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lectric Charge End Fields ‘Theorem riences elecric and magnetic effect. Jenjamin Franklin introduced two types of carves mely postive charge and negative charge, § electrostatic unit (esu) or statscoulomb (sat-C) ¢ slectromagnetic unit (emu) or ab-C (ab-eoulomb) Tab-C=106,16 310" stat Conductors and Insulators “Those substances whieh readily allow the passage of eletriity throuzh them ar called eonduetors metas, whereas those fubstanoes which ofee high resistance fo the pasage of ‘lett though tem are called inslators&, plastic rod and ayion Basic Properties of Electric Charges “There are some basic properties of electric changes (i) Adaitivity of Electric Chnrges Charges are scalars fand they edd up like real number. (ji) Conservation of Electrie Charges Total ebarge ofan isolate system always remains conserved. Copan bass fe u Electric Charges and Fields — a —-2 (i) Surface Charge Distrib over n plane hres i givensgnaTE aetrbion ldg =o dS = Fate f ods es are Tsp 5 , ‘where, is called surface charge de % : ; besa surface charge density (charge por TM and dS isa small sure clement fd Electric Field due to Jue to a Syst of Charges re: {i) Volume Charge Distribution (Charge distribute over a volume) is given by dg =pdV> Hee ones 4req’” (rf where p is catled volume charge density | and dV isa small volume element. ia BaEy+B:+By+ +E, =DE, a Electric Field Lines lectric Field Elect field lines are a way of pictrially mapping the peter cleo Held itenity around «configuraon of BOS) rae space around a charge in which its effect ean Fasfemty Le the area which produces afacive ot TSS UTES from positive charge and end on negative charge. The tangent on these lines at amy point wes he rulsve foree on another charge placed in that rea mee a nee ela tht pat ls es ‘ic Fi 1 iret postive and negative point charge and thet lectric Field Intensity eae we force experienced per unit positive test charge placed xy that point without disturbing the source eliarse the Fie AS tor quantity Tue awit rec Electric Field due toa Point Charge Cr arn eee Electric field intensity at point P due toa point charge 9 i bass Sasa’ Electrie Charges and Fields —— bo, jefe dipole moment ofan el jie qui ora veer quay Foreign 2012; Al indie 201 [B+ ow plashowingthevarition of secre | with distance ¢ due to a point charge q ‘ erat, i S a surface charge densities on the outer surfse Perine Electric field is inversely proportional to the square of th tl eo A See distance between two charged particles. a. s/n wien ree Apap a itr sausale thereat cles edi in(D embleeqiiu 1) esa equilibrium’ th 2011 metallic sphere is placed in a uniform electric field shown in the figure. Which path i followed by and why? Foreign 2010 is right or between two changes do not get {other charges. Al Indio 2010 1 mutual forces ected by the presence of rks Questions dipole moment pis kept in uniform electric field EL Show graphically the tration of torque acting on the dipole x with i the field. Find the orientation in (ii) maximum. CBSE 2023 2 Mai 25 /An electric dipole of orientation 6 int Which torque is (1) 2er0 and forthe torque acting on an cictrc dipole shen ici held ina uniform eleriric Set identify the orientation of the dipole in the ie ye eld in och i alcains a stable equilib Delhi 2020 for the electri field due to 8 fn ive an expression sees of dipole moment pat posnt ni -endicular bisector Derive the expression eh 2019 spaced in union ete fed 3 parallel to the field, Find Mar which the Hae indo 20146 An clectric diol E with its dipole moment P the orientation of the dipole acting on it becomes maximum 39/oin charge (+0) is kept inthe vieinity of an uncharged conducting plate. Sketch electric Feld Ties between the charge and the plat Foreign 2014 shoo scemical metalic spherical stl A and B ving hs ide eeepc Ota Se al eocarpe het CMBR cra hee and hn th ore Pee ay cup conat eh = he hag on open do tae 20536 2s ein aise Bede treo charges qa wi OCR aot repet common on * Rt Dati 20106 Questions @)A electric dipoe is kept first to the left and then ‘he right ofa negatively charged infinite plane sheet hhaving a uniform surface charge density. The rows p, and. pz show the directions ofits elect dipole moment inthe 10 Cases 43, case s0P 2018-19 pole isi answer Pe idonify for each ease, whether the dit ple ox unstable equilibrium. Justify eh iy Next, the dipole i kept i a sia ry tas shown), near an iniitely ONE ‘treaght wire having wnigorm negative Jinear charge density ‘Will the dipole be in eqailibeium at These two position’? Justify YOUr answer Sasa’ {c) The magnitude of electric field, EB =9N/C 4 ‘Atdistance, ® for aaa (i) pividing Eqs. @) and (i), 1 9. anee i 4ne) 2. (e) Given that, dipole moment, p=2x10*Cm Torque, +=6% 10"! Nan gan ie oa 8210725107 ¥ em" 7 2x10 (@) Electric field produced by et yparge particle at @ distance of 3m a Sa { Mere, r=3m] “@ ing Letx be the distance from point charBe where electric field is = 4 ‘ sae 4 ney x (i, Dividing Ea. @ by F4- re EST eC (b) Electron experience a force, F=16x10"SN wing, Fag be a =x” (10x10 8 Vi (aig) (a) Given, surace charge density. 6 = 26410 PC m™ @ 24x aye ty 885x107 (enp=t8510? ‘Common Sometime stu ‘Mistake ecu field is 2 batitis oan % dents thine atthe 66. (b) According 10 Coulomb's lav Fy For attraction, 142 <0 1 heat ape Lexis the observation from +8q and atd from ‘hen, By ~ Fleet ick By Elesrie t itcsty ot? (il =1BAl Kika) Led > deh ‘ue vo nor-conducting eet ronductina sheet Copan Polar Copan “Charges and Fields to diagram on page 3 (Elecei Field Lines) ‘Refer to diagram on page 3 (Blecric Field Lines). “The electrostatic field lines do not form closed loop ‘because no clectricfleld lines exist inside the charued body. {ceording to the question, both the balls have same charge g. Let the balls are separated by a distance Hence, aording to Coulomb's law, iF and Fare the force of attraction between balls in air and in ‘medium respectively: ere, Kis dielectric constant of material and K > 1for Tasnlators, hence the Force is reduced, when a plastic sheet is inserted. lectic field fines cross each othe, then there ‘Would be two tangents drawn at the point of section and hence two directions of elect field that point which is not possible. So, Fines of forees je cross each other clectric field inside & conductor i always zero. The tric lines of forces exert Intral pressure om each hich Leads to repulsion between like charges. in ordecto stabilize spacing, the elect field are normal othe surface. pe the condition given in question, wo conch ean be drawn areas Follows “The two point charges (gy and g;) should be of ‘opposite nature. - ‘The magnitude of change qy must be greater than the magnitude of charged dipole moment of an electric dipole i eal #9 product ofthe magnitude of ts cher charge and Jength ofthe electric dipole. ~ Ics denoted by pts St unit is conlomb-metre, 20+ we Ip ax2l nis, vector quantity and its direction is from negative charge to positive charge. ‘The plot showing the variation of electric field with stance rduc to point charge q is shown as below (j) For sable equilibrium, the angle between p and E- is? i.e it should be placed parallel to electric field +e (i) For unstable equilibrium, the anale between p and it shouldbe placed antiparallel to Path d is followed by electric field lines because ‘lectre field intensity inside the metalic sphere will be zero, Therefore, no electric lines of force exist anid the sphere. Also, electric field lines are alwa ‘perpendicular to the surface of the conductor. Right, because mutual free ating between two point Charges is proportional tothe product of magninide of ‘charges ond inversely proportional to the square ofthe Sistance between them i. independent of the other charges Polar Copan [Fiecirie Charges ond Fields sven 4 and 8 replace in con we eee Pea fs suai 34) 9 mm =9210" Kb 2 and 210" NC 2, Leto poi changes gy and gs are sittes at points oxt0°! «2t0* {and B ave postion Veter) and oa ee , 9ya10" ‘swe know, #=ur+ La 2 joo aoxr+baasnide ae BPar—t (i) Si se Held intensity at point P due 10h. jsroversed 1a = ap 2s ancy [APE a whee, ty > Ri will be 2 RSE 2022 Term) @ oo (2E (ae 5. A square sheet oF ie iy pve prt 7-90 at Wa, 1; =H aad comers SNES the or Aor ahape and size ofthe plates of cap9eHr rand the | surounding medium a Very Short Answer Questions wv Pee chi in eae #000 45. A 100 pF parle plate capectr having Plas ‘apacitor connected across & battery” H ponte separation of 4 mm is charged bY a0 my ose ‘The momentary current does Tow ee chute sor7 se he disconnected, When the distance Shchaging ofthe capa “ _ tetnen th ples is doled anda eric sb of thickness 4m and elec coms 3 reed Between the lates ow wil) reac 1) 8 let el bevel dena) Sens capacitor get fected? Istily your awe ee SE ee cae 16. In anetwork, four capacitors C,,C,,C) and Cy are connected as shown in the figure, (@ Find the net capacitance of the circuit. GG) IPthe charge on the expacitorC, is 6 uC, then (@) caleolate the charge on the capacitors C, and, (©) net energy stored in the capacitors C and C, connected in sexes, case 2019 47. Calculate the potential difference ‘nthe capacitor C; in the circuit Given, potential at 4 is 90 V,C, and the energy stored shown in the figure. UF, Cs =30 andC, =15uF ‘Al adi 2015 4 1 a 48; A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance Cis charged to 4 potential ¥: Its then connected to another un ‘eapacitor having the same c Of the energy stored inthe e Stored initially inthe single acharged apacitance. Find out the ratio ombjned system to that capacitor. All india 2014 19. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C) and C such that C, =2C; are connected across a battery of V oltas shown in the figure, Initially the key (4) kept ‘closed to fully charwe the capacitors A The key is now thrown open and a dielectric slab of iclectzic constant X is inserted inthe ny completely fll the gap between the plates of 0 capacitors to s. Find the ratio Posed (the net capacitance and i) the energies stored inthe combination b afer the introduction ofthe dielectre pe seal 20, Two pale pate capacitors of epactancesg a C; such that Cy =C: /2are connected across a 7 of F’volts as shown in the figure, Initially, the is kept closed to fully chargs the eapacitor is now thrown open and a dclecte slab of i constant Kis inserted in the two capacitors completely fil the gap between the plates. Fin ratio of (@ the not capacitence and i) the eneruies stored inthe combination bef afer the introduction ofthe dicletric slab, . a k «a d Te a 26.79 bat 24; Find the charge on the eapacitor as shown in th eS circuit - 8 (opti 5) ey on Bg SS aoe 27.N 22. A slab of material of dielectric constant K has) y same ares as that ofthe plates ofa parallel plate Bi capacitor, but has the thickness @2. Where, dis F separation between the plates. Find out the or expression for its capacitance when the slab is insered between the plates ofthe capacitor. Dall 5. 23, Determine the potential difference across the pt a the capacitor C, ofthe network shown inthe gue i below: (assume, £y > F,) Al ii is a ? a < CoA nonng sostofie Potenticl and Capacitance — a. gh Aneto 8 each of capacitance iscomeced serose battery of 100 Varden nite fe te) st orton ea ¢ oe Allindio 20126. Ff ‘a rio 2011; Dati 2011 |G tame: ca ji a Lin imvoouce, 1) nan ated (not connected wth ater caer then total chetge on eapactor trains same \ | wn ina capacitor connected with barry, then ptersat | Grterene across the capacitor remain sme asthat ‘ot potential ditlerence cross batery. 25. How will the @ energy stored and i) the electric fcld inside the capacitor be affected tren itis compictely filled with a dieloctr ay oraacctie eons is ee 29, Whats the area ofthe plates of 2F parallel plate capacitor having separation between the lates is 05 em? ‘Al ia 201 gp. Two capacitors of 1 uF eapseitance are connect to Be react eveck Si cero AN i escalate rit ckase "(megane Tee ee cme, Gece ona et ia aimectncat take tian | | Ose the capacitors be affected after the slabs are Paes eee snowninthe | inserted! Delhi 2001 figure Ire two capacitors 4 LZ Shave equ casos, FS Sa yen dec an K,K, and Ke, Foreign 2011 | aa ' (parr Fee 3 Marks Questions 27 Net capacitance of tree idemteal capecitos SEE eee bacanaraot 6=10 i andi Be {G) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor é yoneetad 3 TH ‘what would be the charge om cach plate? configurations if both are cor ‘A India 2011 ji How would charge on the pate bealested 8 Cand, each 3 mmm thick mica sheet of K =6isi ‘between the plates while the voltage SUPPLY ns connected? (CBSE SOP 2022-23 plate capacitor having plate mis charged by a 100 V DC S0uree, ed to the source. Using an ins ates is doubled and 2B. Figure shows two identical capacitors ed to a battery of 5 V of 2uF eapacitence connes!® Intally, switch Sis closed. After sometine Sis et a open and dielectric slabs of dclectFie OMS, ar cored to fil completcly the space PET Tlaes of the two capacitors. How wil Oe tnd (i) potential difference betwee? We capacitors be affected after the slabs tS inserted 32, A 200K paral separation of 5 re handle, the distance between the pt bam Pa If this eapacitor is connected | = 2 eae 00 oy, Gil) How would charge on the plates be affected it 3.nm thick mica tet of Ki ened a ‘petwoen the plates while the crming connected? 2 eee 46, A capacitor of unknown capacitance is connected _across a battery of V volt. The charge stored in itis, 360C, When potential across the eapscitoris |) ||) ‘reduced by 120 V, the charge stored in it becomes) |)! ||| {@ the potential V and the unknown capacitance C. (Gi) the charge stored in the capacitor ifthe voltage | applied had increased by 120 V. ‘eth 2013 1. A capacitor of 200 pF is charged by a 300 V battery. Te battery i then disconnected and the charged jtor is connected to another uncharged capacitor ‘of 100 pF. Calculate the difference berween the fal ‘combination of two capac ‘vergy stored in the combined system and the ii their capacitances in ther ‘nergy stored in the single capacitor. Foreign 2012, energy stored in the two eases 48. Anetwork of four capacitors each of 12 B eapacitanee 53. Show that the effective capacitances ofa! ifeonnected to 2 500V supply as shown in the figure. corination of tree eapectorsG C. given b C= oe od qe ee é 54, A parallel plate capacitor (4) oF t— aietged ya batery to voltage V y disconnected and an unc! ce s0v— tucttance 2C is contest ‘Determine ean w) final charges on Aand B. i) the equivalent capacitance of the network ant Gi) total ‘electrostatic energy ~ (ii) the charge on each capacitor ‘al india 2010 and that stored in A intially, 49, sparged by abattery. After hn Se acer tee ated ndadicieeric 5 Marks Questions No eee equal @ them PERN SAT Dobe briefly the pr inserted between the plates. How will hung between the {0 De es ik muon fre ey 8 pci i ; Gy need nO 3 afer (i A pall pate capaci RS ah to. potential diflerence 7 Justify your answer in each ©25°+ 56. A capacitor of capacitance C) 57. battery and then connected to another uncharged capacitor ofthe same capacitance, Catulte he, fat of the energy stored inthe combination to inital energy on the single capacitor. ein 2019 4s charged to a potential ¥, while another api ofeapasince Ca charged toa potential difference Vs. The capacitors are row disconnected fom thei respective charging batteries and connected in parallel to each other {G) Find the total energy stored inthe two capacit before they are connected. Gi) Find the total energy stored in the paralle] combination of the two capacitors. (Gi) Explain the reason for the difference of enorzy in ‘perale| combination in comparison to the total Energy before they are connected. CBSE 2018 ( Derive the expression for the energy density ofthe electric field in a parallel plate capacitor (i) A fly charged parallel plate capacitor is conmected ‘cross an uncharged identical capacitor. Show that the energy sored inthe combination is less than the energy stored initially in the single capacitor. eth 2074 {) Obtein the expression forthe potential duc to an ment p ata point ron! (a) Two identical capacitors of plate dimensions 1x 5 and plate separation d have dielectric slabs filled {inbetween the space of the plates as shown in the figure, ie. Obtain the relation between dielectric constants K, K and K ‘All Indio 2013 59. () A parallel plate capacitors charged by abatery to potential difference V. The battery is disconnected and a dielectric slab is inserted to completely fill the space between the plates How will CoA nonng Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers + FI (a) its eapecitanee (b) electric field between the plates and (6) energy stored in the capacitor be affet Sustty your answer giving necessary ‘mathematical expressions for each case, (4) (a) Draw the electric field lines due to 3 ‘conducting sphere 1w the electric field lines due to a dip (b) Draw i a Case Based Question (4 Marks) (For Complete Chapter) Dircetions (Q.No. 60) This question is Case Study Ijucstion. Read the following paragraph and answer questions 60. A capacitors system of two conductors separate am msulator. The two conductors have equal and tpposite charges with «potential difference bet ‘hom. The capacitance ofa capacitor depends ont lrcometrical configuration (shape, size and. Grihe system and also on the nature ofthe insu Separating the two conductors. They are used to Charges ike resistors enpacitors canbe arranged Series or parallel or a combination of bath to obi desired value of capacitance. (j) Find the equivalent capacitance between poit and B in the given diagram. (ii) A dielectric slab is inserted between the plates @ parallel plat 1. The electric field betw the plates decreases. Explain (it) A capacitor 4 of capacitance C having charge Q ‘connected across another uncharged capacitor? tapacitance 2C. Find an expression for (a) the potential difference across the combination and (b) the charge lost by capacitor 4. Or (ii) Two slabs of dielectric constants 2X and K fil space between the plates of a parallel. plat capacitor of plate area 4 and plate separati shown in figure. Find an expression for capacitance of the system, M Fo)

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