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Quagmire Rescue

This is a work of fan fiction, by Adventure Master Zoe Kenney, 2023.
Available for download at

This game uses the mechanics of the vintage DragonRaid game, by Dick Wulf. Available at

Photo credits: Cover Art Image by Kenneth Sutherland from Pixabay

1) DragonRaid, Lightraiders, and Starlots are registered trademarks of XPC Media LLC;
2) This is not an official DragonRaid, Lightraiders, or Starlots adventure and is not affiliated with XPC
Media LLC;
3) XPC Media LLC does not review the content of this adventure for accuracy to its fictional worlds or
alignment with God's Word.
4) All derivative works created using the Lightraiders, DragonRaid, and Starlots world and rulesets fall
under the exclusive copyright of XPC Media LLC; XPC Media LLC does not allow fans to sell
derivative works (so this work should be free).

Lightraiders Fan Fiction: Quagmire Rescue

Main Spiritual Teaching

The main spiritual teaching of this adventure is faithfulness to the true gospel. As the Lightraiders
reach the colony of Gnomes, the gnomes will begin hailing Qzim as the Messiah.
This can be refuted in various ways. For example, Galatians 1, where Paul scolds the Galatians for
abandoning the true gospel.

Story Synopsis
This story is part of a larger story arc, where Lightraiders are discovering that not all of the Elder Folk
are gone. The gnome Qzim was rescued in the Sahra Island adventure (also available on, and more clues were discovered as part of the Iron
Forge Campaign. If players have not played the Sahra Island adventure, AM can simply say that a
gnome was rescued by another Raid Team (to the surprise of all), and he claims he knows where more
gnomes can be found.

Lightraiders exit a hollow tree into a swampy area with Qzim as their guide. They need to navigate the
Quagmire, possibly dealing with a Slime Dragon, and new dark creatures such as Uthimi and D-Rexes.

Upon discovering the Gnome colony, the team needs to straighten out their theology before leading
them back through the swamp to the Hollow Tree and the Liberated Lands.

After this adventure, the gnomes will set up in the mountains near Ras Telesar, and some may consider
joining the Lightraider Academy, allowing Gnomes to become playable characters.

Main Adventure
Game starts with rolling on the Encounter Chart, either for a set number of times,
or until the correct number is rolled. When you feel the team has travelled far
enough, Qzim will discover the door to the Gnome Caverns. Proceed to Part 2.
On the way back, you may roll more encounters in the swamp.

Part 1: Navigating the Swamp

Encounter Chart: Roll a d20
1. Slow Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:7 to see it and AG D:3 to avoid it.
Failure to do so results in slow sinking into the mud. Combined ST of at least 15 to pull
out teammates. (Gnomes will not sink) If all become trapped, they must either use a long
stick to help pull themselves out, or pray for the Overlord to rescue them. Two of them
will float and be able to swim to a stable spot in answer to this prayer.

2. Fast Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:6 to see it and AG D:4 to avoid it. Failure
to pass will result in rapid sinking into the mud. Players will have two minutes of game
time to rescue their comrades before they sink out of sight. Pulling them out with a rope
needs a combined ST of at least 19 to pull out teammates. (Note to AM: unless you are
trying to kill people, do not let more than 1 person actually fall in at a time. Also, to
Gnomes this behaves like a Slow Quagmire.)

3. Nothing Happens, it is stable ground.

4. The ground feels soft and spongy, but no one sinks.

5. Slow Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:7 to see it and AG D:3 to avoid it.
Failure to do so results in slow sinking into the mud. Combined ST of at least 15 to pull
out teammates. (Gnomes will not sink) If all become trapped, they must either use a long
stick to help pull themselves out, or pray for the Overlord to rescue them. Two of them
will float and be able to swim to a stable spot in answer to this prayer.

6. Roll on the Enemy Encounter Chart

7. You all see bones of various creatures poking out of the surrounding mud. PE check
D:4 to avoid feeling unnerved about this and wanting to turn back.

8. This part of the bog is eerie. Roll d6 to determine how many D-Rex come out of the
mud to attack.

9. You all automatically sense very strong evil that can only be a dragon in the area. Roll
percentile to see if Mature Slime dragon attacks. If the roll is 90% or higher, the dragon
will start with a mind speech. Move to the Dragon Battle chart. Otherwise, the team will
feel the need to leave as quickly as possible.

10. Fast Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:6 to see it and AG D:4 to avoid it.
Failure to pass will result in rapid sinking into the mud. Players will have two minutes of
game time to rescue their comrades before they sink out of sight. Pulling them out with a
rope needs a combined ST of at least 19 to pull out teammates. (Note to AM: unless you
are trying to kill people, do not let more than 1 person actually fall in at a time. Also, to
Gnomes this behaves like a Slow Quagmire.)

11. Slow Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:7 to see it and AG D:3 to avoid it.
Failure to do so results in slow sinking into the mud. Combined ST of at least 15 to pull
out teammates. (Gnomes will not sink) If all become trapped, they must either use a long
stick to help pull themselves out, or pray for the Overlord to rescue them. Two of them
will float and be able to swim to a stable spot in answer to this prayer.

12. Anyone who passes a D:4 in Vision will see a locket half-buried in the mud near
their feet. Picking it up and cleaning it will reveal an identical locket to the one they
found in the Iron Forge Campaign.

13. Roll on the Enemy Encounter Chart.

14. The trees suddenly start moving! Three Umithi converge and start attacking the
group. See Umithi Stats.

15. You find a low hill that has that symbol inscribed in it. If knocked on, a voice will
ask what the password is. The correct password is “Lemonade rises in winter, meatballs
rise in summer, the dog meows.” Go to Gnome Cavern section. (If this is the first roll,
then do two other rolls before automatically going to this section)

16.The trees suddenly start moving! Three Umithi converge and start attacking the
group. See Enemy charts for stats.

17. Nothing happens, the ground is stable.

18. Roll on Enemy Encounter Chart.

19. You find a low hill that has that symbol inscribed in it. If knocked on, a voice will
ask what the password is. The correct password is “Lemonade rises in winter, meatballs
rise in summer, the dog meows.” Go to Gnome Cavern section. (If this is the first roll,
then do two other rolls before automatically going to this section)

20. You all automatically sense very strong evil that can only be a dragon in the area.
Roll percentile to see if Mature Slime dragon attacks. If the roll is 95% or higher, the
dragon will start with a mind speech. Move to the Dragon Battle chart. Otherwise, the
team will feel the need to leave as quickly as possible.

Enemy Encounter Chart: d:6 roll

1. An Umithi will attempt to enchant the team before attacking the strongest looking
member and ignoring the weaker ones.
2. Pick an applicable Prejudice Thought from the Prejudice Chart in the Umithi
Stats. This Prejudice thought will attack all team members, but the Umithi will not
emerge unless no one is enchanted.
3. Choose an applicable Division Thought from the Division Chart in the D-Rex
stats. After team members are either enchanted or resist it, 1 D-Rex will emerge
and attack based on chosen thought.
4. Nothing happens.
5. Fast Quagmire – Vision Check must pass D:6 to see it and AG D:4 to avoid it.
Failure to pass will result in rapid sinking into the mud. Players will have two
minutes of game time to rescue their comrades before they sink out of sight.
Pulling them out with a rope needs a combined ST of at least 19 to pull out
teammates. (Note to AM: unless you are trying to kill people, do not let more than
1 person actually fall in at a time. Also, to Gnomes this behaves like a Slow
6. You sense a dragon flying overhead. Drops of muck fall all over all but one of the
team. KI check D:3 for everyone to avoid the Division sin enchantment.

Part 2: Gnome Cavern Section:
(AM may choose to develop tunnel system more, depending on game session time and
skill level of players)
When PC enter the cavern hole in the hill, they will see a well lit tunnel with intricate
engravings on the walls, and a gnome wearing a red clothes and a bracelet. The gnome
will spot Qzim and excitedly run down the tunnel yelling “The Christ has returned to
rescue us!” (please not: all gnomes except Qzim believe Mind Speech 2)
Qzim groans and leads the team through a network of tunnels to a large gathering spot.
The gnomes have all already gathered, and seem to be excited about being rescued.
Many seem to already be packed. (There are 100 gnomes in the room, plus Qzim, so
101) A gray-bearded gnome asks the team if the Christ has a plan to save them.
Hopefully, the team will ask about/correct the gnome’s heresy. They will claim that they
are packed and ready to go, so how are they getting out?

Part 3: the Return

(Guide the team so that they go back the way they came.)

Roll on the Encounter Chart a minimum of 5 times, more if you have time. Or you could
treat the Gnome Cavern finding ones as finding the hollow tree.
Note that most of the gnomes are chatterboxes, know about the Uthimi and the D-Rexes,
and can refute all but Mind Speech 8. About half the gnomes are female.

Gnome names list:



Creature Stats

Umithi Stats:
Umithi are tall, evil trees that
can move around by walking
with their roots. Each Umithi
or group of Umithi have a
particular Prejudice Thought
that they send in an attempt to
enchant lightraiders with the
Prejudice Sin Enchantment.
They have BA 20, PV of 61,
Damage 3 Starlot Rolls, Target
LO or KI, and can see in the
dark. They only move 1 square
a battle round, but can attack
up to two targets at a time (one
with each tree arm) or attack 1 person with both arms. Each arm counts as a separate
Damage roll if attacking separate people, multiply one DA roll by 1.5 if both arms attack
one person. The BA is in each arm, but only one BA roll is used if both are attacking the
same person.

These creatures usually live in Bogs, Swamps, or Dark Forests.

Prejudice Thought Chart: (phrase them differently if you need to)

1. Boys are superior to girls in every way
2. Girls are superior to boys in every way
3. Animals are far more important than any human
4. Only the rich have any worth
5. Strong people are the most important people
6. Only OnceBorn are worth anything, TwiceBorn are living a lie.

D-Rex Stats:

D-Rex look like Mud

Dinosaurs with pincer
claws for hands. They
can attack behind
them with their tails
or in front of them
with the claws
combined. They
attempt to enchant
lightraiders with a
Division Thought that
unless refuted will
result in them being
enchanted with the
enchantment. They
have BA 12, DA of 2
Starlot Rolls, PV of
38, Target any Character Strength, and can dissolve in the mud in order to come back

Division Thought List: (add more if you want!)

1. Clean is better than dirty, suckers
2. Armor is better than none
3. I have an animal, you don’t
4. Healing abilities are important, who cares about the other stuff
5. You stole my food!
6. (some team member) stole your favourite weapon!
7. Your team wishes you were gone
8. Nobody can beat my strength!
9. etc.

Mature Slime Dragon Battle Chart:
1-5 Mind Speech
6-7 Fire (lava or hot stones in a line or designated area)
8-9 Smoke (distorts communication with others)
10 Other:
1-4 Breath (causes enchanted to separate himself from the others, believing he is good
enough on his own. Avoid enchantment by passing BR D: Shadow Stone Roll)
5-7 Physical Attack
8-10 Retreat

Mind Speech list:

1. Jesus only appeared to be a flesh-and-blood man; his body was a phantasm.
2. Jesus was a man in the flesh, but Christ was a separate entity who entered Jesus'
body in the form of a dove at his baptism, empowered him to perform miracles, and
abandoned him upon his death on the cross.
3. Jesus could not have been resurrected since there is no resurrection.
4. Jesus never actually died, he was merely in a coma during those three days.
5. The disciples never actually saw Jesus, they all hallucinated seeing him.
6. It wasn’t actually Jesus that the disciples saw, it was his doppelganger.
7. Since Jesus died, there is no need to obey anything he said.
8. If you have not spoken in tongues, then you haven’t actually become a Christian
(If you can’t come up with more, and you run out of mind speeches, then treat 1-5 as an Other)

Gnome Stats
Gnomes as NPCs

APPEARING: d8 in a work party

BA: 4 (or as Agility)
5 if Warrior (or AG +1)
FOR ST: Roll d4+6
FOR AG: Roll d4+6
FOR EN: Roll d8+3
FOR HITS: 25 (or 4d8+3)
KN of 6 to matters of crafting, tinkering, artistic work
LIS at 5
CA at 3
WM at -4
DAMAGE: 1-5 Handaxe, d10 BattleAxe if Warrior

Gnomes as Player Characters

(After this adventure, Gnomes become playable characters)
General profile: Short, Artistic, somewhat flighty.

Roll up character as normal. Afterwards, apply the following modifications:

Strength: 7 minimum
Agility: 7 minimum
PV: +3
RFI: +3
Endurance: +2
CA: +1
Special Knowledge: +1 to matters of crafting, tinkering, artistic work
+1 to Battle Axe or Hand Axe abilities
Water Movement: -2
Does not lose sense of direction underground.
Not able to ride a horse, but can ride smaller ponies.

Restrictions: Cannot be a Rescue Master, and can only be a Raid Leader if their Self-Control is 10


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