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What is Devops?

– Slide 3
DevOps describes a culture and set of processes that bring development and operations teams
together to simplify software development. It allows organizations to create and improve
products at a faster pace than they can deliver with traditional software development
approaches. And it’s gaining in popularity at a rapid rate.
In simple words...DevSecOps integrates development, security, and operations in support of a
continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD) environment.

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All right, CAMS, that's Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. They're the four
fundamental and mutually reinforcing values to bring to a DevOps implementation.
But part of the point of CAMS is to bring back balance into how we think about it. DevOps is not
just about automated tooling, people and process.
Early on in IT organizations, we split teams into two major groups.
One is Development, they were charged with creating features. And operations they were
charged with maintaining stability. Walls formed around these silos due to their different
goals. Now, today, after this pattern has had a long time, these groups don't speak the same
language and they don't have mutual understanding.
changing these underlying behaviors and assumptions is how you can drive change in our
company's culture.
- DevOps, it's a hot new trend in computing, Companies from IBM to Microsoft talk about
DevOps, but there's not a single agreed upon definition. So it can be a little hard to figure out. -
We think that DevOps can be defined by two related ideas.
First, DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers, participating
together through the entire service lifecycle, from the design and development process all the
way to production support. - That's right you know, but here DevOps replaces the model, where
you have a team that writes the code, another team to test it, yet another team to deploy it, and
even another team yet to operate it.
Second, DevOps is also characterized by operations staff, making use of many of the same
techniques as developers for their systems work. –
while DevOps is a combination of the word’s development and operations. It isn't meant to leave
out other teams.
Dev is traditionally understood to mean everyone usually on the code side, from developers to
front end designers to QA and
Ops is generally understood include everyone traditionally on the system side, whether that's
Linux administrators or network admins. Collaboration among everyone participating and
delivering software is a key DevOps tenant.

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Slide no 7..Tools..
- We love tools and rightly so, they enable us to code, build, test, package, release,
configure, and monitor our systems and applications. - There's been a great explosion in
tools, both free, open source and commercial, along with the rise of DevOps.

Slide No 8/9/10 SOP

Entire life cycle is based on agile ....In agile development the process is deliberately more

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