undertaken to
and threats of NBDA.
even other
vegetation grows at ease due to its moderate climate.There are many varieties of opportunities
bamboo species grown in this Helpful
part. Some species are as small as thumb Size whereas there are Particulars To achieve the objectives
Species which grows hundreds of feet. D.
Gigantium 1S one such species which are so and big To a c h i e v e the objectives Weaknesses:
heavy that one o r two peoples can't carry it. It is
tougher, stronger and m o r e elastic in nature. Internal Strengths Financial Resources in n o t
Due to its widely available characteristics, Naga bamboo works in one of the most Origin Backed by State
popular all upto the expectation.
over the world. "Hornbill Fest" which is international fest held every year in the month of
an (attributes of Specialized Labour Labour turnover
In this Fest bamboos the Geographical competitiveness
Nagaland Bamboo Development
are very widely used
to signify the Naga heritage and culture.
Agency popularly known as Nagaland Bamboo Resource organization) Moderm Equipment's
High Pricing of Products
Poor Marketing
Centre is state enterprise to promote the bamboo products in Nagaland. This Agency is an Widely available Resources(raw-
Advertising strateEy
autonomous body under the chairmanship of Honorable Chief Minister of Nagaland. It was material)
established in 2005 with the objective to take up bamboo both as a resource and as an enterprise,. External Opportunities:
Globalization Increasing Competition due to
Along with that, there are many small-small entrepreneurs who are doing business of Bamboo Origin
products. Nagaland have 16 tribes in total, all these tribe has some specialty and unique way (attributes of Potential to grow in other parts of liberalization
Low GDP growth rate of
crafting the bamboo products which are different from one another. he Nagaland.
Adoption of Online Marketing India.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY strategy Inflation
1. To study sustainability of the Bamboo Handicrafts business in Nagaland and its growtlh People Awareness towards Scientific Farming.
potentialities. Environment Friendly products
2. To study the Challenges & Issues faced by entrepreneur to market their products within Note: This SWOTanalysis is proposed based on the Researcher Observation and interview ing
as well as outside the local boundaries. thedifferent personnel engaged in the Bamboo business as well as NBDA Personnel and nof
through any secondary information.
the procedure and the method by which the research is conducted
This section consist of mainly Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency under the chairmanship of Honorable Chief Minister of
technique that 1S u s e d t o c o l l e c t and analyZe the data for the study. The main objectives thestate was established with the main objective of promoting the bamboo products and growth
and the

PCC Journal of Economics & Commerce,

Vol: 11, 2019 ISSN: 2229.cas _

some cases price are very high as compared to other products which induces the customereto
purchase a cheaper non environment friendly products due to price constraints.

1. Sekhose Asano (2015), "A Book on Nagaland". Nagaland: Nagaland Board of School
Education, pp.22, 23, 25, and 43.

1. Annual Action Plan 2018-19 for the state of Nagaland: Retrieved From- Date: 07/01/2020; Time: 9:00PM)
Dimapur Sadar overview:
2. Retrieved from-
nagaland-1796. (Date: 07/01/2020; Time: 8.27 PM)
3 Bamboo Plants Facts:
4. Retrieved from- (Date: 07/01/2020; Time: 6.07
5. Retrieved from-
07/01/2020; Time: 7.42 PM)

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