CW 1-2 Sampling Distribution Gia Espinosa

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Gia Espinosa

In this section we consider the concept of a sampling distribution of a statistic. Also, we learn some important
properties of sampling distributions of the mean, median, variance, standard deviation, range, and
proportion. We see that some statistics (such as the mean, variance, and proportion) are unbiased estimators
of population parameters, whereas other statistics (such as the median and range) are not.
Read section 6-4 (pg 276) to answer the following questions:

Sampling Distribution. In your own words The sampling distribution can be said that it is
1 describe the meaning of a SAMPLING the probability distribution of a certain statistic
Sampling Distribution. Data Set 24 in No, because there is a single sample.
Appendix B includes a sample of FICO credit
The histogram in this case represents the
rating scores from randomly selected
distribution of, and regarding to this case we
consumers. If we investigate this sample by
2 could just compute a single x-bar.
constructing a histogram and finding the
sample mean and standard deviation, are we
investigating the sampling distribution of the
mean? Why or why not?
Unbiased Estimator. What does it mean when We mean by unbiased Estimator, when we have a
we say that the sample mean is an unbiased mean that is equal to the mean of the
estimator, or that the sample mean “targets” corresponding population parameter.
the population mean?
Good Sample? You want to estimate the No, because New York university students do not
proportion of all U.S. college students who represent the entire US college students, that’s
have the profound wisdom to take a statistics why the answer is that it is not representative.
course. You obtain a simple random sample of
students at New York University. Is the
resulting sample proportion a good estimator
of the population proportion? Why or why

5 Unbiased Estimators. Determine whether the a. Unbiased

following statistics are unbiased estimators of
b. Biased
population parameters or biased estimators?
a. Sample mean used to estimate a c. Unbiased
population mean d. Unbiased
b. Sample median used to estimate a e. Biased
population median f. Biased
c. Sample proportion used to estimate a
population proportion
d. Sample variance used to estimate a
population variance
Gia Espinosa

e. Sample standard deviation used to

estimate a population standard deviation
f. Sample range used to estimate a
population range

Sampling Distribution of the Mean. Samples Normally distributed

of size n = 1000 are randomly selected from
the population of the last digits of telephone
numbers. If the sample mean is found for each
sample, what is the distribution of the sample

Sampling Distribution of the Proportion. It follows a normal distribution.

Samples of size n = 1000 are randomly
selected from the population of the last digits
of telephone numbers, and the proportion of
even numbers is found for each sample. What
is the distribution of the sample proportions?

8 Central Limit Theorem (CLT). Write the three Conclusions:

conclusions of the CLT and the requirements. · The distribution of sample means x̄
will, as the sample size increases,
approach a normal distribution.
· The mean of all sample means is the
population mean
· The standard deviation of all sample
means is σ/

· For a population with any distribution,
if n>30, then the sample means have
a distribution that can be
approximated by a normal
distribution with mean and standard
deviation σ/

If n 30 and the original population has a normal

If n n30 and the original population does not hav

Gia Espinosa

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