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Obesity, one of the main health issues among young people, can be caused by several factors and can be solved
by some following measures. The problem of obesity is attributed by lack of physical activities since the young
seem to get involved in sedentary activities such as watching TV or sitting in front of the computer for too long.
Another factor causing obesity is unhealthy diets which involve too much fatty and sugary food. One solution to
this health issue is that young people should do exercise on a regular basis. It is also suggested that the
consumption of fast food and sweetened one should be limited. In conclusion, this health issue is concerning
and needs dealing with for the sake of people’s health. (124 words)

Many parents are increasingly concerned about the fact that their children are spending a great deal of time
watching TV, which can be tackled by a number of following measures. First, it is the parents who/ that must
take action to reduce the amount of time their children spend in front of the television. Parents and their children
should agree on a ‘screen limit’, for instance one or two hours a day. Another solution is for children to have
their free time arranged in a useful way, including a variety of physical and social activities. This would mean
children would play more outside and become healthier, as well as interact with other children. In conclusion,
implementing these solutions, parents will be able to alleviate their concerns about their growing children. (129

One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion, which has been caused by several factors.
First, during rush hours, too many cars in use for roads to accommodate would probably cause heavy volume of
traffic and traffic jams seem unavoidable. Additionally, lack of awareness to obey traffic rules among vehicle
owners is one of the factors that compound traffic congestion. For example, many people are found passing red
traffic light, which may cause traffic accidents, leading to traffic jams for a few hours. Moreover, poorly
planned cities with inadequate transportation systems worsen traffic congestion. In short, traffic congestion is
one of the most concerning issues in big cities and it needs dealing with as soon as possible.
(120 words)

Traffic congestion in big cities happens for various reasons, creating several problems. Poor city planning,
ineffective traffic control, and a lack of awareness among travelers contribute to traffic bottlenecks, making it
difficult for vehicles to move smoothly. This leads to inconvenience for commuters and affects air quality due
to prolonged idling and increased emissions. Additionally, the imbalance between residential areas and
workplaces, combined with insufficient road capacity, worsens the situation. People spend a significant amount
of time stuck in traffic, reducing overall productivity. Furthermore, the high number of vehicles on the road
intensifies congestion, making it a persistent issue. In summary, the causes of traffic congestion are
multifaceted, resulting in a range of adverse effects on daily life and the environment in big cities. (124w)

Living in a big city offers numerous advantages. Firstly, there's a wealth of job opportunities in various
industries, making it easier to secure employment and advance your career. Secondly, big cities are typically
equipped with excellent healthcare facilities and educational institutions, ensuring quality medical care and
education for you and your family. Thirdly, the diverse cultural scene in big cities is a major attraction with
museums, theaters, and cultural events. Fourthly, public transportation systems in big cities are well-developed
and efficient, reducing the need for a car and saving you both money and time. Finally, the dining, shopping,
and entertainment options in big cities are incredibly diverse and abundant. You can explore a variety of
cuisines, shop at trendy boutiques, or enjoy a wide range of entertainment options, from sports events to
concerts, significantly enhancing your overall quality of life. (140 words)
Living in a big city has many disadvantages. The higher cost of living is the first disadvantage that people
typically think of when considering moving to a city. Major cities always have a higher cost of living than the
surrounding suburbs. Normal living expenses such as rent and utilities tend to be higher in big cities and you
may have additional living expenses you wouldn’t have in the suburbs such as parking permits and laundry.
Another negative aspect is that the noise level in major cities is higher than in the suburbs. Cities have more
people and more traffic that contribute to the noise, as well as trains and nearby airports with loud planes flying
in and out. Special events such as concerts and ball games can also make a neighborhood louder and more
congested. (134 words)
Living in a big city presents certain risks. One significant concern is the higher cost of living. Housing, in
particular, can be very expensive, which may strain your budget. Additionally, the fast-paced lifestyle and
constant activity in big cities can lead to high stress levels and, in some cases, a sense of isolation. The
population of big cities can also contribute to increased pollution levels, which can affect your health
negatively. Furthermore, the crime rate is often higher in big cities. While many neighborhoods are safe, it's
crucial to be cautious and take safety measures. Traffic congestion and long commutes can lead to increased
exposure to accidents and air pollution. All in all, it's vital to be aware of these potential risks and take steps to
mitigate them from urban life. (131 words)

Keeping pets can bring both advantages and disadvantages. Pets, such as dogs and cats, offer unconditional love
and alleviate feelings of loneliness, providing a source of constant companionship. Moreover, the responsibility
of caring for a pet can instill a sense of routine and purpose, promoting a healthier lifestyle for owners. The act
of bonding with a pet can also reduce stress and anxiety levels. On the flip side, pet ownership entails
challenges, including financial costs, time commitment, and potential health concerns like allergies.
Additionally, issues like behavioral problems and the need for adequate space may arise. Striking a balance
between the rewards and responsibilities of pet ownership is essential for a harmonious and fulfilling
relationship between humans and their animal companions. (121w)

Global warming causes severe problems which can be partly addressed through effective solutions. Rising
temperatures, melting ice caps, and increased occurrences of extreme weather events are alarming consequences
of climate change. The rising temperatures contribute to the loss of biodiversity and disrupt ecosystems,
affecting both plant and animal species. Melting ice caps lead to rising sea levels, posing a threat to coastal
communities and increasing the risk of flooding. To tackle these challenges, transitioning to cleaner energy
sources such as solar and wind power is essential. Implementing policies to limit industrial carbon emissions
and promoting energy efficiency in homes and businesses are important steps in combating global warming.
Furthermore, raising public awareness about individual contributions to carbon footprints and supporting
international efforts to address this issue are a critical solution. Although global warming presents challenges,
these measures offer a pathway to reduce its severe consequences. (145w)

TASK 10:
Working from home has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main benefits is the flexibility it offers.
Employees can create a customized work environment, leading to increased comfort and potentially higher
productivity. Additionally, the elimination of commuting saves time and reduces stress. Moreover, technology
facilitates effective communication and collaboration. On the downside, the lack of an office environment may
lead to distractions, impacting concentration and efficiency. Additionally, the boundary between work and
personal life can blur, making it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Social isolation is another
drawback, as the absence of face-to-face interactions may reduce team bonding and creativity. Striking a
balance between the advantages and disadvantages requires effective time management and the establishment of
clear boundaries to ensure a successful work-from-home experience. (127 words)
TASK 11:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a paragraph about a vacation that you have had with your family.
In your paragraph, you should mention:
- where and when you went with your family
- what you did there
- and how you felt about the vacation
Write your paragraph in about 100-150 words.

Last year, my family and I had a wonderful vacation in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. We visited in the summer,
which was the perfect time to explore this stunning destination. During our stay, we took a cruise around the
bay, and it was a truly magical experience. We sailed past the magnificent limestone karsts, explored hidden
caves, and even went kayaking in the green waters. The scenery was breathtaking, and we couldn't get enough
of the picturesque landscapes. The vacation was a great bonding time for my family. We shared laughter,
enjoyed delicious Vietnamese cuisine on the boat, and made unforgettable memories together. I felt a deep
sense of appreciation for the natural beauty of Ha Long Bay and the quality time spent with my loved ones. It
was a trip filled with awe and joy, and I look forward to returning to this incredible destination in the future.
(149 words)

TASK 12:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a paragraph about an important change in your life.
In your paragraph, you should mention:
- what the change was about
- when it happened
- why it is important in your life
Write your paragraph in about 100-150 words.

One significant change in my life occurred when I transitioned from high school to university. This change
happened at the beginning of my freshman year, and it marked a crucial turning point in my education.
University gives a higher level of academic challenges, increased responsibilities, and more opportunities for
personal growth. This change is important in my life because it pushed me to become more organized and
independent. I had to adapt to a new schedule, navigate a larger campus, and manage a more demanding
workload. It was a transition that forced me to mature and develop valuable skills like time management and
setting priorities. Additionally, university offered me a chance to explore a wider range of subjects and
extracurricular activities, helping me discover my interests and passions. Overall, the move to university has
had a lasting impact on my academic and personal development. (144 words)

TASK 13:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a paragraph about your favourite TV programme.
In your paragraph, you should mention:
- what kind of TV program it is (e.g. comedy, romantic etc.);
- what the TV program is about.
- and explain why this TV program makes such a strong impression on you.
Write your paragraph in about 100-150 words.

My favorite TV program, "Vietnam's Idol," is a talent competition show. It's not a comedy or a drama; it's all
about showcasing the incredible singing abilities of contestants from all over Vietnam. The program provides a
platform for aspiring singers to demonstrate their vocal talents and compete for the title of "Vietnam's Idol."
What makes "Vietnam's Idol" leave a strong impression on me is the remarkable talent displayed by the
contestants. It's truly amazing to see individuals with such extraordinary voices and the passion they put into
their performances. The show's judges offer constructive feedback, which helps the contestants grow as artists.
Additionally, the emotional stories and backgrounds of the contestants often make the show very touching and
relatable. "Vietnam's Idol" not only celebrates the richness of Vietnamese musical talent but also highlights the
dedication and hard work required to pursue one's dreams, inspiring me to pursue my own passions.
(150 words)
TASK 14:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a paragraph about your favourite means of transport.
In your paragraph, you should mention:
- what is it
- when and how often you use it
- and why you use it
Write your paragraph in about 100-150 words.

My favorite means of transport is my bicycle. I use it regularly, especially during the warmer months. I ride my
bicycle to university. I prefer my bicycle because it's not only an eco-friendly mode of transportation but also a
great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. Cycling is a convenient way to navigate through the city's
traffic, and I find it to be a time-efficient and cost-effective option. Riding my bicycle also allows me to reduce
my carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. It's a form of exercise that keeps me fit and
healthy while I go about my daily routine. Besides, the sense of freedom and connection with nature that
cycling offers is truly refreshing. All these factors combined make my bicycle my preferred mode of transport,
and I cherish the independence and sustainability it provides in my daily life. (145 words)

TASK 15:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a paragraph about a famous person in your country.
In your paragraph, you should mention:
- who the person is
- why he/she is famous
- and why you admire this person
Write your paragraph in about 100-150 words.

One of the most famous people in Vietnam is president Ho Chi Minh. He is renowned for being the leader of
the Vietnamese Communist Party and the founding father of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now known
as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh played a crucial role in Vietnam's struggle for independence
from colonial rule and is considered a national hero. I admire Ho Chi Minh for his lifelong dedication to the
cause of Vietnamese independence and his commitment to social justice. He worked tirelessly to free Vietnam
from colonial powers. His leadership and vision helped shape the nation's history, and his ideals continue to
inspire generations of Vietnamese people. Ho Chi Minh's determination and selflessness in serving his country
are qualities that I find truly admirable. He remains an iconic figure in Vietnam's history. (138 words)

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