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Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals

and Applications, 4th edition

Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Lecture slides by Mehmet Kanoglu

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Chapter 9



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The fundamental differential equations of fluid motion are derived in

this chapter, and we show how to solve them analytically for some
simple flows. More complicated flows, such as the air flow induced
by a tornado shown here, cannot be solved exactly.
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Conservation of Mass Principle
The conservation of mass principle for a control volume: The net
mass transfer to or from a control volume during a time interval t is
equal to the net change (increase or decrease) in the total mass within
the control volume during t.

 Total mass entering   Total mass leaving  Net change of mass 

 
 the CV during t   the CV during t   within the CV during t 

min  mout  mCV (kg) mCV  mfinal  minitial

m in  m out  dmCV /dt (kg)

m in and m out the total rates of mass flow into

and out of the control volume
the rate of change of mass within the
dmCV /dt
control volume boundaries.
Mass balance is applicable to any control
volume undergoing any kind of process.
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Linear Momentum Equation (Steady Flow)
  
Steady linear momentum equation:  F    m V    mV

out in

The net force acting on the control volume during steady

flow is equal to the difference between the rates of
outgoing and incoming momentum flows.

The net force acting on the

control volume during steady
flow is equal to the difference
between the outgoing and the
incoming momentum fluxes.
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The control volume technique is useful when
we are interested in the overall features of a
flow, such as mass flow rate into and out of the
control volume or net forces applied to bodies.
Differential analysis, on the other hand,
involves application of differential equations of
fluid motion to any and every point in the flow
field over a region called the flow domain.
Boundary conditions for the variables must
be specified at all boundaries of the flow
domain, including inlets, outlets, and walls.
If the flow is unsteady, we must march our
solution along in time as the flow field changes.

(a) In control volume analysis, the interior of

the control volume is treated like a black box,
but (b) in differential analysis, all the details of
the flow are solved at every point
within the flow domain.
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Conservation of mass for a CV :
  
0 dV   V  n dA
CV t CS

CV t dV  
m  m

The net rate of change of mass within the

control volume is equal to the rate at
which mass flows into the control volume
minus the rate at which mass flows out of
the control volume.

To derive a differential
conservation equation, we
imagine shrinking a control
volume to infinitesimal size.
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Derivation Using the Divergence Theorem
The quickest and most straightforward way to derive the differential form of
conservation of mass is to apply the divergence theorem (Gauss’s theorem).
   
Divergence theorem: V
  GdV ∮G  ndA

  
0 dV     ( V ) dV
CV t CV

    
CV  t    ( V )  dV  0
  
Continuity equation:    ( V )  0
This equation is the compressible form of the continuity
equation since we have not assumed incompressible
flow. It is valid at any point in the flow domain.

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Special Cases of the Continuity Equation

Special Case 1: Steady Compressible Flow

 
Steady continuity equation:   (V )  0 (9 - 13)

In Cartesian coordinates, Eq. 9–13 reduces to

(u ) ( ) ( w)
  0
x y z
In cylindrical coordinates, Eq. 9–13 reduces to
1 (r ur ) 1 (u ) (u z )
  0
r r r  z

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 
Incompressible continuity equation:  V  0
Incompressible continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates:
u    w
  0
x y z
Incompressible continuity equation in cylindrical coordinates:
1 (rur ) 1 (u ) (u z )
  0
r r r  z
Special Case 2:

The disturbance from

an explosion is not
felt until the shock
wave reaches the
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  xx  xy  xz    P 0 0
Introduction Fluid at rest:  ij    yx  yy  yz    0  P 0 
 
  
 zy  zz   0 0  P
Moving fluids :
ij, called the   xx  xy  xz    P 0 0    xx  xy  xz 
viscous stress
tensor or the  ij    yx  yy  yz    0  P 0     yx  yy  yz 
 
deviatoric stress   zx  zy 
 zz   0 0  P   zx  zy  zz 
Mechanical pressure: Pm   ( xx   yy   zz )
Mechanical pressure is the
mean normal stress acting
inwardly on a fluid element.
For fluids at rest, the only
stress on a fluid element is
the hydrostatic pressure,
which always acts inward
and normal to any surface.
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Newtonian versus Non-Newtonian Fluids
Rheology: The study of the
deformation of flowing fluids.
Newtonian fluids: Fluids for which the
shear stress is linearly proportional to
the shear strain rate.
Newtonian fluids: Fluids for which the
shear stress is not linearly related to the
shear strain rate.
Viscoelastic: A fluid that returns (either
fully or partially) to its original shape
after the applied stress is released.
Rheological behavior of fluids—shear Some non-Newtonian fluids are called
stress as a function of shear strain rate. shear thinning fluids or
pseudoplastic fluids, because the
In some fluids a finite stress called the more the fluid is sheared, the less
yield stress is required before the viscous it becomes.
fluid begins to flow at all; such fluids Plastic fluids are those in which the
are called Bingham plastic fluids. shear thinning effect is extreme.

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Shear thickening fluids
or dilatant fluids: The
more the fluid is sheared,
the more viscous it

When an engineer falls into quicksand (a

dilatant fluid), the faster he tries to move,
the more viscous the fluid becomes.

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Derivation of the Navier–Stokes Equation for
Incompressible, Isothermal Flow

The incompressible flow

approximation implies constant
density, and the isothermal
approximation implies constant

Viscous stress tensor for an incompressible Newtonian fluid with constant properties:
 ij  2 ij (9 - 55)

 u  u    u w  
 2      
x  y x   z x 
  xx  xy  xz   
      u      w  
 ij    yx  yy  yz      2    
        x y  y  z y  
zx zy zz  w u       
  w w 
  x  z    y  z  2
z 

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 u  u     u w  
 2         
x  y  x  z x  
P 0 0   
    u      w  
 
 ij  0  P 0       2    
    x y  y  z y  
 0 0 P
  w u       
   w w 
  x  z    y  z  2
z 

Du P  2u    u    w u    w    w 
    g x  2 2               
Dt x x y  x y  z  x z  z  x  x  z 

Du P   2u  u    2u  w  2u 
    gx    2    2  2
Dt x  x x x x y y x z z 
P    u  w   2u  2u  2u 
   gx        2  2  2 
x  x  x y z  x y z 

The Laplacian operator, shown

here in both Cartesian and
cylindrical coordinates, appears
in the viscous term of the
incompressible Navier–Stokes
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Du P D P
    g x   2u     g y   2
Dt x Dt y
Dw P
    g z   2 w
Dt z
Incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:

DV   
   P   g   V
(9 - 60)
The Navier–Stokes equation is an
unsteady, nonlinear, second order, partial
differential equation.
Equation 9–60 has four unknowns (three
velocity components and pressure), yet it
represents only three equations (three
components since it is a vector equation).
Obviously, we need another equation to
make the problem solvable. The fourth
The Navier–Stokes equation is the equation is the incompressible continuity
cornerstone of fluid mechanics. equation (Eq. 9–16).
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Continuity and Navier–Stokes Equations
in Cartesian Coordinates

Incompressible continuity equation:

u   w
  0 (9 - 61a)
x  y  z
x-component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
 u u u u  P   2 u  2 u  2u 
  u  w    gx    2  2  2  (9 - 61b)
 t x y z  x  x y z 
y -component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
      P   2  2  2 
  u  w    g y    2  2  2  (9 - 61c)
 t x y z  y  x y z 
z -component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
 w w w w  P  2 w 2 w 2 w 
 u  w     g z    2  2  2  (9 - 61d)
 t x y z  z  x y z 

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Continuity and Navier–Stokes Equations in
Cylindrical Coordinates
1 (rur ) 1 (u ) (u z )
Incompressible continuity equation:   0 (9 - 62a)
r r r  z
r -component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
 u r ur u ur u2 u r 
  ur    uz
 t r r  r z 
(9 - 62b)
P  1   ur  ur 1  ur 2 u  ur 
2 2
  gr     r   2  2  2  2 
r  r r r r r  2
r  z 
 -component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
 u u u u u u u 
  ur      r   u z  
 t r r  r z 
(9 - 62c)
1 P  1   u  u 1  u 2 ur  u 
2 2
   g     r   2  2  2  2 
r   r r  r r r   2
r   z 
z -component of the incompressible Navier –Stokes equation:
 u z u u u u 
  ur z   z  u z z 
 t r r  z 
(9 - 62d)
P 1   u z  1  u z  u z 
2 2
  gz     r   2  2 
z  r r r r  2
z 

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There are two types of problems for which the differential equations
(continuity and Navier–Stokes) are useful:
1. Calculating the pressure field for a known velocity field
2. Calculating both the velocity and pressure fields for a flow of known
geometry and known boundary conditions

A general three-
dimensional but
incompressible flow field
with constant properties
requires four equations to
solve for four unknowns.
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Exact Solutions of the Continuity Boundary Conditions
and Navier–Stokes Equations No-slip boundary condition:
 
V fluid  V wall

A piston moving at speed VP in a cylinder.

A thin film of oil is sheared between the
piston and the cylinder; a magnified view of
Procedure for solving the the oil film is shown. The no-slip boundary
incompressible continuity and condition requires that the velocity of fluid
Navier–Stokes equations. adjacent to a wall equal that of the wall.
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