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Gulf Indian High School, Dubai

Lesson Plan 2015 – 2016

Subject: English Grade: IX Section: B
Teacher: Vasanthi Wilfred Date: 06/11/2015

Unit/Topic: Best Seller

Subtopic: Reading(paragraph( 27- 70)
Students’ prior knowledge (What the teacher thinks the students know already – use the information from prior assessments):
- Students already know about some best sellers like ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Chronicles of Narnia’

Differentiated Expected Learning Outcomes (What the students will learn Key Words: Use of ICT:
from this lesson – Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes, and also Real Life - Genre Presentation on Best
Application): - Ostensible Seller by O Henry.
- Anecdote
Starters: students will be able to understand the theme of the story. - Hypocrite
Movers: students will be able to analyse and comprehend the

Flyers: will be able to develop and organize ideas creatively.

Skills practised to meet PISA and TIMSS targets (Write at least one PISA Question for the topic or subtopic and at least one
TIMSS question for everyday lesson):
Find out the adjective and adverb forms of the word ‘Hypocrite’

Learning Skills (The kind of learning skills/knowledge the students will acquire – Tick or Underline the intended ones)
o Engagement o Interaction o Enquiry o Critical thinking o Real Life Application
o Responsibility o Collaboration o Research o Making Connection (CCL) o Innovation
Assessment Methods (How the teacher will know what the students have understood against the intended learning outcomes)
Questioning (Critical thinking questions) You may use prompts from Bloom’s Taxonomy:

How can you interpret the theme of the story?

Application of skills to Real Life Situation (RLS) and /or Cross Curricular Links (CCL) if any:

Students will be able to analyse how people describe themselves in various situations.

Regular Mini Plenaries and checking for student’s understanding:

How did the characters contribute to the progression of the story?

Parts of the Lesson

Introduction / WOW factor:

- Checking knowledge about ‘best sellers’

- Mind mapping (components of a good story)

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Main part of the Lesson:

Teacher Activity Learner Activity

(What the teacher will be doing to support individual and group (What the students will be doing including extension activities and deep
learning including SEN) learning for HA and G&T if any)

LA: Guided reading and questions LA: Group activity

AA: Character analysis AA: Analyse the characters

HA: Critical writing HA: Extended writing


Plenary: (Consolidation / checking of the day’s learning and the new learning)

How did the author describe the characters?

Home Learning / Extra Learning (This must be beyond the Text Book and more of enquiry/investigation and research type)

Write a paragraph on a story that occurs while travelling. (name of the story, author, characters, brief plot,
why choose it)

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