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Nama : Ade Arrida Siregar

NIM : 0406232041

Telling Experiences.

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

My name is Ade Arrida Siregar, usually called Ade, and my address is Labuhan Batu
Selatan, and here I want to tell you about my experience while I was at the Tahfiz Darul Qur'an
Islamic boarding school. So when I entered the boarding school I learned a lot, because I had to
learn to be independent, not to be spoiled, and especially away from my parents, when I was at
the boarding house I learned a lot, because at the boarding house we have to be disciplined with
time, in everything including praying five times a day. , school, and other activities. So being at
the boarding house was good and I considered it like a brother, because there they helped each
other, and when I was at the boarding house I once lost money, but I thought losing anything was
normal when at the boarding house, so at the boarding house, I learned deeper religious
knowledge. again, and my activities at the boarding house were memorizing the Qur'an,
repeating what had been memorized, because my boarding house was a tahfiz cottage. So I
learned a lot after I entered the boarding school and the experience of being at the boarding
school was the most impressive in my opinion, because I had to be independent for 3 years at the
boarding house, so the point was to get experience that I had not had before, that's all I can tell
you, sorry if there is anything. error in pronunciation, thank you.

wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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