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What are modern methods of construction?
A modern method of construction is a collective term used to describe a number of construction methods. The
methods being introduced into UK house building differ significantly from so-called conventional construction
methods such as brick and block.
There is a great deal of debate within the industry at present about what constitutes MMC and as a result there
is no universally agreed definition. In 2003 the Housing Corporation published a construction classification
system that is used for its own purposes, which has been adapted by others.

Housing Corporation construction classification system for dwellings

1. Off-site manufactured – Volumetric
2. Off-site manufactured – Panelized
3. Off-site manufactured – Hybrid
4. Off-site manufactured – Sub-assemblies and components
5. Non off-site manufactured -modern methods of construction
 There are many other terms used in the context of MMC but, in order to prevent confusion, they are not
Factory built/assembled
 Industrialized construction
 Innovative systems constructed on-site
 Off-site assembly
 Off-site construction
 Off-site manufacture
 Modular construction
 Pre-fabricated construction
 System building
1- Prefabricated construction
Prefab, or prefabricated, construction is a building process in which sections of modules of the structure
are assembled at a remote location, then transported to the building site or
Prefabricated construction is a modern system of construction, constructive elements for the buildings
are produced serially in the plants, transported to the site of construction and then assembled.
This particular construction method is very cost-effective and often makes it possible to complete a
building project in as much as half the time required for more traditional methods.
Prefab construction is commonly employed with the construction of new homes, the strategy can also be
used with other buildings.
The genius behind prefab construction is based on the idea that by using standard components that are
partially assembled on a manufacturing floor, there is less time involved in the actual construction
The modules are transported to the site, using freight transportation.



At the site, the modules are unloaded, moved into position with the aid of heavy machinery, and
connected to form a single building.
Along with the fast assembly, prefab construction can often save a great deal of money on the building
By using standard patterns, the building materials are pre-cut at the manufacturing site.
This eliminates a great deal of the waste in timber and other components that can occur during the
process of building.
As a result, a prefabricated house with three bedrooms is likely to cost significantly less than a three
bedroom dwelling that is constructed from scratch at the building site.
One other key benefit of prefab construction is the energy efficient nature of this type of
building strategy.
Because the sections of a panelized home are precut, they fit snugly together, making for a tighter edifice.
This means less effort to heat and cool the space, resulting in lower utility bills.
There are also comprehensive building plans for prefab construction that can be modified slightly and still
have the benefit of using materials of:
1. standard lengths,
2. widths, and
3. Textures.
Prefab homes are not the only type of building that can be created using prefab construction. Some
manufacturers offer modular units that can be used to create barns, lake cabins, pool houses, and several other
building types.
Construction companies that offer prefab building options normally have a wide range of designs that clients can
consider. As with the modular home, other types of prefabricated construction are also easy to:
1. assemble,
2. Less expensive than other building options, and will cost much less to heat and cool.
Prefabricated Construction Method
Prefabricated construction is a building process in which elements or modules of the structure are prefabricated
at plants, then transported to the construction site for installation. Using this method can reduce the time of
building, also saving construction cost. Prefabricated construction is now widely applied for new houses or other
building structures like bridge, tunnels, culverts, water supply system.
2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Prefabricated ConstructionComponents.
 Prefabricated construction is a relatively new way to get buildings up fast.
 Many parts of the building are pre-made in factories in order to cut down on construction time and lower
the overall cost of a project.
 Previously this method was used almost exclusively for small homes, but in recent years, prefabricated
construction components have become available for other structures as well, including tunnels, bridges,
and culverts. So the question becomes, are prefabricated construction components right for your
The following run down of advantages and disadvantages may help you make the call.

 Faster construction—because parts are largely assembled in separate factories and then transported to
the construction site, overall building time is much faster.
 This can allow construction companies to work on more projects and potentially, earn more
 Shorter construction time- less than half of conventional cast in situ construction
 Financing for customers—most homes and buildings built in the modular fashion must be paid for up
front which can ensure that construction teams receive payment in full right away.
 Environmentally friendly—Prefabricated buildings are often less wasteful than other construction
projects. This may help to avoid unnecessary materials costs as well.
 Independent of adverse weather conditions during construction
 Continuing erection in winter time until -20 °C
 Return customers—if the building owner decides to move their prefabricated building, they may hire the
construction company that assembled the structure to disassemble and rebuild the structure in a new
In general Prefabricated Constructions are
 Cost effective solutions
 Reduction in construction time
 Safety in construction
 Increase in the quality of construction.
 Reduction of construction waste
Less flexibility—working a construction project that involves a prefabricated structure can create an
extremely structured timeline which makes it harder for construction teams to deal with unexpected
Manufacturer reliability—In some cases, the manufacturer of the parts may not be reliable or fail to
provide construction elements that are satisfactory. This can create complications for the construction
The specifications of the building’s site may put restrictions on certain aspects of the structure which can
be difficult to incorporate because the structure’s main components were put together in a different
Less time spent on each project—As stated above, prefabricated buildings require a lot less time to build
which can cut down on the total profit of each project. This may lead to losses for some companies that
are not prepared to fill the extra time with further assignments.
Increased dangers—Most construction teams are familiar with the materials that they regularly work
with, but prefabricated buildings can create unique dangers because they are put together by a
completely separate organization. Construction accidents can leave workers dealing with serious injuries
and health complications. In some cases, victims must work with a construction accident attorney to
handle the legal complications of the accident.



In Prefabricated Constructions
Leaks can form at joints in prefabricated components.
Transportation costs may be higher for voluminous prefabricated sections than for the materials of which
they are made, which can often be packed more efficiently.
Large prefabricated sections require heavy-duty cranes and precision measurement and handling to place
in position.
Larger groups of buildings from the same type of prefabricated elements tend to look drab and
Local jobs may be lost, if the work done to fabricate the components being located in a place far away
from the place of construction. This means that there are less locals working on any construction project
at any time, because fabrication is outsourced
Prefab Housing Disadvantages: numerous problems.
 Many people buy prefabricated houses because they tend to be less expensive than custom built homes
and because they are readily available. In addition to these benefits, however, are numerous
disadvantages to buying, owning and living in a prefab house. Prefab houses are the result of the
application of theories of mass production to living spaces.
 Financing
Many banks make a distinction between site-built houses and prefabricated houses when it comes to
eligibility for a mortgage. Before purchasing a prefab house, you should consult with your bank to find out
if it is willing to give you a mortgage. If it is not, you can gain financing from another bank or from a
mortgage broker. Some lenders don't want to give mortgages for prefab houses because they see them as
a greater risk. Prefab houses have a reputation for not holding their value over time.
 Materials
Prefabricated houses are mass produced by large companies in centralized factories. Because these
companies do this for profit, they don't use the highest quality or most expensive materials available.
Building prefab walls out of pressboard and lumber seconds will net a company a larger profit margin
than if the walls are made of high quality plywood and lumber. Before buying a prefab house, do some
research on the company you are considering to find out what kinds of materials they use. Some
materials, such as pressboard and MDF (medium density fiberboard) may also present health risks due to
off-gassing of formaldehyde.
 Lack of Personalization
For homeowners who are interested in a highly personalized living environment, a prefab house may
seem unacceptably standardized and lacking in character. While these things can be changed to some
extent through decor and landscaping, prefab houses will always have a basic feel that is quite standard,
particularly when they are assembled in large developments where all the houses look the same. This
doesn't bother some people and tends to be an issue only to individuals who are highly sensitive to the
character and nature of their everyday environment.
 Not Site Specific
One of the ways that highly efficient buildings decrease their energy use is through proper siting to take
maximum advantage of the lay of the land and the sun.



A passive solar house may be set into a south facing hillside with large southern windows for passive
solar heat. None of this can be accomplished with a prefabricated house because it has been designed
and built before determining where it will sit, which can lead to inefficient use of lighting and heating
resources and a lack of optimized connection to the house's surroundings.

The Difference between Prefabricated & Manufactured Homes

Limit to Customization
 Most prefabricated building manufacturers have a set number of designs that serve as a framework
for some level of customization.
 However, there is a limit to the level of customization that can be safely applied to these designs.
 If the customer's preference cannot be accommodated by the available design, the customer has two
 The first option is to amend the preferred design to fit into something that can be incorporated into
the available designs.
 The second option is to have the modular company design something specifically for the customer.
 This is a very expensive option because the prefabrication company would have to go back to the
drawing board to design something exclusively for the customer.
Negative Stereotypes
 Prefabricated buildings do not have the same type of prestige that conventional buildings offer.
 This is because of their relatively lower costs and the belief that prefabricated structures are not as
solid as site-built structures.
 This leads to concerns about the safety of such homes in the event of tornadoes or other extreme
 Another concern is the effect of transportation on manufactured homes with regard to their structural
 Owners of prefabricated buildings may encounter some problems when it comes to financing their
 Often, they have to pay off the builder completely before the building is completed or as the work is
being done.
 According to Modular Today, the homeowner may be able to obtain a construction loan from the
prefabricated home dealer.
 The homeowner may also find it hard to refinance his homes if the building was not constructed on a
permanent site that belongs to him.



3. Modular grid systems, National Building code Specifications

Modular grid systems
Modular Grid-A rectangular coordinate reference system in which the distance between consecutive lines is
the basic module or a multi module. This multi-module may differ for each of the two
dimensions of the grid.
 Grids in design are kind of like the scales in music. They give you a way to anchor your layout elements
and typography to a certain rhythm.
 A modular grid is a grid which has consistent horizontal divisions from top to bottom in addition to
vertical divisions from left to right. Modular grids are created by positioning horizontal guidelines in
relation to a baseline grid that governs the whole document. Baseline grids serve to anchor all (or nearly
all) layout elements to a common rhythm.
 A grid system is a set of measurements a graphic designer can use to align and size objects within the
given format. Although there are a few different categories of grid systems, there are no strict rules on
what can or cannot be a grid. It’s up to you. Any guides that help you shape the final design is okay.
Types of Grids
 A manuscript grid is the most basic form of a grid. It is made up by a single rectangle that defines the
margins of the format.
 A column grid is what it says. It splits the page into columns, and is probably the most used grid type.
Libraries like blueprint and have ported the ideas of the column grid to the web.
 The modular grid is a column and row grid that not only tells you the x-placements of your forms, but also
guides on the y-axis.
 The last type of grid is often called a hierarchical grid, although it’s kind of a “catch all” for grids that do
not fit into the above categories. A hierarchical grid is described by not having equal spacing between
National Building code Specifications
 BATCODA-Technical Specification & Method of Measurement
Precast units shall be understood as plain or reinforced concrete units set in moulds, cured and fixed in
position as detailed on drawings.
Comply with the general requirements, and products section of the following.
Cast in place concrete Section 031
Concrete formwork " 032
Reinforcement " 033
03431 Samples of Precast Units
Before fabrication in bulk, specimen samples of the precast units shall be submitted for approval, with
which further deliveries or castings shall be compared for uniformity of colour and finish.



03432 Casting
Precast concrete shall be concrete as specified and shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration in the
moulds and shall not be removed from them until seven days after placing the concrete. The sides may be
removed after three days provided that the moulds are such that the sides are easily removable without
damaging the concrete.
Precast work shall be cast under sheds and shall remain three days in the moulds and a further seven days
after removal from the moulds. During the whole of this period the concrete shall be shielded by sacking
or other approved material kept wet. It shall then be removed from the sheds and stacked in the open for
at least seven days to cure.
Unless specific dimension are given, precast work shall be cast in lengths convenient for handling. The
precast units shall have adequate strength to resist over stressing and damage during handling and
erection. Care shall be taken to ensure that the units are not chipped or damaged.
Architectural, structural and services drawings shall be examined to determine dimension and location of
Permission to form holes in precast units after casting shall not normally be given, but in exceptional
cases where the structural soundness of the perforated unit and its visual acceptability is satisfactory such
permission may be given by the Engineer in writing.
Precast units shall be clearly marked immediately after casting or demolishing, showing the identification
of the unit and, if necessary erection instruction. The marking is to be such as to be invisible after
0344 Methods of Measurement
Precast units shall be understood as including moulds, concrete, reinforcement, placing in position and
finishing face of units.
Precast units shall be measured by length or enumerated stating sizes.
 (EBCS-4 Chapter 7)
"Floors with precast concrete slabs for buildings
(1) This chapter deals with reinforced or prestressed precast concrete slabs or planks, used either as floors
spanning between steel beams or as permanent formwork for insitu concrete.
(2) The precast elements shall be designed in accordance with the relevant chapters of EBCS 2 and also for
composite action with the steel beams".
 (SECTION 03410N of ACI)
The work includes the provision of precast non-prestressed concrete herein referred to as precast members
[except that precast concrete wall panels shouldl be provided as specified in Section 03450 PLANT-PRECAST
ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE]. Precast members shall be the product of a manufacturer specializing in the
production of precast concrete members. In the ACI publications, the advisory provisions shall be considered to
be mandatory, as though the word "shall" has been substituted for "should" wherever it appears; reference to
the "Building Official," the "Structural Engineer" and the "Architect/Engineer" shall be interpreted to mean the
Contracting Officer.
4. Standardization, Dimensioning of products, preferred dimensions and sizes,
Some of the standard pre-cast beam dimensions of pre-cast beams in HDPO are

 pre-cast beam elements to the size of 4960 x 120 x 80 mm

 Ditto, but size 3960 x 120 x 80mm.
 Ditto, but size 2960 x 120 x 80mm.
 Ditto, but size 4160 x 120 x 80mm.
5. Tolerance and deviations, Layout and processes
I. Tolerance for length of precast members (major dimension of unit):
• Up to 3m: ±6mm
• 3m to 4.5m: ±9mm
• 4.5m to 6m: ±12mm
• Additional deviation for every subsequent 6m: ±6mm
II. Straightness or bow (deviation from intended line) of precast member:
• Up to 3m: 6mm
• 3m to 6m: 9mm
• 4.5m to 6m: 12mm
• Additional for every subsequent 6m: 6mm
III. Squareness of precast member – Difference between the greatest and shortest dimensions should not
exceed the following: Length of shorter sides
• Up to and including 1.2m: 6mm
• Over 1.2m but less than 1.8m: 9mm
• 1.8m and over: 12mm
IV. Twist of precast member – Any corner should not be more than the deviation stated from the plane
containing the other 3 corners:
• Up to 600mm wide and 6m in length: 6mm
• Over 600mm wide and for any length: 12mm
V. Flatness: 6mm per 1.5m
6. Prefabricates classification
The concept of precast (also known as “prefabricated”) construction includes those buildings, where the majority
of structural components are standardized and produced in plants in a location away from the building, and then
transported to the site for assembly. These components are manufactured by industrial methods based on mass
production in order to build a large number of buildings in a short time at low cost.
The main features of this construction process are as follows:
 The division and specialization of the human workforce
 The use of tools, machinery, and other equipment, usually automated, in the production of standard,
interchangeable parts and products
 Compared to site-cast concrete, precast concrete erection is faster and less affected by adverse weather
 Plant casting allows increased efficiency, high quality control and greater control on finishes.
This type of construction requires a restructuring of entire conventional construction process to enable
interaction between design phase and production planning in order to improve and speed up construction.




Depending on the load-bearing structure, precast systems can be divided into the following categories:
 Large-panel systems
 Frame systems
 Slab-column systems with walls
 Mixed systems
The designation “large-panel system” refers to multistory structures composed of large wall and floor concrete
panels connected in the vertical and horizontal directions so that the wall panels enclose appropriate spaces for
the rooms within a building. These panels form a box-like structure. Both vertical and horizontal panels resist
gravity load.
Wall panels are usually one story high. Horizontal floor and roof panels span either as one-way or two-way slabs.
When properly joined together, these horizontal elements act as diaphragms that transfer the lateral loads to the

Depending on wall layout , there are three basic configurations of large-panel buildings:
 Cross-wall systems
 Longitudinal wall systems
 Two-way systems
Precast frames can be constructed using either linear elements or spatial beam column sub-assemblages. Precast
beam-column sub-assemblages have the advantage that the connecting faces between the sub-assemblages can
be placed away from the critical frame regions; however, linear elements are generally preferred because of the
difficulties associated with forming, handling, and erecting spatial elements. The use of linear elements generally
means placing the connecting faces at the beam-column junctions. The beams can be seated on corbels at the
columns, for ease of construction and to aid the shear transfer from the beam to the column. The beam-column
joints accomplished in this way are hinged. However, rigid beam-column connections are used in some cases,
when the continuity of longitudinal reinforcement through the beam-column joint needs to be ensured. The
components of a precast reinforced concrete frame are
shown in Figure





These systems rely on shear walls to sustain lateral load effects, whereas the slab-column structure resists mainly
gravity loads. There are two main systems in this category:
• Lift-slab system with walls
• Prestressed slab-column system Lift-slab system with walls
In the Lift –slab system, the load-bearing structure consists of precast reinforced concrete columns and slabs,.
Precast columns are usually two stories high. All precast structural elements are assembled by means of special
joints. Reinforced concrete slabs are poured on the ground in forms, one on top of the other. Precast concrete
floor slabs are lifted from the ground up to the final height by lifting cranes.
The slab panels are lifted to the top of the column and then moved downwards to the final position. Temporary
supports are used to keep the slabs in the position until the connection with the columns has been achieved.

A lift-slab building Prestressed slab-column system
The prestressed slab-column system uses horizontal prestressing in two orthogonal directions to achieve
continuity. The precast concrete column elements are 1 to 3 stories high. The reinforced concrete floor slabs fit
the clear span between columns. After erecting the slabs and columns of a story, the columns and floor slabs are
prestressed by means of prestressing tendons that pass through ducts in the columns at the floor level and along
the gaps left between adjacent slabs. After prestressing, the gaps between the slabs are filled with in situ
concrete and the tendons then become bonded with the spans. Seismic loads are resisted mainly by the shear
walls (precast or cast-in-place) positioned between the columns at appropriate locations.

Post-tensioned slab-column connection

6.2.2 Precast Slabs (Precast floors)
Depending upon the composition of units, precast flooring units may be classified as:
a) Homogeneous floors — Which may be of solid slabs, cored slabs, ribbed or waffle slabs; and
b) Non-homogeneous floors — Which may be of multi-layered units with combinations of light-weight
concrete or reinforced concrete, with filler blocks.
Depending upon the way the loads are transferred, the precast floors may be classified as one
way, two way or cantilever systems:
a) One way system transfers loads to supporting members in one direction only. The precast elements which
come under this category are channel slabs, hollow core slabs, channels and ties system, light-
weight/cellular concrete slabs, etc.
b) Two way systems transfer loads in both the directions imparting loads on the four edges.
The precast elements under this category are room sized panels, two way ribbed or waffle slab systems, etc.
c) Cantilever components are supported on one edge or two adjacent edges and other ends without



6.2.2 Precast Beam-Block Floor Slabs

A beam and block slab is composed of rectangular shaped (generally) precast concrete reinforced ribs supporting
rebated filler blocks placed between two ribs. This system is sometimes referred to as plank and block or beam and
block. In-situ concrete is poured between and over the blocks.
The beam and block slab system is more flexible in coping with irregular shapes. Spans are smaller and the lifting
capacity required to place beams is less. It is significantly slower than hollow core slab in construction time as in-
situ concrete must be poured and cured. Propping of the system during construction is required with a beam and
block system.
Precast beam elements are prefabricated reinforced concrete members having sufficient strength to carry shear and
flexure. The lower portion of the reinforcement is precast, while the upper portion is exposed and yet to be casted
with in-situ concrete after they are laid with hollow concrete blocks as shown in Figs.

Figure, Elevation view of precast beam and longitudinal reinforcement

During erection the precast beam elements are placed at certain intervals, say 0.6m, on already constructed beams.
After the hollow concrete blocks are laid across the span of the beam elements, concrete will be casted above.
Figure shows the arrangement of precast beams in one floor slab.

Figure Typical floor slab precast beam layout



Figure, Cross section of precast beam

Figure Cross section of precast beam-block system after concrete casting

Figure, Plan, section and reinforcement at precast beam edge location.

Figure, Plane section and reinforcement at every precast connection.

Description of Precast Beam-Block Slab
The most common beam spacing’s usually used are 560, 600, 625 and 650mm. A non-structural hollow concrete
rebated filler block is placed between these beams. The size of the block determines the beam spacing and
provides a flush soffit. A structural concrete topping should have a minimum thickness of 50mm, or 1/10 clear
distance between the beams.



Welded or tied mesh reinforcement is placed in this topping to control possible shrinkage cracks. The filler blocks
may be produced in different heights ranging from 100 to 350mm which produces an overall depth of slab from
110 to 400mm with clear span up to 10m. Beams with a width of 100 to 200mm and minimum depth 60mm are
used with infill blocks 200 to 250mm long, 440 to 650mm width and 100 to350mm deep.
This type of slab requires temporary supports as shown in the Figure below at required spacing, but certain
systems can also be designed to eliminate the need for props.
Figure, The soffit of a beam and block slab in place with support

Precast Beam and Slab Block Installation

Precast beam and hollow block Slab installation requires no mechanical aids and is manually installed using a
number of skilled and non-skilled laborers. Depending on the number of crews are employed slabs can be erected
at rate of up to 50 to 100m² per day per floor. These precast and block Slabs are packed systematically according
to layout drawings provided.
Ribs are placed on the main structural beams with a minimum bearing of 100mm as per design and drawing details
at approximate centers, their position being finally adjusted to suit the width of the filler block with a 25mm
minimum bearing of block on rib. Closed end filler blocks are placed at the end of each line.
Temporary propping of beams is erected to suitable level and camber. If transverse stiffener ribs are detailed then
blocks are left out to accommodate reinforcement and concrete.
After slabs have been leveled insert stiffener rib reinforcing steel as indicated by the designer. Place anti-crack
weld mesh and electrical and sanitary conduits prior to pouring of structural concrete topping. Structural concrete
topping to be poured in-situ over precast components. Vibrate concrete and level to finish temporary propping to
be moved when concrete reaches to the required crushing strength (or according to supervising Engineers
Before concrete is cast, all rubble should be removed and the blocks thoroughly wetted. Concreting should be
continuous. Removal of the temporary propping before the concrete attains acceptable compressive strength will
lead to an increase in the long term deflections.



Figure: Typical cross section and application of precast beam slab

Figure: Typical hollow block for slab construction







6.2.3 Precast Beam & Girders

6.2.4 Precast Columns

Precast columns Inverted Tee beams supported Precast columns on precast columns

6.2.5 Precast Walls

Based on the structural functions of the walls, the precast walls may be classified as:
a) Load bearing walls;
b) Non-load bearing walls; and
c) Shear walls.
Based on construction, the precast walls may be classified as:
a) Homogeneous walls — which could be solid, hollow or ribbed; and
b) Non-homogeneous walls — these could be composite or sandwich panels.
Based on their locations and functional requirements the precast walls may also be classified as:
a) External walls, which may be load bearing or non-load bearing depending upon the lay-out; these are
usually non-homogeneous walls of sandwiched type to impart better thermal comforts; and
b) Internal walls providing resistance against vertical loads, horizontal loads, fire, etc; these are normally
homogeneous walls.

6.2.6 Staircase systems (Other Elements)

Staircase system may consist of single flights with inbuilt risers and treads in the element. The flights are
normally unidirectional transferring the loads to supporting landing slabs or load bearing walls.
The precast staircases proposed here are of standard sizes with tread sizes between 225mm to 250mm and risers
between 150mm to 175mm. On the other hand, steel staircases can come in non-standard sizes to suit the
architectural design.
Precast/ steel staircases can be fabricated to a range of various forms and shapes.
There are three basic staircases profiles:
• Curved
• Straight
• Spiral profile
In the case of the terrace and semi-detached houses, these staircases can be fabricated
in three ways:
• Type A for flight only
• Type B flight and top landing
• Type C flight and base landing



The erection of the staircase can either be on the critical path or non-critical path of the construction sequence.
In each case, prefabricated staircases will result in better quality, accuracy and productivity. The prefabricated
staircases can be installed quickly and messy, cast-in-situ works can be eliminated.
There are two main methods for fixing and installing the prefabricated staircases. The staircase can either be
prefabricated together with the landing as a complete unit or it can be prefabricated separately and installed on
site. The prefabricated staircase should be designed to ensure easily transportation and hoisting. However, in
most cases, the size and weight are usually within the manageable capacity of the cranes.

Precast concrete Stairs Uniquely shaped structural

elements for a sports stadium
Type of New Home Construction
Now that you have established your investment parameters, you can determine the type of home construction.
They are:
 Conventional Home Construction
 Prefab Homes Construction (short for prefabricated home)
 Modular Home Construction
 Panelized Home Construction
 ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms
 SIP (Structural Insulated Panels)
1) Conventional Home Construction
This is the most common type of home building. The entire home is constructed on the building site and offers the
most flexibility for house designing. Today, it is common to find some manufactured home components in
conventional construction, such as roof trusses, floor trusses and/or sections and wall panels. Some new homes
now use complete factory-built bathrooms.
There may be some time saved when using factory built components, but often it's insignificant. What one can
expect is a higher quality due to constructing the component inside in a controlled environment.
Note: Modular homes, panelized homes and mobile homes are all considered prefab homes (short for
prefabricated homes) but that is not necessarily an accurate term. All are factory built, but other than that, they are
all a unique type of construction.



2) Prefab Home Construction

Both modular and panelized homes are the terms used to identify this type of building. However, their construction
is entirely different. Modular homes are made up of modules where panelized homes are made up of panels and
3) Modular Homes are factory built modules that come in various configurations and dimensions. They are
finished to the extent that the drywall, light fixtures, carpeting, cabinets, etc. are already installed.
Modular homes do have some design limitations. There are module configurations and highway transportation
restrictions regarding height and width. They are built much the same as conventional home construction and have
the flexibility to meet municipal standards and building codes. They can be placed in the same setting as
conventionally constructed homes, while mobile homes are most often delivered to a park setting and spaced
closer together.
After the new home building site prep work is completed, the modules are trucked to the home site where a mobile
crane will lift the modules into position. This stage is usually done in a day or two, depending on the configuration
and number of modules. Modular home construction has the feature of reducing the home's construction time
drastically. The completed cost per square foot of a modular home versus conventional home construction will
usually vary little.
4) Panelized homes are not completely manufactured homes as are modular homes. They are built in panels or
components consisting of walls, floor sections and roof trusses. Many home builders use panelized components yet
don't make it known in their marketing due to old connotations that "prefab homes" are of poor quality.
Time has proven otherwise because they are manufactured to a consistent standard and out of the elements of the
The panels and/or components are trucked to the home building site where a mobile crane lifts them into position.
This is usually done in a day or two. Unlike modular homes, panelized homes require much more work to be done
after they are erected, including installing the mechanicals, drywall and cabinets, finish woodwork, etc. Thus, little
construction is saved.
One will find panelized construction used in all home price ranges, including custom homes and luxury homes.
Even as complex as luxury homes have become, panelized construction presents few, if any, limitations.
5) Mobile homes differ as to their method of construction, marketing, financing, residing, site ownership and cost
per square foot Generally, it's found to be considerably less. Typically, they're placed in a park setting, as opposed
to panelized and modular homes that are placed on regular home sites.
7. Erection and assembly, partial prefabrication

A) Erection
In the erection of precast elements, all the following items of work shall be included:
a) Slinging of the precast element;
b) Tying up of erection ropes connecting to the erection hooks;
c) Cleaning of the elements and the site of erection;
d) Cleaning of the steel inserts before incorporation in the joints, lifting up of the elements, setting them
down into the correct envisaged position;
e) Adjustment to get the stipulated level, line and plumb;
f) Welding of cleats;
g) Changing of the erection tackles;

h) Putting up and removing of the necessary scaffolding or supports;

j) Welding of the inserts, laying of reinforcements in joints and grouting the joints; and
k) Finishing the joints to bring the whole work to a workmanlike finished product.
In view of the fact that the erection work in various construction jobs using prefabricated concrete
elements differs from place to place depending on the site conditions, safety precautions in the work
are of utmost importance. Hence only those skilled foremen, trained workers and fitters who have
been properly instructed about the safety precautions to be taken should be employed on the job.
 Transport of people, workers or visitors, by using cranes and hoists should be strictly prohibited on an
erection site.
In the case of tower cranes running on rails, the track shall not have a slope more than 0.2 percent
in the longitudinal direction. In the transverse direction the rails shall lie in a horizontal plane.
The track of the crane should be checked daily to see that all fish plates and bolts connecting them to
the sleepers are in place and in good condition.
The operation of all equipment used for handling and erection shall follow the operations manual
provided by the manufacturer. All safety precautions shall be taken in the operations of handling
and erection.
For the design and construction of composite structures made up of prefabricated structural units and
cast in-situ concrete, reference may be made to IS 3935.
For design and construction of precast reinforced and prestressed concrete triangulated trusses reference may
be made to IS 3201.
For design and construction of floors and roofs using various precast units, reference may be made to
IS 6332, IS 10297, IS 10505, IS 13994, IS 14142, IS 14215 and IS 14242.
For construction with large panel prefabricates, reference may be made to IS 11447.
For construction of floors and roofs with joists and filler blocks, reference may be made to IS 6061
(Parts 1 and 2).
As per BATCODA 03433 Erection
Precast units shall be hoisted placed in proper position and tied in such a way as to avoid over stressing or
damaging the units nor causing damage to previously erected structure. Where shown the units shall be laid
on thin bed of cement in order to even out irregularities of supporting members.
There are a number of different methods for connecting precast concrete elements.
Joints transmit forces between the structural elements, giving the necessary strength and robustness to the
structure. The joint must also be capable of withstanding abnormal loads caused by fire, impact, explosion or
subsidence. In order to provide a robust structure, the designer should ensure that the failure of a single joint
does not lead to structural instability.
7.0 Column to Foundation
There are three main methods of fixing precast concrete columns to an in-situ foundation:
Bolted or baseplate connections
Steel baseplates are attached to the precast concrete column during manufacture. The column is then
fixed to the in-situ foundation using cast-in holding down bolts to form the connection. Alternatively, the
bolts through the precast column baseplate can be post-fixed onto an existing base.



Projecting starter-bars
The starter-bars are cast into the in-situ base. The precast column can then be lowered onto the base,
with the starter-bars projecting into dowel tubes provided in the precast columns. The dowel tubes are
then grouted up.
In-situ pocket foundation
The in-situ pocket foundation will provide a fixed base connection to the precast column, which is particularly
useful where the cantilever action of the column provides the lateral stability for the building.
The column is embedded into the pocket pad foundation by a distance of at least 1.5 times the minimum column
cross section or base dimension.
The pocket is then filled with grout or in-situ concrete.

7.1 Column To Column Connection

• Metal bearing plates and embedded anchor bolts are cast into the ends of the columns.
• After the columns are mechanically joined, the connection is grouted to provide full bearing between
elements and protect the metal components from fire and corrosion.

Assembly of precast columns in progress

7.2 Beam To Column Connection
• Beams are set on bearing pads on the column corbels.
• Steel angles are welded to metal plates cast into the beams and columns and the joint is grouted solid.



The most typical beam to column connections include the following:

Steel billets with a socketed beam-end
The column has a steel billet or rectangular hollow section projecting from its face(s), which supports the beam
end via a bearing plate on the soffi t of the socket.
Bolted cleat with a socketed beam-end
A steel section is cast into the column, to which is bolted a gusseted tee-cleat, which in turn supports the
socketed beam-end.
Corbels with recessed beam-end
Corbels are most often used where heavy loads or long span beams have to be supported.
Connections between beams and single-storey height columns
This type of connection may be used where beams need to be continuous over the support, for example to
create a cantilever. Beams are seated on a dry-pack mortar joint and projecting reinforcement from the lower
column is passed into the upper column through sleeves in the beam, which are subsequently grouted.
Fire Protection
Exposed bolts and steelwork used in these connections may require fire protection



7.3 Slab To Beam Connection

• Hollow core slabs are set on bearing pads on precast beams.
• Steel reinforcing bars are in inserted into the slab keyways to span the joint.
• The joint is grouted solid.
• The slab may remain untopped as shown, or topped with several inches of cast in place concrete.



Sitecast Concrete Toppings over Precast Slabs

• Greater floor strength and stiffness
• Greater fire resistance
• Greater acoustic isolation
• Allow easy integration of electrical services into floor system
• Create a smoother, flatter floor surface.

7.4 Wall panel Connected To Insitu Concrete







7.5 Connection Between Slabs



7.6 Corner Connections Of Wall Panels



7.7 Connection Of Wall Panels To Columns

C) Partial prefabrication system

This system basically uses precast roofing and flooring components and other minor elements like lintels,
kitchen sills in conventional building construction. The structural system could be in the form of in-situ
framework or load bearing walls.



Full prefabrication system

In this system almost all the structural components are prefabricated. The filler walls may be of brick/block
masonry or of any other locally available material.
8. Design of prefabricated elements
The design concept of the precast buildings is based on the buildability, economy and standardization of precast
The precast structure should be analyzed as a monolithic one and the joints in them designed to take the forces
of an equivalent discrete system. Resistance to horizontal loading shall be provided by having
appropriate moment and shear resisting joints or placing shear walls (in diaphragm braced frame type
of construction) in two directions at right angles or otherwise. No account is to be taken of rotational
stiffness, if any, of the floor-wall joint in case of precast bearing wall buildings. The individual components
shall be designed, taking into consideration the appropriate end conditions and loads at various stages
of construction.
In addition, members shall be designed for handling, erection and impact loads that might be expected during
handling and erection.



In design of precast members and connections, all loading and restraint conditions from casting to end use of the
structure should be considered. The stresses developed in precast elements during the period from casting to
final connection may be more critical than the service load stresses. Special attention should be given to the
methods of stripping, storing, transporting, and erecting precast elements.

When precast members are incorporated into a structural system, the forces and deformations occurring in and
adjacent to connections (in adjoining members and in the entire structure) should be considered. The structural
behavior of precast elements may differ substantially from that of similar members that are monolithically cast in
place. Design of connections to transmit forces due to shrinkage, creep, temperature change, elastic
deformation, wind forces, and earthquake forces require special attention. Details of such connections are
especially important to insure adequate performance of precast structures.
Precast members and connections should be designed to meet tolerance requirements. The behavior of precast
members and connections is sensitive to tolerances. Design should provide for the effects of adverse
combinations of fabrication and erection tolerances. Tolerance requirements should be listed on contract
documents, and may be specified by reference to accepted standards. Tolerances that deviate from accepted
standards should be so indicated.

All details of reinforcement, connections, bearing elements, inserts, anchors, concrete cover, openings and lifting
devices, and specified strength of concrete at critical stages of fabrication and construction, should be shown on
either the contract documents prepared by the architect/engineer of record or on the shop drawings furnished
by the contractor. Whether this information is to be shown on the contract documents or shop drawings
depends on the provisions of the contract documents. The shop drawings should show, as a minimum, all details
of the precast concrete members and embedded items. The contract documents may specify that portions of
connections exterior to the member are also to be shown on the shop drawings. The
contract documents may also require the contractor to provide designs for the members and/or connections.
The contract documents should show the loads to be considered in design of the precast concrete elements of
the structure, and they should indicate any special requirements or functions (for example: seismic loads,



allowance for movements, etc.) that should be considered in design assigned to the contractor. In this case, the
shop drawings should include complete details of the connections involved.

Precast concrete structure consisting of solid single story warehouse consisting of double tees
wall panels and hollow core slabs. supported by insulated sandwich wall panels.



II- Precast Concrete Construction And Seismic Design

There is a general concern regarding the seismic performance of precast construction.
It is noticed that large panel construction performs better than frame system.
However, in areas of high seismic risk, structures must be designed to respond safely to the dynamic forces
imparted into the structure. Innovations in joint design are improving the connection systems in precast concrete
structures and making them increasingly suitable for use in such areas.
Earthquake Performance
There is a general concern among the earthquake engineering community regarding the seismic performance of
precast construction. Based on experience in past earthquakes in Eastern European and in Central Asian
countries where these systems have been widely used, it can be concluded that their seismic performance has
been fairly satisfactory. However, when it comes to earthquake performance, the fact is
that “bad news” is more widely publicized than “good news.” For example, the poor performance of precast
frame systems of Seria 111 in Spitak (Armenia) (M7.5) earthquake is well known (see Figure bellow). However,
few engineers are aware of the good seismic performance (no damage) of several large-panel buildings under
construction at the same site, these large-panel buildings were of a similar seria as the large-panel buildings
described in the WHE Report 55 from the Russian Federation (Seria 464). The buildings of Seria 111 were similar
to the precast concrete frame system of Seria IIS, described in the WHE report 66 (Uzbekistan).



The precast prestressed slab-column system (IMS Building System) described in WHE Report 68 (Serbia and
Montenegro) has undergone extensive laboratory testing that predicted excellent resistance under simulated
seismic loading. These building have been subjected to several moderate earthquakes without experiencing
significant damage.
Due to their large wall density and box-like structure, large-panel buildings are very stiff and are characterized
with a rather small fundamental period. For example, a 9-story building in Kazakhstan has a fundamental period
of 0.35 to 0.4 sec (WHE Report 32). In general, large-panel buildings performed very well in the past earthquakes
in the former Soviet Union. It should be noted, however, that large-panel buildings in the area affected by the
Gazly earthquakes were not designed with seismic provisions. Most such buildings performed well in the first
earthquake (M 7.0), but more damage was observed in the second earthquake that occurred the same year (M
7.3), as some buildings had been already weakened by the first earthquake (Russian Federation, WHE Report 55).
Large-panel buildings performed well in earthquake .

Building collapse in Spitak (Armenia) earthquake

(WHE Report 66, Uzbekistan)

Seismic-Strengthening Technologies
According to WHE reports, no major efforts have been reported regarding seismic strengthening of precast
concrete buildings. However, seismic strengthening of precast frame buildings was done in Uzbekistan (WHE
Report 66). The techniques used include the installation of steel straps at the column locations (see Figure
bellow) and reinforcing the joints with steel plates to provide additional lateral confinement of the columns.



9. Equipments, Horizontal and vertical transportation EQUIPMENT

The equipment used in the precast concrete industry/ construction may be classified into the following
a) Machinery required for quarrying of coarse and fine aggregates;
b) Conveying equipment, such as belt conveyors, chain conveyors, screw conveyors, bucket elevators, hoists, etc;
c) Concrete mixing machines;
d) Concrete vibrating machines;
e) Erection equipment, such as cranes, derricks, hoists, chain pulley blocks, etc;
f) Transport machinery, such as tractor-cum trailers, dumpers, lorries, locomotives, motor boats and rarely
even helicopters;
g) Workshop machinery for making and repairing steel and timber moulds;
h) Bar straightening, bending and welding machines to make reinforcement cages;
j) Minor tools and tackles, such as wheel barrows, concrete buckets, etc; and
k) Steam generation plant for accelerated curing.
In addition to the above, pumps and soil compacting machinery are required at the building site for the
execution of civil engineering projects involving prefabricated components.
Each of the above groups may further be classified into various categories of machines and further to various
other types depending on the source of power and capacity.

Precast industrial buildings detailing manual by National Precast Concrete Association Australia
Precast construction by Svetlana Brzev, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada ,Teresa Guevara-
Perez, Architect, Venezuela
ACI 550R-96, Design recommendations of precast Concrete Structures.
Precast.ppt by Fundamental of Building construction , Materials & Methods, 5th Edition


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