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Made by Abhishek Chaudhary

Consumer Behaviour (401). (MCQ)

1. **What is consumer behavior?**

- a) The way consumers use products
- b) The study of how people make decisions about what they buy,
want, need, or act in regard to a product, service, or company
- c) The psychology of consumers
- d) The behavior of producers
- **Answer: b**

2. **Which of the following is a psychological factor that influences

consumer behavior?**
- a) Cultural values
- b) Social class
- c) Motivation
- d) Family
- **Answer: c**

3. **What does the term "brand loyalty" refer to?**

- a) The financial value of a brand
- b) The extent to which a consumer consistently purchases the
same brand within a product category
- c) The ability to recognize a brand
- d) The number of brands a company owns
- **Answer: b**

4. **What is the first stage of the consumer decision-making

- a) Information search
- b) Purchase decision
- c) Problem recognition
- d) Post-purchase behavior
- **Answer: c**

5. **Which of the following is NOT a social factor that influences

consumer behavior?**
- a) Family
- b) Social class
- c) Personality
- d) Reference groups
- **Answer: c**

6. **What is the term for a consumer’s evaluation of the difference

between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative
to those of competing offers?**
- a) Customer satisfaction
- b) Customer value
- c) Market segmentation
- d) Target marketing
- **Answer: b**

7. **Which of the following is an example of a situational influence on

consumer behavior?**
- a) Motivation
- b) Social class
- c) Culture
- d) Time of purchase
- **Answer: d**

8. **What does the term "consumer perception" refer to?**

- a) The way consumers view the physical attributes of a product
- b) The process by which consumers select, organize, and interpret
information to form a meaningful picture of the world
- c) The loyalty of consumers to a particular brand
- d) The pricing strategies of products
- **Answer: b**

9. **Which of the following is a post-purchase behavior?**

- a) Information search
- b) Evaluation of alternatives
- c) Cognitive dissonance
- d) Problem recognition
- **Answer: c**

10. **What is cognitive dissonance?**

- a) A mental conflict that occurs when a consumer’s behavior
and beliefs do not align
- b) The tendency to remember the first piece of information
- c) The psychological drive to achieve balance
- d) The influence of family and friends on a consumer’s decision
- **Answer: a**

11. **What is the impact of culture on consumer behavior?**

- a) Culture has no significant impact on consumer behavior
- b) Culture shapes consumers' preferences, values, and behaviors
- c) Culture only affects consumers in specific markets
- d) Culture influences only the packaging of products
- **Answer: b**

12. **What does the term "market segmentation" refer to?**

- a) Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different
needs, characteristics, or behaviors
- b) The process of developing new products
- c) The division of a company into different departments
- d) The pricing strategy used by a company
- **Answer: a**

13. **Which of the following is a personal factor influencing

consumer behavior?**
- a) Social class
- b) Family
- c) Age
- d) Culture
- **Answer: c**

14. **What is a reference group?**

- a) A group of customers who purchase the same brand
- b) A group of individuals with whom a person identifies and
compares themselves
- c) The primary decision-making unit within a household
- d) A professional organization
- **Answer: b**

15. **What is the meaning of "consumer attitude"?**

- a) A consumer’s consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies
toward an object or idea
- b) The psychological needs of a consumer
- c) The behavior of consumers when they purchase a product
- d) The social class to which a consumer belongs
- **Answer: a**
16. **Which of the following is a type of buying decision behavior?**
- a) Routine response behavior
- b) Financial buying behavior
- c) Social buying behavior
- d) Cognitive buying behavior
- **Answer: a**

17. **What is meant by "lifestyle" in the context of consumer

- a) The occupation of a consumer
- b) A person’s pattern of living as expressed in their activities,
interests, and opinions
- c) The income level of a consumer
- d) The psychological traits of a consumer
- **Answer: b**

18. **Which of the following is considered a psychological influence

on consumer behavior?**
- a) Family
- b) Culture
- c) Social class
- d) Perception
- **Answer: d**
19. **What does "customer satisfaction" mean?**
- a) The degree to which a product meets or exceeds customer
- b) The number of products a customer buys
- c) The amount of money a customer spends
- d) The frequency of a customer’s purchases
- **Answer: a**

20. **Which factor is likely to influence a consumer's buying decision

the most?**
- a) Packaging
- b) Price
- c) Advertising
- d) A combination of psychological, social, and situational factors
- **Answer: d**

21. **What is the term for a group of customers who share similar
wants and needs?**
- a) Target market
- b) Customer base
- c) Market segment
- d) Consumer profile
- **Answer: c**

22. **Which of the following best describes "impulse buying"?**

- a) Purchasing products that are on sale
- b) Buying a product without prior planning or thought
- c) Buying products in bulk
- d) Buying a product after thorough research
- **Answer: b**

23. **Which of the following is an internal influence on consumer

- a) Culture
- b) Social class
- c) Personality
- d) Family
- **Answer: c**

24. **What is a consumer’s "evoked set"?**

- a) The brands a consumer considers in making a purchase
- b) The total number of brands available in the market
- c) The brands a consumer has tried before
- d) The brands recommended by friends and family
- **Answer: a**

25. **What is the definition of "market targeting"?**

- a) Selecting one or more segments to enter
- b) Developing a new product
- c) Creating advertisements for a product
- d) Setting the price of a product
- **Answer: a**

26. **Which of the following best describes "demographic

- a) Dividing the market based on consumer knowledge and
response to a product
- b) Dividing the market into groups based on variables such as
age, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, and
family size
- c) Dividing the market based on consumer attitudes, values, and
- d) Dividing the market based on geographical areas
- **Answer: b**

27. **Which factor is NOT typically part of a consumer's "buyer

decision process"?**
- a) Problem recognition
- b) Information search
- c) Alternative evaluation
- d) Brand endorsement
- **Answer: d**

28. **What is "perceived risk" in consumer behavior?**

- a) The potential for a product to cause harm
- b) The uncertainty a consumer faces when buying products
- c) The financial cost of a product
- d) The guarantee a company offers on a product
- **Answer: b**

29. **Which of the following is a characteristic of "early adopters"?**

- a) They are the first to adopt new products
- b) They wait until a product has been thoroughly tested
- c) They adopt new products shortly after the innovators
- d) They adopt products after the majority of people have
- **Answer: c**

30. **Which of the following is a type of segmentation based on

consumer usage rates?**
- a) Demographic segmentation
- b) Geographic segmentation
- c) Behavioral segmentation
- d) Psychographic segmentation
- **Answer: c**

31. **Which of the following is an external factor influencing

consumer behavior?**
- a) Personality
- b) Motivation
- c) Family
- d) Perception
- **Answer: c**

32. **What does the term "consumer involvement" refer to?**

- a) The number of products a consumer buys
- b) The amount of time a consumer spends shopping
- c) The level of interest and importance a consumer places on a
product or service
- d) The frequency of a consumer’s purchases
- **Answer: c**

33. **What is "cognitive dissonance" most likely to occur?**

- a) After the information search stage
- b) Before the problem recognition stage
- c) After the purchase decision
- d) During the evaluation of alternatives
- **Answer: c**

34. **Which of the following is an example of demographic

- a) Segmenting the market based on hobbies and interests
- b) Segmenting the market based on age and income
- c) Segmenting the market based on personality traits
- d) Segmenting the market based on product usage
- **Answer: b**

35. **What is "customer lifetime value"?**

- a) The total amount a customer spends on a product in a year
- b) The potential profit a company can make from a customer
over the entire period of their relationship
- c) The value of a customer based on their satisfaction
- d) The average time a customer spends shopping
- **Answer: b**

36. **What does "market positioning" mean?**

- a) Developing a product
- b) Setting the price of a product
- c) Arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and
desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target
- d) Dividing a market into distinct groups
- **Answer: c**

37. **Which of the following is a characteristic of a "laggard"?**

- a) They are the first to adopt new products
- b) They are skeptical and adopt new products only after most of
society has tried it
- c) They adopt new products shortly after the innovators
- d) They are risk-takers and enjoy new products
- **Answer: b**

38. **Which factor is considered a personal influence on consumer

- a) Social class
- b) Culture
- c) Family
- d) Occupation
- **Answer: d**

39. **Which term refers to the tendency of a consumer to remain

loyal to a particular brand?**
- a) Brand equity
- b) Brand awareness
- c) Brand loyalty
- d) Brand perception
- **Answer: c**

40. **Which of the following is NOT a stage in the consumer

decision-making process?**
- a) Need recognition
- b) Purchase decision
- c) Post-purchase behavior
- d) Product manufacturing
- **Answer: d**
41. **What is a "psychographic segmentation"?**
- a) Segmenting the market based on geographic location
- b) Segmenting the market based on demographic characteristics
- c) Segmenting the market based on consumer lifestyles, activities,
interests, and opinions
- d) Segmenting the market based on consumer loyalty
- **Answer: c**

42. **What is "customer perceived value"?**

- a) The actual cost of a product
- b) The difference between the prospective customer's evaluation
of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived
- c) The price the customer is willing to pay
- d) The value stated by the manufacturer
- **Answer: b**

43. **Which of the following refers to the process of identifying and

describing market segments?**
- a) Market targeting
- b) Market positioning
- c) Market segmentation
- d) Market penetration
- **Answer: c**
44. **Which of the following best describes "social class"?**
- a) A group of people with similar interests
- b) A group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence, and
- c) A group of people who live in the same area
- d) A group of people with the same occupation
- **Answer: b**

45. **What does "B2C" stand for in marketing?**

- a) Business to Company
- b) Business to Consumer
- c) Business to Community
- d) Business to Customer
- **Answer: b**

46. **Which of the following is an example of a post-purchase

- a) Problem recognition
- b) Information search
- c) Alternative evaluation
- d) Product use and feedback
- **Answer: d**

47. **What is "customer loyalty"?**

- a) The total number of customers a company has
- b) The tendency of customers to continue buying from the same
brand or company
- c) The satisfaction level of a customer
- d) The number of products a customer buys
- **Answer: b**

48. **Which of the following is NOT considered when evaluating

alternatives during the decision-making process?**
- a) Product features
- b) Price
- c) Brand reputation
- d) Availability of parking at the store
- **Answer: d**

49. **What is "consumer psychology"?**

- a) The study of how consumers behave in the market
- b) The study of how consumers' thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and
perceptions influence their buying decisions
- c) The study of consumer demographics
- d) The study of economic trends affecting consumers
- **Answer: b**

50. **Which of the following is a strategy to reduce cognitive

- a) Increasing the price of the product
- b) Offering a money-back guarantee
- c) Reducing advertising efforts
- d) Limiting product availability
- **Answer: b**

51. **What is "selective perception"?**

- a) The tendency to remember all information about a product
- b) The tendency to ignore most information and focus only on
things that align with pre-existing beliefs
- c) The tendency to perceive information that is most beneficial to
the consumer
- d) The tendency to only notice negative information about a
- **Answer: b**

52. **Which of the following best describes "product positioning"?**

- a) The location of a product in a store
- b) The place a product occupies in consumers' minds relative to
competing products
- c) The manufacturing process of a product
- d) The pricing strategy of a product
- **Answer: b**

53. **What is the main goal of "relationship marketing"?**

- a) To increase the number of new customers
- b) To develop long-term relationships with customers
- c) To decrease the cost of marketing
- d) To create advertisements for a product
- **Answer: b**

54. **Which of the following is a type of behavioral segmentation?**

- a) Segmenting based on age
- b) Segmenting based on lifestyle
- c) Segmenting based on purchase frequency
- d) Segmenting based on location
- **Answer: c**

55. **Which of the following is NOT a psychological influence on

consumer behavior?**
- a) Motivation
- b) Personality
- c) Culture
- d) Perception
- **Answer: c**

56. **Which of the following is an example of "brand equity"?**

- a) The financial value of a brand
- b) The number of products a brand sells
- c) The loyalty of customers to a brand
- d) The color of the brand's logo
- **Answer: a**

57. **What does "customer satisfaction" depend on?**

- a) The price of the product
- b) The difference between customer expectations and the
perceived performance of the product
- c) The advertising efforts of the company
- d) The number of features a product has
- **Answer: b**

58. **Which of the following is a key characteristic of "early majority"

- a) They adopt new products first
- b) They adopt new products after a varying degree of time
- c) They are skeptical about new products
- d) They adopt products just before the average person
- **Answer: d**

59. **What does "B2B" stand for?**

- a) Business to Business
- b) Business to Buyer
- c) Business to Brand
- d) Business to Broker
- **Answer: a**
60. **What is the purpose of "customer relationship management"
- a) To manage product inventory
- b) To manage customer data and interactions to improve
customer satisfaction and loyalty
- c) To manage the company's financial accounts
- d) To manage employee performance
- **Answer: b**

61. **Which of the following best describes "consumer needs"?**

- a) Desires for specific brands
- b) States of felt deprivation
- c) Preferences for particular styles
- d) Influences from marketing campaigns
- **Answer: b**

62. **What is "market penetration"?**

- a) Introducing a new product to a market
- b) Increasing sales of current products in current markets
- c) Developing new markets for current products
- d) Developing new products for new markets
- **Answer: b**

63. **Which of the following is an example of geographic

- a) Segmenting the market based on lifestyle
- b) Segmenting the market based on income
- c) Segmenting the market based on region or location
- d) Segmenting the market based on attitudes and opinions
- **Answer: c**

64. **What does the term "consumer insight" refer to?**

- a) The number of products sold
- b) A deep understanding of consumer behavior
- c) The pricing strategy of a product
- d) The physical appearance of a product
- **Answer: b**

65. **Which of the following is a type of purchase decision

- a) Routine response behavior
- b) Social response behavior
- c) Cultural response behavior
- d) Economic response behavior
- **Answer: a**

66. **What is the definition of "consumer attitude"?**

- a) The physical features of a product
- b) A consumer’s consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies
toward an object or idea
- c) The amount of money a consumer spends
- d) The social class of a consumer
- **Answer: b**

67. **Which of the following best describes "market research"?**

- a) Selling products to consumers
- b) Collecting and analyzing data about consumers to better
understand their needs and preferences
- c) Developing new products
- d) Setting the price of products
- **Answer: b**

68. **What is "consumer behavior analysis"?**

- a) The study of economic trends
- b) The study of how consumers make purchase decisions and
how they use and dispose of the purchased goods and services
- c) The study of marketing strategies
- d) The study of demographic data
- **Answer: b**

69. **Which of the following is an example of a psychological need

according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?**
- a) Food and water
- b) Security and safety
- c) Self-esteem
- d) Friendship and belongingness
- **Answer: c**

70. **What does "consumer loyalty program" aim to do?**

- a) Increase product prices
- b) Attract new customers
- c) Encourage repeat purchases by rewarding customers
- d) Improve product quality
- **Answer: c**

71. **Which of the following best describes "consumer

- a) The total number of products sold
- b) The level of contentment a consumer feels after making a
- c) The effectiveness of advertising campaigns
- d) The cost of acquiring new customers
- **Answer: b**

72. **What is "word of mouth"?**

- a) Formal advertising
- b) Informal communication between consumers about products
and services
- c) Online marketing
- d) Sales promotions
- **Answer: b**

73. **What is "brand image"?**

- a) The logo of a brand
- b) The unique set of associations consumers make with a brand
- c) The physical appearance of a product
- d) The number of products a brand offers
- **Answer: b**

74. **Which of the following is a social influence on consumer

- a) Motivation
- b) Personality
- c) Family
- d) Perception
- **Answer: c**

75. **What does "customer retention" refer to?**

- a) The ability to attract new customers
- b) The number of products sold to new customers
- c) The ability of a company to keep its customers over time
- d) The level of customer satisfaction
- **Answer: c**
76. **Which of the following is an example of an external source of
information in the consumer decision-making process?**
- a) Personal experiences
- b) Memory
- c) Word of mouth from friends
- d) Perception
- **Answer: c**

77. **What is "customer engagement"?**

- a) The process of signing up new customers
- b) The interactions between a company and its customers, with
the goal of building a stronger relationship
- c) The development of new products
- d) The pricing of products
- **Answer: b**

78. **What is "selective retention"?**

- a) Remembering all advertisements
- b) Remembering information that supports personal beliefs
- c) Ignoring all advertisements
- d) Recalling negative information only
- **Answer: b**

79. **Which of the following is an example of a low-involvement

- a) Buying a car
- b) Buying a house
- c) Buying a pack of gum
- d) Buying a computer
- **Answer: c**

80. **Which of the following best describes "consumer decision

- a) Guidelines used by consumers to help them make purchase
- b) Rules set by companies to attract consumers
- c) Legal regulations for marketing
- d) Guidelines for customer service representatives
- **Answer: a**

81. **What is "brand extension"?**

- a) Increasing the price of a brand's products
- b) Using an established brand name on a new product in a
different category
- c) Reducing the number of products offered by a brand
- d) Changing the logo of a brand
- **Answer: b**

82. **Which of the following is an example of "psychographic

- a) Segmenting based on age
- b) Segmenting based on income
- c) Segmenting based on lifestyle
- d) Segmenting based on location
- **Answer: c**

83. **What is the "diffusion of innovation"?**

- a) The spread of new products across different markets over time
- b) The rate at which a new product is produced
- c) The cost of developing a new product
- d) The number of new products a company launches
- **Answer: a**

84. **Which of the following is a benefit of "customer feedback"?**

- a) Increasing product prices
- b) Improving products and services based on customer
- c) Reducing marketing efforts
- d) Limiting customer interactions
- **Answer: b**

85. **What is "market share"?**

- a) The total sales volume of a product
- b) The percentage of total sales in a market captured by a brand
or company
- c) The cost of marketing a product
- d) The number of products a company offers
- **Answer: b**

86. **Which of the following best describes "brand awareness"?**

- a) The quality of a brand's products
- b) The ability of consumers to recognize or recall a brand
- c) The number of products a brand offers
- d) The financial value of a brand
- **Answer: b**

87. **What is "behavioral targeting"?**

- a) Dividing the market based on geographic location
- b) Tailoring marketing messages to individual consumers based
on their behavior
- c) Segmenting the market based on lifestyle
- d) Reducing the price of products
- **Answer: b**

88. **Which of the following is an example of "product

- a) Offering the same product at a lower price
- b) Creating a unique product that offers distinct benefits
- c) Increasing the number of products sold
- d) Reducing the features of a product
- **Answer: b**

89. **What is "consumer advocacy"?**

- a) Marketing products directly to consumers
- b) Actions taken by individuals or groups to promote and protect
the interests of consumers
- c) Increasing product prices
- d) Reducing customer interactions
- **Answer: b**

90. **Which of the following is a "secondary data source"?**

- a) Survey results collected by a company
- b) Data collected from customer transactions
- c) Information obtained from government reports
- d) Interviews conducted by the company
- **Answer: c**

91. **What is "consumer ethnocentrism"?**

- a) The tendency to buy foreign products
- b) The belief that one's own country’s products are superior to
those of other countries
- c) The influence of social class on consumer behavior
- d) The tendency to follow trend
91. **What is "consumer ethnocentrism"?**
- a) The tendency to buy foreign products
- b) The belief that one's own country’s products are superior to
those of other countries
- c) The influence of social class on consumer behavior
- d) The tendency to follow trends
- **Answer: b**

92. **Which of the following best describes "impulse buying"?**

- a) Buying after careful planning and consideration
- b) Spontaneous, unplanned purchase
- c) Buying based on a friend’s recommendation
- d) Buying only during sales events
- **Answer: b**

93. **Which of the following is a key component of "consumer

- a) Product development
- b) Pricing strategy
- c) Purchase decision process
- d) Marketing research
- **Answer: c**

94. **Which of the following is NOT a stage in the product life

- a) Introduction
- b) Growth
- c) Maturity
- d) Recession
- **Answer: d**

95. **What does "cross-selling" refer to?**

- a) Selling the same product across different regions
- b) Offering complementary products to customers
- c) Selling products to a different market segment
- d) Increasing product prices
- **Answer: b**

96. **Which of the following is an example of "cultural influence" on

consumer behavior?**
- a) Personal beliefs and values
- b) Family traditions
- c) Government regulations
- d) Advertising campaigns
- **Answer: a**

97. **What does "perceived risk" refer to in consumer behavior?**

- a) The actual danger associated with a product
- b) The uncertainty a consumer feels about the consequences of a
purchase decision
- c) The financial cost of a product
- d) The satisfaction level of a product
- **Answer: b**

98. **Which of the following is a characteristic of "high-involvement

- a) Low cost
- b) Routine buying
- c) Significant personal relevance and risk
- d) Impulse buying
- **Answer: c**

99. **What is the goal of "market segmentation"?**

- a) To increase product prices
- b) To identify and target distinct groups of consumers with
similar needs or characteristics
- c) To develop new products
- d) To reduce production costs
- **Answer: b**

100. **Which of the following best describes "consumer

- a) The physical features of a product
- b) The internal drives and needs that prompt a consumer to take
- c) The level of consumer income
- d) The effectiveness of advertising
- **Answer: b**

101. **Which of the following is an example of a "reference group"?**

- a) A consumer’s immediate family
- b) A consumer’s favorite brand
- c) A group of friends influencing a consumer’s decisions
- d) A consumer’s workplace
- **Answer: c**

102. **What does "consumer satisfaction" measure?**

- a) The number of products sold
- b) The price of the product
- c) The difference between expected and perceived product
- d) The market share of a company
- **Answer: c**

103. **Which of the following is a characteristic of "early adopters"?**

- a) They are the last to adopt new products
- b) They are skeptical about new products
- c) They adopt new products shortly after the innovators
- d) They prefer well-established products
- **Answer: c**
104. **What is "brand loyalty"?**
- a) The financial value of a brand
- b) The tendency of consumers to continuously purchase the
same brand
- c) The number of products a brand sells
- d) The advertising effectiveness of a brand
- **Answer: b**

105. **Which of the following best describes "situational influences"

on consumer behavior?**
- a) Long-term personal values
- b) Temporary conditions that affect how consumers behave
- c) Economic trends
- d) Cultural beliefs
- **Answer: b**

106. **Which of the following is an example of "behavioral

- a) Segmenting based on lifestyle
- b) Segmenting based on attitudes
- c) Segmenting based on purchase behavior
- d) Segmenting based on social class
- **Answer: c**
107. **What is "customer experience"?**
- a) The price paid for a product
- b) The interaction a customer has with a brand throughout the
entire purchase journey
- c) The number of times a customer purchases a product
- d) The quality of the product
- **Answer: b**

108. **Which of the following is NOT a factor in the "social

environment" influencing consumer behavior?**
- a) Family
- b) Social class
- c) Culture
- d) Brand image
- **Answer: d**

109. **What is "consumer advocacy"?**

- a) Protecting the interests of consumers through activities and
- b) Promoting products to consumers
- c) Developing new marketing strategies
- d) Reducing product prices
- **Answer: a**

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