Blood Banking Procedures BloodBank Lab

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Che Marie A. Gelacio, RMT, MSMLS, MLS(ASCPi)

▪ Rescue—rescue anyone in immediate danger.
▪ Alarm—activate the institutional fire alarm
Blood Banking Procedures system.
▪ Contain—close all doors to potentially affected
and EQUIPMENT ▪ Extinguish—attempt to extinguish the fire, if.
- Chain of infection and safety practices related to
the biohazard symbol.
➢ Universal Precaution
- Consider ALL patient’s blood & body fluids to be
biohazardous regardless of the diagnosis.

Primary focus of safety: biohazardous materials

Biohazard materials
- all body fluids & tissue in the lab & the reagents
used that are of human origin

Factors affecting the accuracy of the test:

1. Reagents’ stability
2. Equipment

Reagents used for testing samples in BB originate in

1. Antisera
2. Cell products



Class of Fire Type of Extinguisher Quality Assurance Program

Class A ▪ Pressured water - Evaluate test procedures being performed &
Ordinary combustibles ▪ Dry chemical correct problem that arise in the test or w/ the
✓ Wood equipment.
✓ Paper
✓ Clothe Method of ensuring ERROR-FREE performance
Class B ▪ Dry chemical Comprehensive program that monitors & evaluate all
Flammable liquid ▪ Carbon Dioxide Aspects of the performance
✓ Grease - encompass the categories of personnel,
✓ Gasoline policies & procedures and techniques
✓ Paints Includes testing kit, ( + )& ( - ) controls
✓ Oils
Class C ▪ Carbon Dioxide
A. Licensed for clinical use only (meet SPECIFICITY &
Electrical equipment ▪ Halon
1. Commercial reagent antiserum
2. Reagent RBC
Class D ▪ Metal X
B. Manufacturer’s direction and specifications
Flammable Metals
- followed against loss of specificity & potency
✓ Magnesium

Ian Khyndric ὢ
C. Reagents, Materials and Equipment: ➢ Donor Screening Test
- 12X75 mm Disposable glass test tube
- Normal Saline Solution (0.85%) ✓ ABO & Rh typing
- Centrifuge, water bath or Hot block, Rh viewing ✓ Serologic screening (syphilis-uses serum / result:
Box reactive/nonreactive)
✓ Viral testing (Human Immunodeficiency Virus
➢ Records of Daily Reagent Controls Serum)
✓ HsB Ag
REAGENT SOURCE COLOR o Result: Reactive/non-reactive
SERA - Supernatants of BLUE o Malarial smear (test kit)
mouse hybridoma Anti- B: o 5 μL whole blood; 2 drop diluents (result
cell culture. YELLOW +/-)
Rh TYPING - Supernatants of GRAY ✓ Transfusion-transmitted viruses
SERUM cell cultures w/Ab
producing B
lymphocytes ➢ Donor Selection Process
obtained through Registration Information and General Requirements
ANTI-HUMAN - Serum of rabbits GREEN Medical History through interview (Uniform Donor
GLOBULIN immunized w/ History Questionnaire)
SERUM purified human
/Coombs test IgG and mucine Physical Examination – Weight ( 110 lbs./ 50 kg) ;BP
monoclonal Ab (Upper limit: 140/90, Lower limit: 100/60); Pulse(60-
specific for an 100 beats /minute ); temperature ( 35- 37.5°C)
epitope on the
human C3d
molecule. Vein check (2 phleb sites)
ALBUMIN, 22% - Raw bovine PINK w/
serum black top
Pre-screening – Blood typing/ABO &Rh typing (Slide
typing); Hgb &Hct (Capillet) –Hgb (12.5-16.5);
Hct – F: 36-46 vol%, M:41-50 %
➢ Blood Bank-Philippine Red Cross
Category: Blood Center
➢ Blood Components and Anticoagulant
Services: ✓ Whole blood
✓ Recruitment of Voluntary Blood Donors ✓ Packed RBC 1-6 °C
✓ Health Education & Counseling ✓ Washed RBC
✓ Donor Screening & Selection ✓ Fresh frozen plasma - < -18°C
✓ Blood Collection ✓ Platelet concentrate – RT (22-24°C) w/ constant
✓ Blood Screening & Testing for Blood agitation
Transmittable Diseases
✓ Provision of Whole blood, RBC & all blood ANTICOAGULANT:
products • CPDA-1 (Citrate Phosphate Dextrose with
✓ Storage of Blood & Blood Products adenine)
✓ Issuance, Transport & Distribution of Whole - 35 days(expire)
blood, RBC & all blood products - stored: 2-8°C

Ian Khyndric ὢ
LABELING requirements for Blood products: Present:
• Unit ID - FIBRINOGEN (soluble plasma protein).
• Expiration date - Fibrin – Insoluble (difficult to distinguish
• Product type from real agglutination).
• Production site
• Type of Anticoagulant/preservative solution - Fluid portion of a blood sample that has
used clotted
- No anticoagulant
➢ Indications and Storage
Preferred specimen in Blood bank
1. Doesn’t contain fibrinogen.
A. WHOLE BLOOD (7:1) – blood to AC 2. Ab demonstratable through
- 4°C 35 days complement activation.
- 21 days (CPD) 3. Doesn’t use AC such as EDTA or citrate,
- Treatment cardiopulmonary bypass px which chelate Calcium and Magnesium
B. PACKED RBC thus preventing complement activation.
- 1-6°C EDTA NON-
- 35 days Evacuated
- Symptomatic anemia Tube
✓ Plasma ✓ Serum
✓ Buffy Coat ✓ Clotted Blood
- 1-6°C (WBC)
- 24 hrs. (open system) Layers
✓ Packed
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Mature
- Anaphylactoid rxn (type1) Time to clot N/A 7-15 minutes
Centrifugation 5 minutes 5 minutes
- Room Temp. with constant agitation
- 5 days Labelling: Crucial Step in every Laboratory Procedure
- 24 hrs. (open system)
- Dengue ➢ Factors that affect the degree of packed RBC:
- Bleeding
1. speed & time of centrifugation
E. FRESH FROZEN PLASMA 2. radius of centrifuge
- < -18°C 3. height of the blood column
- 1 year
- Multiple coagulation factor deficiency • Amount plasma trapped between red cells VARY w/
- Massive transfusion Height of cell column and shape of cell
• Hemolyzed samples free RBC Hb that mask Ab
F. CRYOPRECIPITATE induced hemolysis
- 1 year CONTAMINATED PLASMA: not used
- Correction of Factor VII deficiency
➢ Preparation of 2% RBC Suspension
➢ Serum vs Plasma
A. SERUM Washed RBC (3X) – RBC remain AFTER washing w/ a
- Liquid portion of blood sample volume of comparable solution to remove PLASMA.
- WITH Anticoagulant (EDTA) RESUSPENDED = 2-4 % NSS; Low Ionic Strength
Saline (0.2%)

Ian Khyndric ὢ
USES: Cover w/ PARAFILM (invert to mix) – prevent
• Serologic test for IM (washed sheep RBC’s – act contamination (introduce GLOBULINS) & to protect
as in vitro Ag) the worker’s health
• ASO (Antistreptolysin O test –Human
erythrocytes)- HEMOLYSIS Centrifuge – balance tube (1 minute @ 3400
• Blood bank: blood typing (forward /reverse), rpm/revolutions per minute)
compatibility testing (Red cells of donor & px)
• COOMBs test –Direct/Indirect -Hemolysis
Discard parafilm (biohazardous waste)
EFFICIENCY of washing depends: AMOUNT of saline,
Remove supernatant (use PASTEUR pipet) – discard
in beaker w/ DISINFECTANT. Repeat Step 1-5 one
➢ Purpose of Washing RBC more time. Total 2 washes
1. Remove plasma or serum to prevent formation
of fibrin clots.
5ml serologic pipet (4.85 ml NSS in a test tube)
2. Remove serum factors that inhibit complement + 1 mL serologic pipet (0.15ml washed RBC)
3. Removes soluble Ag-Ab complexes that compete Mix using parafilm (exact 3% Red Cell suspension)
w/ the target cell for complement.
4. Removes unbound globulin by dilution. Discard in PUNCTURE-PROOF biohazardous waste
2% cell suspension – gives the best result (weaker
suspension = greater agglutination) False-Positive Errors
1. more sensitive for agglutination. 1. Addition of the wrong antiserum to a test
2. avoid zoning phenomenon. tube.
2. Over centrifugation of a serum-cell mixture.
- (Postzone- excess Ag; Prozone-excess Ab)
3. Dirty glassware
- serum to cell ratio: 2:1
4. Hemolyzed patient serum or reagent RBCs.
- INCREASE the serum to RBC ratio. 5. Inadequate dispersal of centrifuged serum
- INCREASE the demonstration of weakly cell mixture.
reactive Ab (degree of Ab coating).
3. it is best to use the weakest cell suspension that False-Negative errors
can observe easily for agglutination. 1. Omitting patient or donor serum from the test
➢ Formula Used 2. Omitting antiserum from the test mixture.
3. Failure to identify hemolysis of red blood cells
by the patient's serum as a positive reaction.
4. Inappropriately warming a cell-serum
5. Under centrifugation of a serum-cell mixture.
6. Vigorous shaking of a centrifuged serum-cell

False-Negative or False Positive Errors

1. Incorrect labeling of test tubes.
➢ Washing Steps
2. Addition of the wrong antiserum.
After the removal of plasma from EDTA, Forcefully 3. Erroneous reading or interpretation of
ADD NSS (0.9%) - 1/2 INCH from Top results.
4. Inaccurate recording of results.
5. Contamination of antiserum or reagent red

Ian Khyndric ὢ
6. An inaccurate serum-cell ratio in a test ➢ Pseudo agglutination
mixture. - erythrocytes microscopically resemble rolls of
stacked of coins, rouleaux (translucent &
refractile) formation.
➢ GRADING AGGLUTINATION REACTIONS - to differentiate from true agglutination;
Agglutination a. examine using microscopic appearance
- the clumping of particles with Ag on their surface b. use saline replacement technique (never
such as erythrocytes, by antibody (Ab) molecules done before initial testing protocol →
that form bridges between antigenic dil. effect → false (-)
determinants of adjacent cells.
Ways to ELIMINATE rouleaux formation:
- endpoint for most in vitro tests involving
1. Wash RBC (4x) in NSS –remove proteins
erythrocyte antigens and blood group antibodies
2. use saline replacement technique (1-3 drops
Can be observed either through: saline)-rouleaux DISPERSE; Ab mediated
1. direct techniques such as ABO testing & Rh agglutination REMAINS
typing or
2. Indirect techniques such as Antiglobulin test/ Ab ➢ Grading
screening - Determine strength of reaction (AMERICAN
➢ Stages of Agglutination system)


1 phase 2nd phase
(1) 1 drop serum + 2 drops RBC susp’n in a 12x75
- Physical attachment - Establishment of
mm test tube
of Ab to Ags on the crosslinks between
(2) Mix & centrifuge for 1 min @ 1000 rpm
RBC membrane when sensitized particles
Ab combines with Ag, such as RBC and Ab (3) Examine HEMOLYSIS after centrifugation
sensitizing the Ag. resulting in (red/pink supernatant (+))
aggregation. (4) Examine AGGLUTINATION (agglutination viewer)
REVERSIBLE IRREVERSIBLE (5) SHAKEN GENTLY (disrupt rbc button) & tilted –
FASTER SLOWER (Agglutination) CLUMPS (+)
(No agglutination: ONLY


2. TREATMENT with proteolytic enzymes (eg:
papain, ficin, Bromelin) which also eliminates the
Ag-binding sites for other Antibodies such as
Anti-M, Anti-S, Anti-Fya, anti-Fyb.
3. The use of COLLOIDS –Bovine Albumin 22%
protein concentration, pH 7.2 with 0.1% sodium
azide as preservative and acacia.
4. Addition of anti-human globulin (AHG) reagent.
5. The use of LISS
6. Polybrene
effective in detecting weak antibodies than LISS
Score: 12
manual polybrene.
Appearance: A single agglutinate. No free RBCs detected

Ian Khyndric ὢ
3+ - use known A & B cells to det. the presence
Grade: 3+ of Ab(unknown) in the serum.
Score: 10 - can’t be used for newborn babies, and
Appearance: Strong reaction. A number of large infants less than 6 months old
agglutinates - uses:
a. to validate the results for the Forward
2+ typing
Grade: 2+ b. to check the reactivity of the anti-sera
Score: 8
Appearance: Large agglutinates in a set of smaller ➢ Characteristics of Antibody of the ABO blood
clumps, no free RBCs Group System
1. Agglutination of saline suspended RBC (they are
1+ IgM class Ab)
Grade: 1+ 2. Reactivity temp is @ 4-22°C
Score: 5 3. Produces hemolysis when binds w/ complement
Appearance: Many small agglutinates & a background of 4. Inactivation of IgM anti-A & ant-B w/ 2-
free RBCs mercaptoethanol (2-ME)

½+ or (-) Rule: Serum 1st before RBC (Clear solution 1st, RBC 2nd,
Grade: + / - Macro make sure to have added both source of Ab and Ag.
Score: 3
Appearance: Weak granularity in the suspension. A few ➢ Reagents
macroscopic agglutinates but numerous agglutinates
microscopically. Anti-A Anti-B
Source Monoclonal Ab (mouse)
Trace or Micro Grouping Highly specific IgM
Grade: (+) Micro Color Blue Yellow
Score: 2 Dye --- Acriflavine
Appearance: Appears negative macroscopically. A few Reaction 3+ to 4+
agglutinates of 6-8 RBC in most fields Drops 1-2 drops

0 A1 Cells B Cells
Grade: 0 Source Human source
Score: 0 RC Suspension 4-5 %
Appearance: An even RBC suspension. No agglutinates Reaction 2+ to 4+
detected Drop 1

➢ ABO BLOOD GROUP ➢ Procedure

2 Types of tests: Forward Typing/Cell Reverse Typing/Serum

1. Forward typing Grouping Typing
- use known Ab (serum) to determine the 1 drop Anti – A (left) 1 drop patient’s serum
1 drop Anti –B (right)
presence of Ag(unknown) present on the +
surface of the RBC + 1 drop A cells(left)
- suitable for newborn & infants less than 6 1 drop whole blood-50% 1 drop B cells(right)
months old (Ab are synthesize starting in cell suspension (to EACH
6th month & are well dev on the 5th or 6th antisera)
2. Reverse typing

Ian Khyndric ὢ
Mix w/ an applicator stick and rock the slide GENTLY - immunization of Rh (–) recipients
for about 2 mins (maximum time to observe for
agglutination) Levine & Stetson – Ab detected
+ - AGGLUTINATION Rh-hr Blood group system
0 - NEGATIVE - complex of all erythrocytes blood group
system (>40 Rh Ag)
➢ Results Additional gene: C, c, E, e

➢ Rh Antigen and Antibody

Rh Ag /D
- On surface of red cells, transmembrane
polypeptides, found on RBC.
- PRIMARY antigen
- RBC containing Ag were agglutinated with
antiserum produced by injecting rabbits w/
washed RBC of Macacus rhesus.
➢ ABO Grouping- Tube Method
Rh Ab
More sensitive because: - NO anti-Rh Ab resent in normal individual
a. the use of 5% RBC suspension - Acquired, immuneAb; production by
b. centrifugation – enhances agglutination Transfusion / Pregnancy.
- majority are IgG (IgG1 & IgG3-activate
Tubes used:
complement); cross placenta
a. RBC suspension – 12x75mm
b. Reaction tube – 10x75mm Detect IgM
- Saline Test system; IgG –Antiglobulin phase
➢ Procedure (enhanced by enzyme methods)
Forward Typing Reverse Typing
Rarely activate complement EXCEPT anti-D & anti-C
1 drop Anti – A (tube 1) 2 drops of px SERUM (to
1 drop Anti –B (tube 2) EACH CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT & cause HDN
+ RhIgG (RhoGam)
1 drop 5 % RBC + - HDN due to anti-D not frequently seen
suspension (to EACH 1 drop A rgt red cell
tube) (tube1)
1 drop B rgt red cell
➢ RH Typing
Antisera “anti-D”
- Mix & Centrifuge for 15 sec @ 3400 rpm - Ab contained in Antisera will attach to D Ag on
- Gently resuspend each tube patient/donor red cells.
- from Human source, potential biohazard.

➢ RH Blood Group System Tube test

- 2-5% washed red cell suspension
Landsteiner & Wiener (Rh factors) – 1941 - 1:1 ratio w/ antisera
- human erythrocytes were agglutinated by this
Ab to Ag, common to all RHESUS MONKEY and
85% of humans.
FORMS of anti-D sera:
Rh0(D) factor

Ian Khyndric ὢ
1. High protein anti-D; High protein rgt.; Low SLIDE TEST
protein rgt. - Reagents and samples to ROOM TEMP. before
2. Chemically modified anti-D testing.
3. Monoclonal anti-D Procedure: (Rh control not performed)
4. IgM anti-D 1. Label slide (3 “X 5”) with “anti-D”
2. Add 1 drop Anti-D
3. Add 2 drops 40-50 % suspension of red cells in
1. High protein media reduces zeta potential; cell
agglutinate on immediate spin.
4. Mix: area about 2cm x 4cm
5. Tilt slowly back and forth. Observe
2. Chemical modification of Immunoglobulin AGGLUTINATION w/in 2 minutes
molecules allows HINGE region of molecule to span
GREATER DISTANCE to attach to Antigens and TUBE TEST
agglutinate. - CLOTTED specimen –most often used for
ROUTINE testing
3. Origination of Ab is from one Ab-producing clone - Use CHEMICALLY MODIFIED ANTISERA
and is very SPECIFIC

4. Rh CONTROL Procedure:
- high protein antisera used in parallel 1. Prepare 2-5% RC suspension (5% rc in 3 ml
w/control (assures agglutination obtained used in lab. = 0.15 ml Red cell + 2.85 ml NSS
represents a TRUE POSITIVE reaction). 2. Label (crucial step) tube w/ px.
- Chemically modified antisera are readily 3. Identification & anti-D
available. 4. 1 drop antisera
- may include ALBUMIN control / prepacked Rh 5. 1 drop px. cell suspension
control. 6. CENTRIFUGE (15-30 SECONDS)
7. 6. Resuspend by gentle agitation
“Rh Control, is composed of contents identical to
anti-D sera, but with NO antibody”
➢ Reading and Interpretation


✓ Positive Direct Antiglobulin test Absence of agglutination (NEAGATIVE reaction)
✓ “Coated red cells – in vivo”
Presence of agglutination (POSITIVE reaction)
✓ Rouleaux
- agglutination absent in albumin control.
✓ Reagent contamination
✓ Antibody to low-incidence- antigen If albumin control is positive, REPEAT using SALINE-
✓ Human error AGGLUTINATING ANTISERUM and Do DAT on red cells.
✓ HUMAN error ➢ Anti- Human Globulin Test
✓ RBC suspension –too heavy - Uses Ag-Ab reaction to detect SENSITIZATION/
✓ Failure to add anti-sera/wrong anti-sera Ab coating the red cells
✓ Failure to follow manufacturer’s direction - Anti-human globulin (AHG) Sera – Bridging effect
✓ Under centrifugation
✓ Failure to incubate slide test for specified time 2 categories: Direct, Indirect
✓ Deterioration of Rh Ag (Inappropriate storage) Principles of AHG test:
✓ Inappropriate technique, vigorous shaking
1. Ab molecule and complement components are
2. Injecting an animal w/ human globulin, either
purified or in whole human serum, stimulates
➢ RH Typing Procedure the animal to produce Ab to foreign protein

Ian Khyndric ὢ
*Hybridoma Technology – prepare AHG reagents. PROCEDURE:
*Polyspecific Gts – anti-IgG, anti- C3d 1. Prepare 2% RC suspension
2. 2 DROPS prepared RC suspension
3. AHG will react with human globulin molecules 3. 2 drops patients’ serum
either bound to red cells or free in serum. 4. Incubate 37°C – 15 MINUTES (WATERBATH)
Unbound globulins may react and neutralize 5. Add Normal saline solution (2/3). Mix using
AHG containing both coated RBC and free
6. Centrifuge-15 SECONDS @ 3400 rpm
globulin molecules. Unless RBCs are washed free
7. Wash (3-4x)
of unbound globulin BEFORE testing with AHG, 8. 1-2 drops AHG. spin 15 SECONDS @ 3400 rpm
Unbound Globulin may neutralize AHG and 9. Gently dislodge. Observe agglutination
cause false-NEGATIVE result. microscopically and macroscopically.
4. Washed RBCs coated with human globulin are:
- AGGLUTINATED by AHG. ➢ Results Interpretation
- *Fab – AHG molecule
- *Fc - human ANITBODY Left (DAT): 4+ (Presence of in vivo sensitization)
Right (IAT): 0 (Absence of in vitro sensitization)
DIRECT antiglobulin test (DAT)
- Demonstrate In-coating / sensitization of RBCs
with globulins (IgG and C3d).

- Washed RBCs from px/donor are tested directly

with AHG rgt.
- “incomplete” Ab present-agglutination occurs.

INDIRECT antiglobulin test (IAT)

- In vitro coating of red cells with
antibody/complement, achieved by incubating
serum with red cells, which are then washed to
remove unbound globulin.

- Antibody specificity may be known, as blood

grouping tests with coating Ab such as anti- Fya, or
antigenic composition of red cells may be known,
as in antibody detection and identification tests.
➢ Compatibility Testing
• Knowledge of DONOR PROCEDURES and
➢ AHG Procedure COMPONENTS available for transfusion are
Direct Antiglobulin Testing important for the technician
PROCEDURE: (tube: 12 x 75 mm) • COMPATIBILITY TESTING- series of procedures
1. 1 drop 2% Red cell suspension of Px. Cell designed to ensure the safety of blood for
(PROVIDED) transfusion
2. 1drop POLYSPECIFIC AHG • AABB Technical manual and AABB Standards
3. Mix. Centrifuge 1 min @ 1000 rpm / NOT over outline acceptable procedures for compatibility
20 sec @3500 rpm testing
4. Dislodge cell button to resuspend packed cells
• “CROSSMATCH” –performed prior to transfusion
5. *Manner in which RBC’S are dislodged from
of whole blood or packed red cells
bottom of tube is CRITICAL.
6. *Tube gently tilted back and forth • Method must DEMONSTRATE ABO
7. Examine AGGLUTINATION both incompatibility and clinically significant
microscopically and macroscopically. Antibodies to red cell antigens

Indirect Antiglobulin Testing

Ian Khyndric ὢ
• Crossmatch Testing-incorporating testing of
both patient’s cell and plasma against the 3. Mix & spin: 15 SECONDS
reciprocal elements of the donor unit 4. Read, Interpret, and record result as “Immediate
• (2) tests: Major Crossmatch, Minor Crossmatch Spin”

MAJOR CROSSMATCH Antiglobulin Phase (Indirect)

Patient’s Serum ✓ Wash 3-4x ideally (lab: 2x) with NORMAL SALINE.
Donor’s red cells DECANT all trace of saline to obtain a dry cell
- Using Antiglobulin technique, mixed cells button.
suspended in saline from the originally attached
✓ 2 drops AHG sera
donor segment with the patient’s serum/plasma.
✓ Mix, CENTRIFUGE 15 SECONDS AT 3 400 rpm
- Testing continues to ensure COMPATIBILITY when ✓ Read, Interpret, and record result as “AHG”
px has history of/currently exhibits a clinically
significant antibody. ➢ Reading of Results
MINOR CROSSMATCH - “Immediate spin”
Donor’s Serum - “37°C Albumin”
Patient’s red cells “AHG”
- Involves testing the saline-suspended red cells of - GRADE (4+,3+,2+,1+) – If POSITVE
the px with the plasma of the donor unit.
- Has been ELIMINATED because donor units are
*Stop if the phase shows HEMOLYSIS/AGGLUTINATION
screened for the presence of significant
Antibodies and are not included in general
inventory if an antibody is identified.
➢ Interpretation
Complete Crossmatch Phases: • INCOMPATIBLE (1 or more phase shows
1. Immediate Spin/Saline phase/ Abbreviated HEMOLYSIS / AGGLUTINATION).
Crossmatch • *Cause incompatibility must be investigated.
2. Incubation at 37°C/High protein phase
3. AHG and Check cells
*Ab react at AHG phase are Ab that, if present in the
recipient, are most likely to cause IN VIVO.
*MIXED-FIELD Agglutination

*TYPE and SCREEN – Alternative for Compatibility


Immediate Spin/Saline Phase
1. 2 drops PATIENT’S serum
2. 1 drop 2-5% DONOR’S Red cell • Reactions are graded from 0 to 4+.
(1) 4+ reaction is indicated by a solid band of
3. Mix & spin: 15 SECONDS red cells on the top of the gel;
4. Read, Interpret, and record result as “Immediate
(2) 3+ reaction displays agglutinated red cells
in the upper half of the gel column;
MINOR CROSSMATCH (3) 2+ reaction is characterized by red cell
1. 2 drops DONOR’S serum agglutinates through the length of the
2. 1 drop 2-5% PATIENT’S Red cell column;

Ian Khyndric ὢ
(4) 1+ reaction is indicated by red cell
agglutinates mainly in the lower half of the
gel column with some unagglutinated red
cells pelleted at the bottom;
(5) Negative reactions display a pellet at the
bottom and no agglutinates in the matrix of
the gel column. A mixed field reaction may
be observed.

Ian Khyndric ὢ

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