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Chapter 1: Hospitality Marketing


Learning Assessment
A. Multiple Choices. Select the answer that best describe the given statements.

A 1. What is the Latin word for Hospitality?

a. Tonare
b. Hospos
c. Hospes
d. Hostel

B 2. It’s one of the defining aspect of Hospitality Industry that relies on providing
excellent and quality service.

a. Themes
b. Excellent Level of Service
c. Customer Satisfaction
d. Reliance on disposable income and leisure time

E 3. This involves an analysis of the marketing environment in relation to the

potentials of one’s business

e. Marketing Plan
f. Marketing Operation
g. Promotion
h. Pricing

J 4. Involves bringing the products and services to the customers in the best way

i. Promotion
j. Distribution
k. Product
l. Promotional Market

O 5. It is the center of Marketing.

m. Services
n. Tourism

THC 10 – Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. Compiled by: I. Domingo

Chapter 1: Hospitality Marketing
o. Customer Satisfaction
p. Product

B. Identification. Write the correct answers in the blanks!

1. _Kotler____ Bowens and __Makens defined marketing as an art and science of

finding, retaining and growing profitable customers.

2. The _product_____or service is what the company is offering to satisfy a

consumer’s want or need.

3. Product the root of all things marketing.

C. Short Answers. Answer the following questions and clarify your point by giving
related examples.

1. What is the importance of Marketing in selling hospitality products and services?

It is important because it gives the business core functions. It gives the
customer a solid understanding on what it does and how it works. It gives
different consumer goods such as tangible and intangible products. For
instance, creating an effective marketing website featuring the services, or
proactive hotel reputation management.

2. Below are the common marketing mixes. Describe and give its importance in the
tourism industry or in the context of service marketing.

It refers to a goods or services that a company offers to the consumers. The
product should fulfill an existing consumer demand. The marketers must
understand the life cycle of a product, and business executives need to
have a plan for dealing with products.

THC 10 – Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. Compiled by: I. Domingo

Chapter 1: Hospitality Marketing
It is the cost that consumers pay for the product. In order to know the actual
price of the product, marketers need to evaluate the perceived value, supply
costs, seasonal discounts and competitors' prices. They need to consider
the demand of the product, if it needs to be discounted or not.


It is where the services or goods takes place. The company must consider
the place where it has a lot of consumers. The goal of business executives
is always to get their products in front of the consumers. The place should
also have designs that will give the sense of identity of the product they are

It includes advertising, public relations, and promotional strategy. Promoting
a product is to reveal to consumers why they need this certain product.
Nowadays, social media have become a platform for promoting products and
services, because most of the potential customers are now online. Brands
also make their own website for easy access and also deliver door to door.

THC 10 – Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. Compiled by: I. Domingo

Chapter 1: Hospitality Marketing

Name: Don Mar Ian Keith E. Sarmiento C/Y/S: Date:

Direction. Select a tourism establishment or a destination. Check out how they

are marketing their products and services. Identify their methods by which
tourism products and services are promoted and provide pictures of the
marketing tools being utilized. (e.g., website, printed materials, billboard etc.).

Paste photos here:

Guide Questions:

1. What are the marketing platforms used by the establishment/ destination? Please
2. Among the various platforms used for promotion, which do you think is the most
effective marketing tool? Why?
3. If you were to propose a marketing tool to increase promotion and gain more
publicity about the product and services, what would you suggest?

THC 10 – Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. Compiled by: I. Domingo

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