Lexico and Grammar HSG Anh 12 Bình Boong-1-2

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201. The rebellion took _________ the reins of government immediately after the coup.
A. out: lấy cái gì đó ra; đổ rác; nhổ răng
B. over
C. against: phản đối/ ko ưa thích
D. in: lừa; tiếp thu/ hiểu
take over: kiểm soát/ nắm quyền

202. Such a savage punishment must be abolished as it is abhorrent _________ a civilized society.
A. with B. for C. to sth: ghê tởm D. in
203. Dave is not a good boss because he's always palm the worst jobs _________ his assistant.
A. out with B. up for C. off on D. into
palm sb off on sth: đùn đẩy trách nhiệm cho ai

204. Steve Harvey brought the house down: khiến cho khán phòng vỗ tay nhiệt liệt again. He _______ his show
_______ a lot of jokes.
A. peppered - with pepper sth with: làm giàu cái gì/ làm cho cái gì có nhiều
B. salted – down
C. seasoned - with
D. sugared – O

205. Her husband walked out _________ her and their three children.
A. on B. of C. to D. from
206. When the book was made into a screenplay, we decided to _________ some of the comical anecdotes.
A. miss out: loại bỏ
B. amount to : đồng nghĩa vs
C. cut out: cắt bỏ (bằng kéo)
D. tot up: tính tổng

207. It's hard to find accommodation during the high season, so the whole family were_________ up in a small
A. penciled B. penned C. papered D. booked
be penned up in sth: đc xếp ở 1 nơi chật hẹp
208. A gang of young men were booted _________ the pub for fighting.
A. away from B. up with C. down on D. out of
boot sb out of: đuổi ra ai khỏi

209. My teacher advises me to juice _________ my presentation with more colorful illustrations.
A. down B. up C. over D. off
juice up sth: làm cho cái gì thú vị, hấp dẫn hơn

210. We are fed up with him. He keeps _________ his new girlfriend.
A. snaking away into
B. horsing around with: đùa giỡn vs ai
C. rabbiting on about: lải nhải về
D. ducking out of: trốn tránh

211. She is a typical modern woman who ________ the double burden of childcare and full-time work.
A. shoulders B. falls on C. lifts D. lightens
shoulder the double burden: gánh trọng trách

212. I'm going to call George’s ________ - I don't believe he’ll really carry out his threat.
A. blood B. bluff C. bid D. brave
call one’s bluff: kêu ai đó chứng minh

213. _________ by their new finds, the archeologists say they had made dramatic new finds of Viking
A. Buoyed up: phấn khích, hạnh phúc
B. Irked out
C. Sounded off: phát biểu ý kiến
D. Perked up: trở nên phấn khích (nội động từ - ko cần tân ngữ => ko thể bị động) => perking up
perk sb up: làm cho ai trở nên tỉnh táo

214. Sarah looks back at her childhood on a tiny island through _________ she refuses to remember the
difficulties she experienced.
A. wishful thinking : mơ tưởng hão huyền
B. a sweeping statement: vơ đũa cả nắm
C. rose-coloured spectacles: nhìn nhận 1 cách lạc quan
D. a mixed blessing: phúc hoạ đi đôi

215. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are such permissive parents that their son can ________ no matter what he insists.
A. jump on the bandwagon: đú theo phong trào
B. go against the grain: làm trái ý muốn
C. make their blood boil: làm cho ai tức giận # hit the ceiling/roof
D. wind them around his little finger: khiến cho ai chiều theo ý mình

216. The tailor found a _________ in making high-quality suits for very tall and very heavy gentlemen.
A. legal tender: tiền tệ pháp lý
B. backing store: bộ nhớ dự phòng
C . niche market: ngách thị thường
D. rummage sale: cuộc đấu giá đồ cũ/ ko sử dụng nữa

217. You shouldn't tell the group about Dad's problems because you don't ________.
A. blow your own trumpet: khoe khoang
B. go out on a limb: mạo hiểm, liều lĩnh
C. air your dirty laundry: vạch áo cho ng xem lưng, tiết lộ đời tư
D. steal his thunder: phỏng tay trên; lấy đi sự chú ý của ai

218. After being woken up by the sound of someone moving around, she returned to bed and went _________.
A. under a cloud: bị mang tiếng
B. out like a light: ngủ say như chết
C. as pure as the driven snow: hoàn toàn trong trắng
D. like a wind
run like the wind: chạy rất nhanh

219. All of these knock-off superhero movies are clearly ________ on the back of the original franchise.
A. taking B. getting C. riding D. waking
ride on the back of sth: tận dụng sự thành công/ uy tín của ai

220. Living apart from each other, Mike and Tara have been talking _________ for a year now.
A. off and on: thi thoảng, ko đều đặn
B. as a matter of course: chuyện thường tình, theo đúng trật tự thông thường
C. till the cows come home: 1 khoảng tgian rất lâu/ dài
D. not in the least = not at all: ko chút nào

221. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no _________ improvement in her condition.
A. decipherable: có thể giải mã đc
B. legible: dễ đọc
C. discernible: có thể nhận thấy/ đáng kể
D. intelligible: dễ hiểu

222. The dentist told him to open his mouth _________.

A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide
223. Only one person who can provide the best solution to the question will be promoted and _________ a
financial grant.
A. served
B. awarded: được trao
C. entitled: đc trao quyền làm gì
D. equipped
224. You may feel sure the casting will be done perfectly, just _________ your trust in me and you will see I’m
A. allow B. forward C. grant D. lay
lay trust in: đặt niềm tin vào

225. His invention changed the _________ of history.

A. way B. line C. course D. route
226. The country has few natural resources and its economy has been _________ for some time now.
A. diseased B. unwell C. sickening D. ailing
ailing economy: nền kinh tế suy thoái

227. In her speech the Prime Minister _________ tribute to the valuable contributions to society made by
voluntary organizations.
A. paid B. gave C. sent D. brought
pay tribute to sth: tưởng nhớ, tôn vinh
228. Unfortunately, his report doesn’t _________ with what w e’ve learnt from other sources.
A. pally = friendly
B. rally: tập hợp, huy động
C. ally : đồng minh
D. tally
tally with: khớp với

229. We'd all been at school together for 12 years and at our leaving celebrations we _________ eternal
A. assured : đảm bảo
B. pledged: thề/ tuyên thệ
C. undertook: đảm nhận
D. confided in sb: giãy bày tâm sự

230. Maria and Jean had a _________ romance - they met and married within two months.
A. hurricane B. whirlwind C. cyclone D. typhoon
whirlwind romance: tình yêu sét đánh

231. _________ are poor observers of their child's behavior so deviant behavior reaches unmanageable
A. Parents that B. When parents C. If parents D. Parents

232. Food is, after all, an important part of Chinese culture and mission contr ollers say it is important
_________ China' s space pioneers do not go hungry.
A. so that
B. make sure (that)
C. that food is provided for
D. to ensure that
so adj/adv that: đến mức mà

233. Crushed ice is used to cool drinks, and is often applied to injuries where there is swelling, to remove
excess heat _________ in the tissues.
A. which is generated B. to generate C. generating D. generates

234. With _________ 5,000 tigers remaining in the world today, time is quickly running out for this beautiful
A. as fewer than B. so few as C. as few as D. not fewer than
not so/as adj/adv as
as adj/adv as

235. _________ films about writers are so dull is that writers don't dress up to practice their craft.
A. One of the reasons why B. Everybody says = sez that
C. It is often claimed that D. Because SV, SV

236. It's a horrible irony, but a bully has to know his victim well _________ effective; it's almost impossible to
bully strangers.
A. if being B. to be C. in order to D. if they are

237. Desks can often show aspects of character otherwise hidden from general view _________ if analyzed in
detail, will reveal their owner’s innermost secrets.
A. and which B. but where C. these D. however

238. Motor vehicle collisions are _________ of death in infants and children.
A. primary reason B. frequently resulting C. often blamed D. a leading cause

239. Smokers who try to _________ cigarettes can double their chances of success by using patches, gum,
lozenges, inhalers or nasal sprays containing nicotine.
A. stop B. quit the C. stop to use D. give up
stop to V: dừng lại để lam gfi
stop Ving: dừng haẳn làm gì

240. For humans, running a given distance requires 50 to 80 percent more energy than walking _________
distance does.
A. equivalent B. equal C. the same D. identical
N đếm đc số ít - số nhiều/ có từ hạn định (mạo từ, tính từ sở hữu, tính từ chỉ định, lượng từ)

241. He mustered _________ enough to go to the horror film.

A. on B. up C. in D. together
muster up the courage/ confidence/energy to do sth: lấy hết can đảm để làm gì

242. You have to do _________ the matter. You have to do what he says.
A. in B. about C. toward D. with
have to do with sth: liên quan đến
do in: kill sb; khiến cho ai mệt mỏi/ kiệt sức

243. The child showed no animosity _________ her new stepbrother.

A. toward B. with C. about D. on
animosity toward(s): sự thù ghét/ ác cảm đối vs ai

244. I would appreciate it if you could _________ me the next time we see your mother.
A. catch up with: bắt kịp
B. stick up for: bảo vệ/ ủng hộ ai
C. come up with: nảy ra ý tưởng
D. live up to: đáp ứng

245. As I had never worked with autistic children, I found it rather difficult to get _________ to them.
A. on B. up C. off D. through
get through to sb: giao tiếp/ hiểu đc ai

246. She fixed us _________ a violin teacher. We’re really grateful to her.
A. to B. up with C. along with D. together
fix sb up with sb: sắp xếp cuộc hẹn cho ai

247. Your request for greater financial support has to be _________ the claims from other departments.
A. banked on : tin cậy ai
B. blown up: nổ, làm nổ
C. balanced against: balance sth against sth: cân bằng giữa cái gì/ cân nhắc giữa cái gì vs cái gì
D. brushed up: cải thiện
248. There are a few things that I don't like about my job, but _________ it’s very enjoyable.
A. by and large: nhìn chung = in general = as a whole = on the whole
B. here and there: rải rác, ko đồng đều
C. black and blue all over: bị đánh bầm dập
D. near and far

249. I must _________ my Italian before going to that meeting in Rome.

A. bear out: xác nhận
B. blow over: qua đi, dừng lại, làm dịu đi
C. brush up : cải thiện
D. break through: đột phá

250. _________ it seems to be quite a good suggestion.

A. All in all: tóm lại
B. All the same: dù vậy, tuy nhiên
C. For all I care: tôi k qtam
D. All but: gần như = nearly = almost = practically
thanks all the same

251. A _________ of dirt and oil lay over the surface of the pond.
A. piece
B. film : một lớp mỏng
C. charm
D. flock
252. You can't simply _________ the blame on the government whenever things go wrong.
A. put B. give C. lay D. press
1. Lay the blame on:
o Cụm từ này thường mang ý nghĩa trang trọng hơn và có thể dùng trong ngữ cảnh chính thức hơn.
o Ví dụ: "The committee laid the blame on the management for the financial losses."
2. Put the blame on:
o Cụm từ này thường mang tính thông dụng hơn và có thể dùng trong các tình huống hàng ngày.
o Ví dụ: "He put the blame on his brother for breaking the vase."

253. The company offered to pay in _________, so in this way we would not have to wait until work is done to
get our money.
A. advance B. arrears C. purchase D. full

254. Jane t-gushed over the sculpture in the antiqu e shop, but Kevin thought that the craftsmanship was merely
run of the mill.
A. He thinks that it is of exceptionally high quality.
B. He thinks that it is marked by creativity or originality.
D. He thinks th at it is too expensive for the average person too afford.
D. He thinks that it is low quality, common or ordinary.

255. After Michael missed three shots in a row and passed the ball to a player on the other team, the boys were
only up by two and they suspected that Michael would be the Achilles' heel of the team.
A. Michael performs well under pressure.
B. Michael is a valuable contributor to the team.
C. Michael is a weakness in an otherwise strong entity.
D. Michael inspires others to succeed.

256. Lyle chose Marco for his partner, thinking that it would be fun to work with his best friend, but now that
the project was due tomorrow and the boys had nothing done, Lyle realized that he should have hitched his
_________ to a different wagon.
A. dog B. horse C. camel D. bull
hitch one’s horse to a different wagon: chọn cái khác

257. While Kristie's cake pops are both delicious and artistic, nobody can _________ a candle to her pecan pie.
A. hold B. lit C. blow D. make
not hold a candle to sth: ko thể sánh với

258. “Don't be such a _________ Thomas. It will work. There will be no problems," Mary said to her husband
as she tried to convince him to buy laminate flooring for the back bedroom.
A. doubting B. quirky C. mistrusting D. wavering
doubting Thomas: kẻ đa nghi

259. The school staff needs new _________ in order to bring in novel ideas.
A. thing B. blood C. employees D. offices
new blood: ng có nhiều sáng kiến

260. Could I pick your _________ on the subject before the meeting?
A. intellect B. mind C. head D. brains
pick one’s brains: tham khảo ý kiến

261. When Mary rented her apartment through a broker, she didn't have enough money to pay both rent and
broker _________.
A. rentals B. reductions C. listings D. fees
broker fee: tiền/ phí môi giới

262. They worked from dawn to dusk with such ________ that they were exhausted.
A. boredom: sự chán nản
B. zeal : nhiệt huyết
C. detraction: sự giảm bớt
D. debility: sự yếu đuối, suy nhược

263. She _________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at all.
A. apologetically: xin lỗi
B. grudgingly : miễn cưỡng
C. shamefacedly: xấu hổ
D. discreetly: kín đáo, thận trọng

264. The police couldn’t persuade the man to ________ the source of his information.
A. uncover: loại bỏ
B. discover: phát hiện
C. divulge: tiết lộ
D. concede: thừa nhận

265. Due to many years of ________, the Smiths had nothing to fall back on when it was time for them to
A. illiteracy : sự mù chữ
B. impunity: sự k bị trừng bị
C. inflexibility: sự k linh hoạt
D. imprudence: ko thận trọng, k suy tính

266. The room is _________ obvious.

A. blindlessly
B. blindedly
C. blindly: mù quáng
D. blindingly. = extremely

267. All his hard work _________ in success.

A. accounted for: giải thích cho/ chiếm bao nhiêu phần trăm
B. merged with: kết hợp
C. culminated in: đỉnh điểm là
D. succumbed to: đầu hàng, nhượng bộ trc cái gì

268. The bedroom was __________ with battles.

A. infested: bị xâm chiếm
B. inflated: thổi phồng
C. infected: bị lây nhiễm
D. infused: làm cho thấm/ hấp thụ cái gì

269. If things are going well. In fact, business is __________.

A. soaring
B. rolling
C. blooming: phát triển mạnh mẽ
D. leaping

270. The smoke __________ from the burning tyres could be seen for miles.
A. sweeping B. billowing C. radiating D. bulging
271. ________ relatively inexpensive, the metal pewter can be fashioned into beautiful and useful objects.
A. Even it is B. Despites C. Although SV D.
Nevertheless, it is
SV.; However, SV
Although the metal pewter is relatively inexpensive, it can be ....

272. ________ in front of a camera lens changes the color of the light that reaches the film.
A. A filter placed B. A filter is placed
C. Placed a filter D. When a filter placed

273. “Do you play an instrument?” – “I have an accordion, but _________.”

A. I haven't played it in years B. I have years to play it
C. it has years to play D. it hasn’t played for years
274. Scientists cannot agree on ________ related to other orders of insects.
A. that fleas are B. how fleas are
C. how are fleas D. fleas that are

275. Superconductivity will revolutionize the way that energy is used for the next millennium, and __________
the first truly superconductive substance will be remembered as a technological hero.
A. what the discovery of B. the discovery of
C. whoever discovers D. whose discovery

276. Before they go to the university, most senior high school graduates have _________ idea of what college
life is like.
A. no less B. no least C. not less D. not in the least

277. I’m _________ my brother is.

A. nowhere like so ambitious B. nowhere near = nothing like as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious than D. nothing near as ambitious as

278. He seems _________ for the experience.

A. none worse B. none the worse C. none worse at all D. none the worst
none the worse for: k bị ảnh hưởng/ tổn hại bởi cái gì

279. Betty says she cannot stand looking at the rat, _________ touching it.
A. even so : dù vậy
B. what if: chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra nếu
C. let alone = much less = still less: huống chi là, chứ đừng nói đến
D. as far as: theo như

cannot/couldn’t stand/bear Ving: ko thể chịu đựng được khi làm gì

can’t/couldn’t help/ resist Ving: ko thể k làm gì
I can’t help laughing.

280. Country life differs from urban life in ________ a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of
small villages together.
A. it B. what C. which D. that
in that = because

281. He’s a tough politician - he knows how to _________ the storm.

A. ride out
B. run down: chỉ trích, nói xấu
C. keep up: giữ vững phong độ
D. push back: đẩy lùi

282. I was _________ by the beautiful music.

A. carried up
B. carried out: tiến hành
C. carried away: bị mê hoặc
D. carried on: tiếp tục

283. That sneaky real estate agent cons me ________ selling her my house for a lot less than it was worth.
A. out B. on C. at D. into
Con sb into ving: lừa ai làm gì

284. The ringleader was extremely lucky to get _________ a suspended sentence.
A. off with: thoát khỏi sự trừng phạt
B. away: trốn thoát
C. through to: giao tiếp vs ai
D. through: hoàn thành

285. I got impatient waiting for my turn to _________.

A. go out: mất điện, ra ngoài, đi chơi
B. set out: bắt đầu 1 cuộc hành trình
C. come out: đến lượt
D. work out: tìm ra/ giải quyết

286. Over the centuries the feet of many visistors have _________ the steps to the castle.
A. worn out: hao mòn, hỏng hết ko sử dụng đc nữa
B. worn down : mòn đi
C. worn through D. worn in

287. We’re going to ________ Mark since he moved into a new house.
A. call on: ghé thăm
B. call at: tạt vào đâu
C. call into
D. call for: yêu cầu, đòi hỏi

288. Fireworks __________ the attraction of the festival night.

A. appeared to V = seem to V
B. increased to
C. added up to: tính tổng thành
D. added to: tăng thêm

289. Susan’s face _________ when she heard the good news.
A. lit up: bừng sáng
B. lightened up (mood/atmosphere)
C. is bright
D. lightened (lighten the atmosphere/mood/conversation)

290. Your plan doesn’t allow _________ changes in the weather.

A. with B. on C. for D. into
allow for: xét đến, tính đến

291. If she gets a ________ of anger, don’t panic, that’s her uasual self.
A. fit B. breath C. period D. look
a fit of anger: cơn tức giận

292. Scientists think that resource shortages will cause an escalation of conflicts during this century, and will
widen the ________ between the rich and the poor.
A. blank
B. gulf between: khoảng cách
D. hole
C. difference

293. The government should take measures/steps/action to prevent nuclear waste from being _________ at sea.
make moves = do deeds

A. dropped B. discharged C. dumped D. disposed of

294. The actor was so nervous that he could only remember small _________ of dialogue.
A. shreds B. pieces C. patches D. snatches
snatch of dialogue: đoạn hội thoại

295. I was kept awake for most of the night by the ________ of a mosquito in my ear.
A. whine: tiếng vo ve của côn trùng
B. moan
C. groan
D. screech: tiếng rít chói tai do các vật cứng cọ xát vào nhau

296. He _________ a yawn as the actor began yet another long speech.
A. squashed: nghiền nát, đè bẹp
B. suffocated: làm ngạt thở
C. stifled: nén lại/ kìm nén
D. submerged: nhấn chìm

297. Tam afraid you’ve caught me on the __________. I wasn’t expecting you until this afternoon.
A. stove B. grapevine C. spot D. hop
catch sb on the hop: đến một cách bất ngờ

298. Every delicacy Miss Cook produces is done _________.

A. to a turn: vừa đủ chín
B. at will: tuỳ ý
C. there and then: ngay lập tức
D. sooner or later: sớm muộn thì

299. Richard started the race well but ran out of__________ in the later stages.
A. power B. force C. effort D. steam
300. He might look kind and sympathetic, but deep down he's as hard as __________.
A. nails B. a mountain C. a gangster D. an iceberg
as hard as nails: vô cảm, lòng dạ sắt đá

301. Of all entries receive , his was _______ out for special praise.
A. isolated B. brought C. opted D. singled
be singled out for sth: đc chọn ra để nhận cái gì
his entry

302. I was in a _______as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into trouble, but i f I said nothing I
would be more in trouble.
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity
be in a quandary: trong tình huống khó xử

303. The matter has been left in __________ until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess : giờ giải lao
B. suspension :
C. abeyance
D. criticism
in abeyance

304. The engineer_______ the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life.
A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D. punched
with: phương tiện gây ra hành động
by: thực hiện hành động
the machine was whacked by the engineer with a hammer.

305. The Oscar winning actress simply ________ charm and professionalism in her acceptance speech.
A. exuded: tỏ ra, toả ra + cảm xúc/ một phẩm chất
B. excluded : loại trừ >< include
C. expunged : xoá bỏ
D. extricated: gỡ, thoát ra

306. The carrots are ready; could you drain them in the ________ and put them in the serving dish?
A. casserole: nồi đất nung
B. colander: cái rổ
C. whisk: cái đánh trứng
D. blender: máy xay

307. Sue went for a ________ when she injured her foot and broke several toenails.
A. manicure : dịch vụ csoc móng tay
B. pediment: trán tường
C. foot massage: mát xa chân
D. pedicure: dịch vụ csoc móng chân

308. What = The thing that = N + đại từ quan hệ I find most ________ about it is that he didn’t even have a
decency to say that he was sorry.
A. galling: gây khó chịu
B. furious: tức giận
C. touchy: nhạy cảm, dễ bị tổn thương
D. blazing: bốc cháy
find sb/sth adj: thấy ai/ cái gì đó ntn

309. I know it’s difficult but you’ll just have to ________ and bear it.
A. laugh B. smile C. grin D. chuckle
grin and bear it: ngậm đắng nuốt cay

310. The computer has changed the world ________.

A. irreplaceably : ko thể thay thế
B. irrevocably: hoàn toàn
C. irredeemably: ko thể cứu vãn
D. irreparably: repair: ko thể sửa chữa

311. Considered America’s first great architect, ________.

A. many of the buildings at Harvard University were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson
B. it was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many of the buildings at Harvard University
C. Henry Hobson Richardson designed many of the buildings at Harvard University
D. Harvard University has many buildings that were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson.

N (mệnh đề quan hệ)

312. “ Frankly, Ms. A damson works ______ her figures never need _______,” said the General Manager.
A. such => so efficiently that/ to check B. so efficient that/ checking
C. such an efficient N that/ to be checked D. so efficiently that/ to be checked
such a/an adj N that
such that = so great that
need to be p2 = need Ving

313. Thick fog across much of the UK has resulted in dozens of flights ________ and many more delayed.
A. being cancelled B. to be cancelled C. are cancelled D. cancelled
result in Ving: dẫn đến cái gì
object to O Ving
The teacher objects to you/your making noises.
To get a high score, I study hard.

314. Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of the
Redmond company's demise are, ______ , premature.
A. saying the most B. to say the least: nói giảm nói tránh
C. to say the most D. to the least degree

315. David: Would you like fish or meat? Mary: I _____fish, please.
A. would rather B. would prefer C. suppose D. believe
would rather Vnt
316. In his anxiety to make himself _______,he spoke too loudly and too slowly.
A. understand B. understanding C. understood p2/adj D. to understand
make sb Vnt: bắt ai đó làm gì
make sb/sth adj: làm cho ai cái gì ntn
be interested in

317. I ________ with the performances but I got flu the day before.
A. was to have helped B. helped
C. was to help D. had helped
was to V
was to have p2: dự định làm gì nhưng k xảy ra (but ….)
was to V: dự định làm gì và đã làm

318. ________ chair the meeting.

A. John was decided to B. It was decided that John should
C. There was decided that John should D. John had been decided to
There tobe N

Decide John
It was decided that S (should) Vnt

It is/was + thành phần cần nhấn mạnh + that ……..

chủ ngữ, tân ngữ, trạng ngữ

The student decorated the room yesterday.

It was the student that/who decorated the room yesterday.
It was the room that was decorated by the student yesterday.
It was the room that the student decorated yesterday.
It was yesterday … the student … room.
A. that B. when C. where D. which

319. I thought about the problem but I couldn’t ________ a solution/idea/answer.

A. come in for: nhận lấy/ chuốc lấy
B. come across = run into = bump into = stumble on/upon: tình cờ gặp
C. come up with : nảy ra ý tưởng
D. come out: lộ ra; xuất bản

320. ________ , they slept soundly.

A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was
adj/adv + as/though SV, SV

321. The unions made it clear that they would not settle ________ anything less than a 20% increase in salaries.
A. to
B. for: chấp nhận
C. down : ổn định cuộc sống
D. up: thanh toán, dàn xếp

322. She doesn't eat crisps or chocolate; she’s _________ health foods.
A. into B. in C. up for D. under
be into sth: thích

323. Housing in some cities is so expensive that some people cannot even afford to put_________ the two
months’ deposit that is required.
A. away : cất đi
B. down: đặt cọc; đặt xuống; giết động vật vì mục đích nhân đạo
C. out : dập lửa
D. about: lan truyền (tin đồn)

324. The sky was heavy with black clouds. We hurried, hoping the rain would hold _________ until we got the
tents up.
A. through
B. on : chờ đợi, giữ máy
C. up: trì hoãn
D. off: ngừng

325. Several members of the public stepped ________ with information pertaining to the incident.
A. back B. forward C. backward D. onto
step forward: xung phong cung cấp in4/help
326. Ali was ________ an inch of reaching his goal when Ben stepped into the picture and messed up his plans.
A. into B. within C. on D. for
within an inch of: sắp sửa

327. We haven't met ________ a month of Sundays and I can hardly remember what he looks like.
A. in B. up C. off D. out
not/ never in a month of Sundays: rất khó, rất lâu r

328. Tim distrusts his new friends and prefers to keep them ________ arm's length.
A. at B. to C. under D. in
keep sb at arm’s length: giữ khoảng cách vs ai

329. As the day wore ________. I began to feel more and more uncomfortable in their company.
A. with B. on C. out D. at
wear on: trôi qua chậm
as sth wear on

330. That car must have set Joe ________ quite a bit; it’s top of the range.
A. back B. away B. in D. from
set sb back: tốn của ai rất nhiều
set in: bắt đầu

331. Most people feel a slight_______of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.
A. feeling B. surge C. pang D. chain
pang of nostalgia: cảm giác hoài niệm

332. The cost of a new house in the UK has become _______ high over the last few years.
A. totally
B. astronomically high: rất cao
C. blatantly
D. utterly
333. The entire staff was thrown off _______ when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
be thrown off balance: mất bình tĩnh
334. Mr Simkins is the big _______ in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of Managing
A. bread B. cheese C. break D. meat
a big fish in a small pond
the big break

335. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______ on the conduct of the entire cabinet.
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval of D. abuse

336. He's so lazy! We all have to work harder because he's always _______ his duties.
A. evading
B. shirking one’s duties/responsibilities
C. ducking
D. dodging

337. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn't give ______ and verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
chapter and verse

338. I’m hoping that this work experience will stand me in ____in my future career.
A. good grounding:
B. stand sb in good stead: có lợi cho ai
C. fine precedent
D. stable footing

339. A meal in that restaurant costs the _______ but still it is always packed.
A. world B. soil C. earth D. moon
cost an arm and a leg = cost the earth

340. What's that horrible noise downstairs?'

'It's only Sam. He always screams _______ murder when we take him to the dentist.'
A. red B. black C. yellow D. blue
scream blue murder: hét lên, la hét

341. His strange behaviour aroused the _________ of police.

A. doubt B. suspicion C. disbelief D. notice
arouse the suspicion of: dấy lên sự nghi ngờ

342. When his parents are away, his oldest brother _________ .
A. knocks it off : dừng làm
B. calls the shots : có quyền quyết định, quán xuyến mọi thứ
C. draws the line: vạch ra giới hạn
D. is in the same boat: cùng chung hoàn cảnh

343. After the concert, everyone had to _________ home through the thick snow.
A. trudge : lê bước
B. tread: dẫm lên
C. trace : lần theo dấu vết
D. trickle: nhỏ giọt

344. Alaska boasts = have several climates due to its _________ mountains, warm ocean currents, and frozen
A. adept
B. pious: hiếu thảo, mộ đạo
C. ghastly: kinh khủng
D. lofty: hùng vĩ

345. When I finish writing this composition, I'm going to _____ and go to bed.
A. make time: dành tg
B. hit the hay/sack: đi ngủ
C. hit the big time : thành công lớn, nổi tiếng
D. call it a day : dừng làm vc

346. Certain kinds of plants can grow only in _____ soil.

A. loose B. slack C. sparse D. scarce

347. John's got very_________ feelings about taking on more responsibi lity at the moment.
A. puzzled B. mixed C. jumbled D. muddled
348. Paul's been in Alice' s bad _____ ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats
in one’s bad books: ko đc ai ưa

349. The car was _____ speed.

A. gathering B. collecting C. consuming D. firing

350. They're having serious problems. Their relationship is on the ________ .

A. cliffs B. rocks C. stones D. grass

351. ________ earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it?
A. is it to the good
B. What's the good of : điều đó có đáng?
C. Is it all to the good
D. Is it for good
352. She _____ fainted when she heard that her child died.
A. rather than: thay vì
B. nothing but: chỉ
C. all but : gần như = nearly/ almost
D. near: gần

353. _________ to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
A. It is far from clear B. Far from it for me
C. Far and wide for me D. Far be it from me
far be it from sb to V: ai đó còn lâu mới làm gì
a piece of advice

354. _________ we just have to wait.

A. At this point in time : vào thời điểm này
B. On the point of time Ving: sắp sửa làm gì
C. At some point: vào 1 lúc nào đó
D. That's not the point: đó kp là vấn đề chính

355. He gripped his brother’s arm lest he ________ by the mob.

A. would be trampled B. could be trampled
C. were trampled D. be trampled
lest S (should) Vnt: vì sợ rằng

356. I don't know _____ the new manager.

A. what to do of B. what to make of
C. how to do of D. how to make of
know what to make of sb: hiểu tính cách của ai

357. Don’t tell me I _________ till 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

A. was to make them to stay was to V: định làm gì và làm r
B. must have made them stay: chắc hẳn đã làm gì
C. could have made them stay
D. was to have made them stay was to have p2: định làm gì và chưa làm (but…..)
could have p2: lẽ ra đã có thể làm gì (hối tiếc)
may/might have p2: có lẽ đã làm gì nhưng k chắc chắn

358. What I fear most of all is that we _________ in what refers to the building of a new market in West Crane.
The local people seem to be very wary about it.
A. might misinterpret B. might have misinterpreted
C. won't be misinterpreting D. might be misinterpreted

359. Sam looked as if he ________ in the world.

A. weren't cared B. weren’t taken into care
C. didn't have a care D. weren’t in the care
not have a care in the world: have no worries at all

360. What's all this crying _____ ?

A. without the aid of B. in aid of
C. with the aid of D. within the aid of
what’s all sth in aid of: tất cả những cái này dùng để làm gì
361. He is not a very outspoken person, so we may find it hard to ____ his opinions.
A. leak out : rò rỉ
B. come off : bong tróc; thành công
C. sound out : thăm dò ý kiến
D. bring round: thuyết phục ai đổi ý

362. Are you still _______ an illusion that Mr. Spike will agree to your conditions?
A. in B. under C. on D. of

363. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally________ .
A. caught on: trở lên nổi tiếng; hiểu
B. set out: bắt đầu
C. got through: hoàn thành
D. came round: đổi ý

364. Our grand father can ________ his war experiences all the day. Sometimes, we all get truly bored with it.
A. harp on: lải nhải
B. vouch for: cam đoan
C. figure out: tìm ra
D. leaf through: lướt qua

365. Father says he’s too ________ after working the nightshift and he won’t help us prepare the barbecue.
A. run away: bỏ chạy
B. worn out: kiệt sức, mêt mỏi
C. taken in: hiểu; lừa
D. pulled down: phá huỷ

366. They said I'd be ________ on probation for t he first two or three weeks as they want to find out abo ut my
A. for B. on C. in D. at
367. Your report________the side effects of the venture. Why not write more about its good points, Mr. Hewitt?
A. backs down : rút lui, nhượng bộ
B. takes to: thích
C. dwells on: tập trung vào
D. makes out: hiểu
368 . I know Pete’s conduct was intolerable, but don't be too hard ________ him.
A. on B. with C. at D. to
be hard on sb: nghiêm khắc vs ai

369. It is said that the corruption can hardly be ________ especially among top officials.
A. worn off : hết tác dụng
B. rooted out: loại bỏ hết
C. gone back on: nuốt lời
D. stringed along: lừa ai

370. Mrs. Black has promised to be ________ service on Monday. I hope she keeps her word or else I won't
manage to prepare everything in time.
A. in B. on C. of D. within
of service: giúp đỡ

371. Many people have written to the newspaper to show their ______________ of such behavior.
A. antipathy to/towards
B. abhorrence of
C. aversion to
D. animosity towards/against

372. The regular appearance of sex and violence on television undoubtedly has a ____________ influence on
A. pernicious : gây hại
B. parsimonious: keo kiệt
C. precipitous : đột ngột, vội vàng
D. propitious: thuận lợi, đầy triển vọng

373. It is disquieting that there has been an increased____________ of cancer near the nuclear power station.
A. occurrence: sự xuất hiện
B. accidence : sự ngẫu nhiên
B. persistence : sự kiên trì
D. incidence: tỉ lệ mắc bệnh

374. “The Song of Ice and Fire’' is the first volume of a series, which ___________ six books in all.
A. assembles: lắp ráp, tập hợp resemble
B. totals: tổng cộng
C. compiles: soạn, biên soạn
comply with
D. amasses: tích luỹ

375. From this year on, under-fives will get travel ___________, which certainly makes huge savings for family
A. consolations prize:
B. concessions: sự giảm giá
C. contortions : sự bẻ cong
D. constrictions: sự co lại

376. Unfortunately, his report does not ___________ with what we have learnt from other sources.
A. ally B. pally C. tally D. rally

377. Her __________ display of tears at work did not impress her new boss, who felt she should try to control
her emotions.
A. maudlin: u buổn, u rủ
B. meritorious: đáng khen
C. precarious: mong manh, ko chắc chắn
D. plausible: hợp lý

378. The authority is going to great lengths to _________ war on dangerous driving.
A. launch B. battle C. stage D. wage
wage war on: fight against sth
fight for sth
fight for freedom

go to any/great lengths to V: cố gắng hết sức để làm

379. China fueled fears that its __________ economy is about to slow further after Beijing cut its main interest
rate by 0.25 p ercentage points.
A. diseased B. ailing C. sickening D. unwell
ailing economy: kinh tế suy tàn

380. Robert is a well-behaved child, but his younger brother is a bit of a(n) ________.
A. eyeful: một ng đẹp
B. skinful: một lượng rượu đủ để uống
C. armful: một lượng có thể cầm
D. handful: một đứa trẻ nghịch ngợm, khó ksoat, hay gây phiền phức

381. Three candidates will be short-listed for the post but we do not know __________.
A. whom B. those C. which D. what ones

382. In this instance, there is some disagreement __________ Dubai is in breach of international law.
A. as to whether B. whether C. as if D. as whether or not

383. After a while, the flat was silent again. The baby had cried himself __________. His mother sighed with
A. sleeping B. to sleeping C. into sleeping D. to sleep

384. Naturally , there is a great deal of anxiety about ongoing __________ in the area.
A. jobs' losses B. job's losses C. job losses D. jobs lost

385. —These are the screws you're looking for. - __________! You have really sharp eyesight !
A. So are they B. It's so C. So they are D. So are there
so it is

A: I like ice cream

B: So do I

386. Don't worry, Albert __________, you can depend on me. I'll never let you down.
A. Comes what comes B. Come what may
C. Whatever it comes D. Comes what might
387. __________ the government's pre-election promises, taxes have been raised yet again.
A. Despite of B. For all C. But for = without D. Regardless
of = irrespective of sth

388. They had __________ that it was invisible from the road.
A. so designed it B. designed it to be C. designed it such as D. designed it like
so + adj/adv that
so adj a/an N that

so + V + that = in the way sth is described……

389. Most ideas never __________ the top brass, being quietly shelved by middle managers.
A. rise to: đáp trả
B. make it to: thành công đến đc
C. do with: cần
D. reach up to

390. __________, I haven't seen Catherine all day.

A. Come to think of it : nhắc mới nhớ, nghĩ kĩ thì
B. To come to think of it
C. Coming to think it
D. Coming to think of it

391. Our teach er tends to __________ certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about.
A. boil down to sth: tóm lại, chung quy là
B. string along: lừa
C. skate over : tránh, ko nói kĩ về cái gì
D. track down: lần theo

392. I was so tired that I just __________ in the armchair.

A. flaked out : ngủ thiếp đi
B. broke up: chia tay
C. dropped out: bỏ cuộc
D. fell over: ngã lộn nhào
393. He couldn’t have been very hungry. He just __________ at his food.
A. worked
B. nibbled at: ăn nhẹ nhàng
C. got
D. marked down
394. Simon hasn’t got a job, and isn’t trying to get one: he just __________ his friends.
A. meddles with: can thiệp
B. drags on: kéo dài
C. sponges on : phụ thuộc vào
D. tarts up: trang điểm, làm đẹp

395. At first, the managing director insisted that he was right and everyone else was mistaken, but in the end
was forced to __________.
A. ease off: giảm bớt, nới lỏng
B. gulp down :nuốt chửng
C. scrape through: đủ để vừa qua
D. climb down: từ bỏ, rút lui, nhượng bộ

396. I need twenty pounds to __________ me __________ until the end of the month.
A. turn in : nộp, đi ngủ
B. tide over: giúp ai đó vượt qua khó khăn
C. dig into: đào sâu, khai thác
D. dry up: cạn kiệt

397. You must try not to __________ your brother’s death.

A. roll on: tiếp tục
B. make out: hiểu
C. dwell on: suy nghĩ nhiều về
D. wipe out: xoá sổ

398. The patient was very ill indeed. The doctors were working __________ time.
A. against B. with C. on D. for
work against the time: chạy đua vs thời gian

399. The boxer lost the fight because he hit his opponent __________ the belt.
A. at B. by C. around D. below
400. I felt pleased I no longer had the responsibility. It was a weight __________ my shoulders.
A. on B. with C. off D. from


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