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Committee: World Health Organization (WHO)

Topic: Setting foundation for safe abortion

Delegation: Canada
Submitter: Trần Minh Thư

The percentage of safe abortion cases that were successfully conducted in Canada has
increased recently; in 2020, in particular, about 97% of cases were carried out without
any consequences. Paradoxically, because there are no federal regulations controlling
abortion, it is treated the same as any other medical procedure. Thus, the challenges
associated with obtaining a safe abortion remain a fascinating issue in Canada. Safe
abortion is not readily available even though it is lawful. Living in an urban area makes it
easier to undergo an abortion than living in a rural one, as getting an abortion in Canada
is more difficult than one may think because of a lack of funding, accessibility issues to
medical facilities, and a patchwork system of provincial laws. More expenditures need to
be done regarding transportation, working time and planning for home and childcare. As
a result, many weren’t performing in the first trimester due to this cause, along with
difficulty making an appointment, needing to raise money to travel, being unaware of
their pregnancy, health concerns, experiencing a personal emergency, etc.

To affirmatively respond to this intriguing issue which was considered one of basic
human rights, also affected by the overturning of Roe v Wade, Canada sparked new
debates on the value of preserving abortion rights and launched some campaigns with
the aim to tackle them. Especially SHR Fund (Sexual and Reproductive Health) with the
mission of guaranteeing that everyone, regardless of financial situation, has access to the
availability of a range of contraceptive choices. This covers permanent methods,
emergency contraception, and long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). UBC -
CART (University of British Columbia - Contraception and Abortion Research Team)
with carrying out creative, excellent research that enhances and educates abortion and
contraceptive services. Investigating novel techniques, tools, and policies in the field of
reproductive health is part of this. and lastly Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
- advancing the idea that sexual and reproductive health are essential human rights. It
supports laws and procedures that uphold, defend, and fulfill these rights for every
person, irrespective of their situation.

Due to the excellent efforts of Canada’s government,the obstacles to tackle safe abortion
problems have diminished, the number of people getting safe abortion access has
increased gradually, especially the one who lives in rural areas. More people can easily
get access to fundamental service and rights due to details, financial supports
and referrals that it supplied. . The UBC - CART has contributed to the creation and
improvement of clinical guidelines and practices for the provision of safe and efficient
services for abortion and contraception, by dispelling myths and reducing stigma
associated with abortion, CART facilitates public education initiatives that improve the
environment for those who need these services. At last, Action Canada shows its
effectiveness by pushing sexual education in schools and communities. They made sure
that young children are well educated about compulsory issues like sexual health,
parental consent and reproductive rights by providing educational facilities, teachers and
supporting inclusive curriculum standards.
Acknowledging that this is a multifaceted issue, comprehensive actions must be proposed
by all the members around the world including Canada. Canada with the opening foreign
policy and willing to cooperate with all the members around the world, especially the
members of WHO, to pass effective laws to ensure proper access and basic human rights
to women and families on the matter of setting foundation for safe abortion utilizing the
following course of action, which is not exhaustive:
1. Encouraging all the countries in WHO to end the federal system to gain 100%
fully access to safe abortion regardless of region and financial condition.
2. Calls for collaborations from UNPF (United Nations of Population Fund), IPPF
(International Planned Parenthood Federation), and Women’s Global Network for
Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) to have better funding for proper clinics.
3. Improving global awareness of safe abortion and comprehensive cultural
competency training for healthcare providers.
4. Calling for all countries to spark debate about safe abortion rights to pass more
laws that are supporting women.
5. Improving the framework of safe abortion instead of considering it as normal
medical healthcare.

With the hope to bring and propose new frameworks to WHO, Canada encourages other
countries to consider and follow in them to get a better foundation for safe abortions
around the world. Furthermore, Canada is willing to cooperate with the WHO and its
members to tackle this issue by long-term policies and have long-term impacts.







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