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Name: ________________________________________________________________

Date: _____ • _____ • _____ Teacher: ______________________________

1. Complete and match.

1. w___s t e b a s___e t

2. d___ s___

3. t ___b l ___

4. b___l l ___t i n b___a r___

2. Order the words in the questions. Then match the questions to the
1. are / How / restrooms / there / many / ?


2. Is / a / science lab / there / ?


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3. is / the / Where / teacher’s lounge / ?


It’s between the restrooms and the library.

There are four.

Yes, there is.

3. Look and complete.

media room ounge


court cafeteria

1. It’s on the right, next to the restrooms: ___________________

2. It’s on the left, between the media room and the court: ___________________

3. It’s on the right, between the teacher’s lounge and

the cafeteria: __________________

4. The teachers’ lounge is _____________________________________________.

5. The court is ______________________________________________________.

4. Read and complete. Use there is or there are.

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DK Elementary School is big and beautiful. 1. __________________ 17 classrooms.

The media room is modern. 2. ________________________ a library and
3. ________________ lots of books in there. 4. _________________ a gym where
students play basketball, their favorite sport. 5. ___________________ many
delicious kinds of sandwiches in the cafeteria.

5. Read and complete.

My name is Melissa and I like to do many things. On Mondays and

Wednesdays, I play tennis in the morning. On Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 6 p.m., I have guitar lessons. And I go dancing on Fridays. On the
weekends, I like to ride my bike with my family.

Monday 1.

Tuesday 2.

Wednesday 3.

Thursday 4.

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Friday 5.

Saturday 6.

Sunday 7.

6. Read and write the correct verb form. Then number.

My sister Claire loves sports. She 1. _____________ (go) to school in the morning.
In the afternoon, she 2. ______________ (play) soccer at the sports center on
Mondays and Wednesdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she 3. _____________ (do)
judo. She 4. _____________ (go) swimming on Fridays. She is very athletic!

7. Read and write true (T) or false (F).

Hello! My name is Landon, and these are my

friends. I go to school on foot. Ryan goes to
school by bike and Connor takes the school bus.
He likes to go by bus. Chloe goes to school by
train and Hailey goes on foot. We study in the
same class.

1. Landon goes to school by car.

2. Landon and Ryan are brothers.

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3. Ryan goes to school by school bus.

4. Chloe goes to school by train.

5. Hailey and Landon go to school on foot.

6. The five friends study together.

8. Answer the questions.

7. How do you go to school?


8. How does the teacher go to work?


9. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

across from behind between next to

9. 10.

The girl is _____________ the books. The boy is _____________ the girls.

11. 12.

The man is _____________ the woman. The vet is _____________ the dog.

10. Read and answer.

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Good Bread bakery!

Welcome to Good Bread! You can buy different types
of bread. We have fresh bread every hour, every day!
Come and visit us!
82 Baker St.
Miami – FL
Open 6:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.

13. What can you buy at the bakery?


14. Where’s the bakery?


15. What’s the address of the bakery?


16. What time does the bakery close?


11. Write the sentences in the correct order.

17. bank? / Where / the / is ________________________________________

18. from / supermarket. / the / across / It’s ____________________________

19. do / Where / live? / you ________________________________________

20. Japan. / live / I / in _____________________________________________

21. your / What’s / address? ________________________________________

22. Main St. / 99 / It’s _____________________________________________

12. Complete the questions and the answers.

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23. 24.

Can you play _____________? Can you _____________ a kite?

Yes, I ___________. No, I ___________.

25. 26.

Can you ride a _____________? Can you _____________?

No, I ___________. Yes, I ___________.

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13. Number the conversation in the correct order.

Hi, Connor! No, I can’t play tennis, but I can play volleyball.

Good idea!

Yes, I can! I ride my bike on Saturdays. What about you?

Hey, Zoe! Can you play tennis?

I can, but I like to ride a scooter.

Hey, let’s go to the park on Saturday! We can ride together!

Oh! I love volleyball, too! Can you ride a bike?

See you on Saturday then.

14. Write the words in the correct order.

27. hopscotch / you / Can / play / ?


28. can’t / father / guitar / My / play / the / .


29. fly / I / a / can / kite / .


30. scooter / I / ride / can / a / .


15. Complete with this, these, that, or those. Then number.

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31. _________________ is a fish.

32. _________________ are crabs.

33. _________________ is a starfish.

34. _________________ are fish.

35. _________________ are dolphins.

16. Read and correct the sentences.

My name is Stephen and I’m a biologist.
I study sea animals. They are really interesting. They can
be young like baby dolphins or old like sea turtles,
beautiful like starfish, or ugly like the octopus.
My favorite sea animal is the seahorse.
When they swim, they look like they are dancing.

36. Stephen studies sharks only.


37. He is a teacher.

38. Sea animals are ugly.


39. His favorite sea animal is the crab.

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