Maths 30. PRINT

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Quantitative Aptitude

1. A streamer goes downstream from one port to another in four hours. It covers the same distance
upstream in five hours. If the speed of stream is 2 kmph, the distance between two ports is
a. 50 km b. 60 km c. 70 km d. 80 km
2. The least number which when divided by 48, 64, 90 and 120 will leave the remainders 38, 54, 80 and
110 respectively is
a. 2870 b. 2860 c. 2890 d. 2880
3. An article is sold at a profit of 20%. If both the cost price and selling price are 100 less, the profit
would be 4% more. Find the cost price.
a. 400 b. 500 c. 600 d. 700
4. 465 coins consist of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. Their values are in the ratio 5 : 3 : 1. The
number of each type of coins respectively is
a. 155, 186, 124 b. 154, 185, 126 c. 154, 187, 124 d. 150, 140, 175
5. A business man allows a discount of 10% on the written price. How much above the cost price must
he marked his goods to make a profit of 17%?
a. 30% b. 27% c. 20% d. 18%
6. A can finish a work in 24 days, B in 9 days and C in 12 days. B and C start the work but are forced
to leave after 3 days. The remaining work was done by A in (days)
a. 5 b. 6 c. 10 d. 10

7. If a trader sold an article at Rs. 3060 after allowing 15% and 10% successive discounts on marked
price, then the marked price is (in Rs.)
a. 3000 b. 4000 c. 5000 d. 6000
8. The least multiple of 13 which when divided by 4, 5, 6, 7 leaves remainder 3 in each case is
a. 3780 b. 3783 c. 2520 d. 2522
9. Four milkmen rented a pasture. A grazed 18 cows for 4 months, B 25 cows for 2 months, C 28 cows
for 5 months and D 21 cows for 3 months. If A’s share in rent is Rs. 360, the total rent of the field is
a. Rs. 1600 b. Rs. 1625 c. Rs. 1650 d. Rs. 1500
10. A man standing on a railway platform observes that a train going in one direction takes 4 seconds
to pass him. Another train of same length going in the opposite direction takes 5 seconds to pass him.
The time taken (in seconds) by the two trains to cross each other will be :
a. b. c. d.
11. B borrowed Rs. 5000 from A at 6% p.a. simple interest and lends it to C at compound interest of 10%
p.a. If B collects the money back from C after 2 years and repays A, the profit made by B in the
transaction is (in Rs.)
a. 600 b. 1050 c. 500 d. 450
12. Out of a sum of Rs. 625, a part was lent at 5% and the other at 10% simple interest. If the interest on
the first part after 2 years is equal to the interest on the second after 4 years, then the second part is :
a. 125 b. 200 c. 250 d. 300
13. The difference between compound and simple interest at the same rate for Rs. 5000 for 2 years is
Rs. 32. The rate of interest per annum is :
a. 6% b. 8% c. 10% d. 12%
14. A does half as much work as B in one-sixth of time. If together they take 10 days to complete the work,
how much time shall B alone take to do it?
a. 70 days b. 30 days c. 40 days d. 50 days

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15. A car passes a man who was walking at the rate of 2 kmph in the same direction. The man could see
the car for 6 minutes & it was visible to him up to a distance of 0.6 km. What was the speed of the car?
a. 16 kmph b. 10 kmph c. 12 kmph d. 8 kmph
16. If a commission of 10% is given on the marked price of a book, the publisher gains 20%. If the
commission is increased to 15%, the gain is
a. 16 % b. 13 % c. 15 % d. 15%

17. The value of (32 – 22)2 + (52 – 42)2 + (62 – 52)2 is

a. 216 b. 206 c. 236 d. 227
18. If x = √ + ,y=√ – , then the value of ( + –2 ) is
√ √
a. 16 b. 20 c. 10 d. 5
19. If cos x = , then the value of ‘tan 2x’ is

a. b. c. d.

20. If sin 2x = , then the value of (sin x + cos x) is :

a. √ b. √ c. √ d. √

21. If tan 2θ . tan 4θ = 1, then the value of ‘tan 3θ’ is

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d.
22. If 7 sin2 θ + 3 cos2 θ = 4, and ‘θ’ is a positive acute angle, then ‘tan θ’ is equal to
a. b. c. d. √

23. From the top of a cliff 90 m high, the angles of the top and bottom of a tower are observe to be 300
and 600 respectively. The height of the tower is (in m)
a. 75 b. 60 c. 45 d. 30
24. When the angle of elevation of the sun increases from 300 to 600, the shadow of a post is diminished
by 5 metres. Then height of the post is (in metres)
√ √
a. b. c. d.
√ √
25. The curved surface area of a cylindrical pillar is 264 m2, and its volume is 924 m3. The height of the
pillar is
a. 4 m b. 5 m c. 6 m d. 7 m
26. If G is the centroid and AD be a median with length 12 cm of ∆ ABC, then the value of AG is
a. 4 cm b. 6 cm c. 8 cm d. 10 cm
27. O is the ortho-centre of the ∆ABC. If BOC = 1200, then BAC is
a. 1500 b. 600 c. 1350 d. 900
28. A rectangular garden is 100 m × 80 m. There is a path along the garden and just outside it. Width of
the path is 10 m. The area of the path is. (in sq. m.)
a. 1900 b. 2400 c. 3660 d. 4000
29. ABCD is a parallelogram, M is the mid-point of BD and BM bisects B. Then AMB equals :
a. 450 b. 600 c. 900 d. None
30. The length of the tangent drawn from a point 8 cm away from the centre of a circle of radius 6 cm, is
a. √ cm b. 2√ cm c. 10 cm d. 5 cm

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