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NAME: __________________ ROLL NO:_______
CLASS & SECTION:_________ DATE:___________

I. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Lizzy woke up early in the morning even though it was Sunday. She was excited
because it was her birthday and she had turned seven years old. Lizzy got out of bed
and saw a very big box, wrapped up in shiny paper, lying by her bedside. She opened
the box. Inside, was the most beautiful doll that Lizzy had ever seen. She hugged the
doll and ran to her parents’ room.
“Thank you, Mom and Dad. I love you both,” screamed Lizzy. Her parents hugged her
and wished her ‘happy birthday’.

a. Who woke up early in the morning?

i. Lizzy ii. Mother
iii.Father iv.None of these

b. Why did Lizzy wake up early in the morning?

i. Because it was Sunday ii. Because it was her birthday
iii.Because she was not well iv.Because she had to study

c. Who kept the big box by her bedside?

i. Parents ii. Sister
iii.Friends iv.None of these

d. What was the gift from her parents for her?

i. A beautiful box ii. A beautiful toy
iii.A beautiful doll iv.A beautiful teddy

e. On which of the following days was Lizzy’s birthday?

i. Saturday ii. Sunday
iii.Monday iv. Thursday

II. Make a meaningful word using the words given.

a. ITNM __________________
b. TACHM __________________
c. IDBR __________________
d. PYUPP __________________

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