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- Elf -> Wayfarer

- When you enter an important location (your call) you can ask the GM for

one fact from the history of that location.

- Human -> Troubadour

- When you first enter a civilized settlement, someone who respects the

custom of hospitality to minstrels will take you in as their guest.

- Dwarves -> Lore Keeper

- You are a chronicler of your people’s histories. In addition to any other

categories of Bardic Lore you have mastered, you always know about The

[Your Ancestry] and Their Affairs.

- Halfling -> Silver String

- Everyone is disarmed by your smooth talking and charming appearance.

When you Defy Danger or Parley and use your disarming

appearance, take +1.


- Elf -> Mediator

- Your people preach unity amidst the discord. When you act to aid,

compromise, or truly find common ground with someone in

opposition to you, take +1.

- Human -> Theologian

- Your faith is diverse. Choose one wizard spell. You can cast and be

granted that spell as if it was a cleric spell.

- Halfling -> Hierophant

- Your people are fond of dualities. Choose a second domain; when you

Commune with your deity, you can pick which of the two domains you

have access to until the next time you Commune.

- Orc -> Inheritor

- Your people practice ancestor worship. When you Commune with your

deity, you are also granted the Wizard spell Contact Spirits as a Rote.


- Elf/Dwarf -> Incarnate

- You are moved by the spirits of larger domains. You are attuned to two

different lands.

- Human -> Pastoralist

- As your people learned to bind animals to the field and farm, so too are

you bound to them. You may always take the shape of any domesticated

animal, in addition to your normal options.

- Halfling -> Harmonist

- You sing the healing songs of spring and brook. When you make camp,

you and your allies heal +1d6.

- Orc -> Apex Predator

- You are at the top of the food chain. When you change your shape into

that of a predator, you deal +1 damage.


- Dwarf -> Glory Hound

- When you boast of your feats in battle or prowess, you may parley with a

target using CON instead of CHA.

- Elf -> Battle Dancer

- Choose one weapon—you can always treat weapons of that type as if

they had the precise tag.

- Halfling -> Strategist

- When you defy danger and use quick thinking and unseen plans to your

advantage, take +1.

- Human -> Champion

- Once per battle you may reroll a single damage roll (yours or someone


- Human -> Inquisitor

- When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here

is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

- Halfling -> Devotee

- Your people are the stoutest of heart. When you Defy Danger to resist

temptation or corruption, take +1.

- Dwarf -> Arbiter

- You are a holy agent of your people’s law. When you give an order

based on your divine authority to an NPC who is subject to the law

you represent, you choose how they react.

- Orc -> Crusader

- Your people worship valor, and you are a paragon of your people. When

you are outnumbered or outmatched and pray for strength, even for

a moment, take +1 armor until you lose HP.


- Elf -> Nomad

- When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness whatever job

you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+.

- Human -> Scavenger

- When you make camp in a dungeon or city, you don’t need to consume a

- Dwarf -> Spelunker

- When you are underground or in mountainous terrain, you are never lost

and can always retrace your steps exactly.

- Halfling/Orc -> Beastmaster

- You are a master at training your animal companion. Choose an additional

strength OR training in addition to whatever strengths/trainings it already



- Halfling -> Trueshot

- When you attack with a ranged weapon, deal +2 damage.

- Human -> Purveyor

- You are a professional. When you spout lore or discern realities about

criminal activities, take +1.

- Dwarf -> Legerdemain

- When you take your sweet time to pick locks, pockets or disable a

trap, take +1.

- Elf -> Reconnoiter

- When you Discern a Reality about a location, you always find any

hidden doors and passages, even on a miss.


- Elf -> Sorcerer

- Magic is as natural as breath to you. Detect Magic is a cantrip for you.

- Human -> Polymath

- Choose one cleric spell. You can cast it as if it was a wizard spell

- Halfling -> Arcane Trickster

- When you create an illusion via Prestidigitation, it looks convincingly

real (but won’t fool any other senses).

- Orc -> Occultist

- When you perform a Ritual, you can always choose to sacrifice a deadly

monster as a replacement for fulfilling one of the conditions the GM gave


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