Lesson 2

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Lesson 2: People Are Crazy About Sports unidad 4

Another name for this story is:

"A Million-Dollar Business"

In sports, athletes spend money and fans make money.

Professor Sanders thinks that people love to watch sports because they love the
excitement of

a good game

Why is sports a good business?
You can make a lot of money.
You can be a good athlete or player.
You can be part of Sanders' study.
You can be a winner.

A fan is a person who

watches sports

Lesson 4: Comparison of Adjectives: Equality unidad 4

- Was the math test

as hard as

the last test?

- No. It was harder!

- Hey, Janet, did you hear the news? Tony is Anita's new boyfriend!

- Really? I don't like Tony. He isn't

as nice as


Are you Lev's son? You're

as tall as

he is.

- Where are you going for vacation?

- I don't know ... somewhere warm. Maybe Florida.

- You can go to Louisiana. It's

as warm as

Today the store isn't

as busy as

it was before the holiday.

Lesson 5: Comparison of Adjectives: Comparatives UNIDAD 4

om got to school at 8 A.M. and I came at 9 A.M. Tom had an


class than I did.

- Is there a lot of traffic in your neighborhood?

- Yes, but it's


in the afternoon than in the morning.

- Which movie do you want to go to?

- The mystery movie is more exciting, but the one with Jeff Lorel is


- Try the soup now. I put more salt in it.

- Mmm ... yes, it's


than it was.

- Which beach do you want to go to?

- Let's go to Singing Beach. It's

closer than
the other beaches.

Lesson 6: Comparison of Adjectives: Superlatives UNIDAD 4

- Who do you think is

the most

handsome actor in Hollywood?

- I think it's Robby MacIntyre.

- Really?

- What kind of car did Jim buy?

- A Flash. It's

the fastest

car in the world.

- No, it isn't.

- Yes, it is.

It rained every day of my vacation. It was the



Maria and Jerry are studying for a test. It's

the most important

test of the year.

- Did you hear the



- No. What happened?

- The princess had a baby boy.

- Oh, wow!

Lesson 7: Sports UNIDAD 4


players are usually tall.

I left my

on the sidewalk and someone stole it so I had to take the bus home.


can make a lot of money playing sports.

He won the tennis


Playing sports is good

Are you going to the soccer

He loves watching the professional soccer

. They are all running fast in the


I'm going to watch a soccer game at the

I hope our team

the game.

Lesson 8: SportsUNIDAD 4

What is the name of the show that you heard?

"Today's Sports"
"Sports Radio"
"Sports with Carlyle"
"Radio Sports"

Lawrence Maxwell is a


Coach Brady goes to college basketball games to look for good athletes.
Which sentence is not true?
The players have to pass most of their courses.
The athletes are interviewed.
The basketball team has a difficult training schedule.
People say players get paid to play on the team.

Today is Monday. When is Chuck's next radio show?

on Tuesday
on Wednesday
on Thursday

Lesson 1: In the Restaurant UNIDAD 5

What are the women drinking?

Juice and water
Water and coffee
Soda and coffee
Coffee and tea

Why doesn't Rachel order a hamburger?

They aren't very good.
The restaurant doesn't make them.
She doesn't like hamburgers.
They are too expensive.

Which food does the waiter recommend?

The chili
The house salad
The Mexican salad
The lasagna
What is in the house salad?

Sara would like chili with her salad.

We don't know.

Lesson 2: Sale at Shopright UNIDAD 5

What is another title for this ad?

"Buy Your Watermelon at Shopright"
"Shopright Helps You Spend Money"
"Shopright Sells Fat-Free Vegetables"
"Shopright Helps You Eat Healthy"

Why did Shopright put an ad in the newspaper?

They are having a sale.
They're cooking steak with onions.
They want you to try their turkey.
They are saving money.

What is "light" food?

fruits, vegetables, and meat
food that is fat-free or salt-free
food that doesn't weigh very much
food that is free
The turkey is


Which sentence tells us that prices are lower at Shopright?
Make a fat-free dinner.
Eat light.
Save money.
Buy a watermelon.

Lesson 4: Nouns: Count and Non-CountUNIDAD 5

om's team didn't win the game, but they had



Sally doesn't like her office.

The light

is bad, so it's always too dark.

- Am I healthy, Doctor?

- You have to lose weight. Get some more


. It's the best way.

- Do you take anything in your coffee?

Some cream and sugar

, please.
- Where are you going?

- I'm going to the store. I need


and eggs.

Lesson 5: Nutrition UNIDAD 5

He's on a new

and only eating salad.

eat light

in the evening. My main meal is at lunchtime.

My brother has a lot of


. He plays sport every day.


milk tastes like water!

It's not

to eat a lot of salt and fat.

losing weight

because I'm sick and I can't eat anything.

Is there any

ice cream?

I eat a lot of

in the summer.

My doctor says I must make sure my diet is


This cake has

in it, but no sugar.

Lesson 6: Call-in UNIDAD 5

Why do people call in to Billy's show?

to be interviewed
to answer quiz questions
to give advice
to give their opinion

Leon thinks that schools give too much homework.


What does Barbara want teachers to do?

give less homework
make homework more fun
stop giving homework
give more homework

Why is Barbara's son tired?

He meets with friends to review what they learned in class.
He spends many hours playing outside.
He stays up late doing homework.
He is not responsible.

When Leon says "It also teaches them to be responsible", "it" is talking about


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