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Small talk:
thank you for coming today (gracis por venir el dia de hoy)
thank you for taking the time to meet with me today (gracias por tomarte el
tiempo de reunirte conmigo hoy)
im pleased to meet you (encantado de conocerte)
its a pleasure to meet you(en un placer conocerte)
im good thank you .thank you for inviting me to the interview
im happy to be here(estoy feliz de estar aqui)!
2.-Tell me about yourself:
well,my names Lucia and im 21 years old ,i live in peru , "I live close to
Opcional: (en donde estas estudiando actualmente,la especialidad y la
carrera,cuantos años llevas estudiando):
…Im curretly studying in the conservatory(in a collage), as a music performance
major, with a primary instrument in violin."
present:lo que haces ahora y tu situación
*I currently studying an university , Where I learn techniques to improve my
performance, And play as a violin soloist.
* i would like to conduct a symphonic orchestra ,and play how a violin soloist,
*I also would like to compose pieces inspired by the style of Debussy, Chopin
and Rachmaninoff.
2.1-could you tell about your family?
I live with my mom Karla, who is an artist, and my sister Coral, who is studying
medicine. We love going to the movies together..
2.2-Do you have any hobbies?
i love go running but i also love draw and create new works.
i like playing guitar and sometimes i sing
i dont watch a lot of television but i listen podcast about horror, psychology and
ted talks and i love watching movies.

3.What do you do in a normal day?

some days i wake up at 5 oclock
and then i go runnig with my cousin .
afther that i take my breafast and i get ready for college
in the afthernon i practice my violin and take eat lunch.

4.what is your biggest strength?(cual es tu mayor fortaleza?)

i have very strong communication skills and im definitely a creative thinker.
5.whats your greatest weakness?(debilidades)
I consider myself a highly sensitive person and although before I saw it as a
weakness, now I see it as something good, because feeling is what an artist
needs most and they are an artist!
6..why do you want to work here?
porque considero nuevas formas de ver y conocer la cultura y conocer
personas. Y explorar y mejorar mi forma de hablar.

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